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synced 2025-03-05 10:31:26 +03:00
stb_image.h: fix *comp value when loading PSDs
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
library | lastest version | category | LoC | description
--------------------- | ---- | -------- | --- | --------------------------------
**stb_vorbis.c** | 1.05 | audio | 5445 | decode ogg vorbis files from file/memory to float/16-bit signed output
**stb_image.h** | 2.05 | graphics | 6433 | image loading/decoding from file/memory: JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC
**stb_image.h** | 2.06 | graphics | 6437 | image loading/decoding from file/memory: JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC
**stb_truetype.h** | 1.05 | graphics | 2632 | parse, decode, and rasterize characters from truetype fonts
**stb_image_write.h** | 0.98 | graphics | 730 | image writing to disk: PNG, TGA, BMP
**stb_image_resize.h** | 0.90 | graphics | 2585 | resize images larger/smaller with good quality
**stb_rect_pack.h** | 0.06 | graphics | 560 | simple 2D rectangle packer with decent quality
**stretchy_buffer.h** | 1.02 | utility | 210 | typesafe dynamic array for C (i.e. approximation to vector<>), doesn't compile as C++
**stb_textedit.h** | 1.6 | UI | 1290 | guts of a text editor for games etc implementing them from scratch
**stb_voxel_render.h** | 0.80 | 3D graphics | 3644 | Minecraft-esque voxel rendering "engine" with many more features
**stb_voxel_render.h** | 0.81 | 3D graphics | 3644 | Minecraft-esque voxel rendering "engine" with many more features
**stb_dxt.h** | 1.04 | 3D graphics | 624 | Fabian "ryg" Giesen's real-time DXT compressor
**stb_perlin.h** | 0.2 | 3D graphics | 175 | revised Perlin noise (3D input, 1D output)
**stb_easy_font.h** | 0.5 | 3D graphics | 220 | quick-and-dirty easy-to-deploy bitmap font for printing frame rate, etc
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ library | lastest version | category | LoC | description
**stb_leakcheck.h** | 0.2 | misc | 117 | quick-and-dirty malloc/free leak-checking
Total libraries: 18
Total lines of C code: 45270
Total lines of C code: 45274
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* stb_image - v2.05 - public domain image loader - http://nothings.org/stb_image.h
/* stb_image - v2.06 - public domain image loader - http://nothings.org/stb_image.h
no warranty implied; use at your own risk
Do this:
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
Latest revision history:
2.06 (2015-04-19) fix bug where PSD returns wrong '*comp' value
2.05 (2015-04-19) fix bug in progressive JPEG handling, fix warning
2.04 (2015-04-15) try to re-enable SIMD on MinGW 64-bit
2.03 (2015-04-12) additional corruption checking
@ -5139,7 +5140,8 @@ static stbi_uc *stbi__psd_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int
p = out+channel;
if (channel >= channelCount) {
// Fill this channel with default data.
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) *p = (channel == 3 ? 255 : 0), p += 4;
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4)
*p = (channel == 3 ? 255 : 0);
} else {
// Read the RLE data.
count = 0;
@ -5185,11 +5187,12 @@ static stbi_uc *stbi__psd_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int
p = out + channel;
if (channel > channelCount) {
// Fill this channel with default data.
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) *p = channel == 3 ? 255 : 0, p += 4;
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4)
*p = channel == 3 ? 255 : 0;
} else {
// Read the data.
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++)
*p = stbi__get8(s), p += 4;
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4)
*p = stbi__get8(s);
@ -5199,7 +5202,7 @@ static stbi_uc *stbi__psd_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int
if (out == NULL) return out; // stbi__convert_format frees input on failure
if (comp) *comp = channelCount;
if (comp) *comp = 4;
*y = h;
*x = w;
@ -6292,6 +6295,7 @@ STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const *c, void *user, int
revision history:
2.06 (2015-04-19) fix bug where PSD returns wrong '*comp' value
2.05 (2015-04-19) fix bug in progressive JPEG handling, fix warning
2.04 (2015-04-15) try to re-enable SIMD on MinGW 64-bit
2.03 (2015-04-12) extra corruption checking (mmozeiko)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// stb_voxel_render.h - v0.80 - Sean Barrett, 2015 - public domain
// stb_voxel_render.h - v0.81 - Sean Barrett, 2015 - public domain
// This library helps render large-scale "voxel" worlds for games,
// in this case, one with blocks that can have textures and that
@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
// 0.81 (2015-05-28) fix broken STBVOX_CONFIG_OPTIMIZED_VHEIGHT
// 0.80 (2015-04-11) fix broken STBVOX_CONFIG_ROTATION_IN_LIGHTING refactoring
// that header defs don't need to see config vars
@ -2734,7 +2735,6 @@ void stbvox_make_mesh_for_face(stbvox_mesh_maker *mm, stbvox_rotate rot, int fac
// get opposite-facing normal & texgen for opposite face, used to map up-facing vheight data to down-facing data
static unsigned char stbvox_reverse_face[STBVF_count] =
@ -2744,7 +2744,7 @@ static unsigned char stbvox_reverse_face[STBVF_count] =
0, 0, 0, 0, STBVF_ne_d, STBVF_ne_d, STBVF_nd, STBVF_nu
// render non-planar quads by splitting into two triangles, rendering each as a degenerate quad
static void stbvox_make_12_split_mesh_for_face(stbvox_mesh_maker *mm, stbvox_rotate rot, int face, int v_off, stbvox_pos pos, stbvox_mesh_vertex vertbase, stbvox_mesh_vertex *face_coord, unsigned char mesh, unsigned char *ht)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ LINK32=link.exe
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /GX /Zi /Od /I ".." /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "TT_TEST" /FR /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /GX /Zi /Od /I ".." /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "VORBIS_TEST" /FR /FD /GZ /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ extern void stb_vorbis_dumpmem(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
size_t memlen;
unsigned char *mem = stb_fileu("c:/x/01.ogg", &memlen);
unsigned char *mem = stb_fileu("c:/x/theme_03.ogg", &memlen);
int chan, samplerate;
short *output;
int samples = stb_vorbis_decode_memory(mem, memlen, &chan, &samplerate, &output);
return 0;
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