drh 23a16c8387 In testrunner.tcl, compile the Windows Default configuration using

FossilOrigin-Name: 49e8b1635f29d9fd0dc2ef6e312fd4129f2283f68e9423d95ff9b55077688ad7
2024-09-03 14:00:36 +00:00

680 lines
19 KiB

namespace eval trd {
variable tcltest
variable extra
variable all_configs
variable build
# Tcl tests to run for various builds.
set tcltest(linux.Fast-One) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Debug-One) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Debug-Two) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Have-Not) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Secure-Delete) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Unlock-Notify) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Update-Delete-Limit) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Extra-Robustness) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Device-Two) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.No-lookaside) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Devkit) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Apple) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Android) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Sanitize) veryquick
set tcltest(linux.Device-One) all
set tcltest(linux.Default) all_plus_autovacuum_crash
set tcltest(linux.Valgrind) valgrind
set tcltest(osx.Locking-Style) veryquick
set tcltest(osx.Have-Not) veryquick
set tcltest(osx.Apple) all_less_no_mutex_try
set tcltest(win.Stdcall) veryquick
set tcltest(win.Have-Not) veryquick
set tcltest(win.Windows-Memdebug) veryquick
set tcltest(win.Windows-Win32Heap) veryquick
set tcltest(win.Windows-Sanitize) veryquick
set tcltest(win.Default) full
# Extra [make xyz] tests that should be run for various builds.
set extra(linux.Check-Symbols) checksymbols
set extra(linux.Fast-One) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Debug-One) {fuzztest sourcetest mptest}
set extra(linux.Debug-Two) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Have-Not) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Secure-Delete) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Unlock-Notify) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Update-Delete-Limit) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Extra-Robustness) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Device-Two) {fuzztest sourcetest threadtest}
set extra(linux.No-lookaside) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Devkit) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Android) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Apple) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Sanitize) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(linux.Default) {fuzztest sourcetest threadtest}
set extra(osx.Apple) {fuzztest threadtest}
set extra(osx.Have-Not) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(osx.Locking-Style) {mptest fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(win.Default) mptest
set extra(win.Stdcall) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(win.Windows-Memdebug) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(win.Windows-Win32Heap) {fuzztest sourcetest}
set extra(win.Windows-Sanitize) fuzztest
set extra(win.Have-Not) {fuzztest sourcetest}
# The following mirrors the set of test suites invoked by "all.test".
set all_configs {
full no_optimization memsubsys1 memsubsys2 singlethread
multithread onefile utf16 exclusive persistent_journal
persistent_journal_error no_journal no_journal_error
autovacuum_ioerr no_mutex_try fullmutex journaltest
inmemory_journal pcache0 pcache10 pcache50 pcache90
pcache100 prepare mmap
# Start of build() definitions.
set build(Default) {
--disable-amalgamation --disable-shared
# These two are used by [testrunner.tcl mdevtest] (All-O0) and
# [testrunner.tcl sdevtest] (All-Sanitize).
set build(All-Debug) {
--enable-debug --enable-all
set build(All-O0) {
-O0 --enable-all
set build(All-Sanitize) {
--enable-all -fsanitize=address,undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined
set build(Sanitize) {
CC=clang -fsanitize=address,undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined
set build(Stdcall) {
# The "Have-Not" configuration sets all possible -UHAVE_feature options
# in order to verify that the code works even on platforms that lack
# these support services.
set build(Have-Not) {
set build(Unlock-Notify) {
set build(Secure-Delete) {
set build(Update-Delete-Limit) {
set build(Check-Symbols) {
--enable-fts5 --enable-session
set build(Debug-One) {
-O2 -funsigned-char
set build(Debug-Two) {
set build(Fast-One) {
set build(Device-One) {
set build(Device-Two) {
--enable-fts5 --enable-session
set build(Locking-Style) {
set build(Android) {
# Compile-options used by Android but omitted from these
# tests:
set build(Apple) {
set build(Extra-Robustness) {
set build(Devkit) {
set build(No-lookaside) {
set build(Valgrind) {
set build(Windows-Memdebug) {
set build(Windows-Win32Heap) {
set build(Windows-Sanitize) {
proc trd_import {} {
uplevel {
variable ::trd::tcltest
variable ::trd::extra
variable ::trd::all_configs
variable ::trd::build
proc trd_builds {platform} {
set klist [lsort -uniq [concat \
[array names tcltest ${platform}.*] \
[array names extra ${platform}.*] \
if {[llength $klist]==0} {
error "no such platform: $platform"
set ret ""
foreach k $klist {
foreach {p c} [split $k "."] {}
lappend ret $c
set ret
proc trd_configs {platform bld} {
set clist [list]
if {[info exists tcltest($platform.$bld)]} {
set clist $tcltest($platform.$bld)
if {$clist=="all"} {
set clist $all_configs
} elseif {$clist=="all_plus_autovacuum_crash"} {
set clist [concat $all_configs autovacuum_crash]
} elseif {$clist=="all_less_no_mutex_try"} {
set idx [lsearch $all_configs no_mutex_try]
set clist [lreplace $all_configs $idx $idx]
set clist
proc trd_extras {platform bld} {
if {[info exists extra($platform.$bld)]==0} { return [list] }
return $extra($platform.$bld)
# Usage:
# trd_fuzztest_data
# This returns data used by testrunner.tcl to run commands equivalent
# to [make fuzztest]. The returned value is a list, which should be
# interpreted as a sequence of pairs. The first element of each pair
# is an interpreter name. The second element is a list of files.
# testrunner.tcl automatically creates one job to build each interpreter,
# and one to run each of the files with it once it has been built.
# In practice, the returned value looks like this:
# {
# {fuzzcheck {$testdir/fuzzdata1.db $testdir/fuzzdata2.db ...}}
# {{sessionfuzz run} $testdir/sessionfuzz-data1.db}
# }
# where $testdir is replaced by the full-path to the test-directory (the
# directory containing this file). "fuzzcheck" and "sessionfuzz" have .exe
# extensions on windows.
proc trd_fuzztest_data {} {
set EXE ""
set lFuzzDb [glob [file join $::testdir fuzzdata*.db]]
set lSessionDb [glob [file join $::testdir sessionfuzz-data*.db]]
if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
return [list fuzzcheck.exe $lFuzzDb]
return [list fuzzcheck $lFuzzDb {sessionfuzz run} $lSessionDb]
proc trd_all_configs {} {
set all_configs
proc trimscript {text} {
set text [string map {"\n " "\n"} [string trim $text]]
proc make_sh_script {srcdir opts cflags makeOpts configOpts} {
set tcldir [::tcl::pkgconfig get libdir,install]
set myopts ""
if {[info exists ::env(OPTS)]} {
append myopts "# From environment variable:\n"
append myopts "OPTS=$::env(OPTS)\n\n"
foreach o [lsort $opts] {
append myopts "OPTS=\"\$OPTS $o\"\n"
return [trimscript [subst -nocommands {
set -e
if [ "\$#" -ne 1 ] ; then
echo "Usage: \$0 <target>"
exit -1
if [ ! -f Makefile ] ; then
\$SRCDIR/configure --with-tcl=\$TCLDIR $configOpts
make \$1 "CFLAGS=\$CFLAGS" "OPTS=\$OPTS" $makeOpts
# Generate the text of a *.bat script.
proc make_bat_file {srcdir opts cflags makeOpts} {
set srcdir [file nativename [file normalize $srcdir]]
return [trimscript [subst -nocommands {
set TARGET=%1
set TMP=%CD%
nmake /f $srcdir\\Makefile.msc TOP="$srcdir" %TARGET% "CCOPTS=$cflags" "OPTS=$opts" $makeOpts
# Generate the text of a shell script.
proc make_script {cfg srcdir bMsvc} {
set opts [list] ;# OPTS value
set cflags [expr {$bMsvc ? "-Zi" : "-g"}] ;# CFLAGS value
set makeOpts [list] ;# Extra args for [make]
set configOpts [list] ;# Extra args for [configure]
# Define either SQLITE_OS_WIN or SQLITE_OS_UNIX, as appropriate.
if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
lappend opts -DSQLITE_OS_WIN=1
} else {
lappend opts -DSQLITE_OS_UNIX=1
# Unless the configuration specifies -DHAVE_USLEEP=0, set -DHAVE_USLEEP=1.
if {[lsearch $cfg "-DHAVE_USLEEP=0"]<0} {
lappend cfg -DHAVE_USLEEP=1
# Loop through the parameters of the nominated configuration, updating
# $opts, $cflags, $makeOpts and $configOpts along the way. Rules are as
# follows:
# 1. If the parameter begins with "-D", add it to $opts.
# 2. If the parameter begins with "--" add it to $configOpts. Unless
# this command is preparing a script for MSVC - then add an
# equivalent to $makeOpts or $opts.
# 3. If the parameter begins with "-" add it to $cflags. If in MSVC
# mode and the parameter is an -O<integer> option, instead add
# an OPTIMIZATIONS=<integer> switch to $makeOpts.
# 4. If none of the above apply, add the parameter to $makeOpts
foreach param $cfg {
if {[string range $param 0 1]=="-D"} {
lappend opts $param
if {[string range $param 0 1]=="--"} {
if {$bMsvc==0} {
lappend configOpts $param
} else {
switch -- $param {
--disable-amalgamation {
lappend makeOpts USE_AMALGAMATION=0
--disable-shared {
lappend makeOpts USE_CRT_DLL=0 DYNAMIC_SHELL=0
--enable-fts5 {
lappend opts -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5
--enable-shared {
lappend makeOpts USE_CRT_DLL=1 DYNAMIC_SHELL=1
--enable-session {
--enable-all {
--enable-debug {
# lappend makeOpts OPTIMIZATIONS=0
lappend opts -DSQLITE_DEBUG
default {
error "Cannot translate $param for MSVC"
if {[string range $param 0 0]=="-"} {
if {$bMsvc} {
if {[regexp -- {^-O(\d+)$} $param -> level]} {
lappend makeOpts OPTIMIZATIONS=$level
if {$param eq "-fsanitize=address,undefined"} {
lappend makeOpts ASAN=1
lappend cflags $param
lappend makeOpts $param
if {$bMsvc==0} {
set zRet [make_sh_script $srcdir $opts $cflags $makeOpts $configOpts]
} else {
set zRet [make_bat_file $srcdir $opts $cflags $makeOpts]
# Usage:
# trd_buildscript CONFIG SRCDIR MSVC
# This command returns the full text of a script (either a shell script or
# an ms-dos bat file) that may be used to build SQLite source code according
# to a nominated configuration.
# Parameter CONFIG must be a configuration defined above in the ::trd::build
# array. SRCDIR is the root directory of an SQLite source tree (the parent
# directory of that containing this script). MSVC is a boolean - true to
# use the MSVC compiler, false otherwise.
proc trd_buildscript {config srcdir bMsvc} {
# Ensure that the named configuration exists.
if {![info exists build($config)]} {
if {$config!="help"} {
puts "No such build config: $config"
puts "Available configurations: [lsort [array names build]]"
flush stdout
exit 1
# Generate and return the script.
return [make_script $build($config) $srcdir $bMsvc]
# Usage:
# trd_test_script_properties PATH
# The argument must be a path to a Tcl test script. This function scans the
# first 100 lines of the script for lines that look like:
# TESTRUNNER: <properties>
# where <properties> is a list of identifiers, each of which defines a
# property of the test script. Example properties are "slow" or "superslow".
proc trd_test_script_properties {path} {
# Use this global array as a cache:
global trd_test_script_properties_cache
if {![info exists trd_test_script_properties_cache($path)]} {
set fd [open $path]
set ret [list]
for {set line 0} {$line < 100 && ![eof $fd]} {incr line} {
set text [gets $fd]
if {[string match -nocase *testrunner:* $text]} {
regexp -nocase {.*testrunner:(.*)} $text -> properties
lappend ret {*}$properties
set trd_test_script_properties_cache($path) $ret
close $fd
set trd_test_script_properties_cache($path)