dan 60228cb3d2 Avoid using Tcl command [clock] in testrunner.tcl.
FossilOrigin-Name: b2faf9289f6fbbcd4491e1b063da731b35aeed9ff1fc97f64798e99cac847b4a
2023-02-03 11:32:51 +00:00

698 lines
16 KiB

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] testrunner_data.tcl]
# Usage:
proc usage {} {
set a0 testrunner.tcl
set ::argv [list]
uplevel [list source $::testdir/permutations.test]
puts stderr "Usage: $a0 ?SWITCHES? ?PERMUTATION? ?PATTERNS?"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "where SWITCHES are:"
puts stderr " --jobs NUMBER-OF-JOBS"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "available PERMUTATION values are:"
set ii 0
foreach name [lsort [array names ::testspec]] {
if {($ii % 3)==0} { puts -nonewline stderr " " }
puts -nonewline stderr [format "% -22s" $name]
if {($ii % 3)==2} { puts stderr "" }
incr ii
puts stderr ""
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "Examples:"
puts stderr " 1) Run the veryquick tests:"
puts stderr " $a0"
puts stderr " 2) Run all test scripts in the source tree:"
puts stderr " $a0 full"
puts stderr " 2) Run the 'memsubsys1' permutation:"
puts stderr " $a0 memsubsys1"
puts stderr " 3) Run all permutations usually run by \[make fulltest\]"
puts stderr " $a0 release"
puts stderr " 4) Run all scripts that match the pattern 'select%':"
puts stderr " $a0 select%"
puts stderr " $a0 all select%"
puts stderr " $a0 full select%"
puts stderr " 5) Run all scripts that are part of the veryquick permutation and match the pattern 'select%':"
puts stderr " $a0 veryquick select%"
puts stderr " 6) Run the 'memsubsys1' permutation, but just those scripts that match 'window%':"
puts stderr " $a0 memsubsys1 window%"
puts stderr " 7) Run all the permutations, but only the scripts that match either 'fts5%' or 'rtree%':"
puts stderr " $a0 release fts5% rtree%"
exit 1
# If this script is invoked using:
# testrunner.tcl helper <directory> <permutation> <script>
if {[lindex $argv 0]=="helper"} {
if {[llength $argv]!=3} { error "BAD ARGS" }
set permutation [lindex $argv 1]
set script [file normalize [lindex $argv 2]]
set ::argv [list]
if {$permutation=="full"} {
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $::testdir/tester.tcl
unset -nocomplain ::G(isquick)
} elseif {$permutation!="default" && $permutation!=""} {
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $::testdir/permutations.test
if {[info exists ::testspec($permutation)]==0} {
error "no such permutation: $permutation"
array set O $::testspec($permutation)
set ::G(perm:name) $permutation
set ::G(perm:prefix) $O(-prefix)
set ::G(isquick) 1
set ::G(perm:dbconfig) $O(-dbconfig)
set ::G(perm:presql) $O(-presql)
rename finish_test helper_finish_test
proc finish_test {} "
uplevel {
eval $O(-initialize)
source $script
# The database schema used by the testrunner.db database.
set R(schema) {
build TEXT DEFAULT '',
config TEXT,
filename TEXT, -- full path to test script
slow BOOLEAN, -- true if script is "slow"
state TEXT CHECK( state IN ('ready', 'running', 'done', 'failed') ),
time INTEGER, -- Time in ms
output TEXT, -- full output of test script
ismake AS (config='make'),
PRIMARY KEY(build, config, filename)
CREATE INDEX i1 ON script(state, ismake);
CREATE INDEX i2 ON script(state, slow DESC, ismake);
# Try to estimate a the number of processes to use.
# Command [guess_number_of_cores] attempts to glean the number of logical
# cores. Command [default_njob] returns the default value for the --jobs
# switch.
proc guess_number_of_cores {} {
set ret 4
if {$::tcl_platform(os)=="Darwin"} {
set cmd "sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu"
} else {
set cmd "nproc"
catch {
set fd [open "|$cmd" r]
set ret [gets $fd]
close $fd
set ret [expr $ret]
return $ret
proc default_njob {} {
set nCore [guess_number_of_cores]
set nHelper [expr int($nCore*0.75)]
expr $nHelper>0 ? $nHelper : 1
set R(dbname) [file normalize testrunner.db]
set R(logname) [file normalize testrunner.log]
set R(build.logname) [file normalize testrunner_build.log]
set R(info_script) [file normalize [info script]]
set R(timeout) 10000 ;# Default busy-timeout for testrunner.db
set R(nJob) [default_njob] ;# Default number of helper processes
set R(leaker) "" ;# Name of first script to leak memory
set R(patternlist) [list]
switch -nocase -glob -- $tcl_platform(os) {
*darwin* {
set R(platform) osx
*linux* {
set R(platform) linux
*win* {
set R(platform) win
default {
error "cannot determine platform!"
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
# Check that directory $dir exists. If it does not, create it. If
# it does, delete its contents.
proc create_or_clear_dir {dir} {
set dir [file normalize $dir]
catch { file mkdir $dir }
foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *]] {
catch { file delete -force $f }
proc copy_dir {from to} {
foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $from *]] {
catch { file copy -force $f $to }
proc build_to_dirname {bname} {
set fold [string tolower [string map {- _} $bname]]
return "testrunner_build_$fold"
proc build_input_ready {fd build} {
global R
global O
if {[eof $fd]} {
foreach {dirname b} $build {}
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
set rc [catch { close $fd } msg]
if {$rc} {
puts "Build \"$b\" finished - FAILED"
lappend R(lBuildFail) $build
} else {
puts "Build \"$b\" finished - ok"
puts $R(log) "### Build \"$b\" in directory $dirname"
puts $R(log) $O($fd)
incr R(nHelperRunning) -1
incr ::wakeup
} else {
if {[gets $fd line]>=0} {
append O($fd) "$line\n"
global R
proc launch_another_build {} {
global R
if {[llength $R(lBuild)]>0} {
set build [lindex $R(lBuild) 0]
set R(lBuild) [lrange $R(lBuild) 1 end]
foreach {dirname b} $build {}
puts "Launching build \"$b\" in directory $dirname..."
set srcdir [file dirname [file dirname $R(info_script)]]
incr R(nHelperRunning)
set pwd [pwd]
cd $dirname
set fd [open "|bash build.sh $srcdir 2>@1"]
cd $pwd
set O($fd) ""
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
fileevent $fd readable [list build_input_ready $fd $build]
if {[lindex $argv 0]=="build"} {
# Load configuration data.
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] testrunner_data.tcl]
foreach b [trd_builds $R(platform)] {
set dirname [build_to_dirname $b]
create_or_clear_dir $dirname
set target "testprogs"
if {$b=="Device-One"} { set target coretestprogs }
if {$b=="User-Auth"} { set target testfixture }
set cmd [list \
[info nameofexec] \
[file join [file dirname $R(info_script)] releasetest_data.tcl] \
script $b $target
set script [exec {*}$cmd]
set fd [open [file join $dirname build.sh] w]
puts $fd $script
close $fd
lappend R(lBuild) [list $dirname $b]
set R(log) [open $R(build.logname) w]
set R(nHelperRunning) 0
set R(lBuildFail) [list]
for {set ii 0} {$ii < $R(nJob)} {incr ii} {
while {$R(nHelperRunning)>0} {
vwait ::wakeup
close $R(log)
if {[llength $R(lBuildFail)]==0} {
puts "All builds succeeded!"
} else {
puts "Builds failed:"
foreach build $R(lBuildFail) {
foreach {dirname b} $build {}
puts " $b ($dirname)"
exit 1
puts "Log file is $R(build.logname)"
set R(helper) 0
set R(helper_id) 0
for {set ii 0} {$ii < [llength $argv]} {incr ii} {
set a [lindex $argv $ii]
set n [string length $a]
if {[string range $a 0 0]=="-"} {
if {($n>2 && [string match "$a*" --jobs]) || $a=="-j"} {
incr ii
set R(nJob) [lindex $argv $ii]
} else {
} else {
lappend R(patternlist) [string map {% *} $a]
set argv [list]
set dir [pwd]
source $testdir/permutations.test
cd $dir
# Return a list of tests to run. Each element of the list is itself a
# list of two elements - the name of a permuations.test configuration
# followed by the full path to a test script. i.e.:
proc testset_patternlist {patternlist} {
set testset [list] ;# return value
set first [lindex $patternlist 0]
if {$first=="release"} {
set platform $::R(platform)
set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
foreach b [trd_builds $platform] {
foreach c [trd_configs $platform $b] {
testset_append testset $b $c $patternlist
if {[llength $patternlist]==0} {
foreach b [trd_builds $platform] {
foreach e [trd_extras $platform $b] {
lappend testset [list $b make $e]
} elseif {$first=="all"} {
set clist [trd_all_configs]
set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
foreach c $clist {
testset_append testset Default $c $patternlist
} elseif {[info exists ::testspec($first)]} {
set clist $first
set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
testset_append testset Default $first [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
} elseif { [llength $patternlist]==0 } {
testset_append testset Default veryquick $patternlist
} else {
testset_append testset Default full $patternlist
set testset
proc testset_append {listvar build config patternlist} {
upvar $listvar lvar
catch { array unset O }
array set O $::testspec($config)
foreach f $O(-files) {
if {[llength $patternlist]>0} {
set bMatch 0
foreach p $patternlist {
if {[string match $p [file tail $f]]} {
set bMatch
if {$bMatch==0} continue
if {[file pathtype $f]!="absolute"} {
set f [file join $::testdir $f]
lappend lvar [list $build $config $f]
proc r_write_db {tcl} {
global R
sqlite3_test_control_pending_byte 0x010000
sqlite3 db $R(dbname)
db timeout $R(timeout)
uplevel $tcl
db eval { COMMIT }
db close
# Obtain a new job to be run by worker $iJob (an integer). A job is
# returned as a three element list:
# {$build $config $file}
proc r_get_next_job {iJob} {
switch -- [expr $iJob%3] {
0 {
set orderby "ORDER BY ismake ASC"
1 {
set orderby "ORDER BY slow DESC, ismake ASC"
2 {
set orderby "ORDER BY ismake DESC"
r_write_db {
set f ""
set c ""
db eval "
SELECT build, config, filename
FROM script
WHERE state='ready'
$orderby LIMIT 1
" {
set b $build
set c $config
set f $filename
if {$f!=""} {
db eval {
UPDATE script SET state='running'
WHERE (build, config, filename) = ($b, $c, $f)
if {$f==""} { return "" }
list $b $c $f
#rename r_get_next_job r_get_next_job_r
#proc r_get_next_job {iJob} {
#puts [time { set res [r_get_next_job_r $iJob] }]
#set res
proc make_new_testset {} {
global R
set tests [testset_patternlist $R(patternlist)]
r_write_db {
db eval $R(schema)
foreach t $tests {
foreach {b c s} $t {}
set slow 0
if {$c!="make"} {
set fd [open $s]
for {set ii 0} {$ii<100 && ![eof $fd]} {incr ii} {
set line [gets $fd]
if {[string match -nocase *testrunner:* $line]} {
regexp -nocase {.*testrunner:(.*)} $line -> properties
foreach p $properties {
if {$p=="slow"} { set slow 1 }
if {$p=="superslow"} { set slow 2 }
close $fd
if {$c=="veryquick"} {
set c "default"
db eval {
INSERT INTO script(build, config, filename, slow, state)
VALUES ($b, $c, $s, $slow, 'ready')
proc script_input_ready {fd iJob b c f} {
global R
global O
global T
if {[eof $fd]} {
set ::done 1
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
set state "done"
set rc [catch { close $fd } msg]
if {$rc} {
puts "FAILED: $b $c $f"
set state "failed"
set tm [expr [clock_milliseconds] - $T($iJob)]
puts $R(log) "### $b ### $c ### $f ${tm}ms ($state)"
puts $R(log) [string trim $O($iJob)]
incr R(nHelperRunning) -1
r_write_db {
set output $O($iJob)
db eval {
UPDATE script SET output = $output, state=$state, time=$tm
WHERE (build, config, filename) = ($b, $c, $f)
launch_another_job $iJob
incr ::wakeup
} else {
set rc [catch { gets $fd line } res]
if {$rc} {
puts "ERROR $res"
if {$res>=0} {
append O($iJob) "$line\n"
proc dirname {ii} {
return "testdir$ii"
proc launch_another_job {iJob} {
global R
global O
global T
set testfixture [info nameofexec]
set script $R(info_script)
set dir [dirname $iJob]
create_or_clear_dir $dir
set O($iJob) ""
set T($iJob) [clock_milliseconds]
set job [r_get_next_job $iJob]
if {$job==""} return
foreach {b c f} $job {}
if {$c=="make"} {
set builddir [build_to_dirname $b]
copy_dir $builddir $dir
set cmd "make $f"
} else {
if {$b=="Default"} {
set testfixture [info nameofexec]
} else {
set testfixture [
file normalize [file join [build_to_dirname $b] testfixture]
if {$c=="valgrind"} {
set testfixture "valgrind -v --error-exitcode=1 $testfixture"
set ::env(OMIT_MISUSE) 1
set cmd [concat $testfixture [list $script helper $c $f]]
set pwd [pwd]
cd $dir
set fd [open "|$cmd 2>@1" r]
cd $pwd
set pid [pid $fd]
fconfigure $fd -blocking false
fileevent $fd readable [list script_input_ready $fd $iJob $b $c $f]
incr R(nHelperRunning) +1
unset -nocomplain ::env(OMIT_MISUSE)
proc one_line_report {} {
global R
set tm [expr [clock_milliseconds] - $R(starttime)]
set tm [format "%.2f" [expr $tm/1000.0]]
foreach s {ready running done failed} {
set v($s,0) 0
set v($s,1) 0
set t(0) 0
set t(1) 0
r_write_db {
db eval {
SELECT state, ismake, count(*) AS cnt
FROM script
GROUP BY state, ismake
} {
set v($state,$ismake) $cnt
incr t($ismake) $cnt
set d0 [expr $v(done,0)+$v(failed,0)]
set d1 [expr $v(done,1)+$v(failed,1)]
puts "${tm}s: scripts: ($d0/$t(0)) $v(failed,0) failed, $v(running,0) running, makes: ($d1/$t(1)) $v(failed,1) failed, $v(running,1) running"
after 1000 one_line_report
proc run_testset {} {
global R
set ii 0
set R(starttime) [clock_milliseconds]
set R(log) [open $R(logname) w]
for {set ii 0} {$ii<$R(nJob)} {incr ii} {
launch_another_job $ii
while {$R(nHelperRunning)>0} {
after 500 {incr ::wakeup}
vwait ::wakeup
close $R(log)
r_write_db {
set nErr [db one {SELECT count(*) FROM script WHERE state='failed'}]
if {$nErr>0} {
puts "$nErr failures:"
db eval {
SELECT build, config, filename FROM script WHERE state='failed'
} {
puts "FAILED: $build $config $filename"
puts "Test database is $R(dbname)"
puts "Test log is $R(logname)"
set R(nHelperRunning) 0
set tm [lindex [time { make_new_testset }] 0]
puts "built testset in [expr $tm/1000]ms.."
#puts [pwd]