to work on Linux. FossilOrigin-Name: 534f8344abbda78e841edafe84c27ea8b1dfdecb9ab51271772a7f7264ef5b8c
170 lines
4.1 KiB
170 lines
4.1 KiB
# Run this TCL script to build and optionally install the TCL interface
# library for SQLite. Run the script with the specific "tclsh" for which
# the installation should occur.
# Must do "make tclsqlite3.c" first.
# Options:
# --build-only Only build the extension, don't install it
# --install-only Install an extension previously build
# --uninstall Uninstall the extension
set installonly 0
set buildonly 0
set uninstall 0
for {set ii 0} {$ii<[llength $argv]} {incr ii} {
set a0 [lindex $argv $ii]
if {$a0=="--install-only"} {
set installonly 1
} elseif {$a0=="--build-only"} {
set buildonly 1
} elseif {$a0=="--uninstall"} {
set uninstall 1
} else {
puts stderr "Unknown option: \"$a0\""
exit 1
# Find the root of the SQLite source tree
set srcdir [file normalize [file dir $argv0]/..]
# Get the SQLite version number into $VERSION
set fd [open $srcdir/VERSION]
set VERSION [string trim [read $fd]]
close $fd
# Figure out the location of the tclConfig.sh file used by the
# tclsh that is executing this script.
if {[catch {
set LIBDIR [tcl::pkgconfig get libdir,install]
}]} {
puts stderr "$argv0: tclsh does not support tcl::pkgconfig."
exit 1
if {![file exists $LIBDIR]} {
puts stderr "$argv0: cannot find the tclConfig.sh file."
puts stderr "$argv0: tclsh reported library directory \"$LIBDIR\"\
does not exist."
exit 1
if {![file exists $LIBDIR/tclConfig.sh]} {
set n1 $LIBDIR/tcl$::tcl_version
if {[file exists $n1/tclConfig.sh]} {
set LIBDIR $n1
} else {
puts stderr "$argv0: cannot find tclConfig.sh in either $LIBDIR or $n1"
exit 1
# Read the tclConfig.sh file into the $tclConfig variable
set fd [open $LIBDIR/tclConfig.sh rb]
set tclConfig [read $fd]
close $fd
# Extract parameter we will need from the tclConfig.sh file
regexp {TCL_MAJOR_VERSION='(\d)'} $tclConfig all TCLMAJOR
set SUFFIX so
regexp {TCL_SHLIB_SUFFIX='\.([^']+)'} $tclConfig all SUFFIX
set CC gcc
regexp {TCL_CC='([^']+)'} $tclConfig all CC
regexp {TCL_SHLIB_CFLAGS='([^']+)'} $tclConfig all CFLAGS
set opt {}
regexp {TCL_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE='([^']+)'} $tclConfig all opt
if {$opt!=""} {
append CFLAGS " $opt"
set LIBS {}
regexp {TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC='([^']+)'} $tclConfig all LIBS
set INC "-I$srcdir/src"
set inc {}
regexp {TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC='([^']+)'} $tclConfig all inc
if {$inc!=""} {
append INC " $inc"
set cmd {}
regexp {TCL_SHLIB_LD='([^']+)'} $tclConfig all cmd
set CMD [subst $cmd]
if {$TCLMAJOR>8} {
set OUT libtcl9sqlite$VERSION.$SUFFIX
} else {
set OUT libsqlite$VERSION.$SUFFIX
# Uninstall the extension
if {$uninstall} {
set cnt 0
foreach dir $auto_path {
if {[file isdirectory $dir/sqlite$VERSION]} {
incr cnt
if {![file writable $dir] || ![file writable $dir/sqlite$VERSION]} {
puts "cannot uninstall $dir/sqlite$VERSION - permission denied"
} else {
puts "uninstalling $dir/sqlite$VERSION..."
file delete -force $dir/sqlite$VERSION
if {$cnt==0} {
puts "nothing to uninstall"
# Figure out where the extension will be installed.
set DEST {}
foreach dir $auto_path {
if {[file writable $dir]} {
set DEST $dir
if {$DEST==""} {
puts "None of the directories on $auto_path are writable by this process,"
puts "so the installation cannot take place. Consider running using sudo"
puts "to work around this."
if {!$installonly} {
# Generate the pkgIndex.tcl file
set fd [open pkgIndex.tcl w]
puts $fd [subst -nocommands {# -*- tcl -*-
# Tcl package index file, version ???
package ifneeded sqlite3 $VERSION \\
[list load [file join \$dir $OUT] sqlite3]
close $fd
# Generate and execute the command with which to do the compilation.
set cmd "$CMD tclsqlite3.c -o $OUT $LIBS"
puts $cmd
exec {*}$cmd
# Install the extension
if {$DEST!="" && !$buildonly} {
set DEST2 $DEST/sqlite$VERSION
file mkdir $DEST2
puts "installing $DEST2/pkgIndex.tcl"
file copy -force pkgIndex.tcl $DEST2
puts "installing $DEST2/$OUT"
file copy -force $OUT $DEST2