set rcsid {$Id: capi3ref.tcl,v 1.17 2004/12/07 02:14:52 drh Exp $} source common.tcl header {C/C++ Interface For SQLite Version 3} puts {

C/C++ Interface For SQLite Version 3

} proc api {name prototype desc {notused x}} { global apilist if {$name==""} { regsub -all {sqlite3_[a-z0-9_]+\(} $prototype \ {[lappend name [string trimright & (]]} x1 subst $x1 } lappend apilist [list $name $prototype $desc] } api {result-codes} { #define SQLITE_OK 0 /* Successful result */ #define SQLITE_ERROR 1 /* SQL error or missing database */ #define SQLITE_INTERNAL 2 /* An internal logic error in SQLite */ #define SQLITE_PERM 3 /* Access permission denied */ #define SQLITE_ABORT 4 /* Callback routine requested an abort */ #define SQLITE_BUSY 5 /* The database file is locked */ #define SQLITE_LOCKED 6 /* A table in the database is locked */ #define SQLITE_NOMEM 7 /* A malloc() failed */ #define SQLITE_READONLY 8 /* Attempt to write a readonly database */ #define SQLITE_INTERRUPT 9 /* Operation terminated by sqlite_interrupt() */ #define SQLITE_IOERR 10 /* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */ #define SQLITE_CORRUPT 11 /* The database disk image is malformed */ #define SQLITE_NOTFOUND 12 /* (Internal Only) Table or record not found */ #define SQLITE_FULL 13 /* Insertion failed because database is full */ #define SQLITE_CANTOPEN 14 /* Unable to open the database file */ #define SQLITE_PROTOCOL 15 /* Database lock protocol error */ #define SQLITE_EMPTY 16 /* (Internal Only) Database table is empty */ #define SQLITE_SCHEMA 17 /* The database schema changed */ #define SQLITE_TOOBIG 18 /* Too much data for one row of a table */ #define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT 19 /* Abort due to constraint violation */ #define SQLITE_MISMATCH 20 /* Data type mismatch */ #define SQLITE_MISUSE 21 /* Library used incorrectly */ #define SQLITE_NOLFS 22 /* Uses OS features not supported on host */ #define SQLITE_AUTH 23 /* Authorization denied */ #define SQLITE_ROW 100 /* sqlite_step() has another row ready */ #define SQLITE_DONE 101 /* sqlite_step() has finished executing */ } { Many SQLite functions return an integer result code from the set shown above in order to indicates success or failure. } api {} { const char *sqlite3_libversion(void); } { Return a pointer to a string which contains the version number of the library. The same string is available in the global variable named "sqlite3_version". This interface is provided since windows is unable to access global variables in DLLs. } api {} { void *sqlite3_aggregate_context(sqlite3_context*, int nBytes); } { Aggregate functions use this routine to allocate a structure for storing their state. The first time this routine is called for a particular aggregate, a new structure of size nBytes is allocated, zeroed, and returned. On subsequent calls (for the same aggregate instance) the same buffer is returned. The implementation of the aggregate can use the returned buffer to accumulate data. The buffer allocated is freed automatically by SQLite. } api {} { int sqlite3_aggregate_count(sqlite3_context*); } { The next routine returns the number of calls to xStep for a particular aggregate function instance. The current call to xStep counts so this routine always returns at least 1. } api {} { int sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); int sqlite3_bind_double(sqlite3_stmt*, int, double); int sqlite3_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int); int sqlite3_bind_int64(sqlite3_stmt*, int, long long int); int sqlite3_bind_null(sqlite3_stmt*, int); int sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const char*, int n, void(*)(void*)); int sqlite3_bind_text16(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); #define SQLITE_STATIC ((void(*)(void *))0) #define SQLITE_TRANSIENT ((void(*)(void *))-1) } { In the SQL strings input to sqlite3_prepare() and sqlite3_prepare16(), one or more literals can be replace by a parameter "?" or ":AAA" or "\$VVV" where AAA is an alphanumeric identifier and VVV is a variable name according to the syntax rules of the TCL programming language. The values of these parameters (also called "host parameter names") can be set using the sqlite3_bind_*() routines. The first argument to the sqlite3_bind_*() routines always is a pointer to the sqlite3_stmt structure returned from sqlite3_prepare(). The second argument is the index of the parameter to be set. The first parameter has an index of 1. When the same named parameter is used more than once, second and subsequent occurrences have the same index as the first occurrence. The index for named parameters can be looked up using the sqlite3_bind_parameter_name() API if desired. The fifth argument to sqlite3_bind_blob(), sqlite3_bind_text(), and sqlite3_bind_text16() is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or text after SQLite has finished with it. If the fifth argument is the special value SQLITE_STATIC, then the library assumes that the information is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed. If the fifth argument has the value SQLITE_TRANSIENT, then SQLite makes its own private copy of the data before returning. The sqlite3_bind_*() routines must be called after sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_reset() and before sqlite3_step(). Bindings are not cleared by the sqlite3_reset() routine. Unbound parameters are interpreted as NULL. } api {} { int sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(sqlite3_stmt*); } { Return the number of parameters in the precompiled statement given as the argument. } api {} { const char *sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(sqlite3_stmt*, int n); } { Return the name of the n-th parameter in the precompiled statement. Parameters of the form ":AAA" or "\$VVV" have a name which is the string ":AAA" or "\$VVV". In other words, the initial ":" or "$" is included as part of the name. Parameters of the form "?" have no name. If the value n is out of range or if the n-th parameter is nameless, then NULL is returned. The returned string is always in the UTF-8 encoding. } api {} { int sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(sqlite3_stmt*, const char *zName); } { Return the index of the parameter with the given name. The name must match exactly. If there is no parameter with the given name, return 0. The string zName is always in the UTF-8 encoding. } api {} { int sqlite3_busy_handler(sqlite3*, int(*)(void*,int), void*); } { This routine identifies a callback function that is invoked whenever an attempt is made to open a database table that is currently locked by another process or thread. If the busy callback is NULL, then sqlite3_exec() returns SQLITE_BUSY immediately if it finds a locked table. If the busy callback is not NULL, then sqlite3_exec() invokes the callback with two arguments. The second argument is the number of prior calls to the busy callback for the same lock. If the busy callback returns 0, then sqlite3_exec() immediately returns SQLITE_BUSY. If the callback returns non-zero, then sqlite3_exec() tries to open the table again and the cycle repeats. The default busy callback is NULL. Sqlite is re-entrant, so the busy handler may start a new query. (It is not clear why anyone would every want to do this, but it is allowed, in theory.) But the busy handler may not close the database. Closing the database from a busy handler will delete data structures out from under the executing query and will probably result in a coredump. } api {} { int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, int ms); } { This routine sets a busy handler that sleeps for a while when a table is locked. The handler will sleep multiple times until at least "ms" milliseconds of sleeping have been done. After "ms" milliseconds of sleeping, the handler returns 0 which causes sqlite3_exec() to return SQLITE_BUSY. Calling this routine with an argument less than or equal to zero turns off all busy handlers. } api {} { int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*); } { This function returns the number of database rows that were changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recently completed INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. Only changes that are directly specified by the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement are counted. Auxiliary changes caused by triggers are not counted. Use the sqlite3_total_changes() function to find the total number of changes including changes caused by triggers. Within the body of a trigger, the sqlite3_changes() function does work to report the number of rows that were changed for the most recently completed INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement within the trigger body. SQLite implements the command "DELETE FROM table" without a WHERE clause by dropping and recreating the table. (This is much faster than going through and deleting individual elements from the table.) Because of this optimization, the change count for "DELETE FROM table" will be zero regardless of the number of elements that were originally in the table. To get an accurate count of the number of rows deleted, use "DELETE FROM table WHERE 1" instead. } api {} { int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3*); } { This function returns the total number of database rows that have be modified, inserted, or deleted since the database connection was created using sqlite3_open(). All changes are counted, including changes by triggers and changes to TEMP and auxiliary databases. Except, changes to the SQLITE_MASTER table (caused by statements such as CREATE TABLE) are not counted. Nor are changes counted when an entire table is deleted using DROP TABLE. See also the sqlite3_changes() API. SQLite implements the command "DELETE FROM table" without a WHERE clause by dropping and recreating the table. (This is much faster than going through and deleting individual elements form the table.) Because of this optimization, the change count for "DELETE FROM table" will be zero regardless of the number of elements that were originally in the table. To get an accurate count of the number of rows deleted, use "DELETE FROM table WHERE 1" instead. } api {} { int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*); } { Call this function with a pointer to a structure that was previously returned from sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open16() and the corresponding database will by closed. SQLITE_OK is returned if the close is successful. If there are prepared statements that have not been finalized, then SQLITE_BUSY is returned. SQLITE_ERROR might be returned if the argument is not a valid connection pointer returned by sqlite3_open() or if the connection pointer has been closed previously. } api {} { const void *sqlite3_column_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); int sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); int sqlite3_column_bytes16(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); double sqlite3_column_double(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); int sqlite3_column_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); long long int sqlite3_column_int64(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); const void *sqlite3_column_text16(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); int sqlite3_column_type(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); #define SQLITE_INTEGER 1 #define SQLITE_FLOAT 2 #define SQLITE_TEXT 3 #define SQLITE_BLOB 4 #define SQLITE_NULL 5 } { These routines return information about the information in a single column of the current result row of a query. In every case the first argument is a pointer to the SQL statement that is being executed (the sqlite_stmt* that was returned from sqlite3_prepare()) and the second argument is the index of the column for which information should be returned. iCol is zero-indexed. The left-most column as an index of 0. If the SQL statement is not currently point to a valid row, or if the the column index is out of range, the result is undefined. If the result is a BLOB then the sqlite3_column_bytes() routine returns the number of bytes in that BLOB. No type conversions occur. If the result is a string (or a number since a number can be converted into a string) then sqlite3_column_bytes() converts the value into a UTF-8 string and returns the number of bytes in the resulting string. The value returned does not include the \\000 terminator at the end of the string. The sqlite3_column_bytes16() routine converts the value into a UTF-16 encoding and returns the number of bytes (not characters) in the resulting string. The \\u0000 terminator is not included in this count. These routines attempt to convert the value where appropriate. For example, if the internal representation is FLOAT and a text result is requested, sprintf() is used internally to do the conversion automatically. The following table details the conversions that are applied:
Internal TypeRequested TypeConversion
NULL FLOAT Result is 0.0
NULL TEXT Result is an empty string
NULL BLOB Result is a zero-length BLOB
INTEGER FLOAT Convert from integer to float
INTEGER TEXT ASCII rendering of the integer
FLOAT INTEGERConvert from float to integer
FLOAT TEXT ASCII rendering of the float
TEXT FLOAT Use atof()
TEXT BLOB No change
BLOB INTEGERConvert to TEXT then use atoi()
BLOB FLOAT Convert to TEXT then use atof()
BLOB TEXT Add a \\000 terminator if needed
} api {} { int sqlite3_column_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); } { Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the prepared SQL statement. This routine returns 0 if pStmt is an SQL statement that does not return data (for example an UPDATE). See also sqlite3_data_count(). } api {} { const char *sqlite3_column_decltype(sqlite3_stmt *, int i); const void *sqlite3_column_decltype16(sqlite3_stmt*,int); } { The first argument is a prepared SQL statement. If this statement is a SELECT statement, the Nth column of the returned result set of the SELECT is a table column then the declared type of the table column is returned. If the Nth column of the result set is not at table column, then a NULL pointer is returned. The returned string is UTF-8 encoded for sqlite3_column_decltype() and UTF-16 encoded for sqlite3_column_decltype16(). For example, in the database schema:
And the following statement compiled:
 SELECT c1 + 1, 0 FROM t1;
Then this routine would return the string "INTEGER" for the second result column (i==1), and a NULL pointer for the first result column (i==0). } api {} { const char *sqlite3_column_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int); const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int); } { The first argument is a prepared SQL statement. This function returns the column heading for the Nth column of that statement, where N is the second function argument. The string returned is UTF-8 for sqlite3_column_name() and UTF-16 for sqlite3_column_name16(). } api {} { void *sqlite3_commit_hook(sqlite3*, int(*xCallback)(void*), void *pArg); } { Experimental Register a callback function to be invoked whenever a new transaction is committed. The pArg argument is passed through to the callback. callback. If the callback function returns non-zero, then the commit is converted into a rollback. If another function was previously registered, its pArg value is returned. Otherwise NULL is returned. Registering a NULL function disables the callback. Only a single commit hook callback can be registered at a time. } api {} { int sqlite3_complete(const char *sql); int sqlite3_complete16(const void *sql); } { These functions return true if the given input string comprises one or more complete SQL statements. The argument must be a nul-terminated UTF-8 string for sqlite3_complete() and a nul-terminated UTF-16 string for sqlite3_complete16(). } {} api {} { int sqlite3_create_collation( sqlite3*, const char *zName, int pref16, void*, int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*) ); int sqlite3_create_collation16( sqlite3*, const char *zName, int pref16, void*, int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*) ); #define SQLITE_UTF8 1 #define SQLITE_UTF16BE 2 #define SQLITE_UTF16LE 3 #define SQLITE_UTF16 4 } { These two functions are used to add new collation sequences to the sqlite3 handle specified as the first argument. The name of the new collation sequence is specified as a UTF-8 string for sqlite3_create_collation() and a UTF-16 string for sqlite3_create_collation16(). In both cases the name is passed as the second function argument. The third argument must be one of the constants SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_UTF16LE or SQLITE_UTF16BE, indicating that the user-supplied routine expects to be passed pointers to strings encoded using UTF-8, UTF-16 little-endian or UTF-16 big-endian respectively. The SQLITE_UTF16 constant indicates that text strings are expected in UTF-16 in the native byte order of the host machine. A pointer to the user supplied routine must be passed as the fifth argument. If it is NULL, this is the same as deleting the collation sequence (so that SQLite cannot call it anymore). Each time the user supplied function is invoked, it is passed a copy of the void* passed as the fourth argument to sqlite3_create_collation() or sqlite3_create_collation16() as its first argument. The remaining arguments to the user-supplied routine are two strings, each represented by a [length, data] pair and encoded in the encoding that was passed as the third argument when the collation sequence was registered. The user routine should return negative, zero or positive if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string. i.e. (STRING1 - STRING2). } api {} { int sqlite3_collation_needed( sqlite3*, void*, void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*) ); int sqlite3_collation_needed16( sqlite3*, void*, void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*) ); } { To avoid having to register all collation sequences before a database can be used, a single callback function may be registered with the database handle to be called whenever an undefined collation sequence is required. If the function is registered using the sqlite3_collation_needed() API, then it is passed the names of undefined collation sequences as strings encoded in UTF-8. If sqlite3_collation_needed16() is used, the names are passed as UTF-16 in machine native byte order. A call to either function replaces any existing callback. When the user-function is invoked, the first argument passed is a copy of the second argument to sqlite3_collation_needed() or sqlite3_collation_needed16(). The second argument is the database handle. The third argument is one of SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_UTF16BE or SQLITE_UTF16LE, indicating the most desirable form of the collation sequence function required. The fourth argument is the name of the required collation sequence. The collation sequence is returned to SQLite by a collation-needed callback using the sqlite3_create_collation() or sqlite3_create_collation16() APIs, described above. } api {} { int sqlite3_create_function( sqlite3 *, const char *zFunctionName, int nArg, int eTextRep, void *pUserData, void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*) ); int sqlite3_create_function16( sqlite3*, const void *zFunctionName, int nArg, int eTextRep, void *pUserData, void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*) ); #define SQLITE_UTF8 1 #define SQLITE_UTF16 2 #define SQLITE_UTF16BE 3 #define SQLITE_UTF16LE 4 #define SQLITE_ANY 5 } { These two functions are used to add SQL functions or aggregates implemented in C. The only difference between these two routines is that the second argument, the name of the (scalar) function or aggregate, is encoded in UTF-8 for sqlite3_create_function() and UTF-16 for sqlite3_create_function16(). The first argument is the database handle that the new function or aggregate is to be added to. If a single program uses more than one database handle internally, then user functions or aggregates must be added individually to each database handle with which they will be used. The third argument is the number of arguments that the function or aggregate takes. If this argument is -1 then the function or aggregate may take any number of arguments. The fourth argument, eTextRep, specifies what type of text arguments this function prefers to receive. Any function should be able to work work with UTF-8, UTF-16le, or UTF-16be. But some implementations may be more efficient with one representation than another. Users are allowed to specify separate implementations for the same function which are called depending on the text representation of the arguments. The the implementation which provides the best match is used. If there is only a single implementation which does not care what text representation is used, then the fourth argument should be SQLITE_ANY. The fifth argument is an arbitrary pointer. The function implementations can gain access to this pointer using the sqlite_user_data() API. The sixth, seventh and eighth argumens, xFunc, xStep and xFinal, are pointers to user implemented C functions that implement the user function or aggregate. A scalar function requires an implementation of the xFunc callback only, NULL pointers should be passed as the xStep and xFinal arguments. An aggregate function requires an implementation of xStep and xFinal, and NULL should be passed for xFunc. To delete an existing user function or aggregate, pass NULL for all three function callbacks. Specifying an inconstant set of callback values, such as an xFunc and an xFinal, or an xStep but no xFinal, results in an SQLITE_ERROR return. } api {} { int sqlite3_data_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); } { Return the number of values in the current row of the result set. After a call to sqlite3_step() that returns SQLITE_ROW, this routine will return the same value as the sqlite3_column_count() function. After sqlite3_step() has returned an SQLITE_DONE, SQLITE_BUSY or error code, or before sqlite3_step() has been called on a prepared SQL statement, this routine returns zero. } api {} { int sqlite3_errcode(sqlite3 *db); } { Return the error code for the most recent failed sqlite3_* API call associated with sqlite3 handle 'db'. If a prior API call failed but the most recent API call succeeded, the return value from this routine is undefined. Calls to many sqlite3_* functions set the error code and string returned by sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16() (overwriting the previous values). Note that calls to sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16() themselves do not affect the results of future invocations. Calls to API routines that do not return an error code (examples: sqlite3_data_count() or sqlite3_mprintf()) do not change the error code returned by this routine. Assuming no other intervening sqlite3_* API calls are made, the error code returned by this function is associated with the same error as the strings returned by sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16(). } {} api {} { const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*); const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3*); } { Return a pointer to a UTF-8 encoded string (sqlite3_errmsg) or a UTF-16 encoded string (sqlite3_errmsg16) describing in English the error condition for the most recent sqlite3_* API call. The returned string is always terminated by an 0x00 byte. The string "not an error" is returned when the most recent API call was successful. } api {} { int sqlite3_exec( sqlite3*, /* An open database */ const char *sql, /* SQL to be executed */ sqlite_callback, /* Callback function */ void *, /* 1st argument to callback function */ char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */ ); } { A function to executes one or more statements of SQL. If one or more of the SQL statements are queries, then the callback function specified by the 3rd argument is invoked once for each row of the query result. This callback should normally return 0. If the callback returns a non-zero value then the query is aborted, all subsequent SQL statements are skipped and the sqlite3_exec() function returns the SQLITE_ABORT. The 4th argument is an arbitrary pointer that is passed to the callback function as its first argument. The 2nd argument to the callback function is the number of columns in the query result. The 3rd argument to the callback is an array of strings holding the values for each column. The 4th argument to the callback is an array of strings holding the names of each column. The callback function may be NULL, even for queries. A NULL callback is not an error. It just means that no callback will be invoked. If an error occurs while parsing or evaluating the SQL (but not while executing the callback) then an appropriate error message is written into memory obtained from malloc() and *errmsg is made to point to that message. The calling function is responsible for freeing the memory that holds the error message. Use sqlite3_free() for this. If errmsg==NULL, then no error message is ever written. The return value is is SQLITE_OK if there are no errors and some other return code if there is an error. The particular return value depends on the type of error. If the query could not be executed because a database file is locked or busy, then this function returns SQLITE_BUSY. (This behavior can be modified somewhat using the sqlite3_busy_handler() and sqlite3_busy_timeout() functions.) } {} api {} { int sqlite3_finalize(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); } { The sqlite3_finalize() function is called to delete a prepared SQL statement obtained by a previous call to sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_prepare16(). If the statement was executed successfully, or not executed at all, then SQLITE_OK is returned. If execution of the statement failed then an error code is returned. All prepared statements must finalized before sqlite3_close() is called or else the close will fail with a return code of SQLITE_BUSY. This routine can be called at any point during the execution of the virtual machine. If the virtual machine has not completed execution when this routine is called, that is like encountering an error or an interrupt. (See sqlite3_interrupt().) Incomplete updates may be rolled back and transactions canceled, depending on the circumstances, and the result code returned will be SQLITE_ABORT. } api {} { void sqlite3_free(char *z); } { Use this routine to free memory obtained from sqlite3_mprintf() or sqlite3_vmprintf(). } api {} { int sqlite3_get_table( sqlite3*, /* An open database */ const char *sql, /* SQL to be executed */ char ***resultp, /* Result written to a char *[] that this points to */ int *nrow, /* Number of result rows written here */ int *ncolumn, /* Number of result columns written here */ char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */ ); void sqlite3_free_table(char **result); } { This next routine is really just a wrapper around sqlite3_exec(). Instead of invoking a user-supplied callback for each row of the result, this routine remembers each row of the result in memory obtained from malloc(), then returns all of the result after the query has finished. As an example, suppose the query result where this table:
        Name        | Age
        Alice       | 43
        Bob         | 28
        Cindy       | 21
If the 3rd argument were &azResult then after the function returns azResult will contain the following data:
        azResult[0] = "Name";
        azResult[1] = "Age";
        azResult[2] = "Alice";
        azResult[3] = "43";
        azResult[4] = "Bob";
        azResult[5] = "28";
        azResult[6] = "Cindy";
        azResult[7] = "21";
Notice that there is an extra row of data containing the column headers. But the *nrow return value is still 3. *ncolumn is set to 2. In general, the number of values inserted into azResult will be ((*nrow) + 1)*(*ncolumn). After the calling function has finished using the result, it should pass the result data pointer to sqlite3_free_table() in order to release the memory that was malloc-ed. Because of the way the malloc() happens, the calling function must not try to call malloc() directly. Only sqlite3_free_table() is able to release the memory properly and safely. The return value of this routine is the same as from sqlite3_exec(). } api {sqlite3_interrupt} { void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3*); } { This function causes any pending database operation to abort and return at its earliest opportunity. This routine is typically called in response to a user action such as pressing "Cancel" or Ctrl-C where the user wants a long query operation to halt immediately. } {} api {} { long long int sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*); } { Each entry in an SQLite table has a unique integer key. (The key is the value of the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column if there is such a column, otherwise the key is generated at random. The unique key is always available as the ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ column.) This routine returns the integer key of the most recent insert in the database. This function is similar to the mysql_insert_id() function from MySQL. } {} api {} { char *sqlite3_mprintf(const char*,...); char *sqlite3_vmprintf(const char*, va_list); } { These routines are variants of the "sprintf()" from the standard C library. The resulting string is written into memory obtained from malloc() so that there is never a possibility of buffer overflow. These routines also implement some additional formatting options that are useful for constructing SQL statements. The strings returned by these routines should be freed by calling sqlite3_free(). All of the usual printf formatting options apply. In addition, there is a "%q" option. %q works like %s in that it substitutes a null-terminated string from the argument list. But %q also doubles every '\\'' character. %q is designed for use inside a string literal. By doubling each '\\'' character it escapes that character and allows it to be inserted into the string. For example, so some string variable contains text as follows:
  char *zText = "It's a happy day!";
One can use this text in an SQL statement as follows:
  sqlite3_exec_printf(db, "INSERT INTO table VALUES('%q')",
       callback1, 0, 0, zText);
Because the %q format string is used, the '\\'' character in zText is escaped and the SQL generated is as follows:
  INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('It''s a happy day!')
This is correct. Had we used %s instead of %q, the generated SQL would have looked like this:
  INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('It's a happy day!');
This second example is an SQL syntax error. As a general rule you should always use %q instead of %s when inserting text into a string literal. } {} api {} { int sqlite3_open( const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */ sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */ ); int sqlite3_open16( const void *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-16) */ sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */ ); } { Open the sqlite database file "filename". The "filename" is UTF-8 encoded for sqlite3_open() and UTF-16 encoded in the native byte order for sqlite3_open16(). An sqlite3* handle is returned in *ppDb, even if an error occurs. If the database is opened (or created) successfully, then SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise an error code is returned. The sqlite3_errmsg() or sqlite3_errmsg16() routines can be used to obtain an English language description of the error. If the database file does not exist, then a new database will be created as needed. The encoding for the database will be UTF-8 if sqlite3_open() is called and UTF-16 if sqlite3_open16 is used. Whether or not an error occurs when it is opened, resources associated with the sqlite3* handle should be released by passing it to sqlite3_close() when it is no longer required. } api {} { int sqlite3_prepare( sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */ int nBytes, /* Length of zSql in bytes. */ sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ ); int sqlite3_prepare16( sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ const void *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-16 encoded */ int nBytes, /* Length of zSql in bytes. */ sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ const void **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ ); } { To execute an SQL query, it must first be compiled into a byte-code program using one of the following routines. The only difference between them is that the second argument, specifying the SQL statement to compile, is assumed to be encoded in UTF-8 for the sqlite3_prepare() function and UTF-16 for sqlite3_prepare16(). The first argument "db" is an SQLite database handle. The second argument "zSql" is the statement to be compiled, encoded as either UTF-8 or UTF-16 (see above). If the next argument, "nBytes", is less than zero, then zSql is read up to the first nul terminator. If "nBytes" is not less than zero, then it is the length of the string zSql in bytes (not characters). *pzTail is made to point to the first byte past the end of the first SQL statement in zSql. This routine only compiles the first statement in zSql, so *pzTail is left pointing to what remains uncompiled. *ppStmt is left pointing to a compiled SQL statement that can be executed using sqlite3_step(). Or if there is an error, *ppStmt may be set to NULL. If the input text contained no SQL (if the input is and empty string or a comment) then *ppStmt is set to NULL. The calling procedure is responsible for deleting this compiled SQL statement using sqlite3_finalize() after it has finished with it. On success, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise an error code is returned. } api {} { void sqlite3_progress_handler(sqlite3*, int, int(*)(void*), void*); } { Experimental This routine configures a callback function - the progress callback - that is invoked periodically during long running calls to sqlite3_exec(), sqlite3_step() and sqlite3_get_table(). An example use for this API is to keep a GUI updated during a large query. The progress callback is invoked once for every N virtual machine opcodes, where N is the second argument to this function. The progress callback itself is identified by the third argument to this function. The fourth argument to this function is a void pointer passed to the progress callback function each time it is invoked. If a call to sqlite3_exec(), sqlite3_step() or sqlite3_get_table() results in less than N opcodes being executed, then the progress callback is not invoked. To remove the progress callback altogether, pass NULL as the third argument to this function. If the progress callback returns a result other than 0, then the current query is immediately terminated and any database changes rolled back. If the query was part of a larger transaction, then the transaction is not rolled back and remains active. The sqlite3_exec() call returns SQLITE_ABORT. } api {} { int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); } { The sqlite3_reset() function is called to reset a prepared SQL statement obtained by a previous call to sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_prepare16() back to it's initial state, ready to be re-executed. Any SQL statement variables that had values bound to them using the sqlite3_bind_*() API retain their values. } api {} { void sqlite3_result_blob(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); void sqlite3_result_double(sqlite3_context*, double); void sqlite3_result_error(sqlite3_context*, const char*, int); void sqlite3_result_error16(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int); void sqlite3_result_int(sqlite3_context*, int); void sqlite3_result_int64(sqlite3_context*, long long int); void sqlite3_result_null(sqlite3_context*); void sqlite3_result_text(sqlite3_context*, const char*, int n, void(*)(void*)); void sqlite3_result_text16(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); void sqlite3_result_text16be(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); void sqlite3_result_text16le(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); void sqlite3_result_value(sqlite3_context*, sqlite3_value*); } { User-defined functions invoke these routines in order to set their return value. The sqlite3_result_value() routine is used to return an exact copy of one of the arguments to the function. The operation of these routines is very similar to the operation of sqlite3_bind_blob() and its cousins. Refer to the documentation there for additional information. } api {} { int sqlite3_set_authorizer( sqlite3*, int (*xAuth)(void*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*), void *pUserData ); #define SQLITE_CREATE_INDEX 1 /* Index Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_TABLE 2 /* Table Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEX 3 /* Index Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TABLE 4 /* Table Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER 5 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEW 6 /* View Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_TRIGGER 7 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_CREATE_VIEW 8 /* View Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_DELETE 9 /* Table Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_DROP_INDEX 10 /* Index Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_DROP_TABLE 11 /* Table Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEX 12 /* Index Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE 13 /* Table Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TRIGGER 14 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEW 15 /* View Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_DROP_TRIGGER 16 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ #define SQLITE_DROP_VIEW 17 /* View Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_INSERT 18 /* Table Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_PRAGMA 19 /* Pragma Name 1st arg or NULL */ #define SQLITE_READ 20 /* Table Name Column Name */ #define SQLITE_SELECT 21 /* NULL NULL */ #define SQLITE_TRANSACTION 22 /* NULL NULL */ #define SQLITE_UPDATE 23 /* Table Name Column Name */ #define SQLITE_ATTACH 24 /* Filename NULL */ #define SQLITE_DETACH 25 /* Database Name NULL */ #define SQLITE_DENY 1 /* Abort the SQL statement with an error */ #define SQLITE_IGNORE 2 /* Don't allow access, but don't generate an error */ } { This routine registers a callback with the SQLite library. The callback is invoked (at compile-time, not at run-time) for each attempt to access a column of a table in the database. The callback should return SQLITE_OK if access is allowed, SQLITE_DENY if the entire SQL statement should be aborted with an error and SQLITE_IGNORE if the column should be treated as a NULL value. The second argument to the access authorization function will be one of the defined constants shown. These values signify what kind of operation is to be authorized. The 3rd and 4th arguments to the authorization function will be arguments or NULL depending on which of the following codes is used as the second argument. The 5th argument is the name of the database ("main", "temp", etc.) if applicable. The 6th argument is the name of the inner-most trigger or view that is responsible for the access attempt or NULL if this access attempt is directly from input SQL code. The return value of the authorization function should be one of the constants SQLITE_OK, SQLITE_DENY, or SQLITE_IGNORE. The intent of this routine is to allow applications to safely execute user-entered SQL. An appropriate callback can deny the user-entered SQL access certain operations (ex: anything that changes the database) or to deny access to certain tables or columns within the database. } api {} { int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*); } { After an SQL query has been prepared with a call to either sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_prepare16(), then this function must be called one or more times to execute the statement. The return value will be either SQLITE_BUSY, SQLITE_DONE, SQLITE_ROW, SQLITE_ERROR, or SQLITE_MISUSE. SQLITE_BUSY means that the database engine attempted to open a locked database and there is no busy callback registered. Call sqlite3_step() again to retry the open. SQLITE_DONE means that the statement has finished executing successfully. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on this virtual machine without first calling sqlite3_reset() to reset the virtual machine back to its initial state. If the SQL statement being executed returns any data, then SQLITE_ROW is returned each time a new row of data is ready for processing by the caller. The values may be accessed using the sqlite3_column_*() functions. sqlite3_step() is called again to retrieve the next row of data. SQLITE_ERROR means that a run-time error (such as a constraint violation) has occurred. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on the VM. More information may be found by calling sqlite3_errmsg(). SQLITE_MISUSE means that the this routine was called inappropriately. Perhaps it was called on a virtual machine that had already been finalized or on one that had previously returned SQLITE_ERROR or SQLITE_DONE. Or it could be the case the the same database connection is being used simultaneously by two or more threads. } api {} { void *sqlite3_trace(sqlite3*, void(*xTrace)(void*,const char*), void*); } { Register a function that is called each time an SQL statement is evaluated. The callback function is invoked on the first call to sqlite3_step() after calls to sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_reset(). This function can be used (for example) to generate a log file of all SQL executed against a database. This can be useful when debugging an application that uses SQLite. } api {} { void *sqlite3_user_data(sqlite3_context*); } { The pUserData argument to the sqlite3_create_function() and sqlite3_create_function16() routines used to register user functions is available to the implementation of the function using this call. } api {} { const void *sqlite3_value_blob(sqlite3_value*); int sqlite3_value_bytes(sqlite3_value*); int sqlite3_value_bytes16(sqlite3_value*); double sqlite3_value_double(sqlite3_value*); int sqlite3_value_int(sqlite3_value*); long long int sqlite3_value_int64(sqlite3_value*); const unsigned char *sqlite3_value_text(sqlite3_value*); const void *sqlite3_value_text16(sqlite3_value*); const void *sqlite3_value_text16be(sqlite3_value*); const void *sqlite3_value_text16le(sqlite3_value*); int sqlite3_value_type(sqlite3_value*); } { This group of routines returns information about arguments to a user-defined function. Function implementations use these routines to access their arguments. These routines are the same as the sqlite3_column_... routines except that these routines take a single sqlite3_value* pointer instead of an sqlite3_stmt* and an integer column number. See the documentation under sqlite3_column_blob for additional information. } set n 0 set i 0 foreach item $apilist { set namelist [lindex $item 0] foreach name $namelist { set n_to_name($n) $name set n_to_idx($n) $i set name_to_idx($name) $i incr n } incr i } set i 0 foreach name [lsort [array names name_to_idx]] { set sname($i) $name incr i } puts {} set nrow [expr {($n+2)/3}] set i 0 for {set j 0} {$j<3} {incr j} { if {$j>0} {puts {}} puts {} } puts "
} set limit [expr {$i+$nrow}] puts {
    } while {$i<$limit && $i<$n} { set name $sname($i) if {[regexp {^sqlite} $name]} {set display $name} {set display $name} puts "
  • $display
  • " incr i } puts {
" puts "" proc resolve_name {ignore_list name} { global name_to_idx if {![info exists name_to_idx($name)] || [lsearch $ignore_list $name]>=0} { return $name } else { return "$name" } } foreach name [lsort [array names name_to_idx]] { set i $name_to_idx($name) if {[info exists done($i)]} continue set done($i) 1 foreach {namelist prototype desc} [lindex $apilist $i] break foreach name $namelist { puts "" } puts "

" puts "
  regsub "^( *\n)+" $prototype {} p2
  regsub "(\n *)+\$" $p2 {} p3
  puts $p3
  puts "
" regsub -all {\[} $desc {\[} desc regsub -all {sqlite3_[a-z0-9_]+} $desc "\[resolve_name $name &\]" d2 regsub -all "\n( *\n)+" [subst $d2] "


" d3 puts "


" } footer $rcsid