######################################################################## # This GNU makefile drives the build of the sqlite3 WASM # components. It is not part of the canonical build process. ######################################################################## SHELL := $(shell which bash 2>/dev/null) MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) all: release: all # Emscripten SDK home dir and related binaries... EMSDK_HOME ?= $(word 1,$(wildcard $(HOME)/src/emsdk $(HOME)/emsdk)) emcc.bin ?= $(word 1,$(wildcard $(shell which emcc) $(EMSDK_HOME)/upstream/emscripten/emcc)) ifeq (,$(emcc.bin)) $(error Cannot find emcc.) endif wasm-strip ?= $(shell which wasm-strip 2>/dev/null) ifeq (,$(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) ifeq (,$(wasm-strip)) $(info WARNING: *******************************************************************) $(info WARNING: builds using -O2/-O3/-Os/-Oz will minify WASM-exported names,) $(info WARNING: breaking _All The Things_. The workaround for that is to build) $(info WARNING: with -g3 (which explodes the file size) and then strip the debug) $(info WARNING: info after compilation, using wasm-strip, to shrink the wasm file.) $(info WARNING: wasm-strip was not found in the PATH so we cannot strip those.) $(info WARNING: If this build uses any optimization level higher than -O1 then) $(info WARNING: the ***resulting WASM binary WILL NOT BE USABLE***.) $(info WARNING: wasm-strip is part of the wabt package:) $(info WARNING: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt) $(info WARNING: on Ubuntu-like systems it can be installed with:) $(info WARNING: sudo apt install wabt) $(info WARNING: *******************************************************************) endif endif # 'make clean' check ifeq (,$(wasm-strip)) maybe-wasm-strip = echo "not wasm-stripping" else maybe-wasm-strip = $(wasm-strip) endif dir.top := ../.. # Reminder: some Emscripten flags require absolute paths dir.wasm := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(abspath $(MAKEFILE)))) dir.api := api dir.jacc := jaccwabyt dir.common := common dir.fiddle := fiddle CLEAN_FILES := *~ $(dir.jacc)/*~ $(dir.api)/*~ $(dir.common)/*~ emcc_enable_bigint ?= 1 sqlite3.c := $(dir.top)/sqlite3.c sqlite3.h := $(dir.top)/sqlite3.h SQLITE_OPT = \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4 \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN_COMMENTS \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_SQL_FUNCTION \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_OFFSET_SQL_FUNC \ -DSQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION \ -DSQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED \ -DSQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 \ -DSQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE \ -DSQLITE_OMIT_WAL \ -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 \ -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE=3 \ -DSQLITE_OS_KV_OPTIONAL=1 \ '-DSQLITE_DEFAULT_UNIX_VFS="unix-none"' \ -DSQLITE_USE_URI=1 \ -DSQLITE_WASM_ENABLE_C_TESTS # ^^^ most flags are set in sqlite3-wasm.c but we need them # made explicit here for building speedtest1.c. ifneq (,$(filter release,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) emcc_opt ?= -Oz -flto else emcc_opt ?= -O0 # ^^^^ build times for -O levels higher than 0 are painful at # dev-time. endif # When passing emcc_opt from the CLI, += and re-assignment have no # effect, so emcc_opt+=-g3 doesn't work. So... emcc_opt_full := $(emcc_opt) -g3 # ^^^ ALWAYS use -g3. See below for why. # # ^^^ -flto improves runtime speed at -O0 considerably but doubles # build time. # # ^^^^ -O3, -Oz, -Os minify symbol names and there appears to be no # way around that except to use -g3, but -g3 causes the binary file # size to absolutely explode (approx. 5x larger). This minification # utterly breaks the resulting module, making it unsable except as # self-contained/self-referential-only code, as ALL of the exported # symbols get minified names. # # However, we have an option for using -Oz or -Os: # # Build with (-Os -g3) or (-Oz -g3) then use wasm-strip, from the wabt # tools package (https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt), to strip the # debugging symbols. That results in a small build with unmangled # symbol names. -Oz gives ever-so-slightly better compression than # -Os: not quite 1% in some completely unscientific tests. Runtime # speed for the unit tests is all over the place either way so it's # difficult to say whether -Os gives any speed benefit over -Oz. # # (Much later: -O2 consistently gives the best speeds.) ######################################################################## $(sqlite3.c) $(sqlite3.h): $(MAKE) -C $(dir.top) sqlite3.c clean: -rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES) ifeq (release,$(filter release,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) ifeq (,$(wasm-strip)) $(error Cannot make release-quality binary because wasm-strip is not available. \ See notes in the warning above) endif else $(info Development build. Use '$(MAKE) release' for a smaller release build.) endif version-info: version-info.c $(sqlite3.c) $(MAKEFILE) $(CC) -O0 -I$(dir.top) -o $@ $(SQLITE_OPT) $< $(sqlite3.c) CLEAN_FILES := version-info EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api.in := $(dir.api)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.sqlite3-api EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api: $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api.in) $(MAKEFILE) cat $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api.in) > $@ CLEAN_FILES += EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api sqlite3-license-version.js := sqlite3-license-version.js sqlite3-license-version-header.js := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-license-version-header.js sqlite3-api-build-version.js := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-build-version.js sqlite3-api.jses := $(sqlite3-license-version.js) sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-prologue.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.common)/whwasmutil.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.jacc)/jaccwabyt.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-glue.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(sqlite3-api-build-version.js) sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-oo1.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-worker1.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-opfs.js sqlite3-api.jses += $(dir.api)/sqlite3-api-cleanup.js sqlite3-api.js := sqlite3-api.js CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3-api.js) CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3-license-version.js) CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3-api-build-version.js) $(sqlite3-api.js): $(sqlite3-api.jses) $(MAKEFILE) @echo "Making $@..." @for i in $(sqlite3-api.jses); do \ echo "/* BEGIN FILE: $$i */"; \ cat $$i; \ echo "/* END FILE: $$i */"; \ done > $@ $(sqlite3-api-build-version.js): version-info @echo "Making $@..." @{ \ echo 'self.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializers.push(function(sqlite3){'; \ echo -n ' sqlite3.version = '; \ ./version-info --json; \ echo ';'; \ echo '});'; \ } > $@ ######################################################################## # --post-js and --pre-js are emcc flags we use to append/prepend JS to # the generated emscripten module file. pre-js.js := $(dir.api)/pre-js.js post-js.js := post-js.js CLEAN_FILES += $(post-js.js) post-jses := \ $(dir.api)/post-js-header.js \ $(sqlite3-api.js) \ $(dir.api)/post-js-footer.js $(post-js.js): $(post-jses) $(MAKEFILE) @echo "Making $@..." @for i in $(post-jses); do \ echo "/* BEGIN FILE: $$i */"; \ cat $$i; \ echo "/* END FILE: $$i */"; \ done > $@ extern-post-js.js := $(dir.api)/extern-post-js.js extern-pre-js.js := $(dir.api)/extern-pre-js.js pre-post-common.flags := \ --post-js=$(post-js.js) \ --extern-post-js=$(extern-post-js.js) \ --extern-pre-js=$(dir.wasm)/$(sqlite3-license-version.js) pre-post-jses.deps := $(post-js.js) \ $(extern-post-js.js) $(extern-pre-js.js) $(sqlite3-license-version.js) $(sqlite3-license-version.js): $(sqlite3.h) $(sqlite3-license-version-header.js) $(MAKEFILE) @echo "Making $@..."; { \ cat $(sqlite3-license-version-header.js); \ echo '/*'; \ echo '** This code was built from sqlite3 version...'; \ echo "** "; \ awk -e '/define SQLITE_VERSION/{$$1=""; print "**" $$0}' \ -e '/define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID/{$$1=""; print "**" $$0}' $(sqlite3.h); \ echo '*/'; \ } > $@ ######################################################################## # call-make-pre-js creates rules for pre-js-$(1).js. $1 = the base # name of the JS file on whose behalf this pre-js is for. define call-make-pre-js pre-post-$(1).flags ?= pre-js-$(1).js: $$(pre-js.js) $$(MAKEFILE) cp $$(pre-js.js) $$@ echo "Module[xInstantiateWasm].uri = '$(1).wasm';" >> $$@ CLEAN_FILES += pre-js-$(1).js pre-post-$(1).deps := $$(pre-post-jses.deps) pre-js-$(1).js pre-post-$(1).flags += --pre-js=pre-js-$(1).js endef #$(error $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3-wasmfs)) # /post-js and pre-js ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # emcc flags for .c/.o/.wasm/.js. emcc.flags = #emcc.flags += -v # _very_ loud but also informative about what it's doing # -g is needed to keep -O2 and higher from creating broken JS via # minification. ######################################################################## # emcc flags for .c/.o. emcc.cflags := emcc.cflags += -std=c99 -fPIC # -------------^^^^^^^^ we currently need c99 for WASM-specific sqlite3 APIs. emcc.cflags += -I. -I$(dir.top) ######################################################################## # emcc flags specific to building the final .js/.wasm file... emcc.jsflags := -fPIC emcc.jsflags += --minify 0 emcc.jsflags += --no-entry emcc.jsflags += -sMODULARIZE emcc.jsflags += -sSTRICT_JS emcc.jsflags += -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 emcc.jsflags += -sNO_POLYFILL emcc.jsflags += -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@$(dir.wasm)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api emcc.exportedRuntimeMethods := \ -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=FS,wasmMemory,allocateUTF8OnStack # FS ==> stdio/POSIX I/O proxies # wasmMemory ==> required by our code for use with -sIMPORTED_MEMORY # allocateUTF8OnStack => for kvvfs internals emcc.jsflags += $(emcc.exportedRuntimeMethods) emcc.jsflags += -sUSE_CLOSURE_COMPILER=0 emcc.jsflags += -sIMPORTED_MEMORY emcc.environment := -sENVIRONMENT=web,worker emcc.jsflags += -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH # emcc: warning: USE_PTHREADS + ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH may run non-wasm code # slowly, see https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/issues/1271 # [-Wpthreads-mem-growth] emcc.jsflags += -sINITIAL_MEMORY=13107200 #emcc.jsflags += -sINITIAL_MEMORY=64225280 # ^^^^ 64MB is not enough for WASMFS/OPFS test runs using batch-runner.js emcc.jsflags += $(emcc.environment) #emcc.jsflags += -sTOTAL_STACK=4194304 sqlite3.js.init-func := sqlite3InitModule # ^^^^ $(sqlite3.js.init-func) symbol name is hard-coded in $(extern-post-js.js) emcc.jsflags += -sEXPORT_NAME=$(sqlite3.js.init-func) emcc.jsflags += -sGLOBAL_BASE=4096 # HYPOTHETICALLY keep func table indexes from overlapping w/ heap addr. #emcc.jsflags += -sSTRICT # fails due to missing __syscall_...() #emcc.jsflags += -sALLOW_UNIMPLEMENTED_SYSCALLS #emcc.jsflags += -sFILESYSTEM=0 # only for experimentation. sqlite3 needs the FS API #emcc.jsflags += -sABORTING_MALLOC emcc.jsflags += -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH emcc.jsflags += -Wno-limited-postlink-optimizations # ^^^^^ it likes to warn when we have "limited optimizations" via the -g3 flag. #emcc.jsflags += -sSTANDALONE_WASM # causes OOM errors, not sure why # https://lld.llvm.org/WebAssembly.html emcc.jsflags += -sERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 emcc.jsflags += -sLLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED #emcc.jsflags += --allow-undefined emcc.jsflags += --import-undefined #emcc.jsflags += --unresolved-symbols=import-dynamic --experimental-pic #emcc.jsflags += --experimental-pic --unresolved-symbols=ingore-all --import-undefined #emcc.jsflags += --unresolved-symbols=ignore-all emcc.jsflags += -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc_enable_bigint) # ^^^^ MEMORY64=1 fails to load, erroring with: # invalid memory limits flags 0x5 # (enable via --experimental-wasm-memory64) # # ^^^^ MEMORY64=2 builds and loads but dies when we do things like: # # new Uint8Array(heapWrappers().HEAP8U.buffer, ptr, n) # # because ptr is now a BigInt, so is invalid for passing to arguments # which have strict must-be-a-Number requirements. ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # -sSINGLE_FILE: # https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/blob/main/src/settings.js#L1704 # -sSINGLE_FILE=1 would be really nice but we have to build with -g # for -O2 and higher to work (else minification breaks the code) and # cannot wasm-strip the binary before it gets encoded into the JS # file. The result is that the generated JS file is, because of the -g # debugging info, _huge_. ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Maintenance reminder: the output .js and .wasm files of emcc must be # in _this_ dir, rather than a subdir, or else parts of the generated # code get confused and cannot load property (namely, the # sqlite3.worker.js generated in conjunction with -sWASMFS). sqlite3.js := sqlite3.js sqlite3.wasm := sqlite3.wasm sqlite3-wasm.o := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-wasm.o $(sqlite3-wasm.o): emcc.cflags += $(SQLITE_OPT) $(sqlite3-wasm.o): $(dir.top)/sqlite3.c sqlite3-wasm.c := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-wasm.c ######################################################################## # call-wasm-c-compile sets up build rules # for $1.o. $1 must be the name of a C file (with extension). define call-wasm-c-compile $(1).o := $$(subst .c,.o,$(1)) sqlite3.wasm.obj += $$($(1).o) $$($(1).o): $$(MAKEFILE) $(1) $$(emcc.bin) $$(emcc_opt_full) $$(emcc.flags) $$(emcc.cflags) -c $(1) -o $$@ CLEAN_FILES += $$($(1).o) endef $(foreach c,$(sqlite3-wasm.c),$(eval $(call call-wasm-c-compile,$(c)))) $(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3)) $(sqlite3.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(sqlite3.wasm.obj) \ EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api \ $(pre-post-sqlite3.deps) @echo "Building $@ ..." $(emcc.bin) -o $@ $(emcc_opt_full) $(emcc.flags) \ $(emcc.jsflags) $(pre-post-common.flags) $(pre-post-sqlite3.flags) \ $(sqlite3.wasm.obj) chmod -x $(sqlite3.wasm) $(maybe-wasm-strip) $(sqlite3.wasm) @ls -la $@ $(sqlite3.wasm) CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3.js) $(sqlite3.wasm) all: $(sqlite3.js) wasm: $(sqlite3.js) # End main Emscripten-based module build ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # batch-runner.js... dir.sql := sql speedtest1 := ../../speedtest1 speedtest1.c := ../../test/speedtest1.c speedtest1.sql := $(dir.sql)/speedtest1.sql speedtest1.cliflags := --size 25 --big-transactions $(speedtest1): $(MAKE) -C ../.. speedtest1 $(speedtest1.sql): $(speedtest1) $(MAKEFILE) $(speedtest1) $(speedtest1.cliflags) --script $@ batch-runner.list: $(MAKEFILE) $(speedtest1.sql) $(dir.sql)/000-mandelbrot.sql bash split-speedtest1-script.sh $(dir.sql)/speedtest1.sql ls -1 $(dir.sql)/*.sql | grep -v speedtest1.sql | sort > $@ clean-batch: rm -f batch-runner.list $(dir.sql)/speedtest1*.sql # ^^^ we don't do this along with 'clean' because we clean/rebuild on # a regular basis with different -Ox flags and rebuilding the batch # pieces each time is an unnecessary time sink. batch: batch-runner.list all: batch # end batch-runner.js ######################################################################## # speedtest1.js... # speedtest1-common.eflags = emcc flags used by multiple builds of speedtest1 # speedtest1.eflags = emcc flags used by main build of speedtest1 speedtest1-common.eflags := $(emcc_opt_full) speedtest1.eflags := speedtest1.eflags += -sENVIRONMENT=web speedtest1-common.eflags += -sINVOKE_RUN=0 speedtest1-common.eflags += --no-entry #speedtest1-common.eflags += -flto speedtest1-common.eflags += -sABORTING_MALLOC speedtest1-common.eflags += -sINITIAL_MEMORY=128450560 speedtest1-common.eflags += -sSTRICT_JS speedtest1-common.eflags += -sMODULARIZE speedtest1-common.eflags += -Wno-limited-postlink-optimizations speedtest1-common.eflags += -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@$(dir.wasm)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.speedtest1 speedtest1-common.eflags += $(emcc.exportedRuntimeMethods) speedtest1-common.eflags += -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH speedtest1-common.eflags += -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 speedtest1-common.eflags += --minify 0 speedtest1-common.eflags += -sEXPORT_NAME=$(sqlite3.js.init-func) speedtest1-common.eflags += -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc_enable_bigint) speedtest1-common.eflags += $(pre-post-common.flags) speedtest1.exit-runtime0 := -sEXIT_RUNTIME=0 speedtest1.exit-runtime1 := -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 # Re -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 vs 0: if it's 1 and speedtest1 crashes, we get # this error from emscripten: # # > native function `free` called after runtime exit (use # NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)) # # If it's 0 and it crashes, we get: # # > stdio streams had content in them that was not flushed. you should # set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 (see the FAQ), or make sure to emit a newline # when you printf etc. # # and pending output is not flushed because it didn't end with a # newline (by design). The lesser of the two evils seems to be # -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 but we need EXIT_RUNTIME=0 for the worker-based app # which runs speedtest1 multiple times. EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.speedtest1: EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api { echo _wasm_main; cat EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api; } > $@ CLEAN_FILES += EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.speedtest1 speedtest1.js := speedtest1.js speedtest1.wasm := $(subst .js,.wasm,$(speedtest1.js)) speedtest1.cflags := \ -I. -I.. -I$(dir.top) \ -DSQLITE_SPEEDTEST1_WASM speedtest1.cs := $(speedtest1.c) $(sqlite3-wasm.c) $(speedtest1.js): emcc.cflags+= # speedtest1 notes re. sqlite3-wasm.o vs sqlite3-wasm.c: building against # the latter (predictably) results in a slightly faster binary, but we're # close enough to the target speed requirements that the 500ms makes a # difference. $(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,speedtest1)) $(speedtest1.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(speedtest1.cs) \ $(pre-post-speedtest1.deps) \ EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.speedtest1 @echo "Building $@ ..." $(emcc.bin) \ $(speedtest1.eflags) $(speedtest1-common.eflags) $(speedtest1.cflags) \ $(pre-post-speedtest1.flags) \ $(SQLITE_OPT) \ $(speedtest1.exit-runtime0) \ -o $@ $(speedtest1.cs) -lm $(maybe-wasm-strip) $(speedtest1.wasm) ls -la $@ $(speedtest1.wasm) speedtest1: $(speedtest1.js) all: speedtest1 CLEAN_FILES += $(speedtest1.js) $(speedtest1.wasm) # end speedtest1.js ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # fiddle_remote is the remote destination for the fiddle app. It # must be a [user@]HOST:/path for rsync. # Note that the target "should probably" contain a symlink of # index.html -> fiddle.html. fiddle_remote ?= ifeq (,$(fiddle_remote)) ifneq (,$(wildcard /home/stephan)) fiddle_remote = wh:www/wh/sqlite3/. else ifneq (,$(wildcard /home/drh)) #fiddle_remote = if appropriate, add that user@host:/path here endif endif $(fiddle_files): default push-fiddle: $(fiddle_files) @if [ x = "x$(fiddle_remote)" ]; then \ echo "fiddle_remote must be a [user@]HOST:/path for rsync"; \ exit 1; \ fi rsync -va fiddle/ $(fiddle_remote) # end fiddle remote push ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Convenience rules to rebuild with various -Ox levels. Much # experimentation shows -O2 to be the clear winner in terms of speed. # Note that build times with anything higher than -O0 are somewhat # painful. .PHONY: o0 o1 o2 o3 os oz o-xtra := -g3 # ^^^ -g3 is important to keep higher -O levels from mangling (via # minification), or outright removing, otherwise working code. o-xtra += -flto # ^^^^ -flto can have a considerably performance boost at -O0 but # doubles the build time and seems to have negligible effect on # higher optimization levels. o0: clean $(MAKE) -e "emcc_opt=-O0 $(o-xtra)" o1: clean $(MAKE) -e "emcc_opt=-O1 $(o-xtra)" o2: clean $(MAKE) -e "emcc_opt=-O2 $(o-xtra)" o3: clean $(MAKE) -e "emcc_opt=-O3 $(o-xtra)" os: clean @echo "WARNING: -Os can result in a build with mysteriously missing pieces!" $(MAKE) -e "emcc_opt=-Os $(o-xtra)" oz: clean $(MAKE) -e "emcc_opt=-Oz $(o-xtra)" ######################################################################## # Sub-makes... include fiddle.make ######################################################################## # Some platforms do not support the WASMFS build. Raspberry Pi OS is one # of them. As such platforms are discovered, add their (uname -m) name # to PLATFORMS_WITH_NO_WASMFS to exclude the wasmfs build parts. PLATFORMS_WITH_NO_WASMFS := aarch64 # add any others here THIS_ARCH := $(shell /usr/bin/uname -m) ifneq (,$(filter $(THIS_ARCH),$(PLATFORMS_WITH_NO_WASMFS))) $(info This platform does not support the WASMFS build.) else include wasmfs.make endif ######################################################################## # Create deliverables: TODO #ifneq (,$(filter dist,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) #include dist.make #endif ######################################################################## # Push files to public wasm-testing.sqlite.org server wasm-testing.include = *.wasm *.js *.html \ batch-runner.list sql common fiddle jaccwabyt wasm-testing.exclude = sql/speedtest1.sql wasm-testing.dir = /jail/sites/wasm-testing wasm-testing.dest ?= wasm-testing:$(wasm-testing.dir) # ---------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^ ssh alias push: rsync -z -e ssh --ignore-times --chown=stephan:www-data --group -r \ $(patsubst %,--exclude=%,$(wasm-testing.exclude)) \ $(wasm-testing.include) $(wasm-testing.dest) ssh wasm-testing 'cd $(wasm-testing.dir) && bash .gzip' || \ echo "SSH failed: it's likely that stale content will be served via old gzip files."