# 2010 August 4
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# The focus of this file is testing the CLI shell tool.
# These tests are specific to the .import command.
# $Id: shell5.test,v 1.7 2009/07/17 16:54:48 shaneh Exp $

# Test plan:
#   shell5-1.*: Basic tests specific to the ".import" command.
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set CLI [test_find_cli]
db close
forcedelete test.db test.db-journal test.db-wal

# Test cases shell5-1.*: Basic handling of the .import and .separator commands.

# .import FILE TABLE     Import data from FILE into TABLE
do_test shell5-1.1.1 {
  catchcmd "test.db" ".import"
} {/1 .ERROR: missing FILE argument.*/}
do_test shell5-1.1.2 {
  catchcmd "test.db" ".import FOO"
} {/1 .ERROR: missing TABLE argument.*/}
do_test shell5-1.1.3 {
  # too many arguments
  catchcmd "test.db" ".import FOO BAR BAD"
} {/1 .ERROR: extra argument.*/}

# .separator STRING      Change separator used by output mode and .import
do_test shell5-1.2.1 {
  catchcmd "test.db" ".separator"
} {1 {Usage: .separator COL ?ROW?}}
do_test shell5-1.2.2 {
  catchcmd "test.db" ".separator ONE"
} {0 {}}
do_test shell5-1.2.3 {
  catchcmd "test.db" ".separator ONE TWO"
} {0 {}}
do_test shell5-1.2.4 {
  # too many arguments
  catchcmd "test.db" ".separator ONE TWO THREE"
} {1 {Usage: .separator COL ?ROW?}}

# column separator should default to "|"
do_test shell5- {
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" ".show"]
  list [regexp {colseparator: \"\|\"} $res]
} {1}

# row separator should default to "\n"
do_test shell5- {
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" ".show"]
  list [regexp {rowseparator: \"\\n\"} $res]
} {1}

# set separator to different value.
# check that .show reports new value
do_test shell5-1.3.2 {
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {.separator ,
  list [regexp {separator: \",\"} $res]
} {1}

# import file doesn't exist
do_test shell5-1.4.1 {
  forcedelete FOO
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
.import FOO t1}]
} {1 {Error: cannot open "FOO"}}

# empty import file
do_test shell5-1.4.2 {
  forcedelete shell5.csv
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd ":memory:" {ATTACH 'test.db' AS test;
.import -schema test shell5.csv t1
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.t1;}]
} {0 0}

# import file with 1 row, 1 column (expecting 2 cols)
do_test shell5-1.4.3 {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "1"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd ":memory:" {ATTACH 'test.db' AS test;
.import -schema test shell5.csv t1}]
} {1 {shell5.csv:1: expected 2 columns but found 1 - filling the rest with NULL}}

# import file with 1 row, 3 columns (expecting 2 cols)
do_test shell5-1.4.4 {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "1|2|3"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd ":memory:" {ATTACH 'test.db' AS test;
.import --schema test shell5.csv t1}]
} {1 {shell5.csv:1: expected 2 columns but found 3 - extras ignored}}

# import file with 1 row, 2 columns
do_test shell5-1.4.5 {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "1|2"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {DELETE FROM t1;
.import shell5.csv t1
} {0 1}

# import file with 2 rows, 2 columns
# note we end up with 3 rows because of the 1 row 
# imported above.
do_test shell5-1.4.6 {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "2|3"
  puts $in "3|4"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd ":memory:" {ATTACH 'test.db' AS test;
.import -schema test shell5.csv t1
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.t1;}]
} {0 3}

# import file with 1 row, 2 columns, using a comma
do_test shell5-1.4.7 {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "4,5"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd ":memory:" {ATTACH 'test.db' AS test;
.separator ,
.import --schema test shell5.csv t1
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.t1;}]
} {0 4}

# import file with 1 row, 2 columns, text data
do_test shell5- {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "5|Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {.import shell5.csv t1
} {0 5}

do_test shell5- {
  catchcmd "test.db" {SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE a='5';}
} {0 {Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.}}

# import file with 1 row, 2 columns, quoted text data
# note that currently sqlite doesn't support quoted fields, and
# imports the entire field, quotes and all.
do_test shell5- {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "6|'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.'"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {.import shell5.csv t1
} {0 6}

do_test shell5- {
  catchcmd "test.db" {SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE a='6';}
} {0 {'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.'}}

# import file with 1 row, 2 columns, quoted text data
do_test shell5- {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "7|\"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.\""
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {.import shell5.csv t1
} {0 7}

do_test shell5- {
  catchcmd "test.db" {SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE a='7';}
} {0 {Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.}}

# import file with 2 rows, 2 columns and an initial BOM
do_test shell5-1.4.11 {
  set in [open shell5.csv wb]
  puts -nonewline $in "\xef\xbb\xbf"
  puts $in "2|3"
  puts $in "4|5"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {CREATE TABLE t2(x INT, y INT);
.import shell5.csv t2
.mode quote
.header on
 string map {\n | \n\r |} $res
} {0 {'x','y'|2,3|4,5}}

# import file with 2 rows, 2 columns or text with an initial BOM
do_test shell5-1.4.12 {
  set in [open shell5.csv wb]
  puts $in "\xef\xbb\xbf\"two\"|3"
  puts $in "4|5"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {DELETE FROM t2;
.import shell5.csv t2
.mode quote
.header on
 string map {\n | \n\r |} $res
} {0 {'x','y'|'two',3|4,5}}

# check importing very long field
do_test shell5-1.5.1 {
  set str [string repeat X 999]
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in "8|$str"
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {.import shell5.csv t1
SELECT length(b) FROM t1 WHERE a='8';}]
} {0 999}

# try importing into a table with a large number of columns.
# This is limited by SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER, which defaults to 999.
set cols 999
do_test shell5-1.6.1 {
  set data {}
  for {set i 1} {$i<$cols} {incr i} {
    append data "c$i|"
  append data "c$cols\n";
  for {set i 1} {$i<$cols} {incr i} {
    append data "$i|"
  append data "$cols"
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in $data
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2;
.import shell5.csv t2
} {0 1}

# try importing a large number of rows
set rows 9999
do_test shell5-1.7.1 {
  set in [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $in a
  for {set i 1} {$i<=$rows} {incr i} {
    puts $in $i
  close $in
  set res [catchcmd "test.db" {.mode csv
.import shell5.csv t3
} [list 0 $rows]

# Inport from a pipe.  (Unix only, as it requires "awk")
if {$tcl_platform(platform)=="unix"} {
  do_test shell5-1.8 {
    forcedelete test.db
    catchcmd test.db {.mode csv
.import "|awk 'END{print \"x,y\";for(i=1;i<=5;i++){print i \",this is \" i}}'" t1
  } {0 {1,"this is 1"
2,"this is 2"
3,"this is 3"
4,"this is 4"
5,"this is 5"}}

# Import columns containing quoted strings
do_test shell5-1.9 {
  set out [open shell5.csv w]
  fconfigure $out -translation lf
  puts $out {1,"",11}
  puts $out {2,"x",22}
  puts $out {3,"""",33}
  puts $out {4,"hello",44}
  puts $out "5,55,\"\"\r"
  puts $out {6,66,"x"}
  puts $out {7,77,""""}
  puts $out {8,88,"hello"}
  puts $out {"",9,99}
  puts $out {"x",10,110}
  puts $out {"""",11,121}
  puts $out {"hello",12,132}
  close $out
  forcedelete test.db
  catchcmd test.db {.mode csv
    CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
.import shell5.csv t1
  sqlite3 db test.db
  db eval {SELECT *, '|' FROM t1 ORDER BY rowid}
} {1 {} 11 | 2 x 22 | 3 {"} 33 | 4 hello 44 | 5 55 {} | 6 66 x | 7 77 {"} | 8 88 hello | {} 9 99 | x 10 110 | {"} 11 121 | hello 12 132 |}
db close

# Import columns containing quoted strings
do_test shell5-1.10 {
  set out [open shell5.csv w]
  fconfigure $out -translation lf
  puts $out {column1,column2,column3,column4}
  puts $out "field1,field2,\"x3 \"\"\r\ndata\"\" 3\",field4"
  puts $out "x1,x2,\"x3 \"\"\ndata\"\" 3\",x4"
  close $out
  forcedelete test.db
  catchcmd test.db {.mode csv
    CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c,d);
.import shell5.csv t1
  sqlite3 db test.db
  db eval {SELECT hex(c) FROM t1 ORDER BY rowid}
} {636F6C756D6E33 783320220D0A64617461222033 783320220A64617461222033}

# Blank last column with \r\n line endings.
do_test shell5-1.11 {
  set out [open shell5.csv w]
  fconfigure $out -translation binary
  puts $out "column1,column2,column3\r"
  puts $out "a,b, \r"
  puts $out "x,y,\r"
  puts $out "p,q,r\r"
  close $out
  catch {db close}
  forcedelete test.db
  catchcmd test.db {.mode csv
.import shell5.csv t1
  sqlite3 db test.db
  db eval {SELECT *, '|' FROM t1}
} {a b { } | x y {} | p q r |}
db close

sqlite3 db test.db
do_test shell5-2.1 {
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd ",hello"
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
.import shell5.csv t1
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t1 }
} {{} hello}

do_test shell5-2.2 {
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd {"",hello}
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t2(a, b);
.import shell5.csv t2
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t2 }
} {{} hello}

do_test shell5-2.3 {
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd {"x""y",hello}
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t3(a, b);
.import shell5.csv t3
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t3 }
} {x\"y hello}

do_test shell5-2.4 {
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd {"xy""",hello}
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t4(a, b);
.import shell5.csv t4
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t4 }
} {xy\" hello}

do_test shell5-2.5 {
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd {"one","2"}
  puts $fd {}
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t4(a, b);
.import shell5.csv t4
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t4 }
} {xy\" hello one 2 {} {}}

# Tests for the shell "ascii" import/export mode.
do_test shell5-3.1 {
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary
  puts -nonewline $fd "\"test 1\"\x1F,test 2\r\n\x1E"
  puts -nonewline $fd "test 3\x1Ftest 4\n"
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db {
.mode ascii
CREATE TABLE t5(a, b);
.import shell5.csv t5
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t5 }
} "\{\"test 1\"} \{,test 2\r\n\} \{test 3\} \{test 4\n\}"

do_test shell5-3.2 {
  set x [catchcmd test.db {
.mode ascii
  # Handle platform end-of-line differences
  regsub -all {[\n\r]?\n} $x <EOL> x
  set x
} "0 \{\"test 1\"\x1F,test 2<EOL>\x1Etest 3\x1Ftest 4<EOL>\x1E\}"

do_test shell5-4.1 {
  forcedelete shell5.csv
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd "1,2,3"
  puts $fd "4,5"
  puts $fd "6,7,8"
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t6(a, b, c);
.import shell5.csv t6
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t6 ORDER BY a }
} {1 2 3 4 5 {} 6 7 8}

do_test shell5-4.2 {
  forcedelete shell5.csv
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd "1,2,3"
  puts $fd "4,5"
  puts $fd "6,7,8,9"
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t7(a, b, c);
.import shell5.csv t7
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t7 ORDER BY a }
} {1 2 3 4 5 {} 6 7 8}

do_test shell5-4.3 {
  forcedelete shell5.csv
  set fd [open shell5.csv w]
  puts $fd ",,"
  puts $fd "1,2,3"
  close $fd
  catchcmd test.db [string trim {
.mode csv
CREATE TABLE t8(a, b, c);
.import -skip 1 shell5.csv t8
.nullvalue #
  db eval { SELECT * FROM t8 }
} {1 2 3}
