# # Run this TCL script to generate HTML for the download.html file. # set rcsid {$Id: download.tcl,v 1.22 2005/09/17 19:28:46 drh Exp $} source common.tcl header {SQLite Download Page} puts {

SQLite Download Page

} proc Product {pattern desc} { regsub VERSION $pattern {([0-9][0-9a-z._]+)} p2 set p2 [string map {* .*} $p2] regsub VERSION $pattern {*} p3 set flist [glob -nocomplain $p3] foreach file [lsort -dict $flist] { if {![regexp ^$p2\$ $file all version]} continue regsub -all _ $version . version set size [file size $file] set units bytes if {$size>1024*1024} { set size [format %.2f [expr {$size/(1024.0*1024.0)}]] set units MiB } elseif {$size>1024} { set size [format %.2f [expr {$size/(1024.0)}]] set units KiB } puts "" puts "" puts "" regsub -all VERSION $desc $version d2 puts "" } } cd doc proc Heading {title} { puts "" } Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Linux} Product sqlite3-VERSION.bin.gz { A command-line program for accessing and modifing SQLite databases. See the documentation for additional information. } Product sqlite-VERSION.bin.gz { A command-line program for accessing and modifing SQLite databases. See the documentation for additional information. } Product tclsqlite-VERSION.so.gz { Bindings for TCL. You can import this shared library into either tclsh or wish to get SQLite database access from Tcl/Tk. See the documentation for details. } Product sqlite-VERSION.so.gz { A precompiled shared-library for Linux. This is the same as tclsqlite.so.gz but without the TCL bindings. } Product sqlite-devel-VERSION-1.i386.rpm { RPM containing documentation, header files, and static library for SQLite version VERSION. } Product sqlite-VERSION-1.i386.rpm { RPM containing shared libraries and the sqlite command-line program for SQLite version VERSION. } Product sqlite*_analyzer-VERSION.bin.gz { An analysis program for database files compatible with SQLite version VERSION. } Heading {Precompiled Binaries For Windows} Product sqlite-VERSION.zip { A command-line program for accessing and modifing SQLite databases. See the documentation for additional information. } Product tclsqlite-VERSION.zip { Bindings for TCL. You can import this shared library into either tclsh or wish to get SQLite database access from Tcl/Tk. See the documentation for details. } Product sqlitedll-VERSION.zip { This is a DLL of the SQLite library without the TCL bindings. The only external dependency is MSVCRT.DLL. } Product sqlite*_analyzer-VERSION.zip { An analysis program for database files compatible with SQLite version VERSION. } Heading {Source Code} Product {sqlite-VERSION.tar.gz} { A tarball of the complete source tree for SQLite version VERSION including all of the documentation. } Product {sqlite-source-VERSION.zip} { This ZIP archive contains pure C source code for the SQLite library. Unlike the tarballs below, all of the preprocessing and automatic code generation has already been done on these C source code, so they can be processed directly with any ordinary C compiler. This file is provided as a service to MS-Windows users who lack the build support infrastructure of Unix. } Product {sqlite-VERSION-tea.tar.gz} { A tarball of proprocessed source code together with a Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) compatible configure script and makefile. } Product {sqlite-VERSION.src.rpm} { An RPM containing complete source code for SQLite version VERSION } Heading {Cross-Platform Binaries} Product {sqlite-VERSION.kit} { A starkit containing precompiled SQLite binaries and Tcl bindings for Linux-x86, Windows, and Mac OS-X. } puts {
" puts "$file
($size $units)
[string trim $d2]

Direct Access To The Sources Via Anonymous CVS

All SQLite source code is maintained in a CVS repository that is available for read-only access by anyone. You can interactively view the repository contents and download individual files by visiting http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/dir?d=sqlite. To access the repository directly, use the following commands:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@www.sqlite.org:/sqlite login
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@www.sqlite.org:/sqlite checkout sqlite

When the first command prompts you for a password, enter "anonymous".

To access the SQLite version 2.8 sources, begin by getting the 3.0 tree as described above. Then update to the "version_2" branch as follows:

cvs update -r version_2
} footer $rcsid