but -> does not. This allows ->> to behave the same as PG and MySQL.
FossilOrigin-Name: 85f8170555ee0d4d28cb7e120a7062e9f64c331a936fdfa29fc0e67224eea7c6
returns NULL instead of raising an error if the first argument is not
well-formed JSON. Or if the first argument is not well-formed JSON and
the second argument is '$', then return the first argument quoted. The
"->" and "->>" operators are converted to use json_nextract().
FossilOrigin-Name: dc00f5286d26524b149de071490320afaa203fec5777b3eb813f07963614861a
except that it returns NULL if the argument is not well-formed JSON, rather
than raising an error.
FossilOrigin-Name: ed9956f5ddca68141eded81d5362847db603257329801622c4eb3b0732112f14
2-argument SQL functions by the same name. Add new "->" and "->>" functions
to the JSON extension that are aliases for json_extract().
FossilOrigin-Name: c4e4e3a3fc5da0381ccb7930706e57d7831d87f9c63bafe49ae64117701e1cfe
such a file exists on disk. See
[forum/forumpost/ec2a102440|forum post ec2a102440] for a description. I so
far have been unable to find any harm to come of the problem, other than the
assertion fault when in DEBUG mode.
FossilOrigin-Name: fdf9ed665b2fb07d26f3852bfd2170f2fb56851edd2851d47672116a8ea58463
whenever the schema changes. Fix for the problem identified by
[forum:/forumpost/2831335356|forum post 2831335356].
FossilOrigin-Name: 5232c9777fe4fb13e1ecfe5b5d644e2c45d0514f95884dbed49a03fb9b67304c
the assertion fault reported by
[forum:/forumpost/9d78389221|forum post 9d78389221].
FossilOrigin-Name: 13e9ff9e84a114374b49986484dbee05953a496f3017dd5089fba6f495a17c40
[forum:/forumpost/b03d86f951|forum post b03d86f951]. See TH3 for test
FossilOrigin-Name: e199a851e316bd471bfc54204b8c250d3ae93b829261214158a2c74acad4093e
and which is not always true. Fix for PoC #1 of
[forum:/forumpost/b03d86f951|forum post b03d86f951].
FossilOrigin-Name: c76a4c0b3cb625017ba09c8bccfcf1b5826df6873f1d3705d3345716079d5ec9
case derived from [562805cf488a455c]. Also add a test case to that prior
FossilOrigin-Name: 0dd6b5fccd554ebe4c0b081601863acd7b6ea81b51e14b508b23244f2a570e7e
Results in a binary that is about 100 bytes smaller and 1.4M cycles faster.
FossilOrigin-Name: 6fb2a1bb0280d6e31291e3fd06bbcbbb28ef5fb27d3898e2327a50ac738ae1f3
section of that object that is persisted across calls to sqlite3NestedParse().
This fixes a memory leak
[forum:/info/24bd1fef7e9323ef|reported in forum post 24bd1fef7e9323ef].
FossilOrigin-Name: 562805cf488a455cdc57adcb110fef9b5416d813d5eaeabacd28bccb76d7f39d
of a virtual table, omit constant trims from the ORDER BY clause, as they
will always be in the correct order.
FossilOrigin-Name: 524c2b87d74c8cad6fb377aed7275788d61beafe61e675480de732519987102c
uniqueness constraint, and it participates in an upsert on that other
constraint, ensure that code that checks for conflicts on the INTEGER PRIMARY
KEY is well-formed. Fix for the problem reported by
[forum:/forumpost/06b16b8b29f8c8c3|forum post 06b16b8b29f8c8c3].
FossilOrigin-Name: 2f09b51b1ff37bf98f958564cc1224968caa7e33147e6666b5c1ba20b2a7813b