Move SAH pool configuration options from the library-level config to a config passed to the VFS install routine. Extend and document the PoolUtil object.
FossilOrigin-Name: d2ed99556fa1f40994c1c6bd90d1d5733bebc824b1ebfabe978fae9e18948437
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,21 +91,6 @@
- `wasmfsOpfsDir`[^1]: Specifies the "mount point" of the OPFS-backed
filesystem in WASMFS-capable builds.
- `opfs-sahpool.dir`[^1]: Specifies the OPFS directory name in
which to store metadata for the `"opfs-sahpool"` sqlite3_vfs.
Changing this name will effectively orphan any databases stored
under previous names. The default is unspecified but descriptive.
This option may contain multiple path elements,
e.g. "foo/bar/baz", and they are created automatically. In
practice there should be no driving need to change this.
- `opfs-sahpool.defaultCapacity`[^1]: Specifies the default
capacity of the `"opfs-sahpool"` VFS. This should not be set
unduly high because the VFS has to open (and keep open) a file
for each entry in the pool. This setting only has an effect when
the pool is initially empty. It does not have any effect if a
pool already exists.
[^1] = This property may optionally be a function, in which case
this function calls that function to fetch the value,
@ -158,8 +143,7 @@ globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap = function sqlite3ApiBootstrap(
// If any of these config options are functions, replace them with
// the result of calling that function...
'exports', 'memory', 'wasmfsOpfsDir',
'opfs-sahpool.dir', 'opfs-sahpool.defaultCapacity'
'exports', 'memory', 'wasmfsOpfsDir'
if('function' === typeof config[k]){
config[k] = config[k]();
@ -55,11 +55,16 @@
const toss = sqlite3.util.toss;
let vfsRegisterResult = undefined;
/** The PoolUtil object will be the result of the
resolved Promise. */
const PoolUtil = Object.create(null);
let isPromiseReady;
installOpfsSAHPoolVfs() asynchronously initializes the OPFS
SyncAccessHandle Pool VFS. It returns a Promise which either
resolves to a utility object described below or rejects with an
Error value.
SyncAccessHandle (a.k.a. SAH) Pool VFS. It returns a Promise which
either resolves to a utility object described below or rejects with
an Error value.
Initialization of this VFS is not automatic because its
registration requires that it lock all resources it
@ -72,18 +77,113 @@ let vfsRegisterResult = undefined;
due to OPFS locking errors.
On calls after the first this function immediately returns a
resolved or rejected Promise. If called while the first call is
still pending resolution, a rejected promise with a descriptive
error is returned.
pending, resolved, or rejected Promise, depending on the state
of the first call's Promise.
On success, the resulting Promise resolves to a utility object
which can be used to query and manipulate the pool. Its API is...
which can be used to query and manipulate the pool. Its API is
described at the end of these docs.
This function accepts an options object to configure certain
parts but it is only acknowledged for the very first call and
ignored for all subsequent calls.
The options, in alphabetical order:
- `clearOnInit`: if truthy, as each SAH is acquired during
initalization of the VFS, its contents and filename name mapping
are removed, leaving the VFS's storage in a pristine state.
- `defaultCapacity`: Specifies the default capacity of the
VFS. This should not be set unduly high because the VFS has to
open (and keep open) a file for each entry in the pool. This
setting only has an effect when the pool is initially empty. It
does not have any effect if a pool already exists.
- `directory`: Specifies the OPFS directory name in which to store
metadata for the `"opfs-sahpool"` sqlite3_vfs. Only 1 instance
of this VFS can be installed per JavaScript engine, and any two
engines with the same storage directory name will collide with
each other, leading to locking errors and the inability to
register the VFS in the second and subsequent engine. Using a
different directory name for each application enables different
engines in the same HTTP origin to co-exist, but their data are
invisible to each other. Changing this name will effectively
orphan any databases stored under previous names. The default is
unspecified but descriptive. This option may contain multiple
path elements, e.g. "foo/bar/baz", and they are created
automatically. In practice there should be no driving need to
change this.
API for the utility object passed on by this function's Promise, in
alphabetical order...
- [async] addCapacity(n)
Adds `n` entries to the current pool. This change is persistent
across sessions so should not be called automatically at each app
startup (but see `reserveMinimumCapacity()`). Its returned Promise
resolves to the new capacity. Because this operation is necessarily
asynchronous, the C-level VFS API cannot call this on its own as
- byteArray exportFile(name)
Synchronously reads the contents of the given file into a Uint8Array
and returns it. This will throw if the given name is not currently
in active use or on I/O error.
- number getCapacity()
Returns the number of files currently contained
in the SAH pool. The default capacity is only large enough for one
or two databases and their associated temp files.
- number getActiveFileCount()
Returns the number of files from the pool currently in use.
- importDb(name, byteArray)
Imports the contents of an SQLite database, provided as a byte
array, under the given name, overwriting any existing
content. Throws if the pool has no available file slots, on I/O
error, or if the input does not appear to be a database. In the
latter case, only a cursory examination is made. Note that this
routine is _only_ for importing database files, not arbitrary files,
the reason being that this VFS will automatically clean up any
non-database files so importing them is pointless.
- [async] number reduceCapacity(n)
Removes up to `n` entries from the pool, with the caveat that it can
only remove currently-unused entries. It returns a Promise which
resolves to the number of entries actually removed.
- [async] number reserveMinimumCapacity(min)
If the current capacity is less than `min`, the capacity is
increased to `min`, else this returns with no side effects. The
resulting Promise resolves to the new capacity.
- boolean unlink(filename)
If a virtual file exists with the given name, disassociates it from
the pool and returns true, else returns false without side
effects. Results are undefined if the file is currently in active
- [async] wipeFiles()
Clears all client-defined state of all SAHs and makes all of them
available for re-use by the pool. Results are undefined if any such
handles are currently in use, e.g. by an sqlite3 db.
sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
if(sqlite3===vfsRegisterResult) return Promise.resolve(sqlite3);
sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(options=Object.create(null)){
if(PoolUtil===vfsRegisterResult) return Promise.resolve(PoolUtil);
else if(isPromiseReady) return isPromiseReady;
else if(undefined!==vfsRegisterResult){
return Promise.reject(vfsRegisterResult);
@ -94,7 +194,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
return Promise.reject(vfsRegisterResult = new Error("Missing required OPFS APIs."));
vfsRegisterResult = new Error("VFS initialization still underway.");
vfsRegisterResult = new Error("opfs-sahpool initialization still underway.");
const verbosity = 2 /*3+ == everything*/;
const loggers = [
@ -118,9 +218,6 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
vfsRegisterResult = err;
return Promise.reject(err);
/** The PoolUtil object will be the result of the
resolved Promise. */
const PoolUtil = Object.create(null);
const promiseResolve =
()=>Promise.resolve(vfsRegisterResult = PoolUtil);
// Config opts for the VFS...
@ -133,7 +230,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
sqlite3.config['opfs-sahpool.defaultCapacity'] || 6;
options.defaultCapacity || 6;
/* Bitmask of file types which may persist across sessions.
SQLITE_OPEN_xyz types not listed here may be inadvertently
left in OPFS but are treated as transient by this VFS and
@ -171,14 +268,13 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
const SAHPool = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
/* OPFS dir in which VFS metadata is stored. */
vfsDir: sqlite3.config['opfs-sahpool.dir']
|| ".sqlite3-opfs-sahpool",
vfsDir: || ".sqlite3-opfs-sahpool",
/* Directory handle to this.vfsDir. */
dirHandle: undefined,
/* Maps SAHs to their opaque file names. */
mapSAHToName: new Map(),
/* Maps client-side file names to SAHs. */
mapPathToSAH: new Map(),
mapFilenameToSAH: new Map(),
/* Set of currently-unused SAHs. */
availableSAH: new Set(),
/* Maps (sqlite3_file*) to xOpen's file objects. */
@ -186,7 +282,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
/* Current pool capacity. */
getCapacity: function(){return this.mapSAHToName.size},
/* Current number of in-use files from pool. */
getFileCount: function(){return this.mapPathToSAH.size},
getFileCount: function(){return this.mapFilenameToSAH.size},
Adds n files to the pool's capacity. This change is
persistent across settings. Returns a Promise which resolves
@ -229,7 +325,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
releaseAccessHandles: function(){
for(const ah of this.mapSAHToName.keys()) ah.close();
@ -238,8 +334,13 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
but completes once all SAHs are acquired. If acquiring an SAH
throws, SAHPool.$error will contain the corresponding
If clearFiles is true, the client-stored state of each file is
cleared when its handle is acquired, including its name, flags,
and any data stored after the metadata block.
acquireAccessHandles: async function(){
acquireAccessHandles: async function(clearFiles){
const files = [];
for await (const [name,h] of this.dirHandle){
@ -250,11 +351,16 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
const ah = await h.createSyncAccessHandle()
this.mapSAHToName.set(ah, name);
const path = this.getAssociatedPath(ah);
this.mapPathToSAH.set(path, ah);
this.setAssociatedPath(ah, '', 0);
const path = this.getAssociatedPath(ah);
this.mapFilenameToSAH.set(path, ah);
@ -327,12 +433,12 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
this.mapPathToSAH.set(path, sah);
this.mapFilenameToSAH.set(path, sah);
// This is not a persistent file, so eliminate the contents.
@ -352,9 +458,12 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
Re-initializes the state of the SAH pool,
releasing and re-acquiring all handles.
See acquireAccessHandles() for the specifics of the clearFiles
reset: async function(){
await this.isReady;
reset: async function(clearFiles){
await isPromiseReady;
let h = await;
for(const d of this.vfsDir.split('/')){
@ -363,7 +472,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
this.dirHandle = h;
await this.acquireAccessHandles();
await this.acquireAccessHandles(clearFiles);
Returns the pathname part of the given argument,
@ -381,14 +490,17 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
Removes the association of the given client-specified file
name (JS string) from the pool.
name (JS string) from the pool. Returns true if a mapping
is found, else false.
deletePath: function(path) {
const sah = this.mapPathToSAH.get(path);
const sah = this.mapFilenameToSAH.get(path);
if(sah) {
// Un-associate the SQLite path from the OPFS file.
// Un-associate the name from the SAH.
this.setAssociatedPath(sah, '', 0);
return !!sah;
Sets e as this object's current error. Pass a falsy
@ -549,7 +661,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
const name = this.getPath(zName);
wasm.poke32(pOut, SAHPool.mapPathToSAH.has(name) ? 1 : 0);
wasm.poke32(pOut, SAHPool.mapFilenameToSAH.has(name) ? 1 : 0);
@ -606,7 +718,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
const path = (zName && wasm.peek8(zName))
? SAHPool.getPath(zName)
: getRandomName();
let sah = SAHPool.mapPathToSAH.get(path);
let sah = SAHPool.mapFilenameToSAH.get(path);
if(!sah && (flags & capi.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE)) {
// File not found so try to create it.
if(SAHPool.getFileCount() < SAHPool.getCapacity()) {
@ -701,7 +813,7 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
not currently in active use or on I/O error.
PoolUtil.exportFile = function(name){
const sah = SAHPool.mapPathToSAH.get(name) || toss("File not found:",name);
const sah = SAHPool.mapFilenameToSAH.get(name) || toss("File not found:",name);
const n = sah.getSize() - HEADER_OFFSET_DATA;
const b = new Uint8Array(n>=0 ? n : 0);
if(n>0), {at: HEADER_OFFSET_DATA});
@ -734,14 +846,33 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs = async function(){
toss("Input does not contain an SQLite database header.");
const sah = SAHPool.mapPathToSAH.get(name)
const sah = SAHPool.mapFilenameToSAH.get(name)
|| SAHPool.nextAvailableSAH()
|| toss("No available handles to import to.");
sah.write(bytes, {at: HEADER_OFFSET_DATA});
SAHPool.setAssociatedPath(sah, name, capi.SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB);
Clears all client-defined state of all SAHs and makes all of them
available for re-use by the pool. Results are undefined if any
such handles are currently in use, e.g. by an sqlite3 db.
PoolUtil.wipeFiles = async ()=>SAHPool.reset(true);
return SAHPool.isReady = SAHPool.reset().then(async ()=>{
If a virtual file exists with the given name, disassociates it
from the pool and returns true, else returns false without side
PoolUtil.unlink = (filename)=>SAHPool.deletePath(filename);
PoolUtil TODOs:
- function to wipe out all traces of the VFS from storage.
return isPromiseReady = SAHPool.reset(!!options.clearOnInit).then(async ()=>{
throw SAHPool.$error;
@ -61,7 +61,11 @@
&& !App.sqlite3.$SAHPoolUtil
&& cliFlagsArray.indexOf('opfs-sahpool')>=0){
log("Installing opfs-sahpool...");
await App.sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs().then(PoolUtil=>{
await App.sqlite3.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs({
directory: '.speedtest1-sahpool',
defaultCapacity: 3,
clearOnInit: true
log("opfs-sahpool successfully installed.");
App.sqlite3.$SAHPoolUtil = PoolUtil;
@ -122,9 +126,6 @@
//else log("Using transient storage.");
log("Registered VFSes:", ...S.capi.sqlite3_js_vfs_list());
if(0 && S.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs){
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C speedtest1.js:\sonly\sinstall\sopfs-sahpool\sif\sit's\sprovided\svia\s--vfs\sflag,\sto\savoid\slocking\serrors\sin\sconcurrent\sspeedtest1\stabs\swith\sother\sVFSes.\sAdd\sopfs-sahpool\sreserveMinimumCapacity().
D 2023-07-16T14:07:59.930
C Move\sSAH\spool\sconfiguration\soptions\sfrom\sthe\slibrary-level\sconfig\sto\sa\sconfig\spassed\sto\sthe\sVFS\sinstall\sroutine.\sExtend\sand\sdocument\sthe\sPoolUtil\sobject.
D 2023-07-16T16:52:09.106
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@ -1 +1 @@
Reference in New Issue
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