Significant surgery on the wasm build on the way to incorporating wasmfs as a first-class build option.
FossilOrigin-Name: 215c37fce38cf647e073480689b79d952af7eb8165ae08c7f5caed27003fecfc
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ endif
# bundle.
# A custom sqlite3.c must not have any spaces in its name.
# $(sqlite3.canonical.c) must point to the sqlite3.c in
# the sqlite3 canonical source tree, as that source file
# is required for certain utility and test code.
sqlite3.canonical.c := $(
sqlite3.c ?= $(firstword $(wildcard $( $(sqlite3.canonical.c))
sqlite3.h := $(
@ -611,26 +614,40 @@ $( $(post-jses.js) $(MAKEFILE)
# call-make-pre-post is a $(call)able which creates rules for
# pre-js-$(1).js. $1 = the base name of the JS file on whose behalf
# this pre-js is for (one of: sqlite3, sqlite3-wasmfs). $2 is the
# build mode: one of $(JS_BUILD_MODES). This
# sets up --[extern-][pre/post]-js flags in
# $(pre-post-$(1).flags.$(2)) and dependencies in
# $(pre-post-$(1).deps.$(2)).
# pre-js-$(1)-$(2).js. $1 = the base name of the JS file on whose
# behalf this pre-js is for (one of: sqlite3, sqlite3-wasmfs). $2 is
# the build mode: one of $(JS_BUILD_MODES). This sets up
# --[extern-][pre/post]-js flags in $(pre-post-$(1)-$(2).flags) and
# dependencies in $(pre-post-$(1)-$(2).deps). The resulting files get
# filtered using $(C-PP.FILTER). Any flags necessary for such
# filtering need to be set in $(c-pp.D.$(1)-$(2)) before $(call)ing
# this.
define call-make-pre-post
pre-post-$(1).flags.$(2) ?=
$$(dir.tmp)/pre-js-$(1)-$(2).js: $$(pre-js.js.$(2)) $$(MAKEFILE)
cp $$(pre-js.js.$(2)) $$@
pre-post-$(1)-$(2).flags ?=
pre-js.js.$(1)-$(2) := $$(dir.tmp)/pre-js.$(1)-$(2).intermediary.js
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER,$$(,$$(pre-js.js.$(1)-$(2)),$$(c-pp.D.$(1)-$(2))))
post-js.js.$(1)-$(2) := $$(dir.tmp)/post-js.$(1)-$(2).js
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER,$$(,$$(post-js.js.$(1)-$(2)),$$(c-pp.D.$(1)-$(2))))
extern-post-js.js.$(1)-$(2) := $$(dir.tmp)/extern-post-js.$(1)-$(2).js
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER,$$(,$$(extern-post-js.js.$(1)-$(2)),$$(c-pp.D.$(1)-$(2))))
pre-post-common.flags.$(1)-$(2) := \
$$(pre-post-common.flags) \
--post-js=$$(post-js.js.$(1)-$(2)) \
pre-post-jses.$(1)-$(2).deps := $$(pre-post-jses.deps.common) \
$$(post-js.js.$(1)-$(2)) $$(extern-post-js.js.$(1)-$(2))
$$(dir.tmp)/pre-js-$(1)-$(2).js: $$(pre-js.js.$(1)-$(2)) $$(MAKEFILE)
cp $$(pre-js.js.$(1)-$(2)) $$@
@if [ sqlite3-wasmfs = $(1) ]; then \
echo "delete Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm] /*for WASMFS build*/;"; \
elif [ sqlite3 != $(1) ]; then \
echo "Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm].uri = '$(1).wasm';"; \
fi >> $$@
pre-post-$(1).deps.$(2) := \
$$(pre-post-jses.deps.$(2)) \
pre-post-$(1)-$(2).deps := \
$$(pre-post-jses.$(1)-$(2).deps) \
pre-post-$(1).flags.$(2) += \
$$(pre-post-common.flags.$(2)) \
pre-post-$(1)-$(2).flags += \
$$(pre-post-common.flags.$(1)-$(2)) \
# /post-js and pre-js
@ -641,7 +658,8 @@ endef
sqlite3.wasm := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3.wasm
sqlite3-wasm.c := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-wasm.c
sqlite3-wasm.cses := $(sqlite3-wasm.c) $(sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.c)
sqlite3-wasm.cfiles := $(sqlite3-wasm.c) $(sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.c)
sqlite3-wasmfs.cfiles := $(sqlite3-wasm.cfiles)
# sqlite3-wasm.o vs sqlite3-wasm.c: building against the latter
# (predictably) results in a slightly faster binary. We're close
# enough to the target speed requirements that the 500ms makes a
@ -651,8 +669,8 @@ sqlite3-wasm.cses := $(sqlite3-wasm.c) $(sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.c)
# SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE, factored into a separate piece to avoid code
# duplication. $1 is 1 if the build mode needs this workaround (esm,
# bundler-friendly) and 0 if not (vanilla). $2 must be empty for all
# builds except sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs, in which case it must be 1.
# bundler-friendly, node) and 0 if not (vanilla). $2 must be empty for
# all builds except sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs, in which case it must be 1.
# Reminder for ESM builds: even if we use -sEXPORT_ES6=0, emcc _still_
# adds:
@ -668,7 +686,7 @@ sqlite3-wasm.cses := $(sqlite3-wasm.c) $(sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.c)
if [ x1 = x$(1) ]; then \
echo "Fragile workaround for an Emscripten annoyance. See SQLITE3.xJS.RECIPE."; \
echo "Fragile workaround for emscripten/issues/18237. See SQLITE3.xJS.RECIPE."; \
sed -i -e '0,/^export default/{/^export default/d;}' $@ || exit $$?; \
if [ x != x$(2) ]; then \
if ! grep -q '^export default' $@; then \
@ -694,53 +712,57 @@ pre-post-jses.deps.common := $(extern-pre-js.js) $(sqlite3-license-version.js)
# SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE is a $(call)'able which sets up numerous pieces
# for one of the build modes.
# $1 = build mode name: one of $(JS_BUILD_MODES)
# $2 = 1 for ESM build mode, else 0
# $3 = resulting sqlite-api JS/MJS file
# $4 = resulting JS/MJS file
# $5 = -D... flags for $(bin.c-pp)
# $6 = emcc -sXYZ flags (CURRENTLY UNUSED - was factored out)
# $1 = one of: sqlite3, sqlite3-wasmfs
# $2 = build mode name: one of $(JS_BUILD_MODES)
# $3 = 1 for ESM build mode, else 0
# $4 = resulting sqlite-api JS/MJS file
# $5 = resulting JS/MJS file
# $6 = -D... flags for $(bin.c-pp)
# $7 = emcc -sXYZ flags (CURRENTLY UNUSED - was factored out)
# emcc.environment.$(1) must be set to a value for the -sENVIRONMENT flag.
# Maintenance reminder: be careful not to introduce spaces around args
# ($1, $2), otherwise string concatenation will malfunction.
# emcc.environment.$(2) must be set to a value for the -sENVIRONMENT flag.
# $(cflags.$(1)) and $(cflags.$(1).$(2)) may be defined to append
# CFLAGS to a given build mode.
# $(emcc.flags.$(1)) and $(emcc.flags.$(1).$(2)) may be defined to
# append emcc-specific flags to a given build mode.
$(info Setting up build [$(1)]: $(4))
c-pp.D.$(1) := $(5)
pre-js.js.$(1) := $$(dir.tmp)/pre-js.$(1).js
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER,$$(,$$(pre-js.js.$(1)),$$(c-pp.D.$(1))))
post-js.js.$(1) := $$(dir.tmp)/post-js.$(1).js
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER,$$(,$$(post-js.js.$(1)),$$(c-pp.D.$(1))))
extern-post-js.js.$(1) := $$(dir.tmp)/extern-post-js.$(1).js
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER,$$(,$$(extern-post-js.js.$(1)),$$(c-pp.D.$(1))))
pre-post-common.flags.$(1) := \
$$(pre-post-common.flags) \
--post-js=$$(post-js.js.$(1)) \
pre-post-jses.deps.$(1) := $$(pre-post-jses.deps.common) \
$$(post-js.js.$(1)) $$(extern-post-js.js.$(1))
$$(eval $$(call call-make-pre-post,sqlite3,$(1)))
emcc.flags.sqlite3.$(1) := $(6)
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER, $$(, $(3), $(5)))
$(4): $(3) $$(MAKEFILE) $$(sqlite3-wasm.cses) $$(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api) $$(pre-post-sqlite3.deps.$(1))
$(info Setting up build [$(1)-$(2)]: $(5))
c-pp.D.$(1)-$(2) := $(6)
$$(eval $$(call call-make-pre-post,$(1),$(2)))
emcc.flags.$(1).$(2) ?=
emcc.flags.$(1).$(2) += $(7)
$$(eval $$(call C-PP.FILTER, $$(, $(4), $(6)))
$(5): $(4) $$(MAKEFILE) $$(sqlite3-wasm.cfiles) $$(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api) $$(pre-post-$(1)-$(2).deps)
@echo "Building $$@ ..."
$$(emcc.bin) -o $$@ $$(emcc_opt_full) $$(emcc.flags) \
$$(emcc.jsflags) \
-sENVIRONMENT=$$(emcc.environment.$(1)) \
$$(pre-post-sqlite3.flags.$(1)) $$(emcc.flags.sqlite3.$(1)) \
$$(cflags.common) $$(SQLITE_OPT) $$(cflags.wasm_extra_init) $$(sqlite3-wasm.cses)
@case $(1) in \
-sENVIRONMENT=$$(emcc.environment.$(2)) \
$$(pre-post-$(1)-$(2).flags) \
$$(emcc.flags.$(1)) $$(emcc.flags.$(1).$(2)) \
$$(cflags.common) $$(SQLITE_OPT) \
$$(cflags.$(1)) $$(cflags.$(1).$(2)) \
$$(cflags.wasm_extra_init) $$(sqlite3-wasm.cfiles)
@dotwasm=$$(basename $$@).wasm; \
chmod -x $$$$dotwasm; \
$(maybe-wasm-strip) $$$$dotwasm; \
case $(2) in \
bundler-friendly|node) \
echo "Patching $(3) for sqlite3.wasm..."; \
rm -f $$(dir.dout)/sqlite3-$(1).wasm; \
sed -i -e 's/sqlite3-$(1).wasm/sqlite3.wasm/g' $$@ || exit $$$$?; \
echo "Patching $$@ for $(1).wasm..."; \
rm -f $$$$dotwasm; \
dotwasm=; \
sed -i -e 's/$(1)-$(2).wasm/$(1).wasm/g' $$@ || exit $$$$?; \
;; \
chmod -x $$(sqlite3.wasm)
$$(maybe-wasm-strip) $$(sqlite3.wasm)
@ls -la $@ $$(sqlite3.wasm)
all: $(4)
quick: $(4)
CLEAN_FILES += $(3) $(4)
esac; \
ls -la $$$$dotwasm $$@
all: $(5)
quick: $(5)
CLEAN_FILES += $(4) $(5)
@ -752,21 +774,24 @@ sqlite3-api-bundler-friendly.mjs := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3-api-bundler-friendly.mjs
sqlite3-bundler-friendly.mjs := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3-bundler-friendly.mjs
sqlite3-api-node.mjs := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3-api-node.mjs
sqlite3-node.mjs := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3-node.mjs
# Maintenance reminder: careful not to introduce spaces around args $1, $2
#$(info $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,vanilla,0, $(sqlite3-api.js), $(sqlite3.js)))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,vanilla,0, $(sqlite3-api.js), $(sqlite3.js)))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,esm,1, $(sqlite3-api.mjs), $(sqlite3.mjs), \
#$(info $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,sqlite3,vanilla,0, $(sqlite3-api.js), $(sqlite3.js)))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,sqlite3,vanilla,0,\
$(sqlite3-api.js), $(sqlite3.js)))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,sqlite3,esm,1,\
$(sqlite3-api.mjs), $(sqlite3.mjs), \
-Dtarget=es6-module, -sEXPORT_ES6 -sUSE_ES6_IMPORT_META))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,bundler-friendly,1,\
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,sqlite3,bundler-friendly,1,\
$(c-pp.D.esm) -Dtarget=es6-bundler-friendly))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,node,1,\
$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-esm) -Dtarget=es6-bundler-friendly))
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,sqlite3,node,1,\
$(c-pp.D.bundler-friendly) -Dtarget=node))
$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-bundler-friendly) -Dtarget=node))
# The various -D... values used by *.c-pp.js include:
# -Dtarget=es6-module: for all ESM module builds
# -Dtarget=node: for node.js builds
# -Dtarget=es6-module -Dtarget=es6-bundler-friendly: intended for
# "bundler-friendly" ESM module build. These have some restrictions
# on how URL() objects are constructed in some contexts: URLs which
@ -848,7 +873,7 @@ all: batch
# emcc.speedtest1.common = emcc flags used by multiple builds of speedtest1
# emcc.speedtest1 = emcc flags used by main build of speedtest1
emcc.speedtest1.common := $(emcc_opt_full)
emcc.speedtest1 :=
emcc.speedtest1 := -I. -I$(dir $(sqlite3.canonical.c))
emcc.speedtest1 += -sENVIRONMENT=web
emcc.speedtest1 += -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH
emcc.speedtest1 += -sINITIAL_MEMORY=$(emcc.INITIAL_MEMORY.$(emcc.INITIAL_MEMORY))
@ -891,21 +916,22 @@ $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.speedtest1): $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api.main)
@{ echo _wasm_main; cat $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api.main); } > $@
speedtest1.js := $(dir.dout)/speedtest1.js
speedtest1.wasm := $(dir.dout)/speedtest1.wasm
cflags.speedtest1 := $(cflags.common) -DSQLITE_SPEEDTEST1_WASM
speedtest1.cses := $(speedtest1.c) $(sqlite3-wasm.c)
emcc.flags.speedtest1-vanilla := $(cflags.common) -DSQLITE_SPEEDTEST1_WASM
speedtest1.cfiles := $(speedtest1.c) $(sqlite3-wasm.c)
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-post,speedtest1,vanilla))
$(speedtest1.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(speedtest1.cses) \
$(pre-post-speedtest1.deps.vanilla) \
$(speedtest1.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(speedtest1.cfiles) \
$(pre-post-speedtest1-vanilla.deps) \
@echo "Building $@ ..."
$(emcc.bin) \
$(emcc.speedtest1) -I$(dir $(sqlite3.canonical.c)) \
$(emcc.speedtest1) \
$(emcc.speedtest1.common) \
$(cflags.speedtest1) $(pre-post-speedtest1.flags.vanilla) \
$(emcc.flags.speedtest1-vanilla) $(pre-post-speedtest1-vanilla.flags) \
-USQLITE_C -DSQLITE_C=$(sqlite3.canonical.c) \
$(speedtest1.exit-runtime0) \
-o $@ $(speedtest1.cses) -lm
-o $@ $(speedtest1.cfiles) -lm
$(maybe-wasm-strip) $(speedtest1.wasm)
ls -la $@ $(speedtest1.wasm)
@ -932,9 +958,9 @@ CLEAN_FILES += $(speedtest1.js) $(speedtest1.wasm)
# To create those, we filter tester1.c-pp.js with $(bin.c-pp)...
$(eval $(call C-PP.FILTER,tester1.c-pp.js,tester1.js))
$(eval $(call C-PP.FILTER,tester1.c-pp.js,tester1.mjs,$(c-pp.D.esm)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.FILTER,tester1.c-pp.js,tester1.mjs,$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-esm)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.FILTER,tester1.c-pp.html,tester1.html))
$(eval $(call C-PP.FILTER,tester1.c-pp.html,tester1-esm.html,$(c-pp.D.esm)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.FILTER,tester1.c-pp.html,tester1-esm.html,$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-esm)))
tester1: tester1.js tester1.mjs tester1.html tester1-esm.html
# Note that we do not include $(sqlite3-bundler-friendly.mjs) in this
# because bundlers are client-specific.
@ -1656,25 +1656,11 @@ globalThis.WhWasmUtilInstaller = function(target){
? opt.callProxy : undefined;
/** If true, the constructor emits a warning. The intent is that
this be set to true after bootstrapping of the higher-level
client library is complete, to warn downstream clients that
they shouldn't be relying on this implemenation detail which
does not have a stable interface. */
static warnOnUse = false;
/** If true, convertArg() will FuncPtrAdapter.debugOut() when it
(un)installs a function binding to/from WASM. Note that
deinstallation of bindScope=transient bindings happens
via scopedAllocPop() so will not be output. */
static debugFuncInstall = false;
/** Function used for debug output. */
static debugOut = console.debug.bind(console);
static bindScopes = [
'transient', 'context', 'singleton', 'permanent'
Note that static class members are defined outside of the class
to work around an emcc toolchain build problem: one of the
tools in emsdk v3.1.42 does not support the static keyword.
/* Dummy impl. Overwritten per-instance as needed. */
@ -1761,6 +1747,26 @@ globalThis.WhWasmUtilInstaller = function(target){
/** If true, the constructor emits a warning. The intent is that
this be set to true after bootstrapping of the higher-level
client library is complete, to warn downstream clients that
they shouldn't be relying on this implemenation detail which
does not have a stable interface. */
xArg.FuncPtrAdapter.warnOnUse = false;
/** If true, convertArg() will FuncPtrAdapter.debugOut() when it
(un)installs a function binding to/from WASM. Note that
deinstallation of bindScope=transient bindings happens
via scopedAllocPop() so will not be output. */
xArg.FuncPtrAdapter.debugFuncInstall = false;
/** Function used for debug output. */
xArg.FuncPtrAdapter.debugOut = console.debug.bind(console);
xArg.FuncPtrAdapter.bindScopes = [
'transient', 'context', 'singleton', 'permanent'
const __xArgAdapterCheck =
(t)=>xArg.get(t) || toss("Argument adapter not found:",t);
@ -3057,6 +3057,7 @@ globalThis.sqlite3InitModule = sqlite3InitModule;
error: ()=>{}
//#ifnot target=es6-module
if(!globalThis.sqlite3InitModule && !isUIThread()){
/* Vanilla worker, as opposed to an ES6 module worker */
@ -3080,6 +3081,7 @@ globalThis.sqlite3InitModule = sqlite3InitModule;
globalThis.sqlite3InitModule.__isUnderTest =
true /* disables certain API-internal cleanup so that we can
test internal APIs from here */;
@ -24,72 +24,42 @@ CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3-wasmfs.js) $(sqlite3-wasmfs.wasm) \
cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs :=
cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -std=c99 -fPIC
cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -pthread
cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs += $(cflags.speedtest1)
cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs += $(SQLITE_OPT) -DSQLITE_ENABLE_WASMFS
cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -DSQLITE_ENABLE_WASMFS
# emcc flags specific to building the final .js/.wasm file...
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs := -fPIC
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += --no-entry
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += --minify 0
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sMODULARIZE
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sEXPORT_NAME=$(sqlite3.js.init-func)
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sNO_POLYFILL
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc.WASM_BIGINT)
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@$(abspath $(dir.api)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.sqlite3-api)
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs :=
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=wasmMemory,allocateUTF8OnStack
# wasmMemory ==> for -sIMPORTED_MEMORY
# allocateUTF8OnStack ==> wasmfs internals
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sUSE_CLOSURE_COMPILER=0
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -Wno-limited-postlink-optimizations
# ^^^^^ it likes to warn when we have "limited optimizations" via the -g3 flag.
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sSTACK_SIZE=512KB
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sGLOBAL_BASE=4096 # HYPOTHETICALLY keep func table indexes from overlapping w/ heap addr.
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sMEMORY64=0
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sIMPORTED_MEMORY
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sINITIAL_MEMORY=$(emcc.INITIAL_MEMORY.128)
# ^^^^ 64MB is not enough for WASMFS/OPFS test runs using batch-runner.js
sqlite3-wasmfs.fsflags := -pthread -sWASMFS \
# ^^^^^ why undefined symbols are necessary for the wasmfs build is anyone's guess.
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += $(sqlite3-wasmfs.fsflags)
#emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs += -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=0
#^^^ using ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH produces a warning from emcc:
# USE_PTHREADS + ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH may run non-wasm code slowly,
# see [-Wpthreads-mem-growth]
# And, indeed, it runs slowly if memory is permitted to grow.
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.vanilla :=
emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.esm := -sEXPORT_ES6 -sUSE_ES6_IMPORT_META
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-post,sqlite3-wasmfs,vanilla))
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-post,sqlite3-wasmfs,esm))
Xemcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.vanilla += \
$(pre-post-common.flags.vanilla) \
Xemcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.esm += \
$(pre-post-common.flags.esm) \
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js) $(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs): $(sqlite3-wasm.c) \
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js): $(pre-post-sqlite3-wasmfs.deps.vanilla)
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs): $(pre-post-sqlite3-wasmfs.deps.esm)
# SQLITE3-WASMFS.xJS.RECIPE is the wasmfs-specific counterpart
# of SQLITE3.xJS.RECIPE from the main makefile.
@echo "Building $@ ..."
$(emcc.bin) -o $@ $(emcc_opt_full) $(emcc.flags) \
$(cflags.sqlite3-wasmfs) \
$(emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs) $(emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.$(1)) \
$(pre-post-sqlite3-wasmfs.flags.$(1)) \
@$(call SQLITE3.xJS.ESM-EXPORT-DEFAULT,$(if $(filter %.mjs,$@),1,))
@dotwasm=$(basename $@).wasm; \
chmod -x $$dotwasm; \
$(maybe-wasm-strip) $$dotwasm; \
ls -la $$dotwasm $@
#emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.vanilla :=
#emcc.flags.sqlite3-wasmfs.esm := -sEXPORT_ES6 -sUSE_ES6_IMPORT_META
sqlite3-api.mjs.wasmfs := $(dir.tmp)/sqlite3-api-wasmfs.mjs
$(eval $(call SETUP_LIB_BUILD_MODE,sqlite3-wasmfs,esm,1,\
$(sqlite3-api.mjs.wasmfs), $(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs),\
$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-bundler-friendly) -Dwasmfs,\
#$(eval $(call call-make-pre-post,sqlite3-wasmfs,vanilla))
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js) $(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs): $(MAKEFILE.wasmfs)
#$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js): $(pre-post-sqlite3-wasmfs.deps.vanilla)
#$(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs): $(pre-post-sqlite3-wasmfs.deps.esm)
# Build quirk: we cannot build BOTH .js and .mjs with our current
# build infrastructure because the supplemental *.worker.js files get
@ -102,10 +72,7 @@ endef
# built/saved multiple times.
|||| := mjs
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js): $(SOAP.js.bld)
$(call SQLITE3-WASMFS.xJS.RECIPE,vanilla)
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs): $(SOAP.js.bld)
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js) $(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs): $(SOAP.js.bld)
ifeq (js,$(
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.wasm): $(sqlite3-wasmfs.js)
wasmfs: $(sqlite3-wasmfs.js)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C More\swork\son\sthe\swasmfs\sbuild.\sResolve\sthe\sinconsistent\sargument\stype\spassed\sto\ssqlite3InitModule()\sin\ssuch\sbuilds.
D 2023-07-13T10:41:41.226
C Significant\ssurgery\son\sthe\swasm\sbuild\son\sthe\sway\sto\sincorporating\swasmfs\sas\sa\sfirst-class\sbuild\soption.
D 2023-07-13T14:08:30.624
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U stephan
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# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.
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