Update testrunner.tcl so that it can run the test suites defined in permutation.test.

FossilOrigin-Name: 15ce937ef42491c503cb91f5bb3ce4dc5cdb3a927ff2f2b873fb6bf96808f3aa
This commit is contained in:
dan 2022-07-14 18:09:56 +00:00
parent e834484d89
commit ca0720a9d8
4 changed files with 182 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C When\sapplying\sthe\somit-ORDER-BY\soptimization,\sdefer\sdeleting\sthe\sAST\sof\nthe\sdeleted\sORDER\sBY\sclause\suntil\safter\scode\sgeneration\sends.
D 2022-07-14T01:48:27.069
C Update\stestrunner.tcl\sso\sthat\sit\scan\srun\sthe\stest\ssuites\sdefined\sin\spermutation.test.
D 2022-07-14T18:09:56.687
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
F .fossil-settings/ignore-glob 35175cdfcf539b2318cb04a9901442804be81cd677d8b889fcc9149c21f239ea
F LICENSE.md df5091916dbb40e6e9686186587125e1b2ff51f022cc334e886c19a0e9982724
@ -1507,8 +1507,7 @@ F test/temptable2.test d2940417496e2b9548e01d09990763fbe88c316504033256d51493e1f
F test/temptable3.test d11a0974e52b347e45ee54ef1923c91ed91e4637
F test/temptrigger.test 38f0ca479b1822d3117069e014daabcaacefffcc
F test/tester.tcl 76771269dcc20b2c2d1d6f1175dd50d1eebddc004aebac865483f1829a5cd398
F test/testrunner.tcl da340a87fd8b5c94e0d2196b086b96a90de0ce16bfdb71c1254d543bcee1614a
F test/testset.tcl 27a6bbbc93cbbcf442c57e3c023e6b5d7304dc415e09eb0e9ac61edd0e6c1fbe
F test/testrunner.tcl 711ccfb6309e63877b20910f76e8b5c8c9e45176cce0efd6f8a40b4e4d44d0e9
F test/thread001.test b61a29dd87cf669f5f6ac96124a7c97d71b0c80d9012746072055877055cf9ef
F test/thread002.test e630504f8a06c00bf8bbe68528774dd96aeb2e58
F test/thread003.test ee4c9efc3b86a6a2767516a37bd64251272560a7
@ -1981,8 +1980,8 @@ F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 6a9a6ab600c25a91a7acc6293828957a386a8a93
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.data 2ed517e100c66dc455b492e1a33350c1b20fbcdc
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.filters 37e51ffedcdb064aad6ff33b6148725226cd608e
F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
P 14918f28221a3124b78a490fbb483279551ccc5a0032ea854ff0ac365684cc60
R d2c6af8b43cf81f08214974216426964
U drh
Z 663440ae7ea06bca4d8f20ca5b3783d1
P f22f95b838873f1d2a320afe3d0f4e4847948fcd343097b93a9f684a6f66d6ba
R f0a96981c3415711d35db8d014ac10fa
U dan
Z 26ecdc9b9c72535e31216f99411f29ef
# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.

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@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,21 +1,47 @@
# Usage:
proc usage {} {
set a0 testrunner.tcl
puts stderr "Usage: $a0 ?SWITCHES? ?all|veryquick? ?PATTERNS?"
set ::argv [list]
uplevel [list source $::testdir/permutations.test]
puts stderr "Usage: $a0 ?SWITCHES? ?PERMUTATION? ?PATTERNS?"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "where SWITCHES are:"
puts stderr " --jobs NUMBER-OF-JOBS"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "available PERMUTATION values are:"
set ii 0
foreach name [lsort [array names ::testspec]] {
if {($ii % 3)==0} { puts -nonewline stderr " " }
puts -nonewline stderr [format "% -22s" $name]
if {($ii % 3)==2} { puts stderr "" }
incr ii
puts stderr ""
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "Examples:"
puts stderr " $a0 # Run veryquick.test tests"
puts stderr " $a0 all # Run all tests"
puts stderr " $a0 veryquick rtree% # Run all test scripts from veryquick.test that match 'rtree%'"
puts stderr " $a0 alter% fts5% # Run all test scripts that match 'alter%' or 'rtree%'"
puts stderr " 1) Run the veryquick tests:"
puts stderr " $a0"
puts stderr " 2) Run all test scripts in the source tree:"
puts stderr " $a0 full"
puts stderr " 2) Run the 'memsubsys1' permutation:"
puts stderr " $a0 memsubsys1"
puts stderr " 3) Run all permutations usually run by \[make fulltest\]"
puts stderr " $a0 release"
puts stderr " 4) Run all scripts that match the pattern 'select%':"
puts stderr " $a0 select%"
puts stderr " $a0 all select%"
puts stderr " $a0 full select%"
puts stderr " 5) Run all scripts that are part of the veryquick permutation and match the pattern 'select%':"
puts stderr " $a0 veryquick select%"
puts stderr " 6) Run the 'memsubsys1' permutation, but just those scripts that match 'window%':"
puts stderr " $a0 memsubsys1 window%"
puts stderr " 7) Run all the permutations, but only the scripts that match either 'fts5%' or 'rtree%':"
puts stderr " $a0 release fts5% rtree%"
exit 1
@ -30,13 +56,15 @@ set R(schema) {
filename TEXT PRIMARY KEY, -- full path to test script
config TEXT,
filename TEXT, -- full path to test script
state TEXT CHECK( state IN ('ready', 'running', 'done') ),
testfixtureid, -- Id of process that ran script
time INTEGER, -- Time in ms
nerr INTEGER, -- if 'done', the number of errors
ntest INTEGER, -- if 'done', the number of tests
output TEXT -- full output of test script
output TEXT, -- full output of test script
PRIMARY KEY(config, filename)
@ -95,7 +123,6 @@ set R(leaker) "" ;# Name of first script to leak memory
set R(patternlist) [list]
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/testset.tcl
# Parse the command line options. There are two ways to invoke this
# script - to create a helper or coordinator process. If there are
@ -140,15 +167,86 @@ if {$R(helper)==0} {
} else {
lappend R(patternlist) [string map {% * _ .} $a]
lappend R(patternlist) [string map {% *} $a]
set argv [list]
source $testdir/permutations.test
source $testdir/tester.tcl
db close
# Return a list of tests to run. Each element of the list is itself a
# list of two elements - the name of a permuations.test configuration
# followed by the full path to a test script. i.e.:
proc testset_patternlist {patternlist} {
set first [lindex $patternlist 0]
if {$first=="all"} { set first "full" }
if {$first=="release"} {
# The following mirrors the set of test suites invoked by "all.test".
set clist {
no_optimization memsubsys1 memsubsys2 singlethread
multithread onefile utf16 exclusive persistent_journal
persistent_journal_error no_journal no_journal_error
autovacuum_ioerr no_mutex_try fullmutex journaltest
inmemory_journal pcache0 pcache10 pcache50 pcache90
pcache100 prepare mmap
ifcapable rbu { lappend clist rbu }
if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="unix"} {
ifcapable !default_autovacuum {
lappend clist autovacuum_crash
set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
} elseif {[info exists ::testspec($first)]} {
set clist $first
set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
} elseif { [llength $patternlist]==0 } {
set clist veryquick
} else {
set clist full
set testset [list]
foreach config $clist {
catch { array unset O }
array set O $::testspec($config)
foreach f $O(-files) {
if {[file pathtype $f]!="absolute"} {
set f [file join $::testdir $f]
lappend testset [list $config [file normalize $f]]
if {[llength $patternlist]>0} {
foreach t $testset {
set tail [file tail [lindex $t 1]]
foreach p $patternlist {
if {[string match $p $tail]} {
lappend ret $t
} else {
set ret $testset
set ret
proc r_write_db {tcl} {
@ -166,37 +264,63 @@ proc r_write_db {tcl} {
proc make_new_testset {} {
global R
set scripts [testset_patternlist $R(patternlist)]
set tests [testset_patternlist $R(patternlist)]
r_write_db {
db eval $R(schema)
foreach s $scripts {
db eval { INSERT INTO script(filename, state) VALUES ($s, 'ready') }
foreach t $tests {
foreach {c s} $t {}
db eval {
INSERT INTO script(config, filename, state) VALUES ($c, $s, 'ready')
# Find the next job in the database and mark it as 'running'. Then return
# a list consisting of the
# pair for the test.
proc get_next_test {} {
global R
set myid $R(helper_id)
r_write_db {
set f [db one {
SELECT filename FROM script WHERE state='ready' ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 1
set f ""
set c ""
db eval {
SELECT config, filename FROM script WHERE state='ready'
ORDER BY config!='full', config, filename LIMIT 1
} {
set c $config
set f $filename
if {$f!=""} {
db eval {
UPDATE script SET state='running', testfixtureid=$myid WHERE filename=$f
UPDATE script SET state='running', testfixtureid=$myid
WHERE (config, filename) = ($c, $f)
return $f
if {$f==""} { return "" }
list $c $f
proc r_set_test_result {filename ms nerr ntest output} {
proc r_testname {config filename} {
set name [file tail $filename]
if {$config!="" && $config!="full" && $config!="veryquick"} {
set name "$config-$name"
return $name
proc r_set_test_result {config filename ms nerr ntest output} {
global R
set f [file tail $filename]
set f [r_testname $config $filename]
if {$nerr==0} {
set msg "$f... Ok"
} else {
@ -211,14 +335,14 @@ proc r_set_test_result {filename ms nerr ntest output} {
set nMalloc [lindex [sqlite3_status SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT 0] 1]
set nByte [sqlite3_memory_used]
if {($nByte>0 || $nMalloc>0) && $R(leaker)==""} {
set R(leaker) $filename
set R(leaker) $f
r_write_db {
db eval {
UPDATE script
SET state='done', output=$output, nerr=$nerr, ntest=$ntest, time=$ms
WHERE filename=$filename;
WHERE (config, filename)=($config, $filename);
INSERT INTO msg(msg) VALUES ($msg);
@ -408,7 +532,7 @@ proc r_final_report {} {
# Create the text log file. This is just the concatenation of the
# 'output' column of the database for every script that was run.
set fd [open $R(logname) w]
db eval {SELECT output FROM script ORDER BY filename} {
db eval {SELECT output FROM script ORDER BY config!='full',config,filename} {
puts $fd $output
close $fd
@ -421,8 +545,8 @@ proc r_final_report {} {
db eval { SELECT sum(nerr) AS nerr, sum(ntest) AS ntest FROM script } { }
puts "$nerr errors from $ntest tests."
if {$nerr>0} {
db eval { SELECT filename FROM script WHERE nerr>0 } {
lappend errlist [file tail $filename]
db eval { SELECT config, filename FROM script WHERE nerr>0 } {
lappend errlist [r_testname $config $filename]
puts "Errors in: $errlist"
set errcode 1
@ -431,8 +555,8 @@ proc r_final_report {} {
# Check if any scripts were not run or did not finish. Print out a
# line identifying them if there are any.
set errlist [list]
db eval { SELECT filename FROM script WHERE state!='done' } {
lappend errlist [file tail $filename]
db eval { SELECT config, filename FROM script WHERE state!='done' } {
lappend errlist [r_testname $config $filename]
if {$errlist!=[list]} {
puts "Tests DID NOT FINISH (crashed?): $errlist"
@ -498,13 +622,31 @@ proc r_helper_readable {id chan} {
if {$R(nHelperRunning)==0} {
while { ""!=[set f [get_next_test]] } {
while { ""!=[set t [get_next_test]] } {
set R(output) ""
set TC(count) 0
set TC(errors) 0
set ms [slave_test_file $f]
r_set_test_result $f $ms $TC(errors) $TC(count) $R(output)
foreach {config filename} $t {}
array set O $::testspec($config)
set ::G(perm:name) $config
set ::G(perm:prefix) $O(-prefix)
set ::G(isquick) 1
set ::G(perm:dbconfig) $O(-dbconfig)
set ::G(perm:presql) $O(-presql)
eval $O(-initialize)
set ms [slave_test_file $filename]
eval $O(-shutdown)
unset -nocomplain ::G(perm:sqlite3_args)
unset ::G(perm:name)
unset ::G(perm:prefix)
unset ::G(perm:dbconfig)
unset ::G(perm:presql)
r_set_test_result $config $filename $ms $TC(errors) $TC(count) $R(output)
if {$R(helper)==0} {
foreach msg [r_get_messages] { puts $msg }

View File

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
# Commands in this file:
# testset_all
# Return a list of all test scripts designed to be run individually.
# testset_veryquick
# The subset of [testset_all] meant to run as veryquick.test.
set D(testdir) [file dir [file normalize [info script]]]
proc testset_all {} {
global D
set ret [list]
# The following tests are driver scripts that themselves run lots of other
# test scripts. They should be ignored here.
set drivers {
all.test async.test quick.test veryquick.test
memleak.test permutations.test soak.test fts3.test
mallocAll.test rtree.test full.test extraquick.test
session.test rbu.test
set srcdir [file dirname $D(testdir)]
set ret [glob -nocomplain \
$srcdir/test/*.test \
$srcdir/ext/rtree/*.test \
$srcdir/ext/fts5/test/*.test \
$srcdir/ext/expert/*.test \
$srcdir/ext/session/*.test \
set ret [ts_filter $ret $drivers]
return $ret
proc testset_veryquick {} {
set ret [testset_all]
set ret [ts_filter $ret {
async2.test async3.test backup_ioerr.test corrupt.test
corruptC.test crash.test crash2.test crash3.test crash4.test crash5.test
crash6.test crash7.test delete3.test e_fts3.test fts3rnd.test
fkey_malloc.test fuzz.test fuzz3.test fuzz_malloc.test in2.test loadext.test
misc7.test mutex2.test notify2.test onefile.test pagerfault2.test
savepoint4.test savepoint6.test select9.test
speed1.test speed1p.test speed2.test speed3.test speed4.test
speed4p.test sqllimits1.test tkt2686.test thread001.test thread002.test
thread003.test thread004.test thread005.test trans2.test vacuum3.test
incrvacuum_ioerr.test autovacuum_crash.test btree8.test shared_err.test
vtab_err.test walslow.test walcrash.test walcrash3.test
walthread.test rtree3.test indexfault.test securedel2.test
sort3.test sort4.test fts4growth.test fts4growth2.test
bigsort.test walprotocol.test mmap4.test fuzzer2.test
walcrash2.test e_fkey.test backup.test
fts4merge.test fts4merge2.test fts4merge4.test fts4check.test
fts3cov.test fts3snippet.test fts3corrupt2.test fts3an.test
fts3defer.test fts4langid.test fts3sort.test fts5unicode.test
set ret [ts_filter $ret {
*malloc* *ioerr* *fault* *bigfile* *_err* *fts5corrupt* *fts5big* *fts5aj*
return $ret
proc ts_filter {input exlist} {
foreach f $input { set a($f) 1 }
foreach e $exlist { array unset a */$e }
array names a
proc testset_patternlist {patternlist} {
set nPat [llength $patternlist]
if {$nPat==0} {
set scripts [testset_veryquick]
} else {
set ii 0
set p0 [lindex $patternlist 0]
if {$p0=="veryquick"} {
set scripts [testset_veryquick]
incr ii
} elseif {$p0=="all"} {
set scripts [testset_all]
incr ii
} else {
set scripts [testset_all]
if {$nPat>$ii} {
array set S [list]
foreach f $scripts { set a([file tail $f]) $f }
foreach p [lrange $patternlist $ii end] {
set nList [llength [array names a $p]]
if {$nList==0} {
puts stderr "Argument $p matches no scripts (typo?)"
exit 1
foreach n [array names a $p] { set S($a($n)) 1 }
set scripts [lsort [array names S]]
set scripts