Add some missing comments and fix other minor code issues in sqlite3ota.c.
FossilOrigin-Name: 718fd8b673d6557dd0eaad03e6a3332b5490afbf
This commit is contained in:
@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ struct sqlite3ota {
ota_file *pTargetFd; /* File handle open on target db */
/* The following state variables are used as part of the incremental
** checkpoint stage (eStage==OTA_STAGE_CKPT). See function otaSetupCkpt()
** for details. */
** checkpoint stage (eStage==OTA_STAGE_CKPT). See comments surrounding
** function otaSetupCheckpoint() for details. */
u32 iMaxFrame; /* Largest iWalFrame value in aFrame[] */
u32 mLock;
int nFrame; /* Entries in aFrame[] array */
@ -1730,8 +1730,27 @@ static i64 otaShmChecksum(sqlite3ota *p){
return iRet;
** This function is called as part of initializing or reinitializing an
** incremental checkpoint.
** It populates the sqlite3ota.aFrame[] array with the set of
** (wal frame -> db page) copy operations required to checkpoint the
** current wal file, and obtains the set of shm locks required to safely
** perform the copy operations directly on the file-system.
** If argument pState is not NULL, then the incremental checkpoint is
** being resumed. In this case, if the checksum of the wal-index-header
** following recovery is not the same as the checksum saved in the OtaState
** object, then the ota handle is set to DONE state. This occurs if some
** other client appends a transaction to the wal file in the middle of
** an incremental checkpoint.
static void otaSetupCheckpoint(sqlite3ota *p, OtaState *pState){
/* If pState is NULL, then the wal file may not have been opened and
** recovered. Running a read-statement here to ensure that doing so
** does not interfere with the "capture" process below. */
if( pState==0 ){
p->eStage = 0;
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@ -1739,6 +1758,34 @@ static void otaSetupCheckpoint(sqlite3ota *p, OtaState *pState){
/* Assuming no error has occurred, run a "restart" checkpoint with the
** sqlite3ota.eStage variable set to CAPTURE. This turns on the following
** special behaviour in the ota VFS:
** * If the exclusive shm WRITER or READ0 lock cannot be obtained,
** the checkpoint fails with SQLITE_BUSY (normally SQLite would
** proceed with running a passive checkpoint instead of failing).
** * Attempts to read from the *-wal file or write to the database file
** do not perform any IO. Instead, the frame/page combinations that
** would be read/written are recorded in the sqlite3ota.aFrame[]
** array.
** * Calls to xShmLock(UNLOCK) to release the exclusive shm WRITER,
** READ0 and CHECKPOINT locks taken as part of the checkpoint are
** no-ops. These locks will not be released until the connection
** is closed.
** * Attempting to xSync() the database file causes an SQLITE_INTERNAL
** error.
** As a result, unless an error (i.e. OOM or SQLITE_BUSY) occurs, the
** checkpoint below fails with SQLITE_INTERNAL, and leaves the aFrame[]
** array populated with a set of (frame -> page) mappings. Because the
** WRITER, CHECKPOINT and READ0 locks are still held, it is safe to copy
** data from the wal file into the database file according to the
** contents of aFrame[].
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int rc2;
@ -1748,7 +1795,7 @@ static void otaSetupCheckpoint(sqlite3ota *p, OtaState *pState){
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
p->eStage = OTA_STAGE_CKPT;
p->nStep = 0;
p->nStep = (pState ? pState->nRow : 0);
p->aBuf = otaMalloc(p, p->pgsz);
p->iWalCksum = otaShmChecksum(p);
@ -1759,6 +1806,11 @@ static void otaSetupCheckpoint(sqlite3ota *p, OtaState *pState){
** Called when iAmt bytes are read from offset iOff of the wal file while
** the ota object is in capture mode. Record the frame number of the frame
** being read in the aFrame[] array.
static int otaCaptureWalRead(sqlite3ota *pOta, i64 iOff, int iAmt){
const u32 mReq = (1<<WAL_LOCK_WRITE)|(1<<WAL_LOCK_CKPT)|(1<<WAL_LOCK_READ0);
u32 iFrame;
@ -1786,11 +1838,21 @@ static int otaCaptureWalRead(sqlite3ota *pOta, i64 iOff, int iAmt){
return SQLITE_OK;
** Called when a page of data is written to offset iOff of the database
** file while the ota handle is in capture mode. Record the page number
** of the page being written in the aFrame[] array.
static int otaCaptureDbWrite(sqlite3ota *pOta, i64 iOff){
pOta->aFrame[pOta->nFrame-1].iDbPage = (u32)(iOff / pOta->pgsz) + 1;
return SQLITE_OK;
** This is called as part of an incremental checkpoint operation. Copy
** a single frame of data from the wal file into the database file, as
** indicated by the OtaFrame object.
static void otaCheckpointFrame(sqlite3ota *p, OtaFrame *pFrame){
sqlite3_file *pWal = p->pTargetFd->pWalFd->pReal;
sqlite3_file *pDb = p->pTargetFd->pReal;
@ -1921,6 +1983,9 @@ static int otaStepType(sqlite3ota *p, const char **pzMask){
** Assert that column iCol of statement pStmt is named zName.
static void assertColumnName(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int iCol, const char *zName){
const char *zCol = sqlite3_column_name(pStmt, iCol);
assert( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(zName, zCol) );
@ -2070,6 +2135,11 @@ static void otaIncrSchemaCookie(sqlite3ota *p){
** Update the contents of the ota_state table within the ota database. The
** value stored in the OTA_STATE_STAGE column is eStage. All other values
** are determined by inspecting the ota handle passed as the first argument.
static void otaSaveState(sqlite3ota *p, int eStage){
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || p->rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
sqlite3_stmt *pInsert = 0;
@ -2202,6 +2272,9 @@ int sqlite3ota_step(sqlite3ota *p){
** Free an OtaState object allocated by otaLoadState().
static void otaFreeState(OtaState *p){
if( p ){
@ -2278,13 +2351,28 @@ static OtaState *otaLoadState(sqlite3ota *p){
return pRet;
** Compare strings z1 and z2, returning 0 if they are identical, or non-zero
** otherwise. Either or both argument may be NULL. Two NULL values are
** considered equal, and NULL is considered distinct from all other values.
static int otaStrCompare(const char *z1, const char *z2){
if( z1==0 && z2==0 ) return 0;
if( z1==0 || z2==0 ) return 1;
return (sqlite3_stricmp(z1, z2)!=0);
static void otaLoadTransactionState(sqlite3ota *p, OtaState *pState){
** This function is called as part of sqlite3ota_open() when initializing
** an ota handle in OAL stage. If the ota update has not started (i.e.
** the ota_state table was empty) it is a no-op. Otherwise, it arranges
** things so that the next call to sqlite3ota_step() continues on from
** where the previous ota handle left off.
** If an error occurs, an error code and error message are left in the
** ota handle passed as the first argument.
static void otaSetupOal(sqlite3ota *p, OtaState *pState){
assert( p->rc==SQLITE_OK );
if( pState->zTbl ){
OtaObjIter *pIter = &p->objiter;
@ -2323,6 +2411,12 @@ static void otaDeleteOalFile(sqlite3ota *p){
** Allocate a private ota VFS for the ota handle passed as the only
** argument. This VFS will be used unless the call to sqlite3ota_open()
** specified a URI with a vfs=? option in place of a target database
** file name.
static void otaCreateVfs(sqlite3ota *p){
int rnd;
char zRnd[64];
@ -2338,6 +2432,10 @@ static void otaCreateVfs(sqlite3ota *p){
** Destroy the private VFS created for the ota handle passed as the only
** argument by an earlier call to otaCreateVfs().
static void otaDeleteVfs(sqlite3ota *p){
if( p->zVfsName ){
@ -2423,13 +2521,12 @@ sqlite3ota *sqlite3ota_open(const char *zTarget, const char *zOta){
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
otaLoadTransactionState(p, pState);
otaSetupOal(p, pState);
}else if( p->eStage==OTA_STAGE_MOVE ){
/* no-op */
}else if( p->eStage==OTA_STAGE_CKPT ){
otaSetupCheckpoint(p, pState);
p->nStep = pState->nRow;
}else if( p->eStage==OTA_STAGE_DONE ){
p->rc = SQLITE_DONE;
@ -2794,7 +2891,7 @@ static int otaVfsDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *pFile){
** Shared-memory methods are all pass-thrus.
** Take or release a shared-memory lock.
static int otaVfsShmLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int ofst, int n, int flags){
ota_file *p = (ota_file*)pFile;
@ -2832,6 +2929,9 @@ static int otaVfsShmLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int ofst, int n, int flags){
return rc;
** Obtain a pointer to a mapping of a single 32KiB page of the *-shm file.
static int otaVfsShmMap(
sqlite3_file *pFile,
int iRegion,
@ -2891,6 +2991,9 @@ static void otaVfsShmBarrier(sqlite3_file *pFile){
** The xShmUnmap method.
static int otaVfsShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *pFile, int delFlag){
ota_file *p = (ota_file*)pFile;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
@ -2905,6 +3008,12 @@ static int otaVfsShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *pFile, int delFlag){
return rc;
** Given that zWal points to a buffer containing a wal file name passed to
** either the xOpen() or xAccess() VFS method, return a pointer to the
** file-handle opened by the same database connection on the corresponding
** database file.
static ota_file *otaFindMaindb(ota_vfs *pOtaVfs, const char *zWal){
ota_file *pDb;
@ -3146,10 +3255,17 @@ static int otaVfsCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *pTimeOut){
return pRealVfs->xCurrentTime(pRealVfs, pTimeOut);
** No-op.
static int otaVfsGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int a, char *b){
return 0;
** Deregister and destroy an OTA vfs created by an earlier call to
** sqlite3ota_create_vfs().
void sqlite3ota_destroy_vfs(const char *zName){
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(zName);
if( pVfs && pVfs->xOpen==otaVfsOpen ){
@ -3159,6 +3275,11 @@ void sqlite3ota_destroy_vfs(const char *zName){
** Create an OTA VFS named zName that accesses the underlying file-system
** via existing VFS zParent. The new object is registered as a non-default
** VFS with SQLite before returning.
int sqlite3ota_create_vfs(const char *zName, const char *zParent){
/* Template for VFS */
@ -310,6 +310,10 @@ int sqlite3ota_close(sqlite3ota *pOta, char **pzErrmsg);
sqlite3_int64 sqlite3ota_progress(sqlite3ota *pOta);
** Create an OTA VFS named zName that accesses the underlying file-system
** via existing VFS zParent. The new object is registered as a non-default
** VFS with SQLite before returning.
** Part of the OTA implementation uses a custom VFS object. Usually, this
** object is created and deleted automatically by OTA.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Ensure\sthe\smutex\sused\sto\sprotect\sthe\slinked\slist\sof\sall\smain\sdatabase\sfiles\sopened\sby\sa\ssingle\sota\svfs\sis\sallocated.
D 2015-02-19T19:59:35.500
C Add\ssome\smissing\scomments\sand\sfix\sother\sminor\scode\sissues\sin\ssqlite3ota.c.
D 2015-02-20T14:36:16.318
F Makefile.arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc d6df77f1f48d690bd73162294bbba7f59507c72f
F 6b9e7677829aa94b9f30949656e27312aefb9a46
F Makefile.linux-gcc 91d710bdc4998cb015f39edf3cb314ec4f4d7e23
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ F ext/ota/ota9.test d3eee95dd836824d07a22e5efcdb7bf6e869358b
F ext/ota/otaA.test ef4bfa8cfd4ed814ae86f7457b64aa2f18c90171
F ext/ota/otafault.test 8c43586c2b96ca16bbce00b5d7e7d67316126db8
F ext/ota/otafault2.test fa202a98ca221faec318f3e5c5f39485b1256561
F ext/ota/sqlite3ota.c 692de0a8c43dbe7a98e0cb6760c55635c3d58b5a
F ext/ota/sqlite3ota.h 69106b04616f4e7e565aa4dc2092a2f095212cc2
F ext/ota/sqlite3ota.c 0cd5505ebd0e506ac17a2bc8b63623ab93aa0b4e
F ext/ota/sqlite3ota.h 052d87068751810a9dfba1a48954271501bb728f
F ext/ota/test_ota.c 9ec6ea945282f65f67f0e0468dad79a489818f44
F ext/rtree/README 6315c0d73ebf0ec40dedb5aa0e942bc8b54e3761
F ext/rtree/rtree.c 14e6239434d4e3f65d3e90320713f26aa24e167f
@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ F tool/vdbe_profile.tcl 67746953071a9f8f2f668b73fe899074e2c6d8c1
F tool/ f6aa929dc20ef1f856af04a730772f59283631d4
F tool/ 0abfd78ceb09b7f7c27c688c8e3fe93268a13b32
F tool/win/sqlite.vsix deb315d026cc8400325c5863eef847784a219a2f
P 60e0a46b82dd9c704e8aa977d1ccdd73d388422f
R 24048fcc0c09eb0db3eb9c1d038269b2
P 9c8682d6650a94e11f9bec5baff69ed9668874fa
R 0b2e9b82020c9eb4b7288b4840940ccc
U dan
Z 33143372b71a8b702a8cbb544384d97d
Z c1cac3a09c083c8da890457fb5b17289
@ -1 +1 @@
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