Automatically turn off DEFENSIVE mode in the shell tool when executing scripts generated by the ".dump" command against an empty database. Add a warning to the top of generated ".dump" scripts that populate virtual tables.

FossilOrigin-Name: 6e9e96b7e7afb9420110f4b93d10b945c9eadfde5e9c81e59ae9ee8167e75707
This commit is contained in:
dan 2024-01-08 18:46:34 +00:00
parent 3e2ffbd476
commit 7cda91c33e
5 changed files with 256 additions and 21 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Minor\schange\sto\sos_unix.c\sto\sfacilitate\s100%\sMC/DC\stesting.
D 2024-01-08T15:23:45.210
C Automatically\sturn\soff\sDEFENSIVE\smode\sin\sthe\sshell\stool\swhen\sexecuting\sscripts\sgenerated\sby\sthe\s".dump"\scommand\sagainst\san\sempty\sdatabase.\sAdd\sa\swarning\sto\sthe\stop\sof\sgenerated\s".dump"\sscripts\sthat\spopulate\svirtual\stables.
D 2024-01-08T18:46:34.303
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
F .fossil-settings/ignore-glob 35175cdfcf539b2318cb04a9901442804be81cd677d8b889fcc9149c21f239ea
F df5091916dbb40e6e9686186587125e1b2ff51f022cc334e886c19a0e9982724
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ F src/random.c 606b00941a1d7dd09c381d3279a058d771f406c5213c9932bbd93d5587be4b9c
F src/resolve.c e25f51a473a5f30a0d978e4df2aaa98aeec84eac29ecae1ad4708a6c3e669345
F src/rowset.c 8432130e6c344b3401a8874c3cb49fefe6873fec593294de077afea2dce5ec97
F src/select.c f1a81ff4f8e9e76c224e2ab3a4baa799add0db22158c7fcede65d8cc4a6fa2da
F src/ 85f8d52fa4f7773823736dd39d0a268fd739207fcae95883c9ec8ce4af59f7df
F src/ 3d19abd924ed1cec9c9908d5a10cb1580b8ca30df24c26bfe80efa0c00f664d8
F src/ 61a60b4ea04db8ead15e1579b20b64cb56e9f55d52c5f9f9694de630110593a3
F src/sqlite3.rc 5121c9e10c3964d5755191c80dd1180c122fc3a8
F src/sqlite3ext.h 3f046c04ea3595d6bfda99b781926b17e672fd6d27da2ba6d8d8fc39981dcb54
@ -1588,6 +1588,7 @@ F test/shell5.test c8b6c54f26ec537f8558273d7ed293ca3725ef42e6b12b8f151718628bd14
F test/shell6.test 1ceb51b2678c472ba6cf1e5da96679ce8347889fe2c3bf93a0e0fa73f00b00d3
F test/shell7.test 115132f66d0463417f408562cc2cf534f6bbc6d83a6d50f0072a9eb171bae97f
F test/shell8.test 3fd093d481aaa94dc77fb73f1044c1f19c7efe3477a395cc4f7450133bc54915
F test/shell9.test e540b457297efcd737a84505c23367ed6eb5d2f239a5e1901d89518a9f794c67
F test/shmlock.test 3dbf017d34ab0c60abe6a44e447d3552154bd0c87b41eaf5ceacd408dd13fda5
F test/shortread1.test bb591ef20f0fd9ed26d0d12e80eee6d7ac8897a3
F test/show_speedtest1_rtree.tcl 32e6c5f073d7426148a6936a0408f4b5b169aba5
@ -1665,7 +1666,7 @@ F test/temptable.test d2c9b87a54147161bcd1822e30c1d1cd891e5b30
F test/temptable2.test 76821347810ecc88203e6ef0dd6897b6036ac788e9dd3e6b04fd4d1631311a16
F test/temptable3.test d11a0974e52b347e45ee54ef1923c91ed91e4637
F test/temptrigger.test 38f0ca479b1822d3117069e014daabcaacefffcc
F test/tester.tcl 68454ef88508c196d19e8694daa27bff7107a91857799eaa12f417188ae53ede
F test/tester.tcl 6f6e53981b4bdd42ef088f52e23236bc1ba0ca41ed395cbd7f33cbcff7d74d3c
F test/testrunner.tcl 8e2a5c7550b78d3283eee6103104ae2bcf56aa1df892dbd1608f27b93ebf4de8
F test/testrunner_data.tcl 7ffd951527bbc614e723fd8d123b6834321878530696adecfdf6035100bac64e
F test/thread001.test a0985c117eab62c0c65526e9fa5d1360dd1cac5b03bde223902763274ce21899
@ -2156,8 +2157,11 @@ F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 6a9a6ab600c25a91a7acc6293828957a386a8a93
F vsixtest/ 2ed517e100c66dc455b492e1a33350c1b20fbcdc
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.filters 37e51ffedcdb064aad6ff33b6148725226cd608e
F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
P a8e9af1356f5fb2ec460f932dfbe89283bb4e3cf9fa677d1acdbe77ffa11dd04
R 37733634dd468dc6ea6d1e6aa3b50fba
U drh
Z 78db706fe3fe0ce3a2f3eeab5f6bda34
P 0dfa7b4da134db281c3c4eddb4569c53a450f955f0af2f410e13db801aff4ea2
R 42cc9dd174017b0dfd22a357c6d362d7
T *branch * shell-dump-fix
T *sym-shell-dump-fix *
T -sym-trunk *
U dan
Z e611ff595823ddf49b515f1d4f66f784
# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1292,6 +1292,7 @@ struct ShellState {
u8 eTraceType; /* SHELL_TRACE_* value for type of trace */
u8 bSafeMode; /* True to prohibit unsafe operations */
u8 bSafeModePersist; /* The long-term value of bSafeMode */
u8 eRestoreState; /* See comments above doAutoDetectRestore() */
ColModeOpts cmOpts; /* Option values affecting columnar mode output */
unsigned statsOn; /* True to display memory stats before each finalize */
unsigned mEqpLines; /* Mask of vertical lines in the EQP output graph */
@ -6731,7 +6732,6 @@ static int lintDotCommand(
static void shellPrepare(
sqlite3 *db,
int *pRc,
@ -6750,12 +6750,8 @@ static void shellPrepare(
** Create a prepared statement using printf-style arguments for the SQL.
** This routine is could be marked "static". But it is not always used,
** depending on compile-time options. By omitting the "static", we avoid
** nuisance compiler warnings about "defined but not used".
void shellPreparePrintf(
static void shellPreparePrintf(
sqlite3 *db,
int *pRc,
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt,
@ -6778,13 +6774,10 @@ void shellPreparePrintf(
/* Finalize the prepared statement created using shellPreparePrintf().
** This routine is could be marked "static". But it is not always used,
** depending on compile-time options. By omitting the "static", we avoid
** nuisance compiler warnings about "defined but not used".
** Finalize the prepared statement created using shellPreparePrintf().
void shellFinalize(
static void shellFinalize(
int *pRc,
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt
@ -6800,6 +6793,7 @@ void shellFinalize(
/* Reset the prepared statement created using shellPreparePrintf().
** This routine is could be marked "static". But it is not always used,
@ -7866,6 +7860,30 @@ FROM (\
** Check if the sqlite_schema table contains one or more virtual tables. If
** parameter zLike is not NULL, then it is an SQL expression that the
** sqlite_schema row must also match. If one or more such rows are found,
** print the following warning to the output:
** WARNING: Script requires that SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE be disabled
static int outputDumpWarning(ShellState *p, const char *zLike){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
shellPreparePrintf(p->db, &rc, &pStmt,
"SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_schema o WHERE "
"sql LIKE 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE%%' AND %s", zLike ? zLike : "true"
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
oputz("/* WARNING: "
"Script requires that SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE be disabled */\n"
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
return rc;
** If an input line begins with "." then invoke this routine to
** process that line.
@ -8328,6 +8346,7 @@ static int do_meta_command(char *zLine, ShellState *p){
open_db(p, 0);
outputDumpWarning(p, zLike);
if( (p->shellFlgs & SHFLG_DumpDataOnly)==0 ){
/* When playing back a "dump", the content might appear in an order
** which causes immediate foreign key constraints to be violated.
@ -11391,6 +11410,80 @@ static int line_is_complete(char *zSql, int nSql){
return rc;
** This function is called after processing each line of SQL in the
** runOneSqlLine() function. Its purpose is to detect scenarios where
** defensive mode should be automatically turned off. Specifically, when
** 1. The first line of input is "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;",
** 2. The second line of input is "BEGIN TRANSACTION;",
** 3. The database is empty, and
** 4. The shell is not running in --safe mode.
** The implementation uses the ShellState.eRestoreState to maintain state:
** 0: Have not seen any SQL.
** 1: Have seen "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;".
** 2: Currently assuming we are parsing ".dump" restore, defensive mode
** should be disabled following the current transaction.
** 3: Nothing left to do.
static int doAutoDetectRestore(ShellState *p, const char *zSql){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
switch( p->eRestoreState ){
case 0: {
int bDefense = 0; /* True if in defensive mode */
const char *zExpect = "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;";
assert( strlen(zExpect)==24 );
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE, -1, &bDefense);
if( p->bSafeMode==0 && bDefense && memcmp(zSql, zExpect, 25)==0 ){
p->eRestoreState = 1;
p->eRestoreState = 3;
case 1: {
const char *zExpect = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;";
assert( strlen(zExpect)==18 );
if( memcmp(zSql, zExpect, 19)==0 ){
/* Now check if the database is empty. */
const char *zQuery = "SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_schema LIMIT 1";
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
int bEmpty = 1;
shellPrepare(p->db, &rc, zQuery, &pStmt);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
bEmpty = 0;
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
if( bEmpty && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE, 0, 0);
p->eRestoreState = 3;
case 2: {
if( sqlite3_get_autocommit(p->db) ){
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE, 0, 0);
p->eRestoreState = 3;
default: /* Nothing to do */
assert( p->eRestoreState==3 );
return rc;
** Run a single line of SQL. Return the number of errors.
@ -11438,6 +11531,8 @@ static int runOneSqlLine(ShellState *p, char *zSql, FILE *in, int startline){
sqlite3_changes64(p->db), sqlite3_total_changes64(p->db));
oputf("%s\n", zLineBuf);
if( doAutoDetectRestore(p, zSql) ) return 1;
return 0;

test/shell9.test Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# 2009 Nov 11
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
# May you do good and not evil.
# May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
# May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# The focus of this file is testing the CLI shell tool. Specifically,
# testing that it is possible to run a ".dump" script that creates
# virtual tables without explicitly disabling defensive mode.
# Test plan:
# shell1-1.*: Basic command line option handling.
# shell1-2.*: Basic "dot" command token parsing.
# shell1-3.*: Basic test that "dot" command can be called.
# shell1-{4-8}.*: Test various "dot" commands's functionality.
# shell1-9.*: Basic test that "dot" commands and SQL intermix ok.
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set CLI [test_cli_invocation]
set ::testprefix shell9
ifcapable !fts5 {
# Test cases shell9-1.* verify that scripts output by .dump may be parsed
# by the shell tool without explicitly disabling DEFENSIVE mode, unless
# the shell is in safe mode.
do_execsql_test 1.0 {
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('one', 'two', 'three');
db close
# Create .dump file in "testdump.txt".
set out [open testdump.txt w]
puts $out [lindex [catchcmd test.db .dump] 1]
close $out
# Check testdump.txt can be processed if the initial db is empty.
do_test 1.1.1 {
forcedelete test.db
catchcmd test.db ".read testdump.txt"
} {0 {}}
sqlite3 db test.db
do_execsql_test 1.1.2 {
} {one two three}
# Check testdump.txt cannot be processed if the initial db is not empty.
do_execsql_test 1.2.1 {
CREATE TABLE t4(hello);
db close
do_test 1.2.2 {
catchcmd test.db ".read testdump.txt"
} {1 {Parse error near line 5: table sqlite_master may not be modified}}
# Check testdump.txt cannot be processed if the db is in safe mode
do_test 1.3.1 {
forcedelete test.db
catchsafecmd test.db ".read testdump.txt"
} {1 {line 1: cannot run .read in safe mode}}
do_test 1.3.2 {
set fd [open testdump.txt]
set script [read $fd]
close $fd
forcedelete test.db
catchsafecmd test.db $script
} {1 {Parse error near line 5: table sqlite_master may not be modified}}
do_test 1.3.3 {
# Quick check that the above would have worked but for safe mode.
forcedelete test.db
catchcmd test.db $script
} {0 {}}
# Test cases shell9-2.* verify that a warning is printed at the top of
# .dump scripts that contain virtual tables.
proc contains_warning {text} {
return [string match "*WARNING: Script requires that*" $text]
do_execsql_test 2.0.1 {
do_test 2.0.2 {
contains_warning [catchcmd test.db .dump]
} 0
do_execsql_test 2.1.1 {
CREATE virtual TABLE r1 USING fts5(x);
do_test 2.1.2 {
contains_warning [catchcmd test.db .dump]
} 1
do_test 2.2.1 {
contains_warning [catchcmd test.db ".dump t1"]
} 0
do_test 2.2.2 {
contains_warning [catchcmd test.db ".dump r1"]
} 1

@ -884,6 +884,15 @@ proc catchcmd {db {cmd ""}} {
set rc [catch { eval $line } msg]
list $rc $msg
proc catchsafecmd {db {cmd ""}} {
global CLI
set out [open cmds.txt w]
puts $out $cmd
close $out
set line "exec $CLI -safe $db < cmds.txt"
set rc [catch { eval $line } msg]
list $rc $msg
proc catchcmdex {db {cmd ""}} {
global CLI