Bind sqlite3_collation_needed() to JNI. Related adjacent cleanups and fixes.
FossilOrigin-Name: 16ff167691733350907d2d995c774a885214acd0fe8ec491c16b786f00fe85d4
This commit is contained in:
@ -367,7 +367,13 @@ struct PerDbStateJni {
JNIEnv *env;
sqlite3 * pDb;
jobject jDb /* a global ref of the object which was passed to
sqlite3_open(_v2)() */;
sqlite3_open(_v2)(). We need this in order to have an
object to pass to sqlite3_collation_needed()'s
callback, or else we have to dynamically create one
for that purpose, which would be fine except that it
would be a different instance (and maybe even a
different class) than the one the user expects to
receive. */;
PerDbStateJni * pNext;
PerDbStateJni * pPrev;
JniHookState trace;
@ -375,6 +381,7 @@ struct PerDbStateJni {
JniHookState commitHook;
JniHookState rollbackHook;
JniHookState updateHook;
JniHookState collationNeeded;
BusyHandlerJni busyHandler;
@ -744,6 +751,7 @@ static void PerDbStateJni_dump(PerDbStateJni *s){
static PerDbStateJni * PerDbStateJni_for_db(JNIEnv *env, jobject jDb, sqlite3 *pDb, int allocIfNeeded){
PerDbStateJni * s = S3Global.perDb.aUsed;
if(!jDb) return 0;
assert(allocIfNeeded ? !!pDb : 1);
if(!allocIfNeeded && !pDb){
pDb = PtrGet_sqlite3_value(jDb);
@ -1461,6 +1469,75 @@ JDECL(jint,1close)(JENV_JSELF, jobject pDb){
return s3jni_close_db(env, pDb, 1);
Assumes z is an array of unsigned short and returns the index in
that array of the first element with the value 0.
static unsigned int s3jni_utf16_strlen(void const * z){
unsigned int i = 0;
const unsigned short * p = z;
while( p[i] ) ++i;
return i;
static void s3jni_collation_needed_impl16(void *pState, sqlite3 *pDb,
int eTextRep, const void * z16Name){
PerDbStateJni * const ps = pState;
JNIEnv * const env = ps->env;
unsigned int const nName = s3jni_utf16_strlen(z16Name);
jstring jName;
jName = (*env)->NewString(env, (jchar const *)z16Name, nName);
s3jni_db_error(ps->pDb, SQLITE_NOMEM, 0);
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, ps->collationNeeded.jObj,
ps->jDb, (jint)eTextRep, jName);
s3jni_db_error(ps->pDb, SQLITE_ERROR, "collation-needed hook threw.");
JDECL(jint,1collation_1needed)(JENV_JSELF, jobject jDb, jobject jHook){
PerDbStateJni * const ps = PerDbStateJni_for_db(env, jDb, 0, 0);
jclass klazz;
jobject pOld = 0;
jmethodID xCallback;
JniHookState * const pHook = &ps->collationNeeded;
int rc;
if(!ps) return SQLITE_MISUSE;
pOld = pHook->jObj;
if(pOld && jHook &&
(*env)->IsSameObject(env, pOld, jHook)){
return 0;
if( !jHook ){
memset(pHook, 0, sizeof(JniHookState));
sqlite3_collation_needed(ps->pDb, 0, 0);
return 0;
klazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, jHook);
xCallback = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, klazz, "xCollationNeeded",
rc = s3jni_db_error(ps->pDb, SQLITE_MISUSE,
"Cannot not find matching callback on "
"collation-needed hook object.");
pHook->midCallback = xCallback;
pHook->jObj = REF_G(jHook);
rc = sqlite3_collation_needed16(ps->pDb, ps, s3jni_collation_needed_impl16);
return rc;
JDECL(jbyteArray,1column_1blob)(JENV_JSELF, jobject jpStmt,
jint ndx){
sqlite3_stmt * const pStmt = PtrGet_sqlite3_stmt(jpStmt);
@ -1753,6 +1830,11 @@ JDECL(jlong,1last_1insert_1rowid)(JENV_JSELF, jobject jpDb){
return (jlong)sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(PtrGet_sqlite3(jpDb));
Code common to both the sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open_v2()
bindings. Allocates the PerDbStateJni for *ppDb if *ppDb is not
static int s3jni_open_post(JNIEnv *env, sqlite3 **ppDb, jobject jDb, int theRc){
if(1 && *ppDb){
PerDbStateJni * const s = PerDbStateJni_for_db(env, jDb, *ppDb, 1);
@ -2173,7 +2255,7 @@ JDECL(jobject,1update_1hook)(JENV_JSELF, jobject jDb, jobject jHook){
jmethodID xCallback;
JniHookState * const pHook = &ps->updateHook;
s3jni_db_error(ps->pDb, SQLITE_NOMEM, 0);
s3jni_db_error(ps->pDb, SQLITE_MISUSE, 0);
return 0;
pOld = pHook->jObj;
@ -1019,6 +1019,14 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_sqlite_jni_SQLite3Jni_sqlite3_1column_1type
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_sqlite_jni_SQLite3Jni_sqlite3_1column_1value
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jobject, jint);
* Class: org_sqlite_jni_SQLite3Jni
* Method: sqlite3_collation_needed
* Signature: (Lorg/sqlite/jni/sqlite3;Lorg/sqlite/jni/CollationNeeded;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_sqlite_jni_SQLite3Jni_sqlite3_1collation_1needed
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jobject, jobject);
* Class: org_sqlite_jni_SQLite3Jni
* Method: sqlite3_context_db_handle
@ -18,15 +18,13 @@ package org.sqlite.jni;
public interface CollationNeeded {
Works as documented for the sqlite3_create_collation() callback.
Must not throw.
Has the same semantics as the C-level sqlite3_create_collation()
callback. Must not throw.
Achtung: the first argument to this function is not guaranteed to
be the same object upon which ealier DB operations have been
performed, e.g. not the one passed to sqlite3_collation_needed(),
but it will refer to the same underlying C-level database
pointer. This quirk is a side effect of how per-db state is
managed in the JNI layer.
Pedantic note: the first argument to this function will always be
the same object reference which was passed to sqlite3_open() or
sqlite3_open_v2(), even if the client has managed to create other
Java-side references to the same C-level object.
int xCollationNeeded(sqlite3 db, int eTextRep, String collationName);
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ public final class SQLite3Jni {
public static native sqlite3_value sqlite3_column_value(@NotNull sqlite3_stmt stmt,
int ndx);
// TODO public static native int sqlite3_collation_needed(
//sqlite3 db, void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*))
public static native int sqlite3_collation_needed(@NotNull sqlite3 db,
@Nullable CollationNeeded callback);
//TODO public static native int sqlite3_collation_needed16(
// sqlite3 db, void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*)
@ -284,6 +284,20 @@ public final class SQLite3Jni {
public static native int sqlite3_libversion_number();
Works like its C counterpart and makes the native pointer of the
underling (sqlite3*) object available via
ppDb.getNativePointer(). That pointer is necessary for looking up
the JNI-side native, but clients need not pay it any
heed. Passing the object to sqlite3_close() or sqlite3_close_v2()
will clear that pointer mapping.
Pedantic note: though any number of Java-level sqlite3 objects
may refer to/wrap a single C-level (sqlite3*), the JNI internals
take a reference to the object which is passed to sqlite3_open()
or sqlite3_open_v2() so that they have a predictible object to
pass to, e.g., the sqlite3_collation_needed() callback.
public static native int sqlite3_open(@Nullable String filename,
@NotNull sqlite3 ppDb);
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ public class Tester1 {
private static void testCollation(){
sqlite3 db = createNewDb();
final sqlite3 db = createNewDb();
execSql(db, "CREATE TABLE t(a); INSERT INTO t(a) VALUES('a'),('b'),('c')");
final ValueHolder<Boolean> xDestroyCalled = new ValueHolder<>(false);
final Collation myCollation = new Collation() {
@ -380,10 +380,19 @@ public class Tester1 {
xDestroyCalled.value = true;
int rc = sqlite3_create_collation(db, "reversi", SQLITE_UTF8, myCollation);
affirm(0 == rc);
final CollationNeeded collLoader = new CollationNeeded(){
public int xCollationNeeded(sqlite3 dbArg, int eTextRep, String collationName){
affirm(dbArg == db/* as opposed to a temporary object*/);
return sqlite3_create_collation(dbArg, "reversi", eTextRep, myCollation);
int rc = sqlite3_collation_needed(db, collLoader);
affirm( 0 == rc );
rc = sqlite3_collation_needed(db, collLoader);
affirm( 0 == rc /* Installing the same object again is a no-op */);
sqlite3_stmt stmt = new sqlite3_stmt();
sqlite3_prepare(db, "SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a COLLATE reversi", stmt);
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, "SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a COLLATE reversi", stmt);
affirm( 0 == rc );
int counter = 0;
while( SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(stmt) ){
final String val = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
@ -412,6 +421,8 @@ public class Tester1 {
affirm(3 == counter);
rc = sqlite3_collation_needed(db, null);
affirm( 0 == rc );
@ -23,13 +23,4 @@ public class sqlite3 extends NativePointerHolder<sqlite3> {
public sqlite3() {
Construct a new instance which refers to an existing
native (sqlite3*). The argument may be 0. Results are
undefined if it is not 0 and refers to a memory address
other than a valid (sqlite*).
public sqlite3(long nativePointer) {
@ -23,13 +23,4 @@ public class sqlite3_stmt extends NativePointerHolder<sqlite3_stmt> {
public sqlite3_stmt() {
Construct a new instance which refers to an existing native
(sqlite3_stmt*). The argument may be 0. Results are undefined if
it is not 0 and refers to a memory address other than a valid
public sqlite3_stmt(long nativePointer) {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Internal\sJNI\srefacoring\sto\ssupport\sthe\spending\ssqlite3_collation_needed()\scallback.\sCorrect\sa\sbug\sin\sthe\slinked-list\shandling\sof\sPerDbStateJni\swhich\striggered\san\sassert().
D 2023-07-30T10:47:38.755
C Bind\ssqlite3_collation_needed()\sto\sJNI.\sRelated\sadjacent\scleanups\sand\sfixes.
D 2023-07-30T11:36:41.439
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
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F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 87c6a8e5138c61a8eeff018fe16d23f29219150239746032687f245938baca1a
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 70dc7bc41f80352ff3d4331e2e24f45fcd23353b3641e2f68a81bd8262215861
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 08a752b58a33696c5eaf0eb9361a0966b188dec40f4a3613eb133123951f6c5f
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 5979450e996416d28543f1d42634d308439565a99332a8bd84e424af667116cc
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ b04c8abcc6ade44a8a57129e33765793f69df0ba909e49ba18d73f4268d92564
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 663a4e479ec65bfbf893586439e12d30b8237898064a22ab64f5658b57315f37
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ e64bae3357cc16f9416926539e2aa08fbb5a35022a828a158cfdd3e310575324
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 2d43b851db4189e54527e7fb4d50493c8efaa6c0781d0f5cc7f249c95b48ce3b
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 2c4564b19f5366927c9a5062e36ffb7744e7f69d00b3f8ce35fe59b2f3d60698
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ a89a87f8debd89f3488a65cb42af8e14fb0150b05d5a4a3592fb86d0cfda3287
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F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ e58645a1727f8a9bbe72dc072ec5b40d9f9362cb0aa24acfe93f49ff56a9016d
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ f022873abaabf64f3dd71ab0d6037c6e71cece3b8819fa10bf26a5461dc973ee
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ c7d0500c7269882243aafb41425928d094b2fcbdbc2fd1caffc276871cd3fae3
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F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ f9d8c0766b1d1b290564cb35db8d37be54c42adc8df22ee77b8d39e3e93398cd
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@ -2071,8 +2071,8 @@ F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 6a9a6ab600c25a91a7acc6293828957a386a8a93
F vsixtest/ 2ed517e100c66dc455b492e1a33350c1b20fbcdc
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F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
P 2d7a91b1396d87852f1153ab7af7385514a9537cb64ba3bbd0faba2d28704214
R 5bff367529a1829789141e745a6b193a
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R fe2ec7cfe7eced93fd3b168114e0d2e0
U stephan
Z a4b019fdb819701e83942a71127183e7
Z 9246dbb52619ce19a9defcf2e690b44f
# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.
@ -1 +1 @@
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