Changes to fts3auto.test to test OR, AND and NOT operations.

FossilOrigin-Name: e4ab6cdb101bbeb804820425cf569ee7dc2397fb
This commit is contained in:
dan 2011-06-13 13:48:36 +00:00
parent 99ebad90e3
commit 3fd651928f
3 changed files with 205 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Fix\sa\sbug\sexposed\sby\scombining\smatchinfo(),\sNEAR\sand\s"ORDER\sBY\srowid\sDESC".
D 2011-06-13T09:11:01.953
C Changes\sto\sfts3auto.test\sto\stest\sOR,\sAND\sand\sNOT\soperations.
D 2011-06-13T13:48:36.083
F Makefile.arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc d6df77f1f48d690bd73162294bbba7f59507c72f
F c1d7a7f4fd8da6b1815032efca950e3d5125407e
F Makefile.linux-gcc 91d710bdc4998cb015f39edf3cb314ec4f4d7e23
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ F test/fts3am.test 218aa6ba0dfc50c7c16b2022aac5c6be593d08d8
F test/fts3an.test a49ccadc07a2f7d646ec1b81bc09da2d85a85b18
F test/fts3ao.test b83f99f70e9eec85f27d75801a974b3f820e01f9
F test/fts3atoken.test 402ef2f7c2fb4b3d4fa0587df6441c1447e799b3
F test/fts3auto.test 696a2d32dd64a03aa47818c26ea64f8f27e7eb07
F test/fts3auto.test 4aca0c0631fd40e79a45d8490828152b46ad4559
F test/fts3aux1.test 0b02743955d56fc0d4d66236a26177bd1b726de0
F test/fts3b.test e93bbb653e52afde110ad53bbd793f14fe7a8984
F test/fts3c.test fc723a9cf10b397fdfc2b32e73c53c8b1ec02958
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ F tool/split-sqlite3c.tcl d9be87f1c340285a3e081eb19b4a247981ed290c
F tool/ bc2a3709940d47c8ac8e0a1fdf17ec801f015a00
F tool/vdbe-compress.tcl d70ea6d8a19e3571d7ab8c9b75cba86d1173ff0f
F tool/ 347d974d143cf132f953b565fbc03026f19fcb4d
P 4e8dd19eef04777d800977faf1859a405e396f30
R 6b4754b974de210b10ad796c5876a1bc
P 5f6b87f420f21749aa7c72e020c50aca74890086
R ca51faeb6c7aef68bca6b7079ff7ebda
U dan
Z f1c93614cce7c70636f14d06ee6a3496
Z 9a71ae3656c163debcbb9f929d0e7d22

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -16,32 +16,13 @@ ifcapable !fts3 { finish_test ; return }
source $testdir/fts3_common.tcl
source $testdir/malloc_common.tcl
set testprefix fts3rnd2
set testprefix fts3auto
set sfep $sqlite_fts3_enable_parentheses
set sqlite_fts3_enable_parentheses 1
proc test_fts3_near_match {tn doc expr res} {
fts3_near_match $doc $expr -phrasecountvar p
uplevel do_test [list $tn] [list [list set {} $p]] [list $res]
# Simple test cases for C routine [fts3_near_match].
# Start of Tcl procs used by tests.
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.1 {a b c a b} a {2}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.2 {a b c a b} {a 5 b 6 c} {2 2 1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.3 {a b c a b} {"a b"} {2}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.4 {a b c a b} {"b c"} {1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.5 {a b c a b} {"c c"} {0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.1 "a b c d e f g" {b 2 f} {0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.2 "a b c d e f g" {b 3 f} {1 1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.3 "a b c d e f g" {f 2 b} {0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.4 "a b c d e f g" {f 3 b} {1 1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.5 "a b c d e f g" {"a b" 2 "f g"} {0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.6 "a b c d e f g" {"a b" 3 "f g"} {1 1}
set A "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"
test_fts3_near_match 1.3.1 $A {"c d" 5 "i j" 1 "e f"} {0 0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.3.2 $A {"c d" 5 "i j" 2 "e f"} {1 1 1}
proc mit {blob} {
set scan(littleEndian) i*
set scan(bigEndian) I*
@ -62,24 +43,13 @@ proc fix_near_expr {expr} {
return $out
proc do_near_test {tn tbl expr} {
proc get_single_near_results {tbl expr arrayvar nullvar} {
upvar $arrayvar aMatchinfo
upvar $nullvar nullentry
catch {array unset aMatchinfo}
set expr [fix_near_expr $expr]
# Create the MATCH expression from $expr
set match [lindex $expr 0]
if {[llength $match]>1} {
set match "\"$match\""
foreach {nNear phrase} [lrange $expr 1 end] {
if {[llength $phrase]>1} {
append match " NEAR/$nNear \"$phrase\""
} else {
append match " NEAR/$nNear $phrase"
# Calculate the expected results using [fts3_near_match]. The following
# loop populates the "hits" and "counts" arrays as follows:
@ -144,6 +114,116 @@ proc do_near_test {tn tbl expr} {
set aMatchinfo($docid) $mi
# Set up the nullentry output.
set nullentry [list]
for {set iPhrase 0} {$iPhrase<$nPhrase} {incr iPhrase} {
for {set iCol 0} {$iCol<$nCol} {incr iCol} {
lappend nullentry 0 $nDoc($iPhrase,$iCol) $nHit($iPhrase,$iCol)
proc matching_brackets {expr} {
if {[string range $expr 0 0]!="(" || [string range $expr end end] !=")"} {
return 0
set iBracket 1
set nExpr [string length $expr]
for {set i 1} {$iBracket && $i < $nExpr} {incr i} {
set c [string range $expr $i $i]
if {$c == "("} {incr iBracket}
if {$c == ")"} {incr iBracket -1}
return [expr ($iBracket==0 && $i==$nExpr)]
proc get_near_results {tbl expr arrayvar {nullvar ""}} {
upvar $arrayvar aMatchinfo
if {$nullvar != ""} { upvar $nullvar nullentry }
set expr [string trim $expr]
while { [matching_brackets $expr] } {
set expr [string trim [string range $expr 1 end-1]]
set prec(NOT) 1
set prec(AND) 2
set prec(OR) 3
set currentprec 0
set iBracket 0
set expr_length [llength $expr]
for {set i 0} {$i < $expr_length} {incr i} {
set op [lindex $expr $i]
if {$iBracket==0 && [info exists prec($op)] && $prec($op)>=$currentprec } {
set opidx $i
set currentprec $prec($op)
} else {
for {set j 0} {$j < [string length $op]} {incr j} {
set c [string range $op $j $j]
if {$c == "("} { incr iBracket +1 }
if {$c == ")"} { incr iBracket -1 }
if {$iBracket!=0} { error "mismatched brackets in: $expr" }
if {[info exists opidx]==0} {
get_single_near_results $tbl $expr aMatchinfo nullentry
} else {
set eLeft [lrange $expr 0 [expr $opidx-1]]
set eRight [lrange $expr [expr $opidx+1] end]
get_near_results $tbl $eLeft aLeft nullleft
get_near_results $tbl $eRight aRight nullright
switch -- [lindex $expr $opidx] {
"NOT" {
foreach hit [array names aLeft] {
if {0==[info exists aRight($hit)]} {
set aMatchinfo($hit) $aLeft($hit)
set nullentry $nullleft
"AND" {
foreach hit [array names aLeft] {
if {[info exists aRight($hit)]} {
set aMatchinfo($hit) [concat $aLeft($hit) $aRight($hit)]
set nullentry [concat $nullleft $nullright]
"OR" {
foreach hit [array names aLeft] {
if {[info exists aRight($hit)]} {
set aMatchinfo($hit) [concat $aLeft($hit) $aRight($hit)]
unset aRight($hit)
} else {
set aMatchinfo($hit) [concat $aLeft($hit) $nullright]
foreach hit [array names aRight] {
set aMatchinfo($hit) [concat $nullleft $aRight($hit)]
set nullentry [concat $nullleft $nullright]
proc do_near_test {tn tbl expr} {
get_near_results $tbl $expr aMatchinfo
set match $expr
set matchinfo_asc [list]
foreach docid [lsort -integer -incr [array names aMatchinfo]] {
lappend matchinfo_asc $docid $aMatchinfo($docid)
@ -153,15 +233,15 @@ proc do_near_test {tn tbl expr} {
lappend matchinfo_desc $docid $aMatchinfo($docid)
set title "(\"$match\" -> [llength [array names hits]] rows)"
set title "(\"$match\" -> [llength [array names aMatchinfo]] rows)"
do_execsql_test $tn$title.1 "
SELECT docid FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl MATCH '$match' ORDER BY docid ASC
" [lsort -integer -incr [array names hits]]
" [lsort -integer -incr [array names aMatchinfo]]
do_execsql_test $tn$title.2 "
SELECT docid FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl MATCH '$match' ORDER BY docid DESC
" [lsort -integer -decr [array names hits]]
" [lsort -integer -decr [array names aMatchinfo]]
do_execsql_test $tn$title.3 "
SELECT docid, mit(matchinfo($tbl, 'x')) FROM $tbl
@ -174,28 +254,83 @@ proc do_near_test {tn tbl expr} {
" $matchinfo_asc
do_test 2.1 {
execsql { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts3(a, b) }
for {set i 0} {$i<32} {incr i} {
set doc [list]
if {$i&0x01} {lappend doc one}
if {$i&0x02} {lappend doc two}
if {$i&0x04} {lappend doc three}
if {$i&0x08} {lappend doc four}
if {$i&0x10} {lappend doc five}
execsql { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($doc, null) }
} {}
foreach {tn expr} {
1 {one}
2 {one NEAR/1 five}
3 {t*}
4 {t* NEAR/0 five}
5 {o* NEAR/1 f*}
6 {one NEAR five NEAR two NEAR four NEAR three}
} {
do_near_test 2.2.$tn t1 $expr
# End of test procs. Actual tests are below this line.
# The following test cases - fts3auto-1.* - focus on testing the Tcl
# command [fts3_near_match], which is used by other tests in this file.
proc test_fts3_near_match {tn doc expr res} {
fts3_near_match $doc $expr -phrasecountvar p
uplevel do_test [list $tn] [list [list set {} $p]] [list $res]
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.1 {a b c a b} a {2}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.2 {a b c a b} {a 5 b 6 c} {2 2 1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.3 {a b c a b} {"a b"} {2}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.4 {a b c a b} {"b c"} {1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.1.5 {a b c a b} {"c c"} {0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.1 "a b c d e f g" {b 2 f} {0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.2 "a b c d e f g" {b 3 f} {1 1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.3 "a b c d e f g" {f 2 b} {0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.4 "a b c d e f g" {f 3 b} {1 1}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.5 "a b c d e f g" {"a b" 2 "f g"} {0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.2.6 "a b c d e f g" {"a b" 3 "f g"} {1 1}
set A "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"
test_fts3_near_match 1.3.1 $A {"c d" 5 "i j" 1 "e f"} {0 0 0}
test_fts3_near_match 1.3.2 $A {"c d" 5 "i j" 2 "e f"} {1 1 1}
# Test cases fts3auto-2.* run some simple tests using the
# [do_near_test] proc.
foreach {tn create} {
2 "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts4(a, b, order=DESC)"
3 "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts4(a, b, order=ASC)"
4 "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts4(a, b, prefix=1)"
5 "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts4(a, b, order=DESC, prefix=1)"
6 "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts4(a, b, order=ASC, prefix=1)"
} {
do_test 2.$tn.1 {
catchsql { DROP TABLE t1 }
execsql $create
for {set i 0} {$i<32} {incr i} {
set doc [list]
if {$i&0x01} {lappend doc one}
if {$i&0x02} {lappend doc two}
if {$i&0x04} {lappend doc three}
if {$i&0x08} {lappend doc four}
if {$i&0x10} {lappend doc five}
execsql { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($doc, null) }
} {}
foreach {tn2 expr} {
1 {one}
2 {one NEAR/1 five}
3 {t*}
4 {t* NEAR/0 five}
5 {o* NEAR/1 f*}
6 {one NEAR five NEAR two NEAR four NEAR three}
7 {one NEAR xyz}
8 {one OR two}
9 {one AND two}
10 {one NOT two}
11 {one AND two OR three}
12 {three OR one AND two}
13 {(three OR one) AND two}
14 {(three OR one) AND two NOT (five NOT four)}
15 {"one two"}
16 {"one two" NOT "three four"}
} {
do_near_test 2.$tn.2.$tn2 t1 $expr
set sqlite_fts3_enable_parentheses $sfep