Better integrate the new malloc related instrumentation with the test infrastructure. (CVS 4904)

FossilOrigin-Name: d2140cae39dcced63e3ad5771e52d522ce587c96
This commit is contained in:
danielk1977 2008-03-21 17:29:37 +00:00
parent 2dca868075
commit 35754aca0d
3 changed files with 43 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Make\ssure\sthe\stext\sresult\sof\san\saggregate\sfunction\shas\sthe\scorrect\nencoding.\s\sTicket\s#3009.\s(CVS\s4903)
D 2008-03-21T17:13:13
C Better\sintegrate\sthe\snew\smalloc\srelated\sinstrumentation\swith\sthe\stest\sinfrastructure.\s(CVS\s4904)
D 2008-03-21T17:29:38
F Makefile.arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc ac5f7b2cef0cd850d6f755ba6ee4ab961b1fadf7
F cf434ce8ca902e69126ae0f94fc9f7dc7428a5fa
F Makefile.linux-gcc d53183f4aa6a9192d249731c90dbdffbd2c68654
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ F test/table.test 13b1c2e2fb4727b35ee1fb7641fc469214fd2455
F test/tableapi.test 791f7e3891d9b70bdb43b311694bf5e9befcbc34
F test/tclsqlite.test 3fac87cb1059c46b8fa8a60b553f4f1adb0fb6d9
F test/temptable.test 19b851b9e3e64d91e9867619b2a3f5fffee6e125
F test/tester.tcl 482f1b003f937249d3b3d6cc9aacd540c9b50635
F test/tester.tcl 7e6e28cf813e132b84336cdd33804c1be2a1bc80
F test/thread001.test 8fbd9559da0bbdc273e00318c7fd66c162020af7
F test/thread002.test 2c4ad2c386f60f6fe268cd91c769ee35b3c1fd0b
F test/thread1.test 776c9e459b75ba905193b351926ac4019b049f35
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ F www/tclsqlite.tcl 8be95ee6dba05eabcd27a9d91331c803f2ce2130
F www/vdbe.tcl 87a31ace769f20d3627a64fa1fade7fed47b90d0
F www/version3.tcl 890248cf7b70e60c383b0e84d77d5132b3ead42b
F www/whentouse.tcl fc46eae081251c3c181bd79c5faef8195d7991a5
P 2498d3ea36ecab6d9c0f04ef1c49d76a7a215a4f
R 717f664aa004ee99c89cb098a0645aa5
U drh
Z 3c56c09bf585f991755dd8086487319b
P 13e388cecf53d680a79ef29ff4e82e59de8f1264
R d19f383f47ede81e505eee11623adac3
U danielk1977
Z 449e46ae1e15059fa7102c110d9acde5

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# This file implements some common TCL routines used for regression
# testing the SQLite library
# $Id: tester.tcl,v 1.108 2008/03/21 14:22:44 danielk1977 Exp $
# $Id: tester.tcl,v 1.109 2008/03/21 17:29:38 danielk1977 Exp $
set tcl_precision 15
@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ sqlite3_soft_heap_limit $soft_limit
# See the sqlite3_memdebug_backtrace() function in mem2.c or
# test_malloc.c for additional information.
for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $argv]} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $argv $i] eq "--malloctrace"} {
set argv [lreplace $argv $i $i]
sqlite3_memdebug_backtrace 5
sqlite3_memdebug_log start
set argv [lreplace $argv $i $i]
set tester_do_malloctrace 1
for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $argv]} {incr i} {
if {[regexp {^--backtrace=(\d+)$} [lindex $argv $i] all value]} {
sqlite3_memdebug_backtrace $value
@ -231,6 +240,12 @@ proc finalize_testing {} {
if {[info commands sqlite3_memdebug_malloc_count] ne ""} {
puts "Number of malloc() : [sqlite3_memdebug_malloc_count] calls"
if {[info exists ::tester_do_malloctrace]} {
puts "Writing mallocs.sql..."
sqlite3_memdebug_log stop
sqlite3_memdebug_log clear
foreach f [glob -nocomplain test.db-*-journal] {
file delete -force $f
@ -646,12 +661,14 @@ proc allcksum {{db db}} {
return [md5 $txt]
proc memdebug_log_sql {database} {
proc memdebug_log_sql {{filename mallocs.sql}} {
set data [sqlite3_memdebug_log dump]
set nFrame [expr [llength [lindex $data 0]]-2]
if {$nFrame < 0} { return "" }
set database temp
set tbl "CREATE TABLE ${database}.malloc(nCall, nByte"
for {set ii 1} {$ii <= $nFrame} {incr ii} {
append tbl ", f${ii}"
@ -667,68 +684,32 @@ proc memdebug_log_sql {database} {
set tbl2 "CREATE TABLE ${database}.frame(frame INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, line);\n"
set tbl3 "CREATE TABLE ${database}.file(name PRIMARY KEY, content);\n"
foreach f [array names frames] {
set addr [format %x $f]
set cmd "addr2line -e [info nameofexec] $addr"
set line [eval exec $cmd]
append sql "INSERT INTO ${database}.frame VALUES($f, '$line');\n"
set file [lindex [split $line :] 0]
set files($file) 1
return "BEGIN; ${tbl}${tbl2}${sql} ; COMMIT;"
proc memdebug_log_pp2 {db iLevel iParentFrame iDepth} {
set extra 1
if {$iParentFrame != 0} {
set extra "f[expr $iLevel-1] = $iParentFrame"
set leader [string repeat " " [expr $iLevel -1]]
$db eval "
sum(ncall) calls,
sum(nbyte) as bytes,
line FROM malloc,
frame WHERE f${iLevel}=frame AND $extra
GROUP BY f${iLevel} ORDER BY calls DESC
" {
puts [format "%s%-10s %10s %s" $leader $calls $bytes $line]
if {$iLevel < $iDepth} {
memdebug_log_pp2 $db [expr $iLevel + 1] $frame $iDepth
foreach f [array names files] {
set contents ""
catch {
set fd [open $f]
set contents [read $fd]
close $fd
set contents [string map {' ''} $contents]
append sql "INSERT INTO ${database}.file VALUES('$f', '$contents');\n"
proc memdebug_log_strip {db} {
set nFrame [expr [llength [$db eval "SELECT * FROM malloc LIMIT 1"]] - 2]
set update "UPDATE malloc SET "
for {set ii 1} {$ii <= $nFrame} {incr ii} {
if {$ii == $nFrame} {
append update "f${ii} = 0"
} else {
append update "f${ii} = f[expr $ii+1], "
append update "
(SELECT line FROM frame WHERE frame = f1) LIKE '%malloc.c:%' OR
(SELECT line FROM frame WHERE frame = f1) LIKE '%mem2.c:%'
$db eval $update
$db eval $update
$db eval $update
proc memdebug_log_pp {{iDepth 1}} {
set sql [memdebug_log_sql main]
if {$sql eq ""} return
sqlite3 mddb :memory:
mddb eval $sql
memdebug_log_strip mddb
memdebug_log_pp2 mddb 1 0 $iDepth
mddb close
set fd [open $filename w]
puts $fd "BEGIN; ${tbl}${tbl2}${tbl3}${sql} ; COMMIT;"
close $fd
# Copy file $from into $to. This is used because some versions of