Fix the VDBE_PROFILE logic. Add a script to process the output file.

FossilOrigin-Name: 7adb3da235c8c162c84f05ef4ccf1cc463805d5f
This commit is contained in:
drh 2014-02-17 01:13:28 +00:00
parent cfc6ca4179
commit 2926f9694f
4 changed files with 101 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Seek\spast\sNULLs\sin\sa\stop-constrained\ssearch.\s\sAvoid\schecking\sfor\sNULLs\sin\nthe\sbody\sof\sthe\ssearch.
D 2014-02-14T23:49:13.552
C Fix\sthe\sVDBE_PROFILE\slogic.\s\sAdd\sa\sscript\sto\sprocess\sthe\soutput\sfile.
D 2014-02-17T01:13:28.650
F Makefile.arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc d6df77f1f48d690bd73162294bbba7f59507c72f
F 2ef13430cd359f7b361bb863504e227b25cc7f81
F Makefile.linux-gcc 91d710bdc4998cb015f39edf3cb314ec4f4d7e23
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ F src/vdbe.c 543ed4ed0c41b34affad239374d4c07e6e5b2401
F src/vdbe.h e6c4c610fcabad4fa80ebb1efc6822a9367e2b26
F src/vdbeInt.h 5286af9067cabdb8ba57b87c0c988a931be6c6c8
F src/vdbeapi.c 5bc41aaea448a7fc250902c418f1795859be3820
F src/vdbeaux.c dac6e571262a322b2f889752a8dd36549bdacd2b
F src/vdbeaux.c 9098973ff22c6fdfd68d061e11c2e64f65eea2d1
F src/vdbeblob.c 9542e116c1db5ed813977581d506c176e117c0ec
F src/vdbemem.c 06603e8e9d2f3247b68c6bbe4bd37fb6721b5bda
F src/vdbesort.c 9d83601f9d6243fe70dd0169a2820c5ddfd48147
@ -1147,10 +1147,11 @@ F tool/ 4dbcea7e74768305384c9fd2ed2b41bbf9f0414d
F tool/ fec58532668296d7c7dc48be9c87f75ccdb5814f
F tool/tostr.awk e75472c2f98dd76e06b8c9c1367f4ab07e122d06
F tool/vdbe-compress.tcl 0cf56e9263a152b84da86e75a5c0cdcdb7a47891
F tool/vdbe_profile.tcl 67746953071a9f8f2f668b73fe899074e2c6d8c1
F tool/ f6aa929dc20ef1f856af04a730772f59283631d4
F tool/ d1a6de74685f360ab718efda6265994b99bbea01
F tool/win/sqlite.vsix 030f3eeaf2cb811a3692ab9c14d021a75ce41fff
P 3c1ae447dec8fc2af1c5105134061717594ac0e0
R 20e62eafcdc3ac9a7a16fa36432e6177
P e07a32f30862acf3b322d4d8deb015846d6f8f5f
R a089b7b7dc577bc47ffd22f19eb9e985
U drh
Z f35a13e794e2689c6821aa3d892fcd6f
Z f101c06fe6a48199aebfe3f4c9baeea7

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ void sqlite3VdbePrintOp(FILE *pOut, int pc, Op *pOp){
displayComment(pOp, zP4, zCom, sizeof(zCom));
zCom[0] = 0
zCom[0] = 0;
/* NB: The sqlite3OpcodeName() function is implemented by code created
** by the mkopcodeh.awk and mkopcodec.awk scripts which extract the
@ -2552,6 +2552,16 @@ int sqlite3VdbeReset(Vdbe *p){
fprintf(out, "%02x", p->aOp[i].opcode);
fprintf(out, "\n");
if( p->zSql ){
char c, pc = 0;
fprintf(out, "-- ");
for(i=0; (c = p->zSql[i])!=0; i++){
if( pc=='\n' ) fprintf(out, "-- ");
putc(c, out);
pc = c;
if( pc!='\n' ) fprintf(out, "\n");
for(i=0; i<p->nOp; i++){
fprintf(out, "%6d %10lld %8lld ",

tool/vdbe_profile.tcl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# Run this script in the same directory as the "vdbe_profile.out" file.
# This script summarizes the results contained in that file.
if {![file readable vdbe_profile.out]} {
error "run this script in the same directory as the vdbe_profile.out file"
set in [open vdbe_profile.out r]
set stmt {}
set allstmt {}
while {![eof $in]} {
set line [gets $in]
if {$line==""} continue
if {[regexp {^---- } $line]} {
set stmt [lindex $line 1]
if {[info exists cnt($stmt)]} {
incr cnt($stmt)
set firsttime 0
} else {
set cnt($stmt) 1
set sql($stmt) {}
set firsttime 1
lappend allstmt $stmt
if {[regexp {^-- } $line]} {
if {$firsttime} {
append sql($stmt) [string range $line 3 end]\n
if {![regexp {^ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+ ([A-Z].*)} $line all detail]} continue
set c [lindex $line 0]
set t [lindex $line 1]
set addr [lindex $line 3]
set op [lindex $line 4]
if {[info exists opcnt($op)]} {
incr opcnt($op) $c
incr opcycle($op) $t
} else {
set opcnt($op) $c
set opcycle($op) $t
if {[info exists stat($stmt,$addr)]} {
foreach {cx tx detail} $stat($stmt,$addr) break
incr cx $c
incr tx $t
set stat($stmt,$addr) [list $cx $tx $detail]
} else {
set stat($stmt,$addr) [list $c $t $detail]
close $in
foreach stmt $allstmt {
puts "********************************************************************"
puts [string trim $sql($stmt)]
puts "Execution count: $cnt($stmt)"
for {set i 0} {[info exists stat($stmt,$i)]} {incr i} {
foreach {cx tx detail} $stat($stmt,$i) break
if {$cx==0} {
set ax 0
} else {
set ax [expr {$tx/$cx}]
puts [format {%8d %12d %12d %4d %s} $cx $tx $ax $i $detail]
puts "********************************************************************"
puts "OPCODES:"
foreach op [lsort [array names opcnt]] {
set cx $opcnt($op)
set tx $opcycle($op)
if {$cx==0} {
set ax 0
} else {
set ax [expr {$tx/$cx}]
puts [format {%8d %12d %12d %s} $cx $tx $ax $op]