Add build of sqlite3.mjs (ES6 module), add a test app for it, and include it in the dist build.

FossilOrigin-Name: 2e783670e10b59e67c14b0db7f4803b41790cc7730de221d54fa2d4483cfba33
This commit is contained in:
stephan 2022-11-19 05:26:45 +00:00
parent c768ef7289
commit 27a67968af
12 changed files with 213 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ emcc_opt_full := $(emcc_opt) -g3
# (Much later: -O2 consistently gives the best speeds.)
$(sqlite3.c) $(sqlite3.h):
$(MAKE) -C $( sqlite3.c
@ -199,6 +198,48 @@ $(bin.stripccomments): $(bin.stripccomments).c $(MAKEFILE)
$(CC) -o $@ $<
DISTCLEAN_FILES += $(bin.stripccomments)
# Transform $(1) to $(2) via ./c-pp -f $(1) ...
# Historical notes:
# - We first attempted to use gcc and/or clang to preprocess JS files
# in the same way we would normally do C files, but C-specific quirks
# of each makes that untennable.
# - We implemented c-pp.c (the C-Minus Pre-processor) as a custom
# generic/file-format-agnostic preprocessor to enable us to pack
# code for different target builds into the same JS files. Most
# notably, some ES6 module (a.k.a. ESM) features cannot legally be
# referenced at all in non-ESM code, e.g. the "import" and "export"
# keywords. This preprocessing step permits us to swap out sections
# of code where necessary for ESM and non-ESM (a.k.a. vanilla JS)
# require different implementations. The alternative to such
# preprocessing, would be to have separate source files for ES6
# builds, which would have a higher maintenance burden than c-pp.c
# seems likely to.
# c-pp.c was written specifically for the sqlite project's JavaScript
# builds but is maintained as a standalone project:
bin.c-pp := ./c-pp
$(bin.c-pp): c-pp.c $(sqlite3.c) $(MAKEFILE)
$(CC) -O0 -o $@ c-pp.c $(sqlite3.c) '-DCMPP_DEFAULT_DELIM="//#"' -I$(
define C-PP.JS
# $1 c-pp -D... flags
# $2 = c-pp -f X.js
# $3 = c-pp -o X.js
$(3): $(2) $$(MAKEFILE) $$(bin.c-pp)
$$(bin.c-pp) -f $(2) -o $$@ $(1)
c-pp.D.vanilla ?=
c-pp.D.esm ?= -Dsqlite3-es6-module-build
# /end CPP-of-JS bits
######################################################################## := $(abspath $(dir.api)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.sqlite3-api)
@ -234,9 +275,8 @@ $(foreach X,$(SOAP.js) $(sqlite3-worker1.js) $(sqlite3-worker1-promiser.js),\
$(eval $(call COPY_XAPI,$(X))))
all: $(sqlite3-api.ext.jses)
sqlite3-api.js := $(dir.tmp)/sqlite3-api.js
sqlite3-api.c-pp.js := $(dir.tmp)/sqlite3-api.c-pp.js
$(sqlite3-api.c-pp.js): $(sqlite3-api.jses) $(MAKEFILE) := $(dir.tmp)/sqlite3-api.c-pp.js
$( $(sqlite3-api.jses) $(MAKEFILE)
@echo "Making $@..."
@for i in $(sqlite3-api.jses); do \
echo "/* BEGIN FILE: $$i */"; \
@ -257,28 +297,52 @@ $(sqlite3-api-build-version.js): $(bin.version-info) $(MAKEFILE)
# --post-js and --pre-js are emcc flags we use to append/prepend JS to
# the generated emscripten module file.
pre-js.js := $(dir.tmp)/pre-js.js
post-js.js := $(dir.tmp)/post-js.js
post-jses := \ := $(dir.api)/pre-js.js
pre-js.js.esm := $(dir.tmp)/pre-js.esm.js
pre-js.js.vanilla := $(dir.tmp)/pre-js.vanilla.js
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(c-pp.D.vanilla),$(,$(pre-js.js.vanilla)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(c-pp.D.esm),$(,$(pre-js.js.esm))) := $(dir.tmp)/post-js.js
post-js.js.vanilla := $(dir.tmp)/post-js.vanilla.js
post-js.js.esm := $(dir.tmp)/post-js.esm.js
post-jses.js := \
$(dir.api)/post-js-header.js \
$(sqlite3-api.js) \
$( \
$(post-js.js): $(post-jses) $(MAKEFILE)
$( $(post-jses.js) $(MAKEFILE)
@echo "Making $@..."
@for i in $(post-jses); do \
@for i in $(post-jses.js); do \
echo "/* BEGIN FILE: $$i */"; \
cat $$i; \
echo "/* END FILE: $$i */"; \
done > $@
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(c-pp.D.vanilla),$(,$(post-js.js.vanilla)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(c-pp.D.esm),$(,$(post-js.js.esm))) := $(dir.api)/extern-post-js.js
extern-post-js.js := $(dir.tmp)/extern-post-js.js
extern-post-js.js.vanilla := $(dir.tmp)/extern-post-js.vanilla.js
extern-post-js.js.esm := $(dir.tmp)/extern-post-js.esm.js
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(c-pp.D.vanilla),$(,$(extern-post-js.js.vanilla)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(c-pp.D.esm),$(,$(extern-post-js.js.esm)))
extern-pre-js.js := $(dir.api)/extern-pre-js.js
# Emscripten flags for --[extern-][pre|post]-js=...
pre-post-common.flags := \
--post-js=$(post-js.js) \
--extern-post-js=$(extern-post-js.js) \
pre-post-jses.deps := $(post-js.js) \
$(extern-post-js.js) $(extern-pre-js.js) $(sqlite3-license-version.js)
pre-post-common.flags.vanilla := \
$(pre-post-common.flags) \
--post-js=$(post-js.js.vanilla) \
pre-post-common.flags.esm := \
$(pre-post-common.flags) \
--post-js=$(post-js.js.esm) \
pre-post-jses.deps.common := $(extern-pre-js.js) $(sqlite3-license-version.js)
pre-post-jses.deps.vanilla := $(pre-post-jses.deps.common) \
$(post-js.js.vanilla) $(extern-post-js.js.vanilla)
pre-post-jses.deps.esm := $(pre-post-jses.deps.common) \
$(post-js.js.esm) $(extern-post-js.js.esm)
$(sqlite3-license-version.js): $(sqlite3.h) $(sqlite3-license-version-header.js) $(MAKEFILE)
@echo "Making $@..."; { \
cat $(sqlite3-license-version-header.js); \
@ -290,66 +354,25 @@ $(sqlite3-license-version.js): $(sqlite3.h) $(sqlite3-license-version-header.js)
echo '*/'; \
} > $@
# Transform $(1) to $(2) via ./c-pp -f $(1) ...
# Historical notes:
# - We first attempted to use gcc and/or clang to preprocess JS files
# in the same way we would normally do C files, but C-specific quirks
# of each makes that untennable.
# - We implemented c-pp.c (the C-Minus Pre-processor) as a custom
# generic/file-format-agnostic preprocessor to enable us to pack
# code for different target builds into the same JS files. Most
# notably, some ES6 module (a.k.a. ESM) features cannot legally be
# referenced at all in non-ESM code, e.g. the "import" and "export"
# keywords. This preprocessing step permits us to swap out sections
# of code where necessary for ESM and non-ESM (a.k.a. vanilla JS)
# require different implementations. The alternative to such
# preprocessing, would be to have separate source files for ES6
# builds, which would have a higher maintenance burden than c-pp.c
# seems likely to.
# c-pp.c was written specifically for the sqlite project's JavaScript
# builds but is maintained as a standalone project:
bin.c-pp := ./c-pp
$(bin.c-pp): c-pp.c $(sqlite3.c) $(MAKEFILE)
$(CC) -O0 -o $@ c-pp.c $(sqlite3.c) '-DCMPP_DEFAULT_DELIM="//#"' -I$(
ifneq (,$(filter esm,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
js.cpp.defines ?= -DSQLITE_JS_ESM
esm: $(filter-out esm,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
js.cpp.defines ?=
define C-PP.JS
# $1 = X.js. $2 = output file to generate by filtering $(1) through
# $(bin.cpp) -E -CC.
$(2): $(1) $$(MAKEFILE) $$(bin.c-pp)
$$(bin.c-pp) $(js.cpp.defines) -f $(1) -o $$@
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(dir.tmp)/sqlite3-api.c-pp.js,$(sqlite3-api.js)))
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(dir.api)/pre-js.js,$(dir.tmp)/pre-js.js))
$(eval $(call C-PP.JS,$(,$(extern-post-js.js)))
# /end CPP-of-JS bits
# call-make-pre-js creates rules for pre-js-$(1).js. $1 = the base
# name of the JS file on whose behalf this pre-js is for.
# name of the JS file on whose behalf this pre-js is for. $2 is the
# build mode: one of (vanilla, esm).
define call-make-pre-js
pre-post-$(1).flags ?=
$$(dir.tmp)/pre-js-$(1).js: $$(pre-js.js) $$(MAKEFILE)
cp $$(pre-js.js) $$@
pre-post-$(1).flags.$(2) ?=
$$(dir.tmp)/pre-js-$(1)-$(2).js: $$(pre-js.js.$(2)) $$(MAKEFILE)
cp $$(pre-js.js.$(2)) $$@
@if [ sqlite3-wasmfs = $(1) ]; then \
echo "delete Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm] /*for WASMFS build*/;"; \
elif [ sqlite3 != $(1) ]; then \
echo "Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm].uri = '$(1).wasm';"; \
fi >> $$@
pre-post-$(1).deps := $$(pre-post-jses.deps) $$(dir.tmp)/pre-js-$(1).js
pre-post-$(1).flags += --pre-js=$$(dir.tmp)/pre-js-$(1).js
pre-post-$(1).deps.$(2) := \
$$(pre-post-jses.deps.$(2)) \
pre-post-$(1).flags.$(2) += \
$$(pre-post-common.flags.$(2)) \
#$(error $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3-wasmfs))
# /post-js and pre-js
@ -466,20 +489,11 @@ emcc.jsflags += -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc.WASM_BIGINT)
# debugging info, _huge_.
# AN EXPERIMENT: undocumented Emscripten feature: if the target file
# extension is "mjs", it defaults to ES6 module builds:
sqlite3.js := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3.js
sqlite3.mjs := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3.mjs
# Undocumented Emscripten feature: if the target file extension is
# "mjs", it defaults to ES6 module builds:
ifeq (,$(filter esm,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
sqlite3.js.ext := js
esm.deps := $(filter-out esm,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
esm: $(if $(esm.deps),$(esm.deps),all)
sqlite3.js.ext := mjs
# /esm
sqlite3.js := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3.$(sqlite3.js.ext)
sqlite3.wasm := $(dir.dout)/sqlite3.wasm
sqlite3-wasm.c := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-wasm.c
# sqlite3-wasm.o vs sqlite3-wasm.c: building against the latter
@ -487,22 +501,52 @@ sqlite3-wasm.c := $(dir.api)/sqlite3-wasm.c
# enough to the target speed requirements that the 500ms makes a
# difference. Thus we build all binaries against sqlite3-wasm.c
# instead of building a shared copy of sqlite3-wasm.o.
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3))
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3,vanilla))
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3,esm))
$(sqlite3.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(sqlite3.wasm.obj) \
$(sqlite3.js) $(sqlite3.mjs): $(MAKEFILE) $(sqlite3.wasm.obj) \
$(sqlite3.js): $(pre-post-sqlite3.deps.vanilla)
$(sqlite3.mjs): $(pre-post-sqlite3.deps.esm)
# SQLITE3.xJS.RECIPE = Recipe body for $(sqlite3.js) and
# $(sqlite3.mjs). $1 = one of (vanilla, esm).
@echo "Building $@ ..."
$(emcc.bin) -o $@ $(emcc_opt_full) $(emcc.flags) \
$(emcc.jsflags) $(pre-post-common.flags) $(pre-post-sqlite3.flags) \
$(emcc.jsflags) \
$(pre-post-sqlite3.flags.$(1)) $(emcc.flags.sqlite3.$(1)) \
$(cflags.common) $(SQLITE_OPT) $(sqlite3-wasm.c)
if [ esm = $(1) ]; then \
sed -i -e '0,/^export default/{/^export default/d}' $@; \
fi # work around an Emscripten annoyance. See emcc.flags.esm
chmod -x $(sqlite3.wasm)
$(maybe-wasm-strip) $(sqlite3.wasm)
@ls -la $@ $(sqlite3.wasm)
emcc.flags.sqlite3.vanilla :=
emcc.flags.sqlite3.esm := -sEXPORT_ES6 -sUSE_ES6_IMPORT_META
# Reminder: even if we use -sEXPORT_ES6=0, emcc _still_ adds:
# export default $(sqlite3.js.init-func);
# when building *.mjs, which is bad because we need to export an
# overwritten version of that function and cannot "export default"
# twice. Because of this, we have to sed $(sqlite3.mjs) to remove the
# first instance of /^export default/.
$(call SQLITE3.xJS.RECIPE,vanilla)
$(call SQLITE3.xJS.RECIPE,esm)
$(sqlite3.wasm): $(sqlite3.js)
CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3.js) $(sqlite3.wasm)
all: $(sqlite3.js)
wasm: $(sqlite3.js)
$(sqlite3.mjs): $(sqlite3.js)
# We have to ensure that we do not build both $(sqlite3.js) and
# $(sqlite3.mjs) in parallel because both result in the build of
# $(sqlite3.wasm). We have no way to build just the .mjs file without
# also building the .wasm file. i.e. we're building $(sqlite3.wasm)
# twice, but that's unavoidable.
CLEAN_FILES += $(sqlite3.js) $(sqlite3.mjs) $(sqlite3.wasm)
all: $(sqlite3.mjs)
wasm: $(sqlite3.mjs)
# End main Emscripten-based module build
@ -552,7 +596,6 @@ speedtest1-common.eflags += -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0
speedtest1-common.eflags += --minify 0
speedtest1-common.eflags += -sEXPORT_NAME=$(sqlite3.js.init-func)
speedtest1-common.eflags += -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc.WASM_BIGINT)
speedtest1-common.eflags += $(pre-post-common.flags)
speedtest1.exit-runtime0 := -sEXIT_RUNTIME=0
speedtest1.exit-runtime1 := -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1
# Re -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 vs 0: if it's 1 and speedtest1 crashes, we get
@ -576,17 +619,17 @@ $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.speedtest1): $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api)
@echo "Making $@ ..."
@{ echo _wasm_main; cat $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api); } > $@
speedtest1.js := $(dir.dout)/speedtest1.js
speedtest1.wasm := $(subst .js,.wasm,$(speedtest1.js))
speedtest1.wasm := $(dir.dout)/speedtest1.wasm
speedtest1.cflags := $(cflags.common) -DSQLITE_SPEEDTEST1_WASM
speedtest1.cses := $(speedtest1.c) $(sqlite3-wasm.c)
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,speedtest1))
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,speedtest1,vanilla))
$(speedtest1.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(speedtest1.cses) \
$(pre-post-speedtest1.deps) \
$(pre-post-speedtest1.deps.vanilla) \
@echo "Building $@ ..."
$(emcc.bin) \
$(speedtest1.eflags) $(speedtest1-common.eflags) $(speedtest1.cflags) \
$(pre-post-speedtest1.flags) \
$(pre-post-speedtest1.flags.vanilla) \
$(speedtest1.exit-runtime0) \
-o $@ $(speedtest1.cses) -lm

View File

@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
/* ^^^^ ACHTUNG: blank line at the start is necessary because
Emscripten will not add a newline in some cases and we need
a blank line for a sed-based kludge for the ES6 build. */
/* extern-post-js.js must be appended to the resulting sqlite3.js
file. It gets its name from being used as the value for the
--extern-post-js=... Emscripten flag. Note that this code, unlike
most of the associated JS code, runs outside of the
Emscripten-generated module init scope, in the current
global scope. */
const toexport =
//#if sqlite3-es6-module-build
const toExportForES6 =
@ -106,10 +110,10 @@ const toexport =
exports["sqlite3InitModule"] = sqlite3InitModule;
/* AMD modules get injected in a way we cannot override,
so we can't handle those here. */
//#if sqlite3-es6-module-build
return self.sqlite3InitModule;
export default toexport;
//#if sqlite3-es6-module-build
export default toExportForES6;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ sqlite3InitModuleState.debugModule('self.location =',self.location);
4) If none of the above apply, (prefix+path) is returned.
Module['locateFile'] = function(path, prefix) {
//#if sqlite3-es6-module-build
return new URL(path, import.meta.url).href;
'use strict';

View File

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ const installOpfsVfs = function callee(options){
return promiseReject_(err);
const W =
//#if sqlite3-es6-module-build
new Worker(new URL(options.proxyUri, import.meta.url));
new Worker(options.proxyUri);

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ dist-dir.jswasm := $($(notdir $(dir.dout))
dist-dir.common := $( := \
demo-123.html demo-123-worker.html demo-123.js \
tester1.html tester1-worker.html tester1.js \
tester1.html tester1-worker.html tester1-esm.html tester1.js \
demo-jsstorage.html demo-jsstorage.js \
demo-worker1.html demo-worker1.js \
demo-worker1-promiser.html demo-worker1-promiser.js
@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ dist: \
@cp -p $(dist.jswasm.extras) $(dist-dir.jswasm)
@$(bin.stripccomments) -k -k < $(sqlite3.js) \
> $(dist-dir.jswasm)/$(notdir $(sqlite3.js))
@$(bin.stripccomments) -k -k < $(sqlite3.mjs) \
> $(dist-dir.jswasm)/$(notdir $(sqlite3.mjs))
@cp -p $(dist.common.extras) $(dist-dir.common)
@set -e; \
vnum=$$($(bin.version-info) --download-version); \

View File

@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ fiddle.SOAP.js := $(dir.fiddle)/$(notdir $(SOAP.js))
$(fiddle.SOAP.js): $(SOAP.js)
cp $< $@
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,fiddle-module))
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,fiddle-module,vanilla))
$(fiddle-module.js): $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE.fiddle) \
$(fiddle.cses) $(pre-post-fiddle-module.deps) $(fiddle.SOAP.js)
$(fiddle.cses) $(pre-post-fiddle-module.deps.vanilla) $(fiddle.SOAP.js)
$(emcc.bin) -o $@ $(fiddle.emcc-flags) \
$(pre-post-common.flags) $(pre-post-fiddle-module.flags) \
$(pre-post-fiddle-module.flags.vanilla) \
$(maybe-wasm-strip) $(fiddle-module.wasm)
gzip < $@ > $@.gz

View File

@ -56,6 +56,10 @@
utility code.</li>
<li><a href='tester1-worker.html'>tester1-worker</a>: same thing
but running in a Worker.</li>
<li><a href='tester1-esm.html'>tester1-esm</a>: same thing
but loaded in the main thread via an ES6 module. Note that
not all browsers permit loading modules in Worker threads.
<li>Higher-level apps and demos...

View File

@ -46,7 +46,10 @@
regression tests for the various APIs and surrounding
utility code.</li>
<li><a href='tester1-worker.html'>tester1-worker</a>: same thing
but running in a Worker.</li>
but running in a Worker.</li>
<li><a href='tester1-esm.html'>tester1-esm</a>: same thing
but loaded in the main thread via an ES6 module. Note that
not all browsers permit loading modules in Worker threads.
<li>High-level apps and demos...

ext/wasm/tester1-esm.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:image/x-icon;," type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="common/emscripten.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="common/testing.css"/>
<title>sqlite3 tester ESM #1 (UI thread)</title>
body {
font-family: monospace;
<h1 id='color-target'>sqlite3 WASM/JS tester ESM #1 (UI thread)</h1>
<div class='input-wrapper'>
<input type='checkbox' id='cb-log-reverse'>
<label for='cb-log-reverse'>Reverse log order?</label>
<div id='test-output'></div>
<script type="module" defer>
import {default as sqlite3InitModule} from "./jswasm/sqlite3.mjs";
self.sqlite3InitModule = sqlite3InitModule;
console.log("Loaded sqlite3InitModule() via an ES6 module.");
<script src="tester1.js" defer></script>

View File

@ -67,14 +67,17 @@ sqlite3-wasmfs.jsflags += $(sqlite3-wasmfs.fsflags)
# USE_PTHREADS + ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH may run non-wasm code slowly,
# see [-Wpthreads-mem-growth]
sqlite3-wasmfs.jsflags += -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc.WASM_BIGINT)
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3-wasmfs))
sqlite3-wasmfs.jsflags += $(pre-post-common.flags) $(pre-post-sqlite3-wasmfs.flags)
$(eval $(call call-make-pre-js,sqlite3-wasmfs,vanilla))
sqlite3-wasmfs.jsflags += \
$(pre-post-common.flags.vanilla) \
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.js): $(sqlite3-wasm.c) \
@echo "Building $@ ..."
$(emcc.bin) -o $@ $(emcc_opt_full) $(emcc.flags) \
$(sqlite3-wasmfs.cflags) $(sqlite3-wasmfs.jsflags) \
$(pre-post-sqlite3-wasm.flags.vanilla) \
chmod -x $(sqlite3-wasmfs.wasm)
$(maybe-wasm-strip) $(sqlite3-wasmfs.wasm)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Integrate\sa\scustom\spreprocessor\sto\sthe\sJS\sbuild\sprocess\sto\sfacilitate\screation\sof\sboth\svanilla\sJS\sand\sES6\sModule\sbuilds\sfrom\sthe\ssame\ssource\sfiles.\sThere\sis\sstill\ssome\sbuild-level\sreworking\spending\sto\smake\san\sESM\sbuild\sa\sfirst-class\sdeliverable.
D 2022-11-19T02:58:03.867
C Add\sbuild\sof\ssqlite3.mjs\s(ES6\smodule),\sadd\sa\stest\sapp\sfor\sit,\sand\sinclude\sit\sin\sthe\sdist\sbuild.
D 2022-11-19T05:26:45.763
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
F .fossil-settings/ignore-glob 35175cdfcf539b2318cb04a9901442804be81cd677d8b889fcc9149c21f239ea
F df5091916dbb40e6e9686186587125e1b2ff51f022cc334e886c19a0e9982724
@ -488,21 +488,21 @@ F ext/userauth/sqlite3userauth.h 7f3ea8c4686db8e40b0a0e7a8e0b00fac13aa7a3
F ext/userauth/user-auth.txt e6641021a9210364665fe625d067617d03f27b04
F ext/userauth/userauth.c 7f00cded7dcaa5d47f54539b290a43d2e59f4b1eb5f447545fa865f002fc80cb
F ext/wasm/ 27450c8b8c70875a260aca55435ec927068b34cef801a96205adb81bdcefc65c
F ext/wasm/GNUmakefile 6a0d03e8d0b52b6851a364c1faaa0df8a07be1e8eb8aa9f87432aad74005a04e
F ext/wasm/GNUmakefile 1e38a4f7147d621bd2138d13938ef34157bcf47908325baa6b06cd02c5e3ef89
F ext/wasm/README-dist.txt 2d670b426fc7c613b90a7d2f2b05b433088fe65181abead970980f0a4a75ea20
F ext/wasm/ ef39861aa21632fdbca0bdd469f78f0096f6449a720f3f39642594af503030e9
F ext/wasm/api/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.sqlite3-api 9120c2f8f51fa85f46dcf4dcb6b12f4a807d428f6089b99cdb08d8ddfcfd88b2
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T +closed 6b826e700f6849eebfbba38e5948b96be245994e3e03ea30743114d3f5689c42 Closed\sby\sintegrate-merge.
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U stephan
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