Merge the Java Native Interface (JNI) binding into trunk.

FossilOrigin-Name: 48b13edcec6935bf125b265b41a3e6f7b2407afff89d5b4daa2939e3c5679ca0
This commit is contained in:
stephan 2023-08-12 21:39:18 +00:00
commit 202651fe86
42 changed files with 13149 additions and 6 deletions

ext/jni/GNUmakefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
# Quick-and-dirty makefile to bootstrap the sqlite3-jni project. This
# build assumes a Linux-like system.
default: all
JAVA_HOME ?= $(HOME)/jdk/current
# e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/default-javajava-19-openjdk-amd64
# ^^^ JDK_HOME is not as widely used as JAVA_HOME
bin.javac := $(JDK_HOME)/bin/javac := $(JDK_HOME)/bin/java
bin.jar := $(JDK_HOME)/bin/jar
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(JDK_HOME)))
$(error set JDK_HOME to the top-most dir of your JDK installation.)
MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
package.jar := sqlite3-jni.jar := ../..
dir.tool := ../../tool
dir.jni := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(MAKEFILE)))
dir.src := $(dir.jni)/src
dir.src.c := $(dir.src)/c
dir.bld := $(dir.jni)/bld
dir.bld.c := $(dir.bld)
dir.src.jni := $(dir.src)/org/sqlite/jni
dir.src.jni.tester := $(dir.src.jni)/tester
mkdir -p $@
classpath := $(dir.src)
CLEAN_FILES := $(package.jar)
DISTCLEAN_FILES := $(dir.jni)/*~ $(dir.src.c)/*~ $(dir.src.jni)/*~
sqlite3-jni.h := $(dir.src.c)/sqlite3-jni.h
.NOTPARALLEL: $(sqlite3-jni.h) := src/org/sqlite/jni/ := src/org/sqlite/jni/tester/
SQLite3Jni.class := $(
SQLTester.class := $(
# The future of FTS5 customization in this API is as yet unclear.
# It would be a real doozy to bind to JNI.
enable.fts5 ?= 1
# If enable.tester is 0, the org/sqlite/jni/tester/* bits are elided.
enable.tester ?= 1
# bin.version-info = binary to output various sqlite3 version info
# building the distribution zip file.
bin.version-info := $(
.NOTPARALLEL: $(bin.version-info)
$(bin.version-info): $(dir.tool)/version-info.c $(sqlite3.h) $(
$(MAKE) -C $( version-info
# Be explicit about which Java files to compile so that we can work on
# in-progress files without requiring them to be in a compilable statae.
JAVA_FILES.main := $(patsubst %,$(dir.src.jni)/%,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
ifeq (1,$(enable.fts5))
JAVA_FILES.main += $(patsubst %,$(dir.src.jni)/%,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
JAVA_FILES.tester := $(dir.src.jni.tester)/
CLASS_FILES.main := $(
CLASS_FILES.tester := $(
ifeq (1,$(enable.tester))
$(1).class: $(1).java $(MAKEFILE)
all: $(1).class
CLASS_FILES += $(1).class
$(foreach B,$(basename $(JAVA_FILES)),$(eval $(call DOTCLASS_DEPS,$(B))))
$(CLASS_FILES.tester): $(CLASS_FILES.main)
javac.flags ?= -Xlint:unchecked -Xlint:deprecation
java.flags ?=
jnicheck ?= 1
ifeq (1,$(jnicheck))
java.flags += -Xcheck:jni
$(SQLite3Jni.class): $(JAVA_FILES)
$(bin.javac) $(javac.flags) -h $(dir.bld.c) -cp $(classpath) $(JAVA_FILES)
all: $(SQLite3Jni.class)
#.PHONY: classfiles
# Set up sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h...
# To build with SEE (, either put sqlite3-see.c
# in the top of this build tree or pass
# sqlite3.c=PATH_TO_sqlite3-see.c to the build. Note that only
# encryption modules with no 3rd-party dependencies will currently
# work here: AES256-OFB, AES128-OFB, and AES128-CCM. Not
# coincidentally, those 3 modules are included in the sqlite3-see.c
# bundle.
# A custom sqlite3.c must not have any spaces in its name.
# $(sqlite3.canonical.c) must point to the sqlite3.c in
# the sqlite3 canonical source tree, as that source file
# is required for certain utility and test code.
sqlite3.canonical.c := $(firstword $(wildcard $(dir.src.c)/sqlite3.c) $(
sqlite3.canonical.h := $(firstword $(wildcard $(dir.src.c)/sqlite3.h) $(
sqlite3.c := $(sqlite3.canonical.c)
sqlite3.h := $(sqlite3.canonical.h)
#ifeq (,$(shell grep sqlite3_activate_see $(sqlite3.c) 2>/dev/null))
# $(info This is an SEE build.)
.NOTPARALLEL: $(sqlite3.h)
$(MAKE) -C $( sqlite3.c
$(sqlite3.c): $(sqlite3.h)
-DSQLITE_C=$(sqlite3.c) \
# -DSQLITE_DEBUG is just to work around a -Wall warning
# for a var which gets set in all builds but only read
# via assert().
ifeq (1,$(enable.fts5))
sqlite3-jni.c := $(dir.src.c)/sqlite3-jni.c
sqlite3-jni.o := $(dir.bld.c)/sqlite3-jni.o
sqlite3-jni.h := $(dir.src.c)/sqlite3-jni.h
sqlite3-jni.dll := $(dir.bld.c)/
# All javac-generated .h files must be listed in $( :=
define ADD_JNI_H += $$(dir.bld.c)/org_sqlite_jni_$(1).h
$$(dir.bld.c)/org_sqlite_jni_$(1).h: $$(dir.src.jni)/$(1).java
$(eval $(call ADD_JNI_H,SQLite3Jni))
ifeq (1,$(enable.fts5))
$(eval $(call ADD_JNI_H,Fts5ExtensionApi))
$(eval $(call ADD_JNI_H,fts5_api))
$(eval $(call ADD_JNI_H,fts5_tokenizer))
ifeq (1,$(enable.tester)) += $(dir.bld.c)/org_sqlite_jni_tester_SQLTester.h
$(dir.bld.c)/org_sqlite_jni_tester_SQLTester.h: $(dir.src.jni.tester)/
#sqlite3-jni.dll.cfiles := $(dir.src.c)
sqlite3-jni.dll.cflags = \
-fPIC \
-I. \
-I$(dir $(sqlite3.h)) \
-I$(dir.src.c) \
-I$(JDK_HOME)/include \
$(patsubst %,-I%,$(patsubst %.h,,$(wildcard $(JDK_HOME)/include/*))) \
# Using (-Wall -Wextra) triggers an untennable number of
# gcc warnings from sqlite3.c for mundane things like
# unused parameters.
# The gross $(patsubst...) above is to include the platform-specific
# subdir which lives under $(JDK_HOME)/include and is a required
# include path for client-level code.
ifeq (1,$(enable.tester))
sqlite3-jni.dll.cflags += -DS3JNI_ENABLE_SQLTester
$(sqlite3-jni.h): $( $(MAKEFILE)
cat $( > $@
$(sqlite3-jni.dll): $(sqlite3-jni.h) $(sqlite3.c) $(sqlite3.h)
$(sqlite3-jni.dll): $(dir.bld.c) $(sqlite3-jni.c) $( $(MAKEFILE)
$(CC) $(sqlite3-jni.dll.cflags) $(SQLITE_OPT) \
$(sqlite3-jni.c) -shared -o $@
all: $(sqlite3-jni.dll)
.PHONY: test
test.flags ?= -v
test: $(SQLite3Jni.class) $(sqlite3-jni.dll)
$( -ea -Djava.library.path=$(dir.bld.c) \
$(java.flags) -cp $(classpath) \
org.sqlite.jni.Tester1 $(if $(test.flags),-- $(test.flags),)
tester.scripts := $(sort $(wildcard $(dir.src)/tests/*.test))
tester.flags ?= # --verbose
.PHONY: tester tester-local tester-ext
ifeq (1,$(enable.tester))
tester-local: $(CLASS_FILES.tester) $(sqlite3-jni.dll)
$( -ea -Djava.library.path=$(dir.bld.c) \
$(java.flags) -cp $(classpath) \
org.sqlite.jni.tester.SQLTester $(tester.flags) $(tester.scripts)
tester: tester-local
@echo "SQLTester support is disabled. Build with enable.tester=1 to enable it."
tester.extdir.default := src/tests/ext
tester.extdir ?= $(tester.extdir.default)
tester.extern-scripts := $(wildcard $(tester.extdir)/*.test)
ifneq (,$(tester.extern-scripts))
$( -ea -Djava.library.path=$(dir.bld.c) \
$(java.flags) -cp $(classpath) \
org.sqlite.jni.tester.SQLTester $(tester.flags) $(tester.extern-scripts)
@echo "******************************************************"; \
echo "*** Include the out-of-tree test suite in the 'tester'"; \
echo "*** target by either symlinking its directory to"; \
echo "*** $(tester.extdir.default) or passing it to make"; \
echo "*** as tester.extdir=/path/to/that/dir."; \
echo "******************************************************";
tester-ext: tester-local
tester: tester-ext
tests: test tester := $(abspath $(dir.src)/
cd $(dir.src); ls -1 org/sqlite/jni/*.java org/sqlite/jni/*.class > $@
@ls -la $@
@echo "To use this jar you will need the -Djava.library.path=DIR/WITH/ flag."
@echo "e.g. java -jar $@ -Djava.library.path=bld"
$(package.jar): $(CLASS_FILES) $(MAKEFILE) $(
rm -f $(dir.src)/c/*~ $(dir.src.jni)/*~
cd $(dir.src); $(bin.jar) -cfe ../$@ org.sqlite.jni.Tester1 @$(
jar: $(package.jar)
CLEAN_FILES += $(dir.bld.c)/* \
$(dir.src.jni)/*.class \
$(dir.src.jni.tester)/*.class \
$(sqlite3-jni.dll) \
.PHONY: clean distclean
-rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES)
distclean: clean
-rm -fr $(dir.bld.c)
# disttribution bundle rules...
ifeq (,$(filter snapshot,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
dist-name-prefix := sqlite-jni
dist-name-prefix := sqlite-jni-snapshot-$(shell /usr/bin/date +%Y%m%d)
dist-name := $(dist-name-prefix)-TEMP := $(dist-name)
dist-dir.src := $( := \
.PHONY: dist snapshot
dist: \
$(bin.version-info) $(sqlite3.canonical.c) \
$(package.jar) $(MAKEFILE)
@echo "Making end-user deliverables..."
@rm -fr $(
@mkdir -p $(dist-dir.src)
@cp -p $( $(
@cp -p jar-dist.make $(
@cp -p $(dir.src.c)/*.[ch] $(dist-dir.src)/.
@cp -p $(sqlite3.canonical.c) $(sqlite3.canonical.h) $(dist-dir.src)/.
@set -e; \
vnum=$$($(bin.version-info) --download-version); \
vjar=$$($(bin.version-info) --version); \
vdir=$(dist-name-prefix)-$$vnum; \
arczip=$$; \
cp -p $(package.jar) $($${vjar}.jar; \
echo "Making $$arczip ..."; \
rm -fr $$arczip $$vdir; \
mv $( $$vdir; \
zip -qr $$arczip $$vdir; \
rm -fr $$vdir; \
ls -la $$arczip; \
set +e; \
unzip -lv $$arczip || echo "Missing unzip app? Not fatal."
snapshot: dist
.PHONY: dist-clean
clean: dist-clean
rm -fr $(dist-name) $(wildcard sqlite-jni-*.zip)

ext/jni/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
SQLite3 via JNI
This directory houses a Java Native Interface (JNI) binding for the
sqlite3 API. If you are reading this from the distribution ZIP file,
links to resources in the canonical source tree will note work. The
canonical copy of this file can be browsed at:
Technical support is available in the forum:
> **FOREWARNING:** this subproject is very much in development and
subject to any number of changes. Please do not rely on any
information about its API until this disclaimer is removed.
Project goals/requirements:
- A [1-to-1(-ish) mapping of the C API](#1to1ish) to Java via JNI,
insofar as cross-language semantics allow for. A closely-related
goal is that [the C documentation](
should be usable as-is, insofar as possible, for the JNI binding.
- Support Java as far back as version 8 (2014).
- Environment-independent. Should work everywhere both Java
and SQLite3 do.
- No 3rd-party dependencies beyond the JDK. That includes no
build-level dependencies for specific IDEs and toolchains. We
welcome the addition of build files for arbitrary environments
insofar as they neither interfere with each other nor become
a maintenance burden for the sqlite developers.
- Creation of high-level OO wrapper APIs. Clients are free to create
them off of the C-style API.
Significant TODOs
- Lots of APIs left to bind. Most "day-to-day" functionality is already
in place and is believed to work well.
The canonical builds assumes a Linux-like environment and requires:
- GNU Make
- A JDK supporting Java 8 or higher
- A modern C compiler. gcc and clang should both work.
Put simply:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk/root
$ make
$ make test
$ make clean
<a id='1to1ish'></a>
One-to-One(-ish) Mapping to C
This JNI binding aims to provide as close to a 1-to-1 experience with
the C API as cross-language semantics allow. Exceptions are
necessarily made where cross-language semantics do not allow a 1-to-1,
and judiciously made where a 1-to-1 mapping would be unduly cumbersome
to use in Java.
Golden Rule: _Never_ Throw from Callbacks
JNI bindings which accept client-defined functions _must never throw
exceptions_ unless _very explicitly documented_ as being
throw-safe. Exceptions are generally reserved for higher-level
bindings which are constructed to specifically deal with them and
ensure that they do not leak C-level resources. Some of the JNI
bindings are provided as Java functions which expect this rule to
always hold.
SQLite internally uses UTF-8 encoding, whereas Java natively uses
UTF-16. Java JNI has routines for converting to and from UTF-8, _but_
Java uses what its docs call "[modified UTF-8][modutf8]." Care must be
taken when converting Java strings to UTF-8 to ensure that the proper
conversion is performed. In short,
`String.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)` performs the proper
conversion in Java, and there is no JNI C API for that conversion
(JNI's `NewStringUTF()` returns MUTF-8).
Known consequences and limitations of this discrepancy include:
- Names of databases, tables, and collations must not contain
characters which differ in MUTF-8 and UTF-8, or certain APIs will
mis-translate them on their way between languages. APIs which
transfer other client-side data to Java take extra care to
convert the data at the cost of performance.
Unwieldy Constructs are Re-mapped
Some constructs, when modelled 1-to-1 from C to Java, are unduly
clumsy to work with in Java because they try to shoehorn C's way of
doing certain things into Java's wildly different ways. The following
subsections cover those, starting with a verbose explanation and
demonstration of where such changes are "really necessary"...
### Custom Collations
A prime example of where interface changes for Java are necessary for
usability is [registration of a custom
// C:
int sqlite3_create_collation(sqlite3 * db, const char * name, int eTextRep,
void *pUserData,
int (*xCompare)(void*,int,void const *,int,void const *));
int sqlite3_create_collation_v2(sqlite3 * db, const char * name, int eTextRep,
void *pUserData,
int (*xCompare)(void*,int,void const *,int,void const *),
void (*xDestroy)(void*));
The `pUserData` object is optional client-defined state for the
`xCompare()` and/or `xDestroy()` callback functions, both of which are
passed that object as their first argument. That data is passed around
"externally" in C because that's how C models the world. If we were to
bind that part as-is to Java, the result would be awkward to use (^Yes,
we tried this.):
// Java:
int sqlite3_create_collation(sqlite3 db, String name, int eTextRep,
Object pUserData, xCompareType xCompare);
int sqlite3_create_collation_v2(sqlite3 db, String name, int eTextRep,
Object pUserData,
xCompareType xCompare, xDestroyType xDestroy);
The awkwardness comes from (A) having two distinctly different objects
for callbacks and (B) having their internal state provided separately,
which is ill-fitting in Java. For the sake of usability, C APIs which
follow that pattern use a slightly different Java interface:
int sqlite3_create_collation(sqlite3 db, String name, int eTextRep,
Collation collation);
Where the `Collation` class has an abstract `xCompare()` method and
no-op `xDestroy()` method which can be overridden if needed, leading to
a much more Java-esque usage:
int rc = sqlite3_create_collation(db, "mycollation", SQLITE_UTF8, new Collation(){
// Required comparison function:
@Override public int xCompare(byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs){ ... }
// Optional finalizer function:
@Override public void xDestroy(){ ... }
// Optional local state:
private String localState1 =
"This is local state. There are many like it, but this one is mine.";
private MyStateType localState2 = new MyStateType();
Noting that:
- It is still possible to bind in call-scope-local state via closures,
if desired.
- No capabilities of the C API are lost or unduly obscured via the
above API reshaping, so power users need not make any compromises.
- In the specific example above, `sqlite3_create_collation_v2()`
becomes superfluous because the provided interface effectively
provides both the v1 and v2 interfaces, the difference being that
overriding the `xDestroy()` method effectively gives it v2
### User-defined SQL Functions (a.k.a. UDFs)
The [`sqlite3_create_function()`](
family of APIs make heavy use of function pointers to provide
client-defined callbacks, necessitating interface changes in the JNI
binding. The Java API has only one core function-registration function:
int sqlite3_create_function(sqlite3 db, String funcName, int nArgs,
int encoding, SQLFunction func);
> Design question: does the encoding argument serve any purpose in JS?
`SQLFunction` is not used directly, but is instead instantiated via
one of its three subclasses:
- `SQLFunction.Scalar` implements simple scalar functions using but a
single callback.
- `SQLFunction.Aggregate` implements aggregate functions using two
- `SQLFunction.Window` implements window functions using four
Search [``](/file/ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ for
`SQLFunction` for how it's used.
Reminder: see the disclaimer at the top of this document regarding the
in-flux nature of this API.
[jsrc]: /file/

ext/jni/jar-dist.make Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#^^^^ help emacs out
# This is a POSIX-make-compatible makefile for building the sqlite3
# JNI library from "dist" zip file. It must be edited to set the
# proper top-level JDK directory and, depending on the platform, add a
# platform-specific -I directory. It should build as-is with any
# 2020s-era version of gcc or clang. It requires JDK version 8 or
# higher.
default: all
JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
-fPIC \
-Isrc \
-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include \
-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux \
-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/apple \
-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/bsd \
# -DSQLITE_DEBUG is just to work around a -Wall warning
# for a var which gets set in all builds but only read
# via assert().
sqlite3-jni.dll =
@echo "************************************************************************"; \
echo "*** If this fails to build, be sure to edit this makefile ***"; \
echo "*** to configure it for your system. ***"; \
echo "************************************************************************"
src/sqlite3-jni.c -shared -o $@
@echo "Now try running it with: make test"
test: $(sqlite3-jni.dll)
java -jar -Djava.library.path=. sqlite3-jni-*.jar
-rm -f $(sqlite3-jni.dll)
all: $(sqlite3-jni.dll)

ext/jni/src/c/sqlite3-jni.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

ext/jni/src/c/sqlite3-jni.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
** 2023-08-05
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A callback for use with sqlite3_set_authorizer().
public interface Authorizer {
Must functions as described for the sqlite3_set_authorizer()
callback, with one caveat: the string values passed here were
initially (at the C level) encoded in standard UTF-8. If they
contained any constructs which are not compatible with MUTF-8,
these strings will not have the expected values. For further
details, see the documentation for the SQLite3Jni class.
Must not throw.
int xAuth(int opId, @Nullable String s1, @Nullable String s2,
@Nullable String s3, @Nullable String s4);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
** 2023-08-05
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A callback for use with sqlite3_auto_extension().
public interface AutoExtension {
Must function as described for the sqlite3_auto_extension(),
with the caveat that the signature is more limited.
As an exception (as it were) to the callbacks-must-not-throw
rule, AutoExtensions may do so and the exception's error message
will be set as the db's error string.
Results are undefined if db is closed by an auto-extension.
int xEntryPoint(sqlite3 db);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_busy_handler().
public abstract class BusyHandler {
Must function as documented for the sqlite3_busy_handler()
callback argument, minus the (void*) argument the C-level
function requires.
Any exceptions thrown by this callback are suppressed in order to
retain the C-style API semantics of the JNI bindings.
public abstract int xCallback(int n);
Optionally override to perform any cleanup when this busy
handler is destroyed. It is destroyed when:
- The associated db is passed to sqlite3_close() or
- sqlite3_busy_handler() is called to replace the handler,
whether it's passed a null handler or any other instance of
this class.
- sqlite3_busy_timeout() is called, which implicitly installs
a busy handler.
public void xDestroy(){}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
public abstract class Collation {
Must compare the given byte arrays using memcmp() semantics.
public abstract int xCompare(byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs);
Called by SQLite when the collation is destroyed. If a Collation
requires custom cleanup, override this method.
public void xDestroy() {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
** 2023-07-30
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_collation_needed().
public interface CollationNeeded {
Has the same semantics as the C-level sqlite3_create_collation()
If it throws, the exception message is passed on to the db and
the exception is suppressed.
int xCollationNeeded(sqlite3 db, int eTextRep, String collationName);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_commit_hook().
public interface CommitHook {
Works as documented for the sqlite3_commit_hook() callback.
Must not throw.
int xCommitHook();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
** 2023-08-05
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (fts5_api*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java and C
via JNI.
public final class Fts5 {
/* Not used */
private Fts5(){}
//! Callback type for use with xTokenize() variants
public static interface xTokenizeCallback {
int xToken(int tFlags, byte txt[], int iStart, int iEnd);
public static final int FTS5_TOKENIZE_QUERY = 0x0001;
public static final int FTS5_TOKENIZE_PREFIX = 0x0002;
public static final int FTS5_TOKENIZE_DOCUMENT = 0x0004;
public static final int FTS5_TOKENIZE_AUX = 0x0008;
public static final int FTS5_TOKEN_COLOCATED = 0x0001;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
** 2023-08-04
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (Fts5Context*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java and C
via JNI.
public final class Fts5Context extends NativePointerHolder<Fts5Context> {

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
** 2023-08-04
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
FAR FROM COMPLETE and the feasibility of binding this to Java
is still undetermined. This might be removed.
public final class Fts5ExtensionApi extends NativePointerHolder<Fts5ExtensionApi> {
//! Only called from JNI
private Fts5ExtensionApi(){}
private int iVersion = 2;
/* Callback type for used by xQueryPhrase(). */
public static interface xQueryPhraseCallback {
int xCallback(Fts5ExtensionApi fapi, Fts5Context cx);
Returns the singleton instance of this class.
public static synchronized native Fts5ExtensionApi getInstance();
public synchronized native int xColumnCount(@NotNull Fts5Context fcx);
public synchronized native int xColumnSize(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, int iCol,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 pnToken);
public synchronized native int xColumnText(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, int iCol,
@NotNull OutputPointer.String txt);
public synchronized native int xColumnTotalSize(@NotNull Fts5Context fcx, int iCol,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int64 pnToken);
public synchronized native Object xGetAuxdata(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, boolean clearIt);
public synchronized native int xInst(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, int iIdx,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 piPhrase,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 piCol,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 piOff);
public synchronized native int xInstCount(@NotNull Fts5Context fcx,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 pnInst);
public synchronized native int xPhraseCount(@NotNull Fts5Context fcx);
public synchronized native int xPhraseFirst(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, int iPhrase,
@NotNull Fts5PhraseIter iter,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 iCol,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 iOff);
public synchronized native int xPhraseFirstColumn(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, int iPhrase,
@NotNull Fts5PhraseIter iter,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 iCol);
public synchronized native void xPhraseNext(@NotNull Fts5Context cx,
@NotNull Fts5PhraseIter iter,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 iCol,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 iOff);
public synchronized native void xPhraseNextColumn(@NotNull Fts5Context cx,
@NotNull Fts5PhraseIter iter,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int32 iCol);
public synchronized native int xPhraseSize(@NotNull Fts5Context fcx, int iPhrase);
public synchronized native int xQueryPhrase(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, int iPhrase,
@NotNull xQueryPhraseCallback callback);
public synchronized native int xRowCount(@NotNull Fts5Context fcx,
@NotNull OutputPointer.Int64 nRow);
public synchronized native long xRowid(@NotNull Fts5Context cx);
/* Note that the JNI binding lacks the C version's xDelete()
callback argument. Instead, if pAux has an xDestroy() method, it
is called if the FTS5 API finalizes the aux state (including if
allocation of storage for the auxdata fails). Any reference to
pAux held by the JNI layer will be relinquished regardless of
whether pAux has an xDestroy() method. */
public synchronized native int xSetAuxdata(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, @Nullable Object pAux);
public synchronized native int xTokenize(@NotNull Fts5Context cx, @NotNull byte pText[],
@NotNull Fts5.xTokenizeCallback callback);
public synchronized native Object xUserData(Fts5Context cx);
//^^^ returns the pointer passed as the 3rd arg to the C-level
// fts5_api::xCreateFunction.

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
** 2023-08-04
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Fts5Function is used in conjunction with the
sqlite3_create_fts_function() JNI-bound API to give that native code
access to the callback functions needed in order to implement
FTS5 auxiliary functions in Java.
public abstract class Fts5Function {
public abstract void xFunction(Fts5ExtensionApi pApi, Fts5Context pFts,
sqlite3_context pCtx, sqlite3_value argv[]);
public void xDestroy() {}

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
** 2023-08-04
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for C-level Fts5PhraseIter. They are only modified and
inspected by native-level code.
public final class Fts5PhraseIter extends NativePointerHolder<Fts5PhraseIter> {
//! Updated and used only by native code.
private long a;
private long b;

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
** 2023-08-05x
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (Fts5Tokenizer*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java and C
via JNI.
At the C level, the Fts5Tokenizer type is essentially a void
pointer used specifically for tokenizers.
public final class Fts5Tokenizer extends NativePointerHolder<Fts5Tokenizer> {
//! Only called from JNI.
private Fts5Tokenizer(){}

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A helper for passing pointers between JNI C code and Java, in
particular for output pointers of high-level object types in the
sqlite3 C API, e.g. (sqlite3**) and (sqlite3_stmt**). This is
intended to be subclassed and the ContextType is intended to be the
class which is doing the subclassing. The intent of the ContextType
is strictly to provide some level of type safety by avoiding that
NativePointerHolder is not inadvertently passed to an incompatible
function signature.
These objects do not _own_ the pointer they refer to. They are
intended simply to communicate that pointer between C and Java.
public class NativePointerHolder<ContextType> {
//! Only set from JNI, where access permissions don't matter.
private long nativePointer = 0;
public final long getNativePointer(){ return nativePointer; }

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Helper classes for handling JNI output pointers.
We do not use a generic OutputPointer<T> because working with those
from the native JNI code is unduly quirky due to a lack of
autoboxing at that level.
The usage is similar for all of thes types:
OutputPointer.sqlite3 out = new OutputPointer.sqlite3();
assert( null==out.get() );
int rc = sqlite3_open(":memory:", out);
if( 0!=rc ) ... error;
assert( null!=out.get() );
sqlite3 db = out.take();
assert( null==out.get() );
With the minor exception that the primitive types permit direct
access to the object's value via the `value` property, whereas the
JNI-level opaque types do not permit client-level code to set that
public final class OutputPointer {
Output pointer for use with routines, such as sqlite3_open(),
which return a database handle via an output pointer. These
pointers can only be set by the JNI layer, not by client-level
public static final class sqlite3 {
private org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3 value;
//! Initializes with a null value.
public sqlite3(){value = null;}
//! Sets the current value to null.
public void clear(){value = null;}
//! Returns the current value.
public final org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3 get(){return value;}
//! Equivalent to calling get() then clear().
public final org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3 take(){
final org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3 v = value;
value = null;
return v;
Output pointer for use with routines, such as sqlite3_prepare(),
which return a statement handle via an output pointer. These
pointers can only be set by the JNI layer, not by client-level
public static final class sqlite3_stmt {
private org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3_stmt value;
//! Initializes with a null value.
public sqlite3_stmt(){value = null;}
//! Sets the current value to null.
public void clear(){value = null;}
//! Returns the current value.
public final org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3_stmt get(){return value;}
//! Equivalent to calling get() then clear().
public final org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3_stmt take(){
final org.sqlite.jni.sqlite3_stmt v = value;
value = null;
return v;
Output pointer for use with native routines which return integers via
output pointers.
public static final class Int32 {
This is public for ease of use. Accessors are provided for
consistency with the higher-level types.
public int value;
//! Initializes with the value 0.
public Int32(){this(0);}
//! Initializes with the value v.
public Int32(int v){value = v;}
//! Returns the current value.
public final int get(){return value;}
//! Sets the current value to v.
public final void set(int v){value = v;}
Output pointer for use with native routines which return 64-bit integers
via output pointers.
public static final class Int64 {
This is public for ease of use. Accessors are provided for
consistency with the higher-level types.
public long value;
//! Initializes with the value 0.
public Int64(){this(0);}
//! Initializes with the value v.
public Int64(long v){value = v;}
//! Returns the current value.
public final long get(){return value;}
//! Sets the current value.
public final void set(long v){value = v;}
Output pointer for use with native routines which return strings via
output pointers.
public static final class String {
This is public for ease of use. Accessors are provided for
consistency with the higher-level types.
public java.lang.String value;
//! Initializes with a null value.
public String(){this(null);}
//! Initializes with the value v.
public String(java.lang.String v){value = v;}
//! Returns the current value.
public final java.lang.String get(){return value;}
//! Sets the current value.
public final void set(java.lang.String v){value = v;}
Output pointer for use with native routines which return byte
arrays via output pointers.
public static final class ByteArray {
This is public for ease of use. Accessors are provided for
consistency with the higher-level types.
public byte[] value;
//! Initializes with the value null.
public ByteArray(){this(null);}
//! Initializes with the value v.
public ByteArray(byte[] v){value = v;}
//! Returns the current value.
public final byte[] get(){return value;}
//! Sets the current value.
public final void set(byte[] v){value = v;}

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_progress_handler().
public interface ProgressHandler {
Works as documented for the sqlite3_progress_handler() callback.
If it throws, the exception message is passed on to the db and
the exception is suppressed.
int xCallback();

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
This enum contains all of the core and "extended" result codes used
by the sqlite3 library. It is provided not for use with the C-style
API (with which it won't work) but for higher-level code which may
find it useful to map SQLite result codes to human-readable names.
public enum ResultCode {
public final int value;
ResultCode(int rc){
value = rc;
ResultCodeMap.set(rc, this);
Returns the entry from this enum for the given result code, or
null if no match is found.
public static ResultCode getEntryForInt(int rc){
return ResultCodeMap.get(rc);
Internal level of indirection required because we cannot initialize
static enum members in an enum before the enum constructor is
private static final class ResultCodeMap {
private static final java.util.Map<Integer,ResultCode> i2e
= new java.util.HashMap<>();
private static void set(int rc, ResultCode e){ i2e.put(rc, e); }
private static ResultCode get(int rc){ return i2e.get(rc); }

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_rollback_hook().
public interface RollbackHook {
Works as documented for the sqlite3_rollback_hook() callback.
Must not throw.
void xRollbackHook();

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
SQLFunction is used in conjunction with the
sqlite3_create_function() JNI-bound API to give that native code
access to the callback functions needed in order to implement SQL
functions in Java.
This class is not used by itself, but is a marker base class. The
three UDF types are modelled by the inner classes Scalar,
Aggregate<T>, and Window<T>. Most simply, clients may create
anonymous classes from those to implement UDFs. Clients are free to
create their own classes for use with UDFs, so long as they conform
to the public interfaces defined by those three classes. The JNI
layer only actively relies on the SQLFunction base class.
public abstract class SQLFunction {
PerContextState assists aggregate and window functions in
managinga their accumulator state across calls to the UDF's
If a given aggregate or window function is called multiple times
in a single SQL statement, e.g. SELECT MYFUNC(A), MYFUNC(B)...,
then the clients need some way of knowing which call is which so
that they can map their state between their various UDF callbacks
and reset it via xFinal(). This class takes care of such
This class works by mapping
sqlite3_context.getAggregateContext() to a single piece of
state, of a client-defined type (the T part of this class), which
persists across a "matching set" of the UDF's callbacks.
This class is a helper providing commonly-needed functionality -
it is not required for use with aggregate or window functions.
Client UDFs are free to perform such mappings using custom
approaches. The provided Aggregate<T> and Window<T> classes
use this.
public static final class PerContextState<T> {
private final java.util.Map<Long,ValueHolder<T>> map
= new java.util.HashMap<>();
Should be called from a UDF's xStep(), xValue(), and xInverse()
methods, passing it that method's first argument and an initial
value for the persistent state. If there is currently no
mapping for cx.getAggregateContext() within the map, one is
created using the given initial value, else the existing one is
used and the 2nd argument is ignored. It returns a
ValueHolder<T> which can be used to modify that state directly
without requiring that the client update the underlying map's
T must be of a type which can be legally stored as a value in
public ValueHolder<T> getAggregateState(sqlite3_context cx, T initialValue){
ValueHolder<T> rc = map.get(cx.getAggregateContext());
if(null == rc){
map.put(cx.getAggregateContext(), rc = new ValueHolder<>(initialValue));
return rc;
Should be called from a UDF's xFinal() method and passed that
method's first argument. This function removes the value
associated with cx.getAggregateContext() from the map and
returns it, returning null if no other UDF method has been
called to set up such a mapping. The latter condition will be
the case if a UDF is used in a statement which has no result
public T takeAggregateState(sqlite3_context cx){
final ValueHolder<T> h = map.remove(cx.getAggregateContext());
return null==h ? null : h.value;
//! Subclass for creating scalar functions.
public static abstract class Scalar extends SQLFunction {
//! As for the xFunc() argument of the C API's sqlite3_create_function()
public abstract void xFunc(sqlite3_context cx, sqlite3_value[] args);
Optionally override to be notified when the UDF is finalized by
public void xDestroy() {}
SQLFunction Subclass for creating aggregate functions. Its T is
the data type of its "accumulator" state, an instance of which is
intended to be be managed using the getAggregateState() and
takeAggregateState() methods.
public static abstract class Aggregate<T> extends SQLFunction {
//! As for the xStep() argument of the C API's sqlite3_create_function()
public abstract void xStep(sqlite3_context cx, sqlite3_value[] args);
//! As for the xFinal() argument of the C API's sqlite3_create_function()
public abstract void xFinal(sqlite3_context cx);
Optionally override to be notified when the UDF is finalized by
public void xDestroy() {}
//! Per-invocation state for the UDF.
private final PerContextState<T> map = new PerContextState<>();
To be called from the implementation's xStep() method, as well
as the xValue() and xInverse() methods of the Window<T>
subclass, to fetch the current per-call UDF state. On the
first call to this method for any given sqlite3_context
argument, the context is set to the given initial value. On all other
calls, the 2nd argument is ignored.
@see PerContextState<T>#takeAggregateState()
protected final ValueHolder<T> getAggregateState(sqlite3_context cx, T initialValue){
return map.getAggregateState(cx, initialValue);
To be called from the implementation's xFinal() method to fetch
the final state of the UDF and remove its mapping.
@see PerContextState<T>#takeAggregateState()
protected final T takeAggregateState(sqlite3_context cx){
return map.takeAggregateState(cx);
An SQLFunction subclass for creating window functions. Note that
Window<T> inherits from Aggregate<T> and each instance is
required to implement the inherited abstract methods from that
class. See Aggregate<T> for information on managing the UDF's
invocation-specific state.
public static abstract class Window<T> extends Aggregate<T> {
//! As for the xInverse() argument of the C API's sqlite3_create_window_function()
public abstract void xInverse(sqlite3_context cx, sqlite3_value[] args);
//! As for the xValue() argument of the C API's sqlite3_create_window_function()
public abstract void xValue(sqlite3_context cx);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
** 2023-08-04
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains a set of tests for the sqlite3 JNI bindings.
package org.sqlite.jni;
import static org.sqlite.jni.SQLite3Jni.*;
import static org.sqlite.jni.Tester1.*;
public class TesterFts5 {
private static void test1(){
Fts5ExtensionApi fea = Fts5ExtensionApi.getInstance();
affirm( null != fea );
affirm( fea.getNativePointer() != 0 );
affirm( fea == Fts5ExtensionApi.getInstance() )/*singleton*/;
sqlite3 db = createNewDb();
fts5_api fApi = fts5_api.getInstanceForDb(db);
affirm( fApi != null );
affirm( fApi == fts5_api.getInstanceForDb(db) /* singleton per db */ );
execSql(db, new String[] {
"INSERT INTO ft(rowid, a, b) VALUES(1, 'X Y', 'Y Z');",
"INSERT INTO ft(rowid, a, b) VALUES(2, 'A Z', 'Y Y');"
final String pUserData = "This is pUserData";
ValueHolder<Boolean> xDestroyCalled = new ValueHolder<>(false);
ValueHolder<Integer> xFuncCount = new ValueHolder<>(0);
final fts5_extension_function func = new fts5_extension_function(){
public void xFunction(Fts5ExtensionApi ext, Fts5Context fCx,
sqlite3_context pCx, sqlite3_value argv[]){
int nCols = ext.xColumnCount(fCx);
affirm( 2 == nCols );
affirm( nCols == argv.length );
affirm( ext.xUserData(fCx) == pUserData );
OutputPointer.String op = new OutputPointer.String();
for(int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i ){
int rc = ext.xColumnText(fCx, i, op);
affirm( 0 == rc );
final String val = op.value;
affirm( val.equals(sqlite3_value_text(argv[i])) );
//outln("xFunction col "+i+": "+val);
public void xDestroy(){
xDestroyCalled.value = true;
int rc = fApi.xCreateFunction("myaux", pUserData, func);
affirm( 0==rc );
affirm( 0==xFuncCount.value );
execSql(db, "select myaux(ft,a,b) from ft;");
affirm( 2==xFuncCount.value );
affirm( !xDestroyCalled.value );
affirm( xDestroyCalled.value );
public TesterFts5(){
int oldAffirmCount = Tester1.affirmCount;
Tester1.affirmCount = 0;
final long timeStart = System.nanoTime();
final long timeEnd = System.nanoTime();
outln("FTS5 Tests done. Metrics:");
outln("\tAssertions checked: "+Tester1.affirmCount);
outln("\tTotal time = "
+((timeEnd - timeStart)/1000000.0)+"ms");
Tester1.affirmCount = oldAffirmCount;

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_trace_v2().
public interface Tracer {
Achtung: this interface is subject to change because the current
approach to mapping the passed-in natives back to Java is
uncomfortably quirky.
Called by sqlite3 for various tracing operations, as per
sqlite3_trace_v2(). Note that this interface elides the 2nd
argument to the native trace callback, as that role is better
filled by instance-local state.
The 2nd argument to this function, if non-0, will be a native
pointer to either an sqlite3 or sqlite3_stmt object, depending on
the first argument (see below). Client code can pass it to the
sqlite3 resp. sqlite3_stmt constructor to create a wrapping
object, if necessary. This API does not do so by default because
tracing can be called frequently, creating such a wrapper for
each call is comparatively expensive, and the objects are
probably only seldom useful.
The final argument to this function is the "X" argument
documented for sqlite3_trace() and sqlite3_trace_v2(). Its type
depends on value of the first argument:
- SQLITE_TRACE_STMT: pNative is a sqlite3_stmt. pX is a string
containing the prepared SQL, with one caveat: JNI only provides
us with the ability to convert that string to MUTF-8, as
opposed to standard UTF-8, and is cannot be ruled out that that
difference may be significant for certain inputs. The
alternative would be that we first convert it to UTF-16 before
passing it on, but there's no readily-available way to do that
without calling back into the db to peform the conversion
(which would lead to further tracing).
- SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE: pNative is a sqlite3_stmt. pX is a Long
holding an approximate number of nanoseconds the statement took
to run.
- SQLITE_TRACE_ROW: pNative is a sqlite3_stmt. pX is null.
- SQLITE_TRACE_CLOSE: pNative is a sqlite3. pX is null.
int xCallback(int traceFlag, Object pNative, Object pX);

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
** 2023-07-22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
Callback proxy for use with sqlite3_update_hook().
public interface UpdateHook {
Works as documented for the sqlite3_update_hook() callback.
Must not throw.
void xUpdateHook(int opId, String dbName, String tableName, long rowId);

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A helper class which simply holds a single value. Its current use
is for communicating values out of anonymous classes, as doing so
requires a "final" reference.
public class ValueHolder<T> {
public T value;
public ValueHolder(){}
public ValueHolder(T v){value = v;}

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
** 2023-08-05
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (fts5_api*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java and C
via JNI.
public final class fts5_api extends NativePointerHolder<fts5_api> {
/* Only invoked from JNI */
private fts5_api(){}
public final int iVersion = 2;
Returns the fts5_api instance associated with the given db, or
null if something goes horribly wrong.
public static synchronized native fts5_api getInstanceForDb(@NotNull sqlite3 db);
// int (*xCreateTokenizer)(
// fts5_api *pApi,
// const char *zName,
// void *pContext,
// fts5_tokenizer *pTokenizer,
// void (*xDestroy)(void*)
// );
// /* Find an existing tokenizer */
// int (*xFindTokenizer)(
// fts5_api *pApi,
// const char *zName,
// void **ppContext,
// fts5_tokenizer *pTokenizer
// );
// /* Create a new auxiliary function */
// int (*xCreateFunction)(
// fts5_api *pApi,
// const char *zName,
// void *pContext,
// fts5_extension_function xFunction,
// void (*xDestroy)(void*)
// );
public synchronized native int xCreateFunction(@NotNull String name,
@Nullable Object userData,
@NotNull fts5_extension_function xFunction);
public int xCreateFunction(@NotNull String name,
@NotNull fts5_extension_function xFunction){
return xCreateFunction(name, null, xFunction);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
** 2023-08-05
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
JNI-level wrapper for C's fts5_extension_function type.
public abstract class fts5_extension_function {
// typedef void (*fts5_extension_function)(
// const Fts5ExtensionApi *pApi, /* API offered by current FTS version */
// Fts5Context *pFts, /* First arg to pass to pApi functions */
// sqlite3_context *pCtx, /* Context for returning result/error */
// int nVal, /* Number of values in apVal[] array */
// sqlite3_value **apVal /* Array of trailing arguments */
// );
The callback implementation, corresponding to the xFunction
argument of C's fts5_api::xCreateFunction().
public abstract void xFunction(Fts5ExtensionApi ext, Fts5Context fCx,
sqlite3_context pCx, sqlite3_value argv[]);
//! Optionally override
public void xDestroy(){}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
** 2023-08-05
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (fts5_tokenizer*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java and C
via JNI.
public final class fts5_tokenizer extends NativePointerHolder<fts5_tokenizer> {
/* Only invoked by JNI */
private fts5_tokenizer(){}
// int (*xCreate)(void*, const char **azArg, int nArg, Fts5Tokenizer **ppOut);
// void (*xDelete)(Fts5Tokenizer*);
public native int xTokenize(@NotNull Fts5Tokenizer t, int tokFlags,
@NotNull byte pText[],
@NotNull Fts5.xTokenizeCallback callback);
// int (*xTokenize)(Fts5Tokenizer*,
// void *pCtx,
// int flags, /* Mask of FTS5_TOKENIZE_* flags */
// const char *pText, int nText,
// int (*xToken)(
// void *pCtx, /* Copy of 2nd argument to xTokenize() */
// int tflags, /* Mask of FTS5_TOKEN_* flags */
// const char *pToken, /* Pointer to buffer containing token */
// int nToken, /* Size of token in bytes */
// int iStart, /* Byte offset of token within input text */
// int iEnd /* Byte offset of end of token within input text */
// )
// );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (sqlite3*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java
and C via JNI.
public final class sqlite3 extends NativePointerHolder<sqlite3> {
// Only invoked from JNI
private sqlite3(){}
public String toString(){
long ptr = getNativePointer();
if( 0==ptr ){
return sqlite3.class.getSimpleName()+"@null";
String fn = SQLite3Jni.sqlite3_db_filename(this, "main");
return sqlite3.class.getSimpleName()
+"["+((null == fn) ? "<unnamed>" : fn)+"]"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
sqlite3_context instances are used in conjunction with user-defined
SQL functions (a.k.a. UDFs).
public final class sqlite3_context extends NativePointerHolder<sqlite3_context> {
For use only by the JNI layer. It's permitted to set this even
though it's private.
private long aggregateContext = 0;
getAggregateContext() corresponds to C's
sqlite3_aggregate_context(), with a slightly different interface
to account for cross-language differences. It serves the same
purposes in a slightly different way: it provides a key which is
stable across invocations of "matching sets" of a UDF's callbacks,
such that all calls into those callbacks can determine which "set"
of those calls they belong to.
If this object is being used in the context of an aggregate or
window UDF, this function returns a non-0 value which is distinct
for each set of UDF callbacks from a single invocation of the
UDF, otherwise it returns 0. The returned value is only only
valid within the context of execution of a single SQL statement,
and may be re-used by future invocations of the UDF in different
SQL statements.
Consider this SQL, where MYFUNC is a user-defined aggregate function:
The xStep() and xFinal() methods of the callback need to be able
to differentiate between those two invocations in order to
perform their work properly. The value returned by
getAggregateContext() will be distinct for each of those
invocations of MYFUNC() and is intended to be used as a lookup
key for mapping callback invocations to whatever client-defined
state is needed by the UDF.
There is one case where this will return 0 in the context of an
aggregate or window function: if the result set has no rows,
the UDF's xFinal() will be called without any other x...() members
having been called. In that one case, no aggregate context key will
have been generated. xFinal() implementations need to be prepared to
accept that condition as legal.
public long getAggregateContext(){
return aggregateContext;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
A wrapper for communicating C-level (sqlite3_stmt*) instances with
Java. These wrappers do not own their associated pointer, they
simply provide a type-safe way to communicate it between Java and C
via JNI.
public final class sqlite3_stmt extends NativePointerHolder<sqlite3_stmt> {
// Only invoked from JNI.
private sqlite3_stmt(){}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
** 2023-07-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the JNI bindings for the sqlite3 C API.
package org.sqlite.jni;
public final class sqlite3_value extends NativePointerHolder<sqlite3_value> {
//! Invoked only from JNI.
private sqlite3_value(){}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
# Specifications For A Rudimentary SQLite Test Script Interpreter
## Overview
The purpose of the Test Script Interpreter is to read and interpret
script files that contain SQL commands and desired results. The
interpreter will check results and report an discrepencies found.
The test script files are ASCII text files. The filename always ends with
".test". Each script is evaluated independently; context does not carry
forward from one script to the next. So, for example, the --null command
run in one test script does not cause any changes in the behavior of
subsequent test scripts. All open database connections are closed
at the end of each test script. All database files created by a test
script are deleted when the script finishes.
## Parsing Rules:
1. The test script is read line by line, where a line is a sequence of
characters that runs up to the next '\\n' (0x0a) character or until
the end of the file. There is never a need to read ahead past the
end of the current line.
2. If any line contains the string " MODULE_NAME:" (with a space before
the initial "M") or "MIXED_MODULE_NAME:" then that test script is
incompatible with this spec. Processing of the test script should
end immediately. There is no need to read any more of the file.
In verbose mode, the interpreter might choose to emit an informational
messages saying that the test script was abandoned due to an
incompatible module type.
3. If any line contains the string "SCRIPT_MODULE_NAME:" then the input
script is known to be of the correct type for this specification and
processing may continue. The "MODULE_NAME" checking in steps 2 and 3
may optionally be discontinued after sighting a "SCRIPT_MODULE_NAME".
4. If any line contains "REQUIRED_PROPERTIES:" and that substring is followed
by any non-whitespace text, then the script is not compatible with this
spec. Processing should stop immediately. In verbose mode, the
interpreter might choose to emit an information message saying that the
test script was abandoned due to unsupported requirement properties.
5. If any line begins with the "\|" (0x7c) character, that indicates that
the input script is not compatible with this specification. Processing
of the script should stop immediately. In verbose mode, the interpreter
might choose to emit an informational message indicating that the
test script was abandoned because it contained "a dbtotxt format database
6. Any line that begins with "#" is a C-preprocessor line. The interpreter
described by this spec does not know how to deal with C-preprocessor lines.
Hence, processing should be abandoned. In verbose mode, the interpreter
might emit an informational message similar to
"script NAME abandoned due to C-preprocessor line: ..."
7. If a line begins with exactly two minus signs followed by a
lowercase letter, that is a command. Process commands as described
8. All other lines should be accumulated into the "input buffer".
The various commands will have access to this input buffer.
Some commands will reset the buffer.
## Initialization
The initial state of the interpreter at the start of processing each script
is as if the following command sequence had been run:
> ~~~
--close all
--db 0
--new test.db
--null nil
In words, all database connections are closed except for connection 0 (the
default) which is open on an empty database named "test.db". The string
"nil" is displayed for NULL column values.
The only context carried forward after the evaluation of one test script
into the evaluation of the next test script is the count of the number of
tests run and the number of failures seen.
## Commands:
Each command looks like an SQL comment. The command begins at the left
margin (no leading space) and starts with exactly 2 minus signs ("-").
The command name consists of lowercase letters and maybe a "-" or two.
Some commands have arguments.
The arguments are separated from the command name by one or more spaces.
Commands have access to the input buffer and might reset the input buffer.
The command can also optionally read (and consume) additional text from
script that comes after the command.
Unknown or unrecognized commands indicate that the script contains features
that are not (yet) supported by this specification. Processing of the
script should terminate immediately. When this happens and when the
interpreter is in a "verbose" mode, the interpreter might choose to emit
an informational message along the lines of "test script NAME abandoned
due to unsupported command: --whatever".
The initial implemention will only recognize a few commands. Other
commands may be added later. The following is the initial set of
### The --testcase command
Every test case starts with a --testcase command. The --testcase
command resets both the "input buffer" and the "result buffer". The
argument to the --testcase command is the name of the test case. That
test case name is used for logging and debugging and when printing
errors. The input buffer is set to the body of the test case.
### The --result command
The --result command tries to execute the text in the input buffer as SQL.
For each row of result coming out of this SQL, the text of that result is
appended to the "result buffer". If a result row contains multiple columns,
the columns are processed from left to right. For each column, text is
appended to the result buffer according to the following rules:
* If the result buffer already contains some text, append a space.
(In this way, all column values and all row values are separated from
each other by a single space.)
* If sqlite3_column_text() returns NULL, then append "nil" - or
some other text that is specified by the --null command - and skip
all subsequent rules.
* If sqlite3_column_text() is an empty string, append `{}` to the
result buffer and skip all subsequent rules.
* If sqlite3_column_text() does not contain any special
characters, append it to the result buffer without any
formatting and skip all subsequent rules. Special characters are:
0x00 to 0x20 (inclusive), double-quote (0x22), backslash (0x5c),
curly braces (0x7b and 0x7d).
* If sqlite3_column_text() does not contains curly braces, then put
the text inside of `{...}` and append it and skip all subsequent rules.
* Append the text within double-quotes (`"..."`) and within the text
escape '"' and '\\' by prepending a single '\\' and escape any
control characters (characters less than 0x20) using octal notation:
If an error is encountered while running the SQL, then append the
symbolic C-preprocessor name for the error
code (ex: "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT") as if it were a column value. Then append
the error message text as if it where a column value. Then stop processing.
After the SQL text has been run, compare the content of the result buffer
against the argument to the --result command and report a testing error if
there are any differences.
The --result command resets the input buffer, but it does not reset
the result buffer. This distinction does not matter for the --result
command itself, but it is important for related commands like --glob
and --notglob. Sometimes test cases will contains a bunch of SQL
followed by multiple --glob and/or --notglob statements. All of the
globs should be evaluted agains the result buffer correct, but the SQL
should only be run once. This is accomplished by resetting the input
buffer but not the result buffer.
### The --glob command
The --glob command works just like --result except that the argument to
--glob is interpreted as a TEST-GLOB pattern and the results are compared
using that glob pattern rather than using strcmp(). Other than that,
the two operate the same.
The TEST-GLOB pattern is slightly different for a standard GLOB:
* The '*' character matches zero or more characters.
* The '?' character matches any single character
* The '[...]' character sequence machines a single character
in between the brackets.
* The '#' character matches one or more digits (This is the main
difference between standard unix-glob and TEST-GLOB. unix-glob
does not have this feature. It was added to because it comes
up a lot during SQLite testing.)
### The --notglob command
The --notglob command works just like --glob except that it reports an
error if the GLOB does match, rather than if the GLOB does not matches.
### The --oom command
This command is to be used for out-of-memory testing. It means that
OOM errors should be simulated to ensure that SQLite is able to deal with
them. This command can be silently ignored for now. We might add support
for this later.
### The --tableresult command
The --tableresult command works like --glob except that the GLOB pattern
to be matched is taken from subsequent lines of the input script up to
the next --end. Every span of one or more whitespace characters in this
pattern text is collapsed into a single space (0x20).
Leading and trailing whitespace are removed from the pattern.
The --end that ends the GLOB pattern is not part of the GLOB pattern, but
the --end is consumed from the script input.
### The --new and --open commands
The --new and --open commands cause a database file to be opened.
The name of the file is the argument to the command. The --new command
opens an initially empty database (it deletes the file before opening it)
whereas the --open command opens an existing database if it already
### The --db command
The script interpreter can have up to 7 different SQLite database
connections open at a time. The --db command is used to switch between
them. The argument to --db is an integer between 0 and 6 that selects
which database connection to use moving forward.
### The --close command
The --close command causes an existing database connection to close.
This command is a no-op if the database connection is not currently
open. There can be up to 7 different database connections, numbered 0
through 6. The number of the database connection to close is an
argument to the --close command, which will fail if an out-of-range
value is provided. Or if the argument to --close is "all" then all
open database connections are closed. If passed no argument, the
currently-active database is assumed.
### The --null command
The NULL command changes the text that is used to represent SQL NULL
values in the result buffer.
### The --run command
The --run command executes text in the input buffer as if it where SQL.
However, nothing is added to the result buffer. Any output from the SQL
is silently ignored. Errors in the SQL are silently ignored.
The --run command normally executes the SQL in the current database
connection. However, if --run has an argument that is an integer between
0 and 6 then the SQL is run in the alternative database connection specified
by that argument.
### The --json and --json-block commands
The --json and --json-block commands work like --result and --tableresult,
respectively. The difference is that column values are appended to the
result buffer literally, without ever enclosing the values in `{...}` or
`"..."` and without escaping any characters in the column value and comparison
is always an exact strcmp() not a GLOB.
### The --print command
The --print command emits both its arguments and its body (if any) to
stdout, indenting each line of output.
### The --column-names command
The --column-names command requires 0 or 1 as an argument, to disable
resp. enable it, and modifies SQL execution to include column names
in output. When this option is on, each column value emitted gets
prefixed by its column name, with a single space between them.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
** This is a comment. There are many like it but this one is mine.
** SCRIPT_MODULE_NAME: sanity-check
** xMIXED_MODULE_NAME: mixed-module
** xMODULE_NAME: module-name
** xREQUIRED_PROPERTIES: small fast reliable
--print starting up 😃
--close all
--db 0
--new my.db
--null zilch
--testcase 1.0
SELECT 1, null;
--result 1 zilch
--glob *zil*
--notglob *ZIL*
SELECT 1, 2;
intentional error;
--testcase json-1
SELECT json_array(1,2,3)
--json [1,2,3]
--testcase tableresult-1
select 1, 'a';
select 2, 'b';
# [a-z]
2 b
--testcase json-block-1
select json_array(1,2,3);
select json_object('a',1,'b',2);
--testcase col-names-on
--column-names 1
select 1 as 'a', 2 as 'b';
--result a 1 b 2
--testcase col-names-off
--column-names 0
select 1 as 'a', 2 as 'b';
--result 1 2
--print reached the end 😃

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
** This script must be marked as ignored because it contains
** content which triggers that condition.

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Update\swasm's\spush-testing\srule\sto\sexclude\sfiles\swhich\swere\srecently\sremoved\sfrom\sthe\sbuild.
D 2023-08-12T21:08:41.355
C Merge\sthe\sJava\sNative\sInterface\s(JNI)\sbinding\sinto\strunk.
D 2023-08-12T21:39:18.053
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
F .fossil-settings/ignore-glob 35175cdfcf539b2318cb04a9901442804be81cd677d8b889fcc9149c21f239ea
F df5091916dbb40e6e9686186587125e1b2ff51f022cc334e886c19a0e9982724
@ -231,6 +231,46 @@ F ext/fts5/tool/showfts5.tcl d54da0e067306663e2d5d523965ca487698e722c
F ext/icu/README.txt 7ab7ced8ae78e3a645b57e78570ff589d4c672b71370f5aa9e1cd7024f400fc9
F ext/icu/icu.c c074519b46baa484bb5396c7e01e051034da8884bad1a1cb7f09bbe6be3f0282
F ext/icu/sqliteicu.h fa373836ed5a1ee7478bdf8a1650689294e41d0c89c1daab26e9ae78a32075a8
F ext/jni/GNUmakefile 435485ff2005c4bcdea808f5efe6d4ee66a00430c2499dcc4927b20378486bea
F ext/jni/ 7a614a2fa6c561205f7a53fd8626cf93a7b5711ff454fc1814517f796df398eb
F ext/jni/jar-dist.make f90a553203a57934bf275bed86479485135a52f48ac5c1cfe6499ae07b0b35a4
F ext/jni/src/c/sqlite3-jni.c bea6b8691a5fa3a8626a771757bb261208d3c5fc6598266d3b0ee23d88e35632
F ext/jni/src/c/sqlite3-jni.h c5f941b057a24ee62942e6e1bf5a7fd527e5004d20d9638e84a9382813c3cf2a
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 1308988f7f40579ea0e4deeaec3c6be971630566bd021c31367fe3f5140db892
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 18e83f6f463e306df60b2dceb65247d32af1f78af4bbbae9155411a8c6cdb093
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 1b1d3e5c86cd796a0580c81b6af6550ad943baa25e47ada0dcca3aff3ebe978c
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 8dffbb00938007ad0967b2ab424d3c908413af1bbd3d212b9c9899910f1218d1
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ ad67843b6dd1c06b6b0a1dc72887b7c48e2a98042fcf6cacf14d42444037eab8
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 87c6a8e5138c61a8eeff018fe16d23f29219150239746032687f245938baca1a
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 13844685231e8b4840a706db3bed84d5dfcf15be0ae7e809eac40420dba24901
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 0a5a02047a6a1dd3e4a38b0e542a8dd2de365033ba30e6ae019a676305959890
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 01f890105c6b7edbbad1c0f5635f783cea62c4b2ae694a71e76514a936ee03ec
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 65cde7151e441fee012250a5e03277de7babcd11a0c308a832b7940574259bcc
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 6642beda341c0b1b46af4e2d7f6f9ab03a7aede43277b2c92859176d6bce3be9
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 91489893596b6528c0df5cd7180bd5b55809c26e2b797fb321dfcdbc1298c060
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 9c5d901cce4f7e57c3d623f4e2476f9f79a8eed6e51b2a603f37866018e040ee
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ d81f8bd43d2296ae373692370cfad16ddde76f5c14cd2760f7b4e1113ef56d4c
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 6f62053a828a572de809828b1ee495380677e87daa29a1c57a0e2c06b0a131dc
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ ba701f20213a5f259e94cfbfdd36eb7ac7ce7797f2c6c7fca2004ff12ce20f86
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ b04c8abcc6ade44a8a57129e33765793f69df0ba909e49ba18d73f4268d92564
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 09ce81c1c637e31c3a830d4c859cce95d65f5e02ff45f8bd1985b3479381bc46
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 4b6fd22e04e63eb65d8e4e38fda39ecf15ce244d034607517627ce2e766e7e65
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 07c14a90427529ceba54b5e8344ca03602f5789dc53c4163ce22f92d8c577a11
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 59e22dd24af033ea8827d36225a2f3297908fb6af8818ead8850c6c6847557b1
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ a5cece9f947b0af27669b8baec300b6dd7ff859c3e6a6e4a1bd8b50f9714775d
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ e58645a1727f8a9bbe72dc072ec5b40d9f9362cb0aa24acfe93f49ff56a9016d
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ f022873abaabf64f3dd71ab0d6037c6e71cece3b8819fa10bf26a5461dc973ee
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 5198be71c162e3e0cb1f4962a7cdf0d7596e8af53f70c4af6db24aab8d53d9ba
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ ac825035d7d83fc7fd960347abfa6803e1614334a21533302041823ad5fc894c
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ e530b36e6437fcc500e95d5d75fbffe272bdea20d2fac6be2e1336c578fba98b
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 62b1b81935ccf3393472d17cb883dc5ff39c388ec3bc1de547f098a0217158fc
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ d26573fc7b309228cb49786e9078597d96232257defa955a3425d10897bca810
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 78e6d1b95ac600a9475e9db4623f69449322b0c93d1bd4e1616e76ed547ed9fc
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/ 3d1d4903e267bc0bc81d57d21f5e85978eff389a1a6ed46726dbe75f85e6914a
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/tester/ 1f1286428fab38dfefe328e72b5735f533b19af8dd17712dd3df7e044d21c8b8
F ext/jni/src/org/sqlite/jni/tester/ f9f25126127045d051e918fe59004a1485311c50a13edbf18c79a6ff9160030e
F ext/jni/src/tests/000-000-sanity.test cfe6dc1b950751d6096e3f5695becaadcdaa048bfe9567209d6eb676e693366d
F ext/jni/src/tests/000-001-ignored.test e17e874c6ab3c437f1293d88093cf06286083b65bf162317f91bbfd92f961b70
F ext/lsm1/Makefile a553b728bba6c11201b795188c5708915cc4290f02b7df6ba7e8c4c943fd5cd9
F ext/lsm1/Makefile.msc f8c878b467232226de288da320e1ac71c131f5ec91e08b21f502303347260013
F ext/lsm1/lsm-test/README 87ea529d2abe615e856d4714bfe8bb185e6c2771b8612aa6298588b7b43e6f86
@ -2051,8 +2091,9 @@ F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 6a9a6ab600c25a91a7acc6293828957a386a8a93
F vsixtest/ 2ed517e100c66dc455b492e1a33350c1b20fbcdc
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.filters 37e51ffedcdb064aad6ff33b6148725226cd608e
F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
P 01f49448cd0cfe3af499aedfe887b7b0be4f1ab09cd5a16119ddafb32b107708
R 2ecaec09aa6a0d3ef6dc669f83d54223
P 0a6930a7ff8f8c6ca244d1d654532f3d2a02d77ef67c6cae0c53092743d59ea6 1ba7754045a009d9c94b23ac76b9bb8d9c9cb24d42dcdf1203ee75ac85765d3e
R 71919983f1228c04d42d3555e47fba1b
T +closed 1ba7754045a009d9c94b23ac76b9bb8d9c9cb24d42dcdf1203ee75ac85765d3e Closed\sby\sintegrate-merge.
U stephan
Z 90975d5312aef561538895b18087fc5f
Z 06dd3519c67c3e383d12eeb6b6fbb0d1
# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.

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@ -1 +1 @@