diff --git a/ext/wasm/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in b/ext/wasm/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in
index 392e36e842..96df7c8713 100644
--- a/ext/wasm/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in
+++ b/ext/wasm/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ _fiddle_experiment
diff --git a/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js b/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js
index 847bf7bc2c..49f736669d 100644
--- a/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js
+++ b/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js
@@ -185,9 +185,20 @@ self.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializers.push(function(sqlite3){
capi[e[0]] = e[1];
+ const __rcMap = Object.create(null);
+ for(const t of ['resultCodes']){
+ for(const e of Object.entries(wasm.ctype[t])){
+ __rcMap[e[1]] = e[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ For the given integer, returns the SQLITE_xxx result code as a
+ string, or undefined if no such mapping is found.
+ */
+ capi.sqlite3_wasm_rc_str = (rc)=>__rcMap[rc];
/* Bind all registered C-side structs... */
for(const s of wasm.ctype.structs){
capi[s.name] = sqlite3.StructBinder(s);
- }
+ }/*end C constant imports*/
diff --git a/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-opfs.js b/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-opfs.js
index f69e162c7e..2c22c03f7d 100644
--- a/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-opfs.js
+++ b/ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-opfs.js
@@ -999,11 +999,14 @@ sqlite3.installOpfsVfs = function callee(asyncProxyUri = callee.defaultProxyUri)
warn("Running sanity checks because of opfs-sanity-check URL arg...");
- W.onerror = W._originalOnError;
- delete W._originalOnError;
- sqlite3.opfs = opfsUtil;
- log("End of OPFS sqlite3_vfs setup.", opfsVfs);
- promiseResolve(sqlite3);
+ navigator.storage.getDirectory().then((d)=>{
+ W.onerror = W._originalOnError;
+ delete W._originalOnError;
+ sqlite3.opfs = opfsUtil;
+ opfsUtil.rootDirectory = d;
+ log("End of OPFS sqlite3_vfs setup.", opfsVfs);
+ promiseResolve(sqlite3);
+ });
diff --git a/ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js b/ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js
index 827d2cfa90..5da09257d4 100644
--- a/ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js
+++ b/ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js
@@ -99,7 +99,9 @@
const stdout = (...args)=>wMsg('stdout', args);
const stderr = (...args)=>wMsg('stderr', args);
+ const toss = (...args)=>{
+ throw new Error(args.join(' '));
+ };
const fixmeOPFS = "(FIXME: won't work with vanilla OPFS.)";
self.onerror = function(/*message, source, lineno, colno, error*/) {
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@
const S = fiddleModule.sqlite3;
/* We need to call sqlite3_shutdown() in order to avoid numerous
legitimate warnings from the shell about it being initialized
- after sqlite3_initialize() has been called. This mean ,
+ after sqlite3_initialize() has been called. This means,
however, that any initialization done by the JS code may need
to be re-done (e.g. re-registration of dynamically-loaded
VFSes). */
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@
stdout("\nOPFS is available. To open a persistent db, use:\n\n",
" .open file:name?vfs=opfs\n\nbut note that some",
- "features (e.g. export) do not yet work with OPFS.");
+ "features (e.g. upload) do not yet work with OPFS.");
stdout('\nEnter ".help" for usage hints.');
@@ -207,6 +209,69 @@
+ /**
+ Exports the shell's current db file in such a way that it can
+ export DBs hosted in the Emscripten-supplied FS or in native OPFS
+ (and, hypothetically, kvvfs). Throws on error. On success returns
+ a Blob containing the whole db contents.
+ Bug: xFileSize() is returning garbage for the default VFS but
+ works in OPFS. Thus for exporting that impl we'll use the
+ fiddleModule.FS API for the time being.
+ */
+ const exportDbFileToBlob = function(){
+ const S = fiddleModule.sqlite3, capi = S.capi, wasm = capi.wasm;
+ const pDb = wasm.xCall("fiddle_db_handle");
+ if(!pDb) toss("No db is opened.");
+ const scope = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
+ try{
+ const ppFile = wasm.scopedAlloc(12/*sizeof(i32 + i64)*/);
+ const pFileSize = ppFile + 4;
+ wasm.setMemValue(ppFile, 0, 'i32');
+ let rc = capi.sqlite3_file_control(
+ pDb, "main", capi.SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER, ppFile
+ );
+ if(rc) toss("Cannot get sqlite3_file handle.");
+ const jFile = new capi.sqlite3_file(wasm.getPtrValue(ppFile));
+ const jIom = new capi.sqlite3_io_methods(jFile.$pMethods);
+ console.warn("jIom =",jIom);
+ const xFileSize = wasm.functionEntry(jIom.$xFileSize);
+ const xRead = wasm.functionEntry(jIom.$xRead);
+ wasm.setMemValue(pFileSize, 0n, 'i64');
+ //stderr("nFileSize =",wasm.getMemValue(pFileSize,'i64'),"pFileSize =",pFileSize);
+ rc = xFileSize( jFile.pointer, pFileSize );
+ if(rc) toss("Cannot get db file size.");
+ //stderr("nFileSize =",wasm.getMemValue(pFileSize,'i64'),"pFileSize =",pFileSize);
+ const nFileSize = Number( wasm.getMemValue(pFileSize,'i64') );
+ if(nFileSize <= 0n || nFileSize>=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER){
+ toss("Unexpected DB size:",nFileSize);
+ }
+ //stderr("nFileSize =",nFileSize,"pFileSize =",pFileSize);
+ const nIobuf = 1024 * 4;
+ const iobuf = wasm.scopedAlloc(nIobuf);
+ let nPos = 0;
+ const blobList = [];
+ const heap = wasm.heap8u();
+ for( ; nPos < nFileSize; nPos += nIobuf ){
+ rc = xRead(jFile.pointer, iobuf, nIobuf, BigInt(nPos));
+ if(rc){
+ if(capi.SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ === rc){
+ //stderr('rc =',rc,'nPos =',nPos,'nIobuf =',nIobuf,'nFileSize =',nFileSize);
+ rc = ((nPos + nIobuf) < nFileSize) ? rc : 0/*assume EOF*/;
+ }
+ if(rc) toss("xRead() SQLITE_xxx error #"+rc,capi.sqlite3_wasm_rc_str(rc));
+ }
+ blobList.push(heap.slice(iobuf, iobuf+nIobuf));
+ }
+ return new Blob(blobList);
+ }catch(e){
+ console.error('exportDbFileToBlob()',e);
+ stderr("exportDbFileToBlob():",e.message);
+ }finally{
+ wasm.scopedAllocPop(scope);
+ }
+ }/*exportDbFileToBlob()*/;
self.onmessage = function f(ev){
ev = ev.data;
@@ -233,14 +298,22 @@
case 'db-export': {
const fn = Sqlite3Shell.dbFilename();
- stdout("Exporting",fn+".",fixmeOPFS);
+ stdout("Exporting",fn+".");
const fn2 = fn ? fn.split(/[/\\]/).pop() : null;
if(!fn2) throw new Error("DB appears to be closed.");
- const buffer = fiddleModule.FS.readFile(
- fn, {encoding:"binary"}
- ).buffer;
- wMsg('db-export',{filename: fn2, buffer}, [buffer]);
+ if(fiddleModule.sqlite3.capi.wasm.xCall(
+ 'fiddle_db_is_opfs'
+ )){
+ exportDbFileToBlob().arrayBuffer().then((buffer)=>{
+ wMsg('db-export',{filename: fn2, buffer}, [buffer]);
+ });
+ }else{
+ const buffer = fiddleModule.FS.readFile(
+ fn, {encoding:"binary"}
+ ).buffer;
+ wMsg('db-export',{filename: fn2, buffer}, [buffer]);
+ }
/* Post a failure message so that UI elements disabled
during the export can be re-enabled. */
diff --git a/ext/wasm/index.html b/ext/wasm/index.html
index 7b541a6457..ee31306bb7 100644
--- a/ext/wasm/index.html
+++ b/ext/wasm/index.html
@@ -15,40 +15,49 @@
"make"d first. The intent is that this page be run
althttpd -page index.html
- and the individual tests be started in their own tab.
- Warnings and Caveats:
and the individual tests be started in their own tab.
+ Warnings and Caveats:
- Some of these pages require that
- the web server emit the so-called COOP and COEP headers. The
- default build of althttpd does not.
+ the web server emit the so-called
+ and
+ headers. The default build
+ of althttpd
+ does not.
+ - Any OPFS-related pages require very recent version of
+ Chrome or Chromium (v102 at least, possibly newer). OPFS
+ support in the other major browsers is pending. Development
+ and testing is currently done against a dev-channel release
+ of Chrome (v107 as of 2022-09-26).
- - Any OPFS-related pages require very recent
- version of Chrome or Chromium (v102 at least, possibly
- newer). OPFS support in the other major browsers is
- pending.
- Whether or not WASMFS/OPFS support is enabled on any given
page may depend on build-time options which are off by
default because they currently (as of 2022-09-08) break
- with Worker-based pages. Similarly, WASMFS does not work on
- some platforms, e.g. Raspberry Pi 4.
+ with Worker-based pages.
The tests...
The tests and demos...
- High-level apps and demos...
- fiddle is an HTML front-end
to a wasm build of the sqlite3 shell.
- demo-123 provides a
- no-nonsense example of adding sqlite3 support to a
- web page.
- - demo-123-worker is the
- same as
but loads and run sqlite3 from
- a Worker thread.
+ no-nonsense example of adding sqlite3 support to a web
+ page in the UI thread.
+ - demo-123-worker is
+ the same as
but loads and runs
+ sqlite3 from a Worker thread.
- demo-kvvfs1: very basic
- demo of using the key-value vfs for storing a persistent db
- in JS localStorage or sessionStorage.
+ demo of using the key-value VFS for storing a persistent db
+ in JS localStorage
or sessionStorage
speedtest1 ports (sqlite3's primary benchmarking tool)...
diff --git a/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.md b/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.md
index 2bb39e636f..edcba260a7 100644
--- a/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.md
+++ b/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.md
@@ -809,9 +809,7 @@ common:
A read-only numeric property which is the "pointer" returned by the
configured allocator when this object is constructed. After
`dispose()` (inherited from [StructType][]) is called, this property
- has the `undefined` value. When passing instances of this struct to
- C-bound code, `pointer` is the value which must be passed in place
- of a C-side struct pointer. When calling C-side code which takes a
+ has the `undefined` value. When calling C-side code which takes a
pointer to a struct of this type, simply pass it `myStruct.pointer`.
diff --git a/manifest b/manifest
index 4778b3cf4b..31376ee0cc 100644
--- a/manifest
+++ b/manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-C wasm:\schange\sStructBinder\ssignature\sfor\ssqlite3_file::pMethods\sfrom\s'P'\sto\s'p'\sto\seliminate\san\sunnecessary\sand\sinconsistent\slevel\sof\smagic.
-D 2022-09-26T11:34:31.822
+C Get\sfiddle\sdb\sexport\sworking\sfor\sOPFS\sVFS.\sAdd\sroot\sdir\shandle\sto\sthe\smain\sOPFS\sVFS\sworker\sto\senable\screation\sof\scertain\sutility\sfunctions\swithout\sdelegating\sto\sthe\sasync\sworker.\sAdd\ssqlite3.capi.sqlite3_wasm_rc_str()\sto\smap\sinteger\sresult\scodes\sback\sto\stheir\sSQLITE_xxx\scounterparts.\sMinor\sdoc\stouchups.
+D 2022-09-26T11:38:58.930
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
F .fossil-settings/ignore-glob 35175cdfcf539b2318cb04a9901442804be81cd677d8b889fcc9149c21f239ea
F LICENSE.md df5091916dbb40e6e9686186587125e1b2ff51f022cc334e886c19a0e9982724
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ F ext/session/test_session.c f433f68a8a8c64b0f5bc74dc725078f12483301ad4ae8375205
F ext/userauth/sqlite3userauth.h 7f3ea8c4686db8e40b0a0e7a8e0b00fac13aa7a3
F ext/userauth/user-auth.txt e6641021a9210364665fe625d067617d03f27b04
F ext/userauth/userauth.c 7f00cded7dcaa5d47f54539b290a43d2e59f4b1eb5f447545fa865f002fc80cb
-F ext/wasm/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in 105f6f7f211f49dea8fa6ee8b7b56492d5f9237ab0d1c1b3c970df11e4d0df02
+F ext/wasm/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in 48af0d812e2e1099798ae0e27f1d4836d572d0d068c83b3e2088ef4d97c45c2f
F ext/wasm/EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS.fiddle 0e88c8cfc3719e4b7e74980d9da664c709e68acf863e48386cda376edfd3bfb0
F ext/wasm/GNUmakefile 34a84e30e6b25e24959a8264e9dec020dffa82d96879dc55ad65d3c31c95d3b1
F ext/wasm/README.md e1ee1e7c321c6a250bf78a84ca6f5882890a237a450ba5a0649c7a8399194c52
@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ F ext/wasm/api/README.md d876597edd2b9542b6ea031adaaff1c042076fde7b670b1dc6d8a87
F ext/wasm/api/post-js-footer.js b64319261d920211b8700004d08b956a6c285f3b0bba81456260a713ed04900c
F ext/wasm/api/post-js-header.js 2e5c886398013ba2af88028ecbced1e4b22dc96a86467f1ecc5ba9e64ef90a8b
F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-cleanup.js 8564a6077cdcaea9a9f428a019af8a05887f0131e6a2a1e72a7ff1145fadfe77
-F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js cfff894bdf98a6c579975d09dd45471b0e3399f08a6f9e44a22646e8403196ed
+F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js fe5ca21ac519e6411f5e7a6403d06fe92c51ef81cca8e07ea8895df8ec9c2e4e
F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-oo1.js f974e79d9af8f26bf33928c5730b0988cc706d14f59a5fe36394739b92249841
-F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-opfs.js 5585dc80aea9df54c3d5d3a6c62771bf741f21b23706330ba62571c57ec07abf
+F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-opfs.js 151f8bab445915dd4fa8fe3329accc5250351e7bf0af1518cb5cc49886c123d2
F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-prologue.js 76db12cce58ec6724ec01a977dfbedabfd4916e915a6e7679ffc24dd52eef64e
F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-worker1.js 2eeb2a24e1a90322d84a9b88a99919b806623de62792436446099c0988f2030b
F ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-wasi.h 25356084cfe0d40458a902afb465df8c21fc4152c1d0a59b563a3fba59a068f9
@@ -502,12 +502,12 @@ F ext/wasm/demo-kvvfs1.html 7d4f28873de67f51ac18c584b7d920825139866a96049a49c424
F ext/wasm/demo-kvvfs1.js e884ea35022d772c0d1dd884b40011413696438394f605c6cd4808cfb1642a4a
F ext/wasm/fiddle.make fd56fa21bada6ecbf860686a9a789ebda7cc3d9b60835927000fcb00246ea50f
F ext/wasm/fiddle/emscripten.css 3d253a6fdb8983a2ac983855bfbdd4b6fa1ff267c28d69513dd6ef1f289ada3f
-F ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js d3e4d1e442a9a86cc34f8bd646059d848cf3345b5220883379268b03b3c3cdfa
+F ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js 42c31065660e57844afa796bcf120666348c060fc4c656c335151b62da7fc60d
F ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle.html 5daf54e8f3d7777cbb1ca4f93affe28858dbfff25841cb4ab81d694efed28ec2
F ext/wasm/fiddle/fiddle.js aa44051be6e48c53fd23c829177d43f557dcc6f0998ccfcbae7c473ff405f0c6
-F ext/wasm/index.html 8b4b7ea052d558262c8466f94326fb455c21049b2d1d3577ed0a5fce15101ba8
+F ext/wasm/index.html a39d14f6de6bd1294d39522fcf40eca3c9f0b6da44bb8df6948378e9f30468f5
F ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.js 0d7f32817456a0f3937fcfd934afeb32154ca33580ab264dab6c285e6dbbd215
-F ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.md 447cc02b598f7792edaa8ae6853a7847b8178a18ed356afacbdbf312b2588106
+F ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.md 9aa6951b529a8b29f578ec8f0355713c39584c92cf1708f63ba0cf917cb5b68e
F ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt_test.c 39e4b865a33548f943e2eb9dd0dc8d619a80de05d5300668e9960fff30d0d36f
F ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt_test.exports 5ff001ef975c426ffe88d7d8a6e96ec725e568d2c2307c416902059339c06f19
F ext/wasm/scratchpad-wasmfs-main.html 20cf6f1a8f368e70d01e8c17200e3eaa90f1c8e1029186d836d14b83845fbe06
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ F src/random.c 546d6feb15ec69c1aafe9bb351a277cbb498fd5410e646add673acb805714960
F src/resolve.c efea4e5fbecfd6d0a9071b0be0d952620991673391b6ffaaf4c277b0bb674633
F src/rowset.c ba9515a922af32abe1f7d39406b9d35730ed65efab9443dc5702693b60854c92
F src/select.c d69dfb5b082f9a25e6700e152ddb3d942359b847b1df504eb09f9b4531844f8d
-F src/shell.c.in c4625fa9493cf815ff15e62bee5af93e91bbdb1a0c4e2c5a34a3744df3d5daaf
+F src/shell.c.in 00a72221c8b2df823f3a9d712457ae8bebe627b5989fefa1ccfe099eafab5139
F src/sqlite.h.in b9b7fd73239d94db20332bb6e504688001e5564b655e1318a4427a1caef4b99e
F src/sqlite3.rc 5121c9e10c3964d5755191c80dd1180c122fc3a8
F src/sqlite3ext.h a988810c9b21c0dc36dc7a62735012339dc76fc7ab448fb0792721d30eacb69d
@@ -2026,8 +2026,8 @@ F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 6a9a6ab600c25a91a7acc6293828957a386a8a93
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.data 2ed517e100c66dc455b492e1a33350c1b20fbcdc
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.filters 37e51ffedcdb064aad6ff33b6148725226cd608e
F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
-P bcec4f964a7b02f59be05286ff715bac654a32b19f05a743e402f4cdb207cab8
-R 793f9e89b06d2236f21d1ef1114135f2
+P 85f2e877e53899860af4dc6630044b471a9c7c82faba1f4e1e60ae991460b943
+R 021d11845b25e048635a4d675c2c9f1f
U stephan
-Z 73b30ac4eb53afa297401f4b1b820a88
+Z 684fe82520a24a3caf4c9fdd7b640f27
# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.
diff --git a/manifest.uuid b/manifest.uuid
index 27efa67a09..2ef99b9942 100644
--- a/manifest.uuid
+++ b/manifest.uuid
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/shell.c.in b/src/shell.c.in
index bafcc697f2..3e5a1c2168 100644
--- a/src/shell.c.in
+++ b/src/shell.c.in
@@ -12632,27 +12632,13 @@ int fiddle_experiment(int a,int b){
return a + b;
-/* Only for emcc experimentation purposes.
- Define this function in JS using:
- emcc ... --js-library somefile.js
- containing:
-mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
- my_foo: function(){
- console.debug("my_foo()",arguments);
- }
+** Returns a pointer to the current DB handle.
-/*extern void my_foo(sqlite3 *);*/
-/* Only for emcc experimentation purposes. */
-sqlite3 * fiddle_the_db(){
- printf("fiddle_the_db(%p)\n", (const void*)globalDb);
- /*my_foo(globalDb);*/
+sqlite3 * fiddle_db_handle(){
return globalDb;
/* Only for emcc experimentation purposes. */
sqlite3 * fiddle_db_arg(sqlite3 *arg){
printf("fiddle_db_arg(%p)\n", (const void*)arg);
@@ -12702,6 +12688,55 @@ void fiddle_reset_db(void){
+** This is a bit of a workaround: returns true if the current db uses
+** the "opfs" VFS, else false.
+int fiddle_db_is_opfs(void){
+ sqlite3_vfs * pVfs = 0;
+ if( 0!=shellState.db ){
+ sqlite3_file_control( shellState.db, "main",
+ }
+ return pVfs ? 0==strcmp("opfs", pVfs->zName) : 0;
+#if 0
+/* TODO: test whether this impl works properly wrt xSize() in the
+** unix-none VFS. The JS impl works fine for OPFS but not unix-none
+** because xSize() is returning a garbage size.
+int fiddle_export_db( int (*callback)(unsigned const char *zOut, int n) ){
+ sqlite3_int64 nSize = 0;
+ sqlite3_int64 nPos = 0;
+ sqlite3_vfs * pVfs = 0;
+ sqlite3_file * pFile = 0;
+ unsigned char buf[1024 * 4];
+ const int nBuf = (int)sizeof(buf);
+ int rc = shellState.db
+ ? sqlite3_file_control(shellState.db, "main",
+ : 0;
+ if( rc ) return rc;
+ else if( 0==pVfs ) return SQLITE_NOTFOUND;
+ rc = sqlite3_file_control(shellState.db, "main",
+ if( rc ) return rc;
+ rc = pFile->pMethods->xFileSize(pFile, &nSize);
+ if(rc) return rc;
+ for( ; 0==rc && nPospMethods->xRead(pFile, buf, nBuf, nPos);
+ rc = (nPos + nBuf) < nSize ? rc : 0/*assume EOF*/;
+ }
+ if(rc) return rc;
+ nPos += nBuf;
+ rc = callback(buf, nBuf);
+ }
+ return rc;
** Trivial exportable function for emscripten. It processes zSql as if
** it were input to the sqlite3 shell and redirects all output to the