wasm: lots of doc additions and refactoring. Refactored the WASM memory heap usage to hopefully eventually account for a runtime-growable heap. Differentiate between supported TypedArray types for input SQL strings vs binding/fetching blobs. Might (untested) have implemented the ability to bind UtfNNArray values as blobs, where NN is one of 16 or 32.

FossilOrigin-Name: e10d57dfbaa672a3a4cbfd9a9209552c3bde15cc75af838690ca412fd182066a
This commit is contained in:
stephan 2022-06-25 18:18:45 +00:00
parent fa17e10592
commit 0702c63bc0
6 changed files with 309 additions and 200 deletions

View File

@ -1529,10 +1529,15 @@ sqlite3_wasm = $(fiddle_dir)/sqlite3.wasm
#emcc_opt = -O2
#emcc_opt = -O3
emcc_opt = -Oz
emcc_flags = $(emcc_opt) -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH -sSTRICT_JS \
emcc_flags = $(emcc_opt) \
--minify 0 \
$(fiddle_module_js): Makefile sqlite3.c shell.c \
@ -1590,7 +1595,7 @@ wasm: fiddle sqlite3-wasm
# -sMODULARIZE: changes how the generated code is structured to avoid
# declaring a global Module object and instead installing a function
# which loads and initialized the module. The function is named...
# which loads and initializes the module. The function is named...
# -sEXPORT_NAME=jsFunctionName (see -sMODULARIZE)
@ -1610,7 +1615,15 @@ wasm: fiddle sqlite3-wasm
# results in build errors.
# -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH is required for (at a minimum) the UDF-binding
# feature.
# feature. Without it, JS functions cannot be made to proxy C-side
# callbacks.
# -sABORTING_MALLOC causes the JS-bound _malloc() to abort rather than
# return 0 on OOM. If set to 0 then all code which uses _malloc()
# must, just like in C, check the result before using it, else
# they're likely to corrupt the JS/WASM heap by writing to its
# address of 0. It is, as of this writing, enabled in Emscripten by
# default but we enable it explicitly in case that default changes.
# -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 disables eval() and the Function constructor.
# If the build runs without these, it's preferable to use this flag
@ -1642,4 +1655,28 @@ wasm: fiddle sqlite3-wasm
# primarily because -Oz will shrink the wasm file notably. JS-side
# minification makes little difference in terms of overall
# distributable size.
# --minify 0: disables minification of the generated JS code,
# regardless of optimization level. Minification of the JS has
# minimal overall effect in the larger scheme of things and results
# in JS files which can neither be edited nor viewed as text files in
# Fossil (which flags them as binary because of their extreme line
# lengths). Interestingly, whether or not the comments in the
# generated JS file get stripped is unaffected by this setting and
# depends entirely on the optimization level. Higher optimization
# levels reduce the size of the JS considerably even without
# minification.
# -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH is very tempting but has side-effects which
# may break the higher-level code. Specifically, growning the memory
# region beyong the default size requires that the app-visible arrays
# which act as views for that memory buffer have to be replaced,
# which inherently leaves any client-side references to those arrays
# with stale state, effectively resulting in memory corruption.
# Until/unless that can be well-encapsulated, such that the higher-level
# bindings which access those memory heaps are known to be using the
# proper references, DO NOT build with this option.

View File

@ -40,47 +40,69 @@
Because using certain parts of the low-level API properly requires
some degree of WASM-related magic, it is not recommended that that
API be used as-is in client-level code. Rather, client code should
use the higher-level OO API or write a custom wrapper on top of the
lower-level API. In short, most of the C-style API is used in an
intuitive manner from JS but any C-style APIs which take
API be used as-is in client-level code. Rather, client code is
encouraged use the higher-level OO API or write a custom wrapper on
top of the lower-level API. In short, most of the C-style API is
used in an intuitive manner from JS but any C-style APIs which take
pointers-to-pointer arguments require WASM-specific interfaces
installed by emcscripten-generated code. Those which take or return
installed by Emscripten-generated code. Those which take or return
only integers, doubles, strings, or "plain" pointers to db or
statement objects can be used in "as normal," noting that "pointers"
in wasm are simply 32-bit integers.
in WASM are simply 32-bit integers.
# Goals and Non-goals of this API
Specific goals of this project:
- Except where noted in the non-goals, provide a more-or-less
complete wrapper to the sqlite3 C API, insofar as WASM feature
parity with C allows for. In fact, provide at least 3...
- (1) The aforementioned C-style API. (2) An OO-style API on
top of that, designed to run in the same thread (main window or
Web Worker) as the C API. (3) A less-capable wrapper which can
work across the main window/worker boundary, where the sqlite3 API
is one of those and this wrapper is in the other. That
constellation places some considerable limitations on how the API
can be interacted with, but keeping the DB operations out of the
UI thread is generally desirable.
1) Bind a low-level sqlite3 API which is as close to the native
one as feasible in terms of usage.
2) A higher-level API, more akin to sql.js and node.js-style
implementations. This one speaks directly to the low-level
API. This API must be used from the same thread as the
low-level API.
3) A second higher-level API which speaks to the previous APIs via
worker messages. This one is intended for use in the main
thread, with the lower-level APIs installed in a Worker thread,
and talking to them via Worker messages. Because Workers are
asynchronouns and have only a single message channel, some
acrobatics are needed here to feed async work results back to
the client (as we cannot simply pass around callbacks between
the main and Worker threads).
- Insofar as possible, support client-side storage using JS
filesystem APIs. As of this writing, such things are still very
much TODO.
Specific non-goals of this project:
- As WASM is a web-centric technology and UTF-8 is the King of
Encodings in that realm, there are no current plans to support the
UTF16-related APIs. They would add a complication to the bindings
for no appreciable benefit.
Encodings in that realm, there are no currently plans to support
the UTF16-related sqlite3 APIs. They would add a complication to
the bindings for no appreciable benefit.
- Supporting old or niche-market platforms. WASM is built for a
modern web and requires modern platforms.
Though this code is not a direct copy/paste, much of the
functionality in this file is strongly influenced by the
corresponding features in sql.js:
sql.js was an essential stepping stone in this code's development as
it demonstrated how to handle some of the WASM-related voodoo (like
handling pointers-to-pointers and adding JS implementations of
C-bound callback functions). These APIs have a considerably
different shape than sql.js's, however.
if(!Module.postRun) Module.postRun = [];
/* ^^^^ the name Module is, in this setup, scope-local in the generated
@ -88,124 +110,208 @@ if(!Module.postRun) Module.postRun = [];
Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
installed features*/){
'use strict';
/* For reference: sql.js does essentially everything we want and
it solves much of the wasm-related voodoo, but we'll need a
different structure because we want the db connection to run in
a worker thread and feed data back into the main
thread. Regardless of those differences, it makes a great point
of reference:
Some of the specific design goals here:
- Bind a low-level sqlite3 API which is close to the native one
in terms of usage.
- Create a higher-level one, more akin to sql.js and
node.js-style implementations. This one would speak directly
to the low-level API. This API could be used by clients who
import the low-level API directly into their main thread
(which we don't want to recommend but also don't want to
outright forbid).
- Create a second higher-level one which speaks to the
low-level API via worker messages. This one would be intended
for use in the main thread, talking to the low-level UI via
worker messages. Because workers have only a single message
channel, some acrobatics will be needed here to feed async
work results back into client-side callbacks (as those
callbacks cannot simply be passed to the worker). Exactly
what those acrobatics should look like is not yet entirely
clear and much experimentation is pending.
const SQM = namespace/*the sqlite module object */;
const SQM/*interal-use convenience alias*/ = namespace/*the sqlite module object */;
/** Throws a new Error, the message of which is the concatenation
all args with a space between each. */
const toss = function(){
throw new Error(Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' '));
Returns true if v appears to be one of our supported TypedArray types:
Uint8Array or Int8Array.
const isSupportedTypedArray = function(v){
return v && (undefined!==v.byteLength) && (v.byteLength === v.length);
/** Returns true if n is a 32-bit (signed) integer,
else false. */
const isInt32 = function(n){
return (n===(n|0) && n<0xFFFFFFFF) ? true : undefined;
/** Returns true if isSupportedTypedArray(v) does, else throws with a message
/** Returns v if v appears to be a TypedArray, else false. */
const isTypedArray = (v)=>{
return (v && v.constructor && isInt32(v.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)) ? v : false;
Returns true if v appears to be one of our bind()-able
TypedArray types: Uint8Array or Int8Array. Support for
TypedArrays with element sizes >1 is a potential TODO.
const isBindableTypedArray = (v)=>{
return v && v.constructor && (1===v.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
Returns true if v appears to be one of the TypedArray types
which is legal for holding SQL code (as opposed to binary blobs).
Currently this is the same as isBindableTypedArray() but it
seems likely that we'll eventually want to add Uint32Array
and friends to the isBindableTypedArray() list but not to the
isSQLableTypedArray() list.
const isSQLableTypedArray = isBindableTypedArray;
/** Returns true if isBindableTypedArray(v) does, else throws with a message
that v is not a supported TypedArray value. */
const affirmSupportedTypedArray = function(v){
return isSupportedTypedArray(v)
const affirmBindableTypedArray = (v)=>{
return isBindableTypedArray(v)
|| toss("Value is not of a supported TypedArray type.");
Set up the main sqlite3 binding API here, mimicking the C API as
closely as we can.
Attribution: though not a direct copy/paste, much of what
follows is strongly influenced by the sql.js implementation.
The main sqlite3 binding API gets installed into this object,
mimicking the C API as closely as we can. The numerous members
names with prefixes 'sqlite3_' and 'SQLITE_' behave, insofar as
possible, identically to the C-native counterparts. A very few
exceptions may require an additional level of proxy function, as
documented in this object.
const api = {
The sqlite3_prepare_v2() binding handles two different uses
with differing JS/WASM semantics:
1) sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, sqlString, -1, ppStmt [, null])
2) sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, sqlPointer, -1, ppStmt, sqlPointerToPointer)
Note that the SQL length argument (the 3rd argument) must
always be negative because it must be a byte length and
that value is expensive to calculate from JS (where only
the character length of strings is readily available). It
is retained in this API's interface for code/documentation
compatibility reasons but is currently _always_
ignored. When using the 2nd form of this call, it is
critical that the custom-allocated string be terminated
with a 0 byte. (Potential TODO: if the 3rd argument is >0,
assume the caller knows precisely what they're doing, vis a
vis WASM memory management, and pass it on as-is. That
approach currently seems fraught with peril.)
In usage (1), the 2nd argument must be of type string,
Uint8Array, or Int8Array (either of which is assumed to
hold SQL). If it is, this function assumes case (1) and
calls the underyling C function with:
(pDb, sqlAsString, -1, ppStmt, null)
The pzTail argument is ignored in this case because its result
is meaningless when a string-type value is passed through
(because the string goes through another level of internal
conversion for WASM's sake and the result pointer would refer
to that conversion's memory, not the passed-in string).
If sql is not a string or supported TypedArray, it must be
a _pointer_ to a string which was allocated via
api.wasm.allocateUTF8OnStack(), api.wasm._malloc(), or
equivalent. In that case,
the final argument may be 0/null/undefined or must be a
pointer to which the "tail" of the compiled SQL is written,
as documented for the C-side sqlite3_prepare_v2(). In case
(2), the underlying C function is called with:
(pDb, sqlAsPointer, -1, ppStmt, pzTail)
It returns its result and compiled statement as documented
in the C API. Fetching the output pointers (4th and 5th
parameters) requires using api.wasm.getValue() and the
pzTail will point to an address relative to the
sqlAsPointer value.
If passed an invalid 2nd argument type, this function will
throw. That behaviour is in strong constrast to all of the
other C-bound functions (which return a non-0 result code
on error) but is necessary because we have to way to set
the db's error state such that this function could return a
non-0 integer and the client could call sqlite3_errcode()
or sqlite3_errmsg() to fetch it.
sqlite3_prepare_v2: undefined/*installed later*/,
Holds state which are specific to the WASM-related
infrastructure and glue code. It is not expected that client
code will normally need these, but they're exposed here in case it
Note that a number of members of this object are injected
dynamically after the api object is fully constructed, so
not all are documented inline here.
wasm: {
api.wasm._malloc()'s srcTypedArray.byteLength bytes,
populates them with the values from the source array,
and returns the pointer to that memory. The pointer
must eventually be passed to api.wasm._free() to clean
it up.
populates them with the values from the source
TypedArray, and returns the pointer to that memory. The
returned pointer must eventually be passed to
api.wasm._free() to clean it up.
As a special case, to avoid further special cases where
this is used, if srcTypedArray.byteLength is 0, it
allocates a single byte and sets it to the value 0.
allocates a single byte and sets it to the value
0. Even in such cases, calls must behave as if the
allocated memory has exactly srcTypedArray.byteLength
ACHTUNG: this currently only works for Uint8Array and
Int8Array types.
Int8Array types and will throw if srcTypedArray is of
any other type.
mallocFromTypedArray: function(srcTypedArray){
const pRet = api.wasm._malloc(srcTypedArray.byteLength || 1);
api.wasm._malloc.HEAP.set(srcTypedArray, pRet);
/* That unfortunately does not behave intuitively
when copying, e.g., the contents of a
Uint16Array, copying only 1 byte of each
entry instead of blitting the whole array
contents over the destination array. A potential TODO
is handle that copying here so that we can support a wider
array (haha) of bindable-as-blob types. */
else api.wasm._malloc.HEAP[pRet] = 0;
this.heapForSize(srcTypedArray).set(srcTypedArray.byteLength ? srcTypedArray : [0], pRet);
return pRet;
/** Convenience form of this.heapForSize(8,false). */
HEAP8: ()=>SQM['HEAP8'],
/** Convenience form of this.heapForSize(8,true). */
HEAPU8: ()=>SQM['HEAPU8'],
The TypedArray buffer which holds the heap memory
managed by the emscripten-installed _malloc().
Requires n to be one of (8, 16, 32) or a TypedArray
instance of Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, or their
Uint counterparts.
Returns the current integer-based TypedArray view of
the WASM heap memory buffer associated with the given
block size. If unsigned is truthy then the "U"
(unsigned) variant of that view is returned, else the
signed variant is returned. If passed a TypedArray
value and no 2nd argument then the 2nd argument
defaults to the signedness of that array. Note that
Float32Array and Float64Array views are not supported
by this function.
Note that growth of the heap will invalidate any
references to this heap, so do not hold a reference
longer than needed and do not use a reference
after any operation which may allocate.
Throws if passed an invalid n
heapForSize: function(n,unsigned = true){
unsigned = n instanceof Uint8Array || n instanceof Uint16Array
|| n instanceof Uint32Array;
n = n.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 8;
case 8: return SQM[unsigned ? 'HEAPU8' : 'HEAP8'];
case 16: return SQM[unsigned ? 'HEAPU16' : 'HEAP16'];
case 32: return SQM[unsigned ? 'HEAPU32' : 'HEAP32'];
toss("Invalid heapForSize() size: expecting 8, 16, or 32.");
[/* C-side functions to bind. Each entry is an array with 3 or 4
[/* C-side functions to bind. Each entry is an array with 3 elements:
["c-side name",
"result type" (cwrap() syntax),
[arg types in cwrap() syntax]
If it has 4 elements, the first one is an alternate name to
use for the JS-side binding. That's required when overloading
a binding for two different uses.
["sqlite3_bind_blob","number",["number", "number", "number", "number", "number"]],
["sqlite3_bind_double","number",["number", "number", "number"]],
@ -263,10 +369,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
["sqlite3_value_text", "string", ["number"]],
["sqlite3_value_type", "number", ["number"]]
//["sqlite3_normalized_sql", "string", ["number"]]
const k = (4==a.length) ? a.shift() : a[0];
api[k] = SQM.cwrap.apply(this, a);
].forEach((a)=>api[a[0]] = SQM.cwrap.apply(this, a));
Proxies for variants of sqlite3_prepare_v2() which have
@ -314,54 +417,9 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
const typedArrayToString = (str)=>utf8Decoder.decode(str);
//const stringToUint8 = (sql)=>new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(sql);
sqlite3_prepare_v2() binding which handles two different uses
with differing JS/WASM semantics:
1) sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, sqlString, -1, ppStmt [, null])
2) sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, sqlPointer, -1, ppStmt, sqlPointerToPointer)
Note that the SQL length argument (the 3rd argument) must
always be negative because it must be a byte length and that
value is expensive to calculate from JS (where we get the
character length of strings). It is retained in this API's
interface for code/documentation compatibility reasons but is
currently _always_ ignored. When using the 2nd form of this
call, it is critical that the custom-allocated string be
terminated with a 0 byte. (Potential TODO: if this value is >0,
assume the caller knows precisely what they're doing and pass
it on as-is. That approach currently seems fraught with peril.)
In usage (1), the 2nd argument must be of type string or
Uint8Array (which is assumed to hold SQL). If it is, this
function assumes case (1) and calls the underling C function
(pDb, sqlAsString, -1, ppStmt, null)
The pzTail argument is ignored in this case because its result
is meaningless when a string-type value is passed through
(because the string goes through another level of internal
conversion for WASM's sake and the result pointer would refer
to that conversion's memory, not the passed-in string).
If sql is not a string or Uint8Array, it must be a _pointer_ to
a string which was allocated via api.wasm.allocateUTF8OnStack()
or equivalent (TODO: define "or equivalent"). In that case, the
final argument may be 0/null/undefined or must be a pointer to
which the "tail" of the compiled SQL is written, as documented
for the C-side sqlite3_prepare_v2(). In case (2), the
underlying C function is called with:
(pDb, sqlAsPointer, -1, ppStmt, pzTail)
It returns its result and compiled statement as documented in
the C API. Fetching the output pointers (4th and 5th
parameters) requires using api.wasm.getValue().
/* Documented inline in the api object. */
api.sqlite3_prepare_v2 = function(pDb, sql, sqlLen, ppStmt, pzTail){
if(isSupportedTypedArray(sql)) sql = typedArrayToString(sql);
if(isSQLableTypedArray(sql)) sql = typedArrayToString(sql);
switch(typeof sql){
case 'string': return prepareMethods.basic(pDb, sql, -1, ppStmt, null);
case 'number': return prepareMethods.full(pDb, sql, -1, ppStmt, pzTail);
@ -369,23 +427,35 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
/** Populate api.wasm with several members of the module object... */
['getValue','setValue', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'stackAlloc',
'allocateUTF8OnStack', '_malloc', '_free',
'addFunction', 'removeFunction',
'intArrayFromString', 'lengthBytesUTF8', 'stringToUTF8Array'
Populate api.wasm with several members of the module object. Some of these
will be required by higher-level code. At a minimum:
getValue(), setValue(), stackSave(), stackRestore(), stackAlloc(), _malloc(),
_free(), addFunction(), removeFunction()
The rest are exposed primarily for internal use in this API but may well
be useful from higher-level client code.
All of the functions injected here are part of the
Emscripten-exposed APIs and are documented "elsewhere". Some
are documented in the Emscripten-generated `sqlite3.js` and
some are documented (if at all) in places unknown, possibly
even inaccessible, to us.
// Memory management:
'getValue','setValue', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'stackAlloc',
'allocateUTF8OnStack', '_malloc', '_free',
// String utilities:
'intArrayFromString', 'lengthBytesUTF8', 'stringToUTF8Array',
// The obligatory "misc" category:
'addFunction', 'removeFunction'
if(undefined === (api.wasm[m] = SQM[m])){
toss("Internal init error: Module."+m+" not found.");
The array object which holds the raw bytes managed by the
_malloc() binding. Side note: why on earth _malloc() manages
HEAP8 (an Int8Array), rather than HEAPU8 (a Uint8Array), is a
api.wasm._malloc.HEAP = api.wasm.HEAP8;
/* What follows is colloquially known as "OO API #1". It is a
binding of the sqlite3 API which is designed to be run within
@ -500,12 +570,6 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
return db;
/** Returns true if n is a 32-bit (signed) integer,
else false. */
const isInt32 = function(n){
return (n===(n|0) && n<0xFFFFFFFF) ? true : undefined;
Expects to be passed (arguments) from DB.exec() and
DB.execMulti(). Does the argument processing/validation, throws
@ -522,9 +586,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
const out = {opt:{}};
case 1:
if('string'===typeof args[0]){
out.sql = args[0];
}else if(isSupportedTypedArray(args[0])){
if('string'===typeof args[0] || isSQLableTypedArray(args[0])){
out.sql = args[0];
}else if(args[0] && 'object'===typeof args[0]){
out.opt = args[0];
@ -537,7 +599,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
default: toss("Invalid argument count for exec().");
out.sql = typedArrayToString(out.sql);
}else if(Array.isArray(out.sql)){
out.sql = out.sql.join('');
@ -797,7 +859,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
(opt.callback && opt.rowMode)
? opt.rowMode : false);
const sql = isSupportedTypedArray(arg.sql)
const sql = isSQLableTypedArray(arg.sql)
? typedArrayToString(arg.sql)
: arg.sql;
let pSql = api.wasm.allocateUTF8OnStack(sql)
@ -939,7 +1001,8 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
const pBlob = api.sqlite3_value_blob(pVal);
arg = new Uint8Array(n);
let i;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) arg[i] = api.wasm.HEAP8[pBlob+i];
const heap = n ? api.wasm.HEAP8() : false;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) arg[i] = heap[pBlob+i];
@ -967,7 +1030,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
if(null===val) {
}else if(isSupportedTypedArray(val)){
}else if(isBindableTypedArray(val)){
const pBlob = api.wasm.mallocFromTypedArray(val);
api.sqlite3_result_blob(pCx, pBlob, val.byteLength,
@ -1081,7 +1144,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
return t;
return isSupportedTypedArray(v) ? BindTypes.blob : undefined;
return isBindableTypedArray(v) ? BindTypes.blob : undefined;
@ -1159,7 +1222,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
const n = api.wasm.lengthBytesUTF8(val)+1/*required for NUL terminator*/;
const pStr = api.wasm.stackAlloc(n);
api.wasm.stringToUTF8Array(val, api.wasm.HEAP8, pStr, n);
api.wasm.stringToUTF8Array(val, api.wasm.HEAPU8(), pStr, n);
const f = asBlob ? api.sqlite3_bind_blob : api.sqlite3_bind_text;
return f(stmt._pStmt, ndx, pStr, n-1, api.SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
@ -1168,7 +1231,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
const bytes = api.wasm.intArrayFromString(val,true);
const pStr = api.wasm._malloc(bytes.length || 1);
api.wasm._malloc.HEAP.set(bytes.length ? bytes : [0], pStr);
api.wasm.HEAPU8().set(bytes.length ? bytes : [0], pStr);
const f = asBlob ? api.sqlite3_bind_blob : api.sqlite3_bind_text;
return f(stmt._pStmt, ndx, pStr, bytes.length, api.SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
@ -1205,7 +1268,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
case BindTypes.blob: {
if('string'===typeof val){
rc = f._.string(stmt, ndx, val, true);
}else if(!isSupportedTypedArray(val)){
}else if(!isBindableTypedArray(val)){
toss("Binding a value as a blob requires",
"that it be a string, Uint8Array, or Int8Array.");
}else if(1){
@ -1213,7 +1276,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
const stack = api.wasm.stackSave();
const pBlob = api.wasm.stackAlloc(val.byteLength || 1);
api.wasm.HEAP8.set(val.byteLength ? val : [0], pBlob)
api.wasm.HEAP8().set(val.byteLength ? val : [0], pBlob)
rc = api.sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt._pStmt, ndx, pBlob, val.byteLength,
@ -1379,7 +1442,7 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
return this;
else if('object'===typeof arg/*null was checked above*/
&& !isSupportedTypedArray(arg)){
&& !isBindableTypedArray(arg)){
/* Treat each property of arg as a named bound parameter. */
toss("When binding an object, an index argument is not permitted.");
@ -1501,10 +1564,11 @@ Module.postRun.push(function(namespace/*the module object, the target for
case api.SQLITE_TEXT:
return api.sqlite3_column_text(this._pStmt, ndx);
case api.SQLITE_BLOB: {
const n = api.sqlite3_column_bytes(this._pStmt, ndx);
const ptr = api.sqlite3_column_blob(this._pStmt, ndx);
const rc = new Uint8Array(n);
for(let i = 0; i < n; ++i) rc[i] = api.wasm.HEAP8[ptr + i];
const n = api.sqlite3_column_bytes(this._pStmt, ndx),
ptr = api.sqlite3_column_blob(this._pStmt, ndx),
rc = new Uint8Array(n),
heap = n ? api.wasm.HEAP8() : false;
for(let i = 0; i < n; ++i) rc[i] = heap[ptr + i];
if(n && this.db._blobXfer instanceof Array){
/* This is an optimization soley for the
Worker-based API. These values will be

View File

@ -190,17 +190,13 @@
const runTests = function(Module){
T.assert(Module._free instanceof Function).
assert(Module.allocate instanceof Function).
assert(Module.addFunction instanceof Function).
assert(Module.removeFunction instanceof Function);
const sqlite3 = Module.sqlite3;
const api = sqlite3.api;
const oo = sqlite3.SQLite3;
log("Loaded module:",api.sqlite3_libversion(),
log("Build options:",oo.compileOptionUsed());
log("api.wasm.HEAP8 size =",api.wasm.HEAP8.length);
log("api.wasm.HEAP8 size =",api.wasm.HEAP8().length);
log("wasmEnum",JSON.parse(Module.ccall('sqlite3_wasm_enum_json', 'string', [])));
[ /* Spot-check a handful of constants to make sure they got installed... */
@ -208,6 +204,13 @@
T.assert('number' === typeof api[k]);
[/* Spot-check a few of the WASM API methods. */
'_free', '_malloc', 'addFunction', 'stackRestore'
T.assert(Module[k] instanceof Function).
assert(api.wasm[k] instanceof Function);
const db = new oo.DB();
try {

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@ -12,9 +12,14 @@
** Utility functions for use with the emscripten/WASM bits. These
** Utility functions for use with the emscripten/WASM bits. These
** functions ARE NOT part of the sqlite3 public API. They are strictly
** for internal use by the JS/WASM bindings.
** This file is intended to be WASM-compiled together with sqlite3.c,
** e.g.:
** emcc ... sqlite3.c wasm_util.c
/** Result value of sqlite3_wasm_enum_json(). */

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
C wasm:\sadded\sutility\sC\scode\sto\sgenerate\sa\sJSON-format\s"enum"\sof\sthe\snumerous\sSQLITE_xyz\sconstants\sso\sthat\swe\sdo\snot\srisk\sthose\sgetting\sout\sof\ssync\sin\sthe\sJS\scode.\sRenamed\sinitSqlite3Module\sto\ssqlite3InitModule.\sCleanups\sin\sthe\sTypedArray\shandling.
D 2022-06-25T10:30:24.409
C wasm:\slots\sof\sdoc\sadditions\sand\srefactoring.\sRefactored\sthe\sWASM\smemory\sheap\susage\sto\shopefully\seventually\saccount\sfor\sa\sruntime-growable\sheap.\sDifferentiate\sbetween\ssupported\sTypedArray\stypes\sfor\sinput\sSQL\sstrings\svs\sbinding/fetching\sblobs.\sMight\s(untested)\shave\simplemented\sthe\sability\sto\sbind\sUtfNNArray\svalues\sas\sblobs,\swhere\sNN\sis\sone\sof\s16\sor\s32.
D 2022-06-25T18:18:45.580
F .fossil-settings/empty-dirs dbb81e8fc0401ac46a1491ab34a7f2c7c0452f2f06b54ebb845d024ca8283ef1
F .fossil-settings/ignore-glob 35175cdfcf539b2318cb04a9901442804be81cd677d8b889fcc9149c21f239ea
F LICENSE.md df5091916dbb40e6e9686186587125e1b2ff51f022cc334e886c19a0e9982724
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F Makefile.in fff0e19d74fe31d6c2960e72b79a1c82aeb971b32fa5002ace2ceb906b9917e5
F Makefile.linux-gcc f609543700659711fbd230eced1f01353117621dccae7b9fb70daa64236c5241
F Makefile.msc de7cb3e095ce2fdc33513ccd76ebdaeda1483d0ddab0410fe65cbdeadd4c0ee1
F README.md 8b8df9ca852aeac4864eb1e400002633ee6db84065bd01b78c33817f97d31f5e
@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ F ext/fiddle/fiddle-worker.js 88bc2193a6cb6a3f04d8911bed50a4401fe6f277de7a71ba83
F ext/fiddle/fiddle.html 550c5aafce40bd218de9bf26192749f69f9b10bc379423ecd2e162bcef885c08
F ext/fiddle/fiddle.js 812f9954cc7c4b191884ad171f36fcf2d0112d0a7ecfdf6087896833a0c079a8
F ext/fiddle/index.md d9c1c308d8074341bc3b11d1d39073cd77754cb3ca9aeb949f23fdd8323d81cf
F ext/fiddle/sqlite3-api.js 03ac065f4bc68eefd3b09cf3957a58891cbfcebe2a5ffe1c8a10f16a58dfc70b
F ext/fiddle/sqlite3-api.js 690921c0daabde10f7eea1fd1d2d4b034ef0d66d68292931403be0b8e6fccf6a
F ext/fiddle/sqlite3-worker.js 50b7a9ce14c8fae0af965e35605fe12cafb79c1e01e99216d8110d8b02fbf4b5
F ext/fiddle/testing.css 750572dded671d2cf142bbcb27af5542522ac08db128245d0b9fe410aa1d7f2a
F ext/fiddle/testing1.html ea1f3be727f78e420007f823912c1a03b337ecbb8e79449abc2244ad4fe15d9a
F ext/fiddle/testing1.js f9615ff58b9de6879e4836618b34322085510ec44c6754e725a92a097c908a6f
F ext/fiddle/testing1.js b7e34d83d6cb2f640311654266cbbe85f4144ef31fda7615d6e91c6486d3890f
F ext/fiddle/testing2.html 9063b2430ade2fe9da4e711addd1b51a2741cf0c7ebf6926472a5e5dd63c0bc4
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F ext/fiddle/wasm_util.c b63e00c2f264ab4a9c45c9f9727627cbc4d8aa2f93c5dd09e8105d63ff7e0872
F ext/fiddle/wasm_util.c dc9f6e8882b0777037b01d2c8ef2dd9360306a37980f6908cfa3909bf6c25da7
F ext/fts1/README.txt 20ac73b006a70bcfd80069bdaf59214b6cf1db5e
F ext/fts1/ft_hash.c 3927bd880e65329bdc6f506555b228b28924921b
F ext/fts1/ft_hash.h 06df7bba40dadd19597aa400a875dbc2fed705ea
@ -1979,8 +1979,8 @@ F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 6a9a6ab600c25a91a7acc6293828957a386a8a93
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.data 2ed517e100c66dc455b492e1a33350c1b20fbcdc
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.filters 37e51ffedcdb064aad6ff33b6148725226cd608e
F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
P da1d3151a440567f34a2f6c0b2bfc2e9fab81c256cc361c9ce7b46f2c23a2aa8
R ff53072845ce3be319c8a5687950f355
P 778062e3b415dca5104eee398950741b6dbb9d4bdf7c998eef18371a42669946
R 7173ecb48dc9d037c18c86459c1a9792
U stephan
Z 0ce9f393ac2f284b021257ae10338830
Z d57bc6484b99c6c0083ee3c3d006ea5c
# Remove this line to create a well-formed Fossil manifest.

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@ -1 +1 @@