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synced 2024-12-04 10:32:10 +03:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ specific lilbrary is as advertised, or is quality software.
- Libraries must be usable from C or C++, ideally both
- Libraries should be usable from more than one platform (ideally, all major desktops and/or all major mobile)
- Libraries should compile and work on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
- Libraries should use at most two files
- Libraries should use at most two files (one header, one source)
Exceptions will be allowed for good reasons.
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
- debugging, profiling, testing
- [debugging](#debugging)
- [profiling](#profiling)
- [unit testing etc.](#tests)
- [unit testing etc.](#unit-testing)
- other
- [AI](#ai)
- [cryptography](#crypto)
@ -97,122 +97,122 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
# AI
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [micropather](http://www.grinninglizard.com/MicroPather/) | zlib | C++ | 2 | pathfinding with A\*
| [Genann](https://github.com/codeplea/genann) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | simple neural networks (ANN)
| [KANN](https://github.com/attractivechaos/kann) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | automatic differentiation (2 files)
| [micropather](http://www.grinninglizard.com/MicroPather/) | zlib | C++ | 2 | pathfinding with A\*
# argv
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [parg](https://github.com/jibsen/parg) | **public domain** | C | 2 | command-line argument parsing
| [flags](https://github.com/sailormoon/flags) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [Argh!](https://github.com/adishavit/argh) | BSD | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [optionparser](http://optionparser.sourceforge.net/) | MIT | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [cmdline](https://github.com/tanakh/cmdline) | BSD | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [linkom](https://github.com/hernandp/linkom) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| command-line argument parsing w/ DOS-style options
| [ProgramOptions.hxx](https://github.com/Fytch/ProgramOptions.hxx) | MIT | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [kgflags](https://github.com/kgabis/kgflags) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [Clara](https://github.com/catchorg/Clara) | Boost | C++ |**1**| composable, command line parser for C++ 11 and beyond
| [CLI11](https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11) | BSD | C++ |**1**| Feature-rich CLI parsing in modern C++11
| [cmdline](https://github.com/tanakh/cmdline) | BSD | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [flags](https://github.com/sailormoon/flags) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [kgflags](https://github.com/kgabis/kgflags) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [linkom](https://github.com/hernandp/linkom) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| command-line argument parsing w/ DOS-style options
| [optionparser](http://optionparser.sourceforge.net/) | MIT | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
| [parg](https://github.com/jibsen/parg) | **public domain** | C | 2 | command-line argument parsing
| [ProgramOptions.hxx](https://github.com/Fytch/ProgramOptions.hxx) | MIT | C++ |**1**| command-line argument parsing
# audio
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [aw_ima.h](https://github.com/afterwise/aw-ima/blob/master/aw-ima.h) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| IMA-ADPCM audio decoder
| [btac1c](https://github.com/cr88192/bgbtech_misc/blob/master/mini/btac1c_mini0.h)| MIT |C/C++|**1**| MS-IMA_ADPCM variant
|**[dr_flac](https://github.com/mackron/dr_libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| FLAC audio decoder
|**[dr_wav](https://github.com/mackron/dr_libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| WAV audio loader
|**[sts_mixer](https://github.com/kieselsteini/sts)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| simple stereo audio mixer
| [tinysound](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| direct sound audio mixer & WAV loader
| [btac1c](https://github.com/cr88192/bgbtech_misc/blob/master/mini/btac1c_mini0.h)| MIT |C/C++|**1**| MS-IMA_ADPCM variant
| [TinySoundFont](https://github.com/schellingb/TinySoundFont) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| SoundFont2 loader & synthesizer
| [pocketmod](https://github.com/rombankzero/pocketmod) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| ProTracker MOD file renderer
| [Geneva](https://github.com/KrzysztofSzewczyk/Geneva) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| Library generating 8-bit waveforms of various kinds
| [minimp3](https://github.com/lieff/minimp3) | CC0 | C |**1**| Minimalistic MP3 decoder with sse/neon support
|**[miniaudio](https://github.com/dr-soft/miniaudio)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Audio playback and capture library
| [Geneva](https://github.com/KrzysztofSzewczyk/Geneva) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| Library generating 8-bit waveforms of various kinds
| [pocketmod](https://github.com/rombankzero/pocketmod) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| ProTracker MOD file renderer
|**[sts_mixer](https://github.com/kieselsteini/sts)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| simple stereo audio mixer
| [tinysound](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| direct sound audio mixer & WAV loader
| [TinySoundFont](https://github.com/schellingb/TinySoundFont) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| SoundFont2 loader & synthesizer
# compression
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
|**[miniz.c](https://github.com/richgel999/miniz)** | MIT |C/C++|**1**| compression, decompression, ZIP file, PNG writing
| [lz4](https://github.com/lz4/lz4) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
| [fastlz](https://code.google.com/archive/p/fastlz/source/default/source) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
| [pithy](https://github.com/johnezang/pithy) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
| [microtar](https://github.com/rxi/microtar) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | lightweight tar library
| [dmc_unrar](https://github.com/DrMcCoy/dmc_unrar) | GPLv2+ |C/C++|**1**| RAR file decompression
| [fastlz](https://code.google.com/archive/p/fastlz/source/default/source) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
| [lz4](https://github.com/lz4/lz4) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
|**[miniz.c](https://github.com/richgel999/miniz)** | MIT |C/C++|**1**| compression, decompression, ZIP file, PNG writing
| [microtar](https://github.com/rxi/microtar) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | lightweight tar library
| [pithy](https://github.com/johnezang/pithy) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
# crypto
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [TweetNaCl](http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/software.html) | **public domain** | C | 2 | high-quality tiny cryptography library
| [Monocypher](https://monocypher.org) | **public domain** | C | 2 | high-quality small cryptography library
| [TweetNaCl](http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/software.html) | **public domain** | C | 2 | high-quality tiny cryptography library
# data structures
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [klib](http://attractivechaos.github.io/klib/) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | many 2-file libs: hash, sort, b-tree, etc
| [uthash](https://github.com/troydhanson/uthash) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | several 1-header, 1-license-file libs: generic hash, list, etc
| [PackedArray](https://github.com/gpakosz/PackedArray) | **WTFPLv2** | C | 2 | memory-efficient array of elements with non-pow2 bitcount
| [minilibs](https://github.com/ccxvii/minilibs) | **public domain** | C | 2 | two-file binary tress (also regex, etc)
|**[DG_dynarr.h](https://github.com/DanielGibson/Snippets/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| typesafe dynamic arrays (like std::vector) for plain C
| [chobo-shl](https://github.com/Chobolabs/chobo-shl) | MIT | C++ |**1**| several C++11 standard contaner like libraries and helpers
| [libpqueue](https://github.com/vy/libpqueue) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | priority queue (heap)
| [simclist](http://mij.oltrelinux.com/devel/simclist) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | linked-list
| [selist](https://github.com/ennorehling/clibs) | ISC |C/C++| 2 | space-efficient linked-list
| [avl](https://github.com/etherealvisage/avl) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | AVL tree
| [c-bool-value](https://github.com/lduck11007/c-bool-value) | **WTFPLv2** |C/C++| 1 | Simple and easy boolean values in standard c
| [mempool](https://github.com/hardikp/cpp-mempool) | MIT | C++ |**1**| Efficient minimal memory pool implementation for C++
| [chobo-shl](https://github.com/Chobolabs/chobo-shl) | MIT | C++ |**1**| several C++11 standard contaner like libraries and helpers
|**[DG_dynarr.h](https://github.com/DanielGibson/Snippets/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| typesafe dynamic arrays (like std::vector) for plain C
| [DynaVar](https://github.com/ArjArav98/DynaVar) | GPL-3.0 | C++ | 1 | Object which can store any type of primitive data type
| [klib](http://attractivechaos.github.io/klib/) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | many 2-file libs: hash, sort, b-tree, etc
| [libpqueue](https://github.com/vy/libpqueue) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | priority queue (heap)
| [minilibs](https://github.com/ccxvii/minilibs) | **public domain** | C | 2 | two-file binary tress (also regex, etc)
| [PackedArray](https://github.com/gpakosz/PackedArray) | **WTFPLv2** | C | 2 | memory-efficient array of elements with non-pow2 bitcount
| [simclist](http://mij.oltrelinux.com/devel/simclist) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | linked-list
| [selist](https://github.com/ennorehling/clibs) | ISC |C/C++| 2 | space-efficient linked-list
| [mempool](https://github.com/hardikp/cpp-mempool) | MIT | C++ |**1**| Efficient minimal memory pool implementation for C++
| [uthash](https://github.com/troydhanson/uthash) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | several 1-header, 1-license-file libs: generic hash, list, etc
# debugging
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [dbgtools](https://github.com/wc-duck/dbgtools) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | cross-platform debug util libraries
| [debug-assert](https://github.com/foonathan/debug_assert) | zlib | C++ |**1**| modular assertion macro
| [debugbreak](https://github.com/scottt/debugbreak) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| programmatic debug break
| [loguru](https://github.com/emilk/loguru) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| flexible logging
| [pempek_assert.cpp](https://github.com/gpakosz/Assert) | **WTFPLv2** | C++ | 2 | flexible assertions
| [debug-assert](https://github.com/foonathan/debug_assert) | zlib | C++ |**1**| modular assertion macro
| [dbgtools](https://github.com/wc-duck/dbgtools) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | cross-platform debug util libraries
| [debugbreak](https://github.com/scottt/debugbreak) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| programmatic debug break
# files & filenames
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
|**[DG_misc.h](https://github.com/DanielGibson/Snippets/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Daniel Gibson's stb.h-esque cross-platform helpers: path/file, strings
| [whereami](https://github.com/gpakosz/whereami) | **WTFPLv2** |C/C++| 2 | get path/filename of executable or module
| [dirent](https://github.com/tronkko/dirent) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| dirent for Windows: retrieve file & dir info
| [tfile](https://github.com/rec/tfile) | MIT |C++|**1**| FILE* wrapper does read-write-append-seek-close (Win/Mac/Unix)
| [TinyDir](https://github.com/cxong/tinydir) | BSD | C |**1**| cross-platform directory reading (Win/POSIX/MinGW)
| [tinyfiles](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform directory reading (Win/Mac/Unix)
| [tfile](https://github.com/rec/tfile) | MIT |C++|**1**| FILE* wrapper does read-write-append-seek-close (Win/Mac/Unix)
| [whereami](https://github.com/gpakosz/whereami) | **WTFPLv2** |C/C++| 2 | get path/filename of executable or module
# geometry file
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [cgltf](https://github.com/jkuhlmann/cgltf) | MIT | C |**1**| glTF 2.0 file loader
| [tk_objfile](https://github.com/joeld42/tk_objfile) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| OBJ file loader
| [fast_obj.h](https://github.com/thisistherk/fast_obj) | MIT | C |**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
| [objzero](https://github.com/jpcy/objzero) | MIT | C | 2 | wavefront OBJ file loader
| [tinyply](https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/tinyply) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | PLY mesh file loader
| [tinyobjloader](https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader) | MIT | C++ |**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
| [tinyobjloader-c](https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader-c) | MIT | C |**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
| [tk_objfile](https://github.com/joeld42/tk_objfile) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| OBJ file loader
| [yocto_obj.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
| [fast_obj.h](https://github.com/thisistherk/fast_obj) | MIT | C |**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
| [objzero](https://github.com/jpcy/objzero) | MIT | C | 2 | wavefront OBJ file loader
# geometry math
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
|**[nv_voronoi.h](http://www.icculus.org/~mordred/nvlib/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| find voronoi regions on lattice w/ integer inputs
| [Clipper](http://www.angusj.com/delphi/clipper.php) | Boost | C++ | 2 | line & polygon clipping & offsetting
|**[df](https://github.com/983/df)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| find voronoi region in linear time of size of lattice
|**[sobol.h](https://github.com/Marc-B-Reynolds/Stand-alone-junk/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| sobol & stratified sampling sequences
| [sdf.h](https://github.com/memononen/SDF) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| compute signed-distance field from antialiased image
| [nanoflann](https://github.com/jlblancoc/nanoflann) | BSD | C++ |**1**| build KD trees for point clouds
| [jc_voronoi](https://github.com/JCash/voronoi) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| find voronoi regions on float/double data
| [nanoflann](https://github.com/jlblancoc/nanoflann) | BSD | C++ |**1**| build KD trees for point clouds
|**[nv_voronoi.h](http://www.icculus.org/~mordred/nvlib/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| find voronoi regions on lattice w/ integer inputs
| [par_msquares](https://github.com/prideout/par) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| convert (binarized) image to triangles
| [par_shapes](http://github.prideout.net/shapes) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| generate various 3d geometric shapes
| [Tomas Akenine-Moller snippets](http://tinyurl.com/ht79ndj) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | various 3D intersection calculations, not lib-ified
| [Clipper](http://www.angusj.com/delphi/clipper.php) | Boost | C++ | 2 | line & polygon clipping & offsetting
| [PolyPartition](https://github.com/ivanfratric/polypartition) | MIT | C++ | 2 | polygon triangulation, partitioning
|**[rjm_mc.h](https://github.com/rmitton/rjm)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| marching cubes triangulator
|**[sobol.h](https://github.com/Marc-B-Reynolds/Stand-alone-junk/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| sobol & stratified sampling sequences
| [sdf.h](https://github.com/memononen/SDF) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| compute signed-distance field from antialiased image
| [Tomas Akenine-Moller snippets](http://tinyurl.com/ht79ndj) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | various 3D intersection calculations, not lib-ified
| [Voxelizer](https://github.com/karimnaaji/voxelizer) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| convert triangle mesh to voxel triangle mesh
| [xatlas](https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas) | MIT | C++ | 2 | mesh parameterization
| [yocto_bvh.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| ray-casting and closest-element queries of bounding-volume hierarchy
| [yocto_shape.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| shape generation, tesselation, normals, etc.
|**[rjm_mc.h](https://github.com/rmitton/rjm)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| marching cubes triangulator
| [xatlas](https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas) | MIT | C++ | 2 | mesh parameterization
# graphics (text)
| library | license | API |files| description
@ -223,26 +223,26 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [blendish](https://bitbucket.org/duangle/oui-blendish/src) | MIT |C/C++| 1 | blender-style widget rendering using NanoVG
| [tigr](https://bitbucket.org/rmitton/tigr/src) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | quick-n-dirty window text/graphics for Windows and macOS
| [noc_turtle](https://github.com/guillaumechereau/noc) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | procedural graphics generator
| [Cimg](http://cimg.eu/) | CeCILL/CeCILL-C | C++ |**1**| image processing toolkit (60K LoC)
| [Immediate2D](https://github.com/npiegdon/immediate2d) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | zero-configuration, immediate-mode 2D graphics for Windows
| [noc_turtle](https://github.com/guillaumechereau/noc) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | procedural graphics generator
| [tigr](https://bitbucket.org/rmitton/tigr/src) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | quick-n-dirty window text/graphics for Windows and macOS
# graphics (3d)
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [yocto_trace.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| physically-based unidirectional path tracer w/ MIS for direct lights
| [yocto_symrigid.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| rigid body simulator (sequential impulse/PGS) with support for concave objects
| [mikktspace](https://developer.blender.org/diffusion/B/browse/master/intern/mikktspace) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | compute tangent space for normal mapping
| [debug-draw](https://github.com/glampert/debug-draw) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| API-agnostic immediate-mode debug rendering
| [Swarmz](https://github.com/Cultrarius/Swarmz) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| swarming/flocking algorithm
|**[lightmapper](https://github.com/ands/lightmapper#lightmapper)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| use your OpenGL renderer to offline bake lightmaps
| [mikktspace](https://developer.blender.org/diffusion/B/browse/master/intern/mikktspace)| zlib|C/C++| 2 | compute tangent space for normal mapping
| [rjm_raytrace.h](https://github.com/rmitton/rjm) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| minimalistic SSE packet raytracer for offline baking
|**[seamoptimizer](https://github.com/ands/seamoptimizer)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| modify lightmap data to hide seams
| [sokol_gfx.h](https://github.com/floooh/sokol) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform 3D API wrapper (GLES2+3/GL3/D3D11/Metal)
| [Swarmz](https://github.com/Cultrarius/Swarmz) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| swarming/flocking algorithm
| [tinygizmo](https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/tinygizmo) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | gizmo objects for interactively editing 3d transformations
|**[Vertex Cache Optimizer](https://github.com/Sigkill79/sts)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| vertex cache optimization of meshes
| [Vulkan Memory Allocator](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/VulkanMemoryAllocator)|MIT|C/C++|**1**| memory allocator for Vulkan
| [rjm_raytrace.h](https://github.com/rmitton/rjm) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| minimalistic SSE packet raytracer for offline baking
| [sokol_gfx.h](https://github.com/floooh/sokol) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform 3D API wrapper (GLES2+3/GL3/D3D11/Metal)
| [yocto_trace.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| physically-based unidirectional path tracer w/ MIS for direct lights
| [yocto_symrigid.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| rigid body simulator (sequential impulse/PGS) with support for concave objects
# hardware
| library | license | API |files| description
@ -258,63 +258,63 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
# images
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [jo_gif.cpp](http://www.jonolick.com/home/gif-writer) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| animated GIF writer (CPP file can also be used as H file)
| [gif.h](https://github.com/ginsweater/gif-h) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| animated GIF writer (can only include once)
|**[tiny_jpeg.h](https://github.com/serge-rgb/TinyJPEG/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| JPEG encoder
|**[gif_load](https://github.com/hidefromkgb/gif_load)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| (animated) GIF reader
| [miniexr](https://github.com/aras-p/miniexr) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | OpenEXR writer, needs header file
| [tinyexr](https://github.com/syoyo/tinyexr) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| EXR image read/write, uses miniz internally
| [lodepng](http://lodev.org/lodepng/) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | PNG encoder/decoder
| [NanoJPEG](http://keyj.emphy.de/nanojpeg/) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| JPEG decoder
| [nanoSVG](https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| 1-file SVG parser; 1-file SVG rasterizer
| [picopng.cpp](http://lodev.org/lodepng/picopng.cpp) | zlib | C++ | 2 | tiny PNG loader
| [jpeg-compressor](https://github.com/richgel999/jpeg-compressor) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | 2-file JPEG compress, 2-file JPEG decompress
| [easyexif](https://github.com/mayanklahiri/easyexif) | MIT | C++ | 2 | EXIF metadata extractor for JPEG images
| [TinyEXIF](https://github.com/cdcseacave/TinyEXIF) | BSD | C++ | 2 | Parse EXIF data from JPEG (XMP w/ TinyXML2 lib)
| EXR [miniexr](https://github.com/aras-p/miniexr) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | OpenEXR writer, needs header file
| EXR [tinyexr](https://github.com/syoyo/tinyexr) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| EXR image read/write, uses miniz internally
| GIF [gif.h](https://github.com/ginsweater/gif-h) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| animated GIF writer (can only include once)
| GIF **[gif_load](https://github.com/hidefromkgb/gif_load)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| (animated) GIF reader
| GIF [jo_gif.cpp](http://www.jonolick.com/home/gif-writer) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| animated GIF writer (CPP file can also be used as H file)
| JPG [jpeg-compressor](https://github.com/richgel999/jpeg-compressor) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | 2-file JPEG compress, 2-file JPEG decompress
| JPG [NanoJPEG](http://keyj.emphy.de/nanojpeg/) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| JPEG decoder
| JPG **[tiny_jpeg.h](https://github.com/serge-rgb/TinyJPEG/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| JPEG encoder
| JPG EXIF [easyexif](https://github.com/mayanklahiri/easyexif) | MIT | C++ | 2 | EXIF metadata extractor for JPEG images
| JPG EXIF [TinyEXIF](https://github.com/cdcseacave/TinyEXIF) | BSD | C++ | 2 | Parse EXIF data from JPEG (XMP w/ TinyXML2 lib)
| PDF [PDFgen](https://github.com/AndreRenaud/PDFGen) | **public domain** | C | 2 | PDF writer |
| PNG [lodepng](http://lodev.org/lodepng/) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | PNG encoder/decoder
| PNG [picopng.cpp](http://lodev.org/lodepng/picopng.cpp) | zlib | C++ | 2 | tiny PNG loader
| PNG [TinyPngOutput](https://www.nayuki.io/page/tiny-png-output) | LGPLv3 |C/C++| 2 | PNG writer |
| PNM [PNM](https://github.com/dmilos/PNM) | Apache 2.0 | C++ | 1 | PBM, PGM and PPM reader and writer |
| SVG [nanoSVG](https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| 1-file SVG parser; 1-file SVG rasterizer
|**[cro_mipmap.h](https://github.com/thebeast33/cro_lib)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| average, min, max mipmap generators
| [PDFgen](https://github.com/AndreRenaud/PDFGen) | **public domain** | C | 2 | PDF writer |
| [PNM](https://github.com/dmilos/PNM) | Apache 2.0 | C++ | 1 | PBM, PGM and PPM reader and writer |
| [rjm_texbleed.h](https://github.com/rmitton/rjm) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Fills in the color of pixels where alpha==0
| [TinyPngOutput](https://www.nayuki.io/page/tiny-png-output) | LGPLv3 |C/C++| 2 | PNG writer |
# math
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [ShaderFastLibs](https://github.com/michaldrobot/ShaderFastLibs) | MIT | C++ |**1**| (also HLSL) approximate transcendental functions optimized for shaders (esp. GCN)
| [TinyExpr](https://github.com/codeplea/tinyexpr) | zlib | C | 2 | evaluation of math expressions from strings
| [amoeba](https://github.com/starwing/amoeba) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| constraint solver (Cassowary) w/Lua binding
| [fft](https://github.com/wareya/fft) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| Fast Fourier Transform |
| [PoissonGenerator.h](https://github.com/corporateshark/poisson-disk-generator) | MIT | C++ |**1**| Poisson disk points generator (disk or rect)
| [prns.h](http://marc-b-reynolds.github.io/shf/2016/04/19/prns.html) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| seekable pseudo-random number sequences
| [amoeba](https://github.com/starwing/amoeba) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| constraint solver (Cassowary) w/Lua binding
| [simrank.hpp](https://github.com/roukaour/simrank) | MIT | C++ | 2 | SimRank graph similarity algorithm
|**[rnd.h](https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| pseudo-random number generation
| [ShaderFastLibs](https://github.com/michaldrobot/ShaderFastLibs) | MIT | C++ |**1**| (also HLSL) approximate transcendental functions optimized for shaders (esp. GCN)
| [simrank.hpp](https://github.com/roukaour/simrank) | MIT | C++ | 2 | SimRank graph similarity algorithm
| [SummedAreaTable](https://github.com/corporateshark/Summed-Area-Table.git) | MIT | C++ |**1**| Summed-Area Table generation and sum/avg queries
| [fft](https://github.com/wareya/fft) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| Fast Fourier Transform |
| [TinyExpr](https://github.com/codeplea/tinyexpr) | zlib | C | 2 | evaluation of math expressions from strings
# multithreading
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [bikeshed.h](https://github.com/DanEngelbrecht/bikeshed) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform lock free fixed memory hierarchical work scheduler
| [mm_sched.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform multithreaded task scheduler based on [enkiTS](https://github.com/dougbinks/enkiTS)
|**[thread.h](https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform thread primitives
| [TinyCThread](https://tinycthread.github.io/) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | cross-platform implementation of the C11 Threads API
| [TinyThread++](https://tinythreadpp.bitsnbites.eu/) | zlib | C++ | 2 | cross-platform implementation of the C++11 Threads API
| [bikeshed.h](https://github.com/DanEngelbrecht/bikeshed) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform lock free fixed memory hierarchical work scheduler
# network
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
|**[zed_net](https://github.com/Smilex/zed_net)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform socket wrapper
|**[sts_net](https://github.com/kieselsteini/sts)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform socket wrapper (socket sets and packet API)
| [znet](https://github.com/starwing/znet) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform networking w/ Lua binding
| [mm_web.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| lightweight webserver, fork of webby
| [yocto](https://github.com/tom-seddon/yhs) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | non-production-use HTTP server
| [mongoose](https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose) | GPLv2 |C/C++| 2 | HTTP server
| [EWS](https://github.com/hellerf/EmbeddableWebServer) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| HTTP server
| [civetweb](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | HTTP server, fork of Mongoose
| [par_easycurl.h](https://github.com/prideout/par) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cURL wrapper
| [EWS](https://github.com/hellerf/EmbeddableWebServer) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| HTTP server
| [happyhttp](https://github.com/Zintinio/HappyHTTP) | zlib | C++ | 2 | HTTP client requests
|**[http](https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| HTTP get/post
| [LUrlParser](https://github.com/corporateshark/LUrlParser) | MIT | C++ | 2 | lightweight URL & URI parser RFC 1738, RFC 3986
| [libcluon](https://github.com/chrberger/libcluon) | MPL-2.0 | C++ |**1**| cross-platform socket wrapper and data marshalling with native implementations for [Protobuf](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/), [LCM](http://lcm-proj.github.io/type_specification.html)/[ZCM](http://zerocm.github.io/zcm/), JSON, and [MsgPack](https://msgpack.org) serialization/deserialization
| [LUrlParser](https://github.com/corporateshark/LUrlParser) | MIT | C++ | 2 | lightweight URL & URI parser RFC 1738, RFC 3986
| [mm_web.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| lightweight webserver, fork of webby
| [mongoose](https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose) | GPLv2 |C/C++| 2 | HTTP server
| [par_easycurl.h](https://github.com/prideout/par) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cURL wrapper
|**[sts_net](https://github.com/kieselsteini/sts)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform socket wrapper (socket sets and packet API)
| [yocto](https://github.com/tom-seddon/yhs) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | non-production-use HTTP server
|**[zed_net](https://github.com/Smilex/zed_net)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform socket wrapper
| [znet](https://github.com/starwing/znet) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform networking w/ Lua binding
# serialization
| library | license | API |files| description
@ -325,13 +325,13 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
# json
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [PicoJSON](https://github.com/kazuho/picojson) | BSD | C++ |**1**| JSON parse/serializer
| [json.h](https://github.com/sheredom/json.h) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | JSON parser
| [jzon.h](https://github.com/Zguy/Jzon) | MIT | C++ | 2 | JSON parser
| [parson](https://github.com/kgabis/parson) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | JSON parser and serializer
| [json.hpp](https://github.com/nlohmann/json) | MIT | C++ |**1**| JSON parse, serialize, deserialize
| [cJSON](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cjson/) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| JSON parser
| [ajson](https://github.com/lordoffox/ajson) | Boost | C++ |**1**| JSON serialize & deserialize w/ STL support
| [cJSON](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cjson/) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| JSON parser
| [json.h](https://github.com/sheredom/json.h) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | JSON parser
| [json.hpp](https://github.com/nlohmann/json) | MIT | C++ |**1**| JSON parse, serialize, deserialize
| [jzon.h](https://github.com/Zguy/Jzon) | MIT | C++ | 2 | JSON parser
| [PicoJSON](https://github.com/kazuho/picojson) | BSD | C++ |**1**| JSON parse/serializer
| [parson](https://github.com/kgabis/parson) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | JSON parser and serializer
# yaml
| library | license | API |files| description
@ -341,89 +341,89 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
# csv
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [Rapidcsv](https://github.com/d99kris/rapidcsv/) | BSD | C++ |**1**| CSV parser
| [CSVstream](https://github.com/awdeorio/csvstream/) | MIT | C++ |**1**| CSV parser
| [Fast C++ CSV Parser](https://github.com/ben-strasser/fast-cpp-csv-parser) | BSD | C++ |**1**| CSV parser
| [Rapidcsv](https://github.com/d99kris/rapidcsv/) | BSD | C++ |**1**| CSV parser
| [Vince's CSV Parser](https://github.com/vincentlaucsb/csv-parser) | MIT | C++ |**1**| CSV parser and serializer
# parsing
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [SLRE](https://github.com/cesanta/slre) |_GPLv2_ |C/C++|**1**| regular expression matcher
| [mm_lexer.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| C-esque language lexer
| [minilibs](https://github.com/ccxvii/minilibs) | **public domain** | C | 2 | two-file regex (also binary tree, etc)
| [tinymemfile](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib | C++ |**1**| fscanf on in-memory files
| [cmp](https://github.com/camgunz/cmp) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | MessagePack parser and serializer
| [inih](https://github.com/benhoyt/inih) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | .ini file parser
|**[ini.h](https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| .ini file parser
| [cmp](https://github.com/camgunz/cmp) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | MessagePack parser and serializer
| [minilibs](https://github.com/ccxvii/minilibs) | **public domain** | C | 2 | two-file regex (also binary tree, etc)
| [mm_lexer.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| C-esque language lexer
| [SLRE](https://github.com/cesanta/slre) |_GPLv2_ |C/C++|**1**| regular expression matcher
| [tinymemfile](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib | C++ |**1**| fscanf on in-memory files
# profiling
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [Remotery](https://github.com/Celtoys/Remotery) | Apache 2.0 |C/C++| 2 | CPU/GPU profiler Win/Mac/Linux, using web browser for viewer
| [MicroProfile](https://github.com/jonasmr/microprofile) | **public domain** | C++ | 2-4 | CPU (and GPU?) profiler, 1-3 header files, uses miniz internally
| [prof](https://github.com/cyrus-and/prof) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| profiler for Linux
| [Remotery](https://github.com/Celtoys/Remotery) | Apache 2.0 |C/C++| 2 | CPU/GPU profiler Win/Mac/Linux, using web browser for viewer
# scripting
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [Duktape](http://duktape.org/) | MIT | C | 2 | embeddable JavaScript engine
| [MY-BASIC](https://github.com/paladin-t/my_basic/) | MIT | C | 2 | interpreter for a BASIC dialect scripting language
| [LIL](http://runtimeterror.com/tech/lil/) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | interpreter for a Tcl-like scripting language
| [lualite](https://github.com/user1095108/lualite) | MIT | C++ |**1**| generate Lua bindings in C++
| [Picol](https://chiselapp.com/user/dbohdan/repository/picol/) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| interpreter for a Tcl-like scripting language
| [s7](https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/s7.html) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | interpreter for a subset of Scheme (R5RS/R7RS)
| [Duktape](http://duktape.org/) | MIT | C | 2 | embeddable JavaScript engine
| [MY-BASIC](https://github.com/paladin-t/my_basic/) | MIT | C | 2 | interpreter for a BASIC dialect scripting language
# strings
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
|**[DG_misc.h](https://github.com/DanielGibson/Snippets/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Daniel Gibson's stb.h-esque cross-platform helpers: path/file, strings
|**[utf8](https://github.com/sheredom/utf8.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| UTF-8 string library
|**[strpool.h](https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| string interning
| [dfa](http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de/utf-8/decoder/dfa/) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | fast UTF-8 decoder (need a header file)
|**[DG_misc.h](https://github.com/DanielGibson/Snippets/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Daniel Gibson's stb.h-esque cross-platform helpers: path/file, strings
|**[gb_string.h](https://github.com/gingerBill/gb)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| dynamic strings
| [inja.hpp](https://github.com/pantor/inja) | MIT | C++ |**1**| template engine
| [str_view.hpp](https://github.com/sawickiap/str_view) | MIT | C++ |**1**| null-termination-aware string-view class
| [Obfuscate](https://github.com/adamyaxley/Obfuscate) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| Guaranteed compile-time string literal obfuscation library for C++14
| [inja.hpp](https://github.com/pantor/inja) | MIT | C++ |**1**| template engine
|**[strpool.h](https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| string interning
| [str_view.hpp](https://github.com/sawickiap/str_view) | MIT | C++ |**1**| null-termination-aware string-view class
|**[utf8](https://github.com/sheredom/utf8.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| UTF-8 string library
# tests
# unit testing
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [utest](https://github.com/evolutional/utest) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
| [catch](https://github.com/philsquared/Catch) | Boost | C++ |**1**| unit testing
| [catch2](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/) | Boost | C++ |**1**| unit testing
| [doctest](https://github.com/onqtam/doctest) | MIT | C++ |**1**| unit testing
| [SPUT](http://www.lingua-systems.com/unit-testing/) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
| [minctest](https://github.com/codeplea/minctest) | zlib | C |**1**| unit testing
| [greatest](https://github.com/silentbicycle/greatest) | iSC | C |**1**| unit testing
| [µnit](https://github.com/nemequ/munit) | MIT | C |**1**| unit testing
|**[labrat](https://github.com/squarewave/labrat)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
| [hippomocks](https://github.com/dascandy/hippomocks) | LGPL | C++ |**1**| unit testing
| [fctx](https://github.com/imb/fctx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
| [trompeloeil](https://github.com/rollbear/trompeloeil) | Boost | C++ |**1**| unit testing
| [greatest](https://github.com/silentbicycle/greatest) | iSC | C |**1**| unit testing
| [hippomocks](https://github.com/dascandy/hippomocks) | LGPL | C++ |**1**| unit testing
|**[labrat](https://github.com/squarewave/labrat)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
| [minctest](https://github.com/codeplea/minctest) | zlib | C |**1**| unit testing
| [munit](https://github.com/nemequ/munit) | MIT | C |**1**| unit testing
| [SPUT](http://www.lingua-systems.com/unit-testing/) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
| [trompeloeil](https://github.com/rollbear/trompeloeil) | Boost | C++ |**1**| unit testing
| [utest](https://github.com/evolutional/utest) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
|**[utest.h](https://github.com/sheredom/utest.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| unit testing
# user interface
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [dear imgui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) | MIT | C++ | 9 | an immediate-mode GUI formerly named "ImGui"; [3rd-party C wrapper](https://github.com/Extrawurst/cimgui)
| [nuklear](https://github.com/vurtun/nuklear) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| minimal GUI toolkit
| [noc_file_dialog.h](https://github.com/guillaumechereau/noc) | MIT |C/C++| 1 | file open/save dialogs (Win/Mac/Linux)
| [tinyfiledialogs](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyfiledialogs/) | ZLIB |C/C++| 2 | modal dialogs inc. file open/save (Win/Mac/Linux)
| [linenoise](https://github.com/antirez/linenoise) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | terminal readline w/ history etc
| [wcwidth9](https://github.com/joshuarubin/wcwidth9) | Apache 2.0 | C | 1 | platform independent wcwidth with full unicode 9 support
| [libcmdf](https://github.com/ronen25/libcmdf) | **public domain** | C |**1**| a small library for writing CLI applications
| [linenoise](https://github.com/antirez/linenoise) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | terminal readline w/ history etc
| [noc_file_dialog.h](https://github.com/guillaumechereau/noc) | MIT |C/C++| 1 | file open/save dialogs (Win/Mac/Linux)
| [nuklear](https://github.com/vurtun/nuklear) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| minimal GUI toolkit
| [tinyfiledialogs](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyfiledialogs/) | ZLIB |C/C++| 2 | modal dialogs inc. file open/save (Win/Mac/Linux)
| [wcwidth9](https://github.com/joshuarubin/wcwidth9) | Apache 2.0 | C | 1 | platform independent wcwidth with full unicode 9 support
# vectors
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [mm_vec.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| SIMD vector math
|**[Handmade Math](https://github.com/StrangeZak/Handmade-Math)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| vector math
|**[gb_math](https://github.com/gingerBill/gb/blob/master/gb_math.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Vector, quaternion and matrix math w/o math.h
| [algebra3.h](http://www.animats.com/source/graphics/algebra3.h) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| vector utilities for 2, 3, and 4 element vectors, all inline
|**[ccVector.h](https://github.com/jobtalle/ccVector)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Vector, quaternion and matrix math
|**[gb_math](https://github.com/gingerBill/gb/blob/master/gb_math.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| Vector, quaternion and matrix math w/o math.h
|**[Handmade Math](https://github.com/StrangeZak/Handmade-Math)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| vector math
| [linalg.h](https://github.com/sgorsten/linalg) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| vector/matrix/quaternion math
| [linalg](https://github.com/ilyak/linalg) | ISC |C/C++|**1**| vector/matrix/quaternion math
| [algebra3.h](http://www.animats.com/source/graphics/algebra3.h) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| vector utilities for 2, 3, and 4 element vectors, all inline
| [mm_vec.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| SIMD vector math
# video
| library | license | API |files| description
@ -438,25 +438,25 @@ as C/C++, as this is not an obstacle to most users.)
# miscellaneous
| library | license | API |files| description
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------:|:---:|:---:| -----------
| [MakeID.h](http://www.humus.name/3D/MakeID.h) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| allocate/deallocate small integer IDs efficiently
| [tinyformat](https://github.com/c42f/tinyformat) | Boost | C++ |**1**| typesafe printf
| [visit_struct](https://github.com/cbeck88/visit_struct) | Boost | C++ | 2 | struct-field reflection
| [stmr](https://github.com/wooorm/stmr.c) | MIT | C | 2 | extract English word stems
| [levenshtein](https://github.com/wooorm/levenshtein.c) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | compute edit distance between two strings
| [tinytime](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| quick-and-dirty time elapsed time
| [ASAP](https://github.com/mobius3/asap) | MIT | C++ |**1**| library for parsing, printing, iterating and operating on dates.
| [cpp-generators](https://github.com/c-smile/cpp-generators) | BSD | C++ |**1**| generators in C++
| [Hedley](https://nemequ.github.io/hedley/) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| compiler portability, optimization, static analysis, etc.
| [levenshtein](https://github.com/wooorm/levenshtein.c) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | compute edit distance between two strings
| [MakeID.h](http://www.humus.name/3D/MakeID.h) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| allocate/deallocate small integer IDs efficiently
| [picobench](https://github.com/iboB/picobench) | MIT | C++ |**1**| microbenchmarking
| [PlusCallback](https://github.com/codeplea/pluscallback) | zlib | C++ |**1**| function/method callbacks
|**[process.h](https://github.com/sheredom/process.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| process control API
| [random](https://github.com/effolkronium/random) | MIT | C++ |**1**| convenient API for random
| [sokol_time.h](https://github.com/floooh/sokol) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform time measurement
| [picobench](https://github.com/iboB/picobench) | MIT | C++ |**1**| microbenchmarking
| [ASAP](https://github.com/mobius3/asap) | MIT | C++ |**1**| library for parsing, printing, iterating and operating on dates.
|**[process.h](https://github.com/sheredom/process.h)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| process control API
| [Hedley](https://nemequ.github.io/hedley/) | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| compiler portability, optimization, static analysis, etc.
| [stmr](https://github.com/wooorm/stmr.c) | MIT | C | 2 | extract English word stems
| [tinyformat](https://github.com/c42f/tinyformat) | Boost | C++ |**1**| typesafe printf
| [tinytime](https://github.com/RandyGaul/tinyheaders) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| quick-and-dirty time elapsed time
| [visit_struct](https://github.com/cbeck88/visit_struct) | Boost | C++ | 2 | struct-field reflection
There are also these XML libraries, but if you're using XML, shame on you:
There are also these XML libraries, but I am so significantly not a fan of XML that I've consigned these to the basement to make you think twice.
- parsing: [tinyxml2](https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2): XML
- parsing: [tinyxml2](https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2): XML (zlib license)
- parsing: [pugixml](http://pugixml.org/): XML (MIT license)
- parsing: [yxml](https://dev.yorhel.nl/yxml): XML (MIT license)
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