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Current Release: raylib 1.1.0 (April 2014)
NOTE: Only versions marked as 'Release' are available on release folder, updates are only available as source.
NOTE: Current Release includes all previous updates.
Release: raylib 1.1.0 (19 April 2014)
This version supposed a complete internal redesign of the library to support OpenGL 3.3+ and OpenGL ES 2.0.
New module [rlgl] has been added to 'translate' immediate mode style functions (i.e. rlVertex3f()) to GL 1.1, 3.3+ or ES2.
Another new module [raymath] has also been added with lot of useful 3D math vector-matrix-quaternion functions.
[rlgl] New module, abstracts OpenGL rendering (multiple versions support)
[raymath] New module, useful 3D math vector-matrix-quaternion functions
[core] Adapt all OpenGL code (initialization, drawing) to use [rlgl]
[shapes] Rewrite all shapes drawing functions to use [rlgl]
[textures] Adapt texture GPU loading to use [rlgl]
[textures] Added support for DDS images (compressed and uncompressed)
[textures] CreateTexture() - Redesigned to add mipmap automatic generation
[textures] DrawTexturePro() - Redesigned and corrected bugs
[models] Rewrite all 3d-shapes drawing functions to use [rlgl]
[models] Adapt model loading and drawing to use [rlgl]
[models] Model struct updated to include texture id
[models] SetModelTexture() - Added, link a texture to a model
[models] DrawModelEx() - Redesigned with extended parameters
[audio] Added music streaming support (OGG files)
[audio] Added support for OGG files as Sound
[audio] PlayMusicStream() - Added, open a new music stream and play it
[audio] StopMusicStream() - Added, stop music stream playing and close stream
[audio] PauseMusicStream() - Added, pause music stream playing
[audio] MusicIsPlaying() - Added, to check if music is playing
[audio] SetMusicVolume() - Added, set volume for music
[audio] GetMusicTimeLength() - Added, get current music time length (in seconds)
[audio] GetMusicTimePlayed() - Added, get current music time played (in seconds)
[utils] Added log tracing functionality - TraceLog(), TraceLogOpen(), TraceLogClose()
[*] Log tracing messages all around the code
Release: raylib 1.0.6 (16 March 2014)
[core] Removed unused lighting-system code
[core] Removed SetPerspective() function, calculated directly
[core] Unload and reload default font on fullscreen toggle
[core] Corrected bug gamepad buttons checking if no gamepad available
[texture] DrawTextureV() - Added, to draw using Vector2 for position
[texture] LoadTexture() - Redesigned, now uses LoadImage() + CreateTexture()
[text] FormatText() - Corrected memory leak bug
[models] Added Matrix struct and related functions
[models] DrawBillboard() - Reviewed, now it works!
[models] DrawBillboardRec() - Reviewed, now it works!
[tests] Added folder with multiple tests for new functions
Update: raylib 1.0.5 (28 January 2014)
[audio] LoadSound() - Corrected a bug, WAV file was not closed!
[core] GetMouseWheelMove() - Added, check mouse wheel Y movement
[texture] CreateTexture2D() renamed to CreateTexture()
[models] LoadHeightmap() - Added, Heightmap can be loaded as a Model
[tool] rREM updated, now supports (partially) drag and drop of files
Release: raylib 1.0.4 (23 January 2014)
[tool] Published a first alpha version of rREM tool (raylib Resource Embedder)
[core] GetRandomValue() - Bug corrected, now works right
[core] Fade() - Added, fades a color to an alpha percentadge
[core] WriteBitmap() - Moved to new module: utils.c, not used anymore
[core] TakeScreenshot() - Now uses WritePNG() (utils.c)
[utils] New module created with utility functions
[utils] WritePNG() - Write a PNG file (used by TakeScreenshot() on core)
[utils] DecompressData() - Added, used for rRES resource data decompresion
[textures] LoadImageFromRES() - Added, load an image from a rRES resource file
[textures] LoadTextureFromRES() - Added, load a texture from a rRES resource file
[audio] LoadSoundFromRES() - Added, load a sound from a rRES resource file
[audio] IsPlaying() - Added, check if a sound is currently playing
[audio] SetVolume() - Added, set the volume for a sound
[audio] SetPitch() - Added, set the pitch for a sound
[examples] ex06a_color_select completed
[examples] ex06b_logo_anim completed
[examples] ex06c_font select completed
Release: raylib 1.0.3 (19 December 2013)
[fonts] Added 8 rBMF free fonts to be used on projects!
[text] LoadSpriteFont() - Now supports rBMF file loading (raylib Bitmap Font)
[examples] ex05a_sprite_fonts completed
[examples] ex05b_rbmf_fonts completed
[core] InitWindowEx() - InitWindow with extended parameters, resizing option and custom cursor!
[core] GetRandomValue() - Added, returns a random value within a range (int)
[core] SetExitKey() - Added, sets a key to exit program (default is ESC)
[core] Custom cursor not drawn when mouse out of screen
[shapes] CheckCollisionPointRec() - Added, check collision between point and rectangle
[shapes] CheckCollisionPointCircle() - Added, check collision between point and circle
[shapes] CheckCollisionPointTriangle() - Added, check collision between point and triangle
[shapes] DrawPoly() - Added, draw regular polygons of n sides, rotation can be defined!
Release: raylib 1.0.2 (1 December 2013)
[text] GetDefaultFont() - Added, get default SpriteFont to be used on DrawTextEx()
[shapes] CheckCollisionRecs() - Added, check collision between rectangles
[shapes] CheckCollisionCircles() - Added, check collision between circles
[shapes] CheckCollisionCircleRec() - Added, check collision circle-rectangle
[shapes] GetCollisionRec() - Added, get collision rectangle
[textures] CreateTexture2D() - Added, create Texture2D from Image data
[audio] Fixed WAV loading function, now audio works!
Update: raylib 1.0.1 (28 November 2013)
[text] DrawText() - Removed spacing parameter
[text] MeasureText() - Removed spacing parameter
[text] DrawFps() - Renamed to DrawFPS() for coherence with similar function
[core] IsKeyPressed() - Change functionality, check if key pressed once
[core] IsKeyDown() - Added, check if key is being pressed
[core] IsKeyReleased() - Change functionality, check if key released once
[core] IsKeyUp() - Added, check if key is being NOT pressed
[core] IsMouseButtonDown() - Added, check if mouse button is being pressed
[core] IsMouseButtonPressed() - Change functionality, check if mouse button pressed once
[core] IsMouseButtonUp() - Added, check if mouse button is NOT being pressed
[core] IsMouseButtonReleased() - Change functionality, check if mouse button released once
[textures] DrawTexturePro() - Added, texture drawing with 'pro' parameters
[examples] Function changes applied to ALL examples
Release: raylib 1.0.0 (18 November 2013)
* Initial version
* 6 Modules provided:
- core: basic window/context creation functions, input management, timming functions
- shapes: basic shapes drawing functions
- textures: image data loading and conversion to OpenGL textures
- text: text drawing, sprite fonts loading, default font loading
- models: basic 3d shapes drawing, OBJ models loading and drawing
- audio: audio device initialization, WAV files loading and playing