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* raygui v2.5 - A simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode-gui library
* raygui is a tools-dev-focused immediate-mode-gui library based on raylib but also possible
* to be used as a standalone library, as long as input and drawing functions are provided.
* Controls provided:
* # Container/separators Controls
* - WindowBox
* - GroupBox
* - Line
* - Panel
* # Basic Controls
* - Label
* - Button
* - LabelButton --> Label
* - ImageButton --> Button
* - ImageButtonEx --> Button
* - Toggle
* - ToggleGroup --> Toggle
* - CheckBox
* - ComboBox
* - DropdownBox
* - TextBox
* - TextBoxMulti
* - ValueBox --> TextBox
* - Spinner --> Button, ValueBox
* - Slider
* - SliderBar --> Slider
* - ProgressBar
* - StatusBar
* - ScrollBar
* - ScrollPanel
* - DummyRec
* - Grid
* # Advance Controls
* - ListView --> ListElement
* - ColorPicker --> ColorPanel, ColorBarHue
* - MessageBox --> Label, Button
* - TextInputBox --> Label, TextBox, Button
* It also provides a set of functions for styling the controls based on its properties (size, color).
* Generates the implementation of the library into the included file.
* If not defined, the library is in header only mode and can be included in other headers
* or source files without problems. But only ONE file should hold the implementation.
* #define RAYGUI_STATIC (defined by default)
* The generated implementation will stay private inside implementation file and all
* internal symbols and functions will only be visible inside that file.
* Avoid raylib.h header inclusion in this file. Data types defined on raylib are defined
* internally in the library and input management and drawing functions must be provided by
* the user (check library implementation for further details).
* Includes ricons.h header defining a set of 128 icons (binary format) to be used on
* multiple controls and following raygui styles
* Enables the advance GuiTextBox()/GuiValueBox()/GuiSpinner() implementation with
* text selection support and text copy/cut/paste support
* 2.5 (28-May-2019) Implemented extended GuiTextBox(), GuiValueBox(), GuiSpinner()
* 2.3 (29-Apr-2019) Added rIcons auxiliar library and support for it, multiple controls reviewed
* Refactor all controls drawing mechanism to use control state
* 2.2 (05-Feb-2019) Added GuiScrollBar(), GuiScrollPanel(), reviewed GuiListView(), removed Gui*Ex() controls
* 2.1 (26-Dec-2018) Redesign of GuiCheckBox(), GuiComboBox(), GuiDropdownBox(), GuiToggleGroup() > Use combined text string
* Complete redesign of style system (breaking change)
* 2.0 (08-Nov-2018) Support controls guiLock and custom fonts, reviewed GuiComboBox(), GuiListView()...
* 1.9 (09-Oct-2018) Controls review: GuiGrid(), GuiTextBox(), GuiTextBoxMulti(), GuiValueBox()...
* 1.8 (01-May-2018) Lot of rework and redesign to align with rGuiStyler and rGuiLayout
* 1.5 (21-Jun-2017) Working in an improved styles system
* 1.4 (15-Jun-2017) Rewritten all GUI functions (removed useless ones)
* 1.3 (12-Jun-2017) Redesigned styles system
* 1.1 (01-Jun-2017) Complete review of the library
* 1.0 (07-Jun-2016) Converted to header-only by Ramon Santamaria.
* 0.9 (07-Mar-2016) Reviewed and tested by Albert Martos, Ian Eito, Sergio Martinez and Ramon Santamaria.
* 0.8 (27-Aug-2015) Initial release. Implemented by Kevin Gato, Daniel Nicolás and Ramon Santamaria.
* Ramon Santamaria: Supervision, review, redesign, update and maintenance...
* Vlad Adrian: Complete rewrite of GuiTextBox() to support extended features (2019)
* Sergio Martinez: Review, testing (2015) and redesign of multiple controls (2018)
* Adria Arranz: Testing and Implementation of additional controls (2018)
* Jordi Jorba: Testing and Implementation of additional controls (2018)
* Albert Martos: Review and testing of the library (2015)
* Ian Eito: Review and testing of the library (2015)
* Kevin Gato: Initial implementation of basic components (2014)
* Daniel Nicolas: Initial implementation of basic components (2014)
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef RAYGUI_H
#define RAYGUI_H
#define RAYGUI_VERSION "2.5-dev"
#include "raylib.h"
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(BUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED)
#define RAYGUIDEF __declspec(dllexport) extern // We are building raygui as a Win32 shared library (.dll).
#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(USE_LIBTYPE_SHARED)
#define RAYGUIDEF __declspec(dllimport) // We are using raygui as a Win32 shared library (.dll)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define RAYGUIDEF extern "C" // Functions visible from other files (no name mangling of functions in C++)
#define RAYGUIDEF extern // Functions visible from other files
#elif defined(RAYGUI_STATIC)
#define RAYGUIDEF static // Functions just visible to module including this file
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: atoi()
// Defines and Macros
#define TEXTEDIT_CURSOR_BLINK_FRAMES 20 // Text edit controls cursor blink timming
#define NUM_CONTROLS 16 // Number of standard controls
#define NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT 16 // Number of standard properties
#define NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED 8 // Number of extended properties
// Types and Structures Definition
// NOTE: Some types are required for RAYGUI_STANDALONE usage
#ifndef __cplusplus
// Boolean type
#ifndef true
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
// Vector2 type
typedef struct Vector2 {
float x;
float y;
} Vector2;
// Vector3 type
typedef struct Vector3 {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} Vector3;
// Color type, RGBA (32bit)
typedef struct Color {
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
unsigned char a;
} Color;
// Rectangle type
typedef struct Rectangle {
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
} Rectangle;
// Texture2D type
// NOTE: It should be provided by user
typedef struct Texture2D Texture2D;
// Font type
// NOTE: It should be provided by user
typedef struct Font Font;
// Gui text box state data
typedef struct GuiTextBoxState {
int cursor; // Cursor position in text
int start; // Text start position (from where we begin drawing the text)
int index; // Text start index (index inside the text of `start` always in sync)
int select; // Marks position of cursor when selection has started
} GuiTextBoxState;
// Gui control state
typedef enum {
} GuiControlState;
// Gui control text alignment
typedef enum {
} GuiTextAlignment;
// Gui controls
typedef enum {
} GuiControl;
// Gui base properties for every control
typedef enum {
} GuiControlProperty;
// Gui extended properties depend on control
// NOTE: We reserve a fixed size of additional properties per control
// DEFAULT properties
typedef enum {
} GuiDefaultProperty;
// Label
//typedef enum { } GuiLabelProperty;
// Button
//typedef enum { } GuiButtonProperty;
// Toggle / ToggleGroup
typedef enum {
} GuiToggleProperty;
// Slider / SliderBar
typedef enum {
} GuiSliderProperty;
// ProgressBar
//typedef enum { } GuiProgressBarProperty;
// CheckBox
typedef enum {
} GuiCheckBoxProperty;
// ComboBox
typedef enum {
} GuiComboBoxProperty;
// DropdownBox
typedef enum {
} GuiDropdownBoxProperty;
// TextBox / TextBoxMulti / ValueBox / Spinner
typedef enum {
} GuiTextBoxProperty;
typedef enum {
} GuiSpinnerProperty;
// ScrollBar
typedef enum {
} GuiScrollBarProperty;
// ScrollBar side
typedef enum {
} GuiScrollBarSide;
// ListView
typedef enum {
SCROLLBAR_SIDE, // This property defines vertical scrollbar side (SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE or SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_SIDE)
} GuiListViewProperty;
// ColorPicker
typedef enum {
BAR_WIDTH, // Lateral bar width
BAR_PADDING, // Lateral bar separation from panel
BAR_SELECTOR_HEIGHT, // Lateral bar selector height
BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING // Lateral bar selector outer padding
} GuiColorPickerProperty;
// Global Variables Definition
// ...
// Module Functions Declaration
// Global gui modification functions
RAYGUIDEF void GuiEnable(void); // Enable gui controls (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiDisable(void); // Disable gui controls (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLock(void); // Lock gui controls (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiUnlock(void); // Unlock gui controls (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiState(int state); // Set gui state (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiFont(Font font); // Set gui custom font (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiFade(float alpha); // Set gui controls alpha (global state), alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
// Style set/get functions
RAYGUIDEF void GuiSetStyle(int control, int property, int value); // Set one style property
RAYGUIDEF int GuiGetStyle(int control, int property); // Get one style property
// GuiTextBox() extended functions
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetActive(Rectangle bounds); // Sets the active textbox
RAYGUIDEF Rectangle GuiTextBoxGetActive(void); // Get bounds of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetCursor(int cursor); // Set cursor position of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextBoxGetCursor(void); // Get cursor position of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetSelection(int start, int length); // Set selection of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF Vector2 GuiTextBoxGetSelection(void); // Get selection of active textbox (x - selection start y - selection length)
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBoxIsActive(Rectangle bounds); // Returns true if a textbox control with specified `bounds` is the active textbox
RAYGUIDEF GuiTextBoxState GuiTextBoxGetState(void); // Get state for the active textbox
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetState(GuiTextBoxState state); // Set state for the active textbox (state must be valid else things will break)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSelectAll(const char *text); // Select all characters in the active textbox (same as pressing `CTRL` + `A`)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxCopy(const char *text); // Copy selected text to clipboard from the active textbox (same as pressing `CTRL` + `C`)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxPaste(char *text, int textSize); // Paste text from clipboard into the textbox (same as pressing `CTRL` + `V`)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxCut(char *text); // Cut selected text in the active textbox and copy it to clipboard (same as pressing `CTRL` + `X`)
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextBoxDelete(char *text, int length, bool before); // Deletes a character or selection before from the active textbox (depending on `before`). Returns bytes deleted.
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(const char *text, int start, int from, int to); // Get the byte index for a character starting at position `from` with index `start` until position `to`.
// Container/separator controls, useful for controls organization
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiWindowBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Window Box control, shows a window that can be closed
RAYGUIDEF void GuiGroupBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Group Box control with title name
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLine(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Line separator control, could contain text
RAYGUIDEF void GuiPanel(Rectangle bounds); // Panel control, useful to group controls
RAYGUIDEF Rectangle GuiScrollPanel(Rectangle bounds, Rectangle content, Vector2 *scroll); // Scroll Panel control
// Basic controls set
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLabel(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Label control, shows text
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiButton(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Button control, returns true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiLabelButton(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Label button control, show true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiImageButton(Rectangle bounds, Texture2D texture); // Image button control, returns true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiImageButtonEx(Rectangle bounds, Texture2D texture, Rectangle texSource, const char *text); // Image button extended control, returns true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiToggle(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, bool active); // Toggle Button control, returns true when active
RAYGUIDEF int GuiToggleGroup(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int active); // Toggle Group control, returns active toggle index
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiCheckBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, bool checked); // Check Box control, returns true when active
RAYGUIDEF int GuiComboBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int active); // Combo Box control, returns selected item index
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiDropdownBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *active, bool editMode); // Dropdown Box control, returns selected item
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiSpinner(Rectangle bounds, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode); // Spinner control, returns selected value
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiValueBox(Rectangle bounds, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode); // Value Box control, updates input text with numbers
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBox(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textSize, bool editMode); // Text Box control, updates input text
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBoxMulti(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textSize, bool editMode); // Text Box control with multiple lines
RAYGUIDEF float GuiSlider(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool showValue); // Slider control, returns selected value
RAYGUIDEF float GuiSliderBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool showValue); // Slider Bar control, returns selected value
RAYGUIDEF float GuiProgressBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool showValue); // Progress Bar control, shows current progress value
RAYGUIDEF void GuiStatusBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Status Bar control, shows info text
RAYGUIDEF void GuiDummyRec(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Dummy control for placeholders
RAYGUIDEF int GuiScrollBar(Rectangle bounds, int value, int minValue, int maxValue); // Scroll Bar control
RAYGUIDEF Vector2 GuiGrid(Rectangle bounds, float spacing, int subdivs); // Grid control
// Advance controls set
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiListView(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *active, int *scrollIndex, bool editMode); // List View control, returns selected list element index
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiListViewEx(Rectangle bounds, const char **text, int count, int *enabled, int *active, int *focus, int *scrollIndex, bool editMode); // List View with extended parameters
RAYGUIDEF int GuiMessageBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *windowTitle, const char *message, const char *buttons); // Message Box control, displays a message
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextInputBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *windowTitle, const char *message, char *text, const char *buttons); // Text Input Box control, ask for text
RAYGUIDEF Color GuiColorPicker(Rectangle bounds, Color color); // Color Picker control
// Styles loading functions
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLoadStyle(const char *fileName); // Load style file (.rgs)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLoadStyleProps(const int *props, int count); // Load style properties from array
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLoadStyleDefault(void); // Load style default over global style
RAYGUIDEF void GuiUpdateStyleComplete(void); // Updates full style properties set with default values
typedef GuiStyle (unsigned int *)
RAYGUIDEF GuiStyle LoadGuiStyle(const char *fileName); // Load style from file (.rgs)
RAYGUIDEF void UnloadGuiStyle(GuiStyle style); // Unload style
RAYGUIDEF const char *GuiIconText(int iconId, const char *text); // Get text with icon id prepended
#endif // RAYGUI_H
#include "ricons.h" // Required for: raygui icons
#include <stdio.h> // Required for: FILE, fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), feof(), fscanf(), vsprintf()
#include <string.h> // Required for: strlen() on GuiTextBox()
#include <stdarg.h> // Required for: va_list, va_start(), vfprintf(), va_end()
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define RAYGUI_CLITERAL(name) name
#define RAYGUI_CLITERAL(name) (name)
// Defines and Macros
// Types and Structures Definition
// Gui control property style element
typedef enum { BORDER = 0, BASE, TEXT, OTHER } GuiPropertyElement;
// Global Variables Definition
static GuiControlState guiState = GUI_STATE_NORMAL;
static Font guiFont = { 0 }; // NOTE: Highly coupled to raylib
static bool guiLocked = false;
static float guiAlpha = 1.0f;
// Global gui style array (allocated on heap by default)
// NOTE: In raygui we manage a single int array with all the possible style properties.
// When a new style is loaded, it loads over the global style... but default gui style
// could always be recovered with GuiLoadStyleDefault()
static unsigned int guiStyle[NUM_CONTROLS*(NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED)] = { 0 };
static bool guiStyleLoaded = false;
static Rectangle guiTextBoxActive = { 0 }; // Area of the currently active textbox
static GuiTextBoxState guiTextBoxState = { .cursor = -1, .start = 0, .index = 0, .select = -1 }; // Keeps state of the active textbox
// Standalone Mode Functions Declaration
// NOTE: raygui depend on some raylib input and drawing functions
// To use raygui as standalone library, below functions must be defined by the user
#define KEY_RIGHT 262
#define KEY_LEFT 263
#define KEY_DOWN 264
#define KEY_UP 265
#define KEY_BACKSPACE 259
#define KEY_ENTER 257
// Input required functions
static Vector2 GetMousePosition(void);
static int GetMouseWheelMove(void);
static bool IsMouseButtonDown(int button);
static bool IsMouseButtonPressed(int button);
static bool IsMouseButtonReleased(int button);
static bool IsKeyDown(int key);
static bool IsKeyPressed(int key);
static int GetKeyPressed(void); // -- GuiTextBox(), GuiTextBoxMulti(), GuiValueBox()
// Drawing required functions
static void DrawRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color);
static void DrawRectangleGradientEx(Rectangle rec, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3, Color col4); // -- GuiColorPicker()
static void DrawTriangle(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color); // -- GuiDropdownBox(), GuiScrollBar()
static void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, Color tint); // -- GuiImageButtonEx()
// Text required functions
static Font GetFontDefault(void); // -- GuiLoadStyleDefault()
static Vector2 MeasureTextEx(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing); // -- GetTextWidth(), GuiTextBoxMulti()
static void DrawTextEx(Font font, const char *text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // -- GuiDrawText()
static Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount); // -- GuiLoadStyle()
// raylib functions already implemented in raygui
static Color GetColor(int hexValue); // Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value
static int ColorToInt(Color color); // Returns hexadecimal value for a Color
static Color Fade(Color color, float alpha); // Color fade-in or fade-out, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
static bool CheckCollisionPointRec(Vector2 point, Rectangle rec); // Check if point is inside rectangle
static const char *TextFormat(const char *text, ...); // Formatting of text with variables to 'embed'
static void DrawRectangleRec(Rectangle rec, Color color); // Draw rectangle filled with color
static void DrawRectangleLinesEx(Rectangle rec, int lineThick, Color color); // Draw rectangle outlines
static void DrawRectangleGradientV(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color1, Color color2); // Draw rectangle vertical gradient
// Module specific Functions Declaration
// List Element control, returns element state
static bool GuiListElement(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, bool active, bool editMode);
static Vector3 ConvertHSVtoRGB(Vector3 hsv); // Convert color data from HSV to RGB
static Vector3 ConvertRGBtoHSV(Vector3 rgb); // Convert color data from RGB to HSV
// Gui get text width using default font
static int GetTextWidth(const char *text) // TODO: GetTextSize()
Vector2 size = { 0 };
if ((text != NULL) && (text[0] != '\0')) size = MeasureTextEx(guiFont, text, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING));
// TODO: Consider text icon width here???
return (int)size.x;
// Get text bounds considering control bounds
static Rectangle GetTextBounds(int control, Rectangle bounds)
Rectangle textBounds = { 0 };
textBounds.x = bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(control, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(control, INNER_PADDING);
textBounds.y = bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(control, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(control, INNER_PADDING);
textBounds.width = bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(control, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(control, INNER_PADDING));
textBounds.height = bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(control, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(control, INNER_PADDING));
switch (control)
case COMBOBOX: bounds.width -= (GuiGetStyle(control, SELECTOR_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(control, SELECTOR_PADDING)); break;
case CHECKBOX: bounds.x += (bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(control, CHECK_TEXT_PADDING)); break;
default: break;
// TODO: Special cases (no label): COMBOBOX, DROPDOWNBOX, SPINNER, LISTVIEW (scrollbar?)
// More special cases (label side): CHECKBOX, SLIDER
return textBounds;
// Get text icon if provided and move text cursor
static const char *GetTextIcon(const char *text, int *iconId)
if (text[0] == '#') // Maybe we have an icon!
char iconValue[4] = { 0 };
int i = 1;
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
if ((text[i] != '#') && (text[i] != '\0')) iconValue[i - 1] = text[i];
else break;
iconValue[3] = '\0';
*iconId = atoi(iconValue);
// Move text pointer after icon
// WARNING: If only icon provided, it could point to EOL character!
if (*iconId > 0) text += (i + 1);
return text;
// Gui draw text using default font
static void GuiDrawText(const char *text, Rectangle bounds, int alignment, Color tint)
#define VALIGN_OFFSET(h) ((int)h%2) // Vertical alignment for pixel perfect
if ((text != NULL) && (text[0] != '\0'))
int iconId = 0;
text = GetTextIcon(text, &iconId); // Check text for icon and move cursor
// Get text position depending on alignment and iconId
Vector2 position = { bounds.x, bounds.y };
// NOTE: We get text size after icon been processed
int textWidth = GetTextWidth(text);
int textHeight = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
if (iconId > 0)
textWidth += RICONS_SIZE;
// WARNING: If only icon provided, text could be pointing to eof character!
if ((text != NULL) && (text[0] != '\0')) textWidth += ICON_TEXT_PADDING;
// Check guiTextAlign global variables
switch (alignment)
position.x = bounds.x;
position.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - textHeight/2 + VALIGN_OFFSET(bounds.height);
} break;
position.x = bounds.x + bounds.width/2 - textWidth/2;
position.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - textHeight/2 + VALIGN_OFFSET(bounds.height);
} break;
position.x = bounds.x + bounds.width - textWidth;
position.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - textHeight/2 + VALIGN_OFFSET(bounds.height);
} break;
default: break;
// Draw text (with icon if available)
if (iconId > 0)
// NOTE: We consider icon height, probably different than text size
DrawIcon(iconId, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ position.x, bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - RICONS_SIZE/2 + VALIGN_OFFSET(bounds.height) }, 1, tint);
DrawTextEx(guiFont, text, position, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING), tint);
// Split controls text into multiple strings
// Also check for multiple columns (required by GuiToggleGroup())
static const char **GuiTextSplit(const char *text, int *count, int *textRow);
// Module Functions Definition
// Enable gui global state
RAYGUIDEF void GuiEnable(void) { guiState = GUI_STATE_NORMAL; }
// Disable gui global state
RAYGUIDEF void GuiDisable(void) { guiState = GUI_STATE_DISABLED; }
// Lock gui global state
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLock(void) { guiLocked = true; }
// Unlock gui global state
RAYGUIDEF void GuiUnlock(void) { guiLocked = false; }
// Set gui state (global state)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiState(int state) { guiState = (GuiControlState)state; }
// Define custom gui font
RAYGUIDEF void GuiFont(Font font)
if (font.texture.id > 0)
guiFont = font;
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE, font.baseSize);
// Set gui controls alpha global state
RAYGUIDEF void GuiFade(float alpha)
if (alpha < 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f;
else if (alpha > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f;
guiAlpha = alpha;
// Set control style property value
RAYGUIDEF void GuiSetStyle(int control, int property, int value)
if (!guiStyleLoaded) GuiLoadStyleDefault();
guiStyle[control*(NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED) + property] = value;
// Get control style property value
RAYGUIDEF int GuiGetStyle(int control, int property)
if (!guiStyleLoaded) GuiLoadStyleDefault();
return guiStyle[control*(NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED) + property];
// Sets the active textbox (reseting state of the previous active textbox)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetActive(Rectangle bounds)
guiTextBoxActive = bounds;
guiTextBoxState = (GuiTextBoxState){ .cursor = -1, .start = 0, .index = 0, .select = -1 };
// Gets bounds of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF Rectangle GuiTextBoxGetActive(void) { return guiTextBoxActive; }
// Set cursor position of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetCursor(int cursor)
guiTextBoxState.cursor = (cursor < 0) ? -1 : cursor;
guiTextBoxState.start = -1; // Mark this to be recalculated
// Get cursor position of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextBoxGetCursor(void) { return guiTextBoxState.cursor; }
// Set selection of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetSelection(int start, int length)
if(start < 0) start = 0;
if(length < 0) length = 0;
GuiTextBoxSetCursor(start + length);
guiTextBoxState.select = start;
// Get selection of active textbox
RAYGUIDEF Vector2 GuiTextBoxGetSelection(void)
if(guiTextBoxState.select == -1 || guiTextBoxState.select == guiTextBoxState.cursor)
return RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ 0 };
else if(guiTextBoxState.cursor > guiTextBoxState.select)
return RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ guiTextBoxState.select, guiTextBoxState.cursor - guiTextBoxState.select };
return RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ guiTextBoxState.cursor, guiTextBoxState.select - guiTextBoxState.cursor };
// Returns true if a textbox control with specified `bounds` is the active textbox
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBoxIsActive(Rectangle bounds)
return (bounds.x == guiTextBoxActive.x && bounds.y == guiTextBoxActive.y &&
bounds.width == guiTextBoxActive.width && bounds.height == guiTextBoxActive.height);
RAYGUIDEF GuiTextBoxState GuiTextBoxGetState(void) { return guiTextBoxState; }
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSetState(GuiTextBoxState state)
// NOTE: should we check if state values are valid ?!?
guiTextBoxState = state;
// Window Box control
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiWindowBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool clicked = false;
Rectangle statusBar = { bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, WINDOW_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT };
if (bounds.height < WINDOW_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT*2) bounds.height = WINDOW_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT*2;
Rectangle buttonRec = { statusBar.x + statusBar.width - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - WINDOW_CLOSE_BUTTON_PADDING - 20,
// Update control
// NOTE: Logic is directly managed by button
// Draw control
// Draw window base
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleRec(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH),
bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH)*2, bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH)*2 },
Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR)), guiAlpha));
// Draw window header as status bar
int defaultPadding = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, INNER_PADDING);
int defaultTextAlign = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
GuiStatusBar(statusBar, text);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, INNER_PADDING, defaultPadding);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, defaultTextAlign);
// Draw window close button
int tempBorderWidth = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH);
int tempTextAlignment = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
clicked = GuiButton(buttonRec, GuiIconText(RICON_CROSS_SMALL, NULL));
clicked = GuiButton(buttonRec, "x");
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH, tempBorderWidth);
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, tempTextAlignment);
return clicked;
// Group Box control with title name
RAYGUIDEF void GuiGroupBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Draw control
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, GROUPBOX_LINE_THICK, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED : LINE_COLOR)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height - 1, bounds.width, GROUPBOX_LINE_THICK, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED : LINE_COLOR)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + bounds.width - 1, bounds.y, GROUPBOX_LINE_THICK, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED : LINE_COLOR)), guiAlpha));
GuiLine(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, 1 }, text);
// Line control
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLine(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
#define LINE_THICK 1
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Color color = Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED : LINE_COLOR)), guiAlpha);
// Draw control
if (text == NULL) DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height/2, bounds.width, 1, color);
Rectangle textBounds = { 0 };
textBounds.width = GetTextWidth(text) + 2*LINE_TEXT_SPACING; // TODO: Consider text icon
textBounds.height = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
textBounds.x = bounds.x + LINE_TEXT_PADDING + LINE_TEXT_SPACING;
textBounds.y = bounds.y - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)/2;
// Draw line with embedded text label: "--- text --------------"
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, LINE_TEXT_PADDING, 1, color);
GuiLabel(textBounds, text);
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + textBounds.width + LINE_TEXT_PADDING + 2*LINE_TEXT_SPACING, bounds.y, bounds.width - (textBounds.width + LINE_TEXT_PADDING + 2*LINE_TEXT_SPACING), 1, color);
// Panel control
RAYGUIDEF void GuiPanel(Rectangle bounds)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleRec(bounds, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BASE_COLOR_DISABLED : BACKGROUND_COLOR)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, PANEL_BORDER_WIDTH, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED: LINE_COLOR)), guiAlpha));
// Scroll Panel control
RAYGUIDEF Rectangle GuiScrollPanel(Rectangle bounds, Rectangle content, Vector2 *scroll)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Vector2 scrollPos = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
if (scroll != NULL) scrollPos = *scroll;
bool hasHorizontalScrollBar = (content.width > bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH))? true : false;
bool hasVerticalScrollBar = (content.height > bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH))? true : false;
// Recheck to account for the other scrollbar being visible
if (!hasHorizontalScrollBar) hasHorizontalScrollBar = (hasVerticalScrollBar && (content.width > (bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH))))? true : false;
if (!hasVerticalScrollBar) hasVerticalScrollBar = (hasHorizontalScrollBar && (content.height > (bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH))))? true : false;
const int horizontalScrollBarWidth = hasHorizontalScrollBar? GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) : 0;
const int verticalScrollBarWidth = hasVerticalScrollBar? GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) : 0;
const Rectangle horizontalScrollBar = { (float)((GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE) ? (float)bounds.x + verticalScrollBarWidth : (float)bounds.x) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + bounds.height - horizontalScrollBarWidth - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.width - verticalScrollBarWidth - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)horizontalScrollBarWidth };
const Rectangle verticalScrollBar = { (float)((GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE) ? (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) : (float)bounds.x + bounds.width - verticalScrollBarWidth - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH)), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)verticalScrollBarWidth, (float)bounds.height - horizontalScrollBarWidth - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) };
// Calculate view area (area without the scrollbars)
RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + verticalScrollBarWidth + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - verticalScrollBarWidth, bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - horizontalScrollBarWidth } :
RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - verticalScrollBarWidth, bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - horizontalScrollBarWidth };
// Clip view area to the actual content size
if (view.width > content.width) view.width = content.width;
if (view.height > content.height) view.height = content.height;
// TODO: Review!
const int horizontalMin = hasHorizontalScrollBar? ((GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE)? -verticalScrollBarWidth : 0) - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) : ((GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE)? -verticalScrollBarWidth : 0) - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH);
const int horizontalMax = hasHorizontalScrollBar? content.width - bounds.width + verticalScrollBarWidth + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - ((GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE)? verticalScrollBarWidth : 0) : -GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH);
const int verticalMin = hasVerticalScrollBar? -GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) : -GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH);
const int verticalMax = hasVerticalScrollBar? content.height - bounds.height + horizontalScrollBarWidth + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) : -GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH);
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check button state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (hasHorizontalScrollBar)
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) scrollPos.x -= GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) scrollPos.x += GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
if (hasVerticalScrollBar)
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) scrollPos.y -= GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) scrollPos.y += GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
scrollPos.y += GetMouseWheelMove()*20;
// Normalize scroll values
if (scrollPos.x > -horizontalMin) scrollPos.x = -horizontalMin;
if (scrollPos.x < -horizontalMax) scrollPos.x = -horizontalMax;
if (scrollPos.y > -verticalMin) scrollPos.y = -verticalMin;
if (scrollPos.y < -verticalMax) scrollPos.y = -verticalMax;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleRec(bounds, GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR))); // Draw background
// Save size of the scrollbar slider
const int slider = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE);
// Draw horizontal scrollbar if visible
if (hasHorizontalScrollBar)
// Change scrollbar slider size to show the diff in size between the content width and the widget width
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE, ((bounds.width - 2 * GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - verticalScrollBarWidth)/content.width)*(bounds.width - 2 * GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - verticalScrollBarWidth));
scrollPos.x = -GuiScrollBar(horizontalScrollBar, -scrollPos.x, horizontalMin, horizontalMax);
// Draw vertical scrollbar if visible
if (hasVerticalScrollBar)
// Change scrollbar slider size to show the diff in size between the content height and the widget height
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE, ((bounds.height - 2 * GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - horizontalScrollBarWidth)/content.height)* (bounds.height - 2 * GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) - horizontalScrollBarWidth));
scrollPos.y = -GuiScrollBar(verticalScrollBar, -scrollPos.y, verticalMin, verticalMax);
// Draw detail corner rectangle if both scroll bars are visible
if (hasHorizontalScrollBar && hasVerticalScrollBar)
// TODO: Consider scroll bars side
DrawRectangle(horizontalScrollBar.x + horizontalScrollBar.width + 2,
verticalScrollBar.y + verticalScrollBar.height + 2,
horizontalScrollBarWidth - 4, verticalScrollBarWidth - 4,
Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, TEXT + (state * 3))), guiAlpha));
// Set scrollbar slider size back to the way it was before
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE, slider);
// Draw scrollbar lines depending on current state
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, (float)BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (scroll != NULL) *scroll = scrollPos;
return view;
// Label control
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLabel(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Update control
// ...
// Draw control
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(LABEL, bounds), GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LABEL, (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED : TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha));
// Button control, returns true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiButton(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check button state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BASE + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(BUTTON, bounds), GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return pressed;
// Label button control
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiLabelButton(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check checkbox state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true;
// Draw control
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(LABEL, bounds), GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return pressed;
// Image button control, returns true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiImageButton(Rectangle bounds, Texture2D texture)
return GuiImageButtonEx(bounds, texture, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ 0, 0, (float)texture.width, (float)texture.height }, NULL);
// Image button control, returns true when clicked
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiImageButtonEx(Rectangle bounds, Texture2D texture, Rectangle texSource, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool clicked = false;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check button state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) clicked = true;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BASE + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (text != NULL) GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(BUTTON, bounds), GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (texture.id > 0) DrawTextureRec(texture, texSource, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width/2 - (texSource.width + GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, INNER_PADDING)/2)/2, bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - texSource.height/2 }, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return clicked;
// Toggle Button control, returns true when active
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiToggle(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, bool active)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check toggle button state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
active = !active;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
// Draw control
if (state == GUI_STATE_NORMAL)
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, (active? BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED : (BORDER + state*3)))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, (active? BASE_COLOR_PRESSED : (BASE + state*3)))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(TOGGLE, bounds), GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, (active? TEXT_COLOR_PRESSED : (TEXT + state*3)))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, BASE + state*3)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(TOGGLE, bounds), GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, TEXT + state*3)), guiAlpha));
return active;
// Toggle Group control, returns toggled button index
RAYGUIDEF int GuiToggleGroup(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int active)
float initBoundsX = bounds.x;
// Get substrings elements from text (elements pointers)
int rows[64] = { 0 };
int elementsCount = 0;
const char **elementsPtrs = GuiTextSplit(text, &elementsCount, rows);
int prevRow = rows[0];
for (int i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++)
if (prevRow != rows[i])
bounds.x = initBoundsX;
bounds.y += (bounds.height + GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, GROUP_PADDING));
prevRow = rows[i];
if (i == active) GuiToggle(bounds, elementsPtrs[i], true);
else if (GuiToggle(bounds, elementsPtrs[i], false) == true) active = i;
bounds.x += (bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(TOGGLE, GROUP_PADDING));
return active;
// Check Box control, returns true when active
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiCheckBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, bool checked)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Rectangle textBounds = { 0 };
textBounds.x = bounds.x + bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, CHECK_TEXT_PADDING);
textBounds.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)/2;
textBounds.width = GetTextWidth(text); // TODO: Consider text icon
textBounds.height = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check checkbox state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width + textBounds.width + GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, CHECK_TEXT_PADDING), bounds.height }))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) checked = !checked;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (checked) DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, INNER_PADDING),
bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, INNER_PADDING)),
bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, INNER_PADDING)),
Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(CHECKBOX, TEXT + state*3)), guiAlpha));
// NOTE: Forced left text alignment
GuiDrawText(text, textBounds, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return checked;
// Combo Box control, returns selected item index
RAYGUIDEF int GuiComboBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int active)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Rectangle selector = { (float)bounds.x + bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, SELECTOR_PADDING),
(float)bounds.y, (float)GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, SELECTOR_WIDTH), (float)bounds.height };
// Get substrings elements from text (elements pointers, lengths and count)
int elementsCount = 0;
const char **elementsPtrs = GuiTextSplit(text, &elementsCount, NULL);
if (active < 0) active = 0;
else if (active > elementsCount - 1) active = elementsCount - 1;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) ||
CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, selector))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
active += 1;
if (active >= elementsCount) active = 0;
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
// Draw control
// Draw combo box main
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, BASE + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(elementsPtrs[active], GetTextBounds(COMBOBOX, bounds), GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COMBOBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
// Draw selector using a custom button
int tempBorderWidth = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH);
int tempTextAlign = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
GuiButton(selector, TextFormat("%i/%i", active + 1, elementsCount));
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, tempTextAlign);
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH, tempBorderWidth);
return active;
// Dropdown Box control, returns selected item
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiDropdownBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *active, bool editMode)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Get substrings elements from text (elements pointers, lengths and count)
int elementsCount = 0;
const char **elementsPtrs = GuiTextSplit(text, &elementsCount, NULL);
bool pressed = false;
int auxActive = *active;
Rectangle closeBounds = bounds;
Rectangle openBounds = bounds;
openBounds.height *= (elementsCount + 1);
// Update control
if (guiLocked && editMode) guiLocked = false;
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (editMode) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
if (!editMode)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, closeBounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, closeBounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true;
else if (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, openBounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) || IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true;
// Draw control
// TODO: Review this ugly hack... DROPDOWNBOX depends on GuiListElement() that uses DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGNMENT
int tempTextAlign = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
switch (state)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BASE_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha));
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height }, elementsPtrs[auxActive], false, false);
} break;
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height }, elementsPtrs[auxActive], false, editMode);
} break;
if (!editMode) GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height }, elementsPtrs[auxActive], true, true);
if (editMode)
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height }, elementsPtrs[auxActive], true, true);
for (int i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++)
if (i == auxActive && editMode)
if (GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height*(i + 1) + GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, INNER_PADDING),
bounds.width, bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, INNER_PADDING) },
elementsPtrs[i], true, true) == false) pressed = true;
if (GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height*(i+1) + GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, INNER_PADDING),
bounds.width, bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, INNER_PADDING) },
elementsPtrs[i], false, true))
auxActive = i;
pressed = true;
} break;
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height }, elementsPtrs[auxActive], false, false);
} break;
default: break;
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, tempTextAlign);
// TODO: Avoid this function, use icon instead or 'v'
DrawTriangle(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_RIGHT_PADDING), bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2 },
RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_RIGHT_PADDING) + 5, bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2 + 5 },
RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_RIGHT_PADDING) + 10, bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2 },
Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
//GuiDrawText("v", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_RIGHT_PADDING), bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2, 10, 10 },
// GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
*active = auxActive;
return pressed;
// Spinner control, returns selected value
// NOTE: Requires static variables: timer, valueSpeed - ERROR!
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiSpinner(Rectangle bounds, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode)
#define GUI_SPINNER_HOLD_SPEED 0.2f // Min 200ms delay
static float timer = 0.0f;
int tempValue = *value;
const float time = GetTime(); // Get current time
bool pressed = false, active = GuiTextBoxIsActive(bounds);
Rectangle spinner = { bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_PADDING), bounds.y,
bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_PADDING)), bounds.height };
Rectangle leftButtonBound = { bounds.x, bounds.y, GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH), bounds.height };
Rectangle rightButtonBound = { bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH), bounds.y, GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH), bounds.height };
// Update control
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
if (tempValue < minValue) tempValue = minValue;
if (tempValue > maxValue) tempValue = maxValue;
if (editMode)
if (!active)
// This becomes the active textbox when mouse is pressed or held inside bounds
if ((IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) || IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) &&
CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, bounds))
active = true;
// Reset timer when one of the buttons is clicked (without this, holding the button down will not behave correctly)
if ((CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, leftButtonBound) || CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, rightButtonBound)) &&
timer = time;
// Draw control
if (GuiTextBoxIsActive(bounds)) guiTextBoxActive = spinner; // Set our spinner as the active textbox
pressed = GuiValueBox(spinner, &tempValue, minValue, maxValue, editMode);
if (GuiTextBoxIsActive(spinner)) guiTextBoxActive = bounds; // Revert change
// Draw value selector custom buttons
int tempBorderWidth = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH);
int tempTextAlign = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
char *icon = "<";
icon = (char *)GuiIconText(RICON_ARROW_LEFT_FILL, NULL);
if (GuiButton(leftButtonBound, icon) || // NOTE: also decrease value when the button is held down
(IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) &&
CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, leftButtonBound) &&
(time - timer) > GUI_SPINNER_HOLD_SPEED))
icon = ">";
icon = (char *)GuiIconText(RICON_ARROW_RIGHT_FILL, NULL);
if (GuiButton(rightButtonBound, icon) || // NOTE: also increase value when the button is held down
(IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) &&
CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, rightButtonBound) &&
(time - timer) > GUI_SPINNER_HOLD_SPEED))
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, tempTextAlign);
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH, tempBorderWidth);
if (tempValue < minValue) tempValue = minValue;
if (tempValue > maxValue) tempValue = maxValue;
// Reset timer
if (active && (((time - timer) > GUI_SPINNER_HOLD_SPEED) || (timer == 0.0f) || (timer > time))) timer = time;
*value = tempValue;
return pressed;
// Value Box control, updates input text with numbers
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiValueBox(Rectangle bounds, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode)
char text[VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS + 1] = { 0 };
sprintf(text, "%i", *value);
bool pressed = GuiTextBox(bounds, text, VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS, editMode);
*value = atoi(text);
if (*value > maxValue) *value = maxValue;
else if (*value < minValue) *value = minValue;
return pressed;
enum {
// Required by GuiTextBox()
// Highly synchronized with calculations in DrawTextRecEx()
static int GuiMeasureTextBox(const char *text, int length, Rectangle rec, int *pos, int mode)
// Get gui font properties
const Font font = guiFont;
const float fontSize = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
const float spacing = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING);
int textOffsetX = 0; // Offset between characters
float scaleFactor = 0.0f;
int letter = 0; // Current character
int index = 0; // Index position in sprite font
scaleFactor = fontSize/font.baseSize;
int i = 0, k = 0;
int glyphWidth = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++, k++)
glyphWidth = 0;
int next = 1;
letter = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &next);
if (letter == 0x3f) next = 1;
index = GetGlyphIndex(font, letter);
i += next - 1;
if (letter != '\n')
glyphWidth = (font.chars[index].advanceX == 0)?
(int)(font.chars[index].rec.width*scaleFactor + spacing):
(int)(font.chars[index].advanceX*scaleFactor + spacing);
if ((textOffsetX + glyphWidth + 1) >= rec.width) break;
if ((mode == GUI_MEASURE_MODE_CURSOR_POS) && (*pos == k)) break;
// Check if the mouse pointer is inside the glyph rect
Rectangle grec = {rec.x + textOffsetX - 1, rec.y, glyphWidth, (font.baseSize + font.baseSize/2)*scaleFactor - 1 };
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, grec))
// Smooth selection by dividing the glyph rectangle into 2 equal parts and checking where the mouse resides
if (mouse.x > (grec.x + glyphWidth/2))
textOffsetX += glyphWidth;
else break;
textOffsetX += glyphWidth;
*pos = k;
return (rec.x + textOffsetX - 1);
static int GetPrevCodepoint(const char *text, const char *start, int *prev)
int c = 0x3f;
char *p = (char *)text;
*prev = 1;
for (int i = 0; (p >= start) && (i < 4); p--, i++)
if ((((unsigned char)*p) >> 6) != 2)
c = GetNextCodepoint(p, prev);
return c;
// Required by GuiTextBoxEx()
// Highly synchronized with calculations in DrawTextRecEx()
static int GuiMeasureTextBoxRev(const char *text, int length, Rectangle rec, int *pos)
// Get gui font properties
const Font font = guiFont;
const float fontSize = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
const float spacing = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING);
int textOffsetX = 0; // Offset between characters
float scaleFactor = 0.0f;
int letter = 0; // Current character
int index = 0; // Index position in sprite font
scaleFactor = fontSize/font.baseSize;
int i = 0, k = 0;
int glyphWidth = 0, prev = 1;
for (i = length; i >= 0; i--, k++)
glyphWidth = 0;
letter = GetPrevCodepoint(&text[i], &text[0], &prev);
if (letter == 0x3f) prev = 1;
index = GetGlyphIndex(font, letter);
i -= prev - 1;
if (letter != '\n')
glyphWidth = (font.chars[index].advanceX == 0)?
(int)(font.chars[index].rec.width*scaleFactor + spacing):
(int)(font.chars[index].advanceX*scaleFactor + spacing);
if ((textOffsetX + glyphWidth + 1) >= rec.width) break;
else break;
textOffsetX += glyphWidth;
*pos = k;
return (i + prev);
// Calculate cursor coordinates based on the cursor position `pos` inside the `text`.
static inline int GuiTextBoxGetCursorCoordinates(const char *text, int length, Rectangle rec, int pos)
return GuiMeasureTextBox(text, length, rec, &pos, GUI_MEASURE_MODE_CURSOR_POS);
// Calculate cursor position in textbox based on mouse coordinates.
static inline int GuiTextBoxGetCursorFromMouse(const char *text, int length, Rectangle rec, int* pos)
return GuiMeasureTextBox(text, length, rec, pos, GUI_MEASURE_MODE_CURSOR_COORDS);
// Calculates how many characters is the textbox able to draw inside rec
static inline int GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(const char *text, int length, Rectangle rec)
int pos = -1;
GuiMeasureTextBox(text, length, rec, &pos, GUI_MEASURE_MODE_CURSOR_END);
return pos;
// Returns total number of characters(codepoints) in a UTF8 encoded `text` until `\0` or a `\n` is found.
// NOTE: If a invalid UTF8 sequence is encountered a `?`(0x3f) codepoint is counted instead.
static inline unsigned int GuiCountCodepointsUntilNewline(const char *text)
unsigned int len = 0;
char *ptr = (char*)&text[0];
while ((*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\n'))
int next = 0;
int letter = GetNextCodepoint(ptr, &next);
if (letter == 0x3f) ptr += 1;
else ptr += next;
return len;
static inline void MoveTextBoxCursorRight(const char* text, int length, Rectangle textRec)
// FIXME: Counting codepoints each time we press the key is expensive, find another way
int count = GuiCountCodepointsUntilNewline(text);
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor < count ) guiTextBoxState.cursor++;
const int max = GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec);
if ((guiTextBoxState.cursor - guiTextBoxState.start) > max)
const int cidx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, guiTextBoxState.index, guiTextBoxState.start, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
int pos = 0;
guiTextBoxState.index = GuiMeasureTextBoxRev(text, cidx - 1, textRec, &pos);
guiTextBoxState.start = guiTextBoxState.cursor - pos;
static inline void MoveTextBoxCursorLeft(const char* text)
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > 0) guiTextBoxState.cursor--;
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor < guiTextBoxState.start)
int prev = 0;
int letter = GetPrevCodepoint(&text[guiTextBoxState.index - 1], text, &prev);
if (letter == 0x3f) prev = 1;
guiTextBoxState.index -= prev;
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(const char *text, int start, int from, int to)
int i = start, k = from;
while ((text[i] != '\0') && (k < to))
int j = 0;
int letter = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &j);
if (letter == 0x3f) j = 1;
i += j;
return i;
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextBoxDelete(char *text, int length, bool before)
if ((guiTextBoxState.cursor != -1) && (text != NULL))
int startIdx = 0, endIdx = 0;
if ((guiTextBoxState.select != -1) && (guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor))
// Delete selection
int start = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
int end = guiTextBoxState.select;
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > guiTextBoxState.select)
start = guiTextBoxState.select;
end = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
// Convert to byte indexes
startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, start);
endIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, end);
// Adjust text box state
guiTextBoxState.cursor = start; // Always set cursor to start of selection
if (guiTextBoxState.select < guiTextBoxState.start) guiTextBoxState.start = -1; // Force to recalculate on the next frame
if (before)
// Delete character before cursor
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor != 0)
endIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor < guiTextBoxState.start) guiTextBoxState.start = -1; // Force to recalculate on the next frame
// Delete character after cursor
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor + 1 <= GuiCountCodepointsUntilNewline(text))
startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
endIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor+1);
memmove(&text[startIdx], &text[endIdx], length - endIdx);
text[length - (endIdx - startIdx)] = '\0';
guiTextBoxState.select = -1; // Always deselect
return (endIdx - startIdx);
return 0;
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxSelectAll(const char *text)
guiTextBoxState.cursor = GuiCountCodepointsUntilNewline(text);
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > 0)
guiTextBoxState.select = 0;
guiTextBoxState.start = -1; // Force recalculate on the next frame
else guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxCopy(const char *text)
if ((text != NULL) &&
(guiTextBoxState.select != -1) &&
(guiTextBoxState.cursor != -1) &&
(guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor))
int start = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
int end = guiTextBoxState.select;
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > guiTextBoxState.select)
start = guiTextBoxState.select;
end = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
// Convert to byte indexes
start = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, start);
end = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, end);
// FIXME: `TextSubtext()` only lets use copy MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH (1024) bytes
// maybe modify `SetClipboardText()` so we can use it only on part of a string
const char *clipText = TextSubtext(text, start, end - start);
// Paste text from clipboard into the active textbox.
// `text` is the pointer to the buffer used by the textbox while `textSize` is the text buffer max size
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxPaste(char *text, int textSize)
const char *clipText = GetClipboardText(); // GLFW guaratees this should be UTF8 encoded!
int length = strlen(text);
if ((text != NULL) && (clipText != NULL) && (guiTextBoxState.cursor != -1))
if ((guiTextBoxState.select != -1) && (guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor))
// If there's a selection we'll have to delete it first
length -= GuiTextBoxDelete(text, length, true);
int clipLen = strlen(clipText); // We want the length in bytes
// Calculate how many bytes can we copy from clipboard text before we run out of space
int size = ((length + clipLen) <= textSize) ? clipLen : textSize - length;
// Make room by shifting to right the bytes after cursor
int startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
int endIdx = startIdx + size;
memmove(&text[endIdx], &text[startIdx], length - startIdx);
text[length + size] = '\0'; // Set the NULL char
// At long last copy the clipboard text
memcpy(&text[startIdx], clipText, size);
// Set cursor position at the end of the pasted text
guiTextBoxState.cursor = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (startIdx + size); guiTextBoxState.cursor++)
int next = 0;
int letter = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &next);
if (letter != 0x3f) i += next;
else i += 1;
guiTextBoxState.start = -1; // Force to recalculate on the next frame
RAYGUIDEF void GuiTextBoxCut(char* text)
if ((text != NULL) &&
(guiTextBoxState.select != -1) &&
(guiTextBoxState.cursor != -1) &&
(guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor))
// First copy selection to clipboard;
int start = guiTextBoxState.cursor, end = guiTextBoxState.select;
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > guiTextBoxState.select)
start = guiTextBoxState.select;
end = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
// Convert to byte indexes
int startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, start);
int endIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, end);
// FIXME: `TextSubtext()` only lets use copy MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH (1024) bytes
// maybe modify `SetClipboardText()` so we can use it only on parts of a string
const char *clipText = TextSubtext(text, startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
// Now delete selection (copy data over it)
int len = strlen(text);
memmove(&text[startIdx], &text[endIdx], len - endIdx);
text[len - (endIdx - startIdx)] = '\0';
// Adjust text box state
guiTextBoxState.cursor = start; // Always set cursor to start of selection
if (guiTextBoxState.select < guiTextBoxState.start) guiTextBoxState.start = -1; // Force to recalculate
guiTextBoxState.select = -1; // Deselect
static int EncodeCodepoint(unsigned int c, char out[5])
int len = 0;
if (c <= 0x7f)
out[0] = (char)c;
len = 1;
else if (c <= 0x7ff)
out[0] = (char)(((c >> 6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0);
out[1] = (char)((c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
len = 2;
else if (c <= 0xffff)
out[0] = (char)(((c >> 12) & 0x0f) | 0xe0);
out[1] = (char)(((c >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
out[2] = (char)((c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
len = 3;
else if (c <= 0x10ffff)
out[0] = (char)(((c >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xf0);
out[1] = (char)(((c >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
out[2] = (char)(((c >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
out[3] = (char)((c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
len = 4;
out[len] = 0;
return len;
// A text box control supporting text selection, cursor positioning and commonly used keyboard shortcuts.
// NOTE 1: Requires static variables: framesCounter
// NOTE 2: Returns if KEY_ENTER pressed (useful for data validation)
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBox(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textSize, bool editMode)
// Define the cursor movement/selection speed when movement keys are held/pressed
static int framesCounter = 0; // Required for blinking cursor
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
// Make sure length doesn't exceed `textSize`. `textSize` is actually the max amount of characters the textbox can handle.
int length = strlen(text);
if (length > textSize)
text[textSize] = '\0';
length = textSize;
// Make sure we have enough room to draw at least 1 character
if ((bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING)) < GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE))
bounds.width = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE) + 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING);
// Center the text vertically
int verticalPadding = (bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE))/2;
if (verticalPadding < 0)
// Make sure the height is sufficient
bounds.height = 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
verticalPadding = 0;
// Calculate the drawing area for the text inside the control `bounds`
Rectangle textRec = { bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING),
bounds.y + verticalPadding + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH),
bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH)),
Vector2 cursorPos = { textRec.x, textRec.y }; // This holds the coordinates inside textRec of the cursor at current position and will be recalculated later
bool active = GuiTextBoxIsActive(bounds); // Check if this textbox is the global active textbox
int selStart = 0, selLength = 0, textStartIndex = 0;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
const Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (editMode)
// Check if we are the global active textbox
// A textbox becomes active when the user clicks it :)
if (!active)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) &&
(IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) || IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)))
// Hurray!!! we just became the active textbox
active = true;
else if (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON))
// When active and the right mouse is clicked outside the textbox we should deactivate it
GuiTextBoxSetActive(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){0,0,-1,-1}); // Set a dummy rect as the active textbox bounds
active = false;
if (active)
// Make sure state doesn't have invalid values
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > length) guiTextBoxState.cursor = -1;
if (guiTextBoxState.select > length) guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
if (guiTextBoxState.start > length) guiTextBoxState.start = -1;
// Check textbox state for changes and recalculate if necesary
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor == -1)
// Set cursor to last visible character in textbox
guiTextBoxState.cursor = GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(text, length, textRec);
if (guiTextBoxState.start == -1)
// Force recalculate text start position and text start index
// NOTE: start and index are always in sync
// start will hold the starting character position from where the text will be drawn
// while index will hold the byte index inside the text for that character
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor == 0)
guiTextBoxState.start = guiTextBoxState.index = 0; // No need to recalculate
int pos = 0;
int len = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
guiTextBoxState.index = GuiMeasureTextBoxRev(text, len, textRec, &pos);
guiTextBoxState.start = guiTextBoxState.cursor - pos + 1;
// -----------------
// -----------------
// * -> | LSHIFT + -> move cursor to the right | increase selection by one
// * <- | LSHIFT + <- move cursor to the left | decrease selection by one
// * HOME | LSHIFT + HOME moves cursor to start of text | selects text from cursor to start of text
// * END | LSHIFT + END move cursor to end of text | selects text from cursor until end of text
// * CTRL + A select all characters in text
// * CTRL + C copy selected text
// * CTRL + X cut selected text
// * CTRL + V remove selected text, if any, then paste clipboard data
// * DEL delete character or selection after cursor
// * BACKSPACE delete character or selection before cursor
// TODO: Add more shortcuts (insert mode, select word, moveto/select prev/next word ...)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) ||
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
// Selecting
if (guiTextBoxState.select == -1) guiTextBoxState.select = guiTextBoxState.cursor; // Mark selection start
MoveTextBoxCursorRight(text, length, textRec);
if (guiTextBoxState.select != -1 && guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor)
// Deselect and move cursor to end of selection
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor < guiTextBoxState.select)
guiTextBoxState.cursor = guiTextBoxState.select - 1;
MoveTextBoxCursorRight(text, length, textRec);
// Move cursor to the right
MoveTextBoxCursorRight(text, length, textRec);
guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) && (framesCounter%GUI_TEXTBOX_CURSOR_SPEED_MODIFIER == 0)))
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
// Selecting
if (guiTextBoxState.select == -1) guiTextBoxState.select = guiTextBoxState.cursor; // Mark selection start
if ((guiTextBoxState.select != -1) && (guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor))
// Deselect and move cursor to start of selection
if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > guiTextBoxState.select)
guiTextBoxState.cursor = guiTextBoxState.select;
if (guiTextBoxState.start > guiTextBoxState.cursor)
guiTextBoxState.start = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
guiTextBoxState.index = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.start); // Recalculate byte index
// Move cursor to the left
guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_BACKSPACE) && (framesCounter%GUI_TEXTBOX_CURSOR_SPEED_MODIFIER) == 0))
GuiTextBoxDelete(text, length, true);
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DELETE) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_DELETE) && (framesCounter%GUI_TEXTBOX_CURSOR_SPEED_MODIFIER) == 0))
GuiTextBoxDelete(text, length, false);
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_HOME))
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
// Select from start of text to cursor
if ((guiTextBoxState.select > guiTextBoxState.cursor) ||
((guiTextBoxState.select == -1) && (guiTextBoxState.cursor != 0)))
guiTextBoxState.select = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
else guiTextBoxState.select = -1; // Deselect everything
// Move cursor to start of text
guiTextBoxState.cursor = guiTextBoxState.start = guiTextBoxState.index = 0;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_END))
int max = GuiCountCodepointsUntilNewline(text);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
if ((guiTextBoxState.select == -1) && (guiTextBoxState.cursor != max))
guiTextBoxState.select = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
else guiTextBoxState.select = -1; // Deselect everything
int pos = 0;
guiTextBoxState.cursor = max;
int len = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
guiTextBoxState.index = GuiMeasureTextBoxRev(text, len, textRec, &pos);
guiTextBoxState.start = guiTextBoxState.cursor - pos + 1;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_A))
// `CTRL + A` Select all
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_C))
// `CTRL + C` Copy selected text to clipboard
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_X))
// `CTRL + X` Cut selected text
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_V))
// `CTRL + V` Paste clipboard text
GuiTextBoxPaste(text, textSize);
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
pressed = true;
int key = GetKeyPressed();
if ((key >= 32) && ((guiTextBoxState.cursor + 1) < textSize))
if ((guiTextBoxState.select != -1) && (guiTextBoxState.select != guiTextBoxState.cursor))
// Delete selection
GuiTextBoxDelete(text, length, true);
// Decode codepoint
char out[5] = {0};
int sz = EncodeCodepoint(key, &out[0]);
if (sz != 0)
int startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, guiTextBoxState.cursor);
int endIdx = startIdx + sz;
if (endIdx <= textSize && length < textSize - 1)
guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
memmove(&text[endIdx], &text[startIdx], length - startIdx);
memcpy(&text[startIdx], &out[0], sz);
length += sz;
text[length] = '\0';
if (guiTextBoxState.start != -1)
const int max = GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec);
if ((guiTextBoxState.cursor - guiTextBoxState.start) > max) guiTextBoxState.start = -1;
// -------------
// -------------
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, textRec))
GuiTextBoxGetCursorFromMouse(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec, &guiTextBoxState.cursor);
guiTextBoxState.cursor += guiTextBoxState.start;
guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
// Clicked outside the `textRec` but still inside bounds
if (mousePoint.x <= bounds.x+bounds.width/2) guiTextBoxState.cursor = 0 + guiTextBoxState.start;
else guiTextBoxState.cursor = guiTextBoxState.start + GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec);
guiTextBoxState.select = -1;
else if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
int cursor = guiTextBoxState.cursor - guiTextBoxState.start;
bool move = false;
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, textRec))
GuiTextBoxGetCursorFromMouse(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec, &cursor);
// Clicked outside the `textRec` but still inside bounds, this means that we must move the text
move = true;
if (mousePoint.x > bounds.x+bounds.width/2)
cursor = GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec);
guiTextBoxState.cursor = cursor + guiTextBoxState.start;
if (guiTextBoxState.select == -1)
// Mark start of selection
guiTextBoxState.select = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
// Move the text when cursor is positioned before or after the text
if ((framesCounter%GUI_TEXTBOX_CURSOR_SPEED_MODIFIER) == 0 && move)
if (cursor == 0) MoveTextBoxCursorLeft(text);
else if (cursor == GuiTextBoxMaxCharacters(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec))
MoveTextBoxCursorRight(text, length, textRec);
// Calculate X coordinate of the blinking cursor
cursorPos.x = GuiTextBoxGetCursorCoordinates(&text[guiTextBoxState.index], length - guiTextBoxState.index, textRec, guiTextBoxState.cursor - guiTextBoxState.start);
// Update variables
textStartIndex = guiTextBoxState.index;
if (guiTextBoxState.select == -1)
selStart = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
selLength = 0;
else if (guiTextBoxState.cursor > guiTextBoxState.select)
selStart = guiTextBoxState.select;
selLength = guiTextBoxState.cursor - guiTextBoxState.select;
selStart = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
selLength = guiTextBoxState.select - guiTextBoxState.cursor;
// We aren't drawing all of the text so make sure `DrawTextRecEx()` is selecting things correctly
if (guiTextBoxState.start > selStart)
selLength -= guiTextBoxState.start - selStart;
selStart = 0;
else selStart = selStart - guiTextBoxState.start;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
if (active && IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_C))
// If active copy all text to clipboard even when disabled
// Backup textbox state
int select = guiTextBoxState.select;
int cursor = guiTextBoxState.cursor;
int start = guiTextBoxState.start;
if (guiTextBoxState.select == -1 || guiTextBoxState.select == guiTextBoxState.cursor)
// If no selection then mark all text to be copied to clipboard
// Restore textbox state
guiTextBoxState.select = select;
guiTextBoxState.cursor = cursor;
guiTextBoxState.start = start;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha));
if (editMode && active && ((framesCounter/TEXTEDIT_CURSOR_BLINK_FRAMES)%2 == 0) && selLength == 0)
// Draw the blinking cursor
DrawRectangle(cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y, 1, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
// Finally draw the text and selection
DrawTextRecEx(guiFont, &text[textStartIndex], textRec, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING), false, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha), selStart, selLength, GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, COLOR_SELECTED_FG)), GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, COLOR_SELECTED_BG)));
return pressed;
// Spinner control, returns selected value
// NOTE: Requires static variables: framesCounter, valueSpeed - ERROR!
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiSpinner(Rectangle bounds, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode)
bool pressed = false;
int tempValue = *value;
Rectangle spinner = { bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_PADDING), bounds.y,
bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_PADDING)), bounds.height };
Rectangle leftButtonBound = { (float)bounds.x, (float)bounds.y, (float)GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH), (float)bounds.height };
Rectangle rightButtonBound = { (float)bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y, (float)GuiGetStyle(SPINNER, SELECT_BUTTON_WIDTH), (float)bounds.height };
// Update control
if (!editMode)
if (tempValue < minValue) tempValue = minValue;
if (tempValue > maxValue) tempValue = maxValue;
// Draw control
// TODO: Set Spinner properties for ValueBox
pressed = GuiValueBox(spinner, &tempValue, minValue, maxValue, editMode);
// Draw value selector custom buttons
int tempBorderWidth = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH);
int tempTextAlign = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
if (GuiButton(leftButtonBound, GuiIconText(RICON_ARROW_LEFT_FILL, NULL))) tempValue--;
if (GuiButton(rightButtonBound, GuiIconText(RICON_ARROW_RIGHT_FILL, NULL))) tempValue++;
if (GuiButton(leftButtonBound, "<")) tempValue--;
if (GuiButton(rightButtonBound, ">")) tempValue++;
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, tempTextAlign);
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH, tempBorderWidth);
*value = tempValue;
return pressed;
// Value Box control, updates input text with numbers
// NOTE: Requires static variables: framesCounter
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiValueBox(Rectangle bounds, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode)
static int framesCounter = 0; // Required for blinking cursor
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
char text[VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS + 1] = "\0";
sprintf(text, "%i", *value);
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
bool valueHasChanged = false;
if (editMode)
int keyCount = strlen(text);
// Only allow keys in range [48..57]
if (keyCount < VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS)
int maxWidth = (bounds.width - (GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, INNER_PADDING)*2));
if (GetTextWidth(text) < maxWidth)
int key = GetKeyPressed();
if ((key >= 48) && (key <= 57))
text[keyCount] = (char)key;
valueHasChanged = true;
// Delete text
if (keyCount > 0)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE))
text[keyCount] = '\0';
framesCounter = 0;
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
valueHasChanged = true;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_BACKSPACE))
if ((framesCounter > TEXTEDIT_CURSOR_BLINK_FRAMES) && (framesCounter%2) == 0) keyCount--;
text[keyCount] = '\0';
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
valueHasChanged = true;
if (valueHasChanged) *value = atoi(text);
if (*value > maxValue) *value = maxValue;
else if (*value < minValue) *value = minValue;
if (!editMode)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) || (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(0))) pressed = true;
if (pressed) framesCounter = 0;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
if (editMode && ((framesCounter/20)%2 == 0)) DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GetTextWidth(text)/2 + bounds.width/2 + 2, bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, INNER_PADDING), 1, bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, INNER_PADDING)*2, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(VALUEBOX, bounds), GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return pressed;
// Text Box control, updates input text
// NOTE 1: Requires static variables: framesCounter
// NOTE 2: Returns if KEY_ENTER pressed (useful for data validation)
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBox(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textSize, bool editMode)
static int framesCounter = 0; // Required for blinking cursor
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (editMode)
int key = GetKeyPressed();
int keyCount = strlen(text);
// Only allow keys in range [32..125]
if (keyCount < (textSize - 1))
int maxWidth = (bounds.width - (GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, INNER_PADDING)*2));
if (GetTextWidth(text) < (maxWidth - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)))
if (((key >= 32) && (key <= 125)) ||
((key >= 128) && (key < 255)))
text[keyCount] = (char)key;
text[keyCount] = '\0';
// Delete text
if (keyCount > 0)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE))
text[keyCount] = '\0';
framesCounter = 0;
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_BACKSPACE))
if ((framesCounter > TEXTEDIT_CURSOR_BLINK_FRAMES) && (framesCounter%2) == 0) keyCount--;
text[keyCount] = '\0';
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
if (!editMode)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) || (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(0))) pressed = true;
if (pressed) framesCounter = 0;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
// Draw blinking cursor
if (editMode && ((framesCounter/20)%2 == 0)) DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING) + GetTextWidth(text) + 2 + bounds.width/2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), 1, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)*2, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(TEXTBOX, bounds), GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return pressed;
// Text Box control with multiple lines
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiTextBoxMulti(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textSize, bool editMode)
static int framesCounter = 0; // Required for blinking cursor
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
bool textHasChange = false;
int currentLine = 0;
//const char *numChars = NULL;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (editMode)
int keyCount = strlen(text);
int maxWidth = (bounds.width - (GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING)*2));
int maxHeight = (bounds.height - (GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING)*2));
//numChars = TextFormat("%i/%i", keyCount, textSize - 1);
// Only allow keys in range [32..125]
if (keyCount < (textSize - 1))
int key = GetKeyPressed();
if (MeasureTextEx(guiFont, text, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), 1).y < (maxHeight - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
text[keyCount] = '\n';
else if (((key >= 32) && (key <= 125)) ||
((key >= 128) && (key < 255)))
text[keyCount] = (char)key;
textHasChange = true;
else if (GetTextWidth(strrchr(text, '\n')) < (maxWidth - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)))
if (((key >= 32) && (key <= 125)) ||
((key >= 128) && (key < 255)))
text[keyCount] = (char)key;
textHasChange = true;
// Delete text
if (keyCount > 0)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE))
text[keyCount] = '\0';
framesCounter = 0;
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
textHasChange = true;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_BACKSPACE))
if ((framesCounter > TEXTEDIT_CURSOR_BLINK_FRAMES) && (framesCounter%2) == 0) keyCount--;
text[keyCount] = '\0';
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
textHasChange = true;
// Introduce automatic new line if necessary
if (textHasChange)
textHasChange = false;
char *lastLine = strrchr(text, '\n');
int maxWidth = (bounds.width - (GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING)*2));
if (lastLine != NULL)
if (GetTextWidth(lastLine) > maxWidth)
int firstIndex = lastLine - text;
char *lastSpace = strrchr(lastLine, 32);
if (lastSpace != NULL)
int secondIndex = lastSpace - lastLine;
text[firstIndex + secondIndex] = '\n';
int len = (lastLine != NULL)? strlen(lastLine) : 0;
char lastChar = lastLine[len - 1];
lastLine[len - 1] = '\n';
lastLine[len] = lastChar;
lastLine[len + 1] = '\0';
if (GetTextWidth(text) > maxWidth)
char *lastSpace = strrchr(text, 32);
if (lastSpace != NULL)
int index = lastSpace - text;
text[index] = '\n';
int len = (lastLine != NULL)? strlen(lastLine) : 0;
char lastChar = lastLine[len - 1];
lastLine[len - 1] = '\n';
lastLine[len] = lastChar;
lastLine[len + 1] = '\0';
// Counting how many new lines
for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++)
if (text[i] == '\n') currentLine++;
// Changing edit mode
if (!editMode)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
if (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
if (pressed) framesCounter = 0;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
if (editMode)
if ((framesCounter/20)%2 == 0)
char *line = NULL;
if (currentLine > 0) line = strrchr(text, '\n');
else line = text;
// Draw text cursor
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING) + GetTextWidth(line),
bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING)/2 + ((GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE) + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING))*currentLine),
1, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE) + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha));
// Draw characters counter
//GuiDrawText(numChars, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GetTextWidth(numChars) - GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING), bounds.y + bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE) - GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, INNER_PADDING) }, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha/2));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(TEXTBOX, bounds), GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return pressed;
// Slider control with pro parameters
// NOTE: Other GuiSlider*() controls use this one
RAYGUIDEF float GuiSliderPro(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, int sliderWidth, bool showValue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
int sliderValue = (int)(((value - minValue)/(maxValue - minValue))*(bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH)));
Rectangle slider = { bounds.x, bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, INNER_PADDING),
0, bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH) - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, INNER_PADDING) };
if (sliderWidth > 0) // Slider
slider.x += (sliderValue - sliderWidth/2);
slider.width = sliderWidth;
else if (sliderWidth == 0) // SliderBar
slider.x += GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH);
slider.width = sliderValue;
Rectangle textBounds = { 0 };
textBounds.width = GetTextWidth(text); // TODO: Consider text icon
textBounds.height = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
textBounds.x = bounds.x - textBounds.width - GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT_PADDING);
textBounds.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)/2;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
// Get equivalent value and slider position from mousePoint.x
value = ((maxValue - minValue)*(mousePoint.x - (float)(bounds.x + sliderWidth/2)))/(float)(bounds.width - sliderWidth) + minValue;
if (sliderWidth > 0) slider.x = mousePoint.x - slider.width/2; // Slider
else if (sliderWidth == 0) slider.width = sliderValue; // SliderBar
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
else if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
// Bar limits check
if (sliderWidth > 0) // Slider
if (slider.x <= (bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH))) slider.x = bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH);
else if ((slider.x + slider.width) >= (bounds.x + bounds.width)) slider.x = bounds.x + bounds.width - slider.width - GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH);
else if (sliderWidth == 0) // SliderBar
if (slider.width > bounds.width) slider.width = bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH);
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BASE_COLOR_NORMAL : BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
// Draw slider internal bar (depends on state)
if ((state == GUI_STATE_NORMAL) || (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED)) DrawRectangleRec(slider, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_FOCUSED) DrawRectangleRec(slider, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, textBounds, GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
// TODO: Review showValue parameter, really ugly...
if (showValue) GuiDrawText(TextFormat("%.02f", value), RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT_PADDING),
(float)bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)/2 + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, INNER_PADDING),
Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return value;
// Slider control extended, returns selected value and has text
RAYGUIDEF float GuiSlider(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool showValue)
return GuiSliderPro(bounds, text, value, minValue, maxValue, GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, SLIDER_WIDTH), showValue);
// Slider Bar control extended, returns selected value
RAYGUIDEF float GuiSliderBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool showValue)
return GuiSliderPro(bounds, text, value, minValue, maxValue, 0, showValue);
// Progress Bar control extended, shows current progress value
RAYGUIDEF float GuiProgressBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool showValue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Rectangle progress = { bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, BORDER_WIDTH),
bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) - 2*GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, INNER_PADDING) };
// Update control
if (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) progress.width = (int)(value/(maxValue - minValue)*(float)(bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, BORDER_WIDTH)));
// Draw control
if (showValue) GuiLabel(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT_PADDING), (float)bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)/2 + GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, INNER_PADDING), (float)GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), (float)GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE) }, TextFormat("%.02f", value));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
// Draw slider internal progress bar (depends on state)
if ((state == GUI_STATE_NORMAL) || (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED)) DrawRectangleRec(progress, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_FOCUSED) DrawRectangleRec(progress, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(PROGRESSBAR, TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha));
return value;
// Status Bar control
RAYGUIDEF void GuiStatusBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL : BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleRec(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH)*2, bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH)*2 }, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BASE_COLOR_NORMAL : BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, bounds), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL : TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
// Dummy rectangle control, intended for placeholding
RAYGUIDEF void GuiDummyRec(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
// Check button state
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleRec(bounds, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? BASE_COLOR_NORMAL : BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, bounds), GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)? TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL : TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
// Scroll Bar control
RAYGUIDEF int GuiScrollBar(Rectangle bounds, int value, int minValue, int maxValue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Is the scrollbar horizontal or vertical?
bool isVertical = (bounds.width > bounds.height)? false : true;
// The size (width or height depending on scrollbar type) of the spinner buttons
const int spinnerSize = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, ARROWS_VISIBLE)? (isVertical? bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) : bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH)) : 0;
// Arrow buttons [<] [>] [∧] []
Rectangle arrowUpLeft = { 0 };
Rectangle arrowDownRight = { 0 };
// Actual area of the scrollbar excluding the arrow buttons
Rectangle scrollbar = { 0 };
// Slider bar that moves --[///]-----
Rectangle slider = { 0 };
// Normalize value
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
const int range = maxValue - minValue;
int sliderSize = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE);
// Calculate rectangles for all of the components
arrowUpLeft = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize };
if (isVertical)
arrowDownRight = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + bounds.height - spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize};
scrollbar = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, INNER_PADDING), arrowUpLeft.y + arrowUpLeft.height, bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, INNER_PADDING)), bounds.height - arrowUpLeft.height - arrowDownRight.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) };
sliderSize = (sliderSize >= scrollbar.height)? (scrollbar.height - 2) : sliderSize; // Make sure the slider won't get outside of the scrollbar
slider = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_PADDING), (float)scrollbar.y + (int)(((float)(value - minValue)/range)*(scrollbar.height - sliderSize)), (float)bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_PADDING)), (float)sliderSize };
arrowDownRight = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + bounds.width - spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize};
scrollbar = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowUpLeft.x + arrowUpLeft.width, bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, INNER_PADDING), bounds.width - arrowUpLeft.width - arrowDownRight.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, INNER_PADDING))};
sliderSize = (sliderSize >= scrollbar.width)? (scrollbar.width - 2) : sliderSize; // Make sure the slider won't get outside of the scrollbar
slider = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)scrollbar.x + (int)(((float)(value - minValue)/range)*(scrollbar.width - sliderSize)), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_PADDING), (float)sliderSize, (float)bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_PADDING)) };
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
// Handle mouse wheel
int wheel = GetMouseWheelMove();
if (wheel != 0) value += wheel;
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, arrowUpLeft)) value -= range/GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
else if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, arrowDownRight)) value += range/GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
else if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (!isVertical)
Rectangle scrollArea = { arrowUpLeft.x + arrowUpLeft.width, arrowUpLeft.y, scrollbar.width, bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH)};
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, scrollArea)) value = ((float)(mousePoint.x - scrollArea.x - slider.width/2)*range)/(scrollArea.width - slider.width) + minValue;
Rectangle scrollArea = { arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y+arrowUpLeft.height, bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), scrollbar.height};
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, scrollArea)) value = ((float)(mousePoint.y - scrollArea.y - slider.height/2)*range)/(scrollArea.height - slider.height) + minValue;
// Normalize value
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleRec(bounds, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the background
DrawRectangleRec(scrollbar, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BASE_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the scrollbar active area background
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleRec(slider, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the slider bar
// Draw arrows
const int padding = (spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, ARROWS_SIZE))/2;
const Vector2 lineCoords[] =
// Coordinates for < 0,1,2
{ arrowUpLeft.x + padding, arrowUpLeft.y + spinnerSize/2 },
{ arrowUpLeft.x + spinnerSize - padding, arrowUpLeft.y + padding },
{ arrowUpLeft.x + spinnerSize - padding, arrowUpLeft.y + spinnerSize - padding },
// Coordinates for > 3,4,5
{ arrowDownRight.x + padding, arrowDownRight.y + padding },
{ arrowDownRight.x + spinnerSize - padding, arrowDownRight.y + spinnerSize/2 },
{ arrowDownRight.x + padding, arrowDownRight.y + spinnerSize - padding },
// Coordinates for ∧ 6,7,8
{ arrowUpLeft.x + spinnerSize/2, arrowUpLeft.y + padding },
{ arrowUpLeft.x + padding, arrowUpLeft.y + spinnerSize - padding },
{ arrowUpLeft.x + spinnerSize - padding, arrowUpLeft.y + spinnerSize - padding },
// Coordinates for 9,10,11
{ arrowDownRight.x + padding, arrowDownRight.y + padding },
{ arrowDownRight.x + spinnerSize/2, arrowDownRight.y + spinnerSize - padding },
{ arrowDownRight.x + spinnerSize - padding, arrowDownRight.y + padding }
Color lineColor = Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT + state*3)), guiAlpha);
if (isVertical)
DrawTriangle(lineCoords[6], lineCoords[7], lineCoords[8], lineColor);
DrawTriangle(lineCoords[9], lineCoords[10], lineCoords[11], lineColor);
DrawTriangle(lineCoords[2], lineCoords[1], lineCoords[0], lineColor);
DrawTriangle(lineCoords[5], lineCoords[4], lineCoords[3], lineColor);
return value;
// List Element control, returns element state
static bool GuiListElement(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, bool active, bool editMode)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
if (!guiLocked && editMode) state = GUI_STATE_NORMAL;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (!active)
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) active = !active;
// Draw control
// Draw element rectangle
switch (state)
if (active)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
} break;
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha));
} break;
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
} break;
if (active)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha));
} break;
default: break;
// Draw text depending on state
if (state == GUI_STATE_NORMAL) GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, bounds), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, active? TEXT_COLOR_PRESSED : TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED) GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, bounds), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, active? TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL : TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
else GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, bounds), GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, TEXT + state*3)), guiAlpha));
return active;
// List View control
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiListView(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *active, int *scrollIndex, bool editMode)
bool result = 0;
int count = 0;
const char **textList = GuiTextSplit(text, &count, NULL);
result = GuiListViewEx(bounds, textList, count, NULL, active, NULL, scrollIndex, editMode);
return result;
// List View control extended parameters
// NOTE: Elements could be disabled individually and focused element could be obtained:
// int *enabled defines an array with enabled elements inside the list
// int *focus returns focused element (may be not pressed)
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiListViewEx(Rectangle bounds, const char **text, int count, int *enabled, int *active, int *focus, int *scrollIndex, bool editMode)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
int focusElement = -1;
int startIndex = (scrollIndex == NULL)? 0 : *scrollIndex;
bool useScrollBar = true;
bool pressedKey = false;
int visibleElements = bounds.height/(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING));
if ((startIndex < 0) || (startIndex > count - visibleElements)) startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = startIndex + visibleElements;
int auxActive = *active;
float barHeight = bounds.height;
float minBarHeight = 10;
// Update control
// All the elements fit inside ListView and dont need scrollbar.
if (visibleElements >= count)
useScrollBar = false;
startIndex = 0;
endIndex = count;
// Calculate position X and width to draw each element.
int posX = bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING);
int elementWidth = bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH);
if (useScrollBar)
elementWidth = bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) - 2*GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH);
Rectangle scrollBarRect = { (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH), (float)bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) };
if (GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_SIDE) scrollBarRect.x = posX + elementWidth + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING);
// Area without the scrollbar
Rectangle viewArea = { (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)elementWidth, (float)bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) };
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked) // && !guiLocked
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (editMode)
// Change active with keys
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP))
if (auxActive > 0)
if ((useScrollBar) && (auxActive < startIndex)) startIndex--;
pressedKey = true;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN))
if (auxActive < count - 1)
if ((useScrollBar) && (auxActive >= endIndex)) startIndex++;
pressedKey = true;
if (useScrollBar)
endIndex = startIndex + visibleElements;
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, viewArea))
int wheel = GetMouseWheelMove();
if (wheel < 0 && endIndex < count) startIndex -= wheel;
else if (wheel > 0 && startIndex > 0) startIndex -= wheel;
if (pressedKey)
pressedKey = false;
if ((auxActive < startIndex) || (auxActive >= endIndex)) startIndex = auxActive;
if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;
else if (startIndex > (count - (endIndex - startIndex)))
startIndex = count - (endIndex - startIndex);
endIndex = startIndex + visibleElements;
if (endIndex > count) endIndex = count;
if (!editMode)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, viewArea))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
startIndex -= GetMouseWheelMove();
if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;
else if (startIndex > (count - (endIndex - startIndex)))
startIndex = count - (endIndex - startIndex);
pressed = true;
if (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, viewArea))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0) || (GetMouseWheelMove() != 0)) pressed = true;
// Get focused element
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }))
focusElement = i;
const int slider = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE); // Save default slider size
// Calculate percentage of visible elements and apply same percentage to scrollbar
if (useScrollBar)
float percentVisible = (endIndex - startIndex)*100/count;
barHeight *= percentVisible/100;
if (barHeight < minBarHeight) barHeight = minBarHeight;
else if (barHeight > bounds.height) barHeight = bounds.height;
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE, barHeight); // Change slider size
// Draw control
DrawRectangleRec(bounds, GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR))); // Draw background
// Draw scrollBar
if (useScrollBar)
const int scrollSpeed = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED); // Save default scroll speed
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED, count - visibleElements); // Hack to make the spinner buttons work
int index = scrollIndex != NULL? *scrollIndex : startIndex;
index = GuiScrollBar(scrollBarRect, index, 0, count - visibleElements);
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED, scrollSpeed); // Reset scroll speed to default
GuiSetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SLIDER_SIZE, slider); // Reset slider size to default
// FIXME: Quick hack to make this thing work, think of a better way
if (scrollIndex != NULL && CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), scrollBarRect) && IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
startIndex = index;
if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;
if (startIndex > (count - (endIndex - startIndex)))
startIndex = count - (endIndex - startIndex);
endIndex = startIndex + visibleElements;
if (endIndex > count) endIndex = count;
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
// Draw ListView states
switch (state)
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if ((enabled != NULL) && (enabled[i] == 0))
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, false);
else if (i == auxActive)
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], true, false);
else GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, false);
} break;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if ((enabled != NULL) && (enabled[i] == 0))
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, false);
else if (i == auxActive) GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], true, false);
else GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, false);
} break;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if ((enabled != NULL) && (enabled[i] == 0))
GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, false);
else if ((i == auxActive) && editMode)
if (GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], true, true) == false) auxActive = -1;
if (GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, true) == true) auxActive = i;
} break;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if (i == auxActive) GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], true, false);
else GuiListElement(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)posX, (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING) + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH) + (i - startIndex)*(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) + GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_PADDING)), (float)elementWidth, (float)GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, ELEMENTS_HEIGHT) }, text[i], false, false);
} break;
default: break;
if (scrollIndex != NULL) *scrollIndex = startIndex;
if (focus != NULL) *focus = focusElement;
*active = auxActive;
return pressed;
// Color Panel control
RAYGUIDEF Color GuiColorPanelEx(Rectangle bounds, Color color, float hue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Vector2 pickerSelector = { 0 };
Vector3 vcolor = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f };
Vector3 hsv = ConvertRGBtoHSV(vcolor);
pickerSelector.x = bounds.x + (float)hsv.y*bounds.width; // HSV: Saturation
pickerSelector.y = bounds.y + (1.0f - (float)hsv.z)*bounds.height; // HSV: Value
Vector3 maxHue = { hue >= 0.0f ? hue : hsv.x, 1.0f, 1.0f };
Vector3 rgbHue = ConvertHSVtoRGB(maxHue);
Color maxHueCol = { (unsigned char)(255.0f*rgbHue.x),
(unsigned char)(255.0f*rgbHue.y),
(unsigned char)(255.0f*rgbHue.z), 255 };
const Color colWhite = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
const Color colBlack = { 0, 0, 0, 255 };
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
pickerSelector = mousePoint;
// Calculate color from picker
Vector2 colorPick = { pickerSelector.x - bounds.x, pickerSelector.y - bounds.y };
colorPick.x /= (float)bounds.width; // Get normalized value on x
colorPick.y /= (float)bounds.height; // Get normalized value on y
hsv.y = colorPick.x;
hsv.z = 1.0f - colorPick.y;
Vector3 rgb = ConvertHSVtoRGB(hsv);
// NOTE: Vector3ToColor() only available on raylib 1.8.1
color = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ (unsigned char)(255.0f*rgb.x),
(unsigned char)(255.0f*rgb.y),
(unsigned char)(255.0f*rgb.z),
(unsigned char)(255.0f*(float)color.a/255.0f) };
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
// Draw control
if (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
DrawRectangleGradientEx(bounds, Fade(colWhite, guiAlpha), Fade(colWhite, guiAlpha), Fade(maxHueCol, guiAlpha), Fade(maxHueCol, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientEx(bounds, Fade(colBlack, 0), Fade(colBlack, guiAlpha), Fade(colBlack, guiAlpha), Fade(colBlack, 0));
// Draw color picker: selector
DrawRectangle(pickerSelector.x - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, COLOR_SELECTOR_SIZE)/2, pickerSelector.y - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, COLOR_SELECTOR_SIZE)/2, GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, COLOR_SELECTOR_SIZE), GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, COLOR_SELECTOR_SIZE), Fade(colWhite, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientEx(bounds, Fade(Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.1f), guiAlpha), Fade(Fade(colBlack, 0.6f), guiAlpha), Fade(Fade(colBlack, 0.6f), guiAlpha), Fade(Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.6f), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, 1, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
return color;
RAYGUIDEF Color GuiColorPanel(Rectangle bounds, Color color)
return GuiColorPanelEx(bounds, color, -1.0f);
// Color Bar Alpha control
// NOTE: Returns alpha value normalized [0..1]
RAYGUIDEF float GuiColorBarAlpha(Rectangle bounds, float alpha)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Rectangle selector = { (float)bounds.x + alpha*bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (float)bounds.y - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (float)GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_HEIGHT), (float)bounds.height + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)*2 };
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) ||
CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, selector))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
selector.x = mousePoint.x - selector.width/2;
alpha = (mousePoint.x - bounds.x)/bounds.width;
if (alpha <= 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f;
if (alpha >= 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f;
//selector.x = bounds.x + (int)(((alpha - 0)/(100 - 0))*(bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER_WIDTH))) - selector.width/2;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
// Draw control
// Draw alpha bar: checked background
if (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
int checksX = bounds.width/COLORBARALPHA_CHECKED_SIZE;
int checksY = bounds.height/COLORBARALPHA_CHECKED_SIZE;
for (int x = 0; x < checksX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < checksY; y++)
DrawRectangle(bounds.x + x*COLORBARALPHA_CHECKED_SIZE,
((x + y)%2)? Fade(Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.4f), guiAlpha) :
Fade(Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.4f), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientEx(bounds, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 255, 255, 0 }, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 255, 255, 0 }, Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 0, 0, 255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 0, 0, 255 }, guiAlpha));
else DrawRectangleGradientEx(bounds, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.1f), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.1f), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, 1, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
// Draw alpha bar: selector
DrawRectangleRec(selector, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
return alpha;
// Color Bar Hue control
// NOTE: Returns hue value normalized [0..1]
RAYGUIDEF float GuiColorBarHue(Rectangle bounds, float hue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Rectangle selector = { (float)bounds.x - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (float)bounds.y + hue/360.0f*bounds.height - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (float)bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)*2, (float)GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_HEIGHT) };
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) ||
CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, selector))
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
selector.y = mousePoint.y - selector.height/2;
hue = (mousePoint.y - bounds.y)*360/bounds.height;
if (hue <= 0.0f) hue = 0.0f;
if (hue >= 359.0f) hue = 359.0f;
else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED;
/*if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP))
hue -= 2.0f;
if (hue <= 0.0f) hue = 0.0f;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN))
hue += 2.0f;
if (hue >= 360.0f) hue = 360.0f;
// Draw control
if (state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED)
// Draw hue bar:color bars
DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (int)bounds.height/6, Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255,0,0,255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255,255,0,255 }, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.y + (int)bounds.height/6 + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (int)bounds.height/6, Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255,255,0,255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0,255,0,255 }, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.y + 2*((int)bounds.height/6) + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (int)bounds.height/6, Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0,255,0,255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0,255,255,255 }, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.y + 3*((int)bounds.height/6) + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (int)bounds.height/6, Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0,255,255,255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0,0,255,255 }, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.y + 4*((int)bounds.height/6) + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (int)bounds.height/6, Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 0,0,255,255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255,0,255,255 }, guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.y + 5*((int)bounds.height/6) + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING)/2, bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), (int)bounds.height/6 - GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_SELECTOR_PADDING), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255,0,255,255 }, guiAlpha), Fade(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ 255,0,0,255 }, guiAlpha));
else DrawRectangleGradientV(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, Fade(Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), 0.1f), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, 1, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
// Draw hue bar: selector
DrawRectangleRec(selector, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha));
return hue;
// TODO: Color GuiColorBarSat() [WHITE->color]
// TODO: Color GuiColorBarValue() [BLACK->color], HSV / HSL
// TODO: float GuiColorBarLuminance() [BLACK->WHITE]
// Color Picker control
// NOTE: It's divided in multiple controls:
// Color GuiColorPanel() - Color select panel
// float GuiColorBarAlpha(Rectangle bounds, float alpha)
// float GuiColorBarHue(Rectangle bounds, float value)
// NOTE: bounds define GuiColorPanel() size
RAYGUIDEF Color GuiColorPicker(Rectangle bounds, Color color)
color = GuiColorPanel(bounds, color);
Rectangle boundsHue = { (float)bounds.x + bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_PADDING), (float)bounds.y, (float)GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BAR_WIDTH), (float)bounds.height };
//Rectangle boundsAlpha = { bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height + GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BARS_PADDING), bounds.width, GuiGetStyle(COLORPICKER, BARS_THICK) };
Vector3 hsv = ConvertRGBtoHSV(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector3){ color.r/255.0f, color.g/255.0f, color.b/255.0f });
hsv.x = GuiColorBarHue(boundsHue, hsv.x);
//color.a = (unsigned char)(GuiColorBarAlpha(boundsAlpha, (float)color.a/255.0f)*255.0f);
Vector3 rgb = ConvertHSVtoRGB(hsv);
color = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ (unsigned char)(rgb.x*255.0f), (unsigned char)(rgb.y*255.0f), (unsigned char)(rgb.z*255.0f), color.a };
return color;
// Message Box control
RAYGUIDEF int GuiMessageBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *windowTitle, const char *message, const char *buttons)
int clicked = -1; // Returns clicked button from buttons list, 0 refers to closed window button
int buttonsCount = 0;
const char **buttonsText = GuiTextSplit(buttons, &buttonsCount, NULL);
Vector2 textSize = MeasureTextEx(guiFont, message, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE), 1);
Rectangle textBounds = { 0 };
textBounds.x = bounds.x + bounds.width/2 - textSize.x/2;
textBounds.y = bounds.y + WINDOW_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT + (bounds.height - WINDOW_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT)/4 - textSize.y/2;
textBounds.width = textSize.x;
textBounds.height = textSize.y;
Rectangle buttonBounds = { 0 };
buttonBounds.x = bounds.x + MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_PADDING;
buttonBounds.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 + bounds.height/4 - MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT/2;
buttonBounds.width = (bounds.width - MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_PADDING*(buttonsCount + 1))/buttonsCount;
buttonBounds.height = MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT;
// Draw control
if (GuiWindowBox(bounds, windowTitle)) clicked = 0;
int prevTextAlignment = GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
GuiLabel(textBounds, message);
GuiSetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, prevTextAlignment);
prevTextAlignment = GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < buttonsCount; i++)
if (GuiButton(buttonBounds, buttonsText[i])) clicked = i + 1;
buttonBounds.x += (buttonBounds.width + MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_PADDING);
GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, prevTextAlignment);
return clicked;
// Text Input Box control, ask for text
RAYGUIDEF int GuiTextInputBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *windowTitle, const char *message, char *text, const char *buttons)
int btnIndex = -1;
// TODO: GuiTextInputBox()
return btnIndex;
// Grid control
// NOTE: Returns grid mouse-hover selected cell
// About drawing lines at subpixel spacing, simple put, not easy solution:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4435450/2d-opengl-drawing-lines-that-dont-exactly-fit-pixel-raster
RAYGUIDEF Vector2 GuiGrid(Rectangle bounds, float spacing, int subdivs)
#define GRID_COLOR_ALPHA 0.15f // Grid lines alpha amount
GuiControlState state = guiState;
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
Vector2 currentCell = { -1, -1 };
int linesV = ((int)(bounds.width/spacing) + 1)*subdivs;
int linesH = ((int)(bounds.height/spacing) + 1)*subdivs;
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
currentCell.x = (int)((mousePoint.x - bounds.x)/spacing);
currentCell.y = (int)((mousePoint.y - bounds.y)/spacing);
// Draw control
switch (state)
// Draw vertical grid lines
for (int i = 0; i < linesV; i++)
DrawRectangleRec(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + spacing*i, bounds.y, 1, bounds.height }, ((i%subdivs) == 0)? Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, LINE_COLOR)), GRID_COLOR_ALPHA*4) : Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, LINE_COLOR)), GRID_COLOR_ALPHA));
// Draw horizontal grid lines
for (int i = 0; i < linesH; i++)
DrawRectangleRec(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x, bounds.y + spacing*i, bounds.width, 1 }, ((i%subdivs) == 0)? Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, LINE_COLOR)), GRID_COLOR_ALPHA*4) : Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, LINE_COLOR)), GRID_COLOR_ALPHA));
} break;
default: break;
return currentCell;
// Styles loading functions
// Load raygui style file (.rgs)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLoadStyle(const char *fileName)
bool tryBinary = false;
// Try reading the files as text file first
FILE *rgsFile = fopen(fileName, "rt");
if (rgsFile != NULL)
char buffer[256] = { 0 };
fgets(buffer, 256, rgsFile);
if (buffer[0] == '#')
int controlId = 0;
int propertyId = 0;
int propertyValue = 0;
while (!feof(rgsFile))
switch (buffer[0])
case 'p':
sscanf(buffer, "p %d %d 0x%x", &controlId, &propertyId, &propertyValue);
if (controlId == 0) // DEFAULT control
// If a DEFAULT property is loaded, it is propagated to all controls,
// NOTE: All DEFAULT properties should be defined first in the file
GuiSetStyle(0, propertyId, propertyValue);
if (propertyId < NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT) for (int i = 1; i < NUM_CONTROLS; i++) GuiSetStyle(i, propertyId, propertyValue);
else GuiSetStyle(controlId, propertyId, propertyValue);
} break;
case 'f':
int fontSize = 0;
int fontSpacing = 0;
char fontFileName[256] = { 0 };
sscanf(buffer, "f %d %d %[^\n]s", &fontSize, &fontSpacing, fontFileName);
Font font = LoadFontEx(FormatText("%s/%s", GetDirectoryPath(fileName), fontFileName), fontSize, NULL, 0);
if ((font.texture.id > 0) && (font.charsCount > 0))
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE, fontSize);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING, fontSpacing);
} break;
default: break;
fgets(buffer, 256, rgsFile);
else tryBinary = true;
else return;
if (tryBinary)
rgsFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (rgsFile == NULL) return;
char signature[5] = "";
short version = 0;
short reserved = 0;
int propertiesCount = 0;
fread(signature, 1, 4, rgsFile);
fread(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rgsFile);
fread(&reserved, 1, sizeof(short), rgsFile);
fread(&propertiesCount, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
if ((signature[0] == 'r') &&
(signature[1] == 'G') &&
(signature[2] == 'S') &&
(signature[3] == ' '))
short controlId = 0;
short propertyId = 0;
int propertyValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < propertiesCount; i++)
fread(&controlId, 1, sizeof(short), rgsFile);
fread(&propertyId, 1, sizeof(short), rgsFile);
fread(&propertyValue, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
if (controlId == 0) // DEFAULT control
// If a DEFAULT property is loaded, it is propagated to all controls
// NOTE: All DEFAULT properties should be defined first in the file
GuiSetStyle(0, (int)propertyId, propertyValue);
if (propertyId < NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT) for (int i = 1; i < NUM_CONTROLS; i++) GuiSetStyle(i, (int)propertyId, propertyValue);
else GuiSetStyle((int)controlId, (int)propertyId, propertyValue);
// Font loading is highly dependant on raylib API to load font data and image
// TODO: Find some mechanism to support it in standalone mode
// Load custom font if available
int fontDataSize = 0;
fread(&fontDataSize, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
if (fontDataSize > 0)
Font font = { 0 };
int fontType = 0; // 0-Normal, 1-SDF
Rectangle whiteRec = { 0 };
fread(&font.baseSize, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&font.charsCount, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&fontType, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
// Load font white rectangle
fread(&whiteRec, 1, sizeof(Rectangle), rgsFile);
// Load font image parameters
int fontImageSize = 0;
fread(&fontImageSize, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
if (fontImageSize > 0)
Image imFont = { 0 };
imFont.mipmaps = 1;
fread(&imFont.width, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&imFont.height, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&imFont.format, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
imFont.data = (unsigned char *)malloc(fontImageSize);
fread(imFont.data, 1, fontImageSize, rgsFile);
font.texture = LoadTextureFromImage(imFont);
// Load font chars data
font.chars = (CharInfo *)calloc(font.charsCount, sizeof(CharInfo));
for (int i = 0; i < font.charsCount; i++)
fread(&font.recs[i], 1, sizeof(Rectangle), rgsFile);
fread(&font.chars[i].value, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&font.chars[i].offsetX, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&font.chars[i].offsetY, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
fread(&font.chars[i].advanceX, 1, sizeof(int), rgsFile);
// Set font texture source rectangle to be used as white texture to draw shapes
// NOTE: This way, all gui can be draw using a single draw call
if ((whiteRec.width != 0) && (whiteRec.height != 0)) SetShapesTexture(font.texture, whiteRec);
// Load style from a palette values array
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLoadStyleProps(const int *props, int count)
int completeSets = count/(NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED);
int uncompleteSetProps = count%(NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED);
// Load style palette values from array (complete property sets)
for (int i = 0; i < completeSets; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < (NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED); j++) GuiSetStyle(i, j, props[i]);
// Load style palette values from array (uncomplete property set)
for (int k = 0; k < uncompleteSetProps; k++) GuiSetStyle(completeSets, k, props[completeSets*(NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT + NUM_PROPS_EXTENDED) + k]);
// Load style default over global style
RAYGUIDEF void GuiLoadStyleDefault(void)
// We set this variable first to avoid cyclic function calls
// when calling GuiSetStyle() and GuiGetStyle()
guiStyleLoaded = true;
// Initialize default LIGHT style property values
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL, 0x838383ff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BASE_COLOR_NORMAL, 0xc9c9c9ff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL, 0x686868ff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED, 0xc9effeff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED, 0x6c9bbcff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED, 0x97e8ffff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_COLOR_PRESSED, 0x368bafff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED, 0xe6e9e9ff);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED, 0xaeb7b8ff);
// Populate all controls with default style
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_CONTROLS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT; j++) GuiSetStyle(i, j, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, j));
guiFont = GetFontDefault(); // Initialize default font
// Initialize extended property values
// NOTE: By default, extended property values are initialized to 0
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE, 10);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, LINE_COLOR, 0x90abb5ff); // DEFAULT specific property
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0xf5f5f5ff); // DEFAULT specific property
GuiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, COLOR_SELECTED_FG, 0xf0fffeff);
GuiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, COLOR_SELECTED_BG, 0x839affe0);
// Updates controls style with default values
RAYGUIDEF void GuiUpdateStyleComplete(void)
// Populate all controls with default style
// NOTE: Extended style properties are ignored
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_CONTROLS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PROPS_DEFAULT; j++) GuiSetStyle(i, j, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, j));
// Get text with icon id prepended
// NOTE: Useful to add icons by name id (enum) instead of
// a number that can change between ricon versions
RAYGUIDEF const char *GuiIconText(int iconId, const char *text)
static char buffer[1024] = { 0 };
memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
sprintf(buffer, "#%03i#", iconId);
if (text != NULL)
for (int i = 5; i < 1024; i++)
buffer[i] = text[i - 5];
if (text[i - 5] == '\0') break;
return buffer;
// Module specific Functions Definition
// Split controls text into multiple strings
// Also check for multiple columns (required by GuiToggleGroup())
static const char **GuiTextSplit(const char *text, int *count, int *textRow)
// NOTE: Current implementation returns a copy of the provided string with '\0' (string end delimiter)
// inserted between strings defined by "delimiter" parameter. No memory is dynamically allocated,
// all used memory is static... it has some limitations:
// 1. Maximum number of possible split strings is set by MAX_SUBSTRINGS_COUNT
// 2. Maximum size of text to split is MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH
static const char *result[MAX_SUBSTRINGS_COUNT] = { NULL };
static char buffer[MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
memset(buffer, 0, MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH);
result[0] = buffer;
int counter = 1;
if (textRow != NULL) textRow[0] = 0;
// Count how many substrings we have on text and point to every one
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++)
buffer[i] = text[i];
if (buffer[i] == '\0') break;
else if ((buffer[i] == ';') || (buffer[i] == '\n'))
result[counter] = buffer + i + 1;
if (textRow != NULL)
if (buffer[i] == '\n') textRow[counter] = textRow[counter - 1] + 1;
else textRow[counter] = textRow[counter - 1];
buffer[i] = '\0'; // Set an end of string at this point
if (counter == MAX_SUBSTRINGS_COUNT) break;
*count = counter;
return result;
// Convert color data from RGB to HSV
// NOTE: Color data should be passed normalized
static Vector3 ConvertRGBtoHSV(Vector3 rgb)
Vector3 hsv = { 0.0f };
float min = 0.0f;
float max = 0.0f;
float delta = 0.0f;
min = (rgb.x < rgb.y)? rgb.x : rgb.y;
min = (min < rgb.z)? min : rgb.z;
max = (rgb.x > rgb.y)? rgb.x : rgb.y;
max = (max > rgb.z)? max : rgb.z;
hsv.z = max; // Value
delta = max - min;
if (delta < 0.00001f)
hsv.y = 0.0f;
hsv.x = 0.0f; // Undefined, maybe NAN?
return hsv;
if (max > 0.0f)
// NOTE: If max is 0, this divide would cause a crash
hsv.y = (delta/max); // Saturation
// NOTE: If max is 0, then r = g = b = 0, s = 0, h is undefined
hsv.y = 0.0f;
hsv.x = 0.0f; // Undefined, maybe NAN?
return hsv;
// NOTE: Comparing float values could not work properly
if (rgb.x >= max) hsv.x = (rgb.y - rgb.z)/delta; // Between yellow & magenta
if (rgb.y >= max) hsv.x = 2.0f + (rgb.z - rgb.x)/delta; // Between cyan & yellow
else hsv.x = 4.0f + (rgb.x - rgb.y)/delta; // Between magenta & cyan
hsv.x *= 60.0f; // Convert to degrees
if (hsv.x < 0.0f) hsv.x += 360.0f;
return hsv;
// Convert color data from HSV to RGB
// NOTE: Color data should be passed normalized
static Vector3 ConvertHSVtoRGB(Vector3 hsv)
Vector3 rgb = { 0.0f };
float hh = 0.0f, p = 0.0f, q = 0.0f, t = 0.0f, ff = 0.0f;
long i = 0;
// NOTE: Comparing float values could not work properly
if (hsv.y <= 0.0f)
rgb.x = hsv.z;
rgb.y = hsv.z;
rgb.z = hsv.z;
return rgb;
hh = hsv.x;
if (hh >= 360.0f) hh = 0.0f;
hh /= 60.0f;
i = (long)hh;
ff = hh - i;
p = hsv.z*(1.0f - hsv.y);
q = hsv.z*(1.0f - (hsv.y*ff));
t = hsv.z*(1.0f - (hsv.y*(1.0f - ff)));
switch (i)
case 0:
rgb.x = hsv.z;
rgb.y = t;
rgb.z = p;
} break;
case 1:
rgb.x = q;
rgb.y = hsv.z;
rgb.z = p;
} break;
case 2:
rgb.x = p;
rgb.y = hsv.z;
rgb.z = t;
} break;
case 3:
rgb.x = p;
rgb.y = q;
rgb.z = hsv.z;
} break;
case 4:
rgb.x = t;
rgb.y = p;
rgb.z = hsv.z;
} break;
case 5:
rgb.x = hsv.z;
rgb.y = p;
rgb.z = q;
} break;
return rgb;
// Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value
static Color GetColor(int hexValue)
Color color;
color.r = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 24) & 0xFF;
color.g = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 16) & 0xFF;
color.b = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
color.a = (unsigned char)hexValue & 0xFF;
return color;
// Returns hexadecimal value for a Color
static int ColorToInt(Color color)
return (((int)color.r << 24) | ((int)color.g << 16) | ((int)color.b << 8) | (int)color.a);
// Check if point is inside rectangle
static bool CheckCollisionPointRec(Vector2 point, Rectangle rec)
bool collision = false;
if ((point.x >= rec.x) && (point.x <= (rec.x + rec.width)) &&
(point.y >= rec.y) && (point.y <= (rec.y + rec.height))) collision = true;
return collision;
// Color fade-in or fade-out, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
static Color Fade(Color color, float alpha)
if (alpha < 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f;
else if (alpha > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f;
return RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Color){ color.r, color.g, color.b, (unsigned char)(255.0f*alpha) };
// Formatting of text with variables to 'embed'
static const char *TextFormat(const char *text, ...)
static char buffer[MAX_FORMATTEXT_LENGTH];
va_list args;
va_start(args, text);
vsprintf(buffer, text, args);
return buffer;
// Draw rectangle filled with color
static void DrawRectangleRec(Rectangle rec, Color color)
DrawRectangle(rec.x, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height, color);
// Draw rectangle border lines with color
static void DrawRectangleLinesEx(Rectangle rec, int lineThick, Color color)
DrawRectangle(rec.x, rec.y, rec.width, lineThick, color);
DrawRectangle(rec.x, rec.y + lineThick, lineThick, rec.height - 2*lineThick, color);
DrawRectangle(rec.x + rec.width - lineThick, rec.y + lineThick, lineThick, rec.height - 2*lineThick, color);
DrawRectangle(rec.x, rec.y + rec.height - lineThick, rec.width, lineThick, color);
// Draw rectangle with vertical gradient fill color
// NOTE: This function is only used by GuiColorPicker()
static void DrawRectangleGradientV(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color1, Color color2)
Rectangle bounds = { (float)posX, (float)posY, (float)width, (float)height };
DrawRectangleGradientEx(bounds, color1, color2, color2, color1);