826 lines
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826 lines
32 KiB
* raylib - Advance Game template
* Gameplay Screen Functions Definitions (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens.h"
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_LIGHTS_I 8
#define MAX_LIGHTS_II 12
#define MAX_LIGHTS_III 20
#define MAX_ENEMIES 8
#define MAX_PLAYER_ENERGY 40.0f
#define GAMEPAD_SENSITIVITY 4.0f // More sensitivity, more speed :P
// Types and Structures Definition
typedef struct Player {
Vector2 position;
Vector2 speed;
int radius;
Color color;
float lightEnergy;
} Player;
typedef struct Enemy {
Vector2 position;
Vector2 targetPos; // light target position
int targetNum; // light target number
float speed; // scalar value
int radius;
int active;
int awakeFramesDelay;
int framesCounter;
Color color;
} Enemy;
typedef struct LightSpot {
Vector2 position;
int radius;
int requiredEnergy;
bool active;
Color color;
int framesCounter;
int currentFrame;
Rectangle frameRec;
} LightSpot;
typedef enum { LEVEL_I, LEVEL_II, LEVEL_III, LEVEL_FINISHED } LightedLevel;
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
// Gameplay screen global variables
static int framesCounter;
static int finishScreen;
//static Texture2D background;
static bool pause;
static Player player;
static LightSpot lightsI[MAX_LIGHTS_I];
static LightSpot lightsII[MAX_LIGHTS_II];
static LightSpot lightsIII[MAX_LIGHTS_III];
static Enemy enemies[MAX_ENEMIES];
static int ritualLevel;
static int previousLightedLevel;
static int currentLightedLevel;
static Vector2 lighterPosition;
static int maxLightEnergy;
static int currentLightEnergy;
static float ritualTime;
static bool startRitual;
static float alphaRitual;
static bool timeOver;
static int nextStarsAlignment;
static Texture2D background;
static Texture2D foregroundI;
static Texture2D foregroundII;
static Texture2D foregroundIII;
static Texture2D texPlayer;
static Texture2D texEnemy;
static Texture2D texLight;
static Texture2D lightGlow;
static Texture2D lightRay;
static Texture2D book;
static Texture2D texRitual;
static Texture2D texTimeOver;
static Texture2D circleIoff, circleIIoff, circleIIIoff;
static Texture2D circleIon, circleIIon, circleIIIon;
static Rectangle lightOff, lightOn;
static Sound fxLightOn, fxLightOff;
static Music music;
// Debug variables
static bool enemiesStopped;
// Module Functions Declaration (local)
static bool ColorEqual(Color col1, Color col2); // Check if two colors are equal
static Vector2 Vector2Subtract(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2);
static void Vector2Normalize(Vector2 *v);
static void EnemyReset(Enemy *enemy);
// Gameplay Screen Functions Definition
// Gameplay Screen Initialization logic
void InitGameplayScreen(void)
framesCounter = 0;
finishScreen = 0;
pause = false;
// Textures loading
background = LoadTexture("resources/textures/background.png");
foregroundI = LoadTexture("resources/textures/foreground_level_i.png");
foregroundII = LoadTexture("resources/textures/foreground_level_ii.png");
foregroundIII = LoadTexture("resources/textures/foreground_level_iii.png");
texPlayer = LoadTexture("resources/textures/player.png");
texEnemy = LoadTexture("resources/textures/enemy.png");
texLight = LoadTexture("resources/textures/light.png");
lightGlow = LoadTexture("resources/textures/light_glow.png");
lightRay = LoadTexture("resources/textures/light_ray.png");
book = LoadTexture("resources/textures/book.png");
texRitual = LoadTexture("resources/textures/msg_ritual.png");
texTimeOver = LoadTexture("resources/textures/time_over.png");
circleIoff = LoadTexture("resources/textures/circle_level_i_off.png");
circleIIoff = LoadTexture("resources/textures/circle_level_ii_off.png");
circleIIIoff = LoadTexture("resources/textures/circle_level_iii_off.png");
circleIon = LoadTexture("resources/textures/circle_level_i_on.png");
circleIIon = LoadTexture("resources/textures/circle_level_ii_on.png");
circleIIIon = LoadTexture("resources/textures/circle_level_iii_on.png");
lightOff = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
lightOn = (Rectangle){ 64, 0, 64, 64 };
fxLightOn = LoadSound("resources/audio/light_on.wav");
fxLightOff = LoadSound("resources/audio/light_off.wav");
// Initialize player
player.position = (Vector2){ GetScreenWidth()/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 40 };
player.radius = 20;
player.speed = (Vector2){5, 5};
player.color = WHITE;
// Initialize lights positions based on lights map image data
int kI = 0, kII = 0, kIII = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < lightsMapHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < lightsMapWidth; x++)
if (ColorEqual(lightsMap[y*lightsMapWidth + x], (Color){ 255, 0, 0, 255 }))
// Store light position I
lightsI[kI].position.x = (float)x*10;
lightsI[kI].position.y = (float)y*10;
//printf("Light %02i position: %i, %i\n", kI, (int)lightsI[kI - 1].position.x, (int)lightsI[kI - 1].position.y);
else if (ColorEqual(lightsMap[y*lightsMapWidth + x], (Color){ 0, 255, 0, 255 }))
// Store light position II
lightsII[kII].position.x = (float)x*10;
lightsII[kII].position.y = (float)y*10;
else if (ColorEqual(lightsMap[y*lightsMapWidth + x], (Color){ 0, 0, 255, 255 }))
// Store light position III
lightsIII[kIII].position.x = (float)x*10;
lightsIII[kIII].position.y = (float)y*10;
// Initialize lights I
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++)
lightsI[i].radius = 12;
lightsI[i].requiredEnergy = GetRandomValue(3, 9);
lightsI[i].active = false;
lightsI[i].color = GOLD;
lightsI[i].framesCounter = 0;
lightsI[i].currentFrame = 0;
lightsI[i].frameRec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
// Initialize lights II
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++)
lightsII[i].radius = 8;
lightsII[i].requiredEnergy = GetRandomValue(3, 8);
lightsII[i].active = false;
lightsII[i].color = GOLD;
lightsII[i].framesCounter = 0;
lightsII[i].currentFrame = 0;
lightsII[i].frameRec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
// Initialize lights III
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++)
lightsIII[i].radius = 8;
lightsIII[i].requiredEnergy = GetRandomValue(4, 10);
lightsIII[i].active = false;
lightsIII[i].color = GOLD;
lightsIII[i].framesCounter = 0;
lightsIII[i].currentFrame = 0;
lightsIII[i].frameRec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
// Initialize ritual level
ritualLevel = 0;
currentLightedLevel = LEVEL_I;
lighterPosition = (Vector2){ GetScreenWidth()/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 };
// Initialize enemies
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) EnemyReset(&enemies[i]);
// Initialize max light energy (depends on lights randomness)
maxLightEnergy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++) maxLightEnergy += lightsI[i].requiredEnergy;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++) maxLightEnergy += lightsII[i].requiredEnergy;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++) maxLightEnergy += lightsIII[i].requiredEnergy;
//printf("Max light energy: %i\n", maxLightEnergy);
// Initialize ritual variables
ritualTime = 0.0f;
startRitual = false;;
alphaRitual = 0.0f;
timeOver = false;
nextStarsAlignment = GetRandomValue(500, 1000);
enemiesStopped = false;
music = LoadMusicStream("resources/audio/ritual.ogg");
// Gameplay Screen Update logic
void UpdateGameplayScreen(void)
if (IsKeyPressed('P')) pause = !pause;
if (!pause && (currentLightedLevel != LEVEL_FINISHED) && !timeOver)
framesCounter++; // Time starts counting to awake enemies
// Player movement logic
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) player.position.x += player.speed.x;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) player.position.x -= player.speed.x;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) player.position.y -= player.speed.y;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) player.position.y += player.speed.y;
// Debug key to stop enemies
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_S)) enemiesStopped = !enemiesStopped;
if (IsGamepadAvailable(GAMEPAD_PLAYER1))
Vector2 movement = GetGamepadMovement(GAMEPAD_PLAYER1);
player.position.x += movement.x*GAMEPAD_SENSITIVITY;
player.position.y += movement.y*GAMEPAD_SENSITIVITY;
// Player light energy filling logic
if (CheckCollisionCircles(player.position, player.radius, lighterPosition, 50))
player.lightEnergy += ENERGY_REFILL_RATIO;
player.color = (Color){ 255, 255, 100, 255 };
else player.color = WHITE;
if (player.lightEnergy > MAX_PLAYER_ENERGY) player.lightEnergy = MAX_PLAYER_ENERGY;
// Player vs lights collision detection (depends on lighted level)
if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_I)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++)
// Check player vs lightI collision
if (CheckCollisionCircles(player.position, player.radius, lightsI[i].position, lightsI[i].radius))
if (!lightsI[i].active && (player.lightEnergy >= lightsI[i].requiredEnergy))
lightsI[i].active = true;
lightsI[i].currentFrame = 1;
player.lightEnergy -= lightsI[i].requiredEnergy;
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_II)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++)
if (CheckCollisionCircles(player.position, player.radius, lightsII[i].position, lightsII[i].radius))
if (!lightsII[i].active && (player.lightEnergy >= lightsII[i].requiredEnergy))
lightsII[i].active = true;
player.lightEnergy -= lightsII[i].requiredEnergy;
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_III)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++)
if (CheckCollisionCircles(player.position, player.radius, lightsIII[i].position, lightsIII[i].radius))
if (!lightsIII[i].active && (player.lightEnergy >= lightsIII[i].requiredEnergy))
lightsIII[i].active = true;
player.lightEnergy -= lightsIII[i].requiredEnergy;
// Lights animation (it doesn't depend on currentLightedLevel)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++)
// Light animation
if (lightsI[i].active)
if (lightsI[i].framesCounter > 10)
if (lightsI[i].currentFrame > LIGHT_ANIM_FRAMES - 1) lightsI[i].currentFrame = 1;
lightsI[i].framesCounter = 0;
lightsI[i].frameRec.x = lightsI[i].currentFrame*texLight.width/LIGHT_ANIM_FRAMES;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++)
// Light animation
if (lightsII[i].active)
if (lightsII[i].framesCounter > 10)
if (lightsII[i].currentFrame > LIGHT_ANIM_FRAMES - 1) lightsII[i].currentFrame = 1;
lightsII[i].framesCounter = 0;
lightsII[i].frameRec.x = lightsII[i].currentFrame*texLight.width/LIGHT_ANIM_FRAMES;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++)
// Light animation
if (lightsIII[i].active)
if (lightsIII[i].framesCounter > 10)
if (lightsIII[i].currentFrame > LIGHT_ANIM_FRAMES - 1) lightsIII[i].currentFrame = 1;
lightsIII[i].framesCounter = 0;
lightsIII[i].frameRec.x = lightsIII[i].currentFrame*texLight.width/LIGHT_ANIM_FRAMES;
// Enemies logic
if (!enemiesStopped)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
if (!enemies[i].active) enemies[i].framesCounter++;
if (enemies[i].framesCounter > enemies[i].awakeFramesDelay) enemies[i].active = true;
if (enemies[i].active)
// Move to the target
Vector2 dir = Vector2Subtract(enemies[i].targetPos, enemies[i].position);
enemies[i].position.x += dir.x*enemies[i].speed;
enemies[i].position.y += dir.y*enemies[i].speed;
if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_I)
if (CheckCollisionCircles(enemies[i].position, enemies[i].radius, enemies[i].targetPos, lightsI[enemies[i].targetNum].radius))
lightsI[enemies[i].targetNum].active = false;
lightsI[enemies[i].targetNum].framesCounter = 0;
lightsI[enemies[i].targetNum].currentFrame = 0;
lightsI[enemies[i].targetNum].frameRec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_II)
if (CheckCollisionCircles(enemies[i].position, enemies[i].radius, enemies[i].targetPos, lightsII[enemies[i].targetNum].radius))
lightsII[enemies[i].targetNum].active = false;
lightsII[enemies[i].targetNum].framesCounter = 0;
lightsII[enemies[i].targetNum].currentFrame = 0;
lightsII[enemies[i].targetNum].frameRec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_III)
if (CheckCollisionCircles(enemies[i].position, enemies[i].radius, enemies[i].targetPos, lightsIII[enemies[i].targetNum].radius))
lightsIII[enemies[i].targetNum].active = false;
lightsIII[enemies[i].targetNum].framesCounter = 0;
lightsIII[enemies[i].targetNum].currentFrame = 0;
lightsIII[enemies[i].targetNum].frameRec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 };
// Check current light energy (for right bar)
currentLightEnergy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++) if (lightsI[i].active) currentLightEnergy += lightsI[i].requiredEnergy;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++) if (lightsII[i].active) currentLightEnergy += lightsII[i].requiredEnergy;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++) if (lightsIII[i].active) currentLightEnergy += lightsIII[i].requiredEnergy;
// Check current lighted level
// Check ending conditions: all lights off, ritual level reached
previousLightedLevel = currentLightedLevel;
currentLightedLevel = LEVEL_I;
bool lightedLevel = true;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++) if (!lightsI[i].active) lightedLevel = false;
if (lightedLevel) currentLightedLevel = LEVEL_II;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++) if (!lightsII[i].active) lightedLevel = false;
if (lightedLevel) currentLightedLevel = LEVEL_III;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++) if (!lightsIII[i].active) lightedLevel = false;
if (lightedLevel)
currentLightedLevel = LEVEL_FINISHED;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) enemies[i].active = false;
if (currentLightedLevel != previousLightedLevel) for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) EnemyReset(&enemies[i]);
ritualTime = (float)framesCounter/60;
// Check game over condition (time run out)
if ((99.0f - ritualTime) <= 0.0f)
ritualTime = 99.0f;
timeOver = true;
if (startRitual)
alphaRitual += 0.02f;
SetMusicVolume(music, 1.0f - alphaRitual);
if (alphaRitual > 1.0f) finishScreen = 1;
// Gameplay Screen Draw logic
void DrawGameplayScreen(void)
DrawTexture(background, 0, 0, WHITE);
// Draw foreground and circles
if ((currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_FINISHED) || (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_III)) DrawTexture(foregroundIII, 0, 0, WHITE);
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_II) DrawTexture(foregroundII, 0, 0, WHITE);
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_I) DrawTexture(foregroundI, 0, 0, WHITE);
// Draw lighted circles (depends on current lighted level)
switch (currentLightedLevel)
DrawTexture(circleIIIon, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIIIon.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIIIon.height/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(circleIIon, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIIon.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIIon.height/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(circleIon, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIon.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIon.height/2, WHITE);
} break;
DrawTexture(circleIIIoff, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIIIoff.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIIIoff.height/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(circleIIon, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIIon.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIIon.height/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(circleIon, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIon.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIon.height/2, WHITE);
} break;
case LEVEL_II:
DrawTexture(circleIIoff, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIIoff.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIIoff.height/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(circleIon, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIon.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIon.height/2, WHITE);
} break;
case LEVEL_I:
DrawTexture(circleIoff, GetScreenWidth()/2 - circleIoff.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2 - circleIoff.height/2, WHITE);
} break;
default: break;
// Draw lights (depends on current lighted level)
switch (currentLightedLevel)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++)
//if (lightsIII[i].active) DrawCircleV(lightsIII[i].position, lightsIII[i].radius, GOLD);
//else DrawCircleLines(lightsIII[i].position.x, lightsIII[i].position.y, lightsIII[i].radius, GRAY);
DrawTextureRec(texLight, lightsIII[i].frameRec, (Vector2){ lightsIII[i].position.x - 32, lightsIII[i].position.y - 32 }, WHITE);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++) if (lightsIII[i].active) DrawTexture(lightGlow, lightsIII[i].position.x - lightGlow.width/2, lightsIII[i].position.y - lightGlow.height/2, Fade(WHITE, 0.3f));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_III; i++) DrawText(FormatText("%02i", lightsIII[i].requiredEnergy), lightsIII[i].position.x - 10, lightsIII[i].position.y + 14, 20, lightsIII[i].active ? GRAY : YELLOW);
case LEVEL_II:
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++)
//if (lightsII[i].active) DrawCircleV(lightsII[i].position, lightsII[i].radius, GOLD);
//else DrawCircleLines(lightsI[i].position.x, lightsI[i].position.y, lightsI[i].radius, GRAY);
DrawTextureRec(texLight, lightsII[i].frameRec, (Vector2){ lightsII[i].position.x - 32, lightsII[i].position.y - 32 }, WHITE);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++) if (lightsII[i].active) DrawTexture(lightGlow, lightsII[i].position.x - lightGlow.width/2, lightsII[i].position.y - lightGlow.height/2, Fade(WHITE, 0.3f));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_II; i++) DrawText(FormatText("%02i", lightsII[i].requiredEnergy), lightsII[i].position.x - 10, lightsII[i].position.y + 14, 20, lightsII[i].active ? GRAY : YELLOW);
case LEVEL_I:
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++)
//if (lightsI[i].active) DrawCircleV(lightsI[i].position, lightsI[i].radius, GOLD);
//else DrawCircleLines(lightsI[i].position.x, lightsI[i].position.y, lightsI[i].radius, GRAY);
DrawTextureRec(texLight, lightsI[i].frameRec, (Vector2){ lightsI[i].position.x - 32, lightsI[i].position.y - 32 }, WHITE);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++) if (lightsI[i].active) DrawTexture(lightGlow, lightsI[i].position.x - lightGlow.width/2, lightsI[i].position.y - lightGlow.height/2, Fade(WHITE, 0.3f));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS_I; i++) DrawText(FormatText("%02i", lightsI[i].requiredEnergy), lightsI[i].position.x - 10, lightsI[i].position.y + 14, 20, lightsI[i].active ? GRAY : YELLOW);
default: break;
// Draw main lighter
DrawTexture(book, GetScreenWidth()/2 - book.width/2, GetScreenHeight()/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(lightRay, GetScreenWidth()/2 - lightRay.width/2, 0, Fade(WHITE, 0.5f));
// Draw player
//DrawCircleV(player.position, player.radius, player.color);
DrawTexture(texPlayer, player.position.x - 32, player.position.y - 32, player.color);
if (currentLightedLevel != LEVEL_FINISHED)
// Draw enemies (depends on current lighted level)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
if (enemies[i].active)
//DrawCircleV(enemies[i].position, enemies[i].radius, enemies[i].color);
DrawTextureRec(texEnemy, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 64, 64 }, (Vector2){ enemies[i].position.x - 32, enemies[i].position.y - 32 }, WHITE);
// Draw time left for ritual
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("%02.2f", (99.0f - ritualTime)), (Vector2){ 560, 20 }, font.baseSize, 0, WHITE);
// Draw light energy bar
DrawRectangle(20, 30, 400, 20, GRAY);
DrawRectangle(20, 30, (400*player.lightEnergy)/MAX_PLAYER_ENERGY, 20, GOLD);
DrawRectangleLines(20, 30, 400, 20, LIGHTGRAY);
DrawText(FormatText("%03.0f", player.lightEnergy), 430, 30, 20, WHITE);
// Draw level lighted bar (for completion)
DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() - 40, 30, 20, 660, GRAY);
DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() - 40, 30 + 660 - 660*currentLightEnergy/maxLightEnergy, 20, 660*currentLightEnergy/maxLightEnergy, YELLOW);
DrawRectangleLines(GetScreenWidth() - 40, 30, 20, 660, LIGHTGRAY);
// Show message: "You run out of light!!!" if player.lightEnergy <= 0
if (player.lightEnergy < 2)
if ((framesCounter/20)%2) DrawTextEx(font, "YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF LIGHT!", (Vector2){ 20, 60 }, font.baseSize/2, 0, WHITE);
else if (!timeOver) // LEVEL_FINISHED
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(BLACK, 0.4f));
// Wait some time before jumping to ending: raylib
DrawTexture(texRitual, GetScreenWidth()/2 - texRitual.width/2, 100, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("BEST LIGHTING TIME: %02.2f", ritualTime), (Vector2){ 320, 340 }, 50, 0, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "PRESS ENTER to START the RITUAL", (Vector2){ 160, 480 }, 60, 0, WHITE);
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) startRitual = true;
if (timeOver)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(BLACK, 0.4f));
DrawTexture(texTimeOver, GetScreenWidth()/2 - texTimeOver.width/2, 140, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("NEXT STARS ALIGNMENT IN %i YEARS", nextStarsAlignment), (Vector2){ 200, 360 }, 50, 0, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "PRESS ENTER to GO HOME...", (Vector2){ 260, 480 }, 60, 0, WHITE);
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) finishScreen = 2;
if (startRitual) DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(RAYWHITE, alphaRitual));
if (pause) DrawTextEx(font, "RITUAL PAUSED", (Vector2){ GetScreenWidth()/2 - MeasureText("RITUAL PAUSED", 40)/2, 110 }, 50, 0, WHITE);
// Gameplay Screen Unload logic
void UnloadGameplayScreen(void)
// Unload GAMEPLAY screen variables here!
// Unload circles
// Unload sounds
// Gameplay Screen should finish?
int FinishGameplayScreen(void)
return finishScreen;
// Module Functions Definitions (local)
// Check two colors if equal
static bool ColorEqual(Color col1, Color col2)
return ((col1.r == col2.r) && (col1.g == col2.g) && (col1.b == col2.b) && (col1.a == col2.a));
// Substract two vectors
static Vector2 Vector2Subtract(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2)
Vector2 result;
result.x = v1.x - v2.x;
result.y = v1.y - v2.y;
return result;
// Normalize provided vector
static void Vector2Normalize(Vector2 *v)
float length, ilength;
length = sqrt(v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y);
if (length == 0) length = 1.0f;
ilength = 1.0f/length;
v->x *= ilength;
v->y *= ilength;
// Reset enemy parameters
// NOTE: Depends on currentLightedLevel
static void EnemyReset(Enemy *enemy)
enemy->active = false;
enemy->framesCounter = 0;
enemy->color = RED;
enemy->radius = 10;
int side = GetRandomValue(0, 1);
if (side) enemy->position = (Vector2){ GetRandomValue(50, 150), GetRandomValue(50, GetScreenHeight() - 50) };
else enemy->position = (Vector2){ GetRandomValue(GetScreenWidth() - 150, GetScreenWidth() - 50), GetRandomValue(50, GetScreenHeight() - 50) };
// TODO: Choose only active lights
// TODO: if currentLightedLevel has no active lights, choose light from a lower level!
if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_I)
enemy->targetNum = GetRandomValue(0, MAX_LIGHTS_I - 1); // LEVEL_I
enemy->targetPos = lightsI[enemy->targetNum].position;
enemy->speed = (float)GetRandomValue(15, 20)/10.0f;
enemy->awakeFramesDelay = GetRandomValue(90, 400);
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_II)
enemy->targetNum = GetRandomValue(0, MAX_LIGHTS_II - 1); // LEVEL_II
enemy->targetPos = lightsII[enemy->targetNum].position;
enemy->speed = (float)GetRandomValue(10, 20)/10.0f;
enemy->awakeFramesDelay = GetRandomValue(240, 800);
else if (currentLightedLevel == LEVEL_III)
enemy->targetNum = GetRandomValue(0, MAX_LIGHTS_III - 1); // LEVEL_III
enemy->targetPos = lightsIII[enemy->targetNum].position;
enemy->speed = (float)GetRandomValue(8, 18)/10.0f;
enemy->awakeFramesDelay = GetRandomValue(180, 1200);