GLFW has been updated to latest version, probably this code is not required any more due to already been integrated into library... but it needs to be tested...
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3779 lines
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* raylib.core - Basic functions to manage windows, OpenGL context and input on multiple platforms
* - PLATFORM_DESKTOP: Windows (Win32, Win64)
* - PLATFORM_DESKTOP: Linux (X11 desktop mode)
* - PLATFORM_DESKTOP: FreeBSD (X11 desktop)
* - PLATFORM_ANDROID: Android 4.0 (ARM, ARM64)
* - PLATFORM_RPI: Raspberry Pi 0,1,2,3 (Raspbian)
* - PLATFORM_WEB: HTML5 with asm.js (Chrome, Firefox)
* - PLATFORM_UWP: Windows 10 App, Windows Phone, Xbox One
* Windowing and input system configured for desktop platforms: Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD
* NOTE: Oculus Rift CV1 requires PLATFORM_DESKTOP for mirror rendering - View [rlgl] module to enable it
* Windowing and input system configured for Android device, app activity managed internally in this module.
* NOTE: OpenGL ES 2.0 is required and graphic device is managed by EGL
* #define PLATFORM_RPI
* Windowing and input system configured for Raspberry Pi i native mode (no X.org required, tested on Raspbian),
* graphic device is managed by EGL and inputs are processed is raw mode, reading from /dev/input/
* #define PLATFORM_WEB
* Windowing and input system configured for HTML5 (run on browser), code converted from C to asm.js
* using emscripten compiler. OpenGL ES 2.0 required for direct translation to WebGL equivalent code.
* #define PLATFORM_UWP
* Universal Windows Platform support, using OpenGL ES 2.0 through ANGLE on multiple Windows platforms,
* including Windows 10 App, Windows Phone and Xbox One platforms.
* #define SUPPORT_DEFAULT_FONT (default)
* Default font is loaded on window initialization to be available for the user to render simple text.
* NOTE: If enabled, uses external module functions to load default raylib font (module: text)
* Camera module is included (camera.h) and multiple predefined cameras are available: free, 1st/3rd person, orbital
* Gestures module is included (gestures.h) to support gestures detection: tap, hold, swipe, drag
* Mouse gestures are directly mapped like touches and processed by gestures system.
* Use busy wait loop for timming sync, if not defined, a high-resolution timer is setup and used
* Allow automatic gif recording of current screen pressing CTRL+F12, defined in KeyCallback()
* rglfw - Manage graphic device, OpenGL context and inputs on PLATFORM_DESKTOP (Windows, Linux, OSX. FreeBSD)
* raymath - 3D math functionality (Vector2, Vector3, Matrix, Quaternion)
* camera - Multiple 3D camera modes (free, orbital, 1st person, 3rd person)
* gestures - Gestures system for touch-ready devices (or simulated from mouse inputs)
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// Default configuration flags (supported features)
#include "raylib.h"
#if (defined(__linux__) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE < 199309L
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L // Required for CLOCK_MONOTONIC if compiled with c99 without gnu ext.
#include "rlgl.h" // raylib OpenGL abstraction layer to OpenGL 1.1, 3.3+ or ES2
#include "utils.h" // Required for: fopen() Android mapping
#define RAYMATH_IMPLEMENTATION // Use raymath as a header-only library (includes implementation)
#define RAYMATH_EXTERN_INLINE // Compile raymath functions as static inline (remember, it's a compiler hint)
#include "raymath.h" // Required for: Vector3 and Matrix functions
#include "gestures.h" // Gestures detection functionality
#include "camera.h" // Camera system functionality
#include "external/rgif.h" // Support GIF recording
#include <stdio.h> // Standard input / output lib
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc(), free(), rand(), atexit()
#include <stdint.h> // Required for: typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t, used by hi-res timer
#include <time.h> // Required for: time() - Android/RPI hi-res timer (NOTE: Linux only!)
#include <math.h> // Required for: tan() [Used in Begin3dMode() to set perspective]
#include <string.h> // Required for: strrchr(), strcmp()
//#include <errno.h> // Macros for reporting and retrieving error conditions through error codes
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <direct.h> // Required for: _getch(), _chdir()
#define GETCWD _getcwd // NOTE: MSDN recommends not to use getcwd(), chdir()
#define CHDIR _chdir
#include "unistd.h" // Required for: getch(), chdir() (POSIX)
#define GETCWD getcwd
#define CHDIR chdir
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#include <sys/time.h> // Required for: timespec, nanosleep(), select() - POSIX
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <unistd.h> // Required for: usleep()
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
//#define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE // Disable the standard OpenGL header inclusion on GLFW3
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h> // GLFW3 library: Windows, OpenGL context and Input management
#if defined(__linux__)
#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_X11 // Linux specific definitions for getting
#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_GLX // native functions like glfwGetX11Window
#include <GLFW/glfw3native.h> // which are required for hiding mouse
//#include <GL/gl.h> // OpenGL functions (GLFW3 already includes gl.h)
#if !defined(SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP) && defined(_WIN32)
// NOTE: Those functions require linking with winmm library
unsigned int __stdcall timeBeginPeriod(unsigned int uPeriod);
unsigned int __stdcall timeEndPeriod(unsigned int uPeriod);
//#include <android/sensor.h> // Android sensors functions (accelerometer, gyroscope, light...)
#include <android/window.h> // Defines AWINDOW_FLAG_FULLSCREEN and others
#include <android_native_app_glue.h> // Defines basic app state struct and manages activity
#include <EGL/egl.h> // Khronos EGL library - Native platform display device control functions
#include <GLES2/gl2.h> // Khronos OpenGL ES 2.0 library
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#include <fcntl.h> // POSIX file control definitions - open(), creat(), fcntl()
#include <unistd.h> // POSIX standard function definitions - read(), close(), STDIN_FILENO
#include <termios.h> // POSIX terminal control definitions - tcgetattr(), tcsetattr()
#include <pthread.h> // POSIX threads management (mouse input)
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // UNIX System call for device-specific input/output operations - ioctl()
#include <linux/kd.h> // Linux: KDSKBMODE, K_MEDIUMRAM constants definition
#include <linux/input.h> // Linux: Keycodes constants definition (KEY_A, ...)
#include <linux/joystick.h> // Linux: Joystick support library
#include "bcm_host.h" // Raspberry Pi VideoCore IV access functions
#include "EGL/egl.h" // Khronos EGL library - Native platform display device control functions
#include "EGL/eglext.h" // Khronos EGL library - Extensions
#include "GLES2/gl2.h" // Khronos OpenGL ES 2.0 library
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
#include "EGL/egl.h" // Khronos EGL library - Native platform display device control functions
#include "EGL/eglext.h" // Khronos EGL library - Extensions
#include "GLES2/gl2.h" // Khronos OpenGL ES 2.0 library
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
#include <emscripten/html5.h>
// Defines and Macros
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// Old device inputs system
#define DEFAULT_MOUSE_DEV "/dev/input/mouse0" // Mouse input
#define DEFAULT_TOUCH_DEV "/dev/input/event4" // Touch input virtual device (created by ts_uinput)
#define DEFAULT_GAMEPAD_DEV "/dev/input/js" // Gamepad input (base dev for all gamepads: js0, js1, ...)
// New device input events (evdev) (must be detected)
//#define DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_DEV "/dev/input/eventN"
//#define DEFAULT_MOUSE_DEV "/dev/input/eventN"
//#define DEFAULT_GAMEPAD_DEV "/dev/input/eventN"
#define MAX_GAMEPADS 4 // Max number of gamepads supported
#define MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS 32 // Max bumber of buttons supported (per gamepad)
#define MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS 8 // Max number of axis supported (per gamepad)
#define STORAGE_FILENAME "storage.data"
// Types and Structures Definition
// ...
// Global Variables Definition
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static GLFWwindow *window; // Native window (graphic device)
static bool windowReady = false; // Check if window has been initialized successfully
static bool windowMinimized = false; // Check if window has been minimized
static struct android_app *app; // Android activity
static struct android_poll_source *source; // Android events polling source
static int ident, events; // Android ALooper_pollAll() variables
static const char *internalDataPath; // Android internal data path to write data (/data/data/<package>/files)
static bool appEnabled = true; // Used to detec if app is active
static bool contextRebindRequired = false; // Used to know context rebind required
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
static EGL_DISPMANX_WINDOW_T nativeWindow; // Native window (graphic device)
// Keyboard input variables
// NOTE: For keyboard we will use the standard input (but reconfigured...)
static struct termios defaultKeyboardSettings; // Used to store default keyboard settings
static int defaultKeyboardMode; // Used to store default keyboard mode
// Mouse input variables
static int mouseStream = -1; // Mouse device file descriptor
static bool mouseReady = false; // Flag to know if mouse is ready
static pthread_t mouseThreadId; // Mouse reading thread id
// Touch input variables
static int touchStream = -1; // Touch device file descriptor
static bool touchReady = false; // Flag to know if touch interface is ready
static pthread_t touchThreadId; // Touch reading thread id
// Gamepad input variables
static int gamepadStream[MAX_GAMEPADS] = { -1 };// Gamepad device file descriptor
static pthread_t gamepadThreadId; // Gamepad reading thread id
static char gamepadName[64]; // Gamepad name holder
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
static EGLDisplay display; // Native display device (physical screen connection)
static EGLSurface surface; // Surface to draw on, framebuffers (connected to context)
static EGLContext context; // Graphic context, mode in which drawing can be done
static EGLConfig config; // Graphic config
static uint64_t baseTime; // Base time measure for hi-res timer
static bool windowShouldClose = false; // Flag to set window for closing
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
static EGLNativeWindowType uwpWindow;
// Display size-related data
static unsigned int displayWidth, displayHeight; // Display width and height (monitor, device-screen, LCD, ...)
static int screenWidth, screenHeight; // Screen width and height (used render area)
static int renderWidth, renderHeight; // Framebuffer width and height (render area, including black bars if required)
static int renderOffsetX = 0; // Offset X from render area (must be divided by 2)
static int renderOffsetY = 0; // Offset Y from render area (must be divided by 2)
static bool fullscreen = false; // Fullscreen mode (useful only for PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
static Matrix downscaleView; // Matrix to downscale view (in case screen size bigger than display size)
static bool cursorHidden = false; // Track if cursor is hidden
static bool cursorOnScreen = false; // Tracks if cursor is inside client area
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
static const char *windowTitle = NULL; // Window text title...
static int screenshotCounter = 0; // Screenshots counter
// Register mouse states
static char previousMouseState[3] = { 0 }; // Registers previous mouse button state
static char currentMouseState[3] = { 0 }; // Registers current mouse button state
static int previousMouseWheelY = 0; // Registers previous mouse wheel variation
static int currentMouseWheelY = 0; // Registers current mouse wheel variation
// Register gamepads states
static bool gamepadReady[MAX_GAMEPADS] = { false }; // Flag to know if gamepad is ready
static float gamepadAxisState[MAX_GAMEPADS][MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS]; // Gamepad axis state
static char previousGamepadState[MAX_GAMEPADS][MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS]; // Previous gamepad buttons state
static char currentGamepadState[MAX_GAMEPADS][MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS]; // Current gamepad buttons state
// Keyboard configuration
static int exitKey = KEY_ESCAPE; // Default exit key (ESC)
// Register keyboard states
static char previousKeyState[512] = { 0 }; // Registers previous frame key state
static char currentKeyState[512] = { 0 }; // Registers current frame key state
static int lastKeyPressed = -1; // Register last key pressed
static int lastGamepadButtonPressed = -1; // Register last gamepad button pressed
static int gamepadAxisCount = 0; // Register number of available gamepad axis
static Vector2 mousePosition; // Mouse position on screen
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static bool toggleCursorLock = false; // Ask for cursor pointer lock on next click
static Vector2 touchPosition[MAX_TOUCH_POINTS]; // Touch position on screen
static char **dropFilesPath; // Store dropped files paths as strings
static int dropFilesCount = 0; // Count stored strings
static double currentTime, previousTime; // Used to track timmings
static double updateTime, drawTime; // Time measures for update and draw
static double frameTime = 0.0; // Time measure for one frame
static double targetTime = 0.0; // Desired time for one frame, if 0 not applied
static unsigned char configFlags = 0; // Configuration flags (bit based)
static bool showLogo = false; // Track if showing logo at init is enabled
static int gifFramesCounter = 0;
static bool gifRecording = false;
// Other Modules Functions Declaration (required by core)
extern void LoadDefaultFont(void); // [Module: text] Loads default font on InitWindow()
extern void UnloadDefaultFont(void); // [Module: text] Unloads default font from GPU memory
// Module specific Functions Declaration
static bool InitGraphicsDevice(int width, int height); // Initialize graphics device
static void SetupFramebufferSize(int displayWidth, int displayHeight);
static void InitTimer(void); // Initialize timer
static void Wait(float ms); // Wait for some milliseconds (stop program execution)
static bool GetKeyStatus(int key); // Returns if a key has been pressed
static bool GetMouseButtonStatus(int button); // Returns if a mouse button has been pressed
static void PollInputEvents(void); // Register user events
static void SwapBuffers(void); // Copy back buffer to front buffers
static void LogoAnimation(void); // Plays raylib logo appearing animation
static void SetupViewport(void); // Set viewport parameters
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description); // GLFW3 Error Callback, runs on GLFW3 error
static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods); // GLFW3 Keyboard Callback, runs on key pressed
static void MouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods); // GLFW3 Mouse Button Callback, runs on mouse button pressed
static void MouseCursorPosCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y); // GLFW3 Cursor Position Callback, runs on mouse move
static void CharCallback(GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int key); // GLFW3 Char Key Callback, runs on key pressed (get char value)
static void ScrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double xoffset, double yoffset); // GLFW3 Srolling Callback, runs on mouse wheel
static void CursorEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int enter); // GLFW3 Cursor Enter Callback, cursor enters client area
static void WindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height); // GLFW3 WindowSize Callback, runs when window is resized
static void WindowIconifyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int iconified); // GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback, runs when window is minimized/restored
static void WindowDropCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int count, const char **paths); // GLFW3 Window Drop Callback, runs when drop files into window
static void AndroidCommandCallback(struct android_app *app, int32_t cmd); // Process Android activity lifecycle commands
static int32_t AndroidInputCallback(struct android_app *app, AInputEvent *event); // Process Android inputs
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent *e, void *userData);
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenKeyboardCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent *keyEvent, void *userData);
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenMouseCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenMouseEvent *mouseEvent, void *userData);
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenTouchCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *touchEvent, void *userData);
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenGamepadCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData);
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
static void InitKeyboard(void); // Init raw keyboard system (standard input reading)
static void ProcessKeyboard(void); // Process keyboard events
static void RestoreKeyboard(void); // Restore keyboard system
static void InitMouse(void); // Mouse initialization (including mouse thread)
static void *MouseThread(void *arg); // Mouse reading thread
static void InitTouch(void); // Touch device initialization (including touch thread)
static void *TouchThread(void *arg); // Touch device reading thread
static void InitGamepad(void); // Init raw gamepad input
static void *GamepadThread(void *arg); // Mouse reading thread
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// Define functions required to manage inputs
#if defined(_WIN32)
// NOTE: We include Sleep() function signature here to avoid windows.h inclusion
void __stdcall Sleep(unsigned long msTimeout); // Required for Wait()
// Module Functions Definition - Window and OpenGL Context Functions
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// Initialize window and OpenGL context
// NOTE: data parameter could be used to pass any kind of required data to the initialization
void InitWindow(int width, int height, void *data)
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Initializing raylib (v1.9.4-dev)");
windowTitle = (char *)data;
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
uwpWindow = (EGLNativeWindowType)data;
// Init hi-res timer
// Init graphics device (display device and OpenGL context)
// NOTE: returns true if window and graphic device has been initialized successfully
windowReady = InitGraphicsDevice(width, height);
if (!windowReady) return;
// Load default font
// NOTE: External function (defined in module: text)
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// Init raw input system
InitMouse(); // Mouse init
InitTouch(); // Touch init
InitKeyboard(); // Keyboard init
InitGamepad(); // Gamepad init
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
emscripten_set_fullscreenchange_callback(0, 0, 1, EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback);
// Support keyboard events
emscripten_set_keypress_callback("#canvas", NULL, 1, EmscriptenKeyboardCallback);
// Support mouse events
emscripten_set_click_callback("#canvas", NULL, 1, EmscriptenMouseCallback);
// Support touch events
emscripten_set_touchstart_callback("#canvas", NULL, 1, EmscriptenTouchCallback);
emscripten_set_touchend_callback("#canvas", NULL, 1, EmscriptenTouchCallback);
emscripten_set_touchmove_callback("#canvas", NULL, 1, EmscriptenTouchCallback);
emscripten_set_touchcancel_callback("#canvas", NULL, 1, EmscriptenTouchCallback);
//emscripten_set_touchstart_callback(0, NULL, 1, Emscripten_HandleTouch);
//emscripten_set_touchend_callback("#canvas", data, 0, Emscripten_HandleTouch);
// Support gamepad events (not provided by GLFW3 on emscripten)
emscripten_set_gamepadconnected_callback(NULL, 1, EmscriptenGamepadCallback);
emscripten_set_gamepaddisconnected_callback(NULL, 1, EmscriptenGamepadCallback);
mousePosition.x = (float)screenWidth/2.0f;
mousePosition.y = (float)screenHeight/2.0f;
// raylib logo appearing animation (if enabled)
if (showLogo)
// Initialize window and OpenGL context (and Android activity)
// NOTE: data parameter could be used to pass any kind of required data to the initialization
void InitWindow(int width, int height, void *data)
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Initializing raylib (v1.9.4-dev)");
screenWidth = width;
screenHeight = height;
// Input data is android app pointer
app = (struct android_app *)data;
internalDataPath = app->activity->internalDataPath;
// Set desired windows flags before initializing anything
int orientation = AConfiguration_getOrientation(app->config);
if (orientation == ACONFIGURATION_ORIENTATION_PORT) TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "PORTRAIT window orientation");
else if (orientation == ACONFIGURATION_ORIENTATION_LAND) TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "LANDSCAPE window orientation");
// TODO: Automatic orientation doesn't seem to work
if (width <= height)
AConfiguration_setOrientation(app->config, ACONFIGURATION_ORIENTATION_PORT);
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Window set to portraid mode");
AConfiguration_setOrientation(app->config, ACONFIGURATION_ORIENTATION_LAND);
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Window set to landscape mode");
app->onAppCmd = AndroidCommandCallback;
app->onInputEvent = AndroidInputCallback;
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Android app initialized successfully");
// Wait for window to be initialized (display and context)
while (!windowReady)
// Process events loop
while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(0, NULL, &events,(void**)&source)) >= 0)
// Process this event
if (source != NULL) source->process(app, source);
// NOTE: Never close window, native activity is controlled by the system!
//if (app->destroyRequested != 0) windowShouldClose = true;
// Close window and unload OpenGL context
void CloseWindow(void)
if (gifRecording)
gifRecording = false;
rlglClose(); // De-init rlgl
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#if !defined(SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP) && defined(_WIN32)
timeEndPeriod(1); // Restore time period
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// Close surface, context and display
if (display != EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
if (surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
eglDestroySurface(display, surface);
surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
if (context != EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
eglDestroyContext(display, context);
context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// Wait for mouse and gamepad threads to finish before closing
// NOTE: Those threads should already have finished at this point
// because they are controlled by windowShouldClose variable
windowShouldClose = true; // Added to force threads to exit when the close window is called
pthread_join(mouseThreadId, NULL);
pthread_join(touchThreadId, NULL);
pthread_join(gamepadThreadId, NULL);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Window closed successfully");
// Check if window has been initialized successfully
bool IsWindowReady(void)
return windowReady;
// Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed
bool WindowShouldClose(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
if (windowReady)
// While window minimized, stop loop execution
while (windowMinimized) glfwWaitEvents();
return (glfwWindowShouldClose(window));
else return true;
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
if (windowReady) return windowShouldClose;
else return true;
// Check if window has been minimized (or lost focus)
bool IsWindowMinimized(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
return windowMinimized;
return false;
// Toggle fullscreen mode (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
void ToggleFullscreen(void)
fullscreen = !fullscreen; // Toggle fullscreen flag
// NOTE: glfwSetWindowMonitor() doesn't work properly (bugs)
if (fullscreen) glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
else glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, NULL, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not toggle to windowed mode");
// Set icon for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
void SetWindowIcon(Image image)
ImageFormat(&image, UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8);
GLFWimage icon[1];
icon[0].width = image.width;
icon[0].height = image.height;
icon[0].pixels = (unsigned char *)image.data;
// NOTE: We only support one image icon
glfwSetWindowIcon(window, 1, icon);
// TODO: Support multi-image icons --> image.mipmaps
// Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
void SetWindowTitle(const char *title)
glfwSetWindowTitle(window, title);
// Set window position on screen (windowed mode)
void SetWindowPosition(int x, int y)
glfwSetWindowPos(window, x, y);
// Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)
void SetWindowMonitor(int monitor)
int monitorCount;
GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount);
if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount))
//glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, monitors[monitor], 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Selected fullscreen monitor: [%i] %s", monitor, glfwGetMonitorName(monitors[monitor]));
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Selected monitor not found");
// Set window minimum dimensions (FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
void SetWindowMinSize(int width, int height)
const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(window, width, height, mode->width, mode->height);
// Get current screen width
int GetScreenWidth(void)
return screenWidth;
// Get current screen height
int GetScreenHeight(void)
return screenHeight;
// Show mouse cursor
void ShowCursor()
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
cursorHidden = false;
// Hides mouse cursor
void HideCursor()
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
cursorHidden = true;
// Check if cursor is not visible
bool IsCursorHidden()
return cursorHidden;
// Enables cursor (unlock cursor)
void EnableCursor()
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
toggleCursorLock = true;
cursorHidden = false;
// Disables cursor (lock cursor)
void DisableCursor()
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
toggleCursorLock = true;
cursorHidden = true;
// Set background color (framebuffer clear color)
void ClearBackground(Color color)
rlClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); // Set clear color
rlClearScreenBuffers(); // Clear current framebuffers
// Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing
void BeginDrawing(void)
currentTime = GetTime(); // Number of elapsed seconds since InitTimer()
updateTime = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime;
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
rlMultMatrixf(MatrixToFloat(downscaleView)); // If downscale required, apply it here
//rlTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0); // HACK to have 2D pixel-perfect drawing on OpenGL 1.1
// NOTE: Not required with OpenGL 3.3+
// End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering)
void EndDrawing(void)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
if (gifRecording)
// NOTE: We record one gif frame every 10 game frames
if ((gifFramesCounter%GIF_RECORD_FRAMERATE) == 0)
// Get image data for the current frame (from backbuffer)
// NOTE: This process is very slow... :(
unsigned char *screenData = rlReadScreenPixels(screenWidth, screenHeight);
GifWriteFrame(screenData, screenWidth, screenHeight, 10, 8, false);
free(screenData); // Free image data
if (((gifFramesCounter/15)%2) == 1)
DrawCircle(30, screenHeight - 20, 10, RED);
DrawText("RECORDING", 50, screenHeight - 25, 10, MAROON);
rlglDraw(); // Draw RECORDING message
SwapBuffers(); // Copy back buffer to front buffer
PollInputEvents(); // Poll user events
// Frame time control system
currentTime = GetTime();
drawTime = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime;
frameTime = updateTime + drawTime;
// Wait for some milliseconds...
if (frameTime < targetTime)
Wait((targetTime - frameTime)*1000.0f);
currentTime = GetTime();
double extraTime = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime;
frameTime += extraTime;
// Initialize 2D mode with custom camera (2D)
void Begin2dMode(Camera2D camera)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
// Camera rotation and scaling is always relative to target
Matrix matOrigin = MatrixTranslate(-camera.target.x, -camera.target.y, 0.0f);
Matrix matRotation = MatrixRotate((Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, camera.rotation*DEG2RAD);
Matrix matScale = MatrixScale(camera.zoom, camera.zoom, 1.0f);
Matrix matTranslation = MatrixTranslate(camera.offset.x + camera.target.x, camera.offset.y + camera.target.y, 0.0f);
Matrix matTransform = MatrixMultiply(MatrixMultiply(matOrigin, MatrixMultiply(matScale, matRotation)), matTranslation);
// Ends 2D mode with custom camera
void End2dMode(void)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
// Initializes 3D mode with custom camera (3D)
void Begin3dMode(Camera camera)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to projection matrix
rlPushMatrix(); // Save previous matrix, which contains the settings for the 2d ortho projection
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
// Setup perspective projection
float aspect = (float)screenWidth/(float)screenHeight;
double top = 0.01*tan(camera.fovy*0.5*DEG2RAD);
double right = top*aspect;
// NOTE: zNear and zFar values are important when computing depth buffer values
rlFrustum(-right, right, -top, top, 0.01, 1000.0);
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to modelview matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
// Setup Camera view
Matrix matView = MatrixLookAt(camera.position, camera.target, camera.up);
rlMultMatrixf(MatrixToFloat(matView)); // Multiply MODELVIEW matrix by view matrix (camera)
rlEnableDepthTest(); // Enable DEPTH_TEST for 3D
// Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode
void End3dMode(void)
rlglDraw(); // Process internal buffers (update + draw)
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to projection matrix
rlPopMatrix(); // Restore previous matrix (PROJECTION) from matrix stack
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Get back to modelview matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
rlDisableDepthTest(); // Disable DEPTH_TEST for 2D
// Initializes render texture for drawing
void BeginTextureMode(RenderTexture2D target)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
rlEnableRenderTexture(target.id); // Enable render target
rlClearScreenBuffers(); // Clear render texture buffers
// Set viewport to framebuffer size
rlViewport(0, 0, target.texture.width, target.texture.height);
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to PROJECTION matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
// Set orthographic projection to current framebuffer size
// NOTE: Configured top-left corner as (0, 0)
rlOrtho(0, target.texture.width, target.texture.height, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f);
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to MODELVIEW matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
//rlScalef(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Flip Y-drawing (?)
// Ends drawing to render texture
void EndTextureMode(void)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
rlDisableRenderTexture(); // Disable render target
// Set viewport to default framebuffer size (screen size)
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to PROJECTION matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
// Set orthographic projection to current framebuffer size
// NOTE: Configured top-left corner as (0, 0)
rlOrtho(0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), 0, 0.0f, 1.0f);
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to MODELVIEW matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
// Returns a ray trace from mouse position
Ray GetMouseRay(Vector2 mousePosition, Camera camera)
Ray ray;
// Calculate normalized device coordinates
// NOTE: y value is negative
float x = (2.0f*mousePosition.x)/(float)GetScreenWidth() - 1.0f;
float y = 1.0f - (2.0f*mousePosition.y)/(float)GetScreenHeight();
float z = 1.0f;
// Store values in a vector
Vector3 deviceCoords = { x, y, z };
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Device coordinates: (%f, %f, %f)", deviceCoords.x, deviceCoords.y, deviceCoords.z);
// Calculate projection matrix from perspective
Matrix matProj = MatrixPerspective(camera.fovy*DEG2RAD, ((double)GetScreenWidth()/(double)GetScreenHeight()), 0.01, 1000.0);
// Calculate view matrix from camera look at
Matrix matView = MatrixLookAt(camera.position, camera.target, camera.up);
// Unproject far/near points
Vector3 nearPoint = rlUnproject((Vector3){ deviceCoords.x, deviceCoords.y, 0.0f }, matProj, matView);
Vector3 farPoint = rlUnproject((Vector3){ deviceCoords.x, deviceCoords.y, 1.0f }, matProj, matView);
// Calculate normalized direction vector
Vector3 direction = Vector3Subtract(farPoint, nearPoint);
// Apply calculated vectors to ray
ray.position = camera.position;
ray.direction = direction;
return ray;
// Returns the screen space position from a 3d world space position
Vector2 GetWorldToScreen(Vector3 position, Camera camera)
// Calculate projection matrix (from perspective instead of frustum
Matrix matProj = MatrixPerspective(camera.fovy*DEG2RAD, (double)GetScreenWidth()/(double)GetScreenHeight(), 0.01, 1000.0);
// Calculate view matrix from camera look at (and transpose it)
Matrix matView = MatrixLookAt(camera.position, camera.target, camera.up);
// Convert world position vector to quaternion
Quaternion worldPos = { position.x, position.y, position.z, 1.0f };
// Transform world position to view
QuaternionTransform(&worldPos, matView);
// Transform result to projection (clip space position)
QuaternionTransform(&worldPos, matProj);
// Calculate normalized device coordinates (inverted y)
Vector3 ndcPos = { worldPos.x/worldPos.w, -worldPos.y/worldPos.w, worldPos.z/worldPos.w };
// Calculate 2d screen position vector
Vector2 screenPosition = { (ndcPos.x + 1.0f)/2.0f*(float)GetScreenWidth(), (ndcPos.y + 1.0f)/2.0f*(float)GetScreenHeight() };
return screenPosition;
// Get transform matrix for camera
Matrix GetCameraMatrix(Camera camera)
return MatrixLookAt(camera.position, camera.target, camera.up);
// Set target FPS (maximum)
void SetTargetFPS(int fps)
if (fps < 1) targetTime = 0.0;
else targetTime = 1.0/(double)fps;
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Target time per frame: %02.03f milliseconds", (float)targetTime*1000);
// Returns current FPS
int GetFPS(void)
return (int)(1.0f/GetFrameTime());
// Returns time in seconds for last frame drawn
float GetFrameTime(void)
// NOTE: We round value to milliseconds
return (float)frameTime;
// Get elapsed time measure in seconds since InitTimer()
// NOTE: On PLATFORM_DESKTOP InitTimer() is called on InitWindow()
// NOTE: On PLATFORM_DESKTOP, timer is initialized on glfwInit()
double GetTime(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return glfwGetTime(); // Elapsed time since glfwInit()
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
uint64_t time = (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec*1000000000LLU + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec;
return (double)(time - baseTime)*1e-9; // Elapsed time since InitTimer()
// Returns normalized float array for a Color
float *ColorToFloat(Color color)
static float buffer[4];
buffer[0] = (float)color.r/255;
buffer[1] = (float)color.g/255;
buffer[2] = (float)color.b/255;
buffer[3] = (float)color.a/255;
return buffer;
// Returns hexadecimal value for a Color
int ColorToInt(Color color)
return (((int)color.r << 24) | ((int)color.g << 16) | ((int)color.b << 8) | (int)color.a);
// Returns HSV values for a Color
// NOTE: Hue is returned as degrees [0..360]
Vector3 ColorToHSV(Color color)
Vector3 rgb = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f };
Vector3 hsv = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float min, max, delta;
min = rgb.x < rgb.y ? rgb.x : rgb.y;
min = min < rgb.z ? min : rgb.z;
max = rgb.x > rgb.y ? rgb.x : rgb.y;
max = max > rgb.z ? max : rgb.z;
hsv.z = max; // Value
delta = max - min;
if (delta < 0.00001f)
hsv.y = 0.0f;
hsv.x = 0.0f; // Undefined, maybe NAN?
return hsv;
if (max > 0.0f)
// NOTE: If max is 0, this divide would cause a crash
hsv.y = (delta/max); // Saturation
// NOTE: If max is 0, then r = g = b = 0, s = 0, h is undefined
hsv.y = 0.0f;
hsv.x = NAN; // Undefined
return hsv;
// NOTE: Comparing float values could not work properly
if (rgb.x >= max) hsv.x = (rgb.y - rgb.z)/delta; // Between yellow & magenta
if (rgb.y >= max) hsv.x = 2.0f + (rgb.z - rgb.x)/delta; // Between cyan & yellow
else hsv.x = 4.0f + (rgb.x - rgb.y)/delta; // Between magenta & cyan
hsv.x *= 60.0f; // Convert to degrees
if (hsv.x < 0.0f) hsv.x += 360.0f;
return hsv;
// Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value
Color GetColor(int hexValue)
Color color;
color.r = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 24) & 0xFF;
color.g = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 16) & 0xFF;
color.b = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
color.a = (unsigned char)hexValue & 0xFF;
return color;
// Returns a random value between min and max (both included)
int GetRandomValue(int min, int max)
if (min > max)
int tmp = max;
max = min;
min = tmp;
return (rand()%(abs(max-min)+1) + min);
// Color fade-in or fade-out, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
Color Fade(Color color, float alpha)
if (alpha < 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f;
else if (alpha > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f;
return (Color){color.r, color.g, color.b, (unsigned char)(255.0f*alpha)};
// Activate raylib logo at startup (can be done with flags)
void ShowLogo(void)
showLogo = true;
// Setup window configuration flags (view FLAGS)
void SetConfigFlags(unsigned char flags)
configFlags = flags;
if (configFlags & FLAG_SHOW_LOGO) showLogo = true;
if (configFlags & FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE) fullscreen = true;
// NOTE TraceLog() function is located in [utils.h]
// Takes a screenshot of current screen (saved a .png)
void TakeScreenshot(const char *fileName)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
unsigned char *imgData = rlReadScreenPixels(renderWidth, renderHeight);
SavePNG(fileName, imgData, renderWidth, renderHeight, 4); // Save image as PNG
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Screenshot taken: %s", fileName);
// Check file extension
bool IsFileExtension(const char *fileName, const char *ext)
bool result = false;
const char *fileExt;
if ((fileExt = strrchr(fileName, '.')) != NULL)
if (strcmp(fileExt, ext) == 0) result = true;
return result;
// Get pointer to extension for a filename string
const char *GetExtension(const char *fileName)
const char *dot = strrchr(fileName, '.');
if (!dot || dot == fileName) return "";
return (dot + 1);
// Get pointer to filename for a path string
const char *GetFileName(const char *filePath)
const char *fileName = strrchr(filePath, '\\');
if (!fileName || fileName == filePath) return filePath;
return fileName + 1;
// Get directory for a given fileName (with path)
const char *GetDirectoryPath(const char *fileName)
char *lastSlash = NULL;
static char filePath[256]; // MAX_DIRECTORY_PATH_SIZE = 256
memset(filePath, 0, 256);
lastSlash = strrchr(fileName, '\\');
strncpy(filePath, fileName, strlen(fileName) - (strlen(lastSlash) - 1));
filePath[strlen(fileName) - strlen(lastSlash)] = '\0';
return filePath;
// Get current working directory
const char *GetWorkingDirectory(void)
static char currentDir[256]; // MAX_DIRECTORY_PATH_SIZE = 256
memset(currentDir, 0, 256);
GETCWD(currentDir, 256 - 1);
return currentDir;
// Change working directory, returns true if success
bool ChangeDirectory(const char *dir)
return (CHDIR(dir) == 0);
// Check if a file has been dropped into window
bool IsFileDropped(void)
if (dropFilesCount > 0) return true;
else return false;
// Get dropped files names
char **GetDroppedFiles(int *count)
*count = dropFilesCount;
return dropFilesPath;
// Clear dropped files paths buffer
void ClearDroppedFiles(void)
if (dropFilesCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dropFilesCount; i++) free(dropFilesPath[i]);
dropFilesCount = 0;
// Save integer value to storage file (to defined position)
// NOTE: Storage positions is directly related to file memory layout (4 bytes each integer)
void StorageSaveValue(int position, int value)
FILE *storageFile = NULL;
char path[128];
strcpy(path, internalDataPath);
strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, STORAGE_FILENAME);
strcpy(path, STORAGE_FILENAME);
// Try open existing file to append data
storageFile = fopen(path, "rb+");
// If file doesn't exist, create a new storage data file
if (!storageFile) storageFile = fopen(path, "wb");
if (!storageFile) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Storage data file could not be created");
// Get file size
fseek(storageFile, 0, SEEK_END);
int fileSize = ftell(storageFile); // Size in bytes
fseek(storageFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (fileSize < (position*4)) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Storage position could not be found");
fseek(storageFile, (position*4), SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&value, 1, 4, storageFile);
// Load integer value from storage file (from defined position)
// NOTE: If requested position could not be found, value 0 is returned
int StorageLoadValue(int position)
int value = 0;
char path[128];
strcpy(path, internalDataPath);
strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, STORAGE_FILENAME);
strcpy(path, STORAGE_FILENAME);
// Try open existing file to append data
FILE *storageFile = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!storageFile) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Storage data file could not be found");
// Get file size
fseek(storageFile, 0, SEEK_END);
int fileSize = ftell(storageFile); // Size in bytes
if (fileSize < (position*4)) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Storage position could not be found");
fseek(storageFile, (position*4), SEEK_SET);
fread(&value, 4, 1, storageFile); // Read 1 element of 4 bytes size
return value;
// Module Functions Definition - Input (Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad) Functions
// Detect if a key has been pressed once
bool IsKeyPressed(int key)
bool pressed = false;
if ((currentKeyState[key] != previousKeyState[key]) && (currentKeyState[key] == 1)) pressed = true;
else pressed = false;
return pressed;
// Detect if a key is being pressed (key held down)
bool IsKeyDown(int key)
if (GetKeyStatus(key) == 1) return true;
else return false;
// Detect if a key has been released once
bool IsKeyReleased(int key)
bool released = false;
if ((currentKeyState[key] != previousKeyState[key]) && (currentKeyState[key] == 0)) released = true;
else released = false;
return released;
// Detect if a key is NOT being pressed (key not held down)
bool IsKeyUp(int key)
if (GetKeyStatus(key) == 0) return true;
else return false;
// Get the last key pressed
int GetKeyPressed(void)
return lastKeyPressed;
// Set a custom key to exit program
// NOTE: default exitKey is ESCAPE
void SetExitKey(int key)
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
exitKey = key;
// NOTE: Gamepad support not implemented in emscripten GLFW3 (PLATFORM_WEB)
// Detect if a gamepad is available
bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad)
bool result = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((gamepad < MAX_GAMEPADS) && gamepadReady[gamepad]) result = true;
return result;
// Check gamepad name (if available)
bool IsGamepadName(int gamepad, const char *name)
bool result = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
const char *gamepadName = NULL;
if (gamepadReady[gamepad]) gamepadName = GetGamepadName(gamepad);
if ((name != NULL) && (gamepadName != NULL)) result = (strcmp(name, gamepadName) == 0);
return result;
// Return gamepad internal name id
const char *GetGamepadName(int gamepad)
if (gamepadReady[gamepad]) return glfwGetJoystickName(gamepad);
else return NULL;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
if (gamepadReady[gamepad]) ioctl(gamepadStream[gamepad], JSIOCGNAME(64), &gamepadName);
return gamepadName;
return NULL;
// Return gamepad axis count
int GetGamepadAxisCount(int gamepad)
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
int axisCount = 0;
if (gamepadReady[gamepad]) ioctl(gamepadStream[gamepad], JSIOCGAXES, &axisCount);
gamepadAxisCount = axisCount;
return gamepadAxisCount;
// Return axis movement vector for a gamepad
float GetGamepadAxisMovement(int gamepad, int axis)
float value = 0;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((gamepad < MAX_GAMEPADS) && gamepadReady[gamepad] && (axis < MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS)) value = gamepadAxisState[gamepad][axis];
return value;
// Detect if a gamepad button has been pressed once
bool IsGamepadButtonPressed(int gamepad, int button)
bool pressed = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((gamepad < MAX_GAMEPADS) && gamepadReady[gamepad] && (button < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS) &&
(currentGamepadState[gamepad][button] != previousGamepadState[gamepad][button]) &&
(currentGamepadState[gamepad][button] == 1)) pressed = true;
return pressed;
// Detect if a gamepad button is being pressed
bool IsGamepadButtonDown(int gamepad, int button)
bool result = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((gamepad < MAX_GAMEPADS) && gamepadReady[gamepad] && (button < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS) &&
(currentGamepadState[gamepad][button] == 1)) result = true;
return result;
// Detect if a gamepad button has NOT been pressed once
bool IsGamepadButtonReleased(int gamepad, int button)
bool released = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((gamepad < MAX_GAMEPADS) && gamepadReady[gamepad] && (button < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS) &&
(currentGamepadState[gamepad][button] != previousGamepadState[gamepad][button]) &&
(currentGamepadState[gamepad][button] == 0)) released = true;
return released;
// Detect if a mouse button is NOT being pressed
bool IsGamepadButtonUp(int gamepad, int button)
bool result = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((gamepad < MAX_GAMEPADS) && gamepadReady[gamepad] && (button < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS) &&
(currentGamepadState[gamepad][button] == 0)) result = true;
return result;
// Get the last gamepad button pressed
int GetGamepadButtonPressed(void)
return lastGamepadButtonPressed;
// Detect if a mouse button has been pressed once
bool IsMouseButtonPressed(int button)
bool pressed = false;
// TODO: Review, gestures could be not supported despite being on Android platform!
if (IsGestureDetected(GESTURE_TAP)) pressed = true;
if ((currentMouseState[button] != previousMouseState[button]) && (currentMouseState[button] == 1)) pressed = true;
return pressed;
// Detect if a mouse button is being pressed
bool IsMouseButtonDown(int button)
bool down = false;
if (IsGestureDetected(GESTURE_HOLD)) down = true;
if (GetMouseButtonStatus(button) == 1) down = true;
return down;
// Detect if a mouse button has been released once
bool IsMouseButtonReleased(int button)
bool released = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if ((currentMouseState[button] != previousMouseState[button]) && (currentMouseState[button] == 0)) released = true;
return released;
// Detect if a mouse button is NOT being pressed
bool IsMouseButtonUp(int button)
bool up = false;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
if (GetMouseButtonStatus(button) == 0) up = true;
return up;
// Returns mouse position X
int GetMouseX(void)
return (int)touchPosition[0].x;
return (int)mousePosition.x;
// Returns mouse position Y
int GetMouseY(void)
return (int)touchPosition[0].x;
return (int)mousePosition.y;
// Returns mouse position XY
Vector2 GetMousePosition(void)
return GetTouchPosition(0);
return mousePosition;
// Set mouse position XY
void SetMousePosition(Vector2 position)
mousePosition = position;
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// NOTE: emscripten not implemented
glfwSetCursorPos(window, position.x, position.y);
// Returns mouse wheel movement Y
int GetMouseWheelMove(void)
return 0;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return previousMouseWheelY/100;
return previousMouseWheelY;
// Returns touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
int GetTouchX(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return (int)touchPosition[0].x;
return GetMouseX();
// Returns touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
int GetTouchY(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return (int)touchPosition[0].y;
return GetMouseY();
// Returns touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size)
// TODO: Touch position should be scaled depending on display size and render size
Vector2 GetTouchPosition(int index)
Vector2 position = { -1.0f, -1.0f };
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
if (index < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS) position = touchPosition[index];
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Required touch point out of range (Max touch points: %i)", MAX_TOUCH_POINTS);
if ((screenWidth > displayWidth) || (screenHeight > displayHeight))
// TODO: Review touch position scaling for screenSize vs displaySize
position.x = position.x*((float)screenWidth/(float)(displayWidth - renderOffsetX)) - renderOffsetX/2;
position.y = position.y*((float)screenHeight/(float)(displayHeight - renderOffsetY)) - renderOffsetY/2;
position.x = position.x*((float)renderWidth/(float)displayWidth) - renderOffsetX/2;
position.y = position.y*((float)renderHeight/(float)displayHeight) - renderOffsetY/2;
if (index == 0) position = GetMousePosition();
return position;
// Module specific Functions Definition
// Initialize display device and framebuffer
// NOTE: width and height represent the screen (framebuffer) desired size, not actual display size
// If width or height are 0, default display size will be used for framebuffer size
// NOTE: returns false in case graphic device could not be created
static bool InitGraphicsDevice(int width, int height)
screenWidth = width; // User desired width
screenHeight = height; // User desired height
// NOTE: Framebuffer (render area - renderWidth, renderHeight) could include black bars...
// ...in top-down or left-right to match display aspect ratio (no weird scalings)
// Downscale matrix is required in case desired screen area is bigger than display area
downscaleView = MatrixIdentity();
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
if (!glfwInit())
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize GLFW");
return false;
// NOTE: Getting video modes is not implemented in emscripten GLFW3 version
// Find monitor resolution
GLFWmonitor *monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();
if (!monitor)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get monitor");
return false;
const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
displayWidth = mode->width;
displayHeight = mode->height;
// Screen size security check
if (screenWidth <= 0) screenWidth = displayWidth;
if (screenHeight <= 0) screenHeight = displayHeight;
#endif // defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
displayWidth = screenWidth;
displayHeight = screenHeight;
#endif // defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
glfwDefaultWindowHints(); // Set default windows hints
// Check some Window creation flags
if (configFlags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GL_TRUE); // Resizable window
else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE); // Avoid window being resizable
if (configFlags & FLAG_WINDOW_DECORATED) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DECORATED, GL_TRUE); // Border and buttons on Window
// TODO: Enable transparent window (not ready yet on GLFW 3.2)
if (configFlags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4); // Enables multisampling x4 (MSAA), default is 0
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Trying to enable MSAA x4");
//glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RED_BITS, 8); // Framebuffer red color component bits
//glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DEPTH_BITS, 16); // Depthbuffer bits (24 by default)
//glfwWindowHint(GLFW_REFRESH_RATE, 0); // Refresh rate for fullscreen window
//glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_OPENGL_API); // Default OpenGL API to use. Alternative: GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API
//glfwWindowHint(GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS, 0); // Number of auxiliar buffers
// NOTE: When asking for an OpenGL context version, most drivers provide highest supported version
// with forward compatibility to older OpenGL versions.
// For example, if using OpenGL 1.1, driver can provide a 4.3 context forward compatible.
// Check selection OpenGL version
if (rlGetVersion() == OPENGL_21)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2); // Choose OpenGL major version (just hint)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 1); // Choose OpenGL minor version (just hint)
else if (rlGetVersion() == OPENGL_33)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); // Choose OpenGL major version (just hint)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3); // Choose OpenGL minor version (just hint)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); // Profiles Hint: Only 3.3 and above!
#if defined(__APPLE__)
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_FALSE); // Fordward Compatibility Hint: Only 3.3 and above!
if (fullscreen)
// Obtain recommended displayWidth/displayHeight from a valid videomode for the monitor
int count;
const GLFWvidmode *modes = glfwGetVideoModes(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), &count);
// Get closest videomode to desired screenWidth/screenHeight
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (modes[i].width >= screenWidth)
if (modes[i].height >= screenHeight)
displayWidth = modes[i].width;
displayHeight = modes[i].height;
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Closest fullscreen videomode: %i x %i", displayWidth, displayHeight);
// NOTE: ISSUE: Closest videomode could not match monitor aspect-ratio, for example,
// for a desired screen size of 800x450 (16:9), closest supported videomode is 800x600 (4:3),
// framebuffer is rendered correctly but once displayed on a 16:9 monitor, it gets stretched
// by the sides to fit all monitor space...
// At this point we need to manage render size vs screen size
// NOTE: This function uses and modifies global module variables:
// screenWidth/screenHeight - renderWidth/renderHeight - downscaleView
SetupFramebufferSize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
window = glfwCreateWindow(displayWidth, displayHeight, windowTitle, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL);
// NOTE: Full-screen change, not working properly...
//glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
// No-fullscreen window creation
window = glfwCreateWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, windowTitle, NULL, NULL);
if (window)
// Center window on screen
int windowPosX = displayWidth/2 - screenWidth/2;
int windowPosY = displayHeight/2 - screenHeight/2;
if (windowPosX < 0) windowPosX = 0;
if (windowPosY < 0) windowPosY = 0;
glfwSetWindowPos(window, windowPosX, windowPosY);
renderWidth = screenWidth;
renderHeight = screenHeight;
if (!window)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW Failed to initialize Window");
return false;
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Display device initialized successfully");
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Display size: %i x %i", displayWidth, displayHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Render size: %i x %i", renderWidth, renderHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Screen size: %i x %i", screenWidth, screenHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Viewport offsets: %i, %i", renderOffsetX, renderOffsetY);
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(window, WindowSizeCallback); // NOTE: Resizing not allowed by default!
glfwSetCursorEnterCallback(window, CursorEnterCallback);
glfwSetKeyCallback(window, KeyCallback);
glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, MouseButtonCallback);
glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, MouseCursorPosCallback); // Track mouse position changes
glfwSetCharCallback(window, CharCallback);
glfwSetScrollCallback(window, ScrollCallback);
glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(window, WindowIconifyCallback);
glfwSetDropCallback(window, WindowDropCallback);
// Try to disable GPU V-Sync by default, set framerate using SetTargetFPS()
// NOTE: V-Sync can be enabled by graphic driver configuration
// Load OpenGL 3.3 extensions
// NOTE: GLFW loader function is passed as parameter
// Try to enable GPU V-Sync, so frames are limited to screen refresh rate (60Hz -> 60 FPS)
// NOTE: V-Sync can be enabled by graphic driver configuration
if (configFlags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT)
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Trying to enable VSYNC");
#endif // defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
fullscreen = true;
// Screen size security check
if (screenWidth <= 0) screenWidth = displayWidth;
if (screenHeight <= 0) screenHeight = displayHeight;
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
VC_RECT_T dstRect;
VC_RECT_T srcRect;
EGLint samples = 0;
EGLint sampleBuffer = 0;
if (configFlags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT)
samples = 4;
sampleBuffer = 1;
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Trying to enable MSAA x4");
const EGLint framebufferAttribs[] =
EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, // Type of context support -> Required on RPI?
//EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT, // Don't use it on Android!
EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, // RED color bit depth (alternative: 5)
EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, // GREEN color bit depth (alternative: 6)
EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, // BLUE color bit depth (alternative: 5)
//EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, // ALPHA bit depth (required for transparent framebuffer)
//EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE, EGL_NONE, // Request transparent framebuffer (EGL_TRANSPARENT_RGB does not work on RPI)
EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16, // Depth buffer size (Required to use Depth testing!)
//EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, // Stencil buffer size
EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, sampleBuffer, // Activate MSAA
EGL_SAMPLES, samples, // 4x Antialiasing if activated (Free on MALI GPUs)
const EGLint contextAttribs[] =
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
const EGLint surfaceAttributes[] =
// If you have compilation issues with it then please update your Visual Studio templates.
const EGLint defaultDisplayAttributes[] =
// These are the default display attributes, used to request ANGLE's D3D11 renderer.
// eglInitialize will only succeed with these attributes if the hardware supports D3D11 Feature Level 10_0+.
// EGL_ANGLE_DISPLAY_ALLOW_RENDER_TO_BACK_BUFFER is an optimization that can have large performance benefits on mobile devices.
// Its syntax is subject to change, though. Please update your Visual Studio templates if you experience compilation issues with it.
// EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_TRIM_ANGLE is an option that enables ANGLE to automatically call
// the IDXGIDevice3::Trim method on behalf of the application when it gets suspended.
// Calling IDXGIDevice3::Trim when an application is suspended is a Windows Store application certification requirement.
const EGLint fl9_3DisplayAttributes[] =
// These can be used to request ANGLE's D3D11 renderer, with D3D11 Feature Level 9_3.
// These attributes are used if the call to eglInitialize fails with the default display attributes.
const EGLint warpDisplayAttributes[] =
// These attributes can be used to request D3D11 WARP.
// They are used if eglInitialize fails with both the default display attributes and the 9_3 display attributes.
EGLConfig config = NULL;
// eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT is an alternative to eglGetDisplay. It allows us to pass in display attributes, used to configure D3D11.
if (!eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get function eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT");
return false;
// To initialize the display, we make three sets of calls to eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT and eglInitialize, with varying
// parameters passed to eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT:
// 1) The first calls uses "defaultDisplayAttributes" as a parameter. This corresponds to D3D11 Feature Level 10_0+.
// 2) If eglInitialize fails for step 1 (e.g. because 10_0+ isn't supported by the default GPU), then we try again
// using "fl9_3DisplayAttributes". This corresponds to D3D11 Feature Level 9_3.
// 3) If eglInitialize fails for step 2 (e.g. because 9_3+ isn't supported by the default GPU), then we try again
// using "warpDisplayAttributes". This corresponds to D3D11 Feature Level 11_0 on WARP, a D3D11 software rasterizer.
// This tries to initialize EGL to D3D11 Feature Level 10_0+. See above comment for details.
display = eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE, EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, defaultDisplayAttributes);
if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize EGL display");
return false;
if (eglInitialize(display, NULL, NULL) == EGL_FALSE)
// This tries to initialize EGL to D3D11 Feature Level 9_3, if 10_0+ is unavailable (e.g. on some mobile devices).
display = eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE, EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, fl9_3DisplayAttributes);
if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize EGL display");
return false;
if (eglInitialize(display, NULL, NULL) == EGL_FALSE)
// This initializes EGL to D3D11 Feature Level 11_0 on WARP, if 9_3+ is unavailable on the default GPU.
display = eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE, EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, warpDisplayAttributes);
if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize EGL display");
return false;
if (eglInitialize(display, NULL, NULL) == EGL_FALSE)
// If all of the calls to eglInitialize returned EGL_FALSE then an error has occurred.
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize EGL");
return false;
//SetupFramebufferSize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
EGLint numConfigs = 0;
if ((eglChooseConfig(display, framebufferAttribs, &config, 1, &numConfigs) == EGL_FALSE) || (numConfigs == 0))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to choose first EGLConfig");
return false;
// Create a PropertySet and initialize with the EGLNativeWindowType.
//PropertySet^ surfaceCreationProperties = ref new PropertySet();
//surfaceCreationProperties->Insert(ref new String(EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty), window); // CoreWindow^ window
// You can configure the surface to render at a lower resolution and be scaled up to
// the full window size. The scaling is often free on mobile hardware.
// One way to configure the SwapChainPanel is to specify precisely which resolution it should render at.
// Size customRenderSurfaceSize = Size(800, 600);
// surfaceCreationProperties->Insert(ref new String(EGLRenderSurfaceSizeProperty), PropertyValue::CreateSize(customRenderSurfaceSize));
// Another way is to tell the SwapChainPanel to render at a certain scale factor compared to its size.
// e.g. if the SwapChainPanel is 1920x1280 then setting a factor of 0.5f will make the app render at 960x640
// float customResolutionScale = 0.5f;
// surfaceCreationProperties->Insert(ref new String(EGLRenderResolutionScaleProperty), PropertyValue::CreateSingle(customResolutionScale));
// eglCreateWindowSurface() requires a EGLNativeWindowType parameter,
// In Windows platform: typedef HWND EGLNativeWindowType;
// Property: EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty
// Type: IInspectable
// Description: Set this property to specify the window type to use for creating a surface.
// If this property is missing, surface creation will fail.
//const wchar_t EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty[] = L"EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty";
//surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, reinterpret_cast<IInspectable*>(surfaceCreationProperties), surfaceAttributes);
surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, uwpWindow, surfaceAttributes);
if (surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to create EGL fullscreen surface");
return false;
context = eglCreateContext(display, config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribs);
if (context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to create EGL context");
return false;
// Get EGL display window size
eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &screenWidth);
eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &screenHeight);
EGLint numConfigs;
// Get an EGL display connection
display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize EGL display");
return false;
// Initialize the EGL display connection
if (eglInitialize(display, NULL, NULL) == EGL_FALSE)
// If all of the calls to eglInitialize returned EGL_FALSE then an error has occurred.
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to initialize EGL");
return false;
// Get an appropriate EGL framebuffer configuration
eglChooseConfig(display, framebufferAttribs, &config, 1, &numConfigs);
// Set rendering API
// Create an EGL rendering context
context = eglCreateContext(display, config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribs);
if (context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to create EGL context");
return false;
// Create an EGL window surface
EGLint displayFormat;
displayWidth = ANativeWindow_getWidth(app->window);
displayHeight = ANativeWindow_getHeight(app->window);
// EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID is an attribute of the EGLConfig that is guaranteed to be accepted by ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry()
// As soon as we picked a EGLConfig, we can safely reconfigure the ANativeWindow buffers to match, using EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID
eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID, &displayFormat);
// At this point we need to manage render size vs screen size
// NOTE: This function use and modify global module variables: screenWidth/screenHeight and renderWidth/renderHeight and downscaleView
SetupFramebufferSize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(app->window, renderWidth, renderHeight, displayFormat);
//ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(app->window, 0, 0, displayFormat); // Force use of native display size
surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, app->window, NULL);
#endif // defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
graphics_get_display_size(0, &displayWidth, &displayHeight);
// At this point we need to manage render size vs screen size
// NOTE: This function use and modify global module variables: screenWidth/screenHeight and renderWidth/renderHeight and downscaleView
SetupFramebufferSize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
dstRect.x = 0;
dstRect.y = 0;
dstRect.width = displayWidth;
dstRect.height = displayHeight;
srcRect.x = 0;
srcRect.y = 0;
srcRect.width = renderWidth << 16;
srcRect.height = renderHeight << 16;
// NOTE: RPI dispmanx windowing system takes care of srcRec scaling to dstRec by hardware (no cost)
// Take care that renderWidth/renderHeight fit on displayWidth/displayHeight aspect ratio
alpha.opacity = 255; // Set transparency level for framebuffer, requires EGLAttrib: EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE
alpha.mask = 0;
dispmanDisplay = vc_dispmanx_display_open(0); // LCD
dispmanUpdate = vc_dispmanx_update_start(0);
dispmanElement = vc_dispmanx_element_add(dispmanUpdate, dispmanDisplay, 0/*layer*/, &dstRect, 0/*src*/,
nativeWindow.element = dispmanElement;
nativeWindow.width = renderWidth;
nativeWindow.height = renderHeight;
surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, &nativeWindow, NULL);
#endif // defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// There must be at least one frame displayed before the buffers are swapped
//eglSwapInterval(display, 1);
if (eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context) == EGL_FALSE)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to attach EGL rendering context to EGL surface");
return false;
// Grab the width and height of the surface
//eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &renderWidth);
//eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &renderHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Display device initialized successfully");
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Display size: %i x %i", displayWidth, displayHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Render size: %i x %i", renderWidth, renderHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Screen size: %i x %i", screenWidth, screenHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Viewport offsets: %i, %i", renderOffsetX, renderOffsetY);
#endif // defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
renderWidth = screenWidth;
renderHeight = screenHeight;
// Initialize OpenGL context (states and resources)
// NOTE: screenWidth and screenHeight not used, just stored as globals
rlglInit(screenWidth, screenHeight);
// Setup default viewport
// Initialize internal projection and modelview matrices
// NOTE: Default to orthographic projection mode with top-left corner at (0,0)
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to PROJECTION matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
rlOrtho(0, renderWidth - renderOffsetX, renderHeight - renderOffsetY, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f);
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to MODELVIEW matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); // Default background color for raylib games :P
windowReady = true; // IMPORTANT!
return true;
// Set viewport parameters
static void SetupViewport(void)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// Get framebuffer size of current window
// NOTE: Required to handle HighDPI display correctly on OSX because framebuffer
// is automatically reasized to adapt to new DPI.
// When OS does that, it can be detected using GLFW3 callback: glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback()
int fbWidth, fbHeight;
glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &fbWidth, &fbHeight);
rlViewport(renderOffsetX/2, renderOffsetY/2, fbWidth - renderOffsetX, fbHeight - renderOffsetY);
// Initialize screen viewport (area of the screen that you will actually draw to)
// NOTE: Viewport must be recalculated if screen is resized
rlViewport(renderOffsetX/2, renderOffsetY/2, renderWidth - renderOffsetX, renderHeight - renderOffsetY);
// Compute framebuffer size relative to screen size and display size
// NOTE: Global variables renderWidth/renderHeight and renderOffsetX/renderOffsetY can be modified
static void SetupFramebufferSize(int displayWidth, int displayHeight)
// Calculate renderWidth and renderHeight, we have the display size (input params) and the desired screen size (global var)
if ((screenWidth > displayWidth) || (screenHeight > displayHeight))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "DOWNSCALING: Required screen size (%ix%i) is bigger than display size (%ix%i)", screenWidth, screenHeight, displayWidth, displayHeight);
// Downscaling to fit display with border-bars
float widthRatio = (float)displayWidth/(float)screenWidth;
float heightRatio = (float)displayHeight/(float)screenHeight;
if (widthRatio <= heightRatio)
renderWidth = displayWidth;
renderHeight = (int)round((float)screenHeight*widthRatio);
renderOffsetX = 0;
renderOffsetY = (displayHeight - renderHeight);
renderWidth = (int)round((float)screenWidth*heightRatio);
renderHeight = displayHeight;
renderOffsetX = (displayWidth - renderWidth);
renderOffsetY = 0;
// NOTE: downscale matrix required!
float scaleRatio = (float)renderWidth/(float)screenWidth;
downscaleView = MatrixScale(scaleRatio, scaleRatio, scaleRatio);
// NOTE: We render to full display resolution!
// We just need to calculate above parameters for downscale matrix and offsets
renderWidth = displayWidth;
renderHeight = displayHeight;
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Downscale matrix generated, content will be rendered at: %i x %i", renderWidth, renderHeight);
else if ((screenWidth < displayWidth) || (screenHeight < displayHeight))
// Required screen size is smaller than display size
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "UPSCALING: Required screen size: %i x %i -> Display size: %i x %i", screenWidth, screenHeight, displayWidth, displayHeight);
// Upscaling to fit display with border-bars
float displayRatio = (float)displayWidth/(float)displayHeight;
float screenRatio = (float)screenWidth/(float)screenHeight;
if (displayRatio <= screenRatio)
renderWidth = screenWidth;
renderHeight = (int)round((float)screenWidth/displayRatio);
renderOffsetX = 0;
renderOffsetY = (renderHeight - screenHeight);
renderWidth = (int)round((float)screenHeight*displayRatio);
renderHeight = screenHeight;
renderOffsetX = (renderWidth - screenWidth);
renderOffsetY = 0;
else // screen == display
renderWidth = screenWidth;
renderHeight = screenHeight;
renderOffsetX = 0;
renderOffsetY = 0;
// Initialize hi-resolution timer
static void InitTimer(void)
srand(time(NULL)); // Initialize random seed
#if !defined(SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP) && defined(_WIN32)
timeBeginPeriod(1); // Setup high-resolution timer to 1ms (granularity of 1-2 ms)
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
struct timespec now;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) == 0) // Success
baseTime = (uint64_t)now.tv_sec*1000000000LLU + (uint64_t)now.tv_nsec;
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "No hi-resolution timer available");
previousTime = GetTime(); // Get time as double
// Wait for some milliseconds (stop program execution)
// NOTE: Sleep() granularity could be around 10 ms, it means, Sleep() could
// take longer than expected... for that reason we use the busy wait loop
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43057578/c-programming-win32-games-sleep-taking-longer-than-expected
static void Wait(float ms)
double prevTime = GetTime();
double nextTime = 0.0;
// Busy wait loop
while ((nextTime - prevTime) < ms/1000.0f) nextTime = GetTime();
#if defined(_WIN32)
Sleep((unsigned int)ms);
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
struct timespec req = { 0 };
time_t sec = (int)(ms/1000.0f);
ms -= (sec*1000);
req.tv_sec = sec;
req.tv_nsec = ms*1000000L;
// NOTE: Use nanosleep() on Unix platforms... usleep() it's deprecated.
while (nanosleep(&req, &req) == -1) continue;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
// Get one key state
static bool GetKeyStatus(int key)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return glfwGetKey(window, key);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
// NOTE: Android supports up to 260 keys
if (key < 0 || key > 260) return false;
else return currentKeyState[key];
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// NOTE: Keys states are filled in PollInputEvents()
if (key < 0 || key > 511) return false;
else return currentKeyState[key];
// Get one mouse button state
static bool GetMouseButtonStatus(int button)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return glfwGetMouseButton(window, button);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
// TODO: Check for virtual mouse?
return false;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// NOTE: Mouse buttons states are filled in PollInputEvents()
return currentMouseState[button];
// Poll (store) all input events
static void PollInputEvents(void)
// NOTE: Gestures update must be called every frame to reset gestures correctly
// because ProcessGestureEvent() is just called on an event, not every frame
// Reset last key pressed registered
lastKeyPressed = -1;
#if !defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// Reset last gamepad button/axis registered state
lastGamepadButtonPressed = -1;
gamepadAxisCount = 0;
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Mouse input polling
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouseX, &mouseY);
mousePosition.x = (float)mouseX;
mousePosition.y = (float)mouseY;
// Keyboard input polling (automatically managed by GLFW3 through callback)
// Register previous keys states
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) previousKeyState[i] = currentKeyState[i];
// Register previous mouse states
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) previousMouseState[i] = currentMouseState[i];
previousMouseWheelY = currentMouseWheelY;
currentMouseWheelY = 0;
// Check if gamepads are ready
// NOTE: We do it here in case of disconection
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
if (glfwJoystickPresent(i)) gamepadReady[i] = true;
else gamepadReady[i] = false;
// Register gamepads buttons events
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
if (gamepadReady[i]) // Check if gamepad is available
// Register previous gamepad states
for (int k = 0; k < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS; k++) previousGamepadState[i][k] = currentGamepadState[i][k];
// Get current gamepad state
// NOTE: There is no callback available, so we get it manually
const unsigned char *buttons;
int buttonsCount;
buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons(i, &buttonsCount);
for (int k = 0; (buttons != NULL) && (k < buttonsCount) && (buttonsCount < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS); k++)
if (buttons[k] == GLFW_PRESS)
currentGamepadState[i][k] = 1;
lastGamepadButtonPressed = k;
else currentGamepadState[i][k] = 0;
// Get current axis state
const float *axes;
int axisCount = 0;
axes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(i, &axisCount);
for (int k = 0; (axes != NULL) && (k < axisCount) && (k < MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS); k++)
gamepadAxisState[i][k] = axes[k];
gamepadAxisCount = axisCount;
glfwPollEvents(); // Register keyboard/mouse events (callbacks)... and window events!
// Gamepad support using emscripten API
// NOTE: GLFW3 joystick functionality not available in web
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Get number of gamepads connected
int numGamepads = emscripten_get_num_gamepads();
for (int i = 0; (i < numGamepads) && (i < MAX_GAMEPADS); i++)
// Register previous gamepad button states
for (int k = 0; k < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS; k++) previousGamepadState[i][k] = currentGamepadState[i][k];
EmscriptenGamepadEvent gamepadState;
int result = emscripten_get_gamepad_status(i, &gamepadState);
// Register buttons data for every connected gamepad
for (int j = 0; (j < gamepadState.numButtons) && (j < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS); j++)
if (gamepadState.digitalButton[j] == 1)
currentGamepadState[i][j] = 1;
lastGamepadButtonPressed = j;
else currentGamepadState[i][j] = 0;
//printf("Gamepad %d, button %d: Digital: %d, Analog: %g\n", gamepadState.index, j, gamepadState.digitalButton[j], gamepadState.analogButton[j]);
// Register axis data for every connected gamepad
for (int j = 0; (j < gamepadState.numAxes) && (j < MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS); j++)
gamepadAxisState[i][j] = gamepadState.axis[j];
gamepadAxisCount = gamepadState.numAxes;
// Register previous keys states
// NOTE: Android supports up to 260 keys
for (int i = 0; i < 260; i++) previousKeyState[i] = currentKeyState[i];
// Poll Events (registered events)
// NOTE: Activity is paused if not enabled (appEnabled)
while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(appEnabled ? 0 : -1, NULL, &events,(void**)&source)) >= 0)
// Process this event
if (source != NULL) source->process(app, source);
// NOTE: Never close window, native activity is controlled by the system!
if (app->destroyRequested != 0)
//TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Closing Window...");
//windowShouldClose = true;
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// NOTE: Mouse input events polling is done asynchonously in another pthread - MouseThread()
// NOTE: Keyboard reading could be done using input_event(s) reading or just read from stdin,
// we use method 2 (stdin) but maybe in a future we should change to method 1...
// NOTE: Gamepad (Joystick) input events polling is done asynchonously in another pthread - GamepadThread()
// Copy back buffer to front buffers
static void SwapBuffers(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
eglSwapBuffers(display, surface);
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// GLFW3 Error Callback, runs on GLFW3 error
static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[GLFW3 Error] Code: %i Decription: %s", error, description);
// GLFW3 Srolling Callback, runs on mouse wheel
static void ScrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
currentMouseWheelY = (int)yoffset;
// GLFW3 Keyboard Callback, runs on key pressed
static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
if (key == exitKey && action == GLFW_PRESS)
glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GL_TRUE);
// NOTE: Before closing window, while loop must be left!
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_F12 && action == GLFW_PRESS)
if (mods == GLFW_MOD_CONTROL)
if (gifRecording)
gifRecording = false;
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "End animated GIF recording");
gifRecording = true;
gifFramesCounter = 0;
// NOTE: delay represents the time between frames in the gif, if we capture a gif frame every
// 10 game frames and each frame trakes 16.6ms (60fps), delay between gif frames should be ~16.6*10.
GifBegin(FormatText("screenrec%03i.gif", screenshotCounter), screenWidth, screenHeight, (int)(GetFrameTime()*10.0f), 8, false);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Begin animated GIF recording: %s", FormatText("screenrec%03i.gif", screenshotCounter));
TakeScreenshot(FormatText("screenshot%03i.png", screenshotCounter));
currentKeyState[key] = action;
// NOTE: lastKeyPressed already registered on CharCallback()
//if (action == GLFW_PRESS) lastKeyPressed = key;
// GLFW3 Mouse Button Callback, runs on mouse button pressed
static void MouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods)
currentMouseState[button] = action;
// Process mouse events as touches to be able to use mouse-gestures
GestureEvent gestureEvent;
// Register touch actions
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_DOWN;
else if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_UP;
// NOTE: TOUCH_MOVE event is registered in MouseCursorPosCallback()
// Assign a pointer ID
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = 0;
// Register touch points count
gestureEvent.pointCount = 1;
// Register touch points position, only one point registered
gestureEvent.position[0] = GetMousePosition();
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[0] for screenWidth and screenHeight
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
// Gesture data is sent to gestures system for processing
// GLFW3 Cursor Position Callback, runs on mouse move
static void MouseCursorPosCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y)
// Process mouse events as touches to be able to use mouse-gestures
GestureEvent gestureEvent;
gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_MOVE;
// Assign a pointer ID
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = 0;
// Register touch points count
gestureEvent.pointCount = 1;
// Register touch points position, only one point registered
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ (float)x, (float)y };
touchPosition[0] = gestureEvent.position[0];
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[0] for screenWidth and screenHeight
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
// Gesture data is sent to gestures system for processing
// GLFW3 Char Key Callback, runs on key down (get unicode char value)
static void CharCallback(GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int key)
// NOTE: Registers any key down considering OS keyboard layout but
// do not detects action events, those should be managed by user...
// https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/668#issuecomment-166794907
// http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/input_guide.html#input_char
lastKeyPressed = key;
// GLFW3 CursorEnter Callback, when cursor enters the window
static void CursorEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int enter)
if (enter == true) cursorOnScreen = true;
else cursorOnScreen = false;
// GLFW3 WindowSize Callback, runs when window is resized
// NOTE: Window resizing not allowed by default
static void WindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height)
// If window is resized, viewport and projection matrix needs to be re-calculated
rlViewport(0, 0, width, height); // Set viewport width and height
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to PROJECTION matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
rlOrtho(0, width, height, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Orthographic projection mode with top-left corner at (0,0)
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to MODELVIEW matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
rlClearScreenBuffers(); // Clear screen buffers (color and depth)
// Window size must be updated to be used on 3D mode to get new aspect ratio (Begin3dMode())
// NOTE: Be careful! GLFW3 will choose the closest fullscreen resolution supported by current monitor,
// for example, if reescaling back to 800x450 (desired), it could set 720x480 (closest fullscreen supported)
screenWidth = width;
screenHeight = height;
renderWidth = width;
renderHeight = height;
// NOTE: Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size
// GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback, runs when window is minimized/restored
static void WindowIconifyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int iconified)
if (iconified) windowMinimized = true; // The window was iconified
else windowMinimized = false; // The window was restored
// GLFW3 Window Drop Callback, runs when drop files into window
// NOTE: Paths are stored in dinamic memory for further retrieval
// Everytime new files are dropped, old ones are discarded
static void WindowDropCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int count, const char **paths)
dropFilesPath = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
dropFilesPath[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*256); // Max path length set to 256 char
strcpy(dropFilesPath[i], paths[i]);
dropFilesCount = count;
// Android: Process activity lifecycle commands
static void AndroidCommandCallback(struct android_app *app, int32_t cmd)
switch (cmd)
//rendering = true;
} break;
} break;
if (app->window != NULL)
if (contextRebindRequired)
// Reset screen scaling to full display size
EGLint displayFormat;
eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID, &displayFormat);
ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(app->window, renderWidth, renderHeight, displayFormat);
// Recreate display surface and re-attach OpenGL context
surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, app->window, NULL);
eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context);
contextRebindRequired = false;
// Init graphics device (display device and OpenGL context)
InitGraphicsDevice(screenWidth, screenHeight);
// Init hi-res timer
// Load default font
// NOTE: External function (defined in module: text)
// TODO: GPU assets reload in case of lost focus (lost context)
// NOTE: This problem has been solved just unbinding and rebinding context from display
if (assetsReloadRequired)
for (int i = 0; i < assetsCount; i++)
// TODO: Unload old asset if required
// Load texture again to pointed texture
(*textureAsset + i) = LoadTexture(assetPath[i]);
// raylib logo appearing animation (if enabled)
if (showLogo)
SetTargetFPS(60); // Not required on Android
} break;
appEnabled = true;
} break;
} break;
appEnabled = false;
} break;
// Dettach OpenGL context and destroy display surface
// NOTE 1: Detaching context before destroying display surface avoids losing our resources (textures, shaders, VBOs...)
// NOTE 2: In some cases (too many context loaded), OS could unload context automatically... :(
eglDestroySurface(display, surface);
contextRebindRequired = true;
} break;
} break;
} break;
// TODO: Finish activity?
} break;
//AConfiguration_fromAssetManager(app->config, app->activity->assetManager);
// Check screen orientation here!
} break;
default: break;
// Android: Get input events
static int32_t AndroidInputCallback(struct android_app *app, AInputEvent *event)
int type = AInputEvent_getType(event);
// Get first touch position
touchPosition[0].x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, 0);
touchPosition[0].y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, 0);
// Get second touch position
touchPosition[1].x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, 1);
touchPosition[1].y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, 1);
else if (type == AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY)
int32_t keycode = AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(event);
//int32_t AKeyEvent_getMetaState(event);
// Save current button and its state
// NOTE: Android key action is 0 for down and 1 for up
if (AKeyEvent_getAction(event) == 0)
currentKeyState[keycode] = 1; // Key down
lastKeyPressed = keycode;
else currentKeyState[keycode] = 0; // Key up
if (keycode == AKEYCODE_POWER)
// Let the OS handle input to avoid app stuck. Behaviour: CMD_PAUSE -> CMD_SAVE_STATE -> CMD_STOP -> CMD_CONFIG_CHANGED -> CMD_LOST_FOCUS
// It seems like locking mobile, screen size (CMD_CONFIG_CHANGED) is affected.
// NOTE: AndroidManifest.xml must have <activity android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize" >
// Before that change, activity was calling CMD_TERM_WINDOW and CMD_DESTROY when locking mobile, so that was not a normal behaviour
return 0;
else if ((keycode == AKEYCODE_BACK) || (keycode == AKEYCODE_MENU))
// Eat BACK_BUTTON and AKEYCODE_MENU, just do nothing... and don't let to be handled by OS!
return 1;
else if ((keycode == AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) || (keycode == AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN))
// Set default OS behaviour
return 0;
int32_t action = AMotionEvent_getAction(event);
unsigned int flags = action & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK;
GestureEvent gestureEvent;
// Register touch actions
if (flags == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_DOWN;
else if (flags == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_UP;
else if (flags == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_MOVE;
// Register touch points count
gestureEvent.pointCount = AMotionEvent_getPointerCount(event);
// Register touch points id
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = AMotionEvent_getPointerId(event, 0);
gestureEvent.pointerId[1] = AMotionEvent_getPointerId(event, 1);
// Register touch points position
// NOTE: Only two points registered
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ AMotionEvent_getX(event, 0), AMotionEvent_getY(event, 0) };
gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ AMotionEvent_getX(event, 1), AMotionEvent_getY(event, 1) };
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[x] for screenWidth and screenHeight
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
gestureEvent.position[1].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[1].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
// Gesture data is sent to gestures system for processing
// Support only simple touch position
// Get first touch position
touchPosition[0].x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, 0);
touchPosition[0].y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, 0);
touchPosition[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
touchPosition[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
return 0;
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Register fullscreen change events
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent *e, void *userData)
//isFullscreen: int e->isFullscreen
//fullscreenEnabled: int e->fullscreenEnabled
//fs element nodeName: (char *) e->nodeName
//fs element id: (char *) e->id
//Current element size: (int) e->elementWidth, (int) e->elementHeight
//Screen size:(int) e->screenWidth, (int) e->screenHeight
if (e->isFullscreen)
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Canvas scaled to fullscreen. ElementSize: (%ix%i), ScreenSize(%ix%i)", e->elementWidth, e->elementHeight, e->screenWidth, e->screenHeight);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Canvas scaled to windowed. ElementSize: (%ix%i), ScreenSize(%ix%i)", e->elementWidth, e->elementHeight, e->screenWidth, e->screenHeight);
// TODO: Depending on scaling factor (screen vs element), calculate factor to scale mouse/touch input
return 0;
// Register keyboard input events
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenKeyboardCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent *keyEvent, void *userData)
if ((eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_KEYPRESS) && (strcmp(keyEvent->code, "Escape") == 0))
return 0;
// Register mouse input events
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenMouseCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenMouseEvent *mouseEvent, void *userData)
// Lock mouse pointer when click on screen
if ((eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_CLICK) && toggleCursorLock)
EmscriptenPointerlockChangeEvent plce;
if (!plce.isActive) emscripten_request_pointerlock(0, 1);
//if (plce.isActive) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Pointer lock exit did not work!");
toggleCursorLock = false;
return 0;
// Register touch input events
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenTouchCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *touchEvent, void *userData)
for (int i = 0; i < touchEvent->numTouches; i++)
long x, y, id;
if (!touchEvent->touches[i].isChanged) continue;
id = touchEvent->touches[i].identifier;
x = touchEvent->touches[i].canvasX;
y = touchEvent->touches[i].canvasY;
printf("%s, numTouches: %d %s%s%s%s\n", emscripten_event_type_to_string(eventType), event->numTouches,
event->ctrlKey ? " CTRL" : "", event->shiftKey ? " SHIFT" : "", event->altKey ? " ALT" : "", event->metaKey ? " META" : "");
for (int i = 0; i < event->numTouches; ++i)
const EmscriptenTouchPoint *t = &event->touches[i];
printf(" %ld: screen: (%ld,%ld), client: (%ld,%ld), page: (%ld,%ld), isChanged: %d, onTarget: %d, canvas: (%ld, %ld)\n",
t->identifier, t->screenX, t->screenY, t->clientX, t->clientY, t->pageX, t->pageY, t->isChanged, t->onTarget, t->canvasX, t->canvasY);
GestureEvent gestureEvent;
// Register touch actions
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_DOWN;
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_UP;
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHMOVE) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_MOVE;
// Register touch points count
gestureEvent.pointCount = touchEvent->numTouches;
// Register touch points id
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = touchEvent->touches[0].identifier;
gestureEvent.pointerId[1] = touchEvent->touches[1].identifier;
// Register touch points position
// NOTE: Only two points registered
// TODO: Touch data should be scaled accordingly!
//gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ touchEvent->touches[0].canvasX, touchEvent->touches[0].canvasY };
//gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ touchEvent->touches[1].canvasX, touchEvent->touches[1].canvasY };
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ touchEvent->touches[0].targetX, touchEvent->touches[0].targetY };
gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ touchEvent->touches[1].targetX, touchEvent->touches[1].targetY };
touchPosition[0] = gestureEvent.position[0];
touchPosition[1] = gestureEvent.position[1];
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[x] for screenWidth and screenHeight
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
gestureEvent.position[1].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[1].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
// Gesture data is sent to gestures system for processing
return 1;
// Register connected/disconnected gamepads events
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenGamepadCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData)
printf("%s: timeStamp: %g, connected: %d, index: %ld, numAxes: %d, numButtons: %d, id: \"%s\", mapping: \"%s\"\n",
eventType != 0 ? emscripten_event_type_to_string(eventType) : "Gamepad state",
gamepadEvent->timestamp, gamepadEvent->connected, gamepadEvent->index, gamepadEvent->numAxes, gamepadEvent->numButtons, gamepadEvent->id, gamepadEvent->mapping);
for(int i = 0; i < gamepadEvent->numAxes; ++i) printf("Axis %d: %g\n", i, gamepadEvent->axis[i]);
for(int i = 0; i < gamepadEvent->numButtons; ++i) printf("Button %d: Digital: %d, Analog: %g\n", i, gamepadEvent->digitalButton[i], gamepadEvent->analogButton[i]);
if ((gamepadEvent->connected) && (gamepadEvent->index < MAX_GAMEPADS)) gamepadReady[gamepadEvent->index] = true;
else gamepadReady[gamepadEvent->index] = false;
// TODO: Test gamepadEvent->index
return 0;
#if defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
// Initialize Keyboard system (using standard input)
static void InitKeyboard(void)
// NOTE: We read directly from Standard Input (stdin) - STDIN_FILENO file descriptor
// Make stdin non-blocking (not enough, need to configure to non-canonical mode)
int flags = fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL, 0); // F_GETFL: Get the file access mode and the file status flags
fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); // F_SETFL: Set the file status flags to the value specified
// Save terminal keyboard settings and reconfigure terminal with new settings
struct termios keyboardNewSettings;
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &defaultKeyboardSettings); // Get current keyboard settings
keyboardNewSettings = defaultKeyboardSettings;
// New terminal settings for keyboard: turn off buffering (non-canonical mode), echo and key processing
// NOTE: ISIG controls if ^C and ^Z generate break signals or not
keyboardNewSettings.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG);
//keyboardNewSettings.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP | INLCR | ICRNL | IGNCR | IXON | IXOFF);
keyboardNewSettings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
keyboardNewSettings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
// Set new keyboard settings (change occurs immediately)
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &keyboardNewSettings);
// NOTE: Reading directly from stdin will give chars already key-mapped by kernel to ASCII or UNICODE, we change that! -> WHY???
// Save old keyboard mode to restore it at the end
if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, KDGKBMODE, &defaultKeyboardMode) < 0)
// NOTE: It could mean we are using a remote keyboard through ssh!
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not change keyboard mode (SSH keyboard?)");
// We reconfigure keyboard mode to get:
// - scancodes (K_RAW)
// - keycodes (K_MEDIUMRAW)
// - ASCII chars (K_XLATE)
// - UNICODE chars (K_UNICODE)
// Register keyboard restore when program finishes
// Process keyboard inputs
// TODO: Most probably input reading and processing should be in a separate thread
static void ProcessKeyboard(void)
#define MAX_KEYBUFFER_SIZE 32 // Max size in bytes to read
// Keyboard input polling (fill keys[256] array with status)
int bufferByteCount = 0; // Bytes available on the buffer
char keysBuffer[MAX_KEYBUFFER_SIZE]; // Max keys to be read at a time
// Reset pressed keys array
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) currentKeyState[i] = 0;
// Read availables keycodes from stdin
bufferByteCount = read(STDIN_FILENO, keysBuffer, MAX_KEYBUFFER_SIZE); // POSIX system call
// Fill all read bytes (looking for keys)
for (int i = 0; i < bufferByteCount; i++)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Bytes on keysBuffer: %i", bufferByteCount);
//printf("Key(s) bytes: ");
//for (int i = 0; i < bufferByteCount; i++) printf("0x%02x ", keysBuffer[i]);
// NOTE: If (key == 0x1b), depending on next key, it could be a special keymap code!
// Up -> 1b 5b 41 / Left -> 1b 5b 44 / Right -> 1b 5b 43 / Down -> 1b 5b 42
if (keysBuffer[i] == 0x1b)
// Detect ESC to stop program
if (bufferByteCount == 1) currentKeyState[256] = 1; // raylib key: KEY_ESCAPE
if (keysBuffer[i + 1] == 0x5b) // Special function key
if ((keysBuffer[i + 2] == 0x5b) || (keysBuffer[i + 2] == 0x31) || (keysBuffer[i + 2] == 0x32))
// Process special function keys (F1 - F12)
switch (keysBuffer[i + 3])
case 0x41: currentKeyState[290] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F1
case 0x42: currentKeyState[291] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F2
case 0x43: currentKeyState[292] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F3
case 0x44: currentKeyState[293] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F4
case 0x45: currentKeyState[294] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F5
case 0x37: currentKeyState[295] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F6
case 0x38: currentKeyState[296] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F7
case 0x39: currentKeyState[297] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F8
case 0x30: currentKeyState[298] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F9
case 0x31: currentKeyState[299] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F10
case 0x33: currentKeyState[300] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F11
case 0x34: currentKeyState[301] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_F12
default: break;
if (keysBuffer[i + 2] == 0x5b) i += 4;
else if ((keysBuffer[i + 2] == 0x31) || (keysBuffer[i + 2] == 0x32)) i += 5;
switch (keysBuffer[i + 2])
case 0x41: currentKeyState[265] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_UP
case 0x42: currentKeyState[264] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_DOWN
case 0x43: currentKeyState[262] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_RIGHT
case 0x44: currentKeyState[263] = 1; break; // raylib KEY_LEFT
default: break;
i += 3; // Jump to next key
// NOTE: Some keys are not directly keymapped (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT)
else if (keysBuffer[i] == 0x0a) currentKeyState[257] = 1; // raylib KEY_ENTER (don't mix with <linux/input.h> KEY_*)
else if (keysBuffer[i] == 0x7f) currentKeyState[259] = 1; // raylib KEY_BACKSPACE
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Pressed key (ASCII): 0x%02x", keysBuffer[i]);
// Translate lowercase a-z letters to A-Z
if ((keysBuffer[i] >= 97) && (keysBuffer[i] <= 122))
currentKeyState[(int)keysBuffer[i] - 32] = 1;
else currentKeyState[(int)keysBuffer[i]] = 1;
// Check exit key (same functionality as GLFW3 KeyCallback())
if (currentKeyState[exitKey] == 1) windowShouldClose = true;
// Check screen capture key (raylib key: KEY_F12)
if (currentKeyState[301] == 1)
TakeScreenshot(FormatText("screenshot%03i.png", screenshotCounter));
// Restore default keyboard input
static void RestoreKeyboard(void)
// Reset to default keyboard settings
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &defaultKeyboardSettings);
// Reconfigure keyboard to default mode
ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, KDSKBMODE, defaultKeyboardMode);
// Mouse initialization (including mouse thread)
static void InitMouse(void)
// NOTE: We can use /dev/input/mice to read from all available mice
if ((mouseStream = open(DEFAULT_MOUSE_DEV, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mouse device could not be opened, no mouse available");
mouseReady = true;
int error = pthread_create(&mouseThreadId, NULL, &MouseThread, NULL);
if (error != 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Error creating mouse input event thread");
else TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Mouse device initialized successfully");
// Mouse reading thread
// NOTE: We need a separate thread to avoid loosing mouse events,
// if too much time passes between reads, queue gets full and new events override older ones...
static void *MouseThread(void *arg)
const unsigned char XSIGN = (1 << 4);
const unsigned char YSIGN = (1 << 5);
typedef struct {
char buttons;
char dx, dy;
} MouseEvent;
MouseEvent mouse;
int mouseRelX = 0;
int mouseRelY = 0;
while (!windowShouldClose)
if (read(mouseStream, &mouse, sizeof(MouseEvent)) == (int)sizeof(MouseEvent))
if ((mouse.buttons & 0x08) == 0) break; // This bit should always be set
// Check Left button pressed
if ((mouse.buttons & 0x01) > 0) currentMouseState[0] = 1;
else currentMouseState[0] = 0;
// Check Right button pressed
if ((mouse.buttons & 0x02) > 0) currentMouseState[1] = 1;
else currentMouseState[1] = 0;
// Check Middle button pressed
if ((mouse.buttons & 0x04) > 0) currentMouseState[2] = 1;
else currentMouseState[2] = 0;
mouseRelX = (int)mouse.dx;
mouseRelY = (int)mouse.dy;
if ((mouse.buttons & XSIGN) > 0) mouseRelX = -1*(255 - mouseRelX);
if ((mouse.buttons & YSIGN) > 0) mouseRelY = -1*(255 - mouseRelY);
// NOTE: Mouse movement is normalized to not be screen resolution dependant
// We suppose 2*255 (max relative movement) is equivalent to screenWidth (max pixels width)
// Result after normalization is multiplied by MOUSE_SENSITIVITY factor
mousePosition.x += (float)mouseRelX*((float)screenWidth/(2*255))*MOUSE_SENSITIVITY;
mousePosition.y -= (float)mouseRelY*((float)screenHeight/(2*255))*MOUSE_SENSITIVITY;
if (mousePosition.x < 0) mousePosition.x = 0;
if (mousePosition.y < 0) mousePosition.y = 0;
if (mousePosition.x > screenWidth) mousePosition.x = screenWidth;
if (mousePosition.y > screenHeight) mousePosition.y = screenHeight;
//else read(mouseStream, &mouse, 1); // Try to sync up again
return NULL;
// Touch initialization (including touch thread)
static void InitTouch(void)
if ((touchStream = open(DEFAULT_TOUCH_DEV, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Touch device could not be opened, no touchscreen available");
touchReady = true;
int error = pthread_create(&touchThreadId, NULL, &TouchThread, NULL);
if (error != 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Error creating touch input event thread");
else TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Touch device initialized successfully");
// Touch reading thread.
// This reads from a Virtual Input Event /dev/input/event4 which is
// created by the ts_uinput daemon. This takes, filters and scales
// raw input from the Touchscreen (which appears in /dev/input/event3)
// based on the Calibration data referenced by tslib.
static void *TouchThread(void *arg)
struct input_event ev;
GestureEvent gestureEvent;
while (!windowShouldClose)
if (read(touchStream, &ev, sizeof(ev)) == (int)sizeof(ev))
// if pressure > 0 then simulate left mouse button click
if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == 24 && ev.value == 0 && currentMouseState[0] == 1)
currentMouseState[0] = 0;
gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_UP;
gestureEvent.pointCount = 1;
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = 0;
gestureEvent.pointerId[1] = 1;
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
gestureEvent.position[1].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[1].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == 24 && ev.value > 0 && currentMouseState[0] == 0)
currentMouseState[0] = 1;
gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_DOWN;
gestureEvent.pointCount = 1;
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = 0;
gestureEvent.pointerId[1] = 1;
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
gestureEvent.position[1].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[1].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
// x & y values supplied by event4 have been scaled & de-jittered using tslib calibration data
if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == 0)
mousePosition.x = ev.value;
if (mousePosition.x < 0) mousePosition.x = 0;
if (mousePosition.x > screenWidth) mousePosition.x = screenWidth;
gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_MOVE;
gestureEvent.pointCount = 1;
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = 0;
gestureEvent.pointerId[1] = 1;
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
gestureEvent.position[1].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[1].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == 1)
mousePosition.y = ev.value;
if (mousePosition.y < 0) mousePosition.y = 0;
if (mousePosition.y > screenHeight) mousePosition.y = screenHeight;
gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_MOVE;
gestureEvent.pointCount = 1;
gestureEvent.pointerId[0] = 0;
gestureEvent.pointerId[1] = 1;
gestureEvent.position[0] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[1] = (Vector2){ mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y };
gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
gestureEvent.position[1].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth();
gestureEvent.position[1].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight();
return NULL;
// Init gamepad system
static void InitGamepad(void)
char gamepadDev[128] = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
sprintf(gamepadDev, "%s%i", DEFAULT_GAMEPAD_DEV, i);
if ((gamepadStream[i] = open(gamepadDev, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
// NOTE: Only show message for first gamepad
if (i == 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Gamepad device could not be opened, no gamepad available");
gamepadReady[i] = true;
// NOTE: Only create one thread
if (i == 0)
int error = pthread_create(&gamepadThreadId, NULL, &GamepadThread, NULL);
if (error != 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Error creating gamepad input event thread");
else TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Gamepad device initialized successfully");
// Process Gamepad (/dev/input/js0)
static void *GamepadThread(void *arg)
#define JS_EVENT_BUTTON 0x01 // Button pressed/released
#define JS_EVENT_AXIS 0x02 // Joystick axis moved
#define JS_EVENT_INIT 0x80 // Initial state of device
struct js_event {
unsigned int time; // event timestamp in milliseconds
short value; // event value
unsigned char type; // event type
unsigned char number; // event axis/button number
// Read gamepad event
struct js_event gamepadEvent;
while (!windowShouldClose)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
if (read(gamepadStream[i], &gamepadEvent, sizeof(struct js_event)) == (int)sizeof(struct js_event))
gamepadEvent.type &= ~JS_EVENT_INIT; // Ignore synthetic events
// Process gamepad events by type
if (gamepadEvent.type == JS_EVENT_BUTTON)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Gamepad button: %i, value: %i", gamepadEvent.number, gamepadEvent.value);
if (gamepadEvent.number < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS)
// 1 - button pressed, 0 - button released
currentGamepadState[i][gamepadEvent.number] = (int)gamepadEvent.value;
if ((int)gamepadEvent.value == 1) lastGamepadButtonPressed = gamepadEvent.number;
else lastGamepadButtonPressed = -1;
else if (gamepadEvent.type == JS_EVENT_AXIS)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Gamepad axis: %i, value: %i", gamepadEvent.number, gamepadEvent.value);
if (gamepadEvent.number < MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS)
// NOTE: Scaling of gamepadEvent.value to get values between -1..1
gamepadAxisState[i][gamepadEvent.number] = (float)gamepadEvent.value/32768;
return NULL;
#endif // PLATFORM_RPI
// Plays raylib logo appearing animation
static void LogoAnimation(void)
#if !defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
int logoPositionX = screenWidth/2 - 128;
int logoPositionY = screenHeight/2 - 128;
int framesCounter = 0;
int lettersCount = 0;
int topSideRecWidth = 16;
int leftSideRecHeight = 16;
int bottomSideRecWidth = 16;
int rightSideRecHeight = 16;
int state = 0; // Tracking animation states (State Machine)
float alpha = 1.0f; // Useful for fading
while (!WindowShouldClose() && (state != 4)) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
if (state == 0) // State 0: Small box blinking
if (framesCounter == 84)
state = 1;
framesCounter = 0; // Reset counter... will be used later...
else if (state == 1) // State 1: Top and left bars growing
topSideRecWidth += 4;
leftSideRecHeight += 4;
if (topSideRecWidth == 256) state = 2;
else if (state == 2) // State 2: Bottom and right bars growing
bottomSideRecWidth += 4;
rightSideRecHeight += 4;
if (bottomSideRecWidth == 256) state = 3;
else if (state == 3) // State 3: Letters appearing (one by one)
if (framesCounter/12) // Every 12 frames, one more letter!
framesCounter = 0;
if (lettersCount >= 10) // When all letters have appeared, just fade out everything
alpha -= 0.02f;
if (alpha <= 0.0f)
alpha = 0.0f;
state = 4;
// Draw
if (state == 0)
if ((framesCounter/12)%2) DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, 16, BLACK);
else if (state == 1)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
else if (state == 2)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY, 16, rightSideRecHeight, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
else if (state == 3)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 16, 16, leftSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY + 16, 16, rightSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(screenWidth/2 - 112, screenHeight/2 - 112, 224, 224, Fade(RAYWHITE, alpha));
DrawText(SubText("raylib", 0, lettersCount), screenWidth/2 - 44, screenHeight/2 + 48, 50, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
showLogo = false; // Prevent for repeating when reloading window (Android)