cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11) # FetchContent is available in 3.11+ project(example) find_package(raylib 2.0 QUIET) # Let CMake search for a raylib-config.cmake # You could change the QUIET above to REQUIRED and remove this if() clause # This part downloads raylib and builds it if it's not installed on your system if (NOT raylib_FOUND) # If there's none, fetch and build raylib include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( raylib URL ) FetchContent_GetProperties(raylib) if (NOT raylib_POPULATED) # Have we downloaded raylib yet? set(FETCHCONTENT_QUIET NO) FetchContent_Populate(raylib) set(BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF) # don't build the supplied examples set(BUILD_GAMES OFF) # or games # build raylib add_subdirectory(${raylib_SOURCE_DIR} ${raylib_BINARY_DIR}) endif() endif() # This is the main part: add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} core_basic_window.c) #set(raylib_VERBOSE 1) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} raylib) # That's it! You should have an example executable that you can run. Have fun!