name: Windows on: push: pull_request: release: types: [published] jobs: build: runs-on: windows-latest strategy: fail-fast: false max-parallel: 1 matrix: compiler: [mingw-w64, msvc16] bits: [32, 64] include: - compiler: mingw-w64 bits: 32 ARCH: "x86" COMPILER_PATH: "C:\\msys64\\mingw32\\bin" - compiler: mingw-w64 bits: 64 ARCH: "x64" COMPILER_PATH: "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin" - compiler: msvc16 bits: 32 ARCH: "x86" VSBINPATH: "Win32" - compiler: msvc16 bits: 64 ARCH: "x64" VSBINPATH: "x64" env: RELEASE_NAME: raylib-3.1_win${{ matrix.bits }}_${{ matrix.compiler }} steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Setup Environment run: | dir mkdir build cd build mkdir ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }} cd ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }} mkdir include mkdir lib cd ../../../raylib # Setup MSBuild.exe path if required - name: Setup MSBuild uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.0.1 if: matrix.compiler == 'msvc16' # TODO: Review x86 dynamic library building, linking does not work because x86 libraries are not available - name: Build Library (MinGW-w64) run: | cd src ${{ matrix.COMPILER_PATH }}\gcc -v make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP CC="${{ matrix.COMPILER_PATH }}\gcc" RAYLIB_BUILD_ARCH=${{ matrix.ARCH }} RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=STATIC RAYLIB_RELEASE_PATH="../build/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}/lib" make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP CC="${{ matrix.COMPILER_PATH }}\gcc" RAYLIB_BUILD_ARCH=${{ matrix.ARCH }} RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED RAYLIB_RELEASE_PATH="../build/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}/lib" -B cd .. shell: cmd if: matrix.compiler == 'mingw-w64' && matrix.bits == 32 # Previous job should do 32bit and 64bit but there are config issues with the host-machine # TODO: Compile resource file raylib.dll.rc for linkage on raylib.dll generation - name: Build Library (MinGW-w64) run: | cd src gcc -v make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP CC=gcc RAYLIB_BUILD_ARCH=${{ matrix.ARCH }} RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=STATIC RAYLIB_RELEASE_PATH="../build/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}/lib" make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP CC=gcc RAYLIB_BUILD_ARCH=${{ matrix.ARCH }} RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED RAYLIB_RELEASE_PATH="../build/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}/lib" cd .. shell: cmd if: matrix.compiler == 'mingw-w64' && matrix.bits == 64 - name: Build Library (MSVC16) run: | cd projects/VS2017 msbuild.exe raylib.sln /target:raylib /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=${{ matrix.ARCH }} copy /Y .\bin\${{ matrix.VSBINPATH }}\Release\raylib.lib .\..\..\build\${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}\lib\raylib.lib msbuild.exe raylib.sln /target:raylib /property:Configuration=Release.DLL /property:Platform=${{ matrix.ARCH }} copy /Y .\bin\${{ matrix.VSBINPATH }}\Release.DLL\raylib.dll .\..\..\build\${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}\lib\raylib.dll copy /Y .\bin\${{ matrix.VSBINPATH }}\Release.DLL\raylib.lib .\..\..\build\${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}\lib\raylibdll.lib cd ../.. shell: cmd if: matrix.compiler == 'msvc16' - name: Generate Artifacts run: | copy /Y .\src\raylib.h .\build\${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}\include\raylib.h cd build 7z a ./${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}.zip ./${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }} dir shell: cmd - name: Upload Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}.zip path: ./build/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}.zip - name: Upload Artifact to Release uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1.0.1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ github.event.release.upload_url }} asset_path: ./build/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}.zip asset_name: ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}.zip asset_content_type: application/zip if: github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.action == 'published'