changelog --------- Current: raylib 1.0.1 (November 2013) ----------------------------------------------- Update: raylib 1.0.1 (28 November 2013) ----------------------------------------------- [text] DrawText() - Removed spacing parameter [text] MeasureText() - Removed spacing parameter [text] DrawFps() - Renamed to DrawFPS() for coherence with similar function [core] IsKeyPressed() - Change functionality, check if key pressed once [core] IsKeyDown() - Added, check if key is being pressed [core] IsKeyReleased() - Change functionality, chek if key released once [core] IsKeyUp() - Added, check if key is being NOT pressed [core] IsMouseButtonDown() - Added, check if mouse button is being pressed [core] IsMouseButtonPressed() - Change functionality, check if mouse button pressed once [core] IsMouseButtonUp() - Added, check if mouse button is NOT being pressed [core] IsMouseButtonReleased() - Change functionality, check if mouse button released once [textures] DrawTexturePro() - Added, texture drawing with 'pro' parameters [examples] Function changes applied to ALL examples ----------------------------------------------- Release: raylib 1.0.0 (18 November 2013) ----------------------------------------------- * Initial version * 6 Modules provided: - core: basic window/context creation functions, input management, timming functions - shapes: basic shapes drawing functions - textures: image data loading and conversion to OpenGL textures - text: text drawing, sprite fonts loading, default font loading - models: basic 3d shapes drawing, OBJ models loading and drawing - audio: audio device initialization, WAV files loading and playing