/********************************************************************************************** * * raylib.utils - Some common utility functions * * CONFIGURATION: * * #define SUPPORT_SAVE_PNG (defined by default) * Support saving image data as PNG fileformat * NOTE: Requires stb_image_write library * * #define SUPPORT_SAVE_BMP * Support saving image data as BMP fileformat * NOTE: Requires stb_image_write library * * #define SUPPORT_TRACELOG * Show TraceLog() output messages * NOTE: By default DEBUG traces not shown * * #define SUPPORT_TRACELOG_DEBUG * Show TraceLog() DEBUG messages * * DEPENDENCIES: * stb_image_write - BMP/PNG writting functions * * * LICENSE: zlib/libpng * * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) * * This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event * will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial * applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you * wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment * in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented * as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * **********************************************************************************************/ #include "utils.h" #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) #include #include #include #endif #include // Required for: malloc(), free() #include // Required for: fopen(), fclose(), fputc(), fwrite(), printf(), fprintf(), funopen() #include // Required for: va_list, va_start(), vfprintf(), va_end() #include // Required for: strlen(), strrchr(), strcmp() #if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "external/stb_image_write.h" // Required for: stbi_write_bmp(), stbi_write_png() #endif #define RRES_IMPLEMENTATION #include "rres.h" //#define NO_TRACELOG // Avoid TraceLog() output (any type) #define DO_NOT_TRACE_DEBUG_MSGS // Avoid DEBUG messages tracing //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Variables Definition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) AAssetManager *assetManager; #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module specific Functions Declaration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) static int android_read(void *cookie, char *buf, int size); static int android_write(void *cookie, const char *buf, int size); static fpos_t android_seek(void *cookie, fpos_t offset, int whence); static int android_close(void *cookie); #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Functions Definition - Utilities //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Outputs a trace log message void TraceLog(int msgType, const char *text, ...) { #if !defined(NO_TRACELOG) static char buffer[128]; int traceDebugMsgs = 1; #ifdef DO_NOT_TRACE_DEBUG_MSGS traceDebugMsgs = 0; #endif switch(msgType) { case INFO: strcpy(buffer, "INFO: "); break; case ERROR: strcpy(buffer, "ERROR: "); break; case WARNING: strcpy(buffer, "WARNING: "); break; case DEBUG: strcpy(buffer, "DEBUG: "); break; default: break; } strcat(buffer, text); strcat(buffer, "\n"); va_list args; va_start(args, text); #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) switch(msgType) { case INFO: __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "raylib", buffer, args); break; case ERROR: __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "raylib", buffer, args); break; case WARNING: __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "raylib", buffer, args); break; case DEBUG: if (traceDebugMsgs) __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "raylib", buffer, args); break; default: break; } #else if ((msgType != DEBUG) || ((msgType == DEBUG) && (traceDebugMsgs))) vprintf(buffer, args); #endif va_end(args); if (msgType == ERROR) exit(1); // If ERROR message, exit program #endif // NO_TRACELOG } #if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) #if defined(SUPPORT_SAVE_BMP) // Creates a BMP image file from an array of pixel data void SaveBMP(const char *fileName, unsigned char *imgData, int width, int height, int compSize) { stbi_write_bmp(fileName, width, height, compSize, imgData); } #endif #if defined(SUPPORT_SAVE_PNG) // Creates a PNG image file from an array of pixel data void SavePNG(const char *fileName, unsigned char *imgData, int width, int height, int compSize) { stbi_write_png(fileName, width, height, compSize, imgData, width*compSize); } #endif #endif #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) // Initialize asset manager from android app void InitAssetManager(AAssetManager *manager) { assetManager = manager; } // Replacement for fopen FILE *android_fopen(const char *fileName, const char *mode) { if (mode[0] == 'w') return NULL; AAsset *asset = AAssetManager_open(assetManager, fileName, 0); if (!asset) return NULL; return funopen(asset, android_read, android_write, android_seek, android_close); } #endif // Keep track of memory allocated // NOTE: mallocType defines the type of data allocated /* void RecordMalloc(int mallocType, int mallocSize, const char *msg) { // TODO: Investigate how to record memory allocation data... // Maybe creating my own malloc function... } */ // Get the extension for a filename const char *GetExtension(const char *fileName) { const char *dot = strrchr(fileName, '.'); if (!dot || dot == fileName) return ""; return (dot + 1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module specific Functions Definition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) static int android_read(void *cookie, char *buf, int size) { return AAsset_read((AAsset *)cookie, buf, size); } static int android_write(void *cookie, const char *buf, int size) { TraceLog(ERROR, "Can't provide write access to the APK"); return EACCES; } static fpos_t android_seek(void *cookie, fpos_t offset, int whence) { return AAsset_seek((AAsset *)cookie, offset, whence); } static int android_close(void *cookie) { AAsset_close((AAsset *)cookie); return 0; } #endif