const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); /// Minimum supported version of Zig const min_ver = "0.13.0"; comptime { const order = std.SemanticVersion.order; const parse = std.SemanticVersion.parse; if (order(builtin.zig_version, parse(min_ver) catch unreachable) == .lt) @compileError("Raylib requires zig version " ++ min_ver); } // NOTE(freakmangd): I don't like using a global here, but it prevents having to // get the flags a second time when adding raygui var raylib_flags_arr: std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8) = .{}; // This has been tested with zig version 0.13.0 pub fn addRaylib(b: *std.Build, target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget, optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode, options: Options) !*std.Build.Step.Compile { const raylib_dep = b.dependencyFromBuildZig(@This(), .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize, .raudio = options.raudio, .rmodels = options.rmodels, .rshapes = options.rshapes, .rtext = options.rtext, .rtextures = options.rtextures, .platform = options.platform, .shared = options.shared, .linux_display_backend = options.linux_display_backend, .opengl_version = options.opengl_version, .config = options.config, }); const raylib = raylib_dep.artifact("raylib"); if (options.raygui) { const raygui_dep = b.dependency(options.raygui_dependency_name, .{}); addRaygui(b, raylib, raygui_dep); } return raylib; } fn setDesktopPlatform(raylib: *std.Build.Step.Compile, platform: PlatformBackend) void { raylib.defineCMacro("PLATFORM_DESKTOP", null); switch (platform) { .glfw => raylib.defineCMacro("PLATFORM_DESKTOP_GLFW", null), .rgfw => raylib.defineCMacro("PLATFORM_DESKTOP_RGFW", null), .sdl => raylib.defineCMacro("PLATFORM_DESKTOP_SDL", null), else => {}, } } fn createEmsdkStep(b: *std.Build, emsdk: *std.Build.Dependency) *std.Build.Step.Run { if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) { return b.addSystemCommand(&.{emsdk.path("emsdk.bat").getPath(b)}); } else { return b.addSystemCommand(&.{emsdk.path("emsdk").getPath(b)}); } } fn emSdkSetupStep(b: *std.Build, emsdk: *std.Build.Dependency) !?*std.Build.Step.Run { const dot_emsc_path = emsdk.path(".emscripten").getPath(b); const dot_emsc_exists = !std.meta.isError(std.fs.accessAbsolute(dot_emsc_path, .{})); if (!dot_emsc_exists) { const emsdk_install = createEmsdkStep(b, emsdk); emsdk_install.addArgs(&.{ "install", "latest" }); const emsdk_activate = createEmsdkStep(b, emsdk); emsdk_activate.addArgs(&.{ "activate", "latest" }); emsdk_activate.step.dependOn(&emsdk_install.step); return emsdk_activate; } else { return null; } } /// A list of all flags and their corresponding values from `src/config.h` that one may override const config_h_flags = outer: { // Set this value higher if compile errors happen as `src/config.h` gets larger @setEvalBranchQuota(1 << 20); const config_h = @embedFile("src/config.h"); var flags = [1][2][]const u8{.{ undefined, "1" }} ** (std.mem.count(u8, config_h, "\n") + 1); const first_def = "#define CONFIG_H\n"; const first_line_idx = std.mem.indexOf(u8, config_h, first_def) orelse @compileError("Invalid `src/config.h`?"); var i = 0; var lines = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, config_h[first_line_idx + first_def.len ..], '\n'); while ( |line| { // Jump past `#if` lines until `#endif` is reached if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "#if")) { // Count of `#if`s found without a delimiting `#endif` var unpaired_if: u32 = 1; while (unpaired_if != 0) { const next_line = orelse @compileError("src/config.h: `#endif` not found"); if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, next_line, "#if")) unpaired_if += 1; if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, next_line, "#endif")) unpaired_if -= 1; } } // Ignore everything but `#define` lines const prefix = "#define "; if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, prefix)) continue; // Get space-separated strings var strs = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, line[prefix.len..], ' '); flags[i][0] = orelse @compileError("src/config.h: Flag not found: " ++ line); if ( |value| { if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, value, "//")) flags[i][1] = value; } i += 1; } // Uncomment this to check what flags normally get passed //for (flags[0..i]) |flag| @compileLog(std.fmt.comptimePrint("{s}={s}", .{ flag[0], flag[1] })); break :outer flags[0..i].*; }; fn compileRaylib(b: *std.Build, target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget, optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode, options: Options) !*std.Build.Step.Compile { raylib_flags_arr.clearRetainingCapacity(); const shared_flags = &[_][]const u8{ "-fPIC", "-DBUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED", }; try raylib_flags_arr.appendSlice(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ "-std=gnu99", "-D_GNU_SOURCE", "-DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=199309L", "-fno-sanitize=undefined", // }); if (options.shared) { try raylib_flags_arr.appendSlice(b.allocator, shared_flags); } const raylib = if (options.shared) b.addSharedLibrary(.{ .name = "raylib", .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }) else b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = "raylib", .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); raylib.linkLibC(); if (options.config.len > 0) { // Sets a flag indiciating the use of a custom `config.h` try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, "-DEXTERNAL_CONFIG_FLAGS"); // Splits a space-separated list of config flags into multiple flags // // Note: This means certain flags like `-x c++` won't be processed properly. // `-xc++` or similar should be used when possible var config_iter = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, options.config, ' '); // Apply config flags supplied by the user while ( |config_flag| try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, config_flag); // Apply all relevant configs from `src/config.h` *except* the user-specified ones // // Note: This entire loop might become unnecessary depending on // // Note: Currently using a suboptimal `O(m*n)` time algorithm where: // `m` corresponds roughly to the number of lines in `src/config.h` // `n` corresponds to the number of user-specified flags outer: for (config_h_flags) |flag_val| { const flag = flag_val[0]; const value = flag_val[1]; // If a user already specified the flag, skip it config_iter.reset(); while ( |user_flag| { if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, user_flag, "-D")) continue; const u_flag_stripped = user_flag["-D".len..]; // For a user-specified flag to match, it must share the same prefix and have the // same length or be followed by an equals sign if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, u_flag_stripped, flag)) continue; if (u_flag_stripped.len == flag.len or u_flag_stripped[flag.len] == '=') continue :outer; } // Otherwise, apply the default values from config.h raylib.root_module.addCMacro(flag, value); } } // No GLFW required on PLATFORM_DRM if (options.platform != .drm) { raylib.addIncludePath(b.path("src/external/glfw/include")); } var c_source_files = try std.ArrayList([]const u8).initCapacity(b.allocator, 2); c_source_files.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(&.{ "src/rcore.c", "src/utils.c" }); if (options.raudio) { try c_source_files.append("src/raudio.c"); } if (options.rmodels) { try c_source_files.append("src/rmodels.c"); } if (options.rshapes) { try c_source_files.append("src/rshapes.c"); } if (options.rtext) { try c_source_files.append("src/rtext.c"); } if (options.rtextures) { try c_source_files.append("src/rtextures.c"); } if (options.opengl_version != .auto) { raylib.defineCMacro(options.opengl_version.toCMacroStr(), null); } switch (target.result.os.tag) { .windows => { try c_source_files.append("src/rglfw.c"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("winmm"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("gdi32"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("opengl32"); setDesktopPlatform(raylib, options.platform); }, .linux => { if (options.platform != .drm) { try c_source_files.append("src/rglfw.c"); if (options.linux_display_backend == .X11 or options.linux_display_backend == .Both) { raylib.defineCMacro("_GLFW_X11", null); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("GLX"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("X11"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xcursor"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xext"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xfixes"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xi"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xinerama"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xrandr"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xrender"); } if (options.linux_display_backend == .Wayland or options.linux_display_backend == .Both) { _ = b.findProgram(&.{"wayland-scanner"}, &.{}) catch { std.log.err( \\ `wayland-scanner` may not be installed on the system. \\ You can switch to X11 in your `build.zig` by changing `Options.linux_display_backend` , .{}); @panic("`wayland-scanner` not found"); }; raylib.defineCMacro("_GLFW_WAYLAND", null); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("EGL"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-client"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("xkbcommon"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "wayland.xml", "wayland-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "xdg-shell.xml", "xdg-shell-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "xdg-decoration-unstable-v1.xml", "xdg-decoration-unstable-v1-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "viewporter.xml", "viewporter-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "relative-pointer-unstable-v1.xml", "relative-pointer-unstable-v1-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml", "pointer-constraints-unstable-v1-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "fractional-scale-v1.xml", "fractional-scale-v1-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "xdg-activation-v1.xml", "xdg-activation-v1-client-protocol"); waylandGenerate(b, raylib, "idle-inhibit-unstable-v1.xml", "idle-inhibit-unstable-v1-client-protocol"); } setDesktopPlatform(raylib, options.platform); } else { if (options.opengl_version == .auto) { raylib.linkSystemLibrary("GLESv2"); raylib.defineCMacro("GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2", null); } raylib.linkSystemLibrary("EGL"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("gbm"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary2("libdrm", .{ .use_pkg_config = .force }); raylib.defineCMacro("PLATFORM_DRM", null); raylib.defineCMacro("EGL_NO_X11", null); raylib.defineCMacro("DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFER_ELEMENT", "2048"); } }, .freebsd, .openbsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => { try c_source_files.append("rglfw.c"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("GL"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("rt"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("dl"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("m"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("X11"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xrandr"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xinerama"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xi"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xxf86vm"); raylib.linkSystemLibrary("Xcursor"); setDesktopPlatform(raylib, options.platform); }, .macos => { // Include xcode_frameworks for cross compilation if (b.lazyDependency("xcode_frameworks", .{})) |dep| { raylib.addSystemFrameworkPath(dep.path("Frameworks")); raylib.addSystemIncludePath(dep.path("include")); raylib.addLibraryPath(dep.path("lib")); } // On macos rglfw.c include Objective-C files. try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, "-ObjC"); raylib.root_module.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = b.path("src/rglfw.c"), .flags = raylib_flags_arr.items, }); _ = raylib_flags_arr.pop(); raylib.linkFramework("Foundation"); raylib.linkFramework("CoreServices"); raylib.linkFramework("CoreGraphics"); raylib.linkFramework("AppKit"); raylib.linkFramework("IOKit"); setDesktopPlatform(raylib, options.platform); }, .emscripten => { // Include emscripten for cross compilation if (b.lazyDependency("emsdk", .{})) |dep| { if (try emSdkSetupStep(b, dep)) |emSdkStep| { raylib.step.dependOn(&emSdkStep.step); } raylib.addIncludePath(dep.path("upstream/emscripten/cache/sysroot/include")); } raylib.defineCMacro("PLATFORM_WEB", null); if (options.opengl_version == .auto) { raylib.defineCMacro("GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2", null); } }, else => { @panic("Unsupported OS"); }, } raylib.root_module.addCSourceFiles(.{ .files = c_source_files.items, .flags = raylib_flags_arr.items, }); return raylib; } /// This function does not need to be called if you passed .raygui = true to addRaylib pub fn addRaygui(b: *std.Build, raylib: *std.Build.Step.Compile, raygui_dep: *std.Build.Dependency) void { if (raylib_flags_arr.items.len == 0) { @panic( \\argument 2 `raylib` in `addRaygui` must come from b.dependency("raylib", ...).artifact("raylib") ); } var gen_step = b.addWriteFiles(); raylib.step.dependOn(&gen_step.step); const raygui_c_path = gen_step.add("raygui.c", "#define RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION\n#include \"raygui.h\"\n"); raylib.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = raygui_c_path, .flags = raylib_flags_arr.items }); raylib.addIncludePath(raygui_dep.path("src")); raylib.installHeader(raygui_dep.path("src/raygui.h"), "raygui.h"); } pub const Options = struct { raudio: bool = true, rmodels: bool = true, rshapes: bool = true, rtext: bool = true, rtextures: bool = true, raygui: bool = false, platform: PlatformBackend = .glfw, shared: bool = false, linux_display_backend: LinuxDisplayBackend = .Both, opengl_version: OpenglVersion = .auto, /// config should be a list of space-separated cflags, eg, "-DSUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL" config: []const u8 = &.{}, raygui_dependency_name: []const u8 = "raygui", const defaults = Options{}; fn getOptions(b: *std.Build) Options { return .{ .platform = b.option(PlatformBackend, "platform", "Choose the platform backedn for desktop target") orelse defaults.platform, .raudio = b.option(bool, "raudio", "Compile with audio support") orelse defaults.raudio, .raygui = b.option(bool, "raygui", "Compile with raygui support") orelse defaults.raygui, .rmodels = b.option(bool, "rmodels", "Compile with models support") orelse defaults.rmodels, .rtext = b.option(bool, "rtext", "Compile with text support") orelse defaults.rtext, .rtextures = b.option(bool, "rtextures", "Compile with textures support") orelse defaults.rtextures, .rshapes = b.option(bool, "rshapes", "Compile with shapes support") orelse defaults.rshapes, .shared = b.option(bool, "shared", "Compile as shared library") orelse defaults.shared, .linux_display_backend = b.option(LinuxDisplayBackend, "linux_display_backend", "Linux display backend to use") orelse defaults.linux_display_backend, .opengl_version = b.option(OpenglVersion, "opengl_version", "OpenGL version to use") orelse defaults.opengl_version, .config = b.option([]const u8, "config", "Compile with custom define macros overriding config.h") orelse &.{}, }; } }; pub const OpenglVersion = enum { auto, gl_1_1, gl_2_1, gl_3_3, gl_4_3, gles_2, gles_3, pub fn toCMacroStr(self: @This()) []const u8 { switch (self) { .auto => @panic(" cannot be turned into a C macro string"), .gl_1_1 => return "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11", .gl_2_1 => return "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_21", .gl_3_3 => return "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33", .gl_4_3 => return "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_43", .gles_2 => return "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2", .gles_3 => return "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES3", } } }; pub const LinuxDisplayBackend = enum { X11, Wayland, Both, }; pub const PlatformBackend = enum { glfw, rgfw, sdl, drm, }; pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void { // Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose // what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which // means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options // for restricting supported target set are available. const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); // Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select // between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not // set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize. const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const lib = try compileRaylib(b, target, optimize, Options.getOptions(b)); lib.installHeader(b.path("src/raylib.h"), "raylib.h"); lib.installHeader(b.path("src/raymath.h"), "raymath.h"); lib.installHeader(b.path("src/rlgl.h"), "rlgl.h"); b.installArtifact(lib); } fn waylandGenerate( b: *std.Build, raylib: *std.Build.Step.Compile, comptime protocol: []const u8, comptime basename: []const u8, ) void { const waylandDir = "src/external/glfw/deps/wayland"; const protocolDir = b.pathJoin(&.{ waylandDir, protocol }); const clientHeader = basename ++ ".h"; const privateCode = basename ++ "-code.h"; const client_step = b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "wayland-scanner", "client-header" }); client_step.addFileArg(b.path(protocolDir)); raylib.addIncludePath(client_step.addOutputFileArg(clientHeader).dirname()); const private_step = b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "wayland-scanner", "private-code" }); private_step.addFileArg(b.path(protocolDir)); raylib.addIncludePath(private_step.addOutputFileArg(privateCode).dirname()); raylib.step.dependOn(&client_step.step); raylib.step.dependOn(&private_step.step); }