roadmap ------- Current version of raylib is quite complete and functional but there is still a lot of things I would like to improve. Here it is a list of features I would like to add and functions to improve. Around the source code there are multiple TODO points with pending revisions/bugs and here it is a list of desired features. raylib v1.4 - TTF fonts support (using stb_truetype) - Raycast system for 3D picking (including collisions detection) - Remove GLEW dependency (use another solution...) - Floyd-Steinberg dithering on 16bit image format conversion - Basic image manipulation functions (crop, resize, draw...) - Basic image procedural generation (spot, gradient, noise...) - Basic GPU stats sytem (memory, draws, time...) Check [GITHUB ISSUES][issues] for further details on implementation status for this features! Any feature missing? Do you have a request? [Let me know!][raysan5] [raysan5]: "Ramon Santamaria - Ray San" [isssues]: