ADDED: Spline drawing functions ->
- `DrawLineBSpline()` - `DrawLineCatmullRom()`
This commit is contained in:
@ -1192,6 +1192,8 @@ RLAPI void DrawLineEx(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color
RLAPI void DrawLineBezier(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out
RLAPI void DrawLineBezierQuad(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 controlPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw line using quadratic bezier curves with a control point
RLAPI void DrawLineBezierCubic(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 startControlPos, Vector2 endControlPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw line using cubic bezier curves with 2 control points
RLAPI void DrawLineBSpline(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw a B-Spline line, minimum 4 points
RLAPI void DrawLineCatmullRom(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw a Catmull Rom spline line, minimum 4 points
RLAPI void DrawLineStrip(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, Color color); // Draw lines sequence
RLAPI void DrawCircle(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color); // Draw a color-filled circle
RLAPI void DrawCircleSector(Vector2 center, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color); // Draw a piece of a circle
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
#define SMOOTH_CIRCLE_ERROR_RATE 0.5f // Circle error rate
#define BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS 24 // Bezier line divisions
#define SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS 24 // Spline lines segment divisions
@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ void DrawLineBezier(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color)
Vector2 previous = startPos;
Vector2 current = { 0 };
Vector2 points[2*BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
Vector2 points[2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
for (int i = 1; i <= BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
// Cubic easing in-out
// NOTE: Easing is calculated only for y position value
current.y = EaseCubicInOut((float)i, startPos.y, endPos.y - startPos.y, (float)BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS);
current.x = previous.x + (endPos.x - startPos.x)/ (float)BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS;
current.y = EaseCubicInOut((float)i, startPos.y, endPos.y - startPos.y, (float)SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS);
current.x = previous.x + (endPos.x - startPos.x)/(float)SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS;
float dy = current.y-previous.y;
float dx = current.x-previous.x;
@ -237,21 +237,21 @@ void DrawLineBezier(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color)
previous = current;
DrawTriangleStrip(points, 2*BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
DrawTriangleStrip(points, 2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
// Draw line using quadratic bezier curves with a control point
void DrawLineBezierQuad(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 controlPos, float thick, Color color)
const float step = 1.0f/BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS;
const float step = 1.0f/SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS;
Vector2 previous = startPos;
Vector2 current = { 0 };
float t = 0.0f;
Vector2 points[2*BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
Vector2 points[2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
for (int i = 1; i <= BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
t = step*i;
float a = powf(1 - t, 2);
@ -282,52 +282,198 @@ void DrawLineBezierQuad(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 controlPos, fl
previous = current;
DrawTriangleStrip(points, 2*BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
DrawTriangleStrip(points, 2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
// Draw line using cubic bezier curves with 2 control points
void DrawLineBezierCubic(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 startControlPos, Vector2 endControlPos, float thick, Color color)
const float step = 1.0f/BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS;
const float step = 1.0f/SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS;
Vector2 previous = startPos;
Vector2 current = { 0 };
float t = 0.0f;
Vector2 points[2*BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
Vector2 points[2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
for (int i = 1; i <= BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
t = step*i;
float a = powf(1 - t, 3);
float b = 3*powf(1 - t, 2)*t;
float c = 3*(1-t)*powf(t, 2);
float c = 3*(1 - t)*powf(t, 2);
float d = powf(t, 3);
current.y = a*startPos.y + b*startControlPos.y + c*endControlPos.y + d*endPos.y;
current.x = a*startPos.x + b*startControlPos.x + c*endControlPos.x + d*endPos.x;
float dy = current.y-previous.y;
float dx = current.x-previous.x;
float dy = current.y - previous.y;
float dx = current.x - previous.x;
float size = 0.5f*thick/sqrtf(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if (i==1)
if (i == 1)
points[0].x = previous.x+dy*size;
points[0].y = previous.y-dx*size;
points[1].x = previous.x-dy*size;
points[1].y = previous.y+dx*size;
points[0].x = previous.x + dy*size;
points[0].y = previous.y - dx*size;
points[1].x = previous.x - dy*size;
points[1].y = previous.y + dx*size;
points[2*i+1].x = current.x-dy*size;
points[2*i+1].y = current.y+dx*size;
points[2*i].x = current.x+dy*size;
points[2*i].y = current.y-dx*size;
points[2*i + 1].x = current.x - dy*size;
points[2*i + 1].y = current.y + dx*size;
points[2*i].x = current.x + dy*size;
points[2*i].y = current.y - dx*size;
previous = current;
DrawTriangleStrip(points, 2*BEZIER_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
DrawTriangleStrip(points, 2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2, color);
// Draw a B-Spline line, minimum 4 points
void DrawLineBSpline(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color)
if (pointCount < 4) return;
float a[4] = { 0 };
float b[4] = { 0 };
float dy = 0.0f;
float dx = 0.0f;
float size = 0.0f;
Vector2 currentPoint = { 0 };
Vector2 nextPoint = { 0 };
Vector2 vertices[2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < (pointCount - 3); i++)
Vector2 p1 = points[i], p2 = points[i + 1], p3 = points[i + 2], p4 = points[i + 3];
a[0] = (-p1.x + 3*p2.x - 3*p3.x + p4.x)/6.0f;
a[1] = (3*p1.x - 6*p2.x + 3*p3.x)/6.0f;
a[2] = (-3*p1.x + 3*p3.x)/6.0f;
a[3] = (p1.x + 4*p2.x + p3.x)/6.0f;
b[0] = (-p1.y + 3*p2.y - 3*p3.y + p4.y)/6.0f;
b[1] = (3*p1.y - 6*p2.y + 3*p3.y)/6.0f;
b[2] = (-3*p1.y + 3*p3.y)/6.0f;
b[3] = (p1.y + 4*p2.y + p3.y)/6.0f;
currentPoint.x = a[3];
currentPoint.y = b[3];
if (i == 0) DrawCircleV(currentPoint, thick/2.0f, color);
float t = 0.0f;
if (i > 0)
vertices[0].x = currentPoint.x + dy*size;
vertices[0].y = currentPoint.y - dx*size;
vertices[1].x = currentPoint.x - dy*size;
vertices[1].y = currentPoint.y + dx*size;
for (int j = 1; j <= SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS; j++)
t = ((float)j)/((float)SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS);
nextPoint.x = a[3] + t*(a[2] + t*(a[1] + t*a[0]));
nextPoint.y = b[3] + t*(b[2] + t*(b[1] + t*b[0]));
dy = nextPoint.y - currentPoint.y;
dx = nextPoint.x - currentPoint.x;
size = 0.5f*thick/sqrtf(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if ((j == 1) && (i == 0))
vertices[0].x = currentPoint.x + dy*size;
vertices[0].y = currentPoint.y - dx*size;
vertices[1].x = currentPoint.x - dy*size;
vertices[1].y = currentPoint.y + dx*size;
vertices[2*j + 1].x = nextPoint.x - dy*size;
vertices[2*j + 1].y = nextPoint.y + dx*size;
vertices[2*j].x = nextPoint.x + dy*size;
vertices[2*j].y = nextPoint.y - dx*size;
currentPoint = nextPoint;
DrawTriangleStrip(vertices, 2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
DrawCircleV(currentPoint, thick/2.0f, color);
// Draw a Catmull Rom spline line, minimum 4 points
void DrawLineCatmullRom(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color)
if (pointCount < 4) return;
float dy = 0.0f;
float dx = 0.0f;
float size = 0.0f;
Vector2 currentPoint = points[1];
Vector2 nextPoint = { 0 };
Vector2 vertices[2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS + 2] = { 0 };
DrawCircleV(currentPoint, thick/2.0f, color);
for (int i = 0; i < (pointCount - 3); i++)
Vector2 p1 = points[i], p2 = points[i + 1], p3 = points[i + 2], p4 = points[i + 3];
float t = 0.0f;
currentPoint = points[i];
if (i > 0)
vertices[0].x = currentPoint.x + dy*size;
vertices[0].y = currentPoint.y - dx*size;
vertices[1].x = currentPoint.x - dy*size;
vertices[1].y = currentPoint.y + dx*size;
for (int i = 0; i <= SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS; i++)
t = ((float)i)/((float)SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS);
float q0 = (-1*t*t*t) + (2*t*t) + (-1*t);
float q1 = (3*t*t*t) + (-5*t*t) + 2;
float q2 = (-3*t*t*t) + (4*t*t) + t;
float q3 = t*t*t - t*t;
nextPoint.x = 0.5f*((p1.x*q0) + (p2.x*q1) + (p3.x*q2) + (p4.x*q3));
nextPoint.y = 0.5f*((p1.y*q0) + (p2.y*q1) + (p3.y*q2) + (p4.y*q3));
float dy = nextPoint.y - currentPoint.y;
float dx = nextPoint.x - currentPoint.x;
float size = (0.5f*thick)/sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (i == 1)
vertices[0].x = currentPoint.x + dy*size;
vertices[0].y = currentPoint.y - dx*size;
vertices[1].x = currentPoint.x - dy*size;
vertices[1].y = currentPoint.y + dx*size;
vertices[2*i + 1].x = nextPoint.x - dy*size;
vertices[2*i + 1].y = nextPoint.y + dx*size;
vertices[2*i].x = nextPoint.x + dy*size;
vertices[2*i].y = nextPoint.y - dx*size;
currentPoint = nextPoint;
DrawTriangleStrip(vertices, 2*SPLINE_LINE_DIVISIONS+2, color);
// TODO: REVIEW: HACK: Drawing a circle at points intersection to hide broken strip
DrawCircleV(currentPoint, thick/2.0f, color);
// Draw lines sequence
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