Better collisions (#1803)

* review collisions ray-box and ray-sphere

* Applied raysan's refactor
Improved GetRayCollisionBox

* Replace GetRayCollisionGround with GetCollisionQuad

* Update example core_3d_picking

* Update example models_loading

* Fixed issues after merge

* remove debug stuff

Co-authored-by: Cry dsch <>
This commit is contained in:
Crydsch 2021-06-03 20:15:27 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2370af598e
commit edeaff4bd4
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 117 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -41,16 +41,24 @@ int main(void)
Vector3 towerPos = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Set model position
BoundingBox towerBBox = GetMeshBoundingBox(tower.meshes[0]); // Get mesh bounding box
bool hitMeshBBox = false;
bool hitTriangle = false;
// Ground quad
Vector3 g0 = (Vector3){ -50.0f, 0.0f, -50.0f };
Vector3 g1 = (Vector3){ -50.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f };
Vector3 g2 = (Vector3){ 50.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f };
Vector3 g3 = (Vector3){ 50.0f, 0.0f, -50.0f };
// Test triangle
Vector3 ta = (Vector3){ -25.0, 0.5, 0.0 };
Vector3 tb = (Vector3){ -4.0, 2.5, 1.0 };
Vector3 tc = (Vector3){ -8.0, 6.5, 0.0 };
Vector3 ta = (Vector3){ -25.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f };
Vector3 tb = (Vector3){ -4.0f, 2.5f, 1.0f };
Vector3 tc = (Vector3){ -8.0f, 6.5f, 0.0f };
Vector3 bary = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
// Test sphere
Vector3 sp = (Vector3){ -30.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f };
float sr = 4.0f;
SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_FREE); // Set a free camera mode
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
@ -69,11 +77,11 @@ int main(void)
collision.hit = false;
Color cursorColor = WHITE;
// Get ray and test against ground, triangle, and mesh
// Get ray and test against objects
ray = GetMouseRay(GetMousePosition(), camera);
// Check ray collision aginst ground plane
RayCollision groundHitInfo = GetRayCollisionGround(ray, 0.0f);
// Check ray collision against ground quad
RayCollision groundHitInfo = GetRayCollisionQuad(ray, g0, g1, g2, g3);
if ((groundHitInfo.hit) && (groundHitInfo.distance < collision.distance))
@ -92,30 +100,37 @@ int main(void)
hitObjectName = "Triangle";
bary = Vector3Barycenter(collision.point, ta, tb, tc);
hitTriangle = true;
else hitTriangle = false;
RayCollision meshHitInfo = { 0 };
// Check ray collision against test sphere
RayCollision sphereHitInfo = GetRayCollisionSphere(ray, sp, sr);
if ((sphereHitInfo.hit) && (sphereHitInfo.distance < collision.distance)) {
collision = sphereHitInfo;
cursorColor = ORANGE;
hitObjectName = "Sphere";
// Check ray collision against bounding box first, before trying the full ray-mesh test
if (GetRayCollisionBox(ray, towerBBox).hit)
RayCollision boxHitInfo = GetRayCollisionBox(ray, towerBBox);
if ((boxHitInfo.hit) && (boxHitInfo.distance < collision.distance))
hitMeshBBox = true;
collision = boxHitInfo;
cursorColor = ORANGE;
hitObjectName = "Box";
// Check ray collision against model
// NOTE: It considers model.transform matrix!
meshHitInfo = GetRayCollisionModel(ray, tower);
RayCollision meshHitInfo = GetRayCollisionModel(ray, tower);
if ((meshHitInfo.hit) && (meshHitInfo.distance < collision.distance))
if (meshHitInfo.hit)
collision = meshHitInfo;
cursorColor = ORANGE;
hitObjectName = "Mesh";
hitMeshBBox = false;
// Draw
@ -136,8 +151,11 @@ int main(void)
DrawLine3D(tb, tc, PURPLE);
DrawLine3D(tc, ta, PURPLE);
// Draw the test sphere
DrawSphereWires(sp, sr, 8, 8, PURPLE);
// Draw the mesh bbox if we hit it
if (hitMeshBBox) DrawBoundingBox(towerBBox, LIME);
if (boxHitInfo.hit) DrawBoundingBox(towerBBox, LIME);
// If we hit something, draw the cursor at the hit point
if (collision.hit)
@ -154,7 +172,7 @@ int main(void)
DrawRay(ray, MAROON);
DrawGrid(10, 10.0f);
@ -178,7 +196,8 @@ int main(void)
collision.normal.z), 10, ypos + 30, 10, BLACK);
if (hitTriangle) DrawText(TextFormat("Barycenter: %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f", bary.x, bary.y, bary.z), 10, ypos + 45, 10, BLACK);
if (triHitInfo.hit && strcmp(hitObjectName, "Triangle") == 0)
DrawText(TextFormat("Barycenter: %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f", bary.x, bary.y, bary.z), 10, ypos + 45, 10, BLACK);
DrawText("Use Mouse to Move Camera", 10, 430, 10, GRAY);

View File

@ -2985,19 +2985,31 @@ RayCollision GetRayCollisionSphere(Ray ray, Vector3 center, float radius)
RayCollision collision = { 0 };
Vector3 raySpherePos = Vector3Subtract(center, ray.position);
float distance = Vector3Length(raySpherePos);
float vector = Vector3DotProduct(raySpherePos, ray.direction);
float d = radius*radius - (distance*distance - vector*vector);
float distance = Vector3Length(raySpherePos);
float d = radius*radius - (distance * distance - vector*vector);
if (d >= 0.0f) collision.hit = true;
collision.hit = d >= 0.0f;
// Check if ray origin is inside the sphere to calculate the correct collision point
if (distance < radius) collision.distance = vector + sqrtf(d);
else collision.distance = vector - sqrtf(d);
if (distance < radius) { // inside
collision.distance = vector + sqrtf(d);
// Calculate collision point
collision.point = Vector3Add(ray.position, Vector3Scale(ray.direction, collision.distance));
// Calculate collision point
collision.point = Vector3Add(ray.position, Vector3Scale(ray.direction, collision.distance));
// Calculate collision normal (pointing outwards)
collision.normal = Vector3Negate(Vector3Normalize(Vector3Subtract(collision.point, center)));
} else { // outside
collision.distance = vector - sqrtf(d);
// Calculate collision point
collision.point = Vector3Add(ray.position, Vector3Scale(ray.direction, collision.distance));
// Calculate collision normal (pointing inwards)
collision.normal = Vector3Normalize(Vector3Subtract(collision.point, center));
return collision;
@ -3006,19 +3018,60 @@ RayCollision GetRayCollisionBox(Ray ray, BoundingBox box)
RayCollision collision = { 0 };
float t[8] = { 0 };
t[0] = (box.min.x - ray.position.x)/ray.direction.x;
t[1] = (box.max.x - ray.position.x)/ray.direction.x;
t[2] = (box.min.y - ray.position.y)/ray.direction.y;
t[3] = (box.max.y - ray.position.y)/ray.direction.y;
t[4] = (box.min.z - ray.position.z)/ray.direction.z;
t[5] = (box.max.z - ray.position.z)/ray.direction.z;
// Note: If ray.position is inside the box, the distance is negative (as if the ray was reversed)
// Reversing ray.direction will give use the correct result.
bool insideBox =
ray.position.x > box.min.x && ray.position.x < box.max.x &&
ray.position.y > box.min.y && ray.position.y < box.max.y &&
ray.position.z > box.min.z && ray.position.z < box.max.z;
if (insideBox) {
ray.direction = Vector3Negate(ray.direction);
float t[11] = { 0 };
t[8] = 1.0f / ray.direction.x;
t[9] = 1.0f / ray.direction.y;
t[10] = 1.0f / ray.direction.z;
t[0] = (box.min.x - ray.position.x) * t[8];
t[1] = (box.max.x - ray.position.x) * t[8];
t[2] = (box.min.y - ray.position.y) * t[9];
t[3] = (box.max.y - ray.position.y) * t[9];
t[4] = (box.min.z - ray.position.z) * t[10];
t[5] = (box.max.z - ray.position.z) * t[10];
t[6] = (float)fmax(fmax(fmin(t[0], t[1]), fmin(t[2], t[3])), fmin(t[4], t[5]));
t[7] = (float)fmin(fmin(fmax(t[0], t[1]), fmax(t[2], t[3])), fmax(t[4], t[5]));
collision.hit = !(t[7] < 0 || t[6] > t[7]);
// TODO: Calculate other RayCollision data
collision.distance = t[6];
collision.point = Vector3Add(ray.position, Vector3Scale(ray.direction, collision.distance));
// Get box center point
collision.normal = Vector3Lerp(box.min, box.max, 0.5f);
// Get vector center point->hit point
collision.normal = Vector3Subtract(collision.point, collision.normal);
// Scale vector to unit cube
// we use an additional .01 to fix numerical errors
collision.normal = Vector3Scale(collision.normal, 2.01f);
collision.normal = Vector3Divide(collision.normal, Vector3Subtract(box.max, box.min));
// the relevant elemets of the vector are now slightly larger than 1.0f (or smaller than -1.0f)
// and the others are somewhere between -1.0 and 1.0
// casting to int is exactly our wanted normal!
collision.normal.x = (int)collision.normal.x;
collision.normal.y = (int)collision.normal.y;
collision.normal.z = (int)collision.normal.z;
collision.normal = Vector3Normalize(collision.normal);
if (insideBox) {
// Reset ray.direction
ray.direction = Vector3Negate(ray.direction);
// Fix result
collision.distance *= -1.0f;
collision.normal = Vector3Negate(collision.normal);
return collision;
@ -3089,6 +3142,7 @@ RayCollision GetRayCollisionModel(Ray ray, Model model)
// Get collision info between ray and triangle
// NOTE: The points are expected to be in counter-clockwise winding
// NOTE: Based on
RayCollision GetRayCollisionTriangle(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3)
@ -3147,26 +3201,14 @@ RayCollision GetRayCollisionTriangle(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3
return collision;
// Get collision info between ray and ground plane (Y-normal plane)
RayCollision GetRayCollisionGround(Ray ray, float groundHeight)
#define EPSILON 0.000001 // A small number
// Get collision info between ray and quad
// NOTE: The points are expected to be in counter-clockwise winding
RayCollision GetRayCollisionQuad(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4) {
RayCollision collision = { 0 };
if (fabsf(ray.direction.y) > EPSILON)
float distance = (ray.position.y - groundHeight)/-ray.direction.y;
collision = GetRayCollisionTriangle(ray, p1, p2, p4);
if (distance >= 0.0)
collision.hit = true;
collision.distance = distance;
collision.normal = (Vector3){ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
collision.point = Vector3Add(ray.position, Vector3Scale(ray.direction, distance));
collision.point.y = groundHeight;
if (!collision.hit) collision = GetRayCollisionTriangle(ray, p2, p3, p4);
return collision;

View File

@ -1447,10 +1447,10 @@ RLAPI bool CheckCollisionBoxes(BoundingBox box1, BoundingBox box2);
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionBoxSphere(BoundingBox box, Vector3 center, float radius); // Detect collision between box and sphere
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionSphere(Ray ray, Vector3 center, float radius); // Get collision info between ray and sphere
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionBox(Ray ray, BoundingBox box); // Get collision info between ray and box
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionMesh(Ray ray, Mesh mesh, Matrix transform); // Get collision info between ray and mesh
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionModel(Ray ray, Model model); // Get collision info between ray and model
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionMesh(Ray ray, Mesh mesh, Matrix transform); // Get collision info between ray and mesh
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionTriangle(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3); // Get collision info between ray and triangle
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionGround(Ray ray, float groundHeight); // Get collision info between ray and ground plane (Y-normal plane)
RLAPI RayCollision GetRayCollisionQuad(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4); // Get collision info between ray and quad
// Audio Loading and Playing Functions (Module: audio)