REVIEWED: gltf models loading, reverted to a previous version (with some tweaks)

This commit is contained in:
raysan5 2021-10-22 14:53:11 +02:00
parent befdb5963e
commit ebad28d831

View File

@ -4494,12 +4494,83 @@ static ModelAnimation* LoadModelAnimationsIQM(const char *fileName, unsigned int
static Image LoadImageFromCgltfImage(cgltf_image *image, const char *texPath, Color tint)
Image rimage = { 0 };
if (image->uri)
if ((strlen(image->uri) > 5) &&
(image->uri[0] == 'd') &&
(image->uri[1] == 'a') &&
(image->uri[2] == 't') &&
(image->uri[3] == 'a') &&
(image->uri[4] == ':'))
// Data URI
// Format: data:<mediatype>;base64,<data>
// Find the comma
int i = 0;
while ((image->uri[i] != ',') && (image->uri[i] != 0)) i++;
if (image->uri[i] == 0) TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "IMAGE: glTF data URI is not a valid image");
int base64Size = strlen(image->uri + i + 1);
int outSize = 3*(base64Size/4); // TODO: Consider padding (-numberOfPaddingCharacters)
char *data = NULL;
cgltf_options options = { 0 };
cgltf_result result = cgltf_load_buffer_base64(&options, outSize, image->uri + i + 1, &data);
if (result == cgltf_result_success)
rimage = LoadImageFromMemory(".png", data, outSize);
// TODO: Tint shouldn't be applied here!
ImageColorTint(&rimage, tint);
rimage = LoadImage(TextFormat("%s/%s", texPath, image->uri));
// TODO: Tint shouldn't be applied here!
ImageColorTint(&rimage, tint);
else if (image->buffer_view)
unsigned char *data = RL_MALLOC(image->buffer_view->size);
int n = (int)image->buffer_view->offset;
int stride = (int)image->buffer_view->stride ? (int)image->buffer_view->stride : 1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image->buffer_view->size; i++)
data[i] = ((unsigned char *)image->buffer_view->buffer->data)[n];
n += stride;
rimage = LoadImageFromMemory(".png", data, (int)image->buffer_view->size);
// TODO: Tint shouldn't be applied here!
ImageColorTint(&rimage, tint);
else rimage = GenImageColor(1, 1, tint);
return rimage;
// LoadGLTF loads in model data from given filename, supporting both .gltf and .glb
static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
Function implemented by Wilhem Barbier(@wbrbr), with modifications by Tyler Bezera(@gamerfiend) and Hristo Stamenov(@object71)
Function implemented by Wilhem Barbier(@wbrbr), with modifications by Tyler Bezera(@gamerfiend)
- Supports .gltf and .glb files
@ -4515,57 +4586,200 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
#define LOAD_ACCESSOR(type, nbcomp, acc, dst) \
{ \
int n = 0; \
type *buffer = (type *)acc->buffer_view->buffer->data + acc->buffer_view->offset/sizeof(type) + acc->offset/sizeof(type); \
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < acc->count; k++) \
for (int l = 0; l < nbcomp; l++) \
dst[nbcomp*k + l] = buffer[n + l];\
n += (int)(acc->stride/sizeof(type));\
Model model = { 0 };
// glTF file loading
unsigned int fileSize = 0;
unsigned char *fileData = LoadFileData(fileName, &fileSize);
unsigned int dataSize = 0;
unsigned char *fileData = LoadFileData(fileName, &dataSize);
if (fileData == NULL) return model;
// glTF data loading
cgltf_data *gltfData = NULL;
cgltf_options gltfOptions = { 0 }; // TODO: Define custom allocators/file-accessors
cgltf_result result = cgltf_parse(&gltfOptions, fileData, fileSize, &gltfData);
cgltf_options options = { 0 };
cgltf_data *data = NULL;
cgltf_result result = cgltf_parse(&options, fileData, dataSize, &data);
if (result == cgltf_result_success)
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "MODEL: [%s] glTF meshes (%s) count: %i", fileName, (gltfData->file_type == 2)? "glb" : "gltf", gltfData->meshes_count);
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "MODEL: [%s] glTF materials (%s) count: %i", fileName, (gltfData->file_type == 2)? "glb" : "gltf", gltfData->materials_count);
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "MODEL: [%s] glTF meshes (%s) count: %i", fileName, (data->file_type == 2)? "glb" : "gltf", data->meshes_count);
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "MODEL: [%s] glTF materials (%s) count: %i", fileName, (data->file_type == 2)? "glb" : "gltf", data->materials_count);
// Read data buffers
result = cgltf_load_buffers(&gltfOptions, gltfData, fileName); // TODO: Not needed, gltfData already contains URIs to buffers for manual loading
result = cgltf_load_buffers(&options, data, fileName);
if (result != cgltf_result_success) TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "MODEL: [%s] Failed to load mesh/material buffers", fileName);
if (gltfData->scenes_count > 1) TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "MODEL: [%s] Has multiple scenes but only the first one will be loaded", fileName);
int primitivesCount = 0;
int primitiveCount = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gltfData->scene->nodes_count; i++)
//GetGLTFPrimitiveCount(gltfData->scene->nodes[i], &primitiveCount); // TODO: Recursive function, really needed?
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->meshes_count; i++) primitivesCount += (int)data->meshes[i].primitives_count;
// Process glTF data and map to model
model.meshCount = primitiveCount;
model.meshCount = primitivesCount;
model.meshes = RL_CALLOC(model.meshCount, sizeof(Mesh));
model.materialCount = (int)gltfData->materials_count + 1;
model.materialCount = (int)data->materials_count + 1;
model.materials = RL_MALLOC(model.materialCount*sizeof(Material));
model.meshMaterial = RL_MALLOC(model.meshCount*sizeof(int));
model.boneCount = (int)gltfData->nodes_count;
model.bones = RL_CALLOC(model.boneCount, sizeof(BoneInfo));
model.bindPose = RL_CALLOC(model.boneCount, sizeof(Transform));
//InitGLTFBones(&model, gltfData);
//LoadGLTFMaterial(&model, fileName, gltfData);
for (int i = 0; i < model.meshCount; i++) model.meshes[i].vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS, sizeof(unsigned int));
int primitiveIndex = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gltfData->scene->nodes_count; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < model.materialCount - 1; i++)
Matrix staticTransform = MatrixIdentity();
//LoadGLTFNode(gltfData, gltfData->scene->nodes[i], &model, staticTransform, &primitiveIndex, fileName); // TODO: Recursive function, really needed?
model.materials[i] = LoadMaterialDefault();
Color tint = (Color){ 255, 255, 255, 255 };
const char *texPath = GetDirectoryPath(fileName);
//Ensure material follows raylib support for PBR (metallic/roughness flow)
if (data->materials[i].has_pbr_metallic_roughness)
tint.r = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[0] * 255);
tint.g = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[1] * 255);
tint.b = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[2] * 255);
tint.a = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[3] * 255);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO].color = tint;
if (data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_texture.texture)
Image albedo = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(albedo);
tint = WHITE; // Set tint to white after it's been used by Albedo
if (data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_roughness_texture.texture)
Image metallicRoughness = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_roughness_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ROUGHNESS].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(metallicRoughness);
float roughness = data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.roughness_factor;
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ROUGHNESS].value = roughness;
float metallic = data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_factor;
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_METALNESS].value = metallic;
if (data->materials[i].normal_texture.texture)
Image normalImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].normal_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_NORMAL].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(normalImage);
if (data->materials[i].occlusion_texture.texture)
Image occulsionImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].occlusion_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_OCCLUSION].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(occulsionImage);
if (data->materials[i].emissive_texture.texture)
Image emissiveImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].emissive_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_EMISSION].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(emissiveImage);
tint.r = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[0]*255);
tint.g = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[1]*255);
tint.b = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[2]*255);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_EMISSION].color = tint;
model.materials[model.materialCount - 1] = LoadMaterialDefault();
int primitiveIndex = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->meshes_count; i++)
for (unsigned int p = 0; p < data->meshes[i].primitives_count; p++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes_count; j++)
if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_position)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount = (int)acc->count;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices = RL_MALLOC(model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*3*sizeof(float));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 3, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices)
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_normal)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals = RL_MALLOC(acc->count*3*sizeof(float));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 3, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals)
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_texcoord)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32f)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].texcoords = RL_MALLOC(acc->count*2*sizeof(float));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 2, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].texcoords)
// TODO: Support normalized unsigned byte/unsigned short texture coordinates
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF texture coordinates must be float", fileName);
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].indices;
if (acc)
if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_16u)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = (int)acc->count/3;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].indices = RL_MALLOC(model.meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount*3*sizeof(unsigned short));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(unsigned short, 1, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].indices)
// TODO: Support unsigned byte/unsigned int
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF index data must be unsigned short", fileName);
// Unindexed mesh
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount/3;
if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].material)
// Compute the offset
model.meshMaterial[primitiveIndex] = (int)(data->meshes[i].primitives[p].material - data->materials);
model.meshMaterial[primitiveIndex] = model.materialCount - 1;;
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] Failed to load glTF data", fileName);