Reviewed fbo creation and VR system
This commit is contained in:
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ typedef struct RenderTexture2D {
unsigned int id; // OpenGL Framebuffer Object (FBO) id
Texture2D texture; // Color buffer attachment texture
Texture2D depth; // Depth buffer attachment texture
bool depthTexture; // Track if depth attachment is a texture or renderbuffer
} RenderTexture2D;
// RenderTexture type, same as RenderTexture2D
@ -407,6 +408,16 @@ typedef struct VrDeviceInfo {
float chromaAbCorrection[4]; // HMD chromatic aberration correction parameters
} VrDeviceInfo;
// VR Stereo rendering configuration for simulator
typedef struct VrStereoConfig {
RenderTexture2D stereoFbo; // VR stereo rendering framebuffer
Shader distortionShader; // VR stereo rendering distortion shader
Matrix eyesProjection[2]; // VR stereo rendering eyes projection matrices
Matrix eyesViewOffset[2]; // VR stereo rendering eyes view offset matrices
int eyeViewportRight[4]; // VR stereo rendering right eye viewport [x, y, w, h]
int eyeViewportLeft[4]; // VR stereo rendering left eye viewport [x, y, w, h]
} VrStereoConfig;
// Enumerators Definition
@ -1172,6 +1183,7 @@ RLAPI int TextFindIndex(const char *text, const char *find);
RLAPI const char *TextToUpper(const char *text); // Get upper case version of provided string
RLAPI const char *TextToLower(const char *text); // Get lower case version of provided string
RLAPI const char *TextToPascal(const char *text); // Get Pascal case notation version of provided string
RLAPI int TextToInteger(const char *text); // Get integer value from text (negative values not supported)
// Basic 3d Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: models)
@ -1292,10 +1304,9 @@ RLAPI void EndScissorMode(void); // End
// VR control functions
RLAPI VrDeviceInfo GetVrDeviceInfo(int vrDeviceType); // Get VR device information for some standard devices
RLAPI void InitVrSimulator(VrDeviceInfo info); // Init VR simulator for selected device parameters
RLAPI void UpdateVrTracking(Camera *camera); // Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera
RLAPI void CloseVrSimulator(void); // Close VR simulator for current device
RLAPI bool IsVrSimulatorReady(void); // Detect if VR simulator is ready
RLAPI void SetVrDistortionShader(Shader shader); // Set VR distortion shader for stereoscopic rendering
RLAPI void UpdateVrTracking(Camera *camera); // Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera
RLAPI void ToggleVrMode(void); // Enable/Disable VR experience
RLAPI void BeginVrDrawing(void); // Begin VR simulator stereo rendering
RLAPI void EndVrDrawing(void); // End VR simulator stereo rendering
@ -183,9 +183,10 @@ typedef unsigned char byte;
// RenderTexture2D type, for texture rendering
typedef struct RenderTexture2D {
unsigned int id; // OpenGL Framebuffer Object (FBO) id
unsigned int id; // OpenGL framebuffer (fbo) id
Texture2D texture; // Color buffer attachment texture
Texture2D depth; // Depth buffer attachment texture
bool depthTexture; // Track if depth attachment is a texture or renderbuffer
} RenderTexture2D;
// RenderTexture type, same as RenderTexture2D
@ -521,11 +522,11 @@ void EndBlendMode(void); // End blending mode (reset to
// VR control functions
VrDeviceInfo GetVrDeviceInfo(int vrDeviceType); // Get VR device information for some standard devices
VrStereoConfig SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo hmd, Shader distortion);
void InitVrSimulator(VrDeviceInfo info); // Init VR simulator for selected device parameters
void UpdateVrTracking(Camera *camera); // Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera
void CloseVrSimulator(void); // Close VR simulator for current device
bool IsVrSimulatorReady(void); // Detect if VR simulator is ready
void SetVrDistortionShader(Shader shader); // Set VR distortion shader for stereoscopic rendering
void UpdateVrTracking(Camera *camera); // Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera
void ToggleVrMode(void); // Enable/Disable VR experience
void BeginVrDrawing(void); // Begin VR simulator stereo rendering
void EndVrDrawing(void); // End VR simulator stereo rendering
@ -721,18 +722,6 @@ typedef struct DrawCall {
//Matrix modelview; // Modelview matrix for this draw
} DrawCall;
// VR Stereo rendering configuration for simulator
typedef struct VrStereoConfig {
RenderTexture2D stereoFbo; // VR stereo rendering framebuffer
Shader distortionShader; // VR stereo rendering distortion shader
Matrix eyesProjection[2]; // VR stereo rendering eyes projection matrices
Matrix eyesViewOffset[2]; // VR stereo rendering eyes view offset matrices
int eyeViewportRight[4]; // VR stereo rendering right eye viewport [x, y, w, h]
int eyeViewportLeft[4]; // VR stereo rendering left eye viewport [x, y, w, h]
} VrStereoConfig;
// Global Variables Definition
@ -917,8 +906,8 @@ static void GenDrawCube(void); // Generate and draw cube
static void GenDrawQuad(void); // Generate and draw quad
static void SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo info); // Configure stereo rendering (including distortion shader) with HMD device parameters
static void SetStereoView(int eye, Matrix matProjection, Matrix matModelView); // Set internal projection and modelview matrix depending on eye
static VrStereoConfig SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo info, Shader distortion); // Configure stereo rendering (including distortion shader) with HMD device parameters
static void SetStereoView(int eye, Matrix matProjection, Matrix matModelView); // Set internal projection and modelview matrix depending on eye
#endif // defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33) || defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2)
@ -1404,11 +1393,8 @@ void rlDeleteRenderTextures(RenderTexture2D target)
if ( > 0) glDeleteTextures(1, &;
if ( > 0)
glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &;
#elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
glDeleteTextures(1, &;
if (target.depthTexture) glDeleteTextures(1, &;
else glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &;
if ( > 0) glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &;
@ -2047,8 +2033,64 @@ unsigned int rlLoadTextureDepth(int width, int height, int bits, bool useRenderB
return id;
// Load texture cubemap
// NOTE: Cubemap data is expected to be 6 images in a single column,
// expected the following convention: +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z
unsigned int rlLoadTextureCubemap(void *data, int size, int format)
unsigned int cubemapId = 0;
unsigned int dataSize = GetPixelDataSize(size, size, format);
glGenTextures(1, &cubemapId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, cubemapId);
unsigned int glInternalFormat, glFormat, glType;
rlGetGlTextureFormats(format, &glInternalFormat, &glFormat, &glType);
// Load cubemap faces
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (glInternalFormat != -1)
if (format < COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glInternalFormat, size, size, 0, glFormat, glType, (unsigned char *)data + i*dataSize);
#if !defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11)
else glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glInternalFormat, size, size, 0, dataSize, (unsigned char *)data + i*dataSize);
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ONE };
else if (format == UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA)
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_21)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ALPHA };
#elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_GREEN };
// Set cubemap texture sampling parameters
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // Flag not supported on OpenGL ES 2.0
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0);
return cubemapId;
// Update already loaded texture in GPU with new data
// TODO: We don't know safely if internal texture format is the expected one...
// NOTE: We don't know safely if internal texture format is the expected one...
void rlUpdateTexture(unsigned int id, int width, int height, int format, const void *data)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
@ -2121,67 +2163,13 @@ void rlUnloadTexture(unsigned int id)
if (id > 0) glDeleteTextures(1, &id);
// Load texture cubemap
// NOTE: Cubemap data is expected to be 6 images in a single column,
// expected the following convention: +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z
unsigned int rlLoadTextureCubemap(void *data, int size, int format)
unsigned int cubemapId = 0;
unsigned int dataSize = GetPixelDataSize(size, size, format);
glGenTextures(1, &cubemapId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, cubemapId);
unsigned int glInternalFormat, glFormat, glType;
rlGetGlTextureFormats(format, &glInternalFormat, &glFormat, &glType);
// Load cubemap faces
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (glInternalFormat != -1)
if (format < COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glInternalFormat, size, size, 0, glFormat, glType, (unsigned char *)data + i*dataSize);
#if !defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11)
else glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glInternalFormat, size, size, 0, dataSize, (unsigned char *)data + i*dataSize);
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ONE };
else if (format == UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA)
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_21)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ALPHA };
#elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_GREEN };
// Set cubemap texture sampling parameters
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // Flag not supported on OpenGL ES 2.0
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0);
return cubemapId;
// Load a texture to be used for rendering (fbo with default color and depth attachments)
// NOTE: If colorFormat or depthBits are no supported, no attachment is done
RenderTexture2D rlLoadRenderTexture(int width, int height, int format, int depthBits, bool useDepthTexture)
RenderTexture2D target = { 0 };
if (useDepthTexture && texDepthSupported) target.depthTexture = true;
// Create the framebuffer object
@ -2215,9 +2203,8 @@ RenderTexture2D rlLoadRenderTexture(int width, int height, int format, int depth
// Attach color texture and depth renderbuffer to FBO
rlRenderTextureAttach(target,, 0);
if (useDepthTexture && texDepthSupported) rlRenderTextureAttach(target,, 2);
else rlRenderTextureAttach(target,, 1);
rlRenderTextureAttach(target,, 0); // COLOR attachment
rlRenderTextureAttach(target,, 1); // DEPTH attachment
// Check if fbo is complete with attachments (valid)
@ -2233,14 +2220,17 @@ RenderTexture2D rlLoadRenderTexture(int width, int height, int format, int depth
// Attach color buffer texture to an fbo (unloads previous attachment)
// NOTE: Attach type: 0-Color, 1-Depth renderbuffer, 2-Depth texture
void rlRenderTextureAttach(RenderTexture target, unsigned int id, int attachType)
void rlRenderTextureAttach(RenderTexture2D target, unsigned int id, int attachType)
if (attachType == 0) glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, id, 0);
else if (attachType == 1) glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, id);
else if (attachType == 2) glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, id, 0);
else if (attachType == 1)
if (target.depthTexture) glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, id, 0);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
@ -2341,9 +2331,15 @@ void rlGenerateMipmaps(Texture2D *texture)
// Upload vertex data into a VAO (if supported) and VBO
// TODO: Check if mesh has already been loaded in GPU
void rlLoadMesh(Mesh *mesh, bool dynamic)
if (mesh->vaoId > 0)
// Check if mesh has already been loaded in GPU
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Trying to re-load an already loaded mesh");
mesh->vaoId = 0; // Vertex Array Object
mesh->vboId[0] = 0; // Vertex positions VBO
mesh->vboId[1] = 0; // Vertex texcoords VBO
@ -2612,8 +2608,6 @@ void rlDrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Material material, Matrix transform)
if (vaoSupported) glBindVertexArray(mesh.vaoId);
// TODO: Simplify VBO binding into a for loop
// Bind mesh VBO data: vertex position (shader-location = 0)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.vboId[0]);
glVertexAttribPointer(material.shader.locs[LOC_VERTEX_POSITION], 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0);
@ -3554,19 +3548,16 @@ VrDeviceInfo GetVrDeviceInfo(int vrDeviceType)
void InitVrSimulator(VrDeviceInfo info)
// Initialize framebuffer and textures for stereo rendering
// NOTE: Screen size should match HMD aspect ratio
vrConfig.stereoFbo = rlLoadRenderTexture(screenWidth, screenHeight, UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8, 24, false);
Shader distortion = { 0 };
// Load distortion shader
vrConfig.distortionShader = LoadShaderCode(NULL, distortionFShaderStr);
if ( > 0) SetShaderDefaultLocations(&vrConfig.distortionShader);
distortion = LoadShaderCode(NULL, distortionFShaderStr);
if ( > 0) SetShaderDefaultLocations(&distortion);
// Set VR configutarion parameters, including distortion shader
vrConfig = SetStereoConfig(info, distortion);
vrSimulatorReady = true;
@ -3576,6 +3567,13 @@ void InitVrSimulator(VrDeviceInfo info)
// Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera
// NOTE: Camera (position, target, up) gets update with head tracking information
void UpdateVrTracking(Camera *camera)
// TODO: Simulate 1st person camera system
// Close VR simulator for current device
void CloseVrSimulator(void)
@ -3600,17 +3598,6 @@ bool IsVrSimulatorReady(void)
// Set VR distortion shader for stereoscopic rendering
// TODO: Review VR system to be more flexible, move distortion shader to user side
void SetVrDistortionShader(Shader shader)
vrConfig.distortionShader = shader;
//SetStereoConfig(info); // TODO: Must be reviewed to set new distortion shader uniform values...
// Enable/Disable VR experience (device or simulator)
void ToggleVrMode(void)
@ -3630,13 +3617,6 @@ void ToggleVrMode(void)
// Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera
// NOTE: Camera (position, target, up) gets update with head tracking information
void UpdateVrTracking(Camera *camera)
// TODO: Simulate 1st person camera system
// Begin Oculus drawing configuration
void BeginVrDrawing(void)
@ -3688,7 +3668,6 @@ void EndVrDrawing(void)
currentShader = GetShaderDefault();
@ -4377,9 +4356,17 @@ static void GenDrawCube(void)
// Configure stereo rendering (including distortion shader) with HMD device parameters
// NOTE: It modifies the global variable: VrStereoConfig vrConfig
static void SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo hmd)
static VrStereoConfig SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo hmd, Shader distortion)
VrStereoConfig config = { 0 };
// Initialize framebuffer and textures for stereo rendering
// NOTE: Screen size should match HMD aspect ratio
config.stereoFbo = rlLoadRenderTexture(GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8, 24, false);
// Assign distortion shader
config.distortionShader = distortion;
// Compute aspect ratio
float aspect = ((float)hmd.hResolution*0.5f)/(float)hmd.vResolution;
@ -4411,19 +4398,6 @@ static void SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo hmd)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "VR: Distortion Shader: Scale = { %f, %f }", scale[0], scale[1]);
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "VR: Distortion Shader: ScaleIn = { %f, %f }", scaleIn[0], scaleIn[1]);
// Update distortion shader with lens and distortion-scale parameters
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "leftLensCenter"), leftLensCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "rightLensCenter"), rightLensCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "leftScreenCenter"), leftScreenCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "rightScreenCenter"), rightScreenCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "scale"), scale, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "scaleIn"), scaleIn, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "hmdWarpParam"), hmd.lensDistortionValues, UNIFORM_VEC4);
SetShaderValue(vrConfig.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(vrConfig.distortionShader, "chromaAbParam"), hmd.chromaAbCorrection, UNIFORM_VEC4);
// Fovy is normally computed with: 2*atan2(hmd.vScreenSize, 2*hmd.eyeToScreenDistance)
// ...but with lens distortion it is increased (see Oculus SDK Documentation)
//float fovy = 2.0f*atan2(hmd.vScreenSize*0.5f*distortionScale, hmd.eyeToScreenDistance); // Really need distortionScale?
@ -4432,19 +4406,34 @@ static void SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo hmd)
// Compute camera projection matrices
float projOffset = 4.0f*lensShift; // Scaled to projection space coordinates [-1..1]
Matrix proj = MatrixPerspective(fovy, aspect, 0.01, 1000.0);
vrConfig.eyesProjection[0] = MatrixMultiply(proj, MatrixTranslate(projOffset, 0.0f, 0.0f));
vrConfig.eyesProjection[1] = MatrixMultiply(proj, MatrixTranslate(-projOffset, 0.0f, 0.0f));
config.eyesProjection[0] = MatrixMultiply(proj, MatrixTranslate(projOffset, 0.0f, 0.0f));
config.eyesProjection[1] = MatrixMultiply(proj, MatrixTranslate(-projOffset, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// Compute camera transformation matrices
// NOTE: Camera movement might seem more natural if we model the head.
// Our axis of rotation is the base of our head, so we might want to add
// some y (base of head to eye level) and -z (center of head to eye protrusion) to the camera positions.
vrConfig.eyesViewOffset[0] = MatrixTranslate(-hmd.interpupillaryDistance*0.5f, 0.075f, 0.045f);
vrConfig.eyesViewOffset[1] = MatrixTranslate(hmd.interpupillaryDistance*0.5f, 0.075f, 0.045f);
config.eyesViewOffset[0] = MatrixTranslate(-hmd.interpupillaryDistance*0.5f, 0.075f, 0.045f);
config.eyesViewOffset[1] = MatrixTranslate(hmd.interpupillaryDistance*0.5f, 0.075f, 0.045f);
// Compute eyes Viewports
//vrConfig.eyeViewportRight[0] = (int[4]){ 0, 0, hmd.hResolution/2, hmd.vResolution };
//vrConfig.eyeViewportLeft[0] = (int[4]){ hmd.hResolution/2, 0, hmd.hResolution/2, hmd.vResolution };
//config.eyeViewportRight[0] = (int[4]){ 0, 0, hmd.hResolution/2, hmd.vResolution };
//config.eyeViewportLeft[0] = (int[4]){ hmd.hResolution/2, 0, hmd.hResolution/2, hmd.vResolution };
// Update distortion shader with lens and distortion-scale parameters
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "leftLensCenter"), leftLensCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "rightLensCenter"), rightLensCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "leftScreenCenter"), leftScreenCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "rightScreenCenter"), rightScreenCenter, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "scale"), scale, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "scaleIn"), scaleIn, UNIFORM_VEC2);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "hmdWarpParam"), hmd.lensDistortionValues, UNIFORM_VEC4);
SetShaderValue(config.distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(config.distortionShader, "chromaAbParam"), hmd.chromaAbCorrection, UNIFORM_VEC4);
return config;
// Set internal projection and modelview matrix depending on eyes tracking data
Reference in New Issue
Block a user