Removed useless spaces
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
* Basic functions to manage Audio: InitAudioDevice, LoadAudioFiles, PlayAudioFiles
* Uses external lib:
* Uses external lib:
* OpenAL - Audio device management lib
* stb_vorbis - Ogg audio files loading
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -54,16 +54,16 @@
// NOTE: Anything longer than ~10 seconds should be streamed...
typedef struct Music {
stb_vorbis *stream;
ALuint source;
ALenum format;
ALuint source;
ALenum format;
int channels;
int sampleRate;
int totalSamplesLeft;
bool loop;
int totalSamplesLeft;
bool loop;
} Music;
// Wave file data
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ typedef struct Wave {
unsigned int dataSize; // Data size in bytes
unsigned int sampleRate;
short bitsPerSample;
short channels;
short channels;
} Wave;
@ -102,22 +102,22 @@ void InitAudioDevice()
// Open and initialize a device with default settings
ALCdevice *device = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
if(!device) TraceLog(ERROR, "Could not open audio device");
ALCcontext *context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL);
if(context == NULL || alcMakeContextCurrent(context) == ALC_FALSE)
if(context != NULL) alcDestroyContext(context);
TraceLog(ERROR, "Could not setup audio context");
TraceLog(INFO, "Audio device and context initialized successfully: %s\n", alcGetString(device, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER));
// Listener definition (just for 2D)
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void CloseAudioDevice()
ALCdevice *device;
ALCcontext *context = alcGetCurrentContext();
if (context == NULL) TraceLog(WARNING, "Could not get current audio context for closing");
device = alcGetContextsDevice(context);
@ -150,41 +150,41 @@ Sound LoadSound(char *fileName)
Sound sound;
Wave wave;
// NOTE: The entire file is loaded to memory to play it all at once (no-streaming)
// Audio file loading
// NOTE: Buffer space is allocated inside function, Wave must be freed
if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"wav") == 0) wave = LoadWAV(fileName);
else if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"ogg") == 0) wave = LoadOGG(fileName);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Sound extension not recognized, it can't be loaded", fileName);
if ( != NULL)
ALenum format = 0;
// The OpenAL format is worked out by looking at the number of channels and the bits per sample
if (wave.channels == 1)
if (wave.channels == 1)
if (wave.bitsPerSample == 8 ) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
else if (wave.bitsPerSample == 16) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
else if (wave.channels == 2)
else if (wave.channels == 2)
if (wave.bitsPerSample == 8 ) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
else if (wave.bitsPerSample == 16) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
// Create an audio source
ALuint source;
alGenSources(1, &source); // Generate pointer to audio source
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1);
alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
// Convert loaded data to OpenAL buffer
ALuint buffer;
@ -195,17 +195,17 @@ Sound LoadSound(char *fileName)
// Attach sound buffer to source
alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
// Unallocate WAV data
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Sound file loaded successfully", fileName);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Sound file loaded successfully", fileName);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Sample rate: %i - Channels: %i", fileName, wave.sampleRate, wave.channels);
sound.source = source;
sound.buffer = buffer;
return sound;
@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
unsigned char version; // rRES file version and subversion
char useless; // rRES header reserved data
short numRes;
ResInfoHeader infoHeader;
FILE *rresFile = fopen(rresName, "rb");
if (!rresFile) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Could not open raylib resource file", rresName);
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
fread(&id[3], sizeof(char), 1, rresFile);
fread(&version, sizeof(char), 1, rresFile);
fread(&useless, sizeof(char), 1, rresFile);
if ((id[0] != 'r') && (id[1] != 'R') && (id[2] != 'E') &&(id[3] != 'S'))
TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] This is not a valid raylib resource file", rresName);
@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
// Read number of resources embedded
fread(&numRes, sizeof(short), 1, rresFile);
for (int i = 0; i < numRes; i++)
fread(&infoHeader, sizeof(ResInfoHeader), 1, rresFile);
if ( == resId)
found = true;
@ -258,56 +258,56 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
// TODO: Check data compression type
// NOTE: We suppose compression type 2 (DEFLATE - default)
// Reading SOUND parameters
Wave wave;
short sampleRate, bps;
char channels, reserved;
fread(&sampleRate, sizeof(short), 1, rresFile); // Sample rate (frequency)
fread(&bps, sizeof(short), 1, rresFile); // Bits per sample
fread(&channels, 1, 1, rresFile); // Channels (1 - mono, 2 - stereo)
fread(&reserved, 1, 1, rresFile); // <reserved>
wave.sampleRate = sampleRate;
wave.dataSize = infoHeader.srcSize;
wave.bitsPerSample = bps;
wave.channels = (short)channels;
unsigned char *data = malloc(infoHeader.size);
fread(data, infoHeader.size, 1, rresFile);
|||| = DecompressData(data, infoHeader.size, infoHeader.srcSize);
// Convert wave to Sound (OpenAL)
ALenum format = 0;
// The OpenAL format is worked out by looking at the number of channels and the bits per sample
if (wave.channels == 1)
if (wave.channels == 1)
if (wave.bitsPerSample == 8 ) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
else if (wave.bitsPerSample == 16) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
else if (wave.channels == 2)
else if (wave.channels == 2)
if (wave.bitsPerSample == 8 ) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
else if (wave.bitsPerSample == 16) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
// Create an audio source
ALuint source;
alGenSources(1, &source); // Generate pointer to audio source
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1);
alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
// Convert loaded data to OpenAL buffer
ALuint buffer;
@ -318,12 +318,12 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
// Attach sound buffer to source
alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
// Unallocate WAV data
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Sound loaded successfully from resource, sample rate: %i", rresName, (int)sampleRate);
sound.source = source;
sound.buffer = buffer;
@ -344,18 +344,18 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
case 4: break; // RAW: No parameters
default: break;
// Jump DATA to read next infoHeader
fseek(rresFile, infoHeader.size, SEEK_CUR);
if (!found) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Required resource id [%i] could not be found in the raylib resource file", rresName, resId);
return sound;
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ void UnloadSound(Sound sound)
void PlaySound(Sound sound)
alSourcePlay(sound.source); // Play the sound
//TraceLog(INFO, "Playing sound");
// Find the current position of the sound being played
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ void PlaySound(Sound sound)
//int sampleRate;
//alGetBufferi(sound.buffer, AL_FREQUENCY, &sampleRate); // AL_CHANNELS, AL_BITS (bps)
//float seconds = (float)byteOffset / sampleRate; // Number of seconds since the beginning of the sound
//float result;
@ -404,10 +404,10 @@ bool SoundIsPlaying(Sound sound)
bool playing = false;
ALint state;
alGetSourcei(sound.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state == AL_PLAYING) playing = true;
return playing;
@ -434,49 +434,49 @@ void PlayMusicStream(char *fileName)
// Stop current music, clean buffers, unload current stream
// Open audio stream
|||| = stb_vorbis_open_filename(fileName, NULL, NULL);
if ( == NULL) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Could not open ogg audio file", fileName);
// Get file info
stb_vorbis_info info = stb_vorbis_get_info(;
currentMusic.channels = info.channels;
currentMusic.sampleRate = info.sample_rate;
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Ogg sample rate: %i", fileName, info.sample_rate);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Ogg channels: %i", fileName, info.channels);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Temp memory required: %i", fileName, info.temp_memory_required);
if (info.channels == 2) currentMusic.format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
else currentMusic.format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
currentMusic.loop = true; // We loop by default
musicEnabled = true;
// Create an audio source
alGenSources(1, ¤tMusic.source); // Generate pointer to audio source
alSourcef(currentMusic.source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(currentMusic.source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(currentMusic.source, AL_GAIN, 1);
alSource3f(currentMusic.source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(currentMusic.source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
//alSourcei(currentMusic.source, AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE); // ERROR: Buffers do not queue!
// Generate two OpenAL buffers
alGenBuffers(2, currentMusic.buffers);
// Fill buffers with music...
// Queue buffers and start playing
alSourceQueueBuffers(currentMusic.source, 2, currentMusic.buffers);
// NOTE: Regularly, we must check if a buffer has been processed and refill it: MusicStreamUpdate()
currentMusic.totalSamplesLeft = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples( * currentMusic.channels;
@ -491,15 +491,15 @@ void StopMusicStream()
if (musicEnabled)
EmptyMusicStream(); // Empty music buffers
alDeleteSources(1, ¤tMusic.source);
alDeleteBuffers(2, currentMusic.buffers);
musicEnabled = false;
@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ void PauseMusicStream()
bool MusicIsPlaying()
ALenum state;
alGetSourcei(currentMusic.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
return (state == AL_PLAYING);
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ void SetMusicVolume(float volume)
float GetMusicTimeLength()
float totalSeconds = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_seconds(;
return totalSeconds;
@ -538,11 +538,11 @@ float GetMusicTimeLength()
float GetMusicTimePlayed()
int totalSamples = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples( * currentMusic.channels;
int samplesPlayed = totalSamples - currentMusic.totalSamplesLeft;
float secondsPlayed = (float)samplesPlayed / (currentMusic.sampleRate * currentMusic.channels);
return secondsPlayed;
@ -553,30 +553,30 @@ float GetMusicTimePlayed()
// Fill music buffers with new data from music stream
static bool BufferMusicStream(ALuint buffer)
int size = 0; // Total size of data steamed (in bytes)
int streamedBytes = 0; // Bytes of data obtained in one samples get
int size = 0; // Total size of data steamed (in bytes)
int streamedBytes = 0; // Bytes of data obtained in one samples get
bool active = true; // We can get more data from stream (not finished)
if (musicEnabled)
while (size < MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE)
streamedBytes = stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved(, currentMusic.channels, pcm + size, MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE - size);
if (streamedBytes > 0) size += (streamedBytes*currentMusic.channels);
else break;
TraceLog(DEBUG, "Streaming music data to buffer. Bytes streamed: %i", size);
if (size > 0)
if (size > 0)
alBufferData(buffer, currentMusic.format, pcm, size*sizeof(short), currentMusic.sampleRate);
currentMusic.totalSamplesLeft -= size;
@ -585,21 +585,21 @@ static bool BufferMusicStream(ALuint buffer)
TraceLog(WARNING, "No more data obtained from stream");
return active;
return active;
// Empty music buffers
static void EmptyMusicStream()
ALuint buffer = 0;
ALuint buffer = 0;
int queued = 0;
alGetSourcei(currentMusic.source, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued);
while(queued > 0)
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(currentMusic.source, 1, &buffer);
@ -610,12 +610,12 @@ extern void UpdateMusicStream()
ALuint buffer = 0;
ALint processed = 0;
bool active = true;
if (musicEnabled)
// Get the number of already processed buffers (if any)
alGetSourcei(currentMusic.source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
while (processed > 0)
// Recover processed buffer for refill
@ -623,32 +623,32 @@ extern void UpdateMusicStream()
// Refill buffer
active = BufferMusicStream(buffer);
// If no more data to stream, restart music (if loop)
if ((!active) && (currentMusic.loop))
if ((!active) && (currentMusic.loop))
if (currentMusic.loop)
currentMusic.totalSamplesLeft = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples( * currentMusic.channels;
active = BufferMusicStream(buffer);
// Add refilled buffer to queue again... don't let the music stop!
alSourceQueueBuffers(currentMusic.source, 1, &buffer);
if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) TraceLog(WARNING, "Ogg playing, error buffering data...");
ALenum state;
alGetSourcei(currentMusic.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if ((state != AL_PLAYING) && active) alSourcePlay(currentMusic.source);
if (!active) StopMusicStream();
@ -678,16 +678,16 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
char subChunkID[4];
long subChunkSize;
} WaveData;
RiffHeader riffHeader;
WaveFormat waveFormat;
WaveData waveData;
Wave wave;
FILE *wavFile;
wavFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (!wavFile)
TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Could not open WAV file", fileName);
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
// Read in the first chunk into the struct
fread(&riffHeader, sizeof(RiffHeader), 1, wavFile);
// Check for RIFF and WAVE tags
if (((riffHeader.chunkID[0] != 'R') || (riffHeader.chunkID[1] != 'I') || (riffHeader.chunkID[2] != 'F') || (riffHeader.chunkID[3] != 'F')) ||
((riffHeader.format[0] != 'W') || (riffHeader.format[1] != 'A') || (riffHeader.format[2] != 'V') || (riffHeader.format[3] != 'E')))
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
// Read in the 2nd chunk for the wave info
fread(&waveFormat, sizeof(WaveFormat), 1, wavFile);
// Check for fmt tag
if ((waveFormat.subChunkID[0] != 'f') || (waveFormat.subChunkID[1] != 'm') ||
(waveFormat.subChunkID[2] != 't') || (waveFormat.subChunkID[3] != ' '))
@ -718,10 +718,10 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
// Check for extra parameters;
if (waveFormat.subChunkSize > 16) fseek(wavFile, sizeof(short), SEEK_CUR);
// Read in the the last byte of data before the sound file
fread(&waveData, sizeof(WaveData), 1, wavFile);
// Check for data tag
if ((waveData.subChunkID[0] != 'd') || (waveData.subChunkID[1] != 'a') ||
(waveData.subChunkID[2] != 't') || (waveData.subChunkID[3] != 'a'))
@ -731,17 +731,17 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
// Allocate memory for data
|||| = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * waveData.subChunkSize);
|||| = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * waveData.subChunkSize);
// Read in the sound data into the soundData variable
fread(, waveData.subChunkSize, 1, wavFile);
// Now we set the variables that we need later
wave.dataSize = waveData.subChunkSize;
wave.sampleRate = waveFormat.sampleRate;
wave.channels = waveFormat.numChannels;
wave.bitsPerSample = waveFormat.bitsPerSample;
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Wave file loaded successfully", fileName);
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
return wave;
@ -757,42 +757,42 @@ static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileName)
static Wave LoadOGG(char *fileName)
Wave wave;
stb_vorbis *oggFile = stb_vorbis_open_filename(fileName, NULL, NULL);
stb_vorbis_info info = stb_vorbis_get_info(oggFile);
wave.sampleRate = info.sample_rate;
wave.bitsPerSample = 16;
wave.channels = info.channels;
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] Ogg sample rate: %i", fileName, info.sample_rate);
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] Ogg channels: %i", fileName, info.channels);
int totalSamplesLength = (stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(oggFile) * info.channels);
wave.dataSize = totalSamplesLength*sizeof(short); // Size must be in bytes
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] Samples length: %i", fileName, totalSamplesLength);
float totalSeconds = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_seconds(oggFile);
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] Total seconds: %f", fileName, totalSeconds);
if (totalSeconds > 10) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Ogg audio lenght is larger than 10 seconds (%f), that's a big file in memory, consider music streaming", fileName, totalSeconds);
int totalSamples = totalSeconds*info.sample_rate*info.channels;
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] Total samples calculated: %i", fileName, totalSamples);
//short *data
//short *data
|||| = malloc(sizeof(short)*totalSamplesLength);
int samplesObtained = stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved(oggFile, info.channels,, totalSamplesLength);
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] Samples obtained: %i", fileName, samplesObtained);
return wave;
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
* raylib.core
* Basic functions to manage Windows, OpenGL context and Input
* Uses external lib:
* Uses external lib:
* GLFW3 - Window, context and Input management (static lib version)
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ void InitWindow(int width, int height, const char *title)
void InitWindowEx(int width, int height, const char* title, bool resizable, const char *cursorImage)
if (!glfwInit()) TraceLog(ERROR, "Failed to initialize GLFW");
//glfwDefaultWindowHints() // Set default windows hints
if (!resizable) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE); // Avoid window being resizable
#ifdef USE_OPENGL_33
@ -137,20 +137,20 @@ void InitWindowEx(int width, int height, const char* title, bool resizable, cons
window = glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, NULL, NULL);
windowWidth = width;
windowHeight = height;
windowTitle = title;
if (!window)
TraceLog(ERROR, "Failed to initialize Window");
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(window, WindowSizeCallback);
glfwSetCursorEnterCallback(window, CursorEnterCallback);
glfwSetKeyCallback(window, KeyCallback);
glfwSetScrollCallback(window, ScrollCallback);
@ -158,29 +158,29 @@ void InitWindowEx(int width, int height, const char* title, bool resizable, cons
// If not set, swap interval uses GPU v-sync configuration
// Framerate can be setup using SetTargetFPS()
#if defined(USE_OPENGL_33) || defined(USE_OPENGL_ES2)
rlglInit(); // Init rlgl
int fbWidth, fbHeight;
glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &fbWidth, &fbHeight); // Get framebuffer size of current window
rlglInitGraphicsDevice(fbWidth, fbHeight);
previousTime = glfwGetTime();
LoadDefaultFont(); // NOTE: External function (defined in module: text)
if (cursorImage != NULL) SetCustomCursor(cursorImage);
srand(time(NULL)); // Initialize random seed
ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); // Default background color for raylib games :P
// raylib logo appearing animation
if (showLogo)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ void InitWindowEx(int width, int height, const char* title, bool resizable, cons
void CloseWindow()
#if defined(USE_OPENGL_33) || defined(USE_OPENGL_ES2)
rlglClose(); // De-init rlgl
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ void CloseWindow()
void SetCustomCursor(const char *cursorImage)
if (customCursor) UnloadTexture(cursor);
cursor = LoadTexture(cursorImage);
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
customCursor = true;
@ -231,14 +231,14 @@ bool WindowShouldClose()
// Fullscreen toggle (by default F11)
void ToggleFullscreen()
if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_F11))
if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_F11))
fullscreen = !fullscreen; // Toggle fullscreen flag
glfwDestroyWindow(window); // Destroy the current window (we will recreate it!)
// TODO: WARNING! All loaded resources are lost, we loose Context!
// NOTE: Window aspect ratio is always windowWidth / windowHeight
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void ToggleFullscreen()
//const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
//windowWidth = mode->width;
//windowHeight = mode->height;
window = glfwCreateWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, windowTitle, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL); // Fullscreen mode
else window = glfwCreateWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, windowTitle, NULL, NULL);
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ void ToggleFullscreen()
TraceLog(ERROR, "Failed to initialize Window when switching fullscreen mode");
glfwSetKeyCallback(window, KeyCallback);
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ void ToggleFullscreen()
glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &fbWidth, &fbHeight); // Get framebuffer size of current window
rlglInitGraphicsDevice(fbWidth, fbHeight);
@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ void ToggleFullscreen()
void ClearBackground(Color color)
if ((color.r != background.r) || (color.g != background.g) || (color.b != background.b) || (color.a != background.a))
rlClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
background = color;
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ void BeginDrawing()
previousTime = currentTime;
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
//#ifdef USE_OPENGL_11
@ -309,18 +309,18 @@ void EndDrawing()
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers
glfwSwapBuffers(window); // Swap back and front buffers
glfwPollEvents(); // Register keyboard/mouse events
UpdateMusicStream(); // NOTE: Function checks if music is enabled
currentTime = glfwGetTime();
drawTime = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime;
frameTime = updateTime + drawTime;
double extraTime = 0;
while (frameTime < targetTime)
@ -343,20 +343,20 @@ void Begin3dMode(Camera camera)
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to projection matrix
rlPushMatrix(); // Save previous matrix, which contains the settings for the 2d ortho projection
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
// Setup perspective projection
float aspect = (GLfloat)windowWidth/(GLfloat)windowHeight;
double top = 0.1f*tan(45.0f*PI / 360.0);
double right = top*aspect;
rlFrustum(-right, right, -top, top, 0.1f, 100.0f);
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to modelview matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
// Setup Camera view
Matrix matLookAt = MatrixLookAt(camera.position,, camera.up);
rlMultMatrixf(GetMatrixVector(matLookAt)); // Multiply MODELVIEW matrix by view matrix (camera)
@ -373,10 +373,10 @@ void End3dMode()
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to projection matrix
rlPopMatrix(); // Restore previous matrix (PROJECTION) from matrix stack
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Get back to modelview matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
//rlTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0); // HACK to ensure pixel-perfect drawing on OpenGL (after exiting 3D mode)
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ void End3dMode()
void SetTargetFPS(int fps)
targetTime = 1 / (float)fps;
TraceLog(INFO, "Target time per frame: %02.03f milliseconds", (float)targetTime*1000);
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ float GetFrameTime()
// so we round it before before passing around to be used
// NOTE: There are still problems with high framerates (>500fps)
double roundedFrameTime = round(frameTime*10000) / 10000;
return (float)roundedFrameTime; // Time in seconds to run a frame
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ Color GetColor(int hexValue)
color.g = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 16) & 0xFF;
color.b = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
color.a = (unsigned char)hexValue & 0xFF;
return color;
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ void ShowLogo()
// Detect if a key has been pressed once
bool IsKeyPressed(int key)
bool pressed = false;
currentKeyState[key] = IsKeyDown(key);
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ bool IsKeyPressed(int key)
previousKeyState[key] = currentKeyState[key];
else pressed = false;
return pressed;
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ bool IsKeyDown(int key)
// Detect if a key has been released once
bool IsKeyReleased(int key)
bool released = false;
currentKeyState[key] = IsKeyUp(key);
if (currentKeyState[key] != previousKeyState[key])
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ bool IsKeyReleased(int key)
previousKeyState[key] = currentKeyState[key];
else released = false;
return released;
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ bool IsMouseButtonPressed(int button)
previousMouseState[button] = currentMouseState[button];
else pressed = false;
return pressed;
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ bool IsMouseButtonReleased(int button)
previousMouseState[button] = currentMouseState[button];
else released = false;
return released;
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ int GetMouseX()
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouseX, &mouseY);
return (int)mouseX;
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ int GetMouseY()
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouseX, &mouseY);
return (int)mouseY;
@ -579,9 +579,9 @@ Vector2 GetMousePosition()
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouseX, &mouseY);
Vector2 position = { (float)mouseX, (float)mouseY };
return position;
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ int GetMouseWheelMove()
previousMouseWheelY = currentMouseWheelY;
currentMouseWheelY = 0;
return previousMouseWheelY;
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ int GetMouseWheelMove()
bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad)
int result = glfwJoystickPresent(gamepad);
if (result == 1) return true;
else return false;
@ -610,20 +610,20 @@ bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad)
Vector2 GetGamepadMovement(int gamepad)
Vector2 vec = { 0, 0 };
const float *axes;
int axisCount;
axes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(gamepad, &axisCount);
if (axisCount >= 2)
vec.x = axes[0]; // Left joystick X
vec.x = axes[0]; // Left joystick X
vec.y = axes[1]; // Left joystick Y
//vec.x = axes[2]; // Right joystick X
//vec.x = axes[3]; // Right joystick Y
return vec;
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ bool IsGamepadButtonPressed(int gamepad, int button)
previousGamepadState[button] = currentGamepadState[button];
else pressed = false;
return pressed;
@ -649,9 +649,9 @@ bool IsGamepadButtonDown(int gamepad, int button)
const unsigned char* buttons;
int buttonsCount;
buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons(gamepad, &buttonsCount);
if ((buttons != NULL) && (buttons[button] == GLFW_PRESS))
return true;
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ bool IsGamepadButtonReleased(int gamepad, int button)
previousGamepadState[button] = currentGamepadState[button];
else released = false;
return released;
@ -680,9 +680,9 @@ bool IsGamepadButtonUp(int gamepad, int button)
const unsigned char* buttons;
int buttonsCount;
buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons(gamepad, &buttonsCount);
if ((buttons != NULL) && (buttons[button] == GLFW_RELEASE))
return true;
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, i
if (key == exitKey && action == GLFW_PRESS)
glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GL_TRUE);
// NOTE: Before closing window, while loop must be left!
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_F11 && action == GLFW_PRESS)
@ -739,11 +739,11 @@ static void WindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
// If window is resized, graphics device is re-initialized (but only ortho mode)
rlglInitGraphicsDevice(fbWidth, fbHeight);
// Window size must be updated to be used on 3D mode to get new aspect ratio (Begin3dMode())
windowWidth = fbWidth;
windowHeight = fbHeight;
// Background must be also re-cleared
rlClearColor(background.r, background.g, background.b, background.a);
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ static void TakeScreenshot()
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Screenshot taken!", buffer);
@ -775,20 +775,20 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
int logoPositionX = windowWidth/2 - 128;
int logoPositionY = windowHeight/2 - 128;
int framesCounter = 0;
int lettersCount = 0;
int topSideRecWidth = 16;
int leftSideRecHeight = 16;
int bottomSideRecWidth = 16;
int rightSideRecHeight = 16;
char raylib[8] = " "; // raylib text array, max 8 letters
int state = 0; // Tracking animation states (State Machine)
float alpha = 1.0; // Useful for fading
while (!WindowShouldClose() && (state != 4)) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
@ -796,9 +796,9 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
if (state == 0) // State 0: Small box blinking
if (framesCounter == 84)
state = 1;
framesCounter = 0; // Reset counter... will be used later...
@ -807,26 +807,26 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
topSideRecWidth += 4;
leftSideRecHeight += 4;
if (topSideRecWidth == 256) state = 2;
else if (state == 2) // State 2: Bottom and right bars growing
bottomSideRecWidth += 4;
rightSideRecHeight += 4;
if (bottomSideRecWidth == 256) state = 3;
else if (state == 3) // State 3: Letters appearing (one by one)
if (framesCounter/12) // Every 12 frames, one more letter!
framesCounter = 0;
switch (lettersCount)
case 1: raylib[0] = 'r'; break;
@ -837,11 +837,11 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
case 6: raylib[5] = 'b'; break;
default: break;
if (lettersCount >= 10) // When all letters have appeared, just fade out everything
alpha -= 0.02;
if (alpha <= 0)
alpha = 0;
@ -850,11 +850,11 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
// Draw
if (state == 0)
if ((framesCounter/12)%2) DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, 16, BLACK);
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY, 16, rightSideRecHeight, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
@ -876,15 +876,15 @@ static void LogoAnimation()
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 16, 16, leftSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY + 16, 16, rightSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(windowWidth/2 - 112, windowHeight/2 - 112, 224, 224, Fade(RAYWHITE, alpha));
DrawText(raylib, windowWidth/2 - 44, windowHeight/2 + 48, 50, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* raylib 1.1 (
* A simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming
* Features:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* Basic 3d support for Shapes, Models, Heightmaps and Billboards
* Powerful math module for Vector and Matrix operations [raymath]
* Audio loading and playing with streaming support
* Used external libs:
* GLFW3 ( for window/context management and input
* GLEW for OpenGL extensions loading (3.3+ and ES2)
@ -33,19 +33,19 @@
* -- LICENSE (raylib v1.1, April 2014) --
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
* BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software:
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ void DrawTextureV(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, Color tint);
void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle
void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle destRec, Vector2 origin, // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters
float rotation, Color tint);
float rotation, Color tint);
// Font Loading and Text Drawing Functions (Module: text)
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ void DrawModelEx(Model model, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale,
void DrawModelWires(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color color); // Draw a model wires (with texture if set)
void DrawBillboard(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Vector3 center, float size, Color tint); // Draw a billboard texture
void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector3 center, float size, Color tint); // Draw a billboard texture defined by sourceRec
void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector3 center, float size, Color tint); // Draw a billboard texture defined by sourceRec
// Audio Loading and Playing Functions (Module: audio)
@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
* Some useful functions to work with Vector3, Matrix and Quaternions
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Vector3 VectorAdd(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
result.x = v1.x + v2.x;
result.y = v1.y + v2.y;
result.z = v1.z + v2.z;
return result;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Vector3 VectorSubtract(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
result.x = v1.x - v2.x;
result.y = v1.y - v2.y;
result.z = v1.z - v2.z;
return result;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Vector3 VectorCrossProduct(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
result.x = v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y;
result.y = v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z;
result.z = v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x;
return result;
@ -83,23 +83,23 @@ Vector3 VectorCrossProduct(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
Vector3 VectorPerpendicular(Vector3 v)
Vector3 result;
float min = fabs(v.x);
Vector3 cardinalAxis = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
if (fabs(v.y) < min)
if (fabs(v.y) < min)
min = fabs(v.y);
cardinalAxis = (Vector3){0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
if(fabs(v.z) < min)
if(fabs(v.z) < min)
cardinalAxis = (Vector3){0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
result = VectorCrossProduct(v, cardinalAxis);
return result;
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ Vector3 VectorPerpendicular(Vector3 v)
float VectorDotProduct(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
float result;
result = v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
return result;
@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ float VectorDotProduct(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
float VectorLength(const Vector3 v)
float length;
length = sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
return length;
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ void VectorNormalize(Vector3 *v)
float length, ilength;
length = VectorLength(*v);
if (length == 0) length = 1;
ilength = 1.0/length;
v->x *= ilength;
v->y *= ilength;
v->z *= ilength;
@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ void VectorNormalize(Vector3 *v)
float VectorDistance(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
float result;
float dx = v2.x - v1.x;
float dy = v2.y - v1.y;
float dz = v2.z - v1.z;
result = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
return result;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ float VectorDistance(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
Vector3 VectorLerp(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, float amount)
Vector3 result;
result.x = v1.x + amount * (v2.x - v1.x);
result.y = v1.y + amount * (v2.y - v1.y);
result.z = v1.z + amount * (v2.z - v1.z);
@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ Vector3 VectorReflect(Vector3 vector, Vector3 normal)
// I is the original vector
// N is the normal of the incident plane
// R = I - (2 * N * ( DotProduct[ I,N] ))
Vector3 result;
float dotProduct = VectorDotProduct(vector, normal);
result.x = vector.x - (2.0 * normal.x) * dotProduct;
result.y = vector.y - (2.0 * normal.y) * dotProduct;
result.z = vector.z - (2.0 * normal.z) * dotProduct;
@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ Vector3 VectorReflect(Vector3 vector, Vector3 normal)
void VectorTransform(Vector3 *v, Matrix mat)
float x = v->x;
float y = v->y;
float y = v->y;
float z = v->z;
v->x = mat.m0*x + mat.m4*y + mat.m8*z + mat.m12;
v->y = mat.m1*x + mat.m5*y + mat.m9*z + mat.m13;
v->z = mat.m2*x + mat.m6*y + mat.m10*z + mat.m14;
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ void VectorTransform(Vector3 *v, Matrix mat)
Vector3 VectorZero()
Vector3 zero = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
return zero;
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Vector3 VectorZero()
float *GetMatrixVector(Matrix mat)
static float vector[16];
vector[0] = mat.m0;
vector[1] = mat.m4;
vector[2] = mat.m8;
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ float *GetMatrixVector(Matrix mat)
vector[13] = mat.m7;
vector[14] = mat.m11;
vector[15] = mat.m15;
return vector;
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ float MatrixDeterminant(Matrix mat)
a30*a11*a02*a23 - a10*a31*a02*a23 - a30*a01*a12*a23 + a00*a31*a12*a23 +
a10*a01*a32*a23 - a00*a11*a32*a23 - a20*a11*a02*a33 + a10*a21*a02*a33 +
a20*a01*a12*a33 - a00*a21*a12*a33 - a10*a01*a22*a33 + a00*a11*a22*a33;
return result;
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void MatrixTranspose(Matrix *mat)
temp.m13 = mat->m7;
temp.m14 = mat->m11;
temp.m15 = mat->m15;
*mat = temp;
@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ void MatrixTranspose(Matrix *mat)
void MatrixInvert(Matrix *mat)
Matrix temp;
// Cache the matrix values (speed optimization)
float a00 = mat->m0, a01 = mat->m1, a02 = mat->m2, a03 = mat->m3;
float a10 = mat->m4, a11 = mat->m5, a12 = mat->m6, a13 = mat->m7;
float a20 = mat->m8, a21 = mat->m9, a22 = mat->m10, a23 = mat->m11;
float a30 = mat->m12, a31 = mat->m13, a32 = mat->m14, a33 = mat->m15;
float b00 = a00*a11 - a01*a10;
float b01 = a00*a12 - a02*a10;
float b02 = a00*a13 - a03*a10;
@ -325,12 +325,12 @@ void MatrixInvert(Matrix *mat)
float b09 = a21*a32 - a22*a31;
float b10 = a21*a33 - a23*a31;
float b11 = a22*a33 - a23*a32;
// Calculate the invert determinant (inlined to avoid double-caching)
float invDet = 1/(b00*b11 - b01*b10 + b02*b09 + b03*b08 - b04*b07 + b05*b06);
printf("%f\n", invDet);
temp.m0 = (a11*b11 - a12*b10 + a13*b09)*invDet;
temp.m1 = (-a01*b11 + a02*b10 - a03*b09)*invDet;
temp.m2 = (a31*b05 - a32*b04 + a33*b03)*invDet;
@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ void MatrixInvert(Matrix *mat)
temp.m13 = (a00*b09 - a01*b07 + a02*b06)*invDet;
temp.m14 = (-a30*b03 + a31*b01 - a32*b00)*invDet;
temp.m15 = (a20*b03 - a21*b01 + a22*b00)*invDet;
*mat = temp;
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void MatrixInvert(Matrix *mat)
void MatrixNormalize(Matrix *mat)
float det = MatrixDeterminant(*mat);
mat->m0 /= det;
mat->m1 /= det;
mat->m2 /= det;
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ Matrix MatrixIdentity()
Matrix MatrixAdd(Matrix left, Matrix right)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
result.m0 = left.m0 + right.m0;
result.m1 = left.m1 + right.m1;
result.m2 = left.m2 + right.m2;
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Matrix MatrixAdd(Matrix left, Matrix right)
Matrix MatrixSubstract(Matrix left, Matrix right)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
result.m0 = left.m0 - right.m0;
result.m1 = left.m1 - right.m1;
result.m2 = left.m2 - right.m2;
@ -444,36 +444,36 @@ Matrix MatrixTranslate(float x, float y, float z)
0, 1, 0, 0
0, 0, 1, 0
x, y, z, 1
Is the correct Translation Matrix. Why? Opengl Uses column-major matrix ordering.
Which is the Transpose of the Matrix you initially presented, which is in row-major ordering.
Row major is used in most math text-books and also DirectX, so it is a common
Is the correct Translation Matrix. Why? Opengl Uses column-major matrix ordering.
Which is the Transpose of the Matrix you initially presented, which is in row-major ordering.
Row major is used in most math text-books and also DirectX, so it is a common
point of confusion for those new to OpenGL.
* matrix notation used in opengl documentation does not describe in-memory layout for OpenGL matrices
Translation matrix should be laid out in memory like this:
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, trabsX, transY, transZ, 1 }
9.005 Are OpenGL matrices column-major or row-major?
For programming purposes, OpenGL matrices are 16-value arrays with base vectors laid out
contiguously in memory. The translation components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th elements
of the 16-element matrix, where indices are numbered from 1 to 16 as described in section
For programming purposes, OpenGL matrices are 16-value arrays with base vectors laid out
contiguously in memory. The translation components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th elements
of the 16-element matrix, where indices are numbered from 1 to 16 as described in section
2.11.2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification.
Column-major versus row-major is purely a notational convention. Note that post-multiplying
with column-major matrices produces the same result as pre-multiplying with row-major matrices.
The OpenGL Specification and the OpenGL Reference Manual both use column-major notation.
Column-major versus row-major is purely a notational convention. Note that post-multiplying
with column-major matrices produces the same result as pre-multiplying with row-major matrices.
The OpenGL Specification and the OpenGL Reference Manual both use column-major notation.
You can use any notation, as long as it's clearly stated.
Sadly, the use of column-major format in the spec and blue book has resulted in endless confusion
in the OpenGL programming community. Column-major notation suggests that matrices
Sadly, the use of column-major format in the spec and blue book has resulted in endless confusion
in the OpenGL programming community. Column-major notation suggests that matrices
are not laid out in memory as a programmer would expect.
Matrix result = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1 };
return result;
@ -482,50 +482,50 @@ Matrix MatrixTranslate(float x, float y, float z)
Matrix MatrixRotate(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
Matrix result;
Matrix rotX = MatrixRotateX(angleX);
Matrix rotY = MatrixRotateY(angleY);
Matrix rotZ = MatrixRotateZ(angleZ);
result = MatrixMultiply(MatrixMultiply(rotX, rotY), rotZ);
return result;
// Create rotation matrix from axis and angle
// TODO: Test this function
Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
Matrix result;
Matrix mat = MatrixIdentity();
float x = axis.x, y = axis.y, z = axis.z;
float length = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
if ((length != 1) && (length != 0))
length = 1 / length;
x *= length;
y *= length;
x *= length;
y *= length;
z *= length;
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
float t = 1-c;
// Cache some matrix values (speed optimization)
float a00 = mat.m0, a01 = mat.m1, a02 = mat.m2, a03 = mat.m3;
float a10 = mat.m4, a11 = mat.m5, a12 = mat.m6, a13 = mat.m7;
float a20 = mat.m8, a21 = mat.m9, a22 = mat.m10, a23 = mat.m11;
// Construct the elements of the rotation matrix
float b00 = x*x*t + c, b01 = y*x*t + z*s, b02 = z*x*t - y*s;
float b10 = x*y*t - z*s, b11 = y*y*t + c, b12 = z*y*t + x*s;
float b20 = x*z*t + y*s, b21 = y*z*t - x*s, b22 = z*z*t + c;
// Perform rotation-specific matrix multiplication
result.m0 = a00*b00 + a10*b01 + a20*b02;
result.m1 = a01*b00 + a11*b01 + a21*b02;
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
result.m13 = mat.m13;
result.m14 = mat.m14;
result.m15 = mat.m15;
return result;
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle2(Vector3 axis, float angle)
Matrix result;
float axisX = axis.x, axisY = axis.y, axisZ = axis.y;
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle2(Vector3 axis, float angle)
result.m13 = 0;
result.m14 = 0;
result.m15 = 1;
return result;
@ -597,14 +597,14 @@ Matrix MatrixFromAxisAngle2(Vector3 axis, float angle)
Matrix MatrixFromQuaternion(Quaternion q)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
Vector3 axis;
float angle;
QuaternionToAxisAngle(q, &axis, &angle);
result = MatrixFromAxisAngle2(axis, angle);
return result;
@ -612,10 +612,10 @@ Matrix MatrixFromQuaternion(Quaternion q)
Matrix MatrixRotateX(float angle)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
float cosres = (float)cos(angle);
float sinres = (float)sin(angle);
result.m5 = cosres;
result.m6 = -sinres;
result.m9 = sinres;
@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ Matrix MatrixRotateX(float angle)
Matrix MatrixRotateY(float angle)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
float cosres = (float)cos(angle);
float sinres = (float)sin(angle);
result.m0 = cosres;
result.m2 = sinres;
result.m8 = -sinres;
@ -644,10 +644,10 @@ Matrix MatrixRotateY(float angle)
Matrix MatrixRotateZ(float angle)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
float cosres = (float)cos(angle);
float sinres = (float)sin(angle);
result.m0 = cosres;
result.m1 = -sinres;
result.m4 = sinres;
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ Matrix MatrixScale(float x, float y, float z)
Matrix MatrixTransform(Vector3 translation, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale)
Matrix result = MatrixIdentity();
Matrix mRotation = MatrixRotate(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z);
Matrix mScale = MatrixScale(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
Matrix mTranslate = MatrixTranslate(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z);
@ -690,12 +690,12 @@ Matrix MatrixMultiply(Matrix left, Matrix right)
float a10 = left.m4, a11 = left.m5, a12 = left.m6, a13 = left.m7;
float a20 = left.m8, a21 = left.m9, a22 = left.m10, a23 = left.m11;
float a30 = left.m12, a31 = left.m13, a32 = left.m14, a33 = left.m15;
float b00 = right.m0, b01 = right.m1, b02 = right.m2, b03 = right.m3;
float b10 = right.m4, b11 = right.m5, b12 = right.m6, b13 = right.m7;
float b20 = right.m8, b21 = right.m9, b22 = right.m10, b23 = right.m11;
float b30 = right.m12, b31 = right.m13, b32 = right.m14, b33 = right.m15;
result.m0 = b00*a00 + b01*a10 + b02*a20 + b03*a30;
result.m1 = b00*a01 + b01*a11 + b02*a21 + b03*a31;
result.m2 = b00*a02 + b01*a12 + b02*a22 + b03*a32;
@ -712,19 +712,19 @@ Matrix MatrixMultiply(Matrix left, Matrix right)
result.m13 = b30*a01 + b31*a11 + b32*a21 + b33*a31;
result.m14 = b30*a02 + b31*a12 + b32*a22 + b33*a32;
result.m15 = b30*a03 + b31*a13 + b32*a23 + b33*a33;
return result;
// Returns perspective projection matrix
Matrix MatrixFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
Matrix MatrixFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
Matrix result;
float rl = (right - left);
float tb = (top - bottom);
float fn = (far - near);
result.m0 = (near*2) / rl;
result.m1 = 0;
result.m2 = 0;
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ Matrix MatrixFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, doubl
result.m13 = 0;
result.m14 = -(far*near*2) / fn;
result.m15 = 0;
return result;
@ -755,14 +755,14 @@ Matrix MatrixPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double near, double far)
// Returns orthographic projection matrix
Matrix MatrixOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
Matrix MatrixOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
Matrix result;
float rl = (right - left);
float tb = (top - bottom);
float fn = (far - near);
result.m0 = 2 / rl;
result.m1 = 0;
result.m2 = 0;
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ Matrix MatrixOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double
result.m13 = -(top + bottom) / tb;
result.m14 = -(far + near) / fn;
result.m15 = 1;
return result;
@ -787,14 +787,14 @@ Matrix MatrixOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double
Matrix MatrixLookAt(Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, Vector3 up)
Matrix result;
Vector3 z = VectorSubtract(eye, target);
Vector3 x = VectorCrossProduct(up, z);
Vector3 y = VectorCrossProduct(z, x);
result.m0 = x.x;
result.m1 = x.y;
result.m2 = x.z;
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ Matrix MatrixLookAt(Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, Vector3 up)
result.m13 = 0;
result.m14 = 0;
result.m15 = 1;
return result;
@ -837,16 +837,16 @@ float QuaternionLength(Quaternion quat)
// Normalize provided quaternion
void QuaternionNormalize(Quaternion *q)
void QuaternionNormalize(Quaternion *q)
float length, ilength;
length = QuaternionLength(*q);
if (length == 0) length = 1;
ilength = 1.0/length;
q->x *= ilength;
q->y *= ilength;
q->z *= ilength;
@ -854,28 +854,28 @@ void QuaternionNormalize(Quaternion *q)
// Calculate two quaternion multiplication
Quaternion QuaternionMultiply(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2)
Quaternion QuaternionMultiply(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2)
Quaternion result;
float qax = q1.x, qay = q1.y, qaz = q1.z, qaw = q1.w;
float qbx = q2.x, qby = q2.y, qbz = q2.z, qbw = q2.w;
result.x = qax*qbw + qaw*qbx + qay*qbz - qaz*qby;
result.y = qay*qbw + qaw*qby + qaz*qbx - qax*qbz;
result.z = qaz*qbw + qaw*qbz + qax*qby - qay*qbx;
result.w = qaw*qbw - qax*qbx - qay*qby - qaz*qbz;
return result;
// Calculates spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions
Quaternion QuaternionSlerp(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float amount)
Quaternion QuaternionSlerp(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float amount)
Quaternion result;
float cosHalfTheta = q1.x*q2.x + q1.y*q2.y + q1.z*q2.z + q1.w*q2.w;
if (abs(cosHalfTheta) >= 1.0) result = q1;
@ -892,15 +892,15 @@ Quaternion QuaternionSlerp(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float amount)
float ratioA = sin((1 - amount)*halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
float ratioB = sin(amount*halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
float ratioB = sin(amount*halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
result.x = (q1.x*ratioA + q2.x*ratioB);
result.y = (q1.y*ratioA + q2.y*ratioB);
result.z = (q1.z*ratioA + q2.z*ratioB);
result.w = (q1.w*ratioA + q2.w*ratioB);
return result;
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ Quaternion QuaternionFromMatrix(Matrix matrix)
result.z = s * 0.25;
return result;
@ -966,24 +966,24 @@ Quaternion QuaternionFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
Quaternion result = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
if (VectorLength(axis) != 0.0)
if (VectorLength(axis) != 0.0)
angle *= 0.5;
result.x = axis.x * (float)sin(angle);
result.y = axis.y * (float)sin(angle);
result.z = axis.z * (float)sin(angle);
result.w = (float)cos(angle);
return result;
// Calculates the matrix from the given quaternion
Matrix QuaternionToMatrix(Quaternion q)
Matrix QuaternionToMatrix(Quaternion q)
Matrix result;
@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ Matrix QuaternionToMatrix(Quaternion q)
result.m13 = 0;
result.m14 = 0;
result.m15 = 1;
return result;
@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ void QuaternionToAxisAngle(Quaternion q, Vector3 *outAxis, float *outAngle)
resAngle = 2.0f * (float)acos(q.w);
float den = (float)sqrt(1.0 - q.w * q.w);
if (den > 0.0001f)
resAxis.x = q.x / den;
@ -1044,11 +1044,11 @@ void QuaternionToAxisAngle(Quaternion q, Vector3 *outAxis, float *outAngle)
// This occurs when the angle is zero.
// This occurs when the angle is zero.
// Not a problem: just set an arbitrary normalized axis.
resAxis.x = 1.0;
*outAxis = resAxis;
*outAngle = resAngle;
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
* raymath
* Some useful functions to work with Vector3, Matrix and Quaternions
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
* rlgl - raylib OpenGL abstraction layer
* raylib now uses OpenGL 1.1 style functions (rlVertex) that are mapped to selected OpenGL version:
* OpenGL 1.1 - Direct map rl* -> gl*
* OpenGL 3.3+ - Vertex data is stored in VAOs, call rlglDraw() to render
* OpenGL ES 2 - Same behaviour as OpenGL 3.3+ (NOT TESTED)
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
* raylib.shapes
* Basic functions to draw 2d Shapes and check collisions
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for abs() function
#include <math.h> // Math related functions, sin() and cos() used on DrawCircle*
// sqrt() and pow() and abs() used on CheckCollision*
#include "rlgl.h" // raylib OpenGL abstraction layer to OpenGL 1.1, 3.3+ or ES2
// Security check in case no USE_OPENGL_* defined
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void DrawCircle(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color)
// NOTE: Gradient goes from center (color1) to border (color2)
void DrawCircleGradient(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color1, Color color2)
for (int i=0; i < 360; i += 2)
rlColor4ub(color1.r, color1.g, color1.b, color1.a);
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ void DrawCircleLines(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
// NOTE: Circle outline is drawn pixel by pixel every degree (0 to 360)
for (int i=0; i < 360; i++)
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void DrawRectangle(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color)
void DrawRectangleRec(Rectangle rec, Color color)
DrawRectangle(rec.x, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height, color);
// Draw a gradient-filled rectangle
// NOTE: Gradient goes from bottom (color1) to top (color2)
@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ void DrawRectangleGradient(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color colo
rlColor4ub(color1.r, color1.g, color1.b, color1.a); rlVertex2i(posX, posY);
rlColor4ub(color2.r, color2.g, color2.b, color2.a); rlVertex2i(posX, posY + height);
rlColor4ub(color2.r, color2.g, color2.b, color2.a); rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + height);
rlColor4ub(color1.r, color1.g, color1.b, color1.a); rlVertex2i(posX, posY);
rlColor4ub(color2.r, color2.g, color2.b, color2.a); rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + height);
rlColor4ub(color2.r, color2.g, color2.b, color2.a); rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + height);
rlColor4ub(color1.r, color1.g, color1.b, color1.a); rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY);
@ -188,16 +188,16 @@ void DrawRectangleV(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Color color)
#ifdef USE_OPENGL_11
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
rlVertex2i(position.x, position.y);
rlVertex2i(position.x, position.y + size.y);
rlVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y);
rlVertex2i(position.x, position.y);
rlVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y);
rlVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y);
rlVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y);
#if defined(USE_OPENGL_33) || defined(USE_OPENGL_ES2)
// NOTE: This shape uses QUADS to avoid drawing order issues (view rlglDraw)
@ -206,17 +206,17 @@ void DrawRectangleV(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Color color)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
rlNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Normal Pointing Towards Viewer
rlTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
rlTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
rlVertex2f(position.x, position.y);
rlTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f);
rlTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f);
rlVertex2f(position.x, position.y + size.y);
rlTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
rlVertex2f(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y);
rlTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f);
rlTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
rlVertex2f(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y);
rlTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f);
rlVertex2f(position.x + size.x, position.y);
@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ void DrawRectangleLines(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
rlVertex2i(posX + 1, posY + 1);
rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + 1);
rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + 1);
rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + height);
rlVertex2i(posX + width, posY + height);
rlVertex2i(posX + 1, posY + height);
rlVertex2i(posX + 1, posY + height);
rlVertex2i(posX + 1, posY + 1);
@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ void DrawTriangleLines(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
rlVertex2f(v1.x, v1.y);
rlVertex2f(v2.x, v2.y);
rlVertex2f(v2.x, v2.y);
rlVertex2f(v3.x, v3.y);
rlVertex2f(v3.x, v3.y);
rlVertex2f(v1.x, v1.y);
@ -277,12 +277,12 @@ void DrawPoly(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, Color col
rlTranslatef(center.x, center.y, 0.0);
rlRotatef(rotation, 0, 0, 1);
for (int i=0; i < 360; i += 360/sides)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
rlVertex2i(0, 0);
rlVertex2f(sin(DEG2RAD*i) * radius, cos(DEG2RAD*i) * radius);
rlVertex2f(sin(DEG2RAD*(i+360/sides)) * radius, cos(DEG2RAD*(i+360/sides)) * radius);
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void DrawPolyEx(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 2; i++)
rlVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y);
@ -311,14 +311,14 @@ void DrawPolyEx(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color)
// Draw polygon lines
// NOTE: Array num elements MUST be passed as parameter to function
// NOTE: Array num elements MUST be passed as parameter to function
void DrawPolyExLines(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color)
if (numPoints >= 2)
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++)
rlVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y);
@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ void DrawPolyExLines(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color)
bool CheckCollisionPointRec(Vector2 point, Rectangle rec)
bool collision = false;
if ((point.x >= rec.x) && (point.x <= (rec.x + rec.width)) && (point.y >= rec.y) && (point.y <= (rec.y + rec.height))) collision = true;
return collision;
@ -355,14 +355,14 @@ bool CheckCollisionPointTriangle(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2
float alpha = ((p2.y - p3.y)*(point.x - p3.x) + (p3.x - p2.x)*(point.y - p3.y)) /
((p2.y - p3.y)*(p1.x - p3.x) + (p3.x - p2.x)*(p1.y - p3.y));
float beta = ((p3.y - p1.y)*(point.x - p3.x) + (p1.x - p3.x)*(point.y - p3.y)) /
((p2.y - p3.y)*(p1.x - p3.x) + (p3.x - p2.x)*(p1.y - p3.y));
float gamma = 1.0f - alpha - beta;
if ((alpha > 0) && (beta > 0) & (gamma > 0)) collision = true;
return collision;
@ -370,12 +370,12 @@ bool CheckCollisionPointTriangle(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2
bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
bool collision = false;
int dx = abs((rec1.x + rec1.width / 2) - (rec2.x + rec2.width / 2));
int dy = abs((rec1.y + rec1.height / 2) - (rec2.y + rec2.height / 2));
if ((dx <= (rec1.width / 2 + rec2.width / 2)) && ((dy <= (rec1.height / 2 + rec2.height / 2)))) collision = true;
return collision;
@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2)
bool collision = false;
float dx = center2.x - center1.x; // X distance between centers
float dy = center2.y - center1.y; // Y distance between centers
float distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); // Distance between centers
if (distance <= (radius1 + radius2)) collision = true;
return collision;
@ -398,12 +398,12 @@ bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, floa
bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec)
bool collision = false;
float dx = abs((rec.x + rec.width / 2) - center.x);
float dy = abs((rec.y + rec.height / 2) - center.y);
if ((dx <= (rec.width / 2 + radius)) && (dy <= (rec.height / 2 + radius))) collision = true;
return collision;
@ -411,16 +411,16 @@ bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec)
Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
Rectangle retRec = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (CheckCollisionRecs(rec1, rec2))
int dxx = abs(rec1.x - rec2.x);
int dyy = abs(rec1.y - rec2.y);
if (rec1.x <= rec2.x)
if (rec1.y <= rec2.y)
retRec.x = rec2.x;
retRec.y = rec2.y;
retRec.width = rec1.width - dxx;
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
if (rec1.y <= rec2.y)
retRec.x = rec1.x;
retRec.y = rec2.y;
retRec.width = rec2.width - dxx;
@ -451,10 +451,10 @@ Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
retRec.height = rec2.height - dyy;
if (retRec.width >= rec2.width) retRec.width = rec2.width;
if (retRec.height >= rec2.height) retRec.height = rec2.height;
return retRec;
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
* raylib.text
* Basic functions to load SpriteFonts and draw Text
* Uses external lib:
* stb_image - Multiple formats image loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC)
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName); // Load a rBMF font file (ra
// Module Functions Definition
extern void LoadDefaultFont()
extern void LoadDefaultFont()
defaultFont.numChars = 96; // We know our default font has 94 chars
Image image;
image.width = 128; // We know our default font image is 128 pixels width
image.height = 64; // We know our default font image is 64 pixels height
// Default font is directly defined here (data generated from a sprite font image)
// This way, we reconstruct SpriteFont without creating large global variables
// This data is automatically allocated to Stack and automatically deallocated at the end of this function
@ -119,19 +119,19 @@ extern void LoadDefaultFont()
int charsHeight = 10;
int charsDivisor = 1; // Every char is separated from the consecutive by a 1 pixel divisor, horizontally and vertically
int charsWidth[96] = { 3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 4, 1, 7, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 6,
7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 2, 7, 2, 3, 5,
7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 2, 7, 2, 3, 5,
2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4 };
// Re-construct image from defaultFontData and generate OpenGL texture
image.pixels = (Color *)malloc(image.width * image.height * sizeof(Color));
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height; i++) image.pixels[i] = BLANK; // Initialize array
int counter = 0; // Font data elements counter
// Fill imgData with defaultFontData (convert from bit to pixel!)
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height; i += 32)
@ -139,15 +139,15 @@ extern void LoadDefaultFont()
if (BIT_CHECK(defaultFontData[counter], j)) image.pixels[i+j] = WHITE;
if (counter > 256) counter = 0; // Security check...
defaultFont.texture = CreateTexture(image, false); // Convert loaded image to OpenGL texture
// Reconstruct charSet using charsWidth[], charsHeight, charsDivisor, numChars
defaultFont.charSet = (Character *)malloc(defaultFont.numChars * sizeof(Character)); // Allocate space for our character data
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ extern void LoadDefaultFont()
int currentLine = 0;
int currentPosX = charsDivisor;
int testPosX = charsDivisor;
for (int i = 0; i < defaultFont.numChars; i++)
defaultFont.charSet[i].value = FONT_FIRST_CHAR + i; // First char is 32
@ -163,21 +163,21 @@ extern void LoadDefaultFont()
defaultFont.charSet[i].y = charsDivisor + currentLine * (charsHeight + charsDivisor);
defaultFont.charSet[i].w = charsWidth[i];
defaultFont.charSet[i].h = charsHeight;
testPosX += (defaultFont.charSet[i].w + charsDivisor);
if (testPosX >= defaultFont.texture.width)
currentPosX = 2 * charsDivisor + charsWidth[i];
testPosX = currentPosX;
defaultFont.charSet[i].x = charsDivisor;
defaultFont.charSet[i].y = charsDivisor + currentLine * (charsHeight + charsDivisor);
else currentPosX = testPosX;
TraceLog(INFO, "Default font loaded successfully");
@ -194,29 +194,29 @@ SpriteFont GetDefaultFont()
// Load a SpriteFont image into GPU memory
SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char* fileName)
SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char* fileName)
SpriteFont spriteFont;
Image image;
// Check file extension
if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"rbmf") == 0) spriteFont = LoadRBMF(fileName);
// Use stb_image to load image data!
int imgWidth;
int imgHeight;
int imgBpp;
byte *imgData = stbi_load(fileName, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &imgBpp, 4); // Force loading to 4 components (RGBA)
// Convert array to pixel array for working convenience
Color *imgDataPixel = (Color *)malloc(imgWidth * imgHeight * sizeof(Color));
Color *imgDataPixelPOT = NULL;
int pix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (imgWidth * imgHeight * 4); i += 4)
imgDataPixel[pix].r = imgData[i];
@ -225,33 +225,33 @@ SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char* fileName)
imgDataPixel[pix].a = imgData[i+3];
// At this point we have a pixel array with all the data...
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] SpriteFont image loaded: %i x %i", fileName, imgWidth, imgHeight);
// Process bitmap Font pixel data to get measures (Character array)
// spriteFont.charSet data is filled inside the function and memory is allocated!
int numChars = ParseImageData(imgDataPixel, imgWidth, imgHeight, &spriteFont.charSet);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] SpriteFont data parsed correctly", fileName);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] SpriteFont num chars detected: %i", fileName, numChars);
spriteFont.numChars = numChars;
// Convert image font to POT image before conversion to texture
// Just add the required amount of pixels at the right and bottom sides of image...
int potWidth = GetNextPOT(imgWidth);
int potHeight = GetNextPOT(imgHeight);
// Check if POT texture generation is required (if texture is not already POT)
if ((potWidth != imgWidth) || (potHeight != imgHeight))
// Generate POT array from NPOT data
imgDataPixelPOT = (Color *)malloc(potWidth * potHeight * sizeof(Color));
for (int j = 0; j < potHeight; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < potWidth; i++)
@ -260,20 +260,20 @@ SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char* fileName)
else imgDataPixelPOT[j*potWidth + i] = MAGENTA;
TraceLog(WARNING, "SpriteFont texture converted to POT: %ix%i", potWidth, potHeight);
image.pixels = imgDataPixelPOT;
image.width = potWidth;
image.height = potHeight;
spriteFont.texture = CreateTexture(image, false); // Convert loaded image to OpenGL texture
return spriteFont;
@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ void UnloadSpriteFont(SpriteFont spriteFont)
void DrawText(const char* text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color)
Vector2 position = { (float)posX, (float)posY };
int defaultFontSize = 10; // Default Font chars height in pixel
if (fontSize < defaultFontSize) fontSize = defaultFontSize;
int spacing = fontSize / defaultFontSize;
DrawTextEx(defaultFont, text, position, fontSize, spacing, color);
@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ void DrawTextEx(SpriteFont spriteFont, const char* text, Vector2 position, int f
int length = strlen(text);
int positionX = (int)position.x;
float scaleFactor;
Character c;
if (fontSize <= spriteFont.charSet[0].h) scaleFactor = 1.0f;
else scaleFactor = (float)fontSize / spriteFont.charSet[0].h;
@ -320,22 +320,22 @@ void DrawTextEx(SpriteFont spriteFont, const char* text, Vector2 position, int f
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
c = spriteFont.charSet[(int)text[i] - FONT_FIRST_CHAR];
rlColor4ub(tint.r, tint.g, tint.b, tint.a);
rlNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Normal Pointing Towards Viewer
rlTexCoord2f((float)c.x / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)c.y / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlTexCoord2f((float)c.x / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)c.y / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlVertex2f(positionX, position.y);
rlTexCoord2f((float)c.x / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)(c.y + c.h) / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlTexCoord2f((float)c.x / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)(c.y + c.h) / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlVertex2f(positionX, position.y + (c.h) * scaleFactor);
rlTexCoord2f((float)(c.x + c.w) / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)(c.y + c.h) / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlTexCoord2f((float)(c.x + c.w) / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)(c.y + c.h) / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlVertex2f(positionX + (c.w) * scaleFactor, position.y + (c.h) * scaleFactor);
rlTexCoord2f((float)(c.x + c.w) / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)c.y / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlTexCoord2f((float)(c.x + c.w) / spriteFont.texture.width, (float)c.y / spriteFont.texture.height);
rlVertex2f(positionX + (c.w) * scaleFactor, position.y);
positionX += ((spriteFont.charSet[(int)text[i] - FONT_FIRST_CHAR].w) * scaleFactor + spacing);
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ void DrawTextEx(SpriteFont spriteFont, const char* text, Vector2 position, int f
const char *FormatText(const char *text, ...)
static char buffer[MAX_FORMATTEXT_LENGTH];
va_list args;
va_start(args, text);
vsprintf(buffer, text, args);
@ -372,19 +372,19 @@ Vector2 MeasureTextEx(SpriteFont spriteFont, const char *text, int fontSize, int
int len = strlen(text);
int textWidth = 0;
float scaleFactor;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
textWidth += spriteFont.charSet[(int)text[i] - FONT_FIRST_CHAR].w;
if (fontSize <= spriteFont.charSet[0].h) scaleFactor = 1.0f;
else scaleFactor = (float)fontSize / spriteFont.charSet[0].h;
Vector2 vec;
vec.x = (float)textWidth * scaleFactor + (len - 1) * spacing; // Adds chars spacing to measure
vec.y = (float)spriteFont.charSet[0].h * scaleFactor;
return vec;
@ -402,11 +402,11 @@ void DrawFPS(int posX, int posY)
static float fps;
static int counter = 0;
static int refreshRate = 0;
char buffer[20];
if (counter < refreshRate)
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ void DrawFPS(int posX, int posY)
refreshRate = fps;
counter = 0;
sprintf(buffer, "%2.0f FPS", fps);
DrawText(buffer, posX, posY, 20, LIME);
@ -435,36 +435,36 @@ static int ParseImageData(Color *imgDataPixel, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, Char
int charSpacing = 0;
int lineSpacing = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
Character tempCharSet[MAX_FONTCHARS]; // We allocate a temporal array for charData, once we get the actual charNumber we copy data to a sized array.
for(y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
for(x = 0; x < imgWidth; x++)
if (!PixelIsMagenta(imgDataPixel[y*imgWidth + x])) break;
if (!PixelIsMagenta(imgDataPixel[y*imgWidth + x])) break;
charSpacing = x;
lineSpacing = y;
int charHeight = 0;
int j = 0;
while(!PixelIsMagenta(imgDataPixel[(lineSpacing + j)*imgWidth + charSpacing])) j++;
charHeight = j;
// Check array values to get characters: value, x, y, w, h
int index = 0;
int lineToRead = 0;
int xPosToRead = charSpacing;
while((lineSpacing + lineToRead * (charHeight + lineSpacing)) < imgHeight)
while((xPosToRead < imgWidth) &&
@ -474,22 +474,22 @@ static int ParseImageData(Color *imgDataPixel, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, Char
tempCharSet[index].x = xPosToRead;
tempCharSet[index].y = lineSpacing + lineToRead * (charHeight + lineSpacing);
tempCharSet[index].h = charHeight;
int charWidth = 0;
while(!PixelIsMagenta(imgDataPixel[(lineSpacing + (charHeight+lineSpacing)*lineToRead)*imgWidth + xPosToRead + charWidth])) charWidth++;
tempCharSet[index].w = charWidth;
xPosToRead += (charWidth + charSpacing);
xPosToRead = charSpacing;
// We got tempCharSet populated with char data and the number of chars (index)
// Now we move temp data to real charSet (passed as parameter to the function)
(*charSet) = (Character *)malloc(index * sizeof(Character)); // BE CAREFUL! This memory should be freed!
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName)
short imgHeight; // Image height - always POT (power-of-two)
short numChars; // Number of characters contained
short charHeight; // Characters height - the same for all characters
char compType; // Compression type:
char compType; // Compression type:
// 4 MSB --> image data compression
// 4 LSB --> chars data compression
char charsDataType; // Char data type provided
@ -539,42 +539,42 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName)
SpriteFont spriteFont;
Image image;
rbmfInfoHeader rbmfHeader;
unsigned int *rbmfFileData;
unsigned char *rbmfCharWidthData;
int charsDivisor = 1; // Every char is separated from the consecutive by a 1 pixel divisor, horizontally and vertically
FILE *rbmfFile = fopen(fileName, "rb"); // Define a pointer to bitmap file and open it in read-binary mode
fread(&rbmfHeader, sizeof(rbmfInfoHeader), 1, rbmfFile);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Loading rBMF file, size: %ix%i, numChars: %i, charHeight: %i", fileName, rbmfHeader.imgWidth, rbmfHeader.imgHeight, rbmfHeader.numChars, rbmfHeader.charHeight);
spriteFont.numChars = (int)rbmfHeader.numChars;
image.width = (int)rbmfHeader.imgWidth;
image.height = (int)rbmfHeader.imgHeight;
int numPixelBits = rbmfHeader.imgWidth * rbmfHeader.imgHeight / 32;
rbmfFileData = (unsigned int *)malloc(numPixelBits * sizeof(unsigned int));
for(int i = 0; i < numPixelBits; i++) fread(&rbmfFileData[i], sizeof(unsigned int), 1, rbmfFile);
rbmfCharWidthData = (unsigned char *)malloc(spriteFont.numChars * sizeof(unsigned char));
for(int i = 0; i < spriteFont.numChars; i++) fread(&rbmfCharWidthData[i], sizeof(unsigned char), 1, rbmfFile);
// Re-construct image from rbmfFileData
image.pixels = (Color *)malloc(image.width * image.height * sizeof(Color));
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height; i++) image.pixels[i] = BLANK; // Initialize array
int counter = 0; // Font data elements counter
// Fill image data (convert from bit to pixel!)
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height; i += 32)
@ -582,24 +582,24 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName)
if (BIT_CHECK(rbmfFileData[counter], j)) image.pixels[i+j] = WHITE;
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Image reconstructed correctly, now converting it to texture", fileName);
spriteFont.texture = CreateTexture(image, false);
UnloadImage(image); // Unload image data
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Starting charSet reconstruction", fileName);
// Reconstruct charSet using rbmfCharWidthData, rbmfHeader.charHeight, charsDivisor, rbmfHeader.numChars
spriteFont.charSet = (Character *)malloc(spriteFont.numChars * sizeof(Character)); // Allocate space for our character data
int currentLine = 0;
int currentPosX = charsDivisor;
int testPosX = charsDivisor;
for (int i = 0; i < spriteFont.numChars; i++)
spriteFont.charSet[i].value = (int)rbmfHeader.firstChar + i;
@ -607,27 +607,27 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName)
spriteFont.charSet[i].y = charsDivisor + currentLine * ((int)rbmfHeader.charHeight + charsDivisor);
spriteFont.charSet[i].w = (int)rbmfCharWidthData[i];
spriteFont.charSet[i].h = (int)rbmfHeader.charHeight;
testPosX += (spriteFont.charSet[i].w + charsDivisor);
if (testPosX > spriteFont.texture.width)
currentPosX = 2 * charsDivisor + (int)rbmfCharWidthData[i];
testPosX = currentPosX;
spriteFont.charSet[i].x = charsDivisor;
spriteFont.charSet[i].y = charsDivisor + currentLine * (rbmfHeader.charHeight + charsDivisor);
else currentPosX = testPosX;
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] rBMF file loaded correctly as SpriteFont", fileName);
free(rbmfFileData); // Now we can free loaded data from RAM memory
return spriteFont;
@ -636,8 +636,8 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName)
static SpriteFont GenerateFromTTF(const char *fileName, int fontSize)
SpriteFont font;
// TODO: Load TTF and generate bitmap font and chars data
return font;
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
* raylib.textures
* Basic functions to load and draw Textures (2d)
* Uses external lib:
* stb_image - Multiple formats image loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, GIF, PIC)
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ static ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName);
Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
Image image;
// Initial values
image.pixels = NULL;
image.width = 0;
image.height = 0;
if ((strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"png") == 0) ||
(strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"bmp") == 0) ||
(strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"tga") == 0) ||
@ -96,22 +96,22 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
(strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"gif") == 0) ||
(strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"psd") == 0) ||
(strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"pic") == 0))
int imgWidth;
int imgHeight;
int imgBpp;
// NOTE: Using stb_image to load images (Supports: BMP, TGA, PNG, JPG, ...)
// Force loading to 4 components (RGBA)
byte *imgData = stbi_load(fileName, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &imgBpp, 4);
byte *imgData = stbi_load(fileName, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &imgBpp, 4);
if (imgData != NULL)
// Convert array to pixel array for working convenience
image.pixels = (Color *)malloc(imgWidth * imgHeight * sizeof(Color));
int pix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (imgWidth * imgHeight * 4); i += 4)
image.pixels[pix].r = imgData[i];
@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
image.pixels[pix].a = imgData[i+3];
image.width = imgWidth;
image.height = imgHeight;
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Image loaded successfully", fileName);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Image could not be loaded", fileName);
@ -133,17 +133,17 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
else if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"dds") == 0)
// NOTE: DDS uncompressed images can also be loaded (discarding mipmaps...)
ImageEx imageDDS = LoadDDS(fileName);
if (imageDDS.compFormat == 0)
image.pixels = (Color *)malloc(imageDDS.width * imageDDS.height * sizeof(Color));
image.width = imageDDS.width;
image.height = imageDDS.height;
int pix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (image.width * image.height * 4); i += 4)
image.pixels[pix].r =[i];
@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
image.pixels[pix].a =[i+3];
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Image loaded successfully", fileName);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Compressed image data could not be loaded", fileName);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Compressed image data could not be loaded", fileName);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Image extension not recognized, it can't be loaded", fileName);
// ALTERNATIVE: We can load pixel data directly into Color struct pixels array,
// ALTERNATIVE: We can load pixel data directly into Color struct pixels array,
// to do that struct data alignment should be the right one (4 byte); it is.
//image.pixels = stbi_load(fileName, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &imgBpp, 4);
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
// TODO: rresName could be directly a char array with all the data! --> support it! :P
Image image;
bool found = false;
@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
unsigned char version; // rRES file version and subversion
char useless; // rRES header reserved data
short numRes;
ResInfoHeader infoHeader;
FILE *rresFile = fopen(rresName, "rb");
if (!rresFile) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Could not open raylib resource file", rresName);
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
fread(&id[3], sizeof(char), 1, rresFile);
fread(&version, sizeof(char), 1, rresFile);
fread(&useless, sizeof(char), 1, rresFile);
if ((id[0] != 'r') && (id[1] != 'R') && (id[2] != 'E') &&(id[3] != 'S'))
TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] This is not a valid raylib resource file", rresName);
@ -204,15 +204,15 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
// Read number of resources embedded
fread(&numRes, sizeof(short), 1, rresFile);
for (int i = 0; i < numRes; i++)
fread(&infoHeader, sizeof(ResInfoHeader), 1, rresFile);
if ( == resId)
found = true;
// Check data is of valid IMAGE type
if (infoHeader.type == 0) // IMAGE data type
@ -221,25 +221,25 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
short imgWidth, imgHeight;
char colorFormat, mipmaps;
fread(&imgWidth, sizeof(short), 1, rresFile); // Image width
fread(&imgHeight, sizeof(short), 1, rresFile); // Image height
fread(&colorFormat, 1, 1, rresFile); // Image data color format (default: RGBA 32 bit)
fread(&mipmaps, 1, 1, rresFile); // Mipmap images included (default: 0)
image.width = (int)imgWidth;
image.height = (int)imgHeight;
unsigned char *data = malloc(infoHeader.size);
fread(data, infoHeader.size, 1, rresFile);
unsigned char *imgData = DecompressData(data, infoHeader.size, infoHeader.srcSize);
image.pixels = (Color *)malloc(sizeof(Color)*imgWidth*imgHeight);
int pix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (imgWidth*imgHeight*4); i += 4)
image.pixels[pix].r = imgData[i];
@ -248,11 +248,11 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
image.pixels[pix].a = imgData[i+3];
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Image loaded successfully from resource, size: %ix%i", rresName, image.width, image.height);
@ -272,18 +272,18 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
case 4: break; // RAW: No parameters
default: break;
// Jump DATA to read next infoHeader
fseek(rresFile, infoHeader.size, SEEK_CUR);
if (!found) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] Required resource id [%i] could not be found in the raylib resource file", rresName, resId);
return image;
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName)
if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"dds") == 0)
ImageEx image = LoadDDS(fileName);
if (image.compFormat == 0)
|||| = rlglLoadTexture(, image.width, image.height, false);
@ -306,26 +306,26 @@ Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName)
|||| = rlglLoadCompressedTexture(, image.width, image.height, image.mipmaps, image.compFormat);
texture.width = image.width;
texture.height = image.height;
if ( == 0) TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] DDS texture could not be loaded", fileName);
else TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] DDS texture loaded successfully", fileName);
Image image = LoadImage(fileName);
if (image.pixels != NULL)
texture = CreateTexture(image, false);
return texture;
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Texture2D LoadTextureFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
Image image = LoadImageFromRES(rresName, resId);
texture = CreateTexture(image, false);
return texture;
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float sc
Rectangle sourceRec = { 0, 0, texture.width, texture.height };
Rectangle destRec = { (int)position.x, (int)position.y, texture.width*scale, texture.height*scale };
Vector2 origin = { 0, 0 };
DrawTexturePro(texture, sourceRec, destRec, origin, rotation, tint);
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, Co
Rectangle destRec = { (int)position.x, (int)position.y, sourceRec.width, sourceRec.height };
Vector2 origin = { 0, 0 };
DrawTexturePro(texture, sourceRec, destRec, origin, 0, tint);
@ -389,34 +389,34 @@ void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, Co
void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle destRec, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint)
rlTranslatef(destRec.x, destRec.y, 0);
rlRotatef(rotation, 0, 0, 1);
rlTranslatef(-origin.x, -origin.y, 0);
rlColor4ub(tint.r, tint.g, tint.b, tint.a);
rlNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Normal vector pointing towards viewer
// Bottom-left corner for texture and quad
rlTexCoord2f((float)sourceRec.x / texture.width, (float)sourceRec.y / texture.height);
rlTexCoord2f((float)sourceRec.x / texture.width, (float)sourceRec.y / texture.height);
rlVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
// Bottom-right corner for texture and quad
rlTexCoord2f((float)sourceRec.x / texture.width, (float)(sourceRec.y + sourceRec.height) / texture.height);
rlVertex2f(0.0f, destRec.height);
// Top-right corner for texture and quad
rlTexCoord2f((float)(sourceRec.x + sourceRec.width) / texture.width, (float)(sourceRec.y + sourceRec.height) / texture.height);
rlTexCoord2f((float)(sourceRec.x + sourceRec.width) / texture.width, (float)(sourceRec.y + sourceRec.height) / texture.height);
rlVertex2f(destRec.width, destRec.height);
// Top-left corner for texture and quad
rlTexCoord2f((float)(sourceRec.x + sourceRec.width) / texture.width, (float)sourceRec.y / texture.height);
rlVertex2f(destRec.width, 0.0f);
@ -425,25 +425,25 @@ void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle destRec, V
Texture2D CreateTexture(Image image, bool genMipmaps)
Texture2D texture;
// Init texture to default values
|||| = 0;
texture.width = 0;
texture.height = 0;
if (image.pixels != NULL)
unsigned char *imgData = malloc(image.width * image.height * 4);
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height * 4; i += 4)
imgData[i] = image.pixels[j].r;
imgData[i+1] = image.pixels[j].g;
imgData[i+2] = image.pixels[j].b;
imgData[i+3] = image.pixels[j].a;
@ -452,24 +452,24 @@ Texture2D CreateTexture(Image image, bool genMipmaps)
texture.width = image.width;
texture.height = image.height;
TraceLog(INFO, "[ID %i] Texture created successfully",;
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Texture could not be created, image data is not valid");
return texture;
// Loading DDS image data (compressed or uncompressed)
// NOTE: Compressed data loading not supported on OpenGL 1.1
ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
#define FOURCC_DXT1 0x31545844 // Equivalent to "DXT1" in ASCII
#define FOURCC_DXT3 0x33545844 // Equivalent to "DXT3" in ASCII
#define FOURCC_DXT5 0x35545844 // Equivalent to "DXT5" in ASCII
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
// DDS Pixel Format
typedef struct {
unsigned int size;
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
unsigned int bitMask;
unsigned int aBitMask;
} ddsPixelFormat;
// DDS Header (124 bytes)
typedef struct {
unsigned int size;
@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
unsigned int caps4;
unsigned int reserved2;
} ddsHeader;
ImageEx image;
ddsHeader header;
FILE *ddsFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (ddsFile == NULL)
TraceLog(WARNING, "DDS File could not be opened");
@ -525,16 +525,16 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
// Verify the type of file
char filecode[4];
fread(filecode, 1, 4, ddsFile);
if (strncmp(filecode, "DDS ", 4) != 0)
if (strncmp(filecode, "DDS ", 4) != 0)
TraceLog(WARNING, "DDS File does not seem to be valid");
// Get the surface descriptor
fread(&header, sizeof(ddsHeader), 1, ddsFile);
@ -542,25 +542,25 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] DDS file pixel format size: %i", fileName, header.ddspf.size);
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] DDS file pixel format flags: 0x%x", fileName, header.ddspf.flags);
TraceLog(DEBUG, "[%s] DDS file format: 0x%x", fileName, header.ddspf.fourCC);
image.width = header.width;
image.height = header.height;
image.mipmaps = 1;
image.compFormat = 0;
if (header.ddspf.flags == 0x40 && header.ddspf.rgbBitCount == 24) // DDS_RGB, no compressed
|||| = (unsigned char *)malloc(header.width * header.height * 4);
unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(header.width * header.height * 3);
fread(buffer, image.width*image.height*3, 1, ddsFile);
unsigned char *src = buffer;
unsigned char *dest =;
for(int y = 0; y < image.height; y++)
for(int y = 0; y < image.height; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < image.width; x++)
for(int x = 0; x < image.width; x++)
*dest++ = *src++;
*dest++ = *src++;
@ -568,49 +568,49 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
*dest++ = 255;
else if (header.ddspf.flags == 0x41 && header.ddspf.rgbBitCount == 32) // DDS_RGBA, no compressed
|||| = (unsigned char *)malloc(header.width * header.height * 4);
fread(, image.width*image.height*4, 1, ddsFile);
image.mipmaps = 1;
image.compFormat = 0;
else if ((header.ddspf.flags == 0x04) && (header.ddspf.fourCC > 0))
#ifdef USE_OPENGL_11
#ifdef USE_OPENGL_11
TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] DDS image uses compression, not supported by current OpenGL version", fileName);
TraceLog(WARNING, "[%s] DDS compressed files require OpenGL 3.2+ or ES 2.0", fileName);
int bufsize;
// Calculate data size, including all mipmaps
if (header.mipMapCount > 1) bufsize = header.pitchOrLinearSize * 2;
else bufsize = header.pitchOrLinearSize;
|||| = (unsigned char*)malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));
fread(, 1, bufsize, ddsFile);
else bufsize = header.pitchOrLinearSize;
|||| = (unsigned char*)malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));
fread(, 1, bufsize, ddsFile);
// Close file pointer
image.mipmaps = header.mipMapCount;
image.compFormat = 0;
case FOURCC_DXT1: image.compFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break;
case FOURCC_DXT3: image.compFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break;
case FOURCC_DXT5: image.compFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break;
case FOURCC_DXT1: image.compFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break;
case FOURCC_DXT3: image.compFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break;
case FOURCC_DXT5: image.compFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break;
default: break;
// NOTE: Image num color components not required... for now...
//if (fourCC == FOURCC_DXT1) image.components = 3;
//else image.components = 4;
@ -618,6 +618,6 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
return image;
@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
* raylib.utils
* Utils Functions Definitions
* Uses external libs:
* Uses external libs:
* tinfl - zlib DEFLATE algorithm decompression lib
* stb_image_write - PNG writting functions
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ unsigned char *DecompressData(const unsigned char *data, unsigned long compSize,
int tempUncompSize;
unsigned char *pUncomp;
// Allocate buffer to hold decompressed data
pUncomp = (mz_uint8 *)malloc((size_t)uncompSize);
// Check correct memory allocation
if (!pUncomp)
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ unsigned char *DecompressData(const unsigned char *data, unsigned long compSize,
// Decompress data
tempUncompSize = tinfl_decompress_mem_to_mem(pUncomp, (size_t)uncompSize, data, compSize, 1);
if (tempUncompSize == -1)
TraceLog(WARNING, "Data decompression failed");
if (uncompSize != (int)tempUncompSize)
TraceLog(WARNING, "Expected uncompressed size do not match, data may be corrupted");
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ unsigned char *DecompressData(const unsigned char *data, unsigned long compSize,
TraceLog(INFO, "Data decompressed successfully from %u bytes to %u bytes", (mz_uint32)compSize, (mz_uint32)tempUncompSize);
return pUncomp;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ unsigned char *DecompressData(const unsigned char *data, unsigned long compSize,
void WriteBitmap(const char *fileName, unsigned char *imgData, int width, int height)
int filesize = 54 + 3*width*height;
unsigned char bmpFileHeader[14] = {'B','M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 54,0,0,0}; // Standard BMP file header
unsigned char bmpInfoHeader[40] = {40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0, 24,0}; // Standard BMP info header
@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ void WriteBitmap(const char *fileName, unsigned char *imgData, int width, int he
bmpInfoHeader[11] = (unsigned char)(height>>24);
FILE *bmpFile = fopen(fileName, "wb"); // Define a pointer to bitmap file and open it in write-binary mode
// NOTE: fwrite parameters are: data pointer, size in bytes of each element to be written, number of elements, file-to-write pointer
fwrite(bmpFileHeader, sizeof(unsigned char), 14, bmpFile); // Write BMP file header data
fwrite(bmpInfoHeader, sizeof(unsigned char), 40, bmpFile); // Write BMP info header data
// Write pixel data to file
for (int y = 0; y < height ; y++)
@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ void TraceLog(int msgType, const char *text, ...)
va_list args;
int traceDebugMsgs = 1;
traceDebugMsgs = 0;
// NOTE: If trace log file not set, output redirected to stdout
// NOTE: If trace log file not set, output redirected to stdout
if (logstream == NULL) logstream = stdout;
case INFO: fprintf(logstream, "INFO: "); break;
@ -159,16 +159,16 @@ void TraceLog(int msgType, const char *text, ...)
case DEBUG: if (traceDebugMsgs) fprintf(logstream, "DEBUG: "); break;
default: break;
if ((msgType != DEBUG) || ((msgType == DEBUG) && (traceDebugMsgs)))
va_start(args, text);
vfprintf(logstream, text, args);
fprintf(logstream, "\n");
if (msgType == ERROR) exit(1); // If ERROR message, exit program
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void RecordMalloc(int mallocType, int mallocSize, const char *msg)
// Get the extension for a filename
const char *GetExtension(const char *fileName)
const char *GetExtension(const char *fileName)
const char *dot = strrchr(fileName, '.');
if(!dot || dot == fileName) return "";
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
* raylib.utils
* Some utility functions: rRES files data decompression
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
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