Added support for emscripten and more

Added PLATFORM_WEB support (emscripten-webgl)
[audio] Added LoadSoundFromWave()
[textures] Added LoadTextureFromImage() to replace CreateTexture()
Some TraceLogs edited...
This commit is contained in:
raysan5 2014-12-15 01:08:30 +01:00
parent d3cf316e40
commit cfa60ab7e6
9 changed files with 199 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -69,15 +69,6 @@ typedef struct Music {
} Music;
// Wave file data
typedef struct Wave {
void *data; // Buffer data pointer
unsigned int dataSize; // Data size in bytes
unsigned int sampleRate;
short bitsPerSample;
short channels;
} Wave;
// Global Variables Definition
@ -219,6 +210,60 @@ Sound LoadSound(char *fileName)
return sound;
// Load sound from wave data
Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave)
Sound sound;
if ( != NULL)
ALenum format = 0;
// The OpenAL format is worked out by looking at the number of channels and the bits per sample
if (wave.channels == 1)
if (wave.bitsPerSample == 8 ) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
else if (wave.bitsPerSample == 16) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
else if (wave.channels == 2)
if (wave.bitsPerSample == 8 ) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
else if (wave.bitsPerSample == 16) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
// Create an audio source
ALuint source;
alGenSources(1, &source); // Generate pointer to audio source
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1);
alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
// Convert loaded data to OpenAL buffer
ALuint buffer;
alGenBuffers(1, &buffer); // Generate pointer to buffer
// Upload sound data to buffer
alBufferData(buffer, format,, wave.dataSize, wave.sampleRate);
// Attach sound buffer to source
alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
// Unallocate WAV data
TraceLog(INFO, "[Wave] Sound file loaded successfully");
TraceLog(INFO, "[Wave] Sample rate: %i - Channels: %i", wave.sampleRate, wave.channels);
sound.source = source;
sound.buffer = buffer;
return sound;
// Load sound to memory from rRES file (raylib Resource)
Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* PLATFORM_DESKTOP - Windows, Linux, Mac (OSX)
* PLATFORM_ANDROID - Only OpenGL ES 2.0 devices
* PLATFORM_RPI - Rapsberry Pi (tested on Raspbian)
* PLATFORM_WEB - Emscripten, HTML5
* On PLATFORM_DESKTOP, the external lib GLFW3 ( is used to manage graphic
* device, OpenGL context and input on multiple operating systems (Windows, Linux, OSX).
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
#include <string.h> // String function definitions, memset()
#include <errno.h> // Macros for reporting and retrieving error conditions through error codes
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h> // GLFW3 library: Windows, OpenGL context and Input management
//#include <GL/gl.h> // OpenGL functions (GLFW3 already includes gl.h)
//#define GLFW_DLL // Using GLFW DLL on Windows -> No, we use static version!
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
// Global Variables Definition
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static GLFWwindow *window; // Native window (graphic device)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
static struct android_app *app; // Android activity
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ static int renderOffsetY = 0; // Offset Y from render area (must b
static bool fullscreen = false; // Fullscreen mode (useful only for PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
static Matrix downscaleView; // Matrix to downscale view (in case screen size bigger than display size)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static const char *windowTitle; // Window text title...
static char configFlags = 0;
@ -226,12 +227,15 @@ static void RestoreKeyboard(void); // Restore keyboard syst
static void InitGamepad(void); // Init raw gamepad input
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description); // GLFW3 Error Callback, runs on GLFW3 error
static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods); // GLFW3 Keyboard Callback, runs on key pressed
static void ScrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double xoffset, double yoffset); // GLFW3 Srolling Callback, runs on mouse wheel
static void CursorEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int enter); // GLFW3 Cursor Enter Callback, cursor enters client area
static void WindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height); // GLFW3 WindowSize Callback, runs when window is resized
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
static void TakeScreenshot(void); // Takes a screenshot and saves it in the same folder as executable
@ -243,7 +247,7 @@ static void CommandCallback(struct android_app *app, int32_t cmd); //
// Module Functions Definition - Window and OpenGL Context Functions
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Initialize Window and Graphics Context (OpenGL)
void InitWindow(int width, int height, const char *title)
@ -348,7 +352,7 @@ void CloseWindow(void)
rlglClose(); // De-init rlgl
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
@ -380,7 +384,7 @@ void CloseWindow(void)
// Detect if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed
bool WindowShouldClose(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return (glfwWindowShouldClose(window));
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
return windowShouldClose;
@ -402,7 +406,7 @@ void ToggleFullscreen(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Set a custom cursor icon/image
void SetCustomCursor(const char *cursorImage)
@ -411,6 +415,7 @@ void SetCustomCursor(const char *cursorImage)
cursor = LoadTexture(cursorImage);
// NOTE: emscripten not implemented
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
customCursor = true;
@ -612,7 +617,7 @@ void ShowLogo(void)
// Module Functions Definition - Input (Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad) Functions
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Detect if a key has been pressed once
bool IsKeyPressed(int key)
@ -731,7 +736,8 @@ Vector2 GetMousePosition(void)
void SetMousePosition(Vector2 position)
mousePosition = position;
// NOTE: emscripten not implemented
glfwSetCursorPos(window, position.x, position.y);
@ -747,7 +753,8 @@ int GetMouseWheelMove(void)
// TODO: Enable gamepad usage on Rapsberr Pi
// TODO: Enable gamepad usage on Rapsberry Pi
// NOTE: emscripten not implemented
// Detect if a gamepad is available
bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad)
@ -890,11 +897,13 @@ static void InitDisplay(int width, int height)
// Downscale matrix is required in case desired screen area is bigger than display area
downscaleView = MatrixIdentity();
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
if (!glfwInit()) TraceLog(ERROR, "Failed to initialize GLFW");
// NOTE: Getting video modes is not implemented in emscripten GLFW3 version
// Find monitor resolution
const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
@ -904,7 +913,11 @@ static void InitDisplay(int width, int height)
// Screen size security check
if (screenWidth <= 0) screenWidth = displayWidth;
if (screenHeight <= 0) screenHeight = displayHeight;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
displayWidth = screenWidth;
displayHeight = screenHeight;
glfwDefaultWindowHints(); // Set default windows hints
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE); // Avoid window being resizable
@ -953,7 +966,9 @@ static void InitDisplay(int width, int height)
TraceLog(INFO, "Display device initialized successfully");
TraceLog(INFO, "Display size: %i x %i", displayWidth, displayHeight);
TraceLog(INFO, "Render size: %i x %i", renderWidth, renderHeight);
TraceLog(INFO, "Screen size: %i x %i", screenWidth, screenHeight);
TraceLog(INFO, "Viewport offsets: %i, %i", renderOffsetX, renderOffsetY);
@ -1125,7 +1140,7 @@ void InitGraphics(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// GLFW3 Error Callback, runs on GLFW3 error
static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description)
@ -1147,10 +1162,12 @@ static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, i
// NOTE: Before closing window, while loop must be left!
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_F12 && action == GLFW_PRESS)
// GLFW3 CursorEnter Callback, when cursor enters the window
@ -1395,7 +1412,7 @@ static void InitTimer(void)
// Get current time measure since InitTimer()
static double GetTime(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return glfwGetTime();
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
struct timespec ts;
@ -1409,7 +1426,7 @@ static double GetTime(void)
// Get one key state
static bool GetKeyStatus(int key)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return glfwGetKey(window, key);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
// TODO: Check virtual keyboard (?)
@ -1424,7 +1441,7 @@ static bool GetKeyStatus(int key)
// Get one mouse button state
static bool GetMouseButtonStatus(int button)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
return glfwGetMouseButton(window, button);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
// TODO: Check virtual keyboard (?)
@ -1438,7 +1455,7 @@ static bool GetMouseButtonStatus(int button)
// Poll (store) all input events
static void PollInputEvents(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Mouse input polling
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
@ -1732,7 +1749,7 @@ static void InitGamepad(void)
// Copy back buffer to front buffers
static void SwapBuffers(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
eglSwapBuffers(display, surface);

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
# define raylib platform (by default, compile for RPI)
# define raylib graphics api depending on selected platform
@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ else
#GRAPHICS = GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33 # Uncomment to use OpenGL 3.3
# NOTE: makefiles targets require tab indentation
# define compiler: gcc for C program, define as g++ for C++
@ -52,15 +56,12 @@ endif
# -O2 defines optimization level
# -Wall turns on most, but not all, compiler warnings
# -std=c99 use standard C from 1999 revision
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -fgnu89-inline
CFLAGS = -O1 -Wall -std=gnu99 -fgnu89-inline
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -std=c99
CFLAGS = -O1 -Wall -std=c99
#CFLAGSEXTRA = -Wextra -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes
# define any directories containing required header files
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ default: raylib
# compile raylib library
raylib: $(OBJS)
emcc $(OBJS) -o raylib.bc
emcc -O1 $(OBJS) -o raylib.bc
ar rcs libraylib.a $(OBJS)
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ core.o: core.c
# compile rlgl module
rlgl.o: rlgl.c
$(CC) -c rlgl.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -D$(GRAPHICS)
# compile raymath module
raymath.o: raymath.c

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
//#define PLATFORM_RPI // Raspberry Pi
// Security check in case no PLATFORM_* defined
#if !defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) && !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) && !defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#if !defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) && !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) && !defined(PLATFORM_RPI) && !defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
@ -275,6 +275,15 @@ typedef struct Sound {
unsigned int buffer;
} Sound;
// Wave type, defines audio wave data
typedef struct Wave {
void *data; // Buffer data pointer
unsigned int dataSize; // Data size in bytes
unsigned int sampleRate;
short bitsPerSample;
short channels;
} Wave;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
@ -327,7 +336,7 @@ void ShowLogo(void); // Activates raylib
// Input Handling Functions (Module: core)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
bool IsKeyPressed(int key); // Detect if a key has been pressed once
bool IsKeyDown(int key); // Detect if a key is being pressed
bool IsKeyReleased(int key); // Detect if a key has been released once
@ -342,7 +351,9 @@ int GetMouseY(void); // Returns mouse positio
Vector2 GetMousePosition(void); // Returns mouse position XY
void SetMousePosition(Vector2 position); // Set mouse position XY
int GetMouseWheelMove(void); // Returns mouse wheel movement Y
bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad); // Detect if a gamepad is available
Vector2 GetGamepadMovement(int gamepad); // Return axis movement vector for a gamepad
bool IsGamepadButtonPressed(int gamepad, int button); // Detect if a gamepad button has been pressed once
@ -395,7 +406,8 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName);
Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId); // Load an image from rRES file (raylib Resource)
Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName); // Load an image as texture into GPU memory
Texture2D LoadTextureFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId); // Load an image as texture from rRES file (raylib Resource)
Texture2D CreateTexture(Image image, bool genMipmaps); // Create a Texture2D from Image data (and generate mipmaps)
Texture2D LoadTextureFromImage(Image image, bool genMipmaps); // Load a texture from image data (and generate mipmaps)
Texture2D CreateTexture(Image image, bool genMipmaps); // [DEPRECATED] Same as LoadTextureFromImage()
void UnloadImage(Image image); // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture); // Unload texture from GPU memory
@ -465,6 +477,7 @@ void InitAudioDevice(void); // Initialize au
void CloseAudioDevice(void); // Close the audio device and context (and music stream)
Sound LoadSound(char *fileName); // Load sound to memory
Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave); // Load sound from wave data
Sound LoadSoundFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId); // Load sound to memory from rRES file (raylib Resource)
void UnloadSound(Sound sound); // Unload sound
void PlaySound(Sound sound); // Play a sound

View File

@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ static bool vaoSupported = false;
// NOTE: VAO functionality is exposed through extensions (OES)
// emscripten does not support VAOs
@ -764,10 +765,13 @@ void rlglInit(void)
// NOTE: emscripten does not support VAOs
#if !defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
glGenVertexArrays = (PFNGLGENVERTEXARRAYSOESPROC)eglGetProcAddress("glGenVertexArraysOES");
glBindVertexArray = (PFNGLBINDVERTEXARRAYOESPROC)eglGetProcAddress("glBindVertexArrayOES");
glDeleteVertexArrays = (PFNGLDELETEVERTEXARRAYSOESPROC)eglGetProcAddress("glDeleteVertexArraysOES");
glIsVertexArray = (PFNGLISVERTEXARRAYOESPROC)eglGetProcAddress("glIsVertexArrayOES");
if (glGenVertexArrays == NULL) TraceLog(WARNING, "Could not initialize VAO extensions, VAOs not supported");
@ -852,8 +856,8 @@ void rlglInit(void)
whiteTexture = rlglLoadTexture(pixels, 1, 1, false);
if (whiteTexture != 0) TraceLog(INFO, "[TEX ID %i] Base white texture created successfully", whiteTexture);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Base white texture could not be created");
if (whiteTexture != 0) TraceLog(INFO, "[TEX ID %i] Base white texture loaded successfully", whiteTexture);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Base white texture could not be loaded");
// Init draw calls tracking system
draws = (DrawCall *)malloc(sizeof(DrawCall)*MAX_DRAWS_BY_TEXTURE);
@ -1352,7 +1356,7 @@ Model rlglLoadModel(VertexData mesh)
#elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33) || defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2)
model.textureId = 1; // Default whiteTexture
GLuint vaoModel; // Vertex Array Objects (VAO)
GLuint vaoModel = 0; // Vertex Array Objects (VAO)
GLuint vertexBuffer[3]; // Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO)
if (vaoSupported)
@ -1804,7 +1808,7 @@ static void InitializeBuffersGPU(void)
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoTriangles);
// Create buffers for our vertex data
glGenBuffers(2, trianglesBuffer);
@ -1829,7 +1833,7 @@ static void InitializeBuffersGPU(void)
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoQuads);
// Create buffers for our vertex data
glGenBuffers(4, quadsBuffer);
@ -1865,6 +1869,8 @@ static void InitializeBuffersGPU(void)
// Update VBOs with vertex array data
// TODO: If there is not vertex data, buffers doesn't need to be updated (vertexCount > 0)
// TODO: If no data changed on the CPU arrays --> No need to update GPU arrays every frame!
static void UpdateBuffers(void)
// Activate Lines VAO

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
// Choose opengl version here or just define it at compile time: -DGRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33
//#define GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11 // Only available on PLATFORM_DESKTOP
//#define GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33 // Only available on PLATFORM_DESKTOP
// Security check in case no GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_* defined
#if !defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11) && !defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33) && !defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2)

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ extern void LoadDefaultFont(void)
if (counter > 256) counter = 0; // Security check...
defaultFont.texture = CreateTexture(image, false); // Convert loaded image to OpenGL texture
defaultFont.texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image, false); // Convert loaded image to OpenGL texture
// Reconstruct charSet using charsWidth[], charsHeight, charsDivisor, numChars
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ extern void LoadDefaultFont(void)
else currentPosX = testPosX;
TraceLog(INFO, "Default font loaded successfully");
TraceLog(INFO, "[TEX ID %i] Default font loaded successfully",;
extern void UnloadDefaultFont(void)
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char *fileName)
image.height = potHeight;
spriteFont.texture = CreateTexture(image, false); // Convert loaded image to OpenGL texture
spriteFont.texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image, false); // Convert loaded image to OpenGL texture
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ static SpriteFont LoadRBMF(const char *fileName)
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Image reconstructed correctly, now converting it to texture", fileName);
spriteFont.texture = CreateTexture(image, false);
spriteFont.texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image, false);
UnloadImage(image); // Unload image data
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] Starting charSet reconstruction", fileName);

View File

@ -175,8 +175,6 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
// Load an image from rRES file (raylib Resource)
Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
// TODO: rresName could be directly a char array with all the data! --> support it! :P
Image image;
bool found = false;
@ -295,6 +293,11 @@ Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName)
Texture2D texture;
// Init texture to default values = 0;
texture.width = 0;
texture.height = 0;
if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"dds") == 0)
@ -337,7 +340,7 @@ Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName)
if (image.pixels != NULL)
texture = CreateTexture(image, false);
texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image, false);
@ -345,13 +348,66 @@ Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName)
return texture;
// Load a texture from image data
// NOTE: image is not unloaded, it must be done manually
Texture2D LoadTextureFromImage(Image image, bool genMipmaps)
Texture2D texture;
// Init texture to default values = 0;
texture.width = 0;
texture.height = 0;
if (image.pixels != NULL)
unsigned char *imgData = malloc(image.width * image.height * 4);
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height * 4; i += 4)
imgData[i] = image.pixels[j].r;
imgData[i+1] = image.pixels[j].g;
imgData[i+2] = image.pixels[j].b;
imgData[i+3] = image.pixels[j].a;
// NOTE: rlglLoadTexture() can generate mipmaps (POT image required) = rlglLoadTexture(imgData, image.width, image.height, genMipmaps);
texture.width = image.width;
texture.height = image.height;
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Texture could not be created, image data is not valid");
return texture;
// [DEPRECATED] Load a texture from image data
// NOTE: Use LoadTextureFromImage() instead
Texture2D CreateTexture(Image image, bool genMipmaps)
Texture2D texture;
texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image, genMipmaps);
TraceLog(INFO, "Created texture id: %i",;
return texture;
// Load an image as texture from rRES file (raylib Resource)
Texture2D LoadTextureFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId)
Texture2D texture;
Image image = LoadImageFromRES(rresName, resId);
texture = CreateTexture(image, false);
texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image, false);
return texture;
@ -436,49 +492,13 @@ void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle destRec, V
// Create a texture from an image
// NOTE: image is not unloaded, iot must be done manually
Texture2D CreateTexture(Image image, bool genMipmaps)
Texture2D texture;
// Init texture to default values = 0;
texture.width = 0;
texture.height = 0;
if (image.pixels != NULL)
unsigned char *imgData = malloc(image.width * image.height * 4);
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < image.width * image.height * 4; i += 4)
imgData[i] = image.pixels[j].r;
imgData[i+1] = image.pixels[j].g;
imgData[i+2] = image.pixels[j].b;
imgData[i+3] = image.pixels[j].a;
// NOTE: rlglLoadTexture() can generate mipmaps (POT image required) = rlglLoadTexture(imgData, image.width, image.height, genMipmaps);
texture.width = image.width;
texture.height = image.height;
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Texture could not be created, image data is not valid");
return texture;
// Module specific Functions Definition
// Loading DDS image data (compressed or uncompressed)
// NOTE: Compressed data loading not supported on OpenGL 1.1
ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
static ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
#define FOURCC_DXT1 0x31545844 // Equivalent to "DXT1" in ASCII
#define FOURCC_DXT3 0x33545844 // Equivalent to "DXT3" in ASCII
@ -636,7 +656,7 @@ ImageEx LoadDDS(const char *fileName)
// Loading PKM image data (ETC1/ETC2 compression)
// NOTE: KTX is the standard Khronos Group compression format (ETC1/ETC2, mipmaps)
// PKM is a much simpler file format used mainly to contain a single ETC1/ETC2 compressed image (no mipmaps)
ImageEx LoadPKM(const char *fileName)
static ImageEx LoadPKM(const char *fileName)
// If OpenGL ES 2.0. the following format could be supported (ETC1):

View File

@ -157,7 +157,9 @@ void WritePNG(const char *fileName, unsigned char *imgData, int width, int heigh
stbi_write_png(fileName, width, height, 4, imgData, width*4); // It WORKS!!!
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Outputs a trace log message (INFO, ERROR, WARNING)
// NOTE: If a file has been init, output log is written there
void TraceLog(int msgType, const char *text, ...)