Merge branch 'master' into gamepad-rework
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ ipch/
# Ignore compiled binaries
@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
#include "pch.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "raylib.h"
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Windows::UI::Input;
using namespace Windows::Devices::Input;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace Windows::Gaming::Input;
using namespace Windows::Graphics::Display;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Platform;
using namespace raylibUWP;
TODO list:
- Cache reference to our CoreWindow?
- Implement gestures support
// Declare uwpWindow as exter to be used by raylib internals
// NOTE: It should be properly assigned before calling InitWindow()
extern "C" { EGLNativeWindowType uwpWindow; };
// Stand-ins for "core.c" variables
#define MAX_GAMEPADS 4 // Max number of gamepads supported
#define MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS 32 // Max bumber of buttons supported (per gamepad)
#define MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS 8 // Max number of axis supported (per gamepad)
static bool gamepadReady[MAX_GAMEPADS] = { false }; // Flag to know if gamepad is ready
static float gamepadAxisState[MAX_GAMEPADS][MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS]; // Gamepad axis state
static char previousGamepadState[MAX_GAMEPADS][MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS]; // Previous gamepad buttons state
static char currentGamepadState[MAX_GAMEPADS][MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS]; // Current gamepad buttons state
static char previousKeyState[512] = { 0 }; // Contains previous frame keyboard state
static char currentKeyState[512] = { 0 }; // Contains current frame keyboard state
static char previousMouseState[3] = { 0 }; // Registers previous mouse button state
static char currentMouseState[3] = { 0 }; // Registers current mouse button state
static int previousMouseWheelY = 0; // Registers previous mouse wheel variation
static int currentMouseWheelY = 0; // Registers current mouse wheel variation
static bool cursorOnScreen = false; // Tracks if cursor is inside client area
static bool cursorHidden = false; // Track if cursor is hidden
static Vector2 mousePosition;
static Vector2 mouseDelta; // NOTE: Added to keep track of mouse movement while the cursor is locked - no equivalent in "core.c"
static bool toggleCursorLock;
CoreCursor ^regularCursor = ref new CoreCursor(CoreCursorType::Arrow, 0); // The "visible arrow" cursor type
// Helper to process key events
void ProcessKeyEvent(Windows::System::VirtualKey key, int action)
using Windows::System::VirtualKey;
switch (key)
case VirtualKey::Space: currentKeyState[KEY_SPACE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Escape: currentKeyState[KEY_ESCAPE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Enter: currentKeyState[KEY_ENTER] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Delete: currentKeyState[KEY_BACKSPACE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Right: currentKeyState[KEY_RIGHT] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Left: currentKeyState[KEY_LEFT] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Down: currentKeyState[KEY_DOWN] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Up: currentKeyState[KEY_UP] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F1: currentKeyState[KEY_F1] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F2: currentKeyState[KEY_F2] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F3: currentKeyState[KEY_F4] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F4: currentKeyState[KEY_F5] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F5: currentKeyState[KEY_F6] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F6: currentKeyState[KEY_F7] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F7: currentKeyState[KEY_F8] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F8: currentKeyState[KEY_F9] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F9: currentKeyState[KEY_F10] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F10: currentKeyState[KEY_F11] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F11: currentKeyState[KEY_F12] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::LeftShift: currentKeyState[KEY_LEFT_SHIFT] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::LeftControl: currentKeyState[KEY_LEFT_CONTROL] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::LeftMenu: currentKeyState[KEY_LEFT_ALT] = action; break; // NOTE: Potential UWP bug with Alt key:
case VirtualKey::RightShift: currentKeyState[KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::RightControl: currentKeyState[KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::RightMenu: currentKeyState[KEY_RIGHT_ALT] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number0: currentKeyState[KEY_ZERO] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number1: currentKeyState[KEY_ONE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number2: currentKeyState[KEY_TWO] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number3: currentKeyState[KEY_THREE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number4: currentKeyState[KEY_FOUR] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number5: currentKeyState[KEY_FIVE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number6: currentKeyState[KEY_SIX] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number7: currentKeyState[KEY_SEVEN] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number8: currentKeyState[KEY_EIGHT] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Number9: currentKeyState[KEY_NINE] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::A: currentKeyState[KEY_A] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::B: currentKeyState[KEY_B] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::C: currentKeyState[KEY_C] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::D: currentKeyState[KEY_D] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::E: currentKeyState[KEY_E] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::F: currentKeyState[KEY_F] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::G: currentKeyState[KEY_G] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::H: currentKeyState[KEY_H] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::I: currentKeyState[KEY_I] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::J: currentKeyState[KEY_J] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::K: currentKeyState[KEY_K] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::L: currentKeyState[KEY_L] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::M: currentKeyState[KEY_M] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::N: currentKeyState[KEY_N] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::O: currentKeyState[KEY_O] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::P: currentKeyState[KEY_P] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Q: currentKeyState[KEY_Q] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::R: currentKeyState[KEY_R] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::S: currentKeyState[KEY_S] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::T: currentKeyState[KEY_T] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::U: currentKeyState[KEY_U] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::V: currentKeyState[KEY_V] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::W: currentKeyState[KEY_W] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::X: currentKeyState[KEY_X] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Y: currentKeyState[KEY_Y] = action; break;
case VirtualKey::Z: currentKeyState[KEY_Z] = action; break;
// Callbacks
void App::PointerPressed(CoreWindow^ window, PointerEventArgs^ args)
if (args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsLeftButtonPressed)
currentMouseState[MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON] = 1;
if (args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsRightButtonPressed)
currentMouseState[MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON] = 1;
if (args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsMiddleButtonPressed)
currentMouseState[MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON] = 1;
void App::PointerReleased(CoreWindow ^window, PointerEventArgs^ args)
if (!(args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsLeftButtonPressed))
currentMouseState[MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON] = 0;
if (!(args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsRightButtonPressed))
currentMouseState[MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON] = 0;
if (!(args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsMiddleButtonPressed))
currentMouseState[MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON] = 0;
void App::PointerWheelChanged(CoreWindow ^window, PointerEventArgs^ args)
// TODO: Scale the MouseWheelDelta to match GLFW's mouse wheel sensitivity.
currentMouseWheelY += args->CurrentPoint->Properties->MouseWheelDelta;
void App::MouseMoved(Windows::Devices::Input::MouseDevice^ mouseDevice, Windows::Devices::Input::MouseEventArgs^ args)
mouseDelta.x += args->MouseDelta.X;
mouseDelta.y += args->MouseDelta.Y;
void App::OnKeyDown(CoreWindow ^ sender, KeyEventArgs ^ args)
ProcessKeyEvent(args->VirtualKey, 1);
void App::OnKeyUp(CoreWindow ^ sender, KeyEventArgs ^ args)
ProcessKeyEvent(args->VirtualKey, 0);
// Get one key state
static bool GetKeyStatus(int key)
return currentKeyState[key];
// Show mouse cursor
void UWPShowCursor()
CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->PointerCursor = regularCursor;
cursorHidden = false;
// Hides mouse cursor
void UWPHideCursor()
CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->PointerCursor = nullptr;
cursorHidden = true;
// Set mouse position XY
void UWPSetMousePosition(Vector2 position)
CoreWindow ^window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
Point mousePosScreen = Point(position.x + window->Bounds.X, position.y + window->Bounds.Y);
window->PointerPosition = mousePosScreen;
mousePosition = position;
// Enables cursor (unlock cursor)
void UWPEnableCursor()
UWPSetMousePosition(mousePosition); // The mouse is hidden in the center of the screen - move it to where it should appear
toggleCursorLock = false;
// Disables cursor (lock cursor)
void UWPDisableCursor()
toggleCursorLock = true;
// Get one mouse button state
static bool UWPGetMouseButtonStatus(int button)
return currentMouseState[button];
// Poll (store) all input events
void UWP_PollInput()
// Register previous keyboard state
for (int k = 0; k < 512; k++) previousKeyState[k] = currentKeyState[k];
// Process Mouse
// Register previous mouse states
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) previousMouseState[i] = currentMouseState[i];
previousMouseWheelY = currentMouseWheelY;
currentMouseWheelY = 0;
CoreWindow ^window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
if (toggleCursorLock)
// Track cursor movement delta, recenter it on the client
mousePosition.x += mouseDelta.x;
mousePosition.y += mouseDelta.y;
// Why we're not using UWPSetMousePosition here...
// UWPSetMousePosition changes the "mousePosition" variable to match where the cursor actually is.
// Our cursor is locked to the middle of screen, and we don't want that reflected in "mousePosition"
Vector2 centerClient = { (float)(GetScreenWidth() / 2), (float)(GetScreenHeight() / 2) };
window->PointerPosition = Point(centerClient.x + window->Bounds.X, centerClient.y + window->Bounds.Y);
// Record the cursor's position relative to the client
mousePosition.x = window->PointerPosition.X - window->Bounds.X;
mousePosition.y = window->PointerPosition.Y - window->Bounds.Y;
mouseDelta = { 0 ,0 };
// Process Gamepads
// Check if gamepads are ready
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
// HACK: UWP keeps a contiguous list of gamepads. For the interest of time I'm just doing a 1:1 mapping of
// connected gamepads with their spot in the list, but this has serious robustness problems
// e.g. player 1, 2, and 3 are playing a game - if player2 disconnects, p3's controller would now be mapped to p2's character since p3 is now second in the list.
gamepadReady[i] = (i < Gamepad::Gamepads->Size);
// Get current gamepad state
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
if (gamepadReady[i])
// Register previous gamepad states
for (int k = 0; k < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS; k++) previousGamepadState[i][k] = currentGamepadState[i][k];
// Get current gamepad state
auto gamepad = Gamepad::Gamepads->GetAt(i);
GamepadReading reading = gamepad->GetCurrentReading();
// NOTE: Maybe it would be wiser to redefine the gamepad button mappings in "raylib.h" for the UWP platform instead of remapping them manually
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_A] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::A) == GamepadButtons::A);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_B] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::B) == GamepadButtons::B);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_X] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::X) == GamepadButtons::X);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_Y] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::Y) == GamepadButtons::Y);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_LB] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::LeftShoulder) == GamepadButtons::LeftShoulder);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_RB] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::RightShoulder) == GamepadButtons::RightShoulder);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_SELECT] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::View) == GamepadButtons::View); // Changed for XB1 Controller
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_START] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::Menu) == GamepadButtons::Menu); // Changed for XB1 Controller
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_UP] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadUp) == GamepadButtons::DPadUp);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_RIGHT] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadRight) == GamepadButtons::DPadRight);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_DOWN] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadLeft) == GamepadButtons::DPadDown);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_LEFT] = ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadDown) == GamepadButtons::DPadLeft);
currentGamepadState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_HOME] = false; // Home button not supported by UWP
// Get current axis state
gamepadAxisState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_X] = reading.LeftThumbstickX;
gamepadAxisState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_Y] = reading.LeftThumbstickY;
gamepadAxisState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_RIGHT_X] = reading.RightThumbstickX;
gamepadAxisState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_RIGHT_Y] = reading.RightThumbstickY;
gamepadAxisState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LT] = reading.LeftTrigger;
gamepadAxisState[i][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_RT] = reading.RightTrigger;
// The following functions were ripped from core.c and have *no additional work done on them*
// Detect if a key has been pressed once
bool UWPIsKeyPressed(int key)
bool pressed = false;
if ((currentKeyState[key] != previousKeyState[key]) && (currentKeyState[key] == 1)) pressed = true;
else pressed = false;
return pressed;
// Detect if a key is being pressed (key held down)
bool UWPIsKeyDown(int key)
if (GetKeyStatus(key) == 1) return true;
else return false;
// Detect if a key has been released once
bool UWPIsKeyReleased(int key)
bool released = false;
if ((currentKeyState[key] != previousKeyState[key]) && (currentKeyState[key] == 0)) released = true;
else released = false;
return released;
// Detect if a key is NOT being pressed (key not held down)
bool UWPIsKeyUp(int key)
if (GetKeyStatus(key) == 0) return true;
else return false;
// Helper to convert a length in device-independent pixels (DIPs) to a length in physical pixels.
inline float ConvertDipsToPixels(float dips, float dpi)
static const float dipsPerInch = 96.0f;
return floor(dips * dpi / dipsPerInch + 0.5f); // Round to nearest integer.
// Implementation of the IFrameworkViewSource interface, necessary to run our app.
ref class SimpleApplicationSource sealed : Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkViewSource
virtual Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView^ CreateView()
return ref new App();
// The main function creates an IFrameworkViewSource for our app, and runs the app.
int main(Platform::Array<Platform::String^>^)
auto simpleApplicationSource = ref new SimpleApplicationSource();
return 0;
App::App() :
// The first method called when the IFrameworkView is being created.
void App::Initialize(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView)
// Register event handlers for app lifecycle. This example includes Activated, so that we
// can make the CoreWindow active and start rendering on the window.
applicationView->Activated += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreApplicationView^, IActivatedEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnActivated);
// Logic for other event handlers could go here.
// Information about the Suspending and Resuming event handlers can be found here:
CoreApplication::Resuming += ref new EventHandler<Platform::Object^>(this, &App::OnResuming);
// Called when the CoreWindow object is created (or re-created).
void App::SetWindow(CoreWindow^ window)
window->SizeChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnWindowSizeChanged);
window->VisibilityChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, VisibilityChangedEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnVisibilityChanged);
window->Closed += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, CoreWindowEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnWindowClosed);
window->PointerPressed += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &App::PointerPressed);
window->PointerReleased += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &App::PointerReleased);
window->PointerWheelChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &App::PointerWheelChanged);
window->KeyDown += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow ^, KeyEventArgs ^>(this, &App::OnKeyDown);
window->KeyUp += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow ^, KeyEventArgs ^>(this, &App::OnKeyUp);
Windows::Devices::Input::MouseDevice::GetForCurrentView()->MouseMoved += ref new TypedEventHandler<MouseDevice^, MouseEventArgs^>(this, &App::MouseMoved);
DisplayInformation^ currentDisplayInformation = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView();
currentDisplayInformation->DpiChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &App::OnDpiChanged);
currentDisplayInformation->OrientationChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &App::OnOrientationChanged);
// The CoreWindow has been created, so EGL can be initialized.
uwpWindow = (EGLNativeWindowType)window;
InitWindow(800, 450, NULL);
// Initializes scene resources
void App::Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint)
// InitWindow() --> rlglInit()
static int posX = 100;
static int posY = 100;
static int time = 0;
// This method is called after the window becomes active.
void App::Run()
while (!mWindowClosed)
if (mWindowVisible)
// Draw
posX += gamepadAxisState[GAMEPAD_PLAYER1][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_X] * 5;
posY += gamepadAxisState[GAMEPAD_PLAYER1][GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_Y] * -5;
DrawRectangle(posX, posY, 400, 100, RED);
DrawLine(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), BLUE);
DrawCircle(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, 40, BLUE);
if (UWPIsKeyDown(KEY_S)) DrawCircle(100, 100, 100, BLUE);
if (UWPIsKeyPressed(KEY_A))
posX -= 50;
if (UWPIsKeyPressed(KEY_D))
posX += 50;
if (currentKeyState[KEY_LEFT_ALT]) DrawRectangle(250, 250, 20, 20, BLACK);
if (currentKeyState[KEY_BACKSPACE]) DrawRectangle(280, 250, 20, 20, BLACK);
if (currentMouseState[MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON]) DrawRectangle(280, 250, 20, 20, BLACK);
static int pos = 0;
pos -= currentMouseWheelY;
DrawRectangle(280, pos + 50, 20, 20, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(250, 280 + (time++ % 60), 10, 10, PURPLE);
// Terminate events do not cause Uninitialize to be called. It will be called if your IFrameworkView
// class is torn down while the app is in the foreground.
void App::Uninitialize()
// CloseWindow();
// Application lifecycle event handler.
void App::OnActivated(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView, IActivatedEventArgs^ args)
// Run() won't start until the CoreWindow is activated.
void App::OnResuming(Object^ sender, Object^ args)
// Restore any data or state that was unloaded on suspend. By default, data
// and state are persisted when resuming from suspend. Note that this event
// does not occur if the app was previously terminated.
void App::OnWindowSizeChanged(CoreWindow^ sender, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^ args)
// TODO: Update window and render area size
//m_deviceResources->SetLogicalSize(Size(sender->Bounds.Width, sender->Bounds.Height));
// Window event handlers.
void App::OnVisibilityChanged(CoreWindow^ sender, VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args)
mWindowVisible = args->Visible;
// raylib core has the variable windowMinimized to register state,
// it should be modifyed by this event...
void App::OnWindowClosed(CoreWindow^ sender, CoreWindowEventArgs^ args)
mWindowClosed = true;
// raylib core has the variable windowShouldClose to register state,
// it should be modifyed by this event...
void App::OnDpiChanged(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args)
void App::OnOrientationChanged(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args)
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "pch.h"
namespace raylibUWP
ref class App sealed : public Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView
// IFrameworkView Methods.
virtual void Initialize(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView);
virtual void SetWindow(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ window);
virtual void Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint);
virtual void Run();
virtual void Uninitialize();
// Application lifecycle event handlers.
void OnActivated(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView, Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs^ args);
void OnResuming(Platform::Object^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);
// Window event handlers.
void OnWindowSizeChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^ args);
void OnVisibilityChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args);
void OnWindowClosed(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindowEventArgs^ args);
// DisplayInformation event handlers.
void OnDpiChanged(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);
void OnOrientationChanged(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);
// Input event handlers
void PointerPressed(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::PointerEventArgs^ args);
void PointerReleased(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^sender, Windows::UI::Core::PointerEventArgs^ args);
void PointerWheelChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^sender, Windows::UI::Core::PointerEventArgs^ args);
void MouseMoved(Windows::Devices::Input::MouseDevice^ mouseDevice, Windows::Devices::Input::MouseEventArgs^ args);
void OnKeyDown(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::KeyEventArgs ^ args);
void OnKeyUp(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::KeyEventArgs ^ args);
bool mWindowClosed;
bool mWindowVisible;
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include "pch.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "raylib.h"
using namespace raylibUWP;
// The main function creates an IFrameworkViewSource for our app, and runs the app.
int main(Platform::Array<Platform::String^>^)
auto appSource = ref new ApplicationSource<App>();
return 0;
//This does not work... need to fix this.
Setup(640, 480);
static int posX = 100;
static int posY = 100;
static int gTime = 0;
// This method is called every frame
void App::Update()
// Draw
posX += GetGamepadAxisMovement(GAMEPAD_PLAYER1, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_X) * 5;
posY += GetGamepadAxisMovement(GAMEPAD_PLAYER1, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_Y) * -5;
DrawRectangle(posX, posY, 400, 100, RED);
DrawLine(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), BLUE);
auto mPos = GetMousePosition();
DrawCircle(mPos.x, mPos.y, 40, BLUE);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) DrawCircle(100, 100, 100, BLUE);
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_A))
posX -= 50;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_D))
posX += 50;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT))
DrawRectangle(250, 250, 20, 20, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(280, 250, 20, 20, BLACK);
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
DrawRectangle(280, 250, 20, 20, BLACK);
static int pos = 0;
pos -= GetMouseWheelMove();
DrawRectangle(280, pos + 50, 20, 20, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(250, 280 + (gTime++ % 60), 10, 10, PURPLE);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "pch.h"
//Define what header we use for BaseApp.h
#define PCH "pch.h"
//Enable hold hack
#define HOLDHACK
#include "BaseApp.h"
namespace raylibUWP
ref class App sealed : public BaseApp
// IFrameworkView Methods.
void Update() override;
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 801 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 801 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 329 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 329 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 429 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 429 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
* raylib.BaseApp - UWP App generic code for managing interface between C and C++
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* #define PCH
* This defines what header is the PCH and needs to be included
* #define HOLDHACK
* This enables a hack to fix flickering key presses (Temporary)
* Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#pragma once
#if defined(PCH)
#include PCH
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <wrl.h>
#include <EGL/eglplatform.h>
#include "raylib.h"
#include "utils.h"
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Windows::UI::Input;
using namespace Windows::Devices::Input;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace Windows::Gaming::Input;
using namespace Windows::Graphics::Display;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Platform;
extern "C" { EGLNativeWindowType uwpWindow; };
TODO list:
- Cache reference to our CoreWindow?
- Implement gestures support
// Stand-ins for "core.c" variables
#define MAX_GAMEPADS 4 // Max number of gamepads supported
#define MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS 32 // Max bumber of buttons supported (per gamepad)
#define MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS 8 // Max number of axis supported (per gamepad)
//Mouse cursor locking
bool cursorLocked = false;
Vector2 mouseDelta = {0, 0};
//Our mouse cursor
CoreCursor ^regularCursor = ref new CoreCursor(CoreCursorType::Arrow, 0); // The "visible arrow" cursor type
//Base app implementation
ref class BaseApp : public Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView
// IFrameworkView Methods.
virtual void Initialize(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView)
// Register event handlers for app lifecycle. This example includes Activated, so that we
// can make the CoreWindow active and start rendering on the window.
applicationView->Activated += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreApplicationView^, IActivatedEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::OnActivated);
// Logic for other event handlers could go here.
// Information about the Suspending and Resuming event handlers can be found here:
CoreApplication::Resuming += ref new EventHandler<Platform::Object^>(this, &BaseApp::OnResuming);
virtual void SetWindow(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ window)
window->SizeChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::OnWindowSizeChanged);
window->VisibilityChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, VisibilityChangedEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::OnVisibilityChanged);
window->Closed += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, CoreWindowEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::OnWindowClosed);
window->PointerPressed += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::PointerPressed);
window->PointerWheelChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::PointerWheelChanged);
window->KeyDown += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow ^, KeyEventArgs ^>(this, &BaseApp::OnKeyDown);
window->KeyUp += ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow ^, KeyEventArgs ^>(this, &BaseApp::OnKeyUp);
Windows::Devices::Input::MouseDevice::GetForCurrentView()->MouseMoved += ref new TypedEventHandler<MouseDevice^, MouseEventArgs^>(this, &BaseApp::MouseMoved);
DisplayInformation^ currentDisplayInformation = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView();
currentDisplayInformation->DpiChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &BaseApp::OnDpiChanged);
currentDisplayInformation->OrientationChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &BaseApp::OnOrientationChanged);
// The CoreWindow has been created, so EGL can be initialized.
uwpWindow = (EGLNativeWindowType)window;
InitWindow(width, height, NULL);
virtual void Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint) {}
void Setup(int width, int height)
//Set dimensions
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
virtual void Run()
//Get display dimensions
DisplayInformation^ dInfo = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView();
Vector2 screenSize = { dInfo->ScreenWidthInRawPixels, dInfo->ScreenHeightInRawPixels };
//Send display dimensions
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = SetDisplayDims;
msg->Vector0 = screenSize;
//Send the time to the core
using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
auto timeStart = clock::now();
//Set fps if 0
if (GetFPS() <= 0)
while (!mWindowClosed)
if (mWindowVisible)
//Send time
auto delta = clock::now() - timeStart;
UWPMessage* timeMsg = CreateUWPMessage();
timeMsg->Type = SetGameTime;
timeMsg->Double0 = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(delta).count();
//Call update function
//Called every frame (Maybe add draw)
virtual void Update() {}
virtual void Uninitialize() {}
// Input polling
void PollInput()
// Process Messages
//Loop over pending messages
while (UWPHasMessages())
//Get the message
auto msg = UWPGetMessage();
//Carry out the command
case ShowMouse: //Do the same thing because of how UWP works...
case UnlockMouse:
CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->PointerCursor = regularCursor;
cursorLocked = false;
case HideMouse: //Do the same thing because of how UWP works...
case LockMouse:
CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->PointerCursor = nullptr;
cursorLocked = true;
case SetMouseLocation:
//Delete the message
// Process Keyboard
for (int k = 0x08; k < 0xA6; k++) {
auto state = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->GetKeyState((Windows::System::VirtualKey) k);
//Super hacky way of waiting three frames to see if we are ready to register the key as deregistered
//This will wait an entire 4 frames before deregistering the key, this makes sure that the key is not flickering
if (KeyboardStateHack[k] == 2)
if ((state & CoreVirtualKeyStates::None) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::None)
KeyboardStateHack[k] = 3;
else if (KeyboardStateHack[k] == 3)
if ((state & CoreVirtualKeyStates::None) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::None)
KeyboardStateHack[k] = 4;
else if (KeyboardStateHack[k] == 4)
if ((state & CoreVirtualKeyStates::None) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::None)
//Reset key...
KeyboardStateHack[k] = 0;
//Tell core
RegisterKey(k, 0);
//Left and right alt, KeyUp and KeyDown are not called for it
//No need to hack because this is not a character
//TODO: Maybe do all other key registrations like this, no more key events?
if (k == 0xA4 || k == 0xA5)
if ((state & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down)
RegisterKey(k, 1);
RegisterKey(k, 0);
// Process Mouse
if (CurrentPointerID > -1) {
auto point = PointerPoint::GetCurrentPoint(CurrentPointerID);
auto props = point->Properties;
if (props->IsLeftButtonPressed)
RegisterClick(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON, 1);
RegisterClick(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON, 0);
if (props->IsRightButtonPressed)
RegisterClick(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON, 1);
RegisterClick(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON, 0);
if (props->IsMiddleButtonPressed)
RegisterClick(MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON, 1);
RegisterClick(MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON, 0);
CoreWindow ^window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
if (cursorLocked)
// Track cursor movement delta, recenter it on the client
auto curMousePos = GetMousePosition();
auto x = curMousePos.x + mouseDelta.x;
auto y = curMousePos.y + mouseDelta.y;
UpdateMousePosition({ x, y });
// Why we're not using UWPSetMousePosition here...
// UWPSetMousePosition changes the "mousePosition" variable to match where the cursor actually is.
// Our cursor is locked to the middle of screen, and we don't want that reflected in "mousePosition"
Vector2 centerClient = { (float)(GetScreenWidth() / 2), (float)(GetScreenHeight() / 2) };
window->PointerPosition = Point(centerClient.x + window->Bounds.X, centerClient.y + window->Bounds.Y);
// Record the cursor's position relative to the client
auto x = window->PointerPosition.X - window->Bounds.X;
auto y = window->PointerPosition.Y - window->Bounds.Y;
UpdateMousePosition({ x, y });
mouseDelta = { 0 ,0 };
// Process Gamepads
// Check if gamepads are ready
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
// HACK: UWP keeps a contiguous list of gamepads. For the interest of time I'm just doing a 1:1 mapping of
// connected gamepads with their spot in the list, but this has serious robustness problems
// e.g. player 1, 2, and 3 are playing a game - if player2 disconnects, p3's controller would now be mapped to p2's character since p3 is now second in the list.
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = MarkGamepadActive;
msg->Int0 = i;
msg->Bool0 = i < Gamepad::Gamepads->Size;
// Get current gamepad state
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
if (IsGamepadAvailable(i))
// Get current gamepad state
auto gamepad = Gamepad::Gamepads->GetAt(i);
GamepadReading reading = gamepad->GetCurrentReading();
// NOTE: Maybe it would be wiser to redefine the gamepad button mappings in "raylib.h" for the UWP platform instead of remapping them manually
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_A, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::A) == GamepadButtons::A));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_B, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::B) == GamepadButtons::B));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_X, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::X) == GamepadButtons::X));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_Y, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::Y) == GamepadButtons::Y));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_LB, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::LeftShoulder) == GamepadButtons::LeftShoulder));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_RB, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::RightShoulder) == GamepadButtons::RightShoulder));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_SELECT, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::View) == GamepadButtons::View)); // Changed for XB1 Controller
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_START, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::Menu) == GamepadButtons::Menu)); // Changed for XB1 Controller
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_UP, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadUp) == GamepadButtons::DPadUp));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_RIGHT, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadRight) == GamepadButtons::DPadRight));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_DOWN, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadDown) == GamepadButtons::DPadDown));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_LEFT, ((reading.Buttons & GamepadButtons::DPadLeft) == GamepadButtons::DPadLeft));
RegisterGamepadButton(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_BUTTON_HOME, false); // Home button not supported by UWP
// Get current axis state
RegisterGamepadAxis(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_X, (float)reading.LeftThumbstickX);
RegisterGamepadAxis(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LEFT_Y, (float)reading.LeftThumbstickY);
RegisterGamepadAxis(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_RIGHT_X, (float)reading.RightThumbstickX);
RegisterGamepadAxis(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_RIGHT_Y, (float)reading.RightThumbstickY);
RegisterGamepadAxis(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_LT, (float)reading.LeftTrigger);
RegisterGamepadAxis(i, GAMEPAD_XBOX_AXIS_RT, (float)reading.RightTrigger);
// Application lifecycle event handlers.
void OnActivated(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView, Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs^ args)
// Run() won't start until the CoreWindow is activated.
void OnResuming(Platform::Object^ sender, Platform::Object^ args) {}
// Window event handlers.
void OnWindowSizeChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^ args)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = HandleResize;
void OnVisibilityChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args)
mWindowVisible = args->Visible;
void OnWindowClosed(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindowEventArgs^ args)
mWindowClosed = true;
// DisplayInformation event handlers.
void OnDpiChanged(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args) {}
void OnOrientationChanged(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args) {}
// Input event handlers
void PointerPressed(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::PointerEventArgs^ args)
//Get the current active pointer ID for our loop
CurrentPointerID = args->CurrentPoint->PointerId;
args->Handled = true;
void PointerWheelChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^sender, Windows::UI::Core::PointerEventArgs^ args)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = ScrollWheelUpdate;
msg->Float0 = args->CurrentPoint->Properties->MouseWheelDelta;
void MouseMoved(Windows::Devices::Input::MouseDevice^ mouseDevice, Windows::Devices::Input::MouseEventArgs^ args)
mouseDelta.x += args->MouseDelta.X;
mouseDelta.y += args->MouseDelta.Y;
void OnKeyDown(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::KeyEventArgs ^ args)
//Start the hack
KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] = 1;
RegisterKey((int)args->VirtualKey, 1);
void OnKeyUp(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow ^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::KeyEventArgs ^ args)
//The same hack
if (KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] == 1)
KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] = 2;
else if (KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] == 2)
KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] = 3;
else if (KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] == 3)
KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] = 4;
else if (KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] == 4)
RegisterKey((int)args->VirtualKey, 0);
KeyboardStateHack[(int)args->VirtualKey] = 0;
//No hack, allow flickers
RegisterKey((int)args->VirtualKey, 0);
void RegisterKey(int key, char status)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = UWPMessageType::RegisterKey;
msg->Int0 = key;
msg->Char0 = status;
void MoveMouse(Vector2 pos)
CoreWindow ^window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
Point mousePosScreen = Point(pos.x + window->Bounds.X, pos.y + window->Bounds.Y);
window->PointerPosition = mousePosScreen;
void RegisterGamepadButton(int gamepad, int button, char status)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = MarkGamepadButton;
msg->Int0 = gamepad;
msg->Int1 = button;
msg->Char0 = status;
void RegisterGamepadAxis(int gamepad, int axis, float value)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = MarkGamepadAxis;
msg->Int0 = gamepad;
msg->Int1 = axis;
msg->Float0 = value;
void UpdateMousePosition(Vector2 pos)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = UpdateMouseLocation;
msg->Vector0 = pos;
void RegisterClick(int button, char status)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = UWPMessageType::RegisterClick;
msg->Int0 = button;
msg->Char0 = status;
bool mWindowClosed = false;
bool mWindowVisible = true;
int width = 640;
int height = 480;
int CurrentPointerID = -1;
char KeyboardStateHack[0xA6]; //0xA6 because the highest key we compare against is 0xA5
//Application source for creating the program
template<typename AppType>
ref class ApplicationSource sealed : Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkViewSource
virtual Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView^ CreateView()
return ref new AppType();
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
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<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|ARM'">
<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|ARM'">
<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
<PropertyGroup />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|ARM'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|ARM'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|arm'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|arm'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\camera.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\gestures.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\raylib.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\raymath.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\rlgl.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\utils.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\glad.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\jar_mod.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\jar_xm.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\stb_image.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\stb_image_resize.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\stb_image_write.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\stb_rect_pack.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\stb_truetype.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\external\stb_vorbis.h" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\core.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\models.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\raudio.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\shapes.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\text.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\textures.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\src\utils.c" />
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void SetCameraMode(Camera camera, int mode)
//cameraAngle.y = -60.0f*DEG2RAD; // Camera angle in plane XY (0 aligned with X, move positive CW)
playerEyesPosition = camera.position.y;
// Lock cursor for first person and third person cameras
if ((mode == CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON) || (mode == CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON)) DisableCursor();
else EnableCursor();
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
#include <ctype.h> // Required for: tolower() [Used in IsFileExtension()]
#include <sys/stat.h> // Required for stat() [Used in GetLastWriteTime()]
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) && defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__TINYC__))
#if (defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)) && defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__TINYC__))
#include "external/dirent.h" // Required for: DIR, opendir(), closedir() [Used in GetDirectoryFiles()]
#include <dirent.h> // Required for: DIR, opendir(), closedir() [Used in GetDirectoryFiles()]
@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ static int gamepadStream[MAX_GAMEPADS] = { -1 };// Gamepad device file descripto
static pthread_t gamepadThreadId; // Gamepad reading thread id
static char gamepadName[64]; // Gamepad name holder
// Timming system variables
@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ static double updateTime = 0.0; // Time measure for frame update
static double drawTime = 0.0; // Time measure for frame draw
static double frameTime = 0.0; // Time measure for one frame
static double targetTime = 0.0; // Desired time for one frame, if 0 not applied
// Config internal variables
@ -486,10 +488,6 @@ static void InitGamepad(void); // Init raw gamepad inpu
static void *GamepadThread(void *arg); // Mouse reading thread
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// TODO: Define functions required to manage inputs
#if defined(_WIN32)
// NOTE: We include Sleep() function signature here to avoid windows.h inclusion
void __stdcall Sleep(unsigned long msTimeout); // Required for Wait()
@ -810,6 +808,7 @@ void SetWindowIcon(Image image)
// Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
void SetWindowTitle(const char *title)
windowTitle = title;
glfwSetWindowTitle(window, title);
@ -887,7 +886,7 @@ int GetScreenHeight(void)
// Get native window handle
void *GetWindowHandle(void)
#if defined(_WIN32)
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) && defined(_WIN32)
// NOTE: Returned handle is: void *HWND (windows.h)
return glfwGetWin32Window(window);
#elif defined(__linux__)
@ -1026,6 +1025,11 @@ void ShowCursor(void)
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = ShowMouse;
cursorHidden = false;
@ -1035,6 +1039,11 @@ void HideCursor(void)
glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = HideMouse;
cursorHidden = true;
@ -1053,6 +1062,11 @@ void EnableCursor(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
toggleCursorLock = true;
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = LockMouse;
cursorHidden = false;
@ -1065,6 +1079,11 @@ void DisableCursor(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
toggleCursorLock = true;
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = UnlockMouse;
cursorHidden = true;
@ -1145,6 +1164,8 @@ void EndDrawing(void)
frameTime += extraTime;
// Initialize 2D mode with custom camera (2D)
@ -1421,6 +1442,11 @@ double GetTime(void)
return (double)(time - baseTime)*1e-9; // Elapsed time since InitTimer()
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
//Updated through messages
return currentTime;
// Returns hexadecimal value for a Color
@ -2209,6 +2235,13 @@ void SetMousePosition(int x, int y)
// NOTE: emscripten not implemented
glfwSetCursorPos(window, mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
UWPMessage* msg = CreateUWPMessage();
msg->Type = SetMouseLocation;
msg->Vector0.x = mousePosition.x;
msg->Vector0.y = mousePosition.y;
// Set mouse offset
@ -2736,6 +2769,8 @@ static bool InitGraphicsDevice(int width, int height)
eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &screenWidth);
eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &screenHeight);
//SetupFramebuffer(displayWidth, displayHeight); //Borked
EGLint numConfigs;
@ -2906,8 +2941,8 @@ static void SetupFramebuffer(int width, int height)
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "DOWNSCALING: Required screen size (%ix%i) is bigger than display size (%ix%i)", screenWidth, screenHeight, displayWidth, displayHeight);
// Downscaling to fit display with border-bars
float widthRatio = (float)displayWidth/(float)screenWidth;
float heightRatio = (float)displayHeight/(float)screenHeight;
float widthRatio = (float)displayWidth / (float)screenWidth;
float heightRatio = (float)displayHeight / (float)screenHeight;
if (widthRatio <= heightRatio)
@ -2925,7 +2960,7 @@ static void SetupFramebuffer(int width, int height)
// Screen scaling required
float scaleRatio = (float)renderWidth/(float)screenWidth;
float scaleRatio = (float)renderWidth / (float)screenWidth;
screenScaling = MatrixScale(scaleRatio, scaleRatio, scaleRatio);
// NOTE: We render to full display resolution!
@ -2941,13 +2976,13 @@ static void SetupFramebuffer(int width, int height)
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "UPSCALING: Required screen size: %i x %i -> Display size: %i x %i", screenWidth, screenHeight, displayWidth, displayHeight);
// Upscaling to fit display with border-bars
float displayRatio = (float)displayWidth/(float)displayHeight;
float screenRatio = (float)screenWidth/(float)screenHeight;
float displayRatio = (float)displayWidth / (float)displayHeight;
float screenRatio = (float)screenWidth / (float)screenHeight;
if (displayRatio <= screenRatio)
renderWidth = screenWidth;
renderHeight = (int)round((float)screenWidth/displayRatio);
renderHeight = (int)round((float)screenWidth / displayRatio);
renderOffsetX = 0;
renderOffsetY = (renderHeight - screenHeight);
@ -2996,7 +3031,7 @@ static void InitTimer(void)
static void Wait(float ms)
#if defined(SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP) && !defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
double prevTime = GetTime();
double nextTime = 0.0;
@ -3029,7 +3064,7 @@ static bool GetKeyStatus(int key)
// NOTE: Android supports up to 260 keys
if (key < 0 || key > 260) return false;
else return currentKeyState[key];
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// NOTE: Keys states are filled in PollInputEvents()
if (key < 0 || key > 511) return false;
else return currentKeyState[key];
@ -3044,7 +3079,7 @@ static bool GetMouseButtonStatus(int button)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
// TODO: Check for virtual mouse?
return false;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// NOTE: Mouse buttons states are filled in PollInputEvents()
return currentMouseState[button];
@ -3170,6 +3205,197 @@ static void PollInputEvents(void)
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// Register previous keys states
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) previousKeyState[i] = currentKeyState[i];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++)
if (gamepadReady[i])
for (int k = 0; k < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS; k++) previousGamepadState[i][k] = currentGamepadState[i][k];
// Register previous mouse states
previousMouseWheelY = currentMouseWheelY;
currentMouseWheelY = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
previousMouseState[i] = currentMouseState[i];
// Loop over pending messages
while (HasMessageFromUWP())
UWPMessage* msg = GetMessageFromUWP();
switch (msg->Type)
case RegisterKey:
//Convert from virtualKey
int actualKey = -1;
switch (msg->Int0)
case 0x08: actualKey = KEY_BACKSPACE; break;
case 0x20: actualKey = KEY_SPACE; break;
case 0x1B: actualKey = KEY_ESCAPE; break;
case 0x0D: actualKey = KEY_ENTER; break;
case 0x2E: actualKey = KEY_DELETE; break;
case 0x27: actualKey = KEY_RIGHT; break;
case 0x25: actualKey = KEY_LEFT; break;
case 0x28: actualKey = KEY_DOWN; break;
case 0x26: actualKey = KEY_UP; break;
case 0x70: actualKey = KEY_F1; break;
case 0x71: actualKey = KEY_F2; break;
case 0x72: actualKey = KEY_F3; break;
case 0x73: actualKey = KEY_F4; break;
case 0x74: actualKey = KEY_F5; break;
case 0x75: actualKey = KEY_F6; break;
case 0x76: actualKey = KEY_F7; break;
case 0x77: actualKey = KEY_F8; break;
case 0x78: actualKey = KEY_F9; break;
case 0x79: actualKey = KEY_F10; break;
case 0x7A: actualKey = KEY_F11; break;
case 0x7B: actualKey = KEY_F12; break;
case 0xA0: actualKey = KEY_LEFT_SHIFT; break;
case 0xA2: actualKey = KEY_LEFT_CONTROL; break;
case 0xA4: actualKey = KEY_LEFT_ALT; break;
case 0xA1: actualKey = KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT; break;
case 0xA3: actualKey = KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL; break;
case 0xA5: actualKey = KEY_RIGHT_ALT; break;
case 0x30: actualKey = KEY_ZERO; break;
case 0x31: actualKey = KEY_ONE; break;
case 0x32: actualKey = KEY_TWO; break;
case 0x33: actualKey = KEY_THREE; break;
case 0x34: actualKey = KEY_FOUR; break;
case 0x35: actualKey = KEY_FIVE; break;
case 0x36: actualKey = KEY_SIX; break;
case 0x37: actualKey = KEY_SEVEN; break;
case 0x38: actualKey = KEY_EIGHT; break;
case 0x39: actualKey = KEY_NINE; break;
case 0x41: actualKey = KEY_A; break;
case 0x42: actualKey = KEY_B; break;
case 0x43: actualKey = KEY_C; break;
case 0x44: actualKey = KEY_D; break;
case 0x45: actualKey = KEY_E; break;
case 0x46: actualKey = KEY_F; break;
case 0x47: actualKey = KEY_G; break;
case 0x48: actualKey = KEY_H; break;
case 0x49: actualKey = KEY_I; break;
case 0x4A: actualKey = KEY_J; break;
case 0x4B: actualKey = KEY_K; break;
case 0x4C: actualKey = KEY_L; break;
case 0x4D: actualKey = KEY_M; break;
case 0x4E: actualKey = KEY_N; break;
case 0x4F: actualKey = KEY_O; break;
case 0x50: actualKey = KEY_P; break;
case 0x51: actualKey = KEY_Q; break;
case 0x52: actualKey = KEY_R; break;
case 0x53: actualKey = KEY_S; break;
case 0x54: actualKey = KEY_T; break;
case 0x55: actualKey = KEY_U; break;
case 0x56: actualKey = KEY_V; break;
case 0x57: actualKey = KEY_W; break;
case 0x58: actualKey = KEY_X; break;
case 0x59: actualKey = KEY_Y; break;
case 0x5A: actualKey = KEY_Z; break;
if (actualKey > -1)
currentKeyState[actualKey] = msg->Char0;
case RegisterClick:
currentMouseState[msg->Int0] = msg->Char0;
case ScrollWheelUpdate:
currentMouseWheelY += msg->Int0;
case UpdateMouseLocation:
mousePosition = msg->Vector0;
case MarkGamepadActive:
if (msg->Int0 < MAX_GAMEPADS)
gamepadReady[msg->Int0] = msg->Bool0;
case MarkGamepadButton:
if (msg->Int0 < MAX_GAMEPADS && msg->Int1 < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS)
currentGamepadState[msg->Int0][msg->Int1] = msg->Char0;
case MarkGamepadAxis:
if (msg->Int0 < MAX_GAMEPADS && msg->Int1 < MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS)
gamepadAxisState[msg->Int0][msg->Int1] = msg->Float0;
case SetDisplayDims:
displayWidth = msg->Vector0.x;
displayHeight = msg->Vector0.y;
case HandleResize:
eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &screenWidth);
eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &screenHeight);
// If window is resized, viewport and projection matrix needs to be re-calculated
rlViewport(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); // Set viewport width and height
rlMatrixMode(RL_PROJECTION); // Switch to PROJECTION matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (PROJECTION)
rlOrtho(0, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Orthographic projection mode with top-left corner at (0,0)
rlMatrixMode(RL_MODELVIEW); // Switch back to MODELVIEW matrix
rlLoadIdentity(); // Reset current matrix (MODELVIEW)
rlClearScreenBuffers(); // Clear screen buffers (color and depth)
// Window size must be updated to be used on 3D mode to get new aspect ratio (BeginMode3D())
// NOTE: Be careful! GLFW3 will choose the closest fullscreen resolution supported by current monitor,
// for example, if reescaling back to 800x450 (desired), it could set 720x480 (closest fullscreen supported)
currentWidth = screenWidth;
currentHeight = screenHeight;
// NOTE: Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size
windowResized = true;
case SetGameTime:
currentTime = msg->Double0;
DeleteUWPMessage(msg); //Delete, we are done
#if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
// Mouse input polling
double mouseX;
@ -4663,7 +4889,7 @@ static void *GamepadThread(void *arg)
// Plays raylib logo appearing animation
static void LogoAnimation(void)
#if !defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#if !defined(PLATFORM_WEB) && !defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
int logoPositionX = screenWidth/2 - 128;
int logoPositionY = screenHeight/2 - 128;
@ -4772,4 +4998,4 @@ static void LogoAnimation(void)
showLogo = false; // Prevent for repeating when reloading window (Android)
@ -74,11 +74,16 @@
//#include <windows.h>
// raylib edit!!!
typedef void *PVOID; // PVOID is a pointer to any type. This type is declared in WinNT.h
typedef PVOID HANDLE; // HANDLE is handle to an object. This type is declared in WinNT.h
typedef HANDLE HWND; // HWND is a handle to a window. This type is declared in WinDef.h
typedef HANDLE HDC; // HDC is a handle to a device context (DC). This type is declared in WinDef.h
typedef HANDLE HBITMAP; // HBITMAP is a handle to a bitmap. This type is declared in WinDef.h
//UWP Fix
#include "Windows.h"
// HDC, HBITMAP and HWND are actually pointers to void. You can cast a long to a HWND like this: HWND h = (HWND)my_long_var;
// but very careful of what information is stored in my_long_var. You have to make sure that you have a pointer in there.
@ -999,17 +999,17 @@ void rlMultMatrixf(float *matf)
// Multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix generated by parameters
void rlFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
void rlFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double znear, double zfar)
Matrix matPerps = MatrixFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
Matrix matPerps = MatrixFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar);
*currentMatrix = MatrixMultiply(*currentMatrix, matPerps);
// Multiply the current matrix by an orthographic matrix generated by parameters
void rlOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
void rlOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double znear, double zfar)
Matrix matOrtho = MatrixOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
Matrix matOrtho = MatrixOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar);
*currentMatrix = MatrixMultiply(*currentMatrix, matOrtho);
@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ void rlglInit(int width, int height)
if (strcmp(extList[i], (const char *)"GL_EXT_debug_marker") == 0) debugMarkerSupported = true;
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(PLATFORM_UWP) //is this a hotfix? I may need to find out why this is broken
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void TraceLog(int logType, const char *text, ...)
char buffer[MAX_TRACELOG_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 };
switch (logType)
case LOG_TRACE: strcpy(buffer, "TRACE: "); break;
case LOG_DEBUG: strcpy(buffer, "DEBUG: "); break;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void TraceLog(int logType, const char *text, ...)
if (logType >= logTypeExit) exit(1); // If exit message, exit program
if (logType >= logTypeExit) exit(1); // If exit message, exit program
@ -202,3 +202,91 @@ static int android_close(void *cookie)
return 0;
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
#define MAX_MESSAGES 512 //If there are over 128 messages, I will cry... either way, this may be too much EDIT: Welp, 512
static int UWPOutMessageId = -1; //Stores the last index for the message
static UWPMessage* UWPOutMessages[MAX_MESSAGES]; //Messages out to UWP
static int UWPInMessageId = -1; //Stores the last index for the message
static UWPMessage* UWPInMessages[MAX_MESSAGES]; //Messages in from UWP
UWPMessage* CreateUWPMessage(void)
UWPMessage* msg = (UWPMessage*)RL_MALLOC(sizeof(UWPMessage));
msg->Type = None;
Vector2 v0 = {0, 0};
msg->Vector0 = v0;
msg->Int0 = 0;
msg->Int1 = 0;
msg->Char0 = 0;
msg->Float0 = 0;
msg->Double0 = 0;
msg->Bool0 = false;
return msg;
void DeleteUWPMessage(UWPMessage* msg)
bool UWPHasMessages(void)
return UWPOutMessageId > -1;
UWPMessage* UWPGetMessage(void)
if (UWPHasMessages())
return UWPOutMessages[UWPOutMessageId--];
return NULL;
void UWPSendMessage(UWPMessage* msg)
if (UWPInMessageId + 1 < MAX_MESSAGES)
UWPInMessages[UWPInMessageId] = msg;
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[UWP Messaging] Not enough array space to register new UWP inbound Message.");
void SendMessageToUWP(UWPMessage* msg)
if (UWPOutMessageId + 1 < MAX_MESSAGES)
UWPOutMessages[UWPOutMessageId] = msg;
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[UWP Messaging] Not enough array space to register new UWP outward Message.");
bool HasMessageFromUWP(void)
return UWPInMessageId > -1;
UWPMessage* GetMessageFromUWP(void)
if (HasMessageFromUWP())
return UWPInMessages[UWPInMessageId--];
return NULL;
@ -59,6 +59,81 @@ void InitAssetManager(AAssetManager *manager); // Initialize asset manager from
FILE *android_fopen(const char *fileName, const char *mode); // Replacement for fopen()
#if defined(PLATFORM_UWP)
// UWP Messages System
typedef enum
None = 0,
SetMouseLocation, //Vector0 (pos)
//Recieve (Into C)
RegisterKey, //Int0 (key), Char0 (status)
RegisterClick, //Int0 (button), Char0 (status)
ScrollWheelUpdate, //Int0 (delta)
UpdateMouseLocation, //Vector0 (pos)
MarkGamepadActive, //Int0 (gamepad), Bool0 (active or not)
MarkGamepadButton, //Int0 (gamepad), Int1 (button), Char0 (status)
MarkGamepadAxis,//Int0 (gamepad), int1 (axis), Float0 (value)
SetDisplayDims, //Vector0 (display dimensions)
HandleResize, //Vector0 (new dimensions) - Onresized event
SetGameTime, //Int0
} UWPMessageType;
typedef struct UWPMessage
//The message type
UWPMessageType Type;
//Vector parameters
Vector2 Vector0;
//Int parameters
int Int0;
int Int1;
//Char parameters
char Char0;
//Float parameters
float Float0;
//Double parameters
double Double0;
//Bool parameters
bool Bool0;
//More parameters can be added and fed to functions
} UWPMessage;
//Allocate UWP Message
RLAPI UWPMessage* CreateUWPMessage(void);
//Free UWP Message
RLAPI void DeleteUWPMessage(UWPMessage* msg);
//Get messages into C++
RLAPI bool UWPHasMessages(void);
RLAPI UWPMessage* UWPGetMessage(void);
RLAPI void UWPSendMessage(UWPMessage* msg);
//For C to call
#ifndef _cplusplus //Hide from C++ code
void SendMessageToUWP(UWPMessage* msg);
bool HasMessageFromUWP(void);
UWPMessage* GetMessageFromUWP(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus