Reviewed mini_al implementation

- Some functions renamed
- Comments reviewed
- Functions reorganized
This commit is contained in:
Ray 2018-02-11 01:12:16 +01:00
parent 6d922b3e1f
commit 7bf6becc94

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@ -225,9 +225,10 @@ void TraceLog(int msgType, const char *text, ...); // Show trace lo
// Module Functions Definition - Audio Device initialization and Closing
// mini_al AudioBuffer Functionality
#define DEVICE_FORMAT mal_format_f32
#define DEVICE_SAMPLE_RATE 44100
@ -235,15 +236,16 @@ void TraceLog(int msgType, const char *text, ...); // Show trace lo
// Audio buffer structure
// NOTE: Slightly different logic is used when feeding data to the playback device depending on whether or not data is streamed
typedef struct AudioBuffer AudioBuffer;
struct AudioBuffer {
mal_dsp dsp; // For format conversion.
mal_dsp dsp; // Required for format conversion
float volume;
float pitch;
bool playing;
bool paused;
bool looping; // Always true for AudioStreams.
AudioBufferUsage usage; // Slightly different logic is used when feeding data to the playback device depending on whether or not data is streamed.
bool looping; // Always true for AudioStreams
int usage; // AudioBufferUsage type
bool isSubBufferProcessed[2];
unsigned int frameCursorPos;
unsigned int bufferSizeInFrames;
@ -252,76 +254,48 @@ struct AudioBuffer {
unsigned char buffer[1];
void StopAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
// mini_al global variables
static mal_context context;
static mal_device device;
static mal_bool32 isAudioInitialized = MAL_FALSE;
static float masterVolume = 1;
static mal_mutex audioLock;
static AudioBuffer *firstAudioBuffer = NULL; // Audio buffers are tracked in a linked list.
static bool isAudioInitialized = MAL_FALSE;
static float masterVolume = 1.0f;
// Audio buffers are tracked in a linked list
static AudioBuffer *firstAudioBuffer = NULL;
static AudioBuffer *lastAudioBuffer = NULL;
static void TrackAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer* audioBuffer)
if (firstAudioBuffer == NULL) firstAudioBuffer = audioBuffer;
lastAudioBuffer->next = audioBuffer;
audioBuffer->prev = lastAudioBuffer;
// mini_al functions declaration
static void OnLog(mal_context *pContext, mal_device *pDevice, const char *message);
static mal_uint32 OnSendAudioDataToDevice(mal_device *pDevice, mal_uint32 frameCount, void *pFramesOut);
static mal_uint32 OnAudioBufferDSPRead(mal_dsp *pDSP, mal_uint32 frameCount, void *pFramesOut, void *pUserData);
static void MixAudioFrames(float *framesOut, const float *framesIn, mal_uint32 frameCount, float localVolume);
lastAudioBuffer = audioBuffer;
// AudioBuffer management functions declaration
// NOTE: Those functions are not exposed by raylib... for the moment
AudioBuffer *CreateAudioBuffer(mal_format format, mal_uint32 channels, mal_uint32 sampleRate, mal_uint32 bufferSizeInFrames, AudioBufferUsage usage);
void DeleteAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
bool IsAudioBufferPlaying(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
void PlayAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
void StopAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
void PauseAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
void ResumeAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
void SetAudioBufferVolume(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer, float volume);
void SetAudioBufferPitch(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer, float pitch);
void TrackAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
void UntrackAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer);
static void UntrackAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer* audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer->prev == NULL) firstAudioBuffer = audioBuffer->next;
else audioBuffer->prev->next = audioBuffer->next;
if (audioBuffer->next == NULL) lastAudioBuffer = audioBuffer->prev;
else audioBuffer->next->prev = audioBuffer->prev;
audioBuffer->prev = NULL;
audioBuffer->next = NULL;
static void OnLog_MAL(mal_context *pContext, mal_device *pDevice, const char *message)
// Log callback function
static void OnLog(mal_context *pContext, mal_device *pDevice, const char *message)
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, message); // All log messages from mini_al are errors.
// This is the main mixing function. Mixing is pretty simple in this project - it's just an accumulation.
// framesOut is both an input and an output. It will be initially filled with zeros outside of this function.
static void MixFrames(float* framesOut, const float* framesIn, mal_uint32 frameCount, float localVolume)
for (mal_uint32 iFrame = 0; iFrame < frameCount; ++iFrame)
for (mal_uint32 iChannel = 0; iChannel < device.channels; ++iChannel)
float *frameOut = framesOut + (iFrame*device.channels);
const float *frameIn = framesIn + (iFrame*device.channels);
frameOut[iChannel] += frameIn[iChannel]*masterVolume*localVolume;
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, message); // All log messages from mini_al are errors
// Sending audio data to device callback function
static mal_uint32 OnSendAudioDataToDevice(mal_device *pDevice, mal_uint32 frameCount, void *pFramesOut)
// This is where all of the mixing takes place.
@ -334,7 +308,7 @@ static mal_uint32 OnSendAudioDataToDevice(mal_device *pDevice, mal_uint32 frameC
// want to consider how you might want to avoid this.
for (AudioBuffer* audioBuffer = firstAudioBuffer; audioBuffer != NULL; audioBuffer = audioBuffer->next)
for (AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = firstAudioBuffer; audioBuffer != NULL; audioBuffer = audioBuffer->next)
// Ignore stopped or paused sounds.
if (!audioBuffer->playing || audioBuffer->paused) continue;
@ -364,14 +338,14 @@ static mal_uint32 OnSendAudioDataToDevice(mal_device *pDevice, mal_uint32 frameC
// If we're not looping, we need to make sure we flush the internal buffers of the DSP pipeline to ensure we get the
// last few samples.
mal_bool32 flushDSP = !audioBuffer->looping;
bool flushDSP = !audioBuffer->looping;
mal_uint32 framesJustRead = mal_dsp_read_frames_ex(&audioBuffer->dsp, framesToReadRightNow, tempBuffer, flushDSP);
if (framesJustRead > 0)
float *framesOut = (float *)pFramesOut + (framesRead*device.channels);
float *framesIn = tempBuffer;
MixFrames(framesOut, framesIn, framesJustRead, audioBuffer->volume);
MixAudioFrames(framesOut, framesIn, framesJustRead, audioBuffer->volume);
framesToRead -= framesJustRead;
framesRead += framesJustRead;
@ -387,15 +361,16 @@ static mal_uint32 OnSendAudioDataToDevice(mal_device *pDevice, mal_uint32 frameC
// Should never get here, but just for safety, move the cursor position back to the start and continue the loop.
// Should never get here, but just for safety,
// move the cursor position back to the start and continue the loop.
audioBuffer->frameCursorPos = 0;
// If for some reason we weren't able to read every frame we'll need to break from the loop. Not doing this could
// theoretically put us into an infinite loop.
// If for some reason we weren't able to read every frame we'll need to break from the loop.
// Not doing this could theoretically put us into an infinite loop.
if (framesToRead > 0) break;
@ -405,14 +380,122 @@ static mal_uint32 OnSendAudioDataToDevice(mal_device *pDevice, mal_uint32 frameC
return frameCount; // We always output the same number of frames that were originally requested.
// DSP read from audio buffer callback function
static mal_uint32 OnAudioBufferDSPRead(mal_dsp *pDSP, mal_uint32 frameCount, void *pFramesOut, void *pUserData)
AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer *)pUserData;
mal_uint32 subBufferSizeInFrames = audioBuffer->bufferSizeInFrames/2;
mal_uint32 currentSubBufferIndex = audioBuffer->frameCursorPos/subBufferSizeInFrames;
if (currentSubBufferIndex > 1)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Frame cursor position moved too far forward in audio stream");
return 0;
// Another thread can update the processed state of buffers so we just take a copy here to try and avoid potential synchronization problems.
bool isSubBufferProcessed[2];
isSubBufferProcessed[0] = audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[0];
isSubBufferProcessed[1] = audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[1];
mal_uint32 frameSizeInBytes = mal_get_sample_size_in_bytes(audioBuffer->dsp.config.formatIn)*audioBuffer->dsp.config.channelsIn;
// Fill out every frame until we find a buffer that's marked as processed. Then fill the remainder with 0.
mal_uint32 framesRead = 0;
for (;;)
// We break from this loop differently depending on the buffer's usage. For static buffers, we simply fill as much data as we can. For
// streaming buffers we only fill the halves of the buffer that are processed. Unprocessed halves must keep their audio data in-tact.
if (audioBuffer->usage == AUDIO_BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC)
if (framesRead >= frameCount) break;
if (isSubBufferProcessed[currentSubBufferIndex]) break;
mal_uint32 totalFramesRemaining = (frameCount - framesRead);
if (totalFramesRemaining == 0) break;
mal_uint32 framesRemainingInOutputBuffer;
if (audioBuffer->usage == AUDIO_BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC)
framesRemainingInOutputBuffer = audioBuffer->bufferSizeInFrames - audioBuffer->frameCursorPos;
mal_uint32 firstFrameIndexOfThisSubBuffer = subBufferSizeInFrames * currentSubBufferIndex;
framesRemainingInOutputBuffer = subBufferSizeInFrames - (audioBuffer->frameCursorPos - firstFrameIndexOfThisSubBuffer);
mal_uint32 framesToRead = totalFramesRemaining;
if (framesToRead > framesRemainingInOutputBuffer) framesToRead = framesRemainingInOutputBuffer;
memcpy((unsigned char *)pFramesOut + (framesRead*frameSizeInBytes), audioBuffer->buffer + (audioBuffer->frameCursorPos*frameSizeInBytes), framesToRead*frameSizeInBytes);
audioBuffer->frameCursorPos = (audioBuffer->frameCursorPos + framesToRead) % audioBuffer->bufferSizeInFrames;
framesRead += framesToRead;
// If we've read to the end of the buffer, mark it as processed.
if (framesToRead == framesRemainingInOutputBuffer)
audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[currentSubBufferIndex] = true;
isSubBufferProcessed[currentSubBufferIndex] = true;
currentSubBufferIndex = (currentSubBufferIndex + 1)%2;
// We need to break from this loop if we're not looping.
if (!audioBuffer->looping)
// Zero-fill excess.
mal_uint32 totalFramesRemaining = (frameCount - framesRead);
if (totalFramesRemaining > 0)
memset((unsigned char*)pFramesOut + (framesRead*frameSizeInBytes), 0, totalFramesRemaining*frameSizeInBytes);
// For static buffers we can fill the remaining frames with silence for safety, but we don't want
// to report those frames as "read". The reason for this is that the caller uses the return value
// to know whether or not a non-looping sound has finished playback.
if (audioBuffer->usage != AUDIO_BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC) framesRead += totalFramesRemaining;
return framesRead;
// This is the main mixing function. Mixing is pretty simple in this project - it's just an accumulation.
// NOTE: framesOut is both an input and an output. It will be initially filled with zeros outside of this function.
static void MixAudioFrames(float *framesOut, const float *framesIn, mal_uint32 frameCount, float localVolume)
for (mal_uint32 iFrame = 0; iFrame < frameCount; ++iFrame)
for (mal_uint32 iChannel = 0; iChannel < device.channels; ++iChannel)
float *frameOut = framesOut + (iFrame*device.channels);
const float *frameIn = framesIn + (iFrame*device.channels);
frameOut[iChannel] += frameIn[iChannel]*masterVolume*localVolume;
// Module Functions Definition - Audio Device initialization and Closing
// Initialize audio device
void InitAudioDevice(void)
// Context.
mal_context_config contextConfig = mal_context_config_init(OnLog_MAL);
mal_context_config contextConfig = mal_context_config_init(OnLog);
mal_result result = mal_context_init(NULL, 0, &contextConfig, &context);
if (result != MAL_SUCCESS)
@ -556,100 +639,11 @@ void SetMasterVolume(float volume)
// Audio Buffer
// Module Functions Definition - Audio Buffer management
static mal_uint32 AudioBuffer_OnDSPRead(mal_dsp* pDSP, mal_uint32 frameCount, void* pFramesOut, void* pUserData)
AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer *)pUserData;
mal_uint32 subBufferSizeInFrames = audioBuffer->bufferSizeInFrames/2;
mal_uint32 currentSubBufferIndex = audioBuffer->frameCursorPos/subBufferSizeInFrames;
if (currentSubBufferIndex > 1)
TraceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Frame cursor position moved too far forward in audio stream");
return 0;
// Another thread can update the processed state of buffers so we just take a copy here to try and avoid potential synchronization problems.
bool isSubBufferProcessed[2];
isSubBufferProcessed[0] = audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[0];
isSubBufferProcessed[1] = audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[1];
mal_uint32 frameSizeInBytes = mal_get_sample_size_in_bytes(audioBuffer->dsp.config.formatIn)*audioBuffer->dsp.config.channelsIn;
// Fill out every frame until we find a buffer that's marked as processed. Then fill the remainder with 0.
mal_uint32 framesRead = 0;
for (;;)
// We break from this loop differently depending on the buffer's usage. For static buffers, we simply fill as much data as we can. For
// streaming buffers we only fill the halves of the buffer that are processed. Unprocessed halves must keep their audio data in-tact.
if (audioBuffer->usage == AUDIO_BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC)
if (framesRead >= frameCount) break;
if (isSubBufferProcessed[currentSubBufferIndex]) break;
mal_uint32 totalFramesRemaining = (frameCount - framesRead);
if (totalFramesRemaining == 0) break;
mal_uint32 framesRemainingInOutputBuffer;
if (audioBuffer->usage == AUDIO_BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC)
framesRemainingInOutputBuffer = audioBuffer->bufferSizeInFrames - audioBuffer->frameCursorPos;
mal_uint32 firstFrameIndexOfThisSubBuffer = subBufferSizeInFrames * currentSubBufferIndex;
framesRemainingInOutputBuffer = subBufferSizeInFrames - (audioBuffer->frameCursorPos - firstFrameIndexOfThisSubBuffer);
mal_uint32 framesToRead = totalFramesRemaining;
if (framesToRead > framesRemainingInOutputBuffer) framesToRead = framesRemainingInOutputBuffer;
memcpy((unsigned char *)pFramesOut + (framesRead*frameSizeInBytes), audioBuffer->buffer + (audioBuffer->frameCursorPos*frameSizeInBytes), framesToRead*frameSizeInBytes);
audioBuffer->frameCursorPos = (audioBuffer->frameCursorPos + framesToRead) % audioBuffer->bufferSizeInFrames;
framesRead += framesToRead;
// If we've read to the end of the buffer, mark it as processed.
if (framesToRead == framesRemainingInOutputBuffer)
audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[currentSubBufferIndex] = true;
isSubBufferProcessed[currentSubBufferIndex] = true;
currentSubBufferIndex = (currentSubBufferIndex + 1) % 2;
// We need to break from this loop if we're not looping.
if (!audioBuffer->looping)
// Zero-fill excess.
mal_uint32 totalFramesRemaining = (frameCount - framesRead);
if (totalFramesRemaining > 0)
memset((unsigned char*)pFramesOut + (framesRead*frameSizeInBytes), 0, totalFramesRemaining*frameSizeInBytes);
// For static buffers we can fill the remaining frames with silence for safety, but we don't want
// to report those frames as "read". The reason for this is that the caller uses the return value
// to know whether or not a non-looping sound has finished playback.
if (audioBuffer->usage != AUDIO_BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC) framesRead += totalFramesRemaining;
return framesRead;
// Create a new audio buffer. Initially filled with silence.
// Create a new audio buffer. Initially filled with silence
AudioBuffer *CreateAudioBuffer(mal_format format, mal_uint32 channels, mal_uint32 sampleRate, mal_uint32 bufferSizeInFrames, AudioBufferUsage usage)
AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer *)calloc(sizeof(*audioBuffer) + (bufferSizeInFrames*channels*mal_get_sample_size_in_bytes(format)), 1);
@ -668,7 +662,7 @@ AudioBuffer *CreateAudioBuffer(mal_format format, mal_uint32 channels, mal_uint3
dspConfig.channelsOut = DEVICE_CHANNELS;
dspConfig.sampleRateIn = sampleRate;
dspConfig.sampleRateOut = DEVICE_SAMPLE_RATE;
mal_result resultMAL = mal_dsp_init(&dspConfig, AudioBuffer_OnDSPRead, audioBuffer, &audioBuffer->dsp);
mal_result resultMAL = mal_dsp_init(&dspConfig, OnAudioBufferDSPRead, audioBuffer, &audioBuffer->dsp);
if (resultMAL != MAL_SUCCESS)
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Failed to create data conversion pipeline");
@ -694,7 +688,7 @@ AudioBuffer *CreateAudioBuffer(mal_format format, mal_uint32 channels, mal_uint3
return audioBuffer;
// Delete an audio buffer.
// Delete an audio buffer
void DeleteAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -707,7 +701,7 @@ void DeleteAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
// Check if an audio buffer is playing.
// Check if an audio buffer is playing
bool IsAudioBufferPlaying(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -719,10 +713,9 @@ bool IsAudioBufferPlaying(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
return audioBuffer->playing && !audioBuffer->paused;
// Play an audio buffer.
// This will restart the buffer from the start. Use PauseAudioBuffer() and ResumeAudioBuffer() if the playback position
// should be maintained.
// Play an audio buffer
// NOTE: Buffer is restarted to the start.
// Use PauseAudioBuffer() and ResumeAudioBuffer() if the playback position should be maintained.
void PlayAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -736,7 +729,7 @@ void PlayAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
audioBuffer->frameCursorPos = 0;
// Stop an audio buffer.
// Stop an audio buffer
void StopAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -755,7 +748,7 @@ void StopAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
audioBuffer->isSubBufferProcessed[1] = true;
// Pause an audio buffer.
// Pause an audio buffer
void PauseAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -767,7 +760,7 @@ void PauseAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
audioBuffer->paused = true;
// Resume an audio buffer.
// Resume an audio buffer
void ResumeAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -779,7 +772,7 @@ void ResumeAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
audioBuffer->paused = false;
// Set volume for an audio buffer.
// Set volume for an audio buffer
void SetAudioBufferVolume(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer, float volume)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -791,7 +784,7 @@ void SetAudioBufferVolume(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer, float volume)
audioBuffer->volume = volume;
// Set pitch for an audio buffer.
// Set pitch for an audio buffer
void SetAudioBufferPitch(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer, float pitch)
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
@ -807,6 +800,44 @@ void SetAudioBufferPitch(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer, float pitch)
mal_uint32 newOutputSampleRate = (mal_uint32)((((float)audioBuffer->dsp.config.sampleRateOut / (float)audioBuffer->dsp.config.sampleRateIn) / pitch) * audioBuffer->dsp.config.sampleRateIn);
mal_dsp_set_output_sample_rate(&audioBuffer->dsp, newOutputSampleRate);
// Track audio buffer to linked list next position
void TrackAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (firstAudioBuffer == NULL) firstAudioBuffer = audioBuffer;
lastAudioBuffer->next = audioBuffer;
audioBuffer->prev = lastAudioBuffer;
lastAudioBuffer = audioBuffer;
// Untrack audio buffer from linked list
void UntrackAudioBuffer(AudioBuffer *audioBuffer)
if (audioBuffer->prev == NULL) firstAudioBuffer = audioBuffer->next;
else audioBuffer->prev->next = audioBuffer->next;
if (audioBuffer->next == NULL) lastAudioBuffer = audioBuffer->prev;
else audioBuffer->next->prev = audioBuffer->prev;
audioBuffer->prev = NULL;
audioBuffer->next = NULL;
@ -883,13 +914,13 @@ Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave)
mal_uint32 frameCountIn = wave.sampleCount; // Is wave->sampleCount actually the frame count? That terminology needs to change, if so.
mal_uint32 frameCount = mal_convert_frames(NULL, DEVICE_FORMAT, DEVICE_CHANNELS, DEVICE_SAMPLE_RATE, NULL, formatIn, wave.channels, wave.sampleRate, frameCountIn);
if (frameCount == 0) TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Failed to get frame count for format conversion");
if (frameCount == 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Failed to get frame count for format conversion");
if (audioBuffer == NULL) TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Failed to create audio buffer");
if (audioBuffer == NULL) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Failed to create audio buffer");
frameCount = mal_convert_frames(audioBuffer->buffer, audioBuffer->dsp.config.formatIn, audioBuffer->dsp.config.channelsIn, audioBuffer->dsp.config.sampleRateIn,, formatIn, wave.channels, wave.sampleRate, frameCountIn);
if (frameCount == 0) TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Format conversion failed");
if (frameCount == 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "LoadSoundFromWave() : Format conversion failed");
sound.audioBuffer = audioBuffer;
@ -1853,7 +1884,7 @@ void CloseAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
void UpdateAudioStream(AudioStream stream, const void *data, int samplesCount)
AudioBuffer* audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer*)stream.audioBuffer;
AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer *)stream.audioBuffer;
if (audioBuffer == NULL)
TraceLog(LOG_ERROR, "UpdateAudioStream() : No audio buffer");