Uploaded some additional files that were ignored...
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@ -12,14 +12,12 @@ src/vector3.o
# Ignore thumbnails created by windows
# Ignore files build by Visual Studio
@ -44,7 +42,6 @@ Thumbs.db
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* raylib 1.0 (www.raylib.com)
* A simple and easy-to-use library to learn C videogames programming
* Features:
* Library written in plain C code (C99)
* Uses C# PascalCase/camelCase notation
* Hardware accelerated with OpenGL 1.1
* Powerful fonts module with SpriteFonts support
* Basic 3d support for Shapes and Models
* Audio loading and playing
* Used external libs:
* GLFW3 (www.glfw.org) for window/context management and input
* stb_image (Sean Barret) for images loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC)
* OpenAL Soft for audio device/context management
* Some design decisions:
* 32bit Colors - All defined color are always RGBA
* 32bit Textures - All loaded images are converted automatically to RGBA textures
* SpriteFonts - All loaded sprite-font images are converted to RGBA and POT textures
* One custom default font is loaded automatically when InitWindow()
* -- LICENSE (raylib v1.0, November 2013) --
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
* BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software:
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San - raysan@raysanweb.com)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef RAYLIB_H
#define RAYLIB_H
//#define NO_AUDIO // Audio is still being tested, deactivated by default
// Some basic Defines
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define DEG2RAD (PI / 180.0)
#define RAD2DEG (180.0 / PI)
// Keyboard Function Keys
#define KEY_SPACE 32
#define KEY_ESCAPE 256
#define KEY_ENTER 257
#define KEY_RIGHT 262
#define KEY_LEFT 263
#define KEY_DOWN 264
#define KEY_UP 265
#define KEY_F1 290
#define KEY_F2 291
#define KEY_F3 292
#define KEY_F4 293
#define KEY_F5 294
#define KEY_F6 295
#define KEY_F7 296
#define KEY_F8 297
#define KEY_F9 298
#define KEY_F10 299
#define KEY_LEFT_SHIFT 340
#define KEY_LEFT_CONTROL 341
#define KEY_LEFT_ALT 342
#define KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT 344
#define KEY_RIGHT_ALT 346
// Mouse Buttons
// Gamepad Number
// Gamepad Buttons
// NOTE: Adjusted for a PS3 USB Controller
// TODO: Review Xbox360 USB Controller Buttons
// Some Basic Colors
// NOTE: Custom raylib color palette for amazing visuals on WHITE background
#define LIGHTGRAY (Color){ 200, 200, 200, 255 } // Light Gray
#define GRAY (Color){ 130, 130, 130, 255 } // Gray
#define DARKGRAY (Color){ 80, 80, 80, 255 } // Dark Gray
#define YELLOW (Color){ 253, 249, 0, 255 } // Yellow
#define GOLD (Color){ 255, 203, 0, 255 } // Gold
#define ORANGE (Color){ 255, 161, 0, 255 } // Orange
#define PINK (Color){ 255, 109, 194, 255 } // Pink
#define RED (Color){ 230, 41, 55, 255 } // Red
#define MAROON (Color){ 190, 33, 55, 255 } // Maroon
#define GREEN (Color){ 0, 228, 48, 255 } // Green
#define LIME (Color){ 0, 158, 47, 255 } // Lime
#define DARKGREEN (Color){ 0, 117, 44, 255 } // Dark Green
#define SKYBLUE (Color){ 102, 191, 255, 255 } // Sky Blue
#define BLUE (Color){ 0, 121, 241, 255 } // Blue
#define DARKBLUE (Color){ 0, 82, 172, 255 } // Dark Blue
#define PURPLE (Color){ 200, 122, 255, 255 } // Purple
#define VIOLET (Color){ 135, 60, 190, 255 } // Violet
#define DARKPURPLE (Color){ 112, 31, 126, 255 } // Dark Purple
#define BEIGE (Color){ 211, 176, 131, 255 } // Beige
#define BROWN (Color){ 127, 106, 79, 255 } // Brown
#define DARKBROWN (Color){ 76, 63, 47, 255 } // Dark Brown
#define WHITE (Color){ 255, 255, 255, 255 } // White
#define BLACK (Color){ 0, 0, 0, 255 } // Black
#define BLANK (Color){ 0, 0, 0, 0 } // Blank (Transparent)
#define MAGENTA (Color){ 255, 0, 255, 255 } // Magenta
#define RAYWHITE (Color){ 245, 245, 245, 255 } // My own White (raylib logo)
// Types and Structures Definition
// Boolean type
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
// Color type, RGBA (32bit)
typedef struct Color {
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
unsigned char a;
} Color;
// Rectangle type
typedef struct Rectangle {
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
} Rectangle;
// Image type, bpp always RGBA (32bit)
// NOTE: Data stored in CPU memory (RAM)
typedef struct Image {
Color *pixels;
int width;
int height;
} Image;
// Texture2D type, bpp always RGBA (32bit)
// NOTE: Data stored in GPU memory
typedef struct Texture2D {
unsigned int glId;
int width;
int height;
} Texture2D;
// SpriteFont one Character (Glyph) data, defined in text module
typedef struct Character Character;
// SpriteFont type, includes texture and charSet array data
typedef struct SpriteFont {
Texture2D texture;
int numChars;
Character *charSet;
} SpriteFont;
// Vector2 type
typedef struct Vector2 {
float x;
float y;
} Vector2;
// Vector3 type
typedef struct Vector3 {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} Vector3;
// Camera type, defines a camera position/orientation in 3d space
typedef struct Camera {
Vector3 position;
Vector3 target;
Vector3 up;
} Camera;
// Basic 3d Model type
typedef struct Model {
int numVertices;
Vector3 *vertices;
Vector2 *texcoords;
Vector3 *normals;
} Model;
// Basic Sound source and buffer
typedef struct Sound {
unsigned int source;
unsigned int buffer;
} Sound;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
// Global Variables Definition
// It's lonely here...
// Window and Graphics Device Functions (Module: core)
void InitWindow(int width, int height, char* title); // Initialize Window and Graphics Context (OpenGL)
void CloseWindow(); // Close Window and Terminate Context
bool WindowShouldClose(); // Detect if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed
void ToggleFullscreen(); // Fullscreen toggle (by default F11)
void ClearBackground(Color color); // Sets Background Color
void BeginDrawing(); // Setup drawing canvas to start drawing
void EndDrawing(); // End canvas drawing and Swap Buffers (Double Buffering)
void Begin3dMode(Camera cam); // Initializes 3D mode for drawing (Camera setup)
void End3dMode(); // Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode
void SetTargetFPS(int fps); // Set target FPS (maximum)
float GetFPS(); // Returns current FPS
float GetFrameTime(); // Returns time in seconds for one frame
Color GetColor(int hexValue); // Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value
int GetHexValue(Color color); // Returns hexadecimal value for a Color
// Input Handling Functions (Module: core)
bool IsKeyPressed(int key); // Detect if a key is being pressed
bool IsKeyReleased(int key); // Detect if a key is NOT being pressed
bool IsMouseButtonPressed(int button); // Detect if a mouse button is being pressed
bool IsMouseButtonReleased(int button); // Detect if a mouse button is NOT being pressed
int GetMouseX(); // Returns mouse position X
int GetMouseY(); // Returns mouse position Y
Vector2 GetMousePosition(); // Returns mouse position XY
bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad); // Detect if a gamepad is available
Vector2 GetGamepadMovement(int gamepad); // Return axis movement vector for a gamepad
bool IsGamepadButtonPressed(int gamepad, int button); // Detect if a gamepad button is being pressed
bool IsGamepadButtonReleased(int gamepad, int button); // Detect if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed
// Basic Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: shapes)
void DrawPixel(int posX, int posY, Color color); // Draw a pixel
void DrawPixelV(Vector2 position, Color color); // Draw a pixel (Vector version)
void DrawLine(int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, Color color); // Draw a line
void DrawLineV(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Color color); // Draw a line (Vector version)
void DrawCircle(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color); // Draw a color-filled circle
void DrawCircleGradient(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color1, Color color2); // Draw a gradient-filled circle
void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color); // Draw a color-filled circle (Vector version)
void DrawCircleLines(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color); // Draw circle outline
void DrawRectangle(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color); // Draw a color-filled rectangle
void DrawRectangleRec(Rectangle rec, Color color); // Draw a color-filled rectangle
void DrawRectangleGradient(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color1, Color color2); // Draw a gradient-filled rectangle
void DrawRectangleV(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Color color); // Draw a color-filled rectangle (Vector version)
void DrawRectangleLines(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color); // Draw rectangle outline
void DrawTriangle(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color); // Draw a color-filled triangle
void DrawTriangleLines(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color); // Draw triangle outline
void DrawPoly(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color); // Draw a closed polygon defined by points
void DrawPolyLine(Vector2 *points, int numPoints, Color color); // Draw polygon lines
// Texture Loading and Drawing Functions (Module: textures)
Image LoadImage(const char *fileName); // Load an image into CPU memory (RAM)
void UnloadImage(Image image); // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName); // Load an image as texture into GPU memory
//Texture2D LoadTextureEx(const char *fileName, bool createPOT, bool mipmaps); // Load an image as texture (and convert to POT with mipmaps) (raylib 1.x)
void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture); // Unload texture from GPU memory
void DrawTexture(Texture2D texture, int posX, int posY, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D
void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector2 position, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle
// Font Loading and Text Drawing Functions (Module: text)
SpriteFont LoadSpriteFont(const char *fileName); // Load a SpriteFont image into GPU memory
void UnloadSpriteFont(SpriteFont spriteFont); // Unload SpriteFont from GPU memory
void DrawText(const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, int spacing, Color color); // Draw text (using default font)
void DrawTextEx(SpriteFont spriteFont, const char* text, Vector2 position, int fontSize, int spacing, Color tint); // Draw text using SpriteFont
int MeasureText(const char *text, int fontSize, int spacing); // Measure string width for default font
Vector2 MeasureTextEx(SpriteFont spriteFont, const char *text, int fontSize, int spacing); // Measure string size for SpriteFont
int GetFontBaseSize(SpriteFont spriteFont); // Returns the base size for a SpriteFont (chars height)
void DrawFps(int posX, int posY); // Shows current FPS on top-left corner
const char *FormatText(const char *text, ...); // Formatting of text with variables to 'embed'
// Basic 3d Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: models)
void DrawCube(Vector3 position, float width, float height, float lenght, Color color); // Draw cube
void DrawCubeV(Vector3 position, Vector3 size, Color color); // Draw cube (Vector version)
void DrawCubeWires(Vector3 position, float width, float height, float lenght, Color color); // Draw cube wires
void DrawSphere(Vector3 centerPos, float radius, Color color); // Draw sphere
void DrawSphereEx(Vector3 centerPos, float radius, int rings, int slices, Color color); // Draw sphere with extended parameters
void DrawSphereWires(Vector3 centerPos, float radius, Color color); // Draw sphere wires
void DrawCylinder(Vector3 position, float radiusTop, float radiusBottom, float height, int slices, Color color); // Draw a cylinder/cone
void DrawCylinderWires(Vector3 position, float radiusTop, float radiusBottom, float height, int slices, Color color); // Draw a cylinder/cone wires
void DrawPlane(Vector3 centerPos, Vector2 size, Vector3 rotation, Color color); // Draw a plane
void DrawPlaneEx(Vector3 centerPos, Vector2 size, Vector3 rotation, int slicesX, int slicesZ, Color color); // Draw a plane with divisions
void DrawGrid(int slices, float spacing); // Draw a grid (centered at (0, 0, 0))
void DrawGizmo(Vector3 position, bool orbits); // Draw gizmo (with or without orbits)
//DrawTorus(), DrawTeapot() are useless...
// Model 3d Loading and Drawing Functions (Module: models)
Model LoadModel(const char *fileName); // Load a 3d model (.OBJ)
void UnloadModel(Model model); // Unload 3d model from memory
void DrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color color); // Draw a model
void DrawModelEx(Model model, Texture2D texture, Vector3 position, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a textured model
void DrawModelWires(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color color); // Draw a model wires
// NOTE: The following functions work but are incomplete or require some revision
// DrawHeightmap is extremely inefficient and can impact performance up to 60%
void DrawBillboard(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Vector3 basePos, float size, Color tint); // REVIEW: Draw a billboard (raylib 1.x)
void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector3 basePos, float size, Color tint); // REVIEW: Draw a billboard (raylib 1.x)
void DrawHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 scale, Color color); // REVIEW: Draw heightmap using image map (raylib 1.x)
void DrawHeightmapEx(Image heightmap, Texture2D texture, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 scale, Color tint); // REVIEW: Draw textured heightmap (raylib 1.x)
#ifndef NO_AUDIO
// Audio Loading and Playing Functions (Module: audio)
void InitAudioDevice(); // Initialize audio device and context
void CloseAudioDevice(); // Close the audio device and context
Sound LoadSound(char *fileName); // Load sound to memory
void UnloadSound(Sound sound); // Unload sound
void PlaySound(Sound sound); // Play a sound
void PlaySoundEx(Sound sound, float timePosition, bool loop); // Play a sound with extended parameters
void PauseSound(Sound sound); // Pause a sound
void StopSound(Sound sound); // Stop playing a sound
#endif // NO_AUDIO
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // RAYLIB_H
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user