Removed Oculus example
Oculus API has changed so much that it has no sense to keep this example here... it was funny to test it in the past...
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
* raylib [core] example - Oculus Rift CV1
* Compile example using:
* gcc -o $(NAME_PART).exe $(FILE_NAME) -I..\src\external -I..\src\external\OculusSDK\LibOVR\Include /
* -L. -L..\src\external\OculusSDK\LibOVR -lLibOVRRT32_1 -lraylib -lglfw3 -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -std=c99 /
* -Wl,-allow-multiple-definition
* Enable Oculus Rift CV1 functionality
* This example has been created using raylib 1.5 (
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
* Copyright (c) 2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "glad.h" // Required for: OpenGL types and functions declarations
#include "raymath.h" // Required for: Vector3, Quaternion and Matrix functionality
#include <string.h> // Required for: memset()
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: exit()
#include <stdio.h> // required for: vfprintf()
#include <stdarg.h> // Required for: va_list, va_start(), vfprintf(), va_end()
#define RLGL_OCULUS_SUPPORT // Enable Oculus Rift code
#include "OVR_CAPI_GL.h" // Oculus SDK for OpenGL
// Defines and Macros
// ...
// Types and Structures Definition
// Oculus buffer type
typedef struct OculusBuffer {
ovrTextureSwapChain textureChain;
GLuint depthId;
GLuint fboId;
int width;
int height;
} OculusBuffer;
// Oculus mirror texture type
typedef struct OculusMirror {
ovrMirrorTexture texture;
GLuint fboId;
int width;
int height;
} OculusMirror;
// Oculus layer type
typedef struct OculusLayer {
ovrViewScaleDesc viewScaleDesc;
ovrLayerEyeFov eyeLayer; // layer 0
//ovrLayerQuad quadLayer; // TODO: layer 1: '2D' quad for GUI
Matrix eyeProjections[2];
int width;
int height;
} OculusLayer;
// Global Variables Definition
// OVR device variables
static ovrSession session; // Oculus session (pointer to ovrHmdStruct)
static ovrHmdDesc hmdDesc; // Oculus device descriptor parameters
static ovrGraphicsLuid luid; // Oculus locally unique identifier for the program (64 bit)
static OculusLayer layer; // Oculus drawing layer (similar to photoshop)
static OculusBuffer buffer; // Oculus internal buffers (texture chain and fbo)
static OculusMirror mirror; // Oculus mirror texture and fbo
static unsigned int frameIndex = 0; // Oculus frames counter, used to discard frames from chain
// Module specific Functions Declaration
static bool InitOculusDevice(void); // Initialize Oculus device (returns true if success)
static void CloseOculusDevice(void); // Close Oculus device
static void UpdateOculusTracking(Camera *camera); // Update Oculus head position-orientation tracking
static void BeginOculusDrawing(void); // Setup Oculus buffers for drawing
static void EndOculusDrawing(void); // Finish Oculus drawing and blit framebuffer to mirror
static OculusBuffer LoadOculusBuffer(ovrSession session, int width, int height); // Load Oculus required buffers
static void UnloadOculusBuffer(ovrSession session, OculusBuffer buffer); // Unload texture required buffers
static OculusMirror LoadOculusMirror(ovrSession session, int width, int height); // Load Oculus mirror buffers
static void UnloadOculusMirror(ovrSession session, OculusMirror mirror); // Unload Oculus mirror buffers
static void BlitOculusMirror(ovrSession session, OculusMirror mirror); // Copy Oculus screen buffer to mirror texture
static OculusLayer InitOculusLayer(ovrSession session); // Init Oculus layer (similar to photoshop)
static Matrix FromOvrMatrix(ovrMatrix4f ovrM); // Convert from Oculus ovrMatrix4f struct to raymath Matrix struct
int main()
// Initialization
int screenWidth = 1080;
int screenHeight = 600;
// NOTE: screenWidth/screenHeight should match VR device aspect ratio
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [core] example - oculus rift");
bool vrDeviceReady = InitOculusDevice(); // Init VR device Oculus Rift CV1
if (!vrDeviceReady) InitVrSimulator(HMD_OCULUS_RIFT_CV1); // Init VR simulator if device fails
// Define the camera to look into our 3d world
Camera camera;
camera.position = (Vector3){ 5.0f, 2.0f, 5.0f }; // Camera position
|||| = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f }; // Camera looking at point
camera.up = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; // Camera up vector (rotation towards target)
camera.fovy = 60.0f; // Camera field-of-view Y
Vector3 cubePosition = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON); // Set first person camera mode
SetTargetFPS(90); // Set our game to run at 90 frames-per-second
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
if (!vrDeviceReady) UpdateCamera(&camera); // Update camera (simulator mode)
else UpdateOculusTracking(&camera); // Update camera with device tracking data
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) ToggleVrMode(); // Toggle VR mode
// Draw
if (vrDeviceReady) BeginOculusDrawing();
else BeginVrDrawing();
DrawCube(cubePosition, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, RED);
DrawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, MAROON);
DrawGrid(40, 1.0f);
if (vrDeviceReady) EndOculusDrawing();
else EndVrDrawing();
DrawFPS(10, 10);
// De-Initialization
if (vrDeviceReady) CloseOculusDevice();
else CloseVrSimulator();
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;
// Module specific Functions Definition
// Set internal projection and modelview matrix depending on eyes tracking data
static void SetStereoView(int eye, Matrix matProjection, Matrix matModelView)
Matrix eyeProjection = matProjection;
Matrix eyeModelView = matModelView;
glViewport(layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Pos.x, layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Pos.y,
layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Size.w, layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Size.h);
Quaternion eyeRenderPose = (Quaternion){ layer.eyeLayer.RenderPose[eye].Orientation.x,
layer.eyeLayer.RenderPose[eye].Orientation.w };
Matrix eyeOrientation = QuaternionToMatrix(eyeRenderPose);
Matrix eyeTranslation = MatrixTranslate(-layer.eyeLayer.RenderPose[eye].Position.x,
Matrix eyeView = MatrixMultiply(eyeTranslation, eyeOrientation); // Matrix containing eye-head movement
eyeModelView = MatrixMultiply(matModelView, eyeView); // Combine internal camera matrix (modelview) wih eye-head movement
eyeProjection = layer.eyeProjections[eye];
// Initialize Oculus device (returns true if success)
static bool InitOculusDevice(void)
bool oculusReady = false;
ovrResult result = ovr_Initialize(NULL);
if (OVR_FAILURE(result)) TraceLog(WARNING, "OVR: Could not initialize Oculus device");
result = ovr_Create(&session, &luid);
if (OVR_FAILURE(result))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "OVR: Could not create Oculus session");
hmdDesc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(session);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "OVR: Product Name: %s", hmdDesc.ProductName);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "OVR: Manufacturer: %s", hmdDesc.Manufacturer);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "OVR: Product ID: %i", hmdDesc.ProductId);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "OVR: Product Type: %i", hmdDesc.Type);
//TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "OVR: Serial Number: %s", hmdDesc.SerialNumber);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "OVR: Resolution: %ix%i", hmdDesc.Resolution.w, hmdDesc.Resolution.h);
// NOTE: Oculus mirror is set to defined screenWidth and screenHeight...
// ...ideally, it should be (hmdDesc.Resolution.w/2, hmdDesc.Resolution.h/2)
// Initialize Oculus Buffers
layer = InitOculusLayer(session);
buffer = LoadOculusBuffer(session, layer.width, layer.height);
mirror = LoadOculusMirror(session, hmdDesc.Resolution.w/2, hmdDesc.Resolution.h/2); // NOTE: hardcoded...
layer.eyeLayer.ColorTexture[0] = buffer.textureChain; //SetOculusLayerTexture(eyeLayer, buffer.textureChain);
// Recenter OVR tracking origin
oculusReady = true;
return oculusReady;
// Close Oculus device (and unload buffers)
static void CloseOculusDevice(void)
UnloadOculusMirror(session, mirror); // Unload Oculus mirror buffer
UnloadOculusBuffer(session, buffer); // Unload Oculus texture buffers
ovr_Destroy(session); // Free Oculus session data
ovr_Shutdown(); // Close Oculus device connection
// Update Oculus head position-orientation tracking
static void UpdateOculusTracking(Camera *camera)
ovrPosef eyePoses[2];
ovr_GetEyePoses(session, frameIndex, ovrTrue, layer.viewScaleDesc.HmdToEyeOffset, eyePoses, &layer.eyeLayer.SensorSampleTime);
layer.eyeLayer.RenderPose[0] = eyePoses[0];
layer.eyeLayer.RenderPose[1] = eyePoses[1];
// TODO: Update external camera with eyePoses data (position, orientation)
// NOTE: We can simplify to simple camera if we consider IPD and HMD device configuration again later
// it will be useful for the user to draw, lets say, billboards oriented to camera
// Get session status information
ovrSessionStatus sessionStatus;
ovr_GetSessionStatus(session, &sessionStatus);
if (sessionStatus.ShouldQuit) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "OVR: Session should quit...");
if (sessionStatus.ShouldRecenter) ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin(session);
//if (sessionStatus.HmdPresent) // HMD is present.
//if (sessionStatus.DisplayLost) // HMD was unplugged or the display driver was manually disabled or encountered a TDR.
//if (sessionStatus.HmdMounted) // HMD is on the user's head.
//if (sessionStatus.IsVisible) // the game or experience has VR focus and is visible in the HMD.
// Setup Oculus buffers for drawing
static void BeginOculusDrawing(void)
GLuint currentTexId;
int currentIndex;
ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex(session, buffer.textureChain, ¤tIndex);
ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL(session, buffer.textureChain, currentIndex, ¤tTexId);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, buffer.fboId);
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, currentTexId, 0);
//glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, buffer.depthId, 0); // Already binded
// Finish Oculus drawing and blit framebuffer to mirror
static void EndOculusDrawing(void)
// Unbind current framebuffer (Oculus buffer)
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain(session, buffer.textureChain);
ovrLayerHeader *layers = &layer.eyeLayer.Header;
ovr_SubmitFrame(session, frameIndex, &layer.viewScaleDesc, &layers, 1);
// Blit mirror texture to back buffer
BlitOculusMirror(session, mirror);
// Load Oculus required buffers: texture-swap-chain, fbo, texture-depth
static OculusBuffer LoadOculusBuffer(ovrSession session, int width, int height)
OculusBuffer buffer;
buffer.width = width;
buffer.height = height;
// Create OVR texture chain
ovrTextureSwapChainDesc desc = {};
desc.Type = ovrTexture_2D;
desc.ArraySize = 1;
desc.Width = width;
desc.Height = height;
desc.MipLevels = 1;
desc.Format = OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB; // Requires glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB);
desc.SampleCount = 1;
desc.StaticImage = ovrFalse;
ovrResult result = ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL(session, &desc, &buffer.textureChain);
if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result)) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "OVR: Failed to create swap textures buffer");
int textureCount = 0;
ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength(session, buffer.textureChain, &textureCount);
if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result) || !textureCount) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "OVR: Unable to count swap chain textures");
for (int i = 0; i < textureCount; ++i)
GLuint chainTexId;
ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL(session, buffer.textureChain, i, &chainTexId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, chainTexId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
// Setup framebuffer object (using depth texture)
glGenFramebuffers(1, &buffer.fboId);
glGenTextures(1, &buffer.depthId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, buffer.depthId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, buffer.width, buffer.height, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL);
// Setup framebuffer object (using depth renderbuffer)
glGenFramebuffers(1, &buffer.fboId);
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &buffer.depthId);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, buffer.fboId);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, buffer.depthId);
glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, buffer.width, buffer.height);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
return buffer;
// Unload texture required buffers
static void UnloadOculusBuffer(ovrSession session, OculusBuffer buffer)
if (buffer.textureChain)
ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain(session, buffer.textureChain);
buffer.textureChain = NULL;
if (buffer.depthId != 0) glDeleteTextures(1, &buffer.depthId);
if (buffer.fboId != 0) glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &buffer.fboId);
// Load Oculus mirror buffers
static OculusMirror LoadOculusMirror(ovrSession session, int width, int height)
OculusMirror mirror;
mirror.width = width;
mirror.height = height;
ovrMirrorTextureDesc mirrorDesc;
memset(&mirrorDesc, 0, sizeof(mirrorDesc));
mirrorDesc.Format = OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB;
mirrorDesc.Width = mirror.width;
mirrorDesc.Height = mirror.height;
if (!OVR_SUCCESS(ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL(session, &mirrorDesc, &mirror.texture))) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not create mirror texture");
glGenFramebuffers(1, &mirror.fboId);
return mirror;
// Unload Oculus mirror buffers
static void UnloadOculusMirror(ovrSession session, OculusMirror mirror)
if (mirror.fboId != 0) glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mirror.fboId);
if (mirror.texture) ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture(session, mirror.texture);
// Copy Oculus screen buffer to mirror texture
static void BlitOculusMirror(ovrSession session, OculusMirror mirror)
GLuint mirrorTextureId;
ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL(session, mirror.texture, &mirrorTextureId);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, mirror.fboId);
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, mirrorTextureId, 0);
#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33)
// NOTE: glBlitFramebuffer() requires extension: GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit (not available in OpenGL ES 2.0)
glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, mirror.width, mirror.height, 0, mirror.height, mirror.width, 0, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
// Init Oculus layer (similar to photoshop)
static OculusLayer InitOculusLayer(ovrSession session)
OculusLayer layer = { 0 };
layer.viewScaleDesc.HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters = 1.0f;
memset(&layer.eyeLayer, 0, sizeof(ovrLayerEyeFov));
layer.eyeLayer.Header.Type = ovrLayerType_EyeFov;
layer.eyeLayer.Header.Flags = ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft;
ovrEyeRenderDesc eyeRenderDescs[2];
for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++)
eyeRenderDescs[eye] = ovr_GetRenderDesc(session, eye, hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye]);
ovrMatrix4f ovrPerspectiveProjection = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(eyeRenderDescs[eye].Fov, 0.01f, 10000.0f, ovrProjection_None); //ovrProjection_ClipRangeOpenGL);
layer.eyeProjections[eye] = FromOvrMatrix(ovrPerspectiveProjection); // NOTE: struct ovrMatrix4f { float M[4][4] } --> struct Matrix
layer.viewScaleDesc.HmdToEyeOffset[eye] = eyeRenderDescs[eye].HmdToEyeOffset;
layer.eyeLayer.Fov[eye] = eyeRenderDescs[eye].Fov;
ovrSizei eyeSize = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, eye, layer.eyeLayer.Fov[eye], 1.0f);
layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Size = eyeSize;
layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Pos.x = layer.width;
layer.eyeLayer.Viewport[eye].Pos.y = 0;
layer.height = eyeSize.h; //std::max(renderTargetSize.y, (uint32_t)eyeSize.h);
layer.width += eyeSize.w;
return layer;
// Convert from Oculus ovrMatrix4f struct to raymath Matrix struct
static Matrix FromOvrMatrix(ovrMatrix4f ovrmat)
Matrix rmat;
rmat.m0 = ovrmat.M[0][0];
rmat.m1 = ovrmat.M[1][0];
rmat.m2 = ovrmat.M[2][0];
rmat.m3 = ovrmat.M[3][0];
rmat.m4 = ovrmat.M[0][1];
rmat.m5 = ovrmat.M[1][1];
rmat.m6 = ovrmat.M[2][1];
rmat.m7 = ovrmat.M[3][1];
rmat.m8 = ovrmat.M[0][2];
rmat.m9 = ovrmat.M[1][2];
rmat.m10 = ovrmat.M[2][2];
rmat.m11 = ovrmat.M[3][2];
rmat.m12 = ovrmat.M[0][3];
rmat.m13 = ovrmat.M[1][3];
rmat.m14 = ovrmat.M[2][3];
rmat.m15 = ovrmat.M[3][3];
return rmat;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user