Supporting multiple HMD configurations
This commit is contained in:
@ -188,6 +188,20 @@ typedef struct {
//Guint fboId;
} DrawCall;
// Head-Mounted-Display device parameters
typedef struct {
int hResolution; // HMD horizontal resolution in pixels
int vResolution; // HMD vertical resolution in pixels
float hScreenSize; // HMD horizontal size in meters
float vScreenSize; // HMD vertical size in meters
float vScreenCenter; // HMD screen center in meters
float eyeToScreenDistance; // HMD distance between eye and display in meters
float lensSeparationDistance; // HMD lens separation distance in meters
float interpupillaryDistance; // HMD IPD (distance between pupils) in meters
float distortionK[4]; // HMD lens distortion constant parameters
float chromaAbCorrection[4]; // HMD chromatic aberration correction parameters
} VrDeviceInfo;
typedef struct OculusBuffer {
ovrTextureSwapChain textureChain;
@ -324,6 +338,9 @@ static void UnloadDefaultBuffers(void); // Unload default internal buffers v
// Set internal projection and modelview matrix depending on eyes tracking data
static void SetStereoView(int eye, Matrix matProjection, Matrix matModelView);
// Configure stereo rendering (including distortion shader) with HMD device parameters
static void SetupVrDevice(VrDeviceInfo hmd);
static void SetShaderLights(Shader shader); // Sets shader uniform values for lights array
static char *ReadTextFile(const char *fileName);
@ -2535,7 +2552,7 @@ void InitVrDevice(int hmdDevice)
hmdDesc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(session);
TraceLog(INFO, "OVR: Product Name: %s", hmdDesc.ProductName);
TraceLog(INFO, "OVR: Manufacturer: %s", hmdDesc.Manufacturer);
TraceLog(INFO, "OVR: Product ID: %i", hmdDesc.ProductId);
@ -2685,10 +2702,10 @@ static void SetStereoView(int eye, Matrix matProjection, Matrix matModelView)
static float IPD = 0.064f; // InterpupillaryDistance
float HScreenSize = 0.14976f;
float VScreenSize = 0.0936f; // HScreenSize/(1280.0f/800.0f) (DK2)
float VScreenSize = 0.09356f; // HScreenSize/(1280.0f/800.0f) (DK2)
float VScreenCenter = 0.04675f; // VScreenSize/2
float EyeToScreenDistance = 0.041f;
float LensSeparationDistance = 0.064f; //0.0635f (DK1)
float LensSeparationDistance = 0.0635f; //0.0635f (DK2)
// NOTE: fovy value obtained from device parameters (Oculus Rift CV1)
float halfScreenDistance = VScreenSize/2.0f;
@ -3870,7 +3887,81 @@ static Color *GenNextMipmap(Color *srcData, int srcWidth, int srcHeight)
// Configure stereo rendering (including distortion shader) with HMD device parameters
static void SetupVrDevice(VrDeviceInfo hmd)
// Compute aspect ratio and FOV
float aspect = ((float)hmd.hResolution/2.0f)/(float)hmd.vResolution;
// Fov-y is normally computed with: 2*atan2(hmd.vScreenSize, 2*hmd.eyeToScreenDistance)*RAD2DEG
// ...but with lens distortion it is increased (see Oculus SDK Documentation)
float radius = -1.0 - (4*(hmd.hScreenSize/4 - hmd.lensSeparationDistance/2)/hmd.hScreenSize);
float distScale = (hmd.distortionK[0] + hmd.distortionK[1]*pow(radius, 2) + hmd.distortionK[2]*pow(radius, 4) + hmd.distortionK[3]*pow(radius, 6));
float fovy = 2*atan2(hmd.vScreenSize*distScale, 2*hmd.eyeToScreenDistance)*RAD2DEG;
// Compute camera projection matrices
Matrix proj = MatrixPerspective(fovy, aspect, 0.1, 10000);
float projOffset = 4*(hmd.hScreenSize/4 - hmd.interpupillaryDistance/2)/hmd.hScreenSize;
//Matrix projLeft = MatrixMultiply(MatrixTranslation(projOffset, 0.0, 0.0), proj);
//matrix projRight = MatrixMultiply(MatrixTranslation(-projOffset, 0.0, 0.0)), proj);
// Compute camera transformation matrices
//Matrix viewTransformLeft = MatrixTranslation(-hmd.interpupillaryDistance/2, 0.0, 0.0 );
//Matrix viewTransformRight = MatrixTranslation(hmd.interpupillaryDistance/2, 0.0, 0.0 );
// Compute eyes Viewports
// Rectangle viewportLeft = { 0, 0, hmd.hResolution/2, hmd.vResolution };
// Rectangle viewportRight = { hmd.hResolution/2, 0, hmd.hResolution/2, hmd.vResolution };
// Distortion shader parameters
float lensShift = 4*(hmd.hScreenSize/4 - hmd.lensSeparationDistance/2)/hmd.hScreenSize;
float leftLensCenter[2] = { lensShift, 0.0f };
float rightLensCenter[2] = { -lensShift, 0.0f };
float leftScreenCenter[2] = { 0.25f, 0.5f };
float rightScreenCenter[2] = { 0.75f, 0.5f };
float scaleIn[2] = { 1.0f, 1.0f/aspect };
float scale[2] = { 1.0f/distScale, 1.0f*aspect/distScale };
// Distortion shader parameters update
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "leftLensCenter"), leftLensCenter, 2);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "rightLensCenter"), rightLensCenter, 2);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "leftScreenCenter"), leftScreenCenter, 2);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "rightScreenCenter"), rightScreenCenter, 2);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "scale"), scale, 2);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "scaleIn"), scaleIn, 2);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "hmdWarpParam"), hmd.distortionK, 4);
SetShaderValue(distortionShader, GetShaderLocation(distortionShader, "chromaAbParam"), hmd.chromaAbCorrection, 4);
static void InitOculusDevice(void)
static void CloseOculusDevice(void)
static void UpdateOculusTracking(void)
static void BeginOculusDrawing(void)
static void EndOculusDrawing(void)
// Load Oculus required buffers: texture-swap-chain, fbo, texture-depth
static OculusBuffer LoadOculusBuffer(ovrSession session, int width, int height)
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