2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
* raylib [ physac ] physics example - Rigidbody forces
* This example has been created using raylib 1.3 ( www . raylib . com )
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib / libpng license ( View raylib . h for details )
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 Ramon Santamaria ( @ raysan5 )
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "raylib.h"
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
# define MAX_OBJECTS 5
# define OBJECTS_OFFSET 150
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
# define FORCE_INTENSITY 250.0f // Customize by user
# define FORCE_RADIUS 100 // Customize by user
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
int main ( )
// Initialization
int screenWidth = 800 ;
int screenHeight = 450 ;
InitWindow ( screenWidth , screenHeight , " raylib [physics] example - rigidbodies forces " ) ;
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
InitPhysics ( ) ; // Initialize internal physics values (max rigidbodies/colliders available: 1024)
// Physics initialization
Physics worldPhysics = { true , false , ( Vector2 ) { 0 , - 9.81f } } ;
// Set internal physics settings
SetPhysics ( worldPhysics ) ;
// Objects initialization
Transform objects [ MAX_OBJECTS ] ;
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_OBJECTS ; i + + )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
objects [ i ] = ( Transform ) { ( Vector2 ) { 75 + OBJECTS_OFFSET * i , ( screenHeight - 50 ) / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { 50 , 50 } } ;
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
AddCollider ( i , ( Collider ) { true , COLLIDER_RECTANGLE , ( Rectangle ) { objects [ i ] . position . x , objects [ i ] . position . y , objects [ i ] . scale . x , objects [ i ] . scale . y } , 0 } ) ;
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
AddRigidbody ( i , ( Rigidbody ) { true , 1.0f , ( Vector2 ) { 0 , 0 } , ( Vector2 ) { 0 , 0 } , false , false , true , 0.5f , 0.5f } ) ;
// Floor initialization
// NOTE: floor doesn't need a rigidbody because it's a static physic object, just a collider to collide with other dynamic colliders (with rigidbody)
Transform floor = ( Transform ) { ( Vector2 ) { 0 , screenHeight * 0.8f } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth , screenHeight * 0.2f } } ;
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
AddCollider ( MAX_OBJECTS , ( Collider ) { true , COLLIDER_RECTANGLE , ( Rectangle ) { floor . position . x , floor . position . y , floor . scale . x , floor . scale . y } , 0 } ) ;
SetTargetFPS ( 60 ) ;
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
// Main game loop
while ( ! WindowShouldClose ( ) ) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// Update object physics
// NOTE: all physics detections and reactions are calculated in ApplyPhysics() function (You will live happier :D)
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_OBJECTS ; i + + )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
ApplyPhysics ( i , & objects [ i ] . position ) ;
// Check foce button input
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
if ( IsMouseButtonPressed ( MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON ) )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
AddForceAtPosition ( GetMousePosition ( ) , FORCE_INTENSITY , FORCE_RADIUS ) ;
// Check debug mode toggle button input
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
if ( IsKeyPressed ( KEY_P ) )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
// Update program physics value
worldPhysics . debug = ! worldPhysics . debug ;
// Update internal physics value
SetPhysics ( worldPhysics ) ;
// Draw
BeginDrawing ( ) ;
ClearBackground ( RAYWHITE ) ;
// Check if debug mode is enabled
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
if ( worldPhysics . debug )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
// Draw every internal physics stored collider if it is active (floor included)
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_OBJECTS + 1 ; i + + )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
if ( GetCollider ( i ) . enabled )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
// Draw collider bounds
DrawRectangleLines ( GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . x , GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . y , GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . width , GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
// Check if current collider is not floor
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
if ( i < MAX_OBJECTS )
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// Draw lines between mouse position and objects if they are in force range
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
if ( CheckCollisionPointCircle ( GetMousePosition ( ) , ( Vector2 ) { GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . x + GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . width / 2 , GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . y + GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . height / 2 } , FORCE_RADIUS ) )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
DrawLineV ( GetMousePosition ( ) , ( Vector2 ) { GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . x + GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . width / 2 , GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . y + GetCollider ( i ) . bounds . height / 2 } , RED ) ;
// Draw radius circle
DrawCircleLines ( GetMousePosition ( ) . x , GetMousePosition ( ) . y , FORCE_RADIUS , RED ) ;
// Draw objects
2016-01-20 21:09:48 +03:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_OBJECTS ; i + + )
2016-01-03 19:58:16 +03:00
DrawRectangleRec ( ( Rectangle ) { objects [ i ] . position . x , objects [ i ] . position . y , objects [ i ] . scale . x , objects [ i ] . scale . y } , GRAY ) ;
// Draw floor
DrawRectangleRec ( ( Rectangle ) { floor . position . x , floor . position . y , floor . scale . x , floor . scale . y } , BLACK ) ;
// Draw help messages
DrawText ( " Use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to create a force in mouse position " , ( screenWidth - MeasureText ( " Use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to create a force in mouse position " , 20 ) ) / 2 , screenHeight * 0.20f , 20 , LIGHTGRAY ) ;
DrawText ( " Use P to switch DEBUG MODE " , ( screenWidth - MeasureText ( " Use P to switch DEBUG MODE " , 20 ) ) / 2 , screenHeight * 0.3f , 20 , LIGHTGRAY ) ;
EndDrawing ( ) ;
// De-Initialization
CloseWindow ( ) ; // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0 ;