85 lines
2.1 KiB

QIRA is a competitor to strace and gdb
See http://qira.me/
== Installation ==
./install.sh should handle everything for a base QIRA install
== Installation Extras
./fetchlibs.sh will fetch the libraries for armhf, armel, aarch64, and ppc
./cda_build.sh will install CDA, allowing cda and --cda to work
./pin_build.sh will install the QIRA PIN plugin, allowing --pin to work
== UI ==
At the top, you have 4 boxes, called the controls.
Blue = change number, Grey = fork number
Red = instruction address(iaddr), Yellow = data address(daddr)
On the left you have the vtimeline, this is the full trace of the program.
The top is the start of the program, the bottom is the end/current state.
More green = deeper into a function.
The currently selected change is blue, red is every passthrough of the current iaddr
Bright yellow is a write to the daddr, dark yellow is a read from the daddr.
This color scheme is followed everywhere
Below the controls, you have the idump, showing instructions near the current change
Under that is the regviewer, datachanges, hexeditor, and strace, all self explanatory.
== Mouse Actions ==
Click on vtimeline to navigate around
Right click forks to delete them
Click on data(or doubleclick if highlightable) to follow in data
Right click on instruction address to follow in instruction
== Keyboard Shortcuts in web/client/controls.js ==
j -- next invocation of instruction
k -- prev invocation of instruction
u -- next toucher of data
i -- prev toucher of data
m -- go to return from current function
, -- go to start of current function
z -- zoom out max on vtimeline
l -- set iaddr to instruction at current clnum
left -- -1 fork
right -- +1 fork
up -- -1 clnum
down -- +1 clnum
esc -- back
shift-c -- clear all forks
== Installation on Windows (experimental) ==
Install git
Install python 2.7.8
Install pip
Run install.bat
== Using CDA ==
Pass either --cda to QIRA, or just call "cda binary"
The binary must have DWARF data, and the source files must exist on the system
If you used --cda, you have to go to localhost:3002/cda
Everything should be intuitive, except press '/' to regex search