
107 lines
3.5 KiB

open Core_kernel.Std
open Or_error
open Dwarf
module Buffer = Dwarf_data.Buffer
let fb bin =
let tmp_file = Filename.temp_file bin ".tmp" in
let command =
"arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -t %s | grep \"F .text\" | \
gawk `{ \
start=strtonum(\"0x\"$1); \
size=strtonum(\"0x\"$5); \
printf(\"%%x %%x\\n\", start, start+size)}` | sort -u > %s"
bin tmp_file
let () = Sys.command command in
read_fb tmp_file
let read_fs filename =
let lines = In_channel.read_lines filename in
List.map lines ~f: (fun line ->
let addr_int = int_of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%s" line) in
Bitvector.lit addr_int 32
let fs bin =
let tmp_file = Filename.temp_file (Filename.basename bin) ".tmp" in
let command =
"arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -t %s | grep \"F .text\" | \
awk '{print $1}' | sort -u > %s"
bin tmp_file
(* Printf.printf "%s%!" command; *)
let _ = Sys.command command in
read_fs tmp_file
let fs_dwarf filename =
let filedata = In_channel.read_all filename in
match Elf.parse filedata with
| None -> (*errorf "%s is not an elf file\n" filename *) []
| Some elf ->
let open Elf in
let endian = match elf.e_data with
| ELFDATA2LSB -> LittleEndian
| ELFDATA2MSB -> BigEndian in
let create name s = Some (name, Buffer.create s.sh_data) in
let sections = List.filter_map elf.e_sections ~f:(fun s ->
match s.sh_name with
| ".debug_info" -> create Section.Info s
| ".debug_abbrev" -> create Section.Abbrev s
| ".debug_str" -> create Section.Str s
| _ -> None) in
match Dwarf_data.create endian sections with
| Ok data ->
(match Dff.create data with
| Ok dff ->
let seq = Sequence.map (Dff.functions dff) ~f:(fun (_, fn) ->
match Dff.Fn.pc_lo fn with
| Dwarf.Addr.Int64 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int64 x) 64
| Dwarf.Addr.Int32 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int32 x) 32
) in
Sequence.to_list seq
| Error err -> (* eprintf "error" @@ Error.to_string_hum err; *) [])
| _ -> []
let dwarf_to_bitvector = function
| Dwarf.Addr.Int64 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int64 x) 64
| Dwarf.Addr.Int32 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int32 x) 32
let fs_dwarf filename =
let filedata = In_channel.read_all filename in
let res =
match Elf.parse filedata with
| None -> errorf "%s is not an elf file\n" filename
| Some elf ->
let open Elf in
let endian = match elf.e_data with
| ELFDATA2LSB -> LittleEndian
| ELFDATA2MSB -> BigEndian in
let create name s = Some (name, Buffer.create s.sh_data) in
let sections = List.filter_map elf.e_sections ~f:(fun s ->
match s.sh_name with
| ".debug_info" -> create Section.Info s
| ".debug_abbrev" -> create Section.Abbrev s
| ".debug_str" -> create Section.Str s
| _ -> None) in
Dwarf_data.create endian sections >>= fun data ->
Dff.create data >>| fun dff ->
let seq = Sequence.map (Dff.functions dff) ~f:(fun (_, fn) ->
dwarf_to_bitvector (Dff.Fn.pc_lo fn)
) in
Sequence.to_list seq
in match res with
| Ok x ->
let gt = Filename.concat "gt_dwarf" (Filename.basename filename) in
Out_channel.write_lines gt (List.map x ~f:Bitvector.to_hex);
| Error err -> Printf.printf "dwarf error %s: %s\n" filename
(Error.to_string_hum err); []