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synced 2025-03-13 10:33:30 +03:00
579 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
579 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import qira_config
import qira_program
import arch
import time
import math
import sys
import struct
import static2
def ghex(a):
if a == None:
return None
return hex(a).strip("L")
def draw_multigraph(blocks):
import pydot
print "generating traces"
arr = []
trace = []
cls = []
for i in range(len(blocks)):
h = ghex(blocks[i]['start']) + "-" + ghex(blocks[i]['end']) + "\n" + blocks[i]['dis'].replace("\n", "\\l") + "\\l"
if h not in arr:
# this is the whole graph with an edge between each pair
#print trace
#print cls
graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph')
print "adding nodes"
nodes = []
for a in arr:
n = pydot.Node(a, shape="box")
edges = []
cnts = []
print "trace size",len(trace)
print "realblock count",len(arr)
# coalesce loops
print "counting edges"
for i in range(0, len(trace)-1):
#e = pydot.Edge(nodes[trace[i]], nodes[trace[i+1]], label=str(cls[i+1]), headport="n", tailport="s")
te = [nodes[trace[i]], nodes[trace[i+1]]]
if te not in edges:
a = edges.index(te)
cnts[a] += 1
print "edge count",len(edges)
print "adding edges"
for i in range(len(edges)):
te = edges[i]
#print cnts[i]
if cnts[i] > 1:
e = pydot.Edge(te[0], te[1], headport="n", tailport="s", color="blue", label=str(cnts[i]))
e = pydot.Edge(te[0], te[1], headport="n", tailport="s")
print "adding edges"
for i in range(0, len(trace)-1):
e = pydot.Edge(nodes[trace[i]], nodes[trace[i+1]], label=str(cls[i+1]), headport="n", tailport="s")
print "drawing png @ /tmp/graph.png"
def get_blocks(flow, static=True):
# look at addresses
# if an address can accept control from two addresses, it starts a basic block
# if an address can give control to two addresses, it ends a basic block
# so add those two addresses to the basic block breaker set
# address = [all that lead into it]
prev_map = {}
next_map = {}
# address
prev = None
next_instruction = None
basic_block_starts = set()
dins = {}
for (address, length, clnum, ins) in flow:
dins[address] = ins
if next_instruction != None and next_instruction != address:
# anytime we don't run the next instruction in sequence
# this is a basic block starts
# print next_instruction, address, data
if static:
#print " ** BLOCK START ** "
#print clnum, hex(address), length
if address not in prev_map:
prev_map[address] = set()
if prev not in next_map:
next_map[prev] = set()
prev = address
next_instruction = address + length
# accepts control from two addresses
for a in prev_map:
if len(prev_map[a]) > 1:
# gives control to two addresses
for a in next_map:
if len(next_map[a]) > 1:
for i in next_map[a]:
# now with all the addresses that start basic blocks
# we can break the changelists up based on it
blocks = []
cchange = None
last = None
def disasm(b, e):
ret = []
for i in range(b,e+1):
if i in dins:
return '\n'.join(ret)
for (address, length, clnum, ins) in flow:
if cchange == None:
cchange = (clnum, address)
if address in basic_block_starts:
blocks.append({'clstart': cchange[0], 'clend': last[0], 'start': cchange[1], 'end': last[1], 'dis': disasm(cchange[1], last[1])})
cchange = (clnum, address)
last = (clnum, address)
blocks.append({'clstart': cchange[0], 'clend': last[0], 'start': cchange[1], 'end': last[1], 'dis': disasm(cchange[1], last[1])})
return blocks
def do_function_analysis(flow):
next_instruction = None
fxn_stack = []
cancel_stack = []
cl_stack = []
fxn = []
for (address, length, clnum, ins) in flow:
if address in cancel_stack:
# reran this address, this isn't return
idx = cancel_stack.index(address)
fxn_stack = fxn_stack[0:idx]
cancel_stack = cancel_stack[0:idx]
cl_stack = cl_stack[0:idx]
#print map(hex, fxn_stack), clnum, "cancel"
if address in fxn_stack:
idx = fxn_stack.index(address)
fxn_stack = fxn_stack[0:idx]
cancel_stack = cancel_stack[0:idx]
cl_stack = cl_stack[0:idx]
#print map(hex, fxn_stack), clnum, "return"
elif next_instruction != None and next_instruction != address:
#print map(hex, fxn_stack), clnum
next_instruction = address + length
last_instruction = address
return fxn
def do_loop_analysis(blocks):
#blocks = blocks[0:0x30]
arr = []
bb = []
ab = []
realblocks = []
realtrace = []
idx = 0
for i in range(len(blocks)):
h = hex(blocks[i]['start']) + "-" + hex(blocks[i]['end'])
if h not in arr:
realblocks.append({'start': blocks[i]['start'], 'end': blocks[i]['end'], 'idx': idx})
idx += 1
loops = []
# write this n^2 then make it fast
did_update = True
while did_update:
did_update = False
for i in range(len(bb)):
for j in range(1,i):
# something must run 3 times to make it a loop
if bb[i:i+j] == bb[i+j:i+j*2] and bb[i:i+j] == bb[i+j*2:i+j*3]:
loopcnt = 1
while bb[i+j*loopcnt:i+j*(loopcnt+1)] == bb[i:i+j]:
loopcnt += 1
#print "loop",bb[i:i+j],"@",i,"with count",loopcnt
# document the loop
loop = {"clstart":blocks[ab[i]]['clstart'],
"count": loopcnt}
# remove the loop from the blocks
bb = bb[0:i] + bb[i:i+j] + bb[i+j*loopcnt:]
ab = ab[0:i] + ab[i:i+j] + ab[i+j*loopcnt:]
print loop
did_update = True
if did_update:
ret = []
for i in ab:
t = blocks[i]
t["blockidx"] = i
return (ret, loops, realblocks, realtrace)
def get_depth(fxns, clnum):
d = 0
for f in fxns:
if clnum >= f['clstart'] and clnum <= f['clend']:
d += 1
return d
def get_depth_map(fxns, maxclnum):
dderiv = [0]*maxclnum
for f in fxns:
dderiv[f['clstart']] += 1
dderiv[f['clend']] -= 1
dmap = []
thisd = 0
for i in range(maxclnum):
thisd += dderiv[i]
return dmap
def get_instruction_flow(trace, program, minclnum, maxclnum):
start = time.time()
ret = []
for i in range(minclnum, maxclnum):
r = trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(i, 1)
if len(r) != 1:
# this will trigger the disassembly
instr = program.static[r[0]['address']]['instruction']
ins = str(instr)
ret.append((r[0]['address'], r[0]['data'], r[0]['clnum'], ins))
if (time.time() - start) > 0.01:
start = time.time()
return ret
def get_last_instr(dmap,clnum):
myd = dmap[clnum]+1
clnum += 1
ret = clnum
while 0 <= clnum < len(dmap):
if dmap[clnum] == myd-1:
ret = clnum
clnum += 1
if not (0 <= clnum < len(dmap)):
return None
return ret
def guess_calling_conv(program,readregs,readstack):
if not (readregs or readstack):
return ('UNKNOWN',0) #we can't guess the ABI with 0 information
regs = program.tregs[0]
readregs = map(lambda x: regs[x], readregs) #convert read regs into strings
for abi in filter(lambda x:x[0] != "_",static2.ABITYPE.__dict__):
if abi == 'UNKNOWN':
regs_cpy = [r for r in readregs]
consistent = len(regs_cpy) <= len(static2.ABITYPE.__dict__[abi][0]) #we are consistent with this ABI
for reg in static2.ABITYPE.__dict__[abi][0]:
if regs_cpy and reg in regs_cpy:
if readstack or regs_cpy:
consistent = False
if consistent:
return (abi,readstack+len(readregs))
return ('UNKNOWN',0)
def analyse_calls(trace):
program = trace.program
for (addr,data,clnum,ins) in trace.flow:
instr = program.static[addr]['instruction']
if not instr.is_call():
endclnum = get_last_instr(trace.dmap,clnum)
if endclnum is None:
#the function ran from start to ret... analyze what happened in there
regs = trace.db.fetch_registers(clnum)
iptr = trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(clnum+1, 1)[0]['address']
func = program.static[iptr]['function']
if program.static['arch'] in ["i386","x86-64","arm"]:
stack_reg = ["ESP","RSP","SP"][["i386","x86-64","arm"].index(program.static['arch'])]
esp = regs[program.tregs[0].index(stack_reg)]
nregs = len(regs)
rsize = program.tregs[1]
argrange = [esp+rsize,esp+rsize*11]
seen = 0
init_regs = set()
uninit_regs = set()
for cl in xrange(clnum+1,endclnum):
changes = filter(lambda x:x['type'] in "LS",trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(cl, -1))
argchanges = filter(lambda x:argrange[0] <= x['address'] <= argrange[1], changes)
if len(argchanges) > 0:
seen = max(max(map(lambda x:x['address'],argchanges)),seen)
rchanges = filter(lambda x:x['type'] in "RW",trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(cl, -1))
for rchange in rchanges:
regnum = rchange['address']/rsize
if rchange['type'] is 'W' and regnum < nregs:
if ((regnum) in uninit_regs) and (rchange['data'] == regs[regnum]):
#if we thought they did an uninitialized read and they just clobbered it and wrote it later,
#don't consider this a possible argument
elif (rchange['type'] is 'R' and regnum < nregs) and (regnum not in init_regs):
abi,nargs = guess_calling_conv(program,uninit_regs,((seen-esp)/rsize) if (seen > 0) else 0)
if func.abi is 'UNKNOWN':
func.abi = abi
func.nargs = max(nargs,func.nargs)
def display_call_args(instr,trace,clnum):
program = trace.program
regs = trace.db.fetch_registers(clnum)
iptr = trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(clnum+1, 1)[0]['address']
func = program.static[iptr]['function']
if func.abi is 'UNKNOWN':
return ""
endclnum = get_last_instr(trace.dmap,clnum)
args,outp = static2.ABITYPE.__dict__[func.abi]
nargs = func.nargs
ret = []
i = 0
for i in xrange(min(nargs,len(args))):
ret += [ghex(regs[program.tregs[0].index(args[i])])]
if len(args) > 0:
i += 1
if i < nargs:
stack_reg = ["ESP","RSP","SP"][["i386","x86-64","arm"].index(program.static['arch'])]
esp = regs[program.tregs[0].index(stack_reg)]
for j in xrange(i,nargs):
ret += [ghex(struct.unpack("<Q" if program.tregs[1] == 8 else "<I", \
trace.fetch_raw_memory(clnum, esp+program.tregs[1], program.tregs[1]))[0])]
esp += program.tregs[1]
if endclnum:
endregs = trace.db.fetch_registers(endclnum)
ret += ["-> " + ghex(endregs[program.tregs[0].index(outp)])]
return " ".join(ret)
#finds first occurence of a in l from the right
#assumes a in l
def rindex(l, a):
return len(l) - l[::-1].index(a) - 1
def get_hacked_depth_map(flow, program):
start = time.time()
return_stack = []
ret = [0]
last_clnum = None
branch_delay = False
for (address, length, clnum, ins) in flow:
# handing missing changes
if last_clnum != None and clnum != last_clnum+1:
for i in range(clnum-last_clnum-1):
last_clnum = clnum
if address in return_stack:
return_stack = return_stack[:rindex(return_stack, address)]
# ugh, so gross
if branch_delay:
branch_delay = False
instr = program.static[address]['instruction']
if instr.is_call():
if program.tregs[3][:4] == "mips":
# branch delay slot
branch_delay = True
ret_offset = length*2
ret_offset = length
if (time.time() - start) > 0.01:
start = time.time()
ret.append(len(return_stack)) # missing last instruction
return ret
def get_vtimeline_picture(trace, minclnum, maxclnum):
if trace.maxd == 0:
return None
r = maxclnum-minclnum
sampling = int(math.ceil(r/50000.0))
from PIL import Image # sudo pip install pillow
import base64
import StringIO
im_y = int(maxclnum/sampling)
im = Image.new( 'RGB', (1, im_y), "black")
px = im.load()
for i in range(0, r, sampling):
# could average the sampled
if trace.dmap[i] == -1:
raise Exception("nope")
c = int((trace.dmap[i]*128.0)/trace.maxd)
if i/sampling < im_y:
px[0, i/sampling] = (0,c,c)
# make missing changes red
if i/sampling < im_y:
px[0, i/sampling] = (96, 32, 32)
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
im.save(buf, format='PNG')
dat = "data:image/png;base64,"+base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue())
return dat
def analyze(trace, program):
minclnum = trace.db.get_minclnum()
maxclnum = trace.db.get_maxclnum()
if maxclnum > 10000:
# don't analyze if the program is bigger than this
return None
flow = get_instruction_flow(trace, program, minclnum, maxclnum)
#blocks = get_blocks(flow)
#print blocks
#fxns = do_function_analysis(flow)
#print fxns
#dmap = get_depth_map(fxns, maxclnum)
dmap = get_hacked_depth_map(flow)
#loops = do_loop_analysis(blocks)
#print loops
def slice(trace, inclnum):
def is_store(r):
return r['type'] == "W" or r['type'] == "S"
def is_load(r):
return r['type'] == "R" or r['type'] == "L"
def get_stores(clnum):
return set(map(lambda x: x['address'], filter(is_store, trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(clnum, 100))))
def get_loads(clnum):
return set(map(lambda x: x['address'], filter(is_load, trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(clnum, 100))))
clnum = inclnum
st = get_loads(clnum)
cls = [clnum]
# so only things before this can affect it
while clnum > max(0, inclnum-100):
st.discard(0x10) # never follow the stack, X86 HAXX
if len(trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(clnum, 100)) > 20:
overwrite = st.intersection(get_stores(clnum))
if len(overwrite) > 0:
st = st.difference(overwrite)
st = st.union(get_loads(clnum))
#print clnum, overwrite, st
r = trace.db.fetch_changes_by_clnum(clnum, 100)
for e in r:
print e
clnum -= 1
cls = set(cls)
return list(cls)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# can run standalone for testing
program = qira_program.Program("/tmp/qira_binary", [])
trace = program.add_trace("/tmp/qira_logs/0", 0)
while not trace.db.did_update():
print "loaded"
program.qira_asm_file = open("/tmp/qira_asm", "r")
# *** analysis time ***
flow = get_instruction_flow(trace, program, trace.db.get_minclnum(), trace.db.get_maxclnum())
blocks = get_blocks(flow, True)
print slice(trace, 124)
#print analyze(t, program)
#print blocks