import idaapi import threading import time wsserver = None qira_address = None # this handles all receiving msg_queue = [] # python array is threadsafe def handle_message_queue(): global msg_queue while len(msg_queue) > 0: dat = msg_queue[0].split(" ") msg_queue = msg_queue[1:] if dat[0] == "setaddress" and dat[1] != "undefined": try: a = idaapi.toEA(0, int(str(dat[1][2:]),16)) jump_to(a) except e: idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Error processing the address\n") def start_server(): global wsserver wsserver = SimpleWebSocketServer('', 3003, QiraServer) if wsserver is not None: idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Starting WS Server\n") wsserver.serveforever() def set_qira_address(la): global qira_address ea = 0 if qira_address is not None and qira_address != BADADDR: ea = idaapi.toEA(0, qira_address) idaapi.del_bpt(ea) qira_address = la idaapi.add_bpt(qira_address, 0, BPT_SOFT) EnableBpt(qira_address, False) def jump_to(a): global qira_address if a is not None: if (a != qira_address) and (a != BADADDR): set_qira_address(a) idaapi.jumpto(qira_address, -1, 0) else: idaapi.jumpto(qira_address, -1, 0) def ws_send(msg): global wsserver if (wsserver is not None) and (msg is not None): for conn in wsserver.connections.itervalues(): conn.sendMessage(msg) def update_address(addr_type, addr): if (addr_type is not None) and (addr is not None): cmd = "set%s 0x%x" % (addr_type, addr) ws_send(cmd) def update_comment(addr, rpt): cmt = idaapi.get_cmt(addr, rpt) if cmt is not None: ws_send("setcmt 0x%x %s" % (addr, cmt)) class MyIDAViewWrapper(idaapi.IDAViewWrapper): def __init__(self, viewName): idaapi.IDAViewWrapper.__init__(self, viewName) self.old_addr = None self.addr = None def OnViewCurpos(self): self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea() if (self.old_addr != self.addr): if (idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr))): # don't update the address if it's already the qira address or None if (self.addr is not None) and (self.addr != qira_address): #idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Qira Address %x \n" % (self.addr)) # Instruction Address set_qira_address(self.addr) update_address("iaddr", self.addr) else: # Data Address update_address("daddr", self.addr) self.old_addr = self.addr class idbhook(idaapi.IDB_Hooks): def cmt_changed(self, a, b): update_comment(a, b) return 0 class idphook(idaapi.IDP_Hooks): def renamed(self, ea, new_name, local_name): #print ea, new_name ws_send("setname 0x%x %s" % (ea, new_name)) return 0 class uihook(idaapi.UI_Hooks): def __init__(self): idaapi.UI_Hooks.__init__(self) self.binds = [] def preprocess(self, arg): #print "preprocess", arg return 0 def current_tform_changed(self, a1, a2): #print "tform", idaapi.get_tform_title(a1) tm = MyIDAViewWrapper(idaapi.get_tform_title(a1)) if tm.Bind(): self.binds.append(tm) return 0 class qiraplugin_t(idaapi.plugin_t): flags = 0 comment = "QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser plugin" help = "Visit for more infos" wanted_name = "QIRA Plugin" wanted_hotkey = "z" def init(self): threading.Thread(target=start_server).start() idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Ready to go!\n") self.w1 = None #threading.Thread(target=poll_address).start() self.idbhook = idbhook() self.idbhook.hook() self.idphook = idphook() self.idphook.hook() self.uihook = uihook() self.uihook.hook() return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP def run(self, arg): global qira_address idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Syncing with Qira\n") # sync names for i in range(idaapi.get_nlist_size()): ws_send("setname 0x%x %s" % (idaapi.get_nlist_ea(i), idaapi.get_nlist_name(i))) # sync comment addr = idaapi.get_segm_base(idaapi.get_first_seg()) while addr != idaapi.BADADDR: for rpt in [True, False]: update_comment(addr, rpt) addr = idaapi.nextaddr(addr) def term(self): global wsserver if wsserver is not None: wsserver.close() idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Plugin uninstalled!\n") def PLUGIN_ENTRY(): return qiraplugin_t() ########################################################### # # # SimpleWebSocketServer # # # # # ########################################################### ''' The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Dave P. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' import SocketServer import hashlib import base64 import socket import struct import ssl import time import sys import errno import logging from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from StringIO import StringIO from select import select class HTTPRequest(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, request_text): self.rfile = StringIO(request_text) self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline() self.error_code = self.error_message = None self.parse_request() class WebSocket(object): handshakeStr = ( "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" "Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: qira\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %(acceptstr)s\r\n\r\n" ) hixiehandshakedStr = ( "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n" "Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Origin: %(origin)s\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: qira\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Location: %(type)s://%(host)s%(location)s\r\n\r\n" ) GUIDStr = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11' STREAM = 0x0 TEXT = 0x1 BINARY = 0x2 CLOSE = 0x8 PING = 0x9 PONG = 0xA HEADERB1 = 1 HEADERB2 = 3 LENGTHSHORT = 4 LENGTHLONG = 5 MASK = 6 PAYLOAD = 7 def __init__(self, server, sock, address): self.server = server self.client = sock self.address = address self.handshaked = False self.headerbuffer = '' self.readdraftkey = False self.draftkey = '' self.headertoread = 2048 self.hixie76 = False self.fin = 0 = None self.opcode = 0 self.hasmask = 0 self.maskarray = None self.length = 0 self.lengtharray = None self.index = 0 self.request = None self.usingssl = False self.state = self.HEADERB1 # restrict the size of header and payload for security reasons self.maxheader = 65536 self.maxpayload = 4194304 def close(self): self.client.close() self.state = self.HEADERB1 self.hasmask = False self.handshaked = False self.readdraftkey = False self.hixie76 = False self.headertoread = 2048 self.headerbuffer = '' = '' def handleMessage(self): pass def handleConnected(self): pass def handleClose(self): pass def handlePacket(self): # close if self.opcode == self.CLOSE: self.sendClose() raise Exception("received client close") # ping elif self.opcode == self.PING: pass # pong elif self.opcode == self.PONG: pass # data elif self.opcode == self.STREAM or self.opcode == self.TEXT or self.opcode == self.BINARY: self.handleMessage() def handleData(self): # do the HTTP header and handshake if self.handshaked is False: data = self.client.recv(self.headertoread) if data: # accumulate self.headerbuffer += data if len(self.headerbuffer) >= self.maxheader: raise Exception('header exceeded allowable size') # we need to read the entire 8 bytes of after the HTTP header, ensure we do if self.readdraftkey is True: self.draftkey += self.headerbuffer read = self.headertoread - len(self.headerbuffer) if read != 0: self.headertoread = read else: # complete hixie76 handshake self.handshake_hixie76() # indicates end of HTTP header elif '\r\n\r\n' in self.headerbuffer: self.request = HTTPRequest(self.headerbuffer) # hixie handshake if self.request.headers.has_key('Sec-WebSocket-Key1'.lower()) and self.request.headers.has_key('Sec-WebSocket-Key2'.lower()): # check if we have the key in our buffer index = self.headerbuffer.find('\r\n\r\n') + 4 # determine how much of the 8 byte key we have read = len(self.headerbuffer) - index # do we have all the 8 bytes we need? if read < 8: self.headertoread = 8 - read self.readdraftkey = True if read > 0: self.draftkey += self.headerbuffer[index:index+read] else: # get the key self.draftkey += self.headerbuffer[index:index+8] # complete hixie handshake self.handshake_hixie76() # handshake rfc 6455 elif self.request.headers.has_key('Sec-WebSocket-Key'.lower()): key = self.request.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'.lower()] hStr = self.handshakeStr % { 'acceptstr' : base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(key + self.GUIDStr).digest()) } self.sendBuffer(hStr) self.handshaked = True self.headerbuffer = '' try: self.handleConnected() except: pass else: raise Exception('Sec-WebSocket-Key does not exist') # remote connection has been closed else: raise Exception("remote socket closed") # else do normal data else: data = self.client.recv(2048) if data: for val in data: if self.hixie76 is False: self.parseMessage(ord(val)) else: self.parseMessage_hixie76(ord(val)) else: raise Exception("remote socket closed") def handshake_hixie76(self): k1 = self.request.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key1'.lower()] k2 = self.request.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key2'.lower()] spaces1 = k1.count(" ") spaces2 = k2.count(" ") num1 = int("".join([c for c in k1 if c.isdigit()])) / spaces1 num2 = int("".join([c for c in k2 if c.isdigit()])) / spaces2 key = '' key += struct.pack('>I', num1) key += struct.pack('>I', num2) key += self.draftkey typestr = 'ws' if self.usingssl is True: typestr = 'wss' response = self.hixiehandshakedStr % { 'type' : typestr, 'origin' : self.request.headers['Origin'.lower()], 'host' : self.request.headers['Host'.lower()], 'location' : self.request.path } self.sendBuffer(response) self.sendBuffer(hashlib.md5(key).digest()) self.handshaked = True self.hixie76 = True self.headerbuffer = '' try: self.handleConnected() except: pass def sendClose(self): msg = bytearray() if self.hixie76 is False: msg.append(0x88) msg.append(0x00) self.sendBuffer(msg) else: pass def sendBuffer(self, buff): size = len(buff) tosend = size index = 0 while tosend > 0: try: # i should be able to send a bytearray sent = self.client.send(str(buff[index:size])) if sent == 0: raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken") index += sent tosend -= sent except socket.error as e: # if we have full buffers then wait for them to drain and try again if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: time.sleep(0.001) else: raise e #if s is a string then websocket TEXT is sent else BINARY def sendMessage(self, s): if self.hixie76 is False: header = bytearray() isString = isinstance(s, str) if isString is True: header.append(0x81) else: header.append(0x82) b2 = 0 length = len(s) if length <= 125: b2 |= length header.append(b2) elif length >= 126 and length <= 65535: b2 |= 126 header.append(b2) header.extend(struct.pack("!H", length)) else: b2 |= 127 header.append(b2) header.extend(struct.pack("!Q", length)) if length > 0: self.sendBuffer(header + s) else: self.sendBuffer(header) header = None else: msg = bytearray() msg.append(0) if len(s) > 0: msg.extend(str(s).encode("UTF8")) msg.append(0xFF) self.sendBuffer(msg) msg = None def parseMessage_hixie76(self, byte): if self.state == self.HEADERB1: if byte == 0: self.state = self.PAYLOAD = bytearray() elif self.state == self.PAYLOAD: if byte == 0xFF: self.opcode = 1 self.length = len( try: self.handlePacket() finally: = None self.state = self.HEADERB1 else : # if length exceeds allowable size then we except and remove the connection if len( >= self.maxpayload: raise Exception('payload exceeded allowable size') def parseMessage(self, byte): # read in the header if self.state == self.HEADERB1: # fin self.fin = (byte & 0x80) # get opcode self.opcode = (byte & 0x0F) self.state = self.HEADERB2 elif self.state == self.HEADERB2: mask = byte & 0x80 length = byte & 0x7F if mask == 128: self.hasmask = True else: self.hasmask = False if length <= 125: self.length = length # if we have a mask we must read it if self.hasmask is True: self.maskarray = bytearray() self.state = self.MASK else: # if there is no mask and no payload we are done if self.length <= 0: try: self.handlePacket() finally: self.state = self.HEADERB1 = None # we have no mask and some payload else: self.index = 0 = bytearray() self.state = self.PAYLOAD elif length == 126: self.lengtharray = bytearray() self.state = self.LENGTHSHORT elif length == 127: self.lengtharray = bytearray() self.state = self.LENGTHLONG elif self.state == self.LENGTHSHORT: self.lengtharray.append(byte) if len(self.lengtharray) > 2: raise Exception('short length exceeded allowable size') if len(self.lengtharray) == 2: self.length = struct.unpack_from('!H', str(self.lengtharray))[0] if self.hasmask is True: self.maskarray = bytearray() self.state = self.MASK else: # if there is no mask and no payload we are done if self.length <= 0: try: self.handlePacket() finally: self.state = self.HEADERB1 = None # we have no mask and some payload else: self.index = 0 = bytearray() self.state = self.PAYLOAD elif self.state == self.LENGTHLONG: self.lengtharray.append(byte) if len(self.lengtharray) > 8: raise Exception('long length exceeded allowable size') if len(self.lengtharray) == 8: self.length = struct.unpack_from('!Q', str(self.lengtharray))[0] if self.hasmask is True: self.maskarray = bytearray() self.state = self.MASK else: # if there is no mask and no payload we are done if self.length <= 0: try: self.handlePacket() finally: self.state = self.HEADERB1 = None # we have no mask and some payload else: self.index = 0 = bytearray() self.state = self.PAYLOAD # MASK STATE elif self.state == self.MASK: self.maskarray.append(byte) if len(self.maskarray) > 4: raise Exception('mask exceeded allowable size') if len(self.maskarray) == 4: # if there is no mask and no payload we are done if self.length <= 0: try: self.handlePacket() finally: self.state = self.HEADERB1 = None # we have no mask and some payload else: self.index = 0 = bytearray() self.state = self.PAYLOAD # PAYLOAD STATE elif self.state == self.PAYLOAD: if self.hasmask is True: byte ^ self.maskarray[self.index % 4] ) else: byte ) # if length exceeds allowable size then we except and remove the connection if len( >= self.maxpayload: raise Exception('payload exceeded allowable size') # check if we have processed length bytes; if so we are done if (self.index+1) == self.length: try: self.handlePacket() finally: self.state = self.HEADERB1 = None else: self.index += 1 class SimpleWebSocketServer(object): def __init__(self, host, port, websocketclass): self.websocketclass = websocketclass self.serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.serversocket.bind((host, port)) self.serversocket.listen(5) self.connections = {} self.listeners = [self.serversocket] self.forceclose = False def decorateSocket(self, sock): return sock def constructWebSocket(self, sock, address): return self.websocketclass(self, sock, address) def close(self): self.serversocket.close() for conn in self.connections.itervalues(): try: conn.handleClose() except: pass conn.close() self.forceclose = True def serveforever(self): while True: rList, wList, xList = select(self.listeners, [], self.listeners, 1) if self.forceclose: break for ready in rList: if ready == self.serversocket: try: sock, address = self.serversocket.accept() newsock = self.decorateSocket(sock) newsock.setblocking(0) fileno = newsock.fileno() self.listeners.append(fileno) self.connections[fileno] = self.constructWebSocket(newsock, address) except Exception as n: logging.debug(str(address) + ' ' + str(n)) if sock is not None: sock.close() else: client = self.connections[ready] try: client.handleData() except Exception as n: logging.debug(str(client.address) + ' ' + str(n)) try: client.handleClose() except: pass client.close() del self.connections[ready] self.listeners.remove(ready) for failed in xList: if failed == self.serversocket: self.close() raise Exception("server socket failed") else: client = self.connections[failed] try: client.handleClose() except: pass client.close() del self.connections[failed] self.listeners.remove(failed) class SimpleSSLWebSocketServer(SimpleWebSocketServer): def __init__(self, host, port, websocketclass, certfile, keyfile, version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1): SimpleWebSocketServer.__init__(self, host, port, websocketclass) self.cerfile = certfile self.keyfile = keyfile self.version = version def close(self): super(SimpleSSLWebSocketServer, self).close() def decorateSocket(self, sock): sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side=True, certfile=self.cerfile, keyfile=self.keyfile, ssl_version=self.version) return sslsock def constructWebSocket(self, sock, address): ws = self.websocketclass(self, sock, address) ws.usingssl = True return ws def serveforever(self): super(SimpleSSLWebSocketServer, self).serveforever() ################### # # # QIRA CODE # # # ################### class QiraServer(WebSocket): def handleMessage(self): msg_queue.append( idaapi.execute_sync(handle_message_queue, idaapi.MFF_WRITE) def handleConnected(self): idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Client connected\n") def handleClose(self): idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] WebSocket closed\n")