#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import os import sys basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) import argparse import ipaddr import socket import threading import time import qira_config import qira_socat import qira_program import qira_webserver if __name__ == '__main__': # define arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Analyze binary. Like "qira /bin/ls /"') parser.add_argument('-s', "--server", help="bind on port 4000. like socat", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-t', "--tracelibraries", help="trace into all libraries", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('binary', help="path to the binary") parser.add_argument('args', nargs='*', help="arguments to the binary") parser.add_argument("--gate-trace", metavar="ADDRESS", help="don't start tracing until this address is hit") parser.add_argument("--flush-cache", help="flush all QIRA caches", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--pin", help="use pin as the backend, requires ./pin_build.sh", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--host", metavar="HOST", help="listen address for web interface and socat. "+qira_config.HOST+" by default", default=qira_config.HOST) parser.add_argument("--web-port", metavar="PORT", help="listen port for web interface. 3002 by default", type=int, default=qira_config.WEB_PORT) parser.add_argument("--socat-port", metavar="PORT", help="listen port for socat. 4000 by default", type=int, default=qira_config.SOCAT_PORT) parser.add_argument("--static", metavar="STATIC_ENGINE", help="static engine to use with static2 (builtin or r2)", nargs="?") #capstone flag in qira_config for now # parse arguments, first try args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() # hack to allow arguments to be passed to the analyzed program sys.argv.insert(sys.argv.index(args.binary), "--") # parse args, second try args = parser.parse_args() # validate arguments if args.web_port < 1 or args.web_port > 65535: raise Exception("--web-port must be a valid port number (1-65535)") if args.socat_port < 1 or args.socat_port > 65535: raise Exception("--socat-port must be a valid port number (1-65535)") try: args.host = ipaddr.IPAddress(args.host).exploded except ValueError: raise Exception("--web-host must be a valid IPv4/IPv6 address") # handle arguments if sys.platform == "darwin": print "*** running on darwin, defaulting to --pin" qira_config.USE_PIN = True else: qira_config.USE_PIN = args.pin qira_config.HOST = args.host qira_config.WEB_PORT = args.web_port qira_config.SOCAT_PORT = args.socat_port qira_config.FORK_PORT = args.socat_port + 1 if args.tracelibraries: qira_config.TRACE_LIBRARIES = True if args.static: print "*** enabling static with engine", args.static qira_config.WITH_STATIC = True qira_config.STATIC_ENGINE = args.static if args.flush_cache: print "*** flushing caches" os.system("rm -rfv /tmp/qira*") # qemu args from command line qemu_args = [] if args.gate_trace != None: qemu_args.append("-gatetrace") qemu_args.append(args.gate_trace) # creates the file symlink, program is constant through server run program = qira_program.Program(args.binary, args.args, qemu_args) is_qira_running = 1 try: socket.create_connection(('', qira_config.WEB_PORT)) if args.server: raise Exception("can't run as server if QIRA is already running") except: is_qira_running = 0 print "no qira server found, starting it" program.clear() # start the binary runner if args.server: qira_socat.start_bindserver(program, qira_config.SOCAT_PORT, -1, 1, True) else: print "**** running "+program.program program.execqira(shouldfork=not is_qira_running) if not is_qira_running: # start the http server qira_webserver.run_server(args, program)